#feh deidre
izzyizzybobizzy · 2 years
Fire emblem doodles from like november
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roeldraws · 2 years
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Just pulled legendary Sigurd today and have started training him and Deidre together ^-^
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rebecca-lotto · 26 days
haven't played feh in a while
but i think it's very cute that deidre and sigurd got the 'goth' type of resplendents
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Is it weird that I would consider this as an improvement if Azura was less knowledgeable in fates. I also weirdly consider azura and alm to be a lord like Chrom and Micaiah. Since I don't consider self inserts like Robin/Byleth/Corrin/Shez as lords except Alear. I think Alear is important enough to the story and actually has a personality.
I have this idea for who the guests could be. It could be the heroes in feh. Maybe the somniel is linked to the gates in heroes maybe with askrs help. This could be considered like a vacation place for the heroes. The heroes could be any summon able hero from the breidablik. From people like deidre and Caeda to Naga and mila.
Sorry if this was too much for an ask.
Oh no problem.. I just need to take time to answer since it went a bit off topic from Azura to Caeda.
Ok, so I agree, the problem with Azura is that she is used as a plot device and an exposition dump, not that she knows thing. The other problem comes to how can she knows some things, such a Valla since no one can speak of it. It had to be Arete but how ? Or stuff like that. She knows a lot but is given too little spotlight to explain this or expand on her character because she had to share the spot with Corrin and that Corrin was supposed to be a lord, like Alear... but failing. So it's normal she is given spotlight and appears as an important character but she is robbed of that due to the fact she is reduced as a role of mentor with her character never properly explored in the plot giving the impression that her knoweldge is a problem. It would have been fixed by either her knowing less, either her having more spotlight to explain how she knows things.
As to Azura being a lord ? Well, the problem is that IS was trying to tease a bound alike to Chrom and Robin between them but failed since it failed Azura's character so it's hard to tell... Also, Alm is a lord ? I am sorry anon, I have hard time understanding the last part of your ask about "guest" and the Somniel being linked to Askr ? Could you clarify please ?
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gallifreyevermore · 4 years
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Page 1 of 20 of a 20 of an artbook illustration challenge I’m working on :3. This one has Arvis, Sigurd and Deirdre returning home from Askr
Progress gif under the cut.
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moaa · 4 years
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got Alfonse (x5) , Lif and a bunch of other new units owo
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fawkesfire · 4 years
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5 star summons on the new Voting Gauntlet banner. I saw Hilda and went “SHIT” because I am constantly in need of green units.
Already starting on building Fallen Lyon and he’s reaaaaal nice. Like him a lot.
Managed to get Hilda but her IVs are absolutely horrendous so. Guess I’ll add her to the list to get Mango’d.
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sexysilverstrider · 4 years
i love deidre and sigurds convo but hmmmm the english convo sounds....a bit stiff and bland for me. their convo dont seem to connect w one another and their voices dont sound as lively or in love as i expected
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cheaasen · 5 years
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Family Reunion
Additional dialogue for second panel (contains spoilers for FE4)
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kirei-ahiru · 6 years
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I didn’t fill out the whole card this time because I got a little lazy, ha ha. ^^”
I’ve only been able to read the Mitsuki Oosawa manga adaptation of Genealogy, but it’s really made me fall in love with the characters. I’m really surprised that Seliph hasn’t had an Alt yet! So I made one for the coming holiday~
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sunnyvaiprion · 6 years
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Guess who’s my bonus unit for the next 14 days. Now Azura has to teach him the basics of supporting and we’re all set for tomorrow.
... Except nobody asked if he’s fine with that, but Julius says he is. 
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fairelance · 5 years
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(( that’s all- ))
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hot-crest · 6 years
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[Tim Heidecker Voice] It’s free Titania
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heroofhellno · 6 years
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So tumblr is my mortal enemy and won’t let me upload the full size picture or "Upload From Web” it so I’m,, cheating the system here a bit by using a screenshot of it instead and you can go Here to actually look at the image properly
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I went off this prompt but I,, don’t know fuck all about any of these characters so I’m not actually sure how Deidre’s amnesia is portrayed in game, so here’s my Best Guess ™ . It’s Sigurd (re)introducing her to her son. I’m sorry the background is super rushed @nagamas @catajima
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imaginefe · 6 years
so it seems deidre, julia, seliph, and uhh i always mess up her name but tailtiu are getting like actual weapon refines !! according to feh japanese twit.... im so excited i can make an even more op julia and seliph!!!
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youmies-feblog · 6 years
Holy damn shit what's a Falchion to this
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