#future king siegbert
sabineelectricheart · 10 months
His Brother’s Widow
Summary: Leo might have loved his brother, but he still coveted one single thing that belonged to him: his wife. Now that he is the king, the oportunity dangles in front of his eyes.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1100
Notes: Ah, what loneliness does to a person! Shame a blond nerd does not come to cure mine.
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As loved as Leo was, and between his father and his mother, such a statement can be disputed, there is a dark side to him. There is something evil and foul that had been nurtured in the cutthroat environment of the court of Nohr and the dispute for the throne against his brother.
A dispute that he lost, but there is no bitterness in his heart over that fact, at least not for itself. Obviously, there was no doubt the love and loyalty he had for his brother, and that fact was plain for anyone to see. He served as a minister and a general, and he has done his job in those positions to the best of his abilities, as well as being quick into suppressing any dissent that might have looked upon him as a favourable alternative.
His loyalty and service to King Xander’s court was well-known and obvious all over the realm. What did not have the same degree of transparency and respectable nobility, however, were the shame and regret he felt in yearning for Lady Corrin, his brother's wife.
When his brother dies, Leo mourned. He never truly recovers from it, nor would any of his sisters, even as the kingdom moves on and things return to a state of normality, just with a different head under the crown. His.
However, amongst his bereavement, in the corner of his eyes, standing in a dark corner of the castle, he sees her. The object of his desire finally in the grasp of his hands.
As per agreement, Siegbert and Kana, her children, were passed over to the new king as his heirs. He was unmarried and had no intention on having descendancy, so for him, it was very convenient that Xander managed to take his duty off of him before his untimely passing. He has also pledged to take care of the Queen Dowager, not in the way his forebearers usually handled it, but granting her a stipend and allowing her to remain in the castle.
Perhaps allowing is too generous of a word. He prefers it to be so, but intellectual honesty compels him to correct it to command, but solely in the privacy of his own thoughts. He would not allow her to retire from courtly life, in any case, and the fact he remains unmarried and shall be so for the foreseeable future makes it easy to argue that she must remain in her old role.
On the night after the day the appropriate mourning period ends, a knock is heard at the Dowager Queen’s bedchamber.
Left with a diminutive staff, Corrin tries to hide her surprise by opening her own chamber doors to see King Leo at your door. She welcomes him as he takes a seat and she serves him tea. A single cup, as she has no more boiled water and no-one to fetch it from the kitchens.
He just wants to talk, he says. As the people and the nobles shed their mourning whites, things take another significance, and he does not know if he is ready just yet to face their new reality. It feels too fresh, too foreign still, even if it has been the better part of a year in this state of affairs.
The two of them rekindle a bond that has been severed due to their diverging schedules, and soon enough his visits become quite frequent. Servants flood the chambers once again, and every other night, after dinner, dessert is had in that small coffee table.
It started with the two of you bonding over the fond memories with Xander. Soon, the topics starts to change. With that, new activities are proposed, and she is seen with the king by the court often. Tongues loosen and conjectures are made, but, again, dissent is quickly and swiftly supressed, with much more brutality than they were in years past.
Corrin tries to not raise a brow when Leo offers to walk alongside her to and from the dining hall. When his touches start to linger. The way he looks at her, with so much intensity that leaves you with a warm and nauseating feeling. It was wrong, to start to long for your husband's brother, dead he may be.
The lines of familiarity and amity began to blur when, in the privacy of her chambers, always her chambers, the king gifted her a beautiful necklace for her second birthday after widowhood. Turning her back to him as he places it around her neck, she does not miss the brief touches as he does so.
It becomes impossible to ignore all that she graciously pretended not to be there, and she throws herself to the profanity of it all.
When Corrin turns back to face him, her stomach flutters under his gaze. Her deceased husband loved her, she loved him, and it is hard to deny that the Royal Blood of Nohr is not strong, because Leo looks just like his brother, and he gazes at her just like his brother did. She misses it, she misses it too much.
Then, the regret seeps in when the man closes the distance. She melts under his touch. Feeling the kiss become more and more passionate, she finally finds the strength and moral fibre to pull away.
This was wrong, she told him. His hand gently cradled her face, lips brushing close to hers, yet not quite fully touching. He is letting her make the choice. Deny him, the voice in the back of her head tells her, but, in desperation for touch, to feel loved once again, it was her who closed the gap this time.
His hand reach for the back of her dress and the widow lets him. She pushes aside all the guilt and shame, allowing herself to indulge in the pleasure overtaking her.
Marry me, he utters under his breath, mouth pressed to her bare skin.
Unfortunately, she never had the heart to tell this to her children, in fear of their rejection. She forces them to find out when the king announced the union between himself and Corrin. She tries to tell them it was all done under an agreement. Leo had no choice in the matter, the marriage is all for political reasons. At least that is what he told her.
How can her look them in the eye ever again, when the king hosts a feast for the newly-wedded couple, when the seers predict a fruitful match?
When Leo, at the feast, proudly announces Corrin as the expecting mother of his heir?
Fire Emblem Masterlist
Conquest Masterlist
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salsarey · 1 year
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Siegbert, Future King
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Daedra, I have to say, I'm a bit worried about Siegbert. Observing him and Ophelia and the way things have developed between them over a long span of time...I'm not sure he really understands how to maturely and appropriately deal with such a serious relationship. I really don't think he's ready to be engaged to her yet, much less married.
"Well, 'being ready for engagement' is unfortunately not a luxury many royals have," Daedra started cautiously. "Many children in the monarchy are chosen to wed even before they are adults. I understand Xander and I are not following on that tradition with our own, necessarily."
"Prince Siegbert may act brash at times, but I assure you, he is constantly schooled on matters of etiquette and all that is expected of him as the King of Nohr's Heir. He is still young and has a great deal more to grow and mature as a person," she added, with not so little hesitance. Siegbert may had been her treasured baby boy, no matter his size, but she would not turn a blind eye to things.
Especially if it concerned his and another's future.
