i saw alfonse from fire emblem heroes and i just told myself im not going to be kin -- fast forward two weeks and i've finished what we have so far -- i'm alfonse but at least my qpp is the masked man so we share another canon :')
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canoncalled · 8 years
i'm leo from fire emblem: fates, i married several people over my lives, but i had a predominant amount of lives that were birthright oriented, and i remember marrying ryouma and takumi the most. i'm looking for takumi and my sons. i've found my ryouma
-- i'm also 18+ i forgot to add
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stimboardsforkin · 8 years
can i request a stimboard for leo from fire emblem fates?
Yes! Coming right up, Leo! - Mod Komaeda
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 should i watch r!tgo for the fourth time
im gonna do it
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flamewyrmz · 8 years
fef14leo replied to your post:1:30 am thinkin about shitty vampire aus
i raise u vampire!leo which i have actually been questioning if i had that as a life or not
r we on like a telepathic wavelength or something or am i just that easy to read
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explorersguild · 8 years
3,4, 8
3. When I was younger I really really liked mythology!! Especially Greek mythology!!
4. My super special interest right now is sealife?? Holy shit talk to me about ocean stuff. Also I like radioactivity??
8. I hate snoring which sucks cause my dad snores so loudly oh my god! I also hate it when everyone talks at once and it devolves into some monotone drone. I despise all vegetables!! I have a really limited variety of food I’ll actually eat oops. I also despise anything with bits in it!! Juice, yoghurts, whatever!! Yuck!!
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Hi again @brynhildrking​ howl/roy/pluto/whatever the fuck, mod @voidsung/@thornid here. Is there something you’d like to say to my face ? Or gigi’s/@yotou’s, for that matter ? Because somehow yotou being upset that YOU VAGUED THEM because they denied you interactions WHICH YOU WOULD HAVE FORESEEN HAD YOU READ THEIR RULES AND NOT BEEN SUCH AN ENTITLED ASS and me being “””buddy buddy”” with and supporting them & others who have been wronged by you as well as pointing out how you COPIED MY FRIEND’S ICONS makes it okay for YOU to namedrop us but lm -fucking-ao lauren/@artisaen saying she doesn’t want to associate with anyone who condones your behavior is bullying right? things you have a problem with are okay only if YOU’RE the one doing them right? This seems to be your logic behind a LOT of things, for example --- Incest is disgusting until YOU’RE the one writing it, RIGHT? Though I’m not here to talk about that, no --- that’s already been covered in the callout posted today. I was just going to let that open letter do it’s work but I cannot tolerate Lauren being called a bully and YOU acting innocent and playing the victim in your most recent posts so I’m here to address what you have had to say about artisaen’s post. Here is the post in question:
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Artisaen is being called a bully for this post. Did she speak ill of you? No. Did she shame people who associate with you? No. It was a politely-worded request made so that she can feel comfortable on her own blog, similar to how you put my and Gigi’s urls on your “users you need tagged” list. Did I or Gigi stir up drama over being included on that list? No. WE WERE THE VICTIMS in whatever “drama” happened and yet we said nothing of you naming us on your blacklist as though we were the bad guys.
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You “messed” with your Own reputation when you did every single fucking thing outlined in that callout, honey. Your reputation is being a M/M FETISHIST, a TRANSMISOGYNIST, an INCEST APOLOGIST, a BULLY, a VAGUE POSTER, a RULE-BREAKER, need I go on? Don’t act like you deserve some fucking medal for only asking that Gigi & I be tagged and artisaen & everyone who supported her post are somehow monsters when her reasoning for making said post was her discomfort with your GENUINELY PROBLEMATIC BEHAVIOR while your reason for putting us on your blacklist was simply us having a problem with said behavior which had already BEEN MADE KNOWN TO YOU MULTIPLE TIMES. Despite this, you and those who support you had a LOT to say about she and the rest of us choosing not to associate with the lot of you, a lot of which was fucking BULL SHIT.
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First what the fuck is with this “””squad”” “” mess and “””similar aesthetic””” lmao do you fucking think this is some kind of “you can’t sit with us” clique drama ????? Yes, we’re friends. Yes, you make All of us uncomfortable for all of the reasons already made known to you yet you insist on playing innocent and victimizing yourself in your responses to being made aware of artisaens post. You thinking you NEED to be given a fucking “chance” to talk to or write with anyone is the REASON this whole thing started in spring/summer of last year. you would keep trying to talk to and interact with people who had not followed you back/did not want to write with you, repeatedly tried to follow again when they softblocked you, CLEARLY SHOWED YOU DID NOT READ RULES, and VAGUED when you weren’t given what you wanted. you “not understanding” is the REASON callouts against you and posts saying people don’t want to interact with those who excuse your behavior have had to be made. “No communication” ???????????? just how far is your head up your ass??? Tsu had messaged you, smaller callouts had ALREADY been made, people had been trying to tell you for MONTHS ON END why you make some people uncomfortable and yet you do nothing to change it, react defensively, and respond with sarcasm. Fine. You can go ahead and do whatever the fuck you want and have whoever the fuck you want cheer you on but then don’t fucking go and think people won’t take measures to make sure neither you or your apologists are anywhere near them. I’m just fucking floored that you’re so intent on playing innocent victimizing yourself with “wah wah they never gave me a chance” and “i don’t understand!!!” in these responses when you KNOW about all the problems people have with you.
