voidcat · 1 year
— a mutual intoxication
characters: dazai osamu, you
notes: implied toxic unlabeled past relationship, idk what this is beyond that, ive been doing some p stupid shit lately i needed dazai to shake me out of it. also my e key has issues so there may b missing lettrs
song: Los Borrachos (I Don't Have Any Hope Left But The Weather Is Nice) by Car Seat Headrest i think?? im notsure
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Turning your phone off with a sigh, you close your eyes, sensing that presence hovering over your shoulder a little too late.
You have grown rusty, it seems, for he stands like that, too close for comfort, close enough for you to feel his breath and his eyes glued on the black screen of your phone.
“Look who’s here!”
Dazai Osamu exclaims giddily as he makes a turn around and slides right next to you. As if its some mere coincidence the two of you ran into one another and not something he foresaw before you even decided to drop by this cafe.
And so Dazai settles down, makes himself comfortable, easing in and blending into your side, to the environment.
A quick look shot his way, at your phone and the people idling in the cafe, you wait and wait, swallow down each second thats been passing.
And he catches it no matter how quick.
Of course he would, this is Dazai after all. Nothing gets past his senses, his wicked perception, his inituition.
Dazai's presence right here, right now means only one thing: That he has won.
Or so, he thinks. And once he does, it is the truth and absolute truth, even despite the circumstances preventing it, he will make sure to eradicate.
So far his voice falls deaf on your ears, as often was the case in your past, just a background noise to fill the air and nothing else–
"Someone has been busy, hm?" his coo leaves you on the edge, and you have half a mind to not jolt up or shoot another glance by your phone.
You know this.
You know Dazai, he is just doing what he does best, you are better than this: giving him what he seeks.
"So, what are they like? Have they been helping you with that itch on your brain that needs a good scratch?"
It shouldn't sting when you have grown used to it, but it does, just a little.
Not because he is right– he is, that's another issue, but because you're still doing that after all that time.
A little attention never killed anyone, that part of your brain reasons but another is quick to remind you of all those myths and tragedies of Greece.
It is nowhere as satisfactory as the real thing obviously, but even messages of sweet words and praises gets you going– though you hate to admit it, that you like this, you relish on this, the high of it.
Bonus points when the compliments are not the typical ones you can see everywhere, when the terms of endearment and what follows them sound to be thought over.
Lips pulled tight, you only stare at Dazai without a word.
"Not deserving of your voice? Not even the scoldings?" he tilts his head to the side with a smirk.
Bandaged hand over the table moves on its own.
They seem fresh, you cannot help but make a note of. Perhaps he came across a discount recently. There is no way in hell he would pay for these. Not when he has the agency's stash to raid, or you to buy and apply a fresh set.
His weird unique way of showing vulnerability, in his own way. But how can you blame the man?
He was already a mess when the two of you met.
Finger swiped over the screen, he taps the passcode, only to be left alone with the lockscreen.
Head turned to face you, another smirk that says "I'm impressed."
thanks no thanks, i don't need your compliments, you want to say.
you are not worried per se, you do not owe your piece of shit of an ex any explanation.
how things will turn out however, has you wondering. You know Dazai, but there are times when even you're at a loss of predicting his mind.
Friend of a friend– you doubt he knows that friend in th first place. Maybe their social media profiles at most but that's not much to go by.
The phone comes to life then– of course it had to be th fingerprint you had forgotten about.
Yet Dazai only seems pleasant at th turn of events. From your expression, he can tell this was not intentional but where's the fun if he doesn't go around claiming you were always waiting for him to return to your loving embrace.
"Not good enough apparently."
you whip your head at his voice, confusion clear on your face.
"Since you're sitting here alone all by yourself, not even on a call or texting." he shrugs as if he is explaining something simple, some truth of life to a kid.
"And do pray tell, Dazai, how am i supposed to text or talk when you have my phone?" you don't realize your teeth grithing.
To your reaction he only offers a grin, aware you know the answer as well as him.
even now, him going through your phone is old news. He did that before, and so did you– returning the favor.
