azuli-bean · 1 year
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a smoothie
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wolfbeestudio · 9 months
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We all love the Grillby bois~ So how about some silly fire kitties?
Get them as a keychain on my etsy!
Like, comment, share, and follow for more!
Commissions for illustrations and plush are open :3c
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hamuka · 1 year
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Ralsei & Fellby
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und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut · 11 months
Underfell Grillby, pretty please :)
“Why did you bring kernels to the movie theater again?” You quirk a brow as you both settle into your seats.
“Because, why pay for cheap food at high price when I can make it myself?” Fellby grins, popping a unpopped popcorn kernel into his flaming mouth from a bag he snuck in.
You make a face at him as you hear a pop come from his mouth. He chuckles as he chews.
“We’re the only ones who came to see this movie, the noise won’t bother anyone.” He says throwing another into his mouth.
You roll your eyes and face the big screen, ignoring his devilish grin.
“What’s the matter? Want a taste?” He teases, shaking the kernel bag in front of your face.
“It’s not even buttered.”
You sigh, shaking your head as you grumble.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, cmere.” Fellby says, taking your chin in his warm purple hand and turning your face towards him.
His warm silky lips meet yours and your annoyance is momentary forgotten before you feel a pop in your mouth.
He pulls away laughing as you glare at him, chewing on the newly popped popcorn now in your mouth.
“I hate you”
“You know you love me”
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anneimaginesundertale · 8 months
If these are still open, can I get a trick or treat with Fellby?
"Trick or treat!" you call.
Fellby opens the door with a smirk. "Happy Halloween," he says. "Do you want your trick or your treat first?"
"Trick?" You're not entirely certain.
"The trick," Fellby says, "is that I don't have any candy for you."
You feign disappointment. "Aw, man! That's all I came here for. Don't you have any kind of sweet treat for me?"
Fellby's smirk widens. "Come here and let me show you." He holds out a hand to you. When you take it, he pulls you close and bends you over for a truly spectacular kiss.
"What did you think?" he asks when he finally lets you up.
You struggle to catch your breath for a moment. Then you beam and say, "Got any more of those?"
"One per customer." He winks at you and closes the door.
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Can I get with a fellby with a tired S/O? Thank you!!
*when you got home from school/work/etc. you were just very tired and didn’t want to do anything else
*Fellby had looked over as you came into the house and could just tell how tired you were
*”alright, it’s bedtime for you.” He then proceeded to pick you up, and carry you to your room
*you would try to fight it, but you eventually just rest against him
*he would lie you down and lie beside you, and would talk with you
*and the two of you would talk until you fall asleep
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tbs-au · 1 year
Child!Fellby runs into his gang and chaos ensues.
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rosescries · 1 year
What are some fan names for AU Grillby?
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bunnyai · 1 year
Oh please, like it's any worse then DG or Alan. Or Jack. Or Fellby. Or-You know what Bunny, you need better taste in men.
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ratsoh-writes · 25 days
What can you tell us about the Grillbys? Grillbies?
Besides that fell Grillby is related to his Fell Sans
Here’s all my grillbies in “play”!
the og flame man himself! Grillby is an older flame elemental aged 477 and is from undertale. He stands at 6 feet and has a pretty reddish orange flame.
Grillby is a monster of few words. He’s not shy, just not the talkative type. He does have a lovely laugh though. He’s a bit of a snoop and uses his very impressive poker face to act like he isn’t listening in on his customers conversations lol. If you need good gossip, grillby probably knows all about it already ;)
He owns the bar, grillbys that now has two locations! The main one is in the heart of new ebott of course, and the second is a slightly more classy version in Steeler! While he’s technically the owner, grillby still serves as the bartender in the ebott city location.
Grillby is in fact soulbonded to his handsome soulmate Frosty, a pale blue water elemental. They have a single child together who’s well into her adult years now.