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"We're doing what we think best," the Queen tried to assure with a serious tone. "We want to trust that Siegbert will act maturely in these matters. He is still human and can make mistakes, and we hope we've given him enough education to know which to avoid the most. He deserves to love and spend time with who he chooses, and not someone we chose for him for political matters. We don't wish to smother him, lest he push farther away. Xander and I are doing our best to find a balance of keeping our son well chaperoned... but free enough he can enjoy his time of young love."
@gallant-gained (for reasons)
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I love fe fates, it was my first fe game actually! Also I'm really firm in that conquest and conquest fucks so hard. Haven't played Revelations yet tho. I encourage the posting of a Xander manifesto. Mainly cause I want to as well, but words are hard
Revelations is nice honestly no the best FE you’ll find and it does lack on the story but it is not the dumpster fire the fandom make it (or even makes Fates in general) to be.
But for real Xander is such a genuinely amazing character and he just does not gets the recognition he deserves mostly because the localization fucked him up hard, not to mention that one FEtuber who made a video about him early on and pretty much set in stone a wrongful read on his character that still thrives to this day (no hate to him though he could not have known).
Xander was literally a shy little prince who was groomed into becoming the stoic king of a country slowly dying because the constant night in the kingdom would not allow them to grow crops. He had to learn the hard way that no country, even Hoshido, would even lend a hand to them and their only way to keep their population alive was through conquest of other territories.
He did everything to become the right for his country but it meant sometimes forgetting who he even was, and burying his own person in order to become the right fit for the throne.
While I don’t remember well if Crown of Nibelung is considered as canon I still want to show this cause I find this so important
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(Also please allow me to further my Inigo and Xander are soulmates, platonic or not idc, that were destined to find each other)
He had to grow up watching his siblings come and go, most of them dropping like flies sometimes to each other’s own hand. Until there was only four left and they literally became each other lifeline. To the point where when of them left the family just broke to pieces.
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His loyalty is his biggest quality and yet his biggest flaw. He trusts and loves people so much, he treasures the people that are still alive and stand with him and respects them so hard that sometimes his own loyalty blinds him to the truth. He is a protector at heart who wants nothing more than the people he loves to be happy even though he more often than not puts himself in the backseat to make sure it happens.
People blame him for following Garon even when he became irrational but constantly forget that Xander was with him his entire life, that he grew up watching a strict but good king and that the changes in Garon were so subtle at first that even when a little alarm started ringing in his head telling him something was not right he still had that trust in his father that made him believe he would do the right thing for his country in the end.
Not to mention that when he realized that he did not Xander worked in the shadows to build a new government just so he would have a strong basis after getting to the crown and make sure that his citizens would not suffer from the shift in power.
Not forgetting that Xander based his entire king persona over his father, his father was everything that he was not growing up. This is his entire relationship with Siegbert right there, he encourages his son to be himself and not change to become like him, the way Xander changed to be like his father. Because Xander sees that this boy in front of him is gonna become the best king in the future.
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moaa · 4 years
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got Alfonse (x5) , Lif and a bunch of other new units owo
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feheroesmaxlvl · 5 years
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Sword wielding cavalier Siegbert in FE Heroes
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jarmes · 2 years
Entry 90: Oops! All Supports Volume #14
Looking at the Supports I have left, it seems I have neglected the children. Just like every character in Fates does.
Support: Ophelia/Siegbert
C: Ophelia says that Siegbert is the chosen one, by birth, because of that whole monarchy thing.
B: Siegbert says that he's only royalty because of luck and his people didn't chose him. Monarchies are cringe. Siegbert says that Ophelia is better because she's a chosen one through hard work.
A: Ophelia apologizes even though she has done nothing wrong. She praises Siegbert for being a good king.
S: Siegbert asks if magic can predict the future. Ophelia says time-travel is impossible because hahaha irony. Siegbert wants to know who he marries. They get together.
Support: Forrest/Nina
C: Nina swoons over Forrest.
B: Nina follows Forrest and writes fanfiction.
A: Nina asks Forrest if he's gay. He says no. Nina apologizes for being awful.
S: Forrest says he loves Nina. For some reason.
Review: Yeah that sucked.
Support: Ignatius/Velouria
C: Velouria sees Ignatius carrying an old frayed charm and demands he hand it over because it is worn out and covered in human musk. B: Ignatius burns the charm and buries it. He offers Velouria a new one, but she wants a deteriorated one with meaning. She takes some oily rags. A: Velouria apologizes for being rude and takes the charm. She gives Ignatius a charm made from oily rags and bones. The charm is magic and summons evil sleep paralysis demons. Ignatius is terrified. S: Ugnatius offers a ring. Velouria dislikes it, but understands it will deteriorate with time.
Review: Velouria’s weirdness is explained, but she’s also rude and creepy in this one. Mediocre.
Support: Fana/Percy
C: Kana sees Percy training and complains that he'll get stronger than her. They decide to train together.
B: The duo chops would. Percy wins because he's lucky.
A: The two of them race. Kana wins despite Percy's luck.
S: Kana asks Percy to open a pickle jar. They praise each other for being cool or whatever and decide to be...dance partners? I mean hey it's better than child marriage but its still weird.
Review: Incredibly bland and mediocre.
Support: Dwyer/Soleil
C: Soleil wakes Dwyer up with her loud training. Soleil attempts to change her clothes in Dwyer, which embarrasses him.
B: Dwyer stumbles upon Soleil dancing. She is embarrassed.
A: Dwyer helps Soleil dance. She doesn't improve much.
S: Dwyer tells Soleil he's willing to help her practice for as long as it takes. She points out that could take forever, which he doesn't mind because they're friends.
Review: See my comment on the last one.
Support: Sophie/Velouria
C: Avel goes missing. Velouria tells Sophie she should get rid of him because he's awful.
B: Sophie attempts to bribe Velouria into tracking him down in exchange for food. Velouria walks when it's revealed that the thing Sophie wants her to smell is horse shit.
