#fe deidre
roeldraws · 2 years
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Just pulled legendary Sigurd today and have started training him and Deidre together ^-^
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emblemxeno · 1 year
idk why people think "weird ships" is an Avatar thing, when in Fe 4 you had step siblings and adoptive siblings in love with each other (i am not counting Arvis/Deidre and Lachesis/Eldigan because it was tragedy of half siblings love) and that for the two recent games, it is fan going into mental gymnastic to prouve that despite what the game says or don't say, Rhea is biologically linked to Byleth and the twins to Alear. Keep in mind. Those are the same people who insist JPN Veyle's pact ring support is romantic. And when I checked, turns out it wasn't romantic AT ALL. Can you put the picture of Ephraim saying disgusting please ? I need it
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Lmao. And yeah it really, really isn't limited to what Avatars can do either as you say. Like, there's an entire archetype of "Brocon Noblewomen" that should say it all lol
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
Wouldn't it be better for a FE 4 remake to be rated M ? just in case the localization tries to get rid of : * check the list* Arvis x Deidre, Lachesis brother complex, Julius's child hunt etc.
I doubt that would be necessary. From what I've seen, games that get an M or equivalent rating usually do so because of graphic violence, and sometimes explicit sex although that's pretty rare in games that get passed through conventional ratings boards. FE has never had that, even with some of the recent games having cutscenes with blood in them, and all of its racier content is either in the character designs (which have evidently never given the games higher ratings) or in text only. The child hunts are series-standard violence, Arvis/Deirdre is a villain plot, and Lachesis...is the toughest one since the Ares/Nanna conversation comes right out and says it, but then so does the memory prism between Clair and Fernand in Echoes, and no one even brings up that conversation when talking about incest in the series. It's all covered under the extremely broad label of "suggestive content." I always get a laugh when I see those ratings on boxes and "alcohol consumption" warrants a separate mention, while all manner of more risqué stuff can be covered by that suggestive label.
I also have my doubts that Nintendo would ever allow a mature rating. I can't name think of any of their IPs that's ever had a game published with a rating higher than T or equivalent. They'd probably consider it contrary to their brand.
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randomnameless · 1 year
You know what's worse ? in the OG support of Ephraim and Eirika, the real reason why Eirikia is flustered is because in the jpn dub, Ephraim is patting her head, like when they were kids and disliked being treated as a child. The cheek was a translation thing, but the original just had onichan patting her head, which she did not like because she is a grown up now ! however the Sigmund and Sieglinde thing to say "incest joke" because of Wagner's play which aslo portrays incest negatively since the twin in love's deal is basically the same as Arvis and Deidre except their kid is a hero and has an affair with his accidental half aunt (because norvergian mythology shenanigans) is another story.
IF we had to interpret FE characters with the namesakes - even if it can be funny at times - Jugdral would be a fucking mess lol
This makes me think of an old Tumblr Post I found once, where someone complained there was too much incest in greek mythology or something and wanted to cancel it, it was hilarious.
But back to Magvel, sure the localisation kind of changed the thing, but imo it never read as romantic!
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teaveetamer · 1 year
one thing that bugs me with antis is that... there isn't much of the incest/pedo ships they so much complain about. In any regular fandom those are rather minors. In fact the less a media has shippable characters, the more you find those that are actual fictional incest/fictional pedophilia but even in those, there is nuance because the characters are either aged up either are given a backstory where somehow they aren't siblings. Even in the FE fandom, you don't have people shipping actual incest ships such as Deidre with Arvis or Chrom with Lucina. Fates is proof of that ; the only reason why the ships with the royals ended up being THAT popular is precisely because of the magic letter that removed the incest background, because let's be real. Those ships would have had some attention, sure but less attention because people are less attracted to it, especially when the narrative doesn't push it. The same thing can be said for Robicina, Rhealeth and whatever is the twinlear ship name : without the narrative pushing it or giving some canon explanation to make it ok, it would receive less attention. In short, the anti complaint about pedophilia and incest are always about ships that the canon itself tried to make seems less weird. Another example would be how people call an immortal a groomer because the story shipped them with some random child used to knew them and that once they grew up and were mature enough began a romance with them. The creators themselves are aware that those ships narrative aren't appealing to everyone so they try to make it seems like it respects the normal moral criteria in real life or give at least a reason that makes it more ok. The Corrin royal ships can always use the "we are canonically not related" as a defense that the people who like it are not into incest or anything. Same thing for the twinlear etc. Which makes me really wonder : why even trying to make rules about shipping in the fandom since the actual ships that one would deemed to be problematic are so minor and that the story in itself, when it pushes it to some extent, try to make things less weird in the canon to be more appealing and thereby, removing said "problematic" aspect ?