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@murdermage @draconfell “bullies” huh lmao that’s really fucking funny but consider: doing a bit of research so you know just what exactly you’re defending. consider: the REAL nasty people are those who tell innocents to “””””lick their 6th hole” “” “  without knowing the facts. Luckily for you, you don’t have to lift a finger since said research has already been compiled in a callout posted this afternoon on this very blog detailing how Howl has BULLIED MINORS (lmao you guys like to throw the word “bully” around so much news flash you’re defending one), COPIED FROM, HARASSED, and BULLIED DUPLICATES, MADE PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE, AND CLEARLY DOESN’T FUCKING READ RULES. Now, maybe you, like many others, are jumping to Howl’s defense on principle alone and without knowing the full situation. If that is the case and you change your mind after reading the posts made on this blog and want your responses to be removed, message this blog and we will abide. If you STILL support Howl’s actions, however, your responses will remain posted as people deserve to know if they’re interacting with someone who condones such vile behavior.
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ichijouji · 8 years
🌚 leo + ophelia ?
leo - hmm i dont hve mmany memories of leo altho i ddo remember he wld ask me to b a soldier instead of a maidd alot!! i messed upp a bunch in front of him 2,, leo is someonee i rlly wnted to prove myself 2!!
ophelia - she was alwayss a fun person to b around,, as sophie i hve alot of memoriess of her comin to me whn she wass worried abt forrest! shhe tried to get me to learn some incantations a feww times too nd tthey didnt turn out well at ALL!!
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nancyelsner · 8 years
i have a rom of shadow dragon + i have the gba games legally on my wii u + 3ds, but i get my roms from emuparadise
!!! TY!!! are the fe games all on the ds or??
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My favorite person from my canon: FAREEHA My least favorite person from my canon: torbjornHow tall I was: 5′7Some of my physical traits: i was pretty leanSome of my personality traits: pet t y The phrase/word/sound I said the most: orderMy crush/partner (if I had one): MERCY AND FAREEHAMy best friend (if I had one): meiThe most attractive person/people from my canon: mei !!!!!The cutest possible ship from my canon: any f/f ship ESP SYMMARAHMERCYThe worst possible ship from my canon: any m/f junk shipWho I’ve found so far:  A BUNC H A people im too lazy 2 listWho I really want to find: ANA Who I really don’t want to find: torbjornWho I wish died: meWho I wish hadn’t died: ??????
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bladeobrona · 8 years
fef14leo replied to your post “So there’s this leokumi fic where Takumi and Leo swap bodies. It takes...”
ive read that and ugh its buried in the archives of ao3 bc the writer hasnt updated and i di e
NO UPDATE?! Awwwe man. I was hoping it had updated, and possibly finished, since I read it well over two months ago. Dammit
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flamewyrmz · 8 years
fef14leo replied to your photo:cursed image
alexander hamilton is SO sexy they had to make a SEXY GENDERBEND COSTUME of him OBVIOUSLY
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explorersguild · 8 years
🌚 leo velouria and ophelia
ophelia is pretty much my sister!! I love her very very much!! although her trying to fight every merchant in the market was… something else.
Velouria used to watch me sew most of the time! She collected all the leftover fabric scraps when I was done cause they’re her treasures or something. We’re pretty good friends!
Leo is the coolest dad in the entire world!!! I love making outfits for him!! I couldn't ask for a better father!!
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hey, dude, have you ever considered you're blowing something out of proportion? Like, I get it if you have a problem with someone, but this is not the way to handle it. You're not going to accomplish anything beyond polarizing people and start fights. This isn't how you make people change their behavior.
have you ever considered that “uwu Callout Culture Is Bad uwuwuwu Don’t Handle It Like This” is something that enables problematic/abusive people to continue doing what they’re doing? you clearly did not read or absorb the callout in its entirety. the disclaimers about “starting fights” and how callouts are last resort are right there in black, white, gray. red. it is stated that howl HAS been approached before, privately and civilly. all of this has happened over the span of a year, and howl has still not changed their behavior. get this clear in your head: HOWL STILL WILLFULLY IGNORES THE PEOPLE THEY HAVE HURT. by painting this callout as some kind of aggression and “oh we just have a problem with howl!!!!” this makes you one of the people who defend them out of principle. you are not considering the fact that there are victims involved, people have been hurt, and just because YOU do not happen to be affected by howl’s behavior does not mean that you alone can invalidate the voices of all the minors and trans people who HAVE been affected. if you are not a victim of x behavior, it is not your place to police how frustrated victims “should” handle this lest you encourage their silence. we assure you that none of these accusations are baseless, it’s not just us ���having a problem with someone”, and we can assure you that we have been patient with howl for months on end only for them to continue their harmful behavior. get off anonymous and try again. i’ll respond privately.
- mod munifice
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tries to pick up a hobby because i used to do it in a past life - gets into it for about a week and then drops it again because ???? who knows
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astrontology-blog · 8 years
fef14leo replied to your post: welp, time to add autism to the list of things...
ah yes - the nohrian siblings - autistic 👌🏻
heck yea, the autistic nohrian conquest is nigh, those allistics better watch their back.
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