A: Sophie explains she loves Avel. Velouria offers to help, but still refuses to smell dookie. Review: Decent, but a bit shallow and repetitive.
Support: Ignatius/Siegbert
C:Siegbert thanks Ignatius for his service. Ignatius brushes these compliments away, explaining he's just some cowardly soldier while Siegbert is a great leader.
B: Siegbert is isnpired by Ignatius to train. Ignatius says that his role is to be a leader and king, not to fight on the battlefield, because unlike Ignatius he isn't replaceable.
A: Siegbert says that no one'[s role is to die and that he can't just sit by while his friends risk their lives on his behalf.
Review: Decent. Siegbert is a nice guy, if a bit bland, and Ignatius is nice while also having self doubt and thinking he’s worthless. Honetly, Siegbert would be an okay if generic lord.
Support: Forrest/Midori
C: Midori gives Forrest moisturizer.
B: Forrest gives Midori an apron. She doesn't like it because of the color.
A: Forrest gives Midori a new apron. Midori gives him new skin cream.
S: Forrest gives Midori a friendship bracelet.
Review: I’d call this one nothing, but that isn’t true. It takes time to unlock and read, which makes it worse than nothing. This Support is like anti-matter, so opossite of actual content that it destroys it.
Support: Mana/Siegbert
C: Kana is impressed with how much time Siegbert spends studying and training. He decides to try a schedule.
B: Kana is exhausted by a schedule. Siegbert suggests he keep a daily log.
A: Kana masters productivity.
Review: God that was mediocre and boring.
Support: Nina/Siegbert
C: Nina spies on two men. Siegbert assumes she's spying on them because they're enemy soldiers and offers to help.
B: Siegbert sees the men go into some ruins and charges in to confront them.
A: Siegbert reveals they were construction workers, which Nina already knew.
S: They get together.
Review: This one is not excellent by any means, but after all the awful Supports this week, it’s nice to have a Support that is at least decent. It’s a comedic situation based on a misunderstanding, that’s better than the marianas trench of content that some of the other child Supports are.
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lethargic-lass · 3 years
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~May 28~
Happy Birthday to the future king of Nohr, Siegbert!
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feifheadcanons · 3 years
💬for Nina/Siegbert please and thank you
A typical conversation for the two of them?
Nina: Psst.
Siegbert: Zzz....
Nina: PSST Siegbert.
Siegbert: Ughhhhh
Nina: Siegbert!
Siegbert: Nina, it’s 4 in the morning.
Nina: A true king should be ready to serve his public at any hour.
Siegbert: *sigh* Yes, yes, I understand. What is it?
Nina: So as you know, I tend to do a bit of...snooping.
Siegbert: It hasn’t escaped my attention, yes, although you have yet to tell me your impetus. I do have a running theory however...
Nina: Oh...do you...?
Siegbert: Yes, it appears quite clear to me why you are so intent on spying and snooping. You....
Siegbert: Seek to become a journalist! And are searching for big stories!
Nina: I....wow! You caught me! Maybe you should be the journalist! Hehe!
Siegbert: I am grateful my keen instinct won out in the end. Very well, ask away,  but quickly.
Nina: Excellent! So I saw you arm wrestling with Shiro earlier! Tell me ALL about it. What did you think of his muscles? 
Siegbert: I’m not sure if that qualifies as a worthy story.
Nina: Two future kings? Locked in contest that could result in bitter rivalry, or the strongest of bonds? Definitely counts. Now let’s hear it!
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itchycoinpurse · 3 years
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Today we’ve got the Future King, Siegbert. For a cavalry unit he’s got some pretty solid stats save for his resistance. I think he would flourish with a solo A skill, maybe the Atk/Def one. All around a good unit for a cavalry team.
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Image: Freja och Svipdag (1911) by John Bauer
My text "Freyja en Svipdag" published in Covidnine-zine, a magazine edited by the wonderful Winnie Sluis, idealized by Winnie and Lisa @oppergod, with collaboration of several amazing artists.
“With her eyes closed and very sleepy, she could feel the sea breeze on her face and hear the sound of the tide breaking in nine waves, one after the other, until she finally managed to open her eyelids.
At first, she discerned arches and pillars through the blurred image, which she later identified as the ruins of an old cathedral. The stone foundations of this structure immediately reminded her of Glastonbury Abbey. The sound of the violin came to her, as well as the seagulls’ song and the gallop of a gray horse mounted by a masked young man, who headed in her direction. On the beach, an old lady recited the stanzas of ancient poems. Coffins swept across the sand, such as fragments of a shipwreck. The corpse of the violinist, who once was Yorick, the court jester, suddenly stopped the music, marveling at the horizon and contemplating his next song, as follows:
'Oh  Páter if I only knew who she was...  I swear I would have sought her earlier!  Oh Páter, here comes Gwena, who traces  This plot, full of diminished chords...
Tis  fire, aye, ‘tis pipe’s ember,  Burning slow and steady, steaming  And if I inhale, choke and clear my throat  Bitter-sweet is her surrender, such a delight  This woman...
Yet  I think she keeps  Something restrained  For the One of the strings...
She  dares not look but only glimpse
Her  bearing ever so high,  Still entrapped in a gilded cage  From which one tries to break  With a treble clef... Egnis! Egnis!
Aye,  see as it burns strong,
It is painful for Gaius,  Her way of walking and fluttering  Always a promise of the foreign
 Though  beware not to cut yourself;  For she is like As-Sirāt,  Even if broken, she remains sharp.
More  so she is intricate and complex,  Full of ardor and nothing else,  And seems entirely anti-flustered  Ah! ... but if there is a breach...
 “Tis  for sure the apple-tree”  I answer myself.  Since when I wandered haphazardly,  Wandering, wondering, though not seeing  If there was indeed an olive tree...
 Thus,  if the fire she already brought;  And I always have some cider;  Only the gold is wrought...
What  fire is that?  Mighty and aristocratic,  Convoluted and anti-pragmatic.