You're thinking about this too hard lol. Antis operate by picking a ship they don't like and then backfilling the justification for why they don't like it later. E.g. they decide that they don't like Dimitri and Dedue, and then backfill it by making up a bunch of stuff about how it's super racist (like that BS take that Dedue's paralogue is about Dimitri "forcing him to kill his countrymen").
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eat-a-dicker · 3 months
i think i can actually say why i like ninian (and sophia) as characters in contrast to the kaga era FE women (minus celica. she does a good job of being her own character) that i loathe, namely sheeda and deidre.
ninian and sophia actually have characters and lives outside of the protagonist of their games (sorry lilina. they weren't that nice to you either) when a lot of women from the kaga era's mere purpose is to compliment their lords and nothing more.
i can imagine ninian and sophia leading fulfulling lives outside of the protagonist of their games because the devs set time aside to give them that. that's unfortunately not something i can say for sheeda, lilina and deidre unfortunately, women who are deathbound to the protagonist of their games to the point where i can't imagine them with lives outside the main lords of the games they star in.
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dancerladyaqua · 5 months
top 5 fe characters GO
In no particular order because it's 2am and I should be asleep
I also love Soren and Yunaka and Alfred and Mercedes and Deidre and--
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archer3-13 · 1 year
i get IS, actual incest ships have less success than the one they have justified. Arvis/Deidre is a ship that few people like and iit has more to do with drama liking than actual shipping, even IS prefers Deidre/Sigurd. take Corrin ships, most popular are with their siblings, but would it have been this succesful if there were not magical letter and "ha, ha you are adopted"? Rhealeth shippers having a mommy kink they don't deny but would it have this much succes if IS had confirmed half of the theory of how Sitri was created and how it makes her and byleth related ? Nown the twins have a ship with Alear that is far more popular then the one with Veyle, the actual sibling with platonic conversation, not counting hentai account since it has more to do with wanting to draw hentai then actual ship, why in your opinion ? because they can still go "accorfing to game they arent related and mutliverse don't exist"
bringing up deirdre does actually bring to mind an immediate refutation i can think of to your claim. because deirdre and sigurd arent more popular [more popular alone anyways] then arvis deirdre because onces incest and ones not. its more popular because it gets more time onscreen to develop, grow and explore the dynamic and relation of the characters. arvis and deirdre initiates offscreen, and happens mostly off screen by comparison.
which brings us to corrin and the royal siblings, because we know the 'excuse' in this case isn't enough for a lot of people. its been an overwhelmingly common point in discourse around the game for years, and is practically a meme at this point about how corrin can bang their not siblings. to some extent or another i would say everyone can acknowledge that there is incestuous aspects to the relationship, even if people disagree if it actually counts as incest or not. yet the ships with the royal siblings remain by far and large some of the most popular ships for corrin within the fe fates community, and that largely comes down to the depth of character interaction corrin has with the royal sibling characters.
which is all to say that screen time is often the denominator of the popularity of a ship ultimately. what ive been talking about has nothing to do with the popularity of the ship, just the kinks in relation to it. and is overwhelmingly includes incestuous kinks as undertones in a lot of its character writing.