If you wanted all his attention on himself, he demanded the same in return, give and take, until you suffocate.
and yet, even now that air stinging and filling your lungs does not hurt. the unbreathable toxic air is welcome in your lungs, an old friend you cannot shake off your life.
dull eyes ignore your question as they quickly go over chat histories, a little sneak at your photo roll without a doubt and side private accounts you keep limited to few people in your life.
with a sigh, he turns the device off and tosses it back on the table, leaning on his back, relaxing entirely. "My, my– and here I was worried you had forgotten all about me."
You had, as a matter of fact, yet you doubt he'd take your word for it, not when he has something brewing in his head to prove. Whaatever it may be, you know it won't end up in your favor.
"Now I just feel bad," that indifferent tone of his rings loud and clear.
hah! as if he is in any position to feel bad for your sake, what an awful attempt at a joke.
"Darling, you deserve better than that." "And that 'better' is supposed to be you?" you retort without missing a beat, annoyance clear in your voice.
"Well," he drags the word with a tilt of his head, gaze locked on the ceiling as if it's the wide blue sky instead, "Not saying I'm the best you've had, surely there are plenty of fish in the sea,"
a lie, you are aware, what he truly says is 'your words, not mine'.
"You deserve someone to match your wits." he concludes.
When you turn to look at his face, you see him sliding down slightly, head thrown back and resting.
even when complimenting, he makes sure to cast the hook where he wants it, all he has to do is sit and wait.
and hate yourself just as much, you know it has worked, that he is right. As exhasuting as it was to be ...something with Dazai Osamu, it was exciting, keeping the adrenaline rushing constantly, the ups and downs, highs and lows, the clashing and the sudden unision in the face of anything else.
"Not some sorry excuse of a person who cannot even pick up on one third of the things and teasings you say."
this, you're unsure if it is the living and breathing Dazai that says it, or the little one nestling in the back of your hand, always making sure to remind you he will never leave you alone.
Th who of it does not matter though.
Bcause all the ticks and kcks of your relationship with him, it was the unspoken understanding you enjoyed more than anything.
A look is all it takes, a gesture is all he needs, no words spoken, no thoughts admitted out loud verbally.
With a mind as sharp and bright as Dazai's, he understood you more than anyone else.
But being understood is not the entirety of it.
that's where communication plays in after all.
and as bright as he may be, Dazai took this to his advantage, his vague tactics to keep you around.
Sweetness but not too much, attention just long enough to keep you waiting for more, at the ready with big eyes–
letting your shoulders drop and realizing the tension you had on this whole time, you lean back as well, mirroring the man next to you and letting your body fall toward his direction a little.
Who are you to judge Dazai Osamu when you haven't been any better?
maybe this is what you wanted this whole time, letting this 'break up' last longer than the prvious ghosting phases, ignoring him on purpose and seeking out a new source to keep you up.
you can feel an arm draping over you, not bothering to open your eyes. this, too, has become something you've grown all too familiar with– one of the dolce ones, even when th grip becomes tight– keeping the other locked in.
because for any chain Dazai has on you, he possesses a matching one.
He might be the human with the highest perception skills for all you care– you know him, and that speaks for itself.
back and forth, it's a never ending dance of teasing, stepping on toes on purpose, pretending to have gotten bored in the middle only to surprise the second party with a sudden spin and bending of the waist– leaning in, nose to nose, until your visions blur into nothing but each other, and the mess you have left in your trail.
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177 notes · View notes
voidcat · 1 year
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Sometimes u gotta make new art of you and the blorbo/idiot husband
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voidcat · 2 years
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“Not in front of my wine”
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voidcat · 4 months
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Me & Dazai core
0 notes
voidcat · 3 years
I’d mutter “i want to die.” to myself and Dazai would go “without me?🥺😢”
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voidcat · 3 years
this is for you <33
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pls enjoy hehehehehehehehe
I can’t believe this is the first thing I wake up to.....
Thank u ash after countless times of seeing this on tiktok I developed a love/hate relationship w this image and what’s worse is I CAN imagine him making this expression dhdkffkjf (and I’d make it back at him)
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voidcat · 3 years
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– “felizai”
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