Alas,  we get to the story’s end,
If  you expected me to be light-hearted
To  speak of her beauty or noble
 You  don’t see me for who I really am
For  only the sublime pain of a burn
Compares  to shall be required
To  conquer her troublesome
 Nevertheless,  if I allow myself
A  final indulgence, I think it goes
Without  saying.. that she’s beautiful,
Dignified,  and a relief to the eyes,
(Though  quite difficult to contain)
That’s  why I have fallen...O Páter!”
The rider dismounted and removed his mask, revealing a quite familiar face.
Then he burst into tears, moans, and screams, calling out the name “Sophie! Sophie!” A cacophony of chimes and carillon began at an Episcopal belfry, the imposing figure of a castle appeared behind the mist. Brísingamen, the fiery torque, sparkled around her neck as she rose, entirely dressed in white. The young man, who wore black garments, offered her his hand, and spoke:
 “Dear Sophie, your father awaits us.”
 The strangest thing happened; she felt her lips moving without having ordered so. “My darling Joris, at last you have come for me.”
 Although she did not know exactly how, she remembered the young man in front of her was her betrothed, and that they referred to each other by the names of the saints which the ephemeris fell on their respective birthdays. His on the feast day of Sint-Joris van Cappadocië, and hers on that of St. Sophie van Rome.
 “Sophie, the owl told me the baker shall hold a banquet in our honour!”
 “O, here, have a daisy” she said, taking a flower from the garland adorning her long blonde hair. “I would give you give you some violets, but they all withered when the fishmonger sailed to Crete.”
 “Indeed, Aerope told me that Catreus’ ashes are still warm.”
 They walked side by side, with hands intertwined, wearing wicked smiles as they climbed the hill where the castle's Tor stood. Upon arriving, they were received by the King of Guilder and the rest of his progeny.
 “Welcome, my children, to Kasteel Groninger! Our earthly paradise. Pray, remember the road ahead is still long. Fredegund anxiously awaits Siegbert's return, in deep sleep at the Mountain of Obstacles. Do not forget that: Fafnir must yet perish and Sigrdrífa still needs to be stripped of her armour” King Aegir affectionately warned, embracing both Sophie, whom he recognized as his youngest daughter, and Joris, his future son-in-law.
 "Your majesty, I assure you I shall be worthy enough to wed Lady Menglöð" replied Joris, referring to Sophie, the princess of Guilder, by her true name.
 “Heer Valentijn,” asked King Aegir, also calling Joris by his birth name “I believe the sacrifice of Galswintha will not have been in vain: Faith, Hope and Charity shall be glorified, but do not forget to greet your new sisters.”
 With their faces veiled and sitting on the stairs of an old church, the nine daughters of Aegir, presented themselves one by one. The oldest was called Schnecke, “Bloody-hair”, thus called in virtue of her red hair; the second went by the name of Mimi, the “Billow”, therefore known due to her being prone to fits of nervousness; the third was called Caroline, the “Comber”, because of her explosive temper; the fourth answered by Lily, “Pearl-transparent”, on the account of her translucent complexion; the fifth was named Henriette, the “Small-Wave”, due to her short height; the sixth answered by Olga, the “Lifting”, on account of her extraordinary intelligence; the seventh was called Hannah, the “Great-Wave”, thus known for her bulkiness;  the eighth daughter was Jeannette, called the “Well of Origin” for having the habit of reciting prophetic riddles every time somebody asked her something; the last of them, Friederike, the “Cool-Wave”, was therefore called on account of her cold manners.
 Each of them, as Joris approached, answered him with witty sentences related to each of their epithets. At the end of these parables, King Aegir once again addressed him:
 “Valentijn van Florin, I give you my word as sovereign of Guilder that the most beautiful flower in my garden is your dear Sophie, who at this very hour tomorrow you shall take as your wife. Such a marriage will unite our two rival kingdoms under a single crown, as intended your kinsman, Prince Humperdinck, though in far less auspicious circumstances.”
 The bride and the groom waltzed through the castle, covering the walls of each room with snow. Whenever Joris asked if she wanted to be his wife, Sophie burst into hysterical laughing, which echoed throughout the stairs. Sometimes she replied she first owed vassalage to another lord, who was certainly sterner and bonier. This ‘danse macabre’ continued until they faced the stained windows of the cathedral, when the black priest signaled them to stop. For this reason, the nine waves blew out the candles on the candelabrum, one by one, forming a fairy-ring around the two of them and joining their dance wildly.
 Joris mused for a moment and said:
 “Three times nine girls, but one girl rode ahead,
white-skinned under her helmet;
the horses were trembling, from their manes
dew fell into the deep valleys,
hail in the high woods;
good fortune comes to men from there;
all that I saw was hateful to me.”
 For the celebrations to continue Sophie was taken to the hall of Suttungr, while Joris was given the task of finding the severed head of Mimir. Locked up in the chamber of Invitation to Battle, Sophie was punished for exercising her prerogative in choosing differently from what the All-father had commanded. There, Huginn and Muninn, her liege's crows, whispered bad omens at her ears as she repeatedly painted a Byzantine icon of the Virgin of Mercy.
 “Torture me all you want,” she said to her tormentors “a tearing joy overwhelms my soul. Plato's aesthetic dictates the beauty of forms is equivalent to the greater good and that which is purer. I merely follow the example of Paris in his preference for the ‘kallistei’; the beloved is always chosen for blind love, and only love. I admit I may be wrong, but I still believe that his heart is as good and generous as I sensed on our first meeting. The world is sustained by hope, we believe in what we want to believe and how we want to believe; it does not matter if nature and experience tell us otherwise. My dreams have never betrayed me, my heart has never lied to me: it is necessary to follow one’s deepest desires, for they are ordained by the Norns.”
 In retaliation, the crows of the one-eyed king pecked at her ears until her neck was covered in blood. Ignoring the pangs of pain, Sophie continued to draw the icon that depicted a beautiful sleeping maiden, whose closed eyes showed an expression of tenderness and parted lips outlined a tenuous, albeit provocative smile, as though she was caught in a sensuous dream.