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starscreeam · 1 year
Subtext between siblings is a long traditions but so far, there haven't been a pay off for those. it's either put in some context rather dark (Arvis/Deidre) or for comedic sake. When it comes to the date simulator however, Intys always pull an excuse so that said characters aren't related in canon for the player to be able to S support them and to make all of it PG. Even though it's a japanese thing, even them have their limits and when there is actual incest it's often in R 18 game that are 100% self aware as it's portrayed as a bad thing but the protag would do it anyway, but there isn't much of those. It's either your adoptive sister or your ex stepsister, rarely your actual sister. after all, if Intys did not went "dragons are fine with inbreeding" but had to ressort to "see ? they don't have the same dad cause multivers" then were fine for at least a little moment; until the Fe 4 remake that is
i know, its just interesting (and important) to see intsys’s long history with incestuous subext. :)
even if they DO have an explicit incestuous relationship ingame, i dont think that the localizers would let that slide… unless its like integral to the plot and it was given a higher maturity rating at the very least.
we’ll see how the remake plays out ig. im definitely going to play it if the leaks were legit. im just going to try to keep away from the discourse :p
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cody-longrealty · 2 years
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Thank you Earl & Deidre! From Santa Fe to Tucson! #home #realestate #arizona #tucson #marana #orovalley #catalinafoothills #vail #sahuarita #greenvalley #longrealty (at Tucson, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co49BmWpQVL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Has this been done yet?
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wizardmarriage · 2 years
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little sketch over seliph's picture from the treasure supplementary book for fun 🌟
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Not really a twinlear ask, but that discourse kind of have me worried for a FE 4 remake. If people react like that to alternate siblings making out because they ain't really related, then how do we survive Arvis x Deidre and the kids from there ? And also, the Seliph x Julia thing even if it's only through a glitch that they can get married ? Plus there is so many canon ships in there, I am worried. Are we truly ready to face another discourse ?
People I think are gonna have to learn to deal with it, haha. Fundamentally, you can't change Arvis and Deirdre's situation due to how holy blood works. And it's not like it'll be treated as a good thing, either, so there might be a little uproar here and there but nothing major.
Honestly, what's probably gonna set off people more is the fact that Deirdre and Julia don't hold grudges against Arvis despite his relative complicity in their situation. Given that people still think every Faerghus dad should burn in hell because of lesser 'crimes'... blegh.
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
Now that i think about it the more time pass the less IS is willing to make their ship canon, aside from Marth/Caeda, Alm/Celica, Sigurd/Deidre, Quan/Ethyln and many others, most of the time, ship the player can choose are left fanon or are pushed like Roy/Lilina. I mean, ships the player can choose save Leif/Nanna.
That's not anything modern. There hasn't been a new canon lord romance in FE since FE5!Leif/Nanna. It's as though IS looked at their newly-created support system back in the early 2000s and realized that it was better suited for allowing players to create their own ships - and then argue about them, naturally. Some pairings seem to be more suggested than others based on material outside the support system, like Eliwood/Ninian, Ike/Soren, and Edeleth, but that's only more fuel for shipping wars since not everyone will like those options. I wonder if another reason Echoes didn't stick around long in fandom is that its emotional stakes had to revolve around explicitly romantic Alm/Celica, and in an age of free-for-all (heterosexual) Avatar romances that sort of rigidity isn't appealing anymore.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I don't know what to say about the Fe ship wars other than the Fandom got me used to think that when they are morally outraged, it is usually somthing stopid. Like when people were horrified that Sigurd fell in love with Deidre when she was ... 17 ! oh, the humanity ! Or the age gap between Marth and Caeda. Or my god ! a 18 year old and a 15 year old ?! a 3 year age gap ! gasp ! Now what, the want me to believe they are right that Alear might be the only Avatar that can marry their half siblings ? as if. We all know that Intsys is trying to make any blood link bewteen them confusing to remove the incest, just as Kaga intended. In fact, for the 1st time, I wish Nel was indeed the canon option for Male Alear just so that it can upset them.
As if IS would make a canon option in a dlc
But I never knew some people tried to cancel Siggy'n'Deedee on the basis Deedee was too young !
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moaa · 4 years
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got Alfonse (x5) , Lif and a bunch of other new units owo
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