 Hence, Sophie chanted in low voice:
“What sort of dream is that, Odin?
I dreamed I rose up before dawn
to clear up Valhöll for slain people.
I aroused the Einheriar,
bade them get up to strew the benches,
clean the beer-cups,
the valkyries to serve wine
for the arrival of a prince.”
At the same time, Joris rode up to the Mountain of Obstacles, where the earth shook and a pit of flames reaching the sky surrounded the red gold of the gods. In this desolate place, the guardian at the gate, who was also the chieftain of the dwarves, gave Joris the sword of anger and the shield of wisdom with which he was able to defeat the horrible serpent, Jörmungandr.
After licking a drop of the creature’s blood on his finger, Joris was given the gift of understanding the crows’ language, which then instigated him to come to the chamber of Invitation to Battle. As soon as he entered the room, he blew on the horn he carried on his neck by a chain. The Virgin awoke from her feverish dream.
Sitting on a golden throne, the queen-like Sophie gladly received him in her father's hall:
“For nine lives I have awaited you, and for nine days you have hanged on the Sefirotic Tree. To you I give my gray horse, so you can ride to Gamla Uppsala; for Memory can only be restored when Gjallahorn descends to the well of origin. There, Heidr will offer you one of her full tits. Drink patiently, but steadily.”
“Frigga, my dear wife, all I ask is for you to grant me knowledge of the nine worlds.”
Before proceeding with her husband’s request, Sophie prayed for eloquence and intelligence, taking her lute in her hand, singing the most beautiful song of shadow and dawn. She praised the day, the night, the gods and goddesses, and the Holy Land where the Nazarene was crucified. After prayer, she harvested liquid from three of her father’s most precious cauldrons and prepared the elixir of life and death, stating it contained enchantments, blessings, songs and runes of power, manliness and pleasure of the flesh and soul.
Sophie told Joris that in the beginning there was nothing, and this nothing was called Njörun. When Njörun became aware of herself, she begot Njöðr. From the union between these two, Mardöll was born. The latter was self-suficient, loving herself and being therefore happy. However, curiosity caused the goddess to create a mirror from her own breath, and when she contemplated her own reflection, she fell madly in love with it. Since then, she divided herself in two: Mardöll of Fire, who saw the image, and Mardöll of Ice, the image seen. After tracing a runic symbol on her body and whispering over it, her reflection became Yngve, her twin brother. The two of them began a frantic dance that culminated in intercourse, from where emerged the rest of the runic spirits.
Sophie then told him how Mardöll first taught the runes to the All-father, how he held the head of Mimir and uttered wise words; and that from them flowed the worlds of the Æsir, Vanir, giants, elves, and humanity. She went on to count all the kinds of runes that Joris needed to know and how to use them. At last asking him if he would like speech or silence from her. To which Joris replied he was not afraid of knowing his fate, even if that meant death.
Shortly after, she took his horn, in which she poured the Mead of Poetry, while rambling: “The beautiful should not perish; the fair should not perish. Eternal love of immortal soul, glittering through my skin like fins. Drop by drop, your spirit will return to me, the first drop will be heavenly!”
The moment Joris took the last sip of this precious drink, the walls opened, and the drums played. King Aegir and the nine waves were finally welcomed to the wedding feast. Circling an oath-ring on a trunk, the sovereign of Guilder joined the hands of his daughter and son-in-law, making a cut on each of their palms so that their blood could mix. Joris and Sophie intertwined their fingers and together declared:
“Ubi tu Askr
Ego Embla;
Ubi tu Embla,
Ego Askr.”
“When thou art the Ash
I shall be the Elm;
When thou art the Elm
I shall be the Ash.”
“Grímnir, the greatest of all gods, is here, he proclaims you to be one flesh, consecrated to him” decreed King Aegir as the newlyweds resumed their bridal dance, accompanied by the nine waves, who happily sang:
“Stampa hårt i marken,
Låt säden flyta  runt,
Ta emot den unga  flickan,
Frej i älskog,
Freja i älskog.”
“Step hard on the ground,
Let the seed fly,
Welcome the Young Maiden,
Freyr in lovemaking,
Freyja in lovemaking.”
Joris enveloped Sophie in a lustful embrace, with each whirl more ardent than before, ‘til they both lost their balance and fell backwards in the hay. At this moment, Thanatos, the black priest showed up uninvited:
“I am a polar bear who has floated here from Greenland on an iceberg. May the gods bless your matrimony with such perennial beauty as that from the coupling of Zeus and Leda. As a wedding gift, I bring you a veil made for an Arabian princess. Please, accept it. O Vanadís, daughter of the king of kings.”
Upon hearing this, Sophie let out a long shriek. She understood what those words meant. For three nights, she and Joris made love at moonlight, in the presence of the court of Guilder and all the creatures of the universe. On the morning of the fourth day, he had to leave her side to wander the nine worlds, bringing the sacred knowledge he acquired to whichever mortals he found. Weeping, Sophie bade adieu to her husband with the following greeting:
“My will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great. My sisters receive the heroes at Fólkvangr, serving mead to those slain in battle. When the ash commune with the elm, you shall return to me. Not a second after, not a second before.”
The black priest then proceeded to lead them to the calvary, placing two wreaths of thorns on their heads. “I crown thee, Freyja and Óðr.”
For nine days and nights, Sophie bitterly mourned her lost husband, crying tears of gold for his sake. Once again trapped in the Mountain of Obstacles, she cried out for mercy to the one who was older than time itself:
“That man hon fólkvig fyrst í heimi,
er Gullveig geiru studdu
ok i hǫll Hárs hana brendu;
thrysvar brendu thrysvar borna,
opt, ósjaldan, tho hon enn lifir!
Heidi hana hétu, hvars til húsa kom,
vǫlu velspá,  vitti hon ganda
seid hon hvars hon kunni,
seid hon hugleikin,
æ var hon angan illrar brudar.”
“She remembers the first war in the world,
when Gullveig was hoist on the spears
in the High-One’s hall they burned her;
three times they burned the three times born
often, not seldom; yet she lives! 
She was called Heidr at the village,
the wise völva knew how to cast spells
she practiced seiðr whenever she could
with ravished soul, she performed seiðr,
She was always sought by wicked women.”
As she asked for divine intervention, Sophie devoted herself to the hard work required by the spinning wheel. As though passing in a trance through Psyche's trials, she was accompanied by her sisters, who danced around her, hand in hand. The first branches of the elm emerged from her heart, which enwrapped her in just a few minutes. From her withered body, the most majestic tree of Fensalir was formed. Three times she was struck by lightning, three times she burned; only to be three times reborn the next dawn.
When Joris at last returned from his travels around the world, finding her in such a state he declared:
“Nu em ec aptr kominn,
fát gat ec thegiandi thar;
margom orthom melta ec i minn frama i Suttungs sǫlom.
Gunnlad mer um gaf gunom stóli á
drycc ins dyra miathar; ill ithgiold
let ec hana eptir hafa
sins ins heila hugar
sins ins  svara seva.”
“Now I have come again,
I’d have hardly made it so far;
without speaking great words to my advantage in the hall  of Suttungr.
Gunnlöð gave me, from her golden throne
The precious drink of mead; a poor payment
I gave her in return
for her whole soul
for her  burdened spirit.”
With these sorrowful words he also became an ash tree, his roots becoming entangled with hers. From their union emerged a magnificent swan egg which cracked in two beautiful girls. The Æsir called them Hnoss and Gersemi, the Twin Treasures.’
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brightvictories · 4 years
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YOUR ONCE & FUTURE KING. hi ! if you’re interested in interacting with siegbert of fates, could you give this little post a ♡ & a ↻ ? tysm !
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striatontriogirl · 4 years
My Ask Blogs
Okay, so, I’ve made enough ask blogs that I figure there’s too many to just keep putting in my main blog’s description, so I’ll put them all here! Fire Emblem, MHA, TBHK, Pokémon, etc.!
Academy Lorenz Hellman Gloucester: @noble-of-the-red-rose
Baby Lorenz Hellman Gloucester: @baby-hellman-gloucester
Academy Ignatz Victor: @ask-ignatz-victor
War Ignatz Victor: @ignatz-victor-ask
Academy Raphael Kirsten: @ask-raphael-kirsten
War Sylvain Jose Gautier: @ask-crimson-flower-sylvain
Christophe Gaspard: @ask-christophe-gaspard
AU Linhardt von Hevring: @ask-claudes-number-2
Leon: @ask-valbars-love
Lukas: @ask-sharp-soldier-lukas
Inigo: @a-man-for-flowers-ask
Libra: @ask-fetching-friar-libra
Soren: @shrewd-strategist-soren
Laslow: @ask-dancingduelist-laslow
Forrest: @fashion-forward-prince-forrest
Siegbert: @future-king-of-nohr-siegbert
Shiro: @ask-hoshidan-prince-shiro
Izana... Yes, THE Izana!: @ask-archduke-izana
Minamoto Kou: @ask-minamoto-kou
Minamoto Teru: @ask-minamoto-teru
Kaminari Denki: @kaminari-denki-ask
Best Jeanist: @best-jeanist-ask
Andromeda Shun: @ask-andromeda-shun
Edward Elric: @ask-the-fullmetal-pipsqueak
Prompto Argentum: @prompto-argentum-ask
Yuezheng Longya: @ask-yuezheng-longya
Noemi Linnéa Kazlauskas: @noemi-kazlauskas (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Alistair Luis Everleigh (And Sisters!): @alistair-luis-everleigh (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Cyrus Amari (Almyran Orphan) and Madeline Silva (Death Knight Child): @cyrus-amari-madeline-silva (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Alexander Fraldarius (Shared Blog): @alexander-fraldarius (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Azulon the Heron: @azulon-the-heron-laguz (Fire Emblem: Path is Radiance/Radiant Dawn)
Eliana (Half-Noble Thief): @half-noble-thief-eliana (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones)
Trainer Felix: @ask-pink-trainer-felix (Pokémon Sword/Shield)
Amai Kanroji: @amai-kanroji-p4-oc (Persona 4)
To be continued...
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Unconditional Love for Them
For Corrianderweek, day 5: Nohrian Summer / Beach Time. This is a sequel to the mini-series I started back when I was doing the weekly Xandersday writings! Now with baby Katie’s first time at the beach!
By the time Katerina was born, the Sealing Rites of Valla had been mostly finished, which meant that the youngest princess of Nohr would not know nor experience the ethereal beauty of the Forgotten Kingdom. To make up for it, the Royal couple wanted to let her travel through as many Deeprealms as possible, since quite a few of them emulated the vallite aesthetic.
Well, since the princess was still too young to retain much information, and considering she was around the same Siegbert had been when they first took him to the Hotrealm, Kamui and Xander decided to bring the children to the beach once summer hit the dark kingdom.
Well, apart from a larger amount of rain along with its consequential landslides around the foot of the mountains, the nohrian summer was nothing to write home about, especially compared to their hoshidan counterpart. Because of that, to allow the children to experience a fulfilling family time at the beach, the King and Queen could only open the portal to the Hotrealm.
Kana led the way, pulling the tiny Katerina by the hand as they walked towards the nearest Dragon Vein. “It’s so bright! And so hot! And the water is wooshing wooshing!” The young prince excitedly gestured, receiving his little sister’s undivided attention. The toddler widened her bright, red eyes -- a trait shared with all of her siblings and mother -- gapping her mouth just enough to allow her to coo and yapper in response.
“Woosh woosh!!” She turned to Kamui as they stopped in front of the Dragon Vein, right before Xander started reciting the words to open up the portal to their desired Deeprealm. “Mama! Kana said water goes woosh woosh!”
The Queen smiled fondly, placing a lock of curly hair behind the little girl’s pointy ear. “It really does! And it’s reaaaaaly big, so you shouldn’t run off on your own without us, okay?” She booped Katerina’s nose with her index, grinning just as the little girl did.
“Wight!” She puffed up her chest in response, squeezing Kana’s hand.
“Good girl.” Kamui nodded, then turned to her eldest son. “Are you okay, Sieggy? You can hold my hand if you want.”
Siegbert, now a 12-year-old, jumped in surprise with the concern, blushing as he thought that he didn’t want to behave like a child and worry his parents. “I-I am alright, Mother! There’s no need to hold my hand.”
Observing the situation, just as Xander finished chanting the words, the King directed his gaze to the Crown Prince. “Then what about holding MY hand, Siegbert?” He smiled softly to the young boy, clearly remembering how their first time at the beach was.
Fidgeting, the boy’s cheeks flashed in a bright red as he slipped his hand into his Father’s, mumbling a quiet ‘thank you’ as they walked into the light pouring out of the Portal.
“When we cross, it’s gonna be FWOOMP!” Kana pulled Katerina, trying to emulate the sound one makes when they jump on soft sand, though Katie actually understood it and started hopping as they crossed the light.
“Don’t run to the water, you two!” Kamui warned as the world turned white around her, already used to jumping between Deeprealms like that. Once her sense of self was back, she was greeted by the bright sun, hot weather and glittering waters of the sea as the warm sands engulfed her feet.
“Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” Katerina yelled at the top of her lungs, startling both King and Queen and their Crown Prince as well. “SO PWETTY! PWEETTY!” She slipped her hand away from Kana’s hold, running ahead of him to roll around in the sand.
“Ah, your dress- Katieee, let me take off your dress first, pumpkin!” Kamui ran towards the two youngest children, “Kana, catch her! Catch, catch, catch!” She pulled her own dress up, discarding it on the wind, hoping Xander would get it from wherever he was behind her.
Chuckling, the King all but needed to extend his arm upwards to catch the flying dress, still not letting go of Siegbert’s hand as the both of them carried the bags with their beach supplies for their stay. “Is it still scary, Son?” Xander gestured with his chin towards the sea, understanding Siegbert’s concerns deeply as a fellow non-swimmer.
“Oh, not at all, Father!” Siegbert replied with sincerity. “Kana is an apt swimmer and his enthusiasm over the years shaved away my fear of the sea. It IS still rather overwhelming, though…” The prince looked down, sheepish.
Xander let go of their handhold to pat his son’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go have fun with your brother and sister? I shall set up our luggage here for the time being.”
Siegbert peeked at his siblings, gasping in surprise as he watched Kana sprint right at him.
“Here, Papa, our clothes!” Kana dumped the clothes he and Katerina had been using on Xander’s arms. “C’mon, Big Bro! The water’s super warm and Katie’s super excited to start swimming!”
“Swimming?! Isn’t she too small to start?” Siegbert held Kana’s hand as he followed the young prince towards their little sister, overly concerned about the tiny, excitable toddler.
Forgotten and full of luggage, Xander simply snorted to himself and placed the bags under a tree so he, too, could remove his formal clothing and join his family by the water.
“Papa!! Papa!!!!” Katerina huffed, tired from paddling, but too excited to care, “water is whooshy! WOOSHY!” She opened both arms to ask for upsies, not realizing she was in the middle of trying to swim from Kamui to Siegbert.
There was no cause to worry, however, since Kamui was still holding the toddler’s waist, so the little girl herself didn’t realize what she was doing. Frowning in concern, Xander took his daughter in his arms, sitting by the shallow water they’ve all gathered to introduce Katie to the sea. “It really does, does it not? However, be more careful, hm? The sea is as beautiful as it is dangerous.”
“Mhm, mhm!” Katie nodded, retaining absolutely no information whatsoever, as she wriggled herself out of Xander’s arms so she could try to paddle to her bibig bro instead.
“Awawa,” still unsure about how to properly hold his sister, Siegbert fidgeted once she was safely in his arms. “There, Katie, you’re with Big Brother now.” He smiled shyly, receiving her bright grin in response.
“Bibig bro is best!”
“Hey, I’m also your big bro! Aren’t I also the best?” Kana shoved his head in their midst, splashing water everywhere with his erratic hair.
“Bibig bro best!” Katerina puffed her cheeks, squeezing Siegbert’s neck in a too-tight embrace.
“Oh yeah? I’m gonna show you!” Kana wriggled his fingers towards Katerina, and, by the look in the little girl’s eyes, she knew what was coming. “Tickle tickle tickle!!”
“Nooo! Heeheehe!” Katie kicked water and brothers alike in her flailing, letting out that loud, adorable and absolutely fulfilling laughter only a toddler can make.
Covering her mouth with both hands to hide her huge grin, Kamui couldn’t tear her eyes away from the heartwarming scene she and Xander’s children were portraying, her chest suddenly being overcome with emotion.
Likewise, Xander slipped his hand into his Queen’s under the water, transmitting the thoughts and feelings they never tired of admitting to one another, no matter how long they’ve been married for: That they loved each other.
That they were overjoyed to have nurtured a family as loving and complete as this one.
That there was nothing they would’ve changed in their past, knowing that this was the future that awaited them.
At last, that they simply, truly, wholly and unconditionally love one another.
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macuilsung · 3 years
(gallant-gained) "Sing for me! Please."
@gallant-gained​​ via Send "Sing for me" for my muse to sing yours a song (closed!)
Result: . . . ?
“At once, milord!” With a lowly dipped bow to Prince Siegbert out of the way, Forwin already made to brandish his trusty instrument, testing with plucking and strumming to ensure that everything was in sound working order. For the future King of Nohr this eve, there would be no arrangement, not a borrowed tune with his added flair and whim providing new flavour... no, this next little ditty will be a Tyrell original. Time for Nohr’s esteemed court musician to do his job!
Key of G Major, for a jaunty prestissimo (200 beats per minute).  And a 1. And a 2. And a 1, 2, 3, 4...!
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♪ “Well hey there, young master! Just another lov’ly day Birds a-singin’, flowers bloomin’ Won’t have it any other way
♪ “But wait there, young master! What’s got you feeling blue? I see your smile can’t reach your eyes My goodness, it’s all askew!
♪ “Could it be because you think of darkness way out there, Clouds casting doubt on whether you’re actually worthy?
♪ “Then here’s a secret with you I’ll share, my dear sweet little heir: His Royal Highness on the throne... We oft forget he’s just flesh and boooone~!
♪ “Though heavy be the head upon which the crown will rest Where every passing day puts your character to the test Don’t lose heart, young master, For your story’s just begun! Allow yourself some joy, good sir For you’re more than Xander’s son!”
Yes, Forwin wrote this number out of a sense of kinship he felt towards Siegbert. The rigid and demanding responsibilities of nobility, seeking a comforting gaze only to find expectations so heavy their weight could grind your soul to powder... these were the same troubles the bard knew all too well due to his own upbringing. Perhaps he would consider sharing his story with the prince over tea sometime...
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...but for now, however, he would sing brightly and play on with vigour, his lyrics weaving in truths and lessons he wished he learned as early as his formative years.
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giratinalove3 · 5 years
Different Moms prompts for Shiro/Shinonome
•Rinkah: Has the worst temper out of them all (like seriously extremely out of hand). Lives for the competition. Bares pride in his marks. Wants to learn everything about the Fire Tribe. Is actually very skilled with a club and comes up with extremely clever ways to use it, which seriously worries his father while his mother is blinded by how proud she is. Guerrilla warfare is his specialty. If he had any say in the matter, he would rather be the Chiefton of the Fire Tribe than the King of Hoshido; In his mind (And literally everyone who isn’t royalty or a noble) it’s better to rule over a group of people than an entire country and it’s also easier to communicate with people, getting to know them, and generally knowing knowledge sooner. ———————————————————— •Scarlet: Is very confused as to what he is. He would rather live in Cheve than be in Hoshido. Is curious about everything about his mom and her culture. Is sorta sour when it comes to Nohr (Only in Birthright thou). Finds it confusing when he starts to wonder why his hair is blonde and not brown & thinks too hard on it that he gets migraines often because of that. Wakes up the earliest out of the Shino’s. Got his fishing skills from his mom. Tries to learn Nohrian but it’s kind of amateur-ish, but at least it’s better than his father’s. Likes to stay under anything (and I mean ANYTHING) when winter rolls around and he slowly starts to hibernate when winter rolls around. Loves to talk bad under his breath in Nohrian when he’s in Hoshido and uses it sparingly when isulting people. ———————————————————— •Mozu: Loves being at or near farmland or the outdoors. Is a sweet bumpkiny farm boy at heart. Had his own garden till a noble man destroys it (actually burns it down because he’s suck in the old way of thinking) thinking it was Mozu’s, only to find out it was the Shiro’s; And Shiro was to put it delicately was fucking pissed to hell and back & personaly burned down said noble man’s house to get back for the garden incident. Can easily pick up a bear with ease. Learned to use a spear because of his mom. Ryoma has a hard time connecting with Shiro because he acts more like a farm boy than a Royal and still has difficulty trying to understand his wife’s past station. ———————————————————— •Kagero: Knows how to use surikens and knows some basic ninja skills. Has the most patience out of all of the Shiro’s. Always trues to one up his mom in arm wrestling but fails constantly. Feels a deep need in him to protect others. Also has Kagero’s.... interesting art talent. ———————————————————— •Orochi: Orochi made him learn a bit of Diviner magic just in case he needed it in the future. He loves to use magic for pranking people and misuses magic more often than he will admit. He knows how to do fortunes, though they aren’t always that accurate. Loves to make prank plans with his mom. ———————————————————— •Oboro: Oboro taught him how to sew and make his own clothes. Makes sure he’s always in line and knows the lastest fashion, after all no Crown Prince should look like a depressed hobo. Learned from his mom on how to use a spear from his mom. Values family more than any other Shiro because of it. Had his own version of Oboro’s demon face. Actually enjoys fashion and making clothes and bonds a lot with Forrest because of it. ———————————————————— •Flora: Loves to use his Ice powers. Loves to use his powers to make people jump at the cold. When excited he sometimes accidentally uses his power and makes a warm snow storm. Loves winter more than any other Shiro. Specifically targets his father when there is enough snow outside. Once he accidentally made icicles pointing at a person when he got super pissed. Once caused a major blizzard that went all over Hoshido during a panic attack. Nohr was pretty confused when that happened when Hoshido asked for help to help with a major blizzard, it took a bit of explaining that Hoshido’s Crown Prince Shiro caused the blizzard and couldn’t stop his own power. ———————————————————— •Camilla: Got her yandere side. Loves his family to the death of him, even his father (though he won’t admit that). Never talk bad about his mom or he will personally torture you in the most painful way possible and erase every trace of your existence. Loves to baby Kiragi. His biggest dream he is to be a parent. Loves kids. Can use an axe almost as well as his mom. Once tried to ride his mom’s Wyvern with out her permission or supervision but failed horribly and her Wyvern hasn’t let him on since. ———————————————————— •Kamui: Is more pessimistic than Kamui herself. Tries not to get to attached to people. Unlike his mom, doesn’t trusting strangers because stranger danger. Loves animals a lot. Is more like a gigantic puppy than Corrin!Siegbert (who is an oversized cabbit). When he first transformed he ran after his father, scaring the ever living sh*t out of him. Mom had to flip him over. Loves to compete in his dragon form. When he first got his dragon stone he chucked it at the enemy instead of, you know, transforming. Loves being near people. Is curious about everything, unless he already knows about it. Growls when he’s mad. His dad, mom, uncle/uncles, aunts, and cousin/cousins have to physically stop him from using every dragon vain he sees. When he uses his brain he’s actually a very skilled tactician. ———————————————————— •Elise: Ew. Hell no. This relationship is just platonic. I don’t ship this for a reason.
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