Things he loves: greasy fast food, suits, cute little dogs, playing poker, his soulmate of course, puns, juicy gossip
An older flame elemental from underfell, fellby has a purple flame aged exactly 500 this year. He stands at 6’5
Felby is a very grumpy hissy monster. He’s the perfect picture of “get off my lawn!!”. He’s unusually solitary for a monster, prizing his peace. While he is charming when he flirts, he never seems to keep relationships for long. This fact doesn’t seem to bother him though.
Felby had an illegal moonshine bar before the crash, and afterwards, using those skills of his in making unnecessarily strong drinks, he had a fake license made and now runs Fireball, a club only for those wanting to get absolutely wasted. It’s located in Steeler city.
Fellby never soulbonded, but he did have a string of lovers over the years, one of which resulted jn two sons, red and edge. They were a poorly planned attempt by their father(gaster, who carried) to get Felby to commit. Obviously it didn’t work and he doesn’t have any contact with his kids even now
Things he loves: alcohol, hook ups, rap music, leather clothes and furniture, the ocean
Spinby is a middle aged flame elemental, aged 388, from underswap! He has a pale yellow flame and stands at 5’9
Spinby is… he’s something that’s for sure. This guy is totally nuts. Combine a hippie, a circus performer and a child who just drank a 5 hour energy and you have Spinby! He’s incredibly creative and even more bouncy. And he dresses like a walking rainbow lol
Spinby owns an adorable milkshake and donut cafe in mettaland! The whole building is all rainbow pastels and he’s famous for his candy inspired shake flavors! The place is called sugar-spinner!
Spinby has the worst luck with love, but he hasn’t given up on it yet! He’s had a string of brief romances over the years, most of his partners being turned off by his constant cheer. He has an amazing friend group though that keep him down to earth and from getting too lonely
Things he loves: candies, cakes and shakes!, tie dye clothing, disco, bright colors, romance movies
Steallby (and yes that’s his actual name) is a dark blue flame elemental from swapfell. He’s older, aged 490 and stands at 5’10
Steallby is a very anxious monster. He’s quiet around strangers and does his best to blend in with the background, but with friends he’s a bubbly chatty monster. While he can play the nasty aggressive fell monster, he’s really just a shy baby. He’s a sweetie if one gets to know him
Steallby owns a small hole in the wall restaurant specializing in soup and bread! He calls it Soul food, and it’s located in the slums of new ebott
He had used the crash to escape his abusive ex-soulmate the water elemental sickle. He even managed to break the bond before his ex could find him. These days, Steallby has been slowly coming out of his shell and learning to enjoy life again.
Things he loves: fresh baked bread, stainless steal cooking wares, bird feeders, winter foods, snow, soft spoken people
Horrortale grillby, he’s ten years older than his counterpart, 487 and stands at 7’1. His flame is slight dulled these days, but is still the same reddish orange
Grills is even quieter than grillby if that’s possible, and somehow is even nosier lol. He’s stopped caring about acting dignified and is quite obvious when he’s eavesdropping. He’s a gentle sort of personality, and despite his scary appearance, many consider him soothing to be around
Grills was hired by grillby when leaving the institution healing the horror monsters after the crash. He works weekends as the bartender on grillbys days off
Grills was extremely lucky to survive the famine with his mate frost (previously known as frosty). They enjoy a slower life together, loving the peace of the surface
Things he loves: any food, his soulmate frost, reality tv, comedy shows, card games
Chillby is a baby blue flamed fire elemental from outertale! She is aged 436 and is 6’2 feet tall
Chillby is a sweet and playful monster who seems to just ooze curiosity. She’s an experimentalist and is all about those new life experiences. She prizes variety and adventure above all else
Chillby is a rather famous food critic in ebott. She’s a great writer with a sensational flair to her reviews, and her good media presence means that cafes and restaurants are actually excited to see her.
Chillby is happily soulbonded to icee and whooly, a grey water elemental and a white earth elemental. The triad all work remotely so they plan all their travels together!
Things she loves: sweet foods, airplanes, zip lines, hiking and her soulmates of course
Farbon is a large flame elemental from drakefell. He has a deep burgundy flame and his natural body shape includes two large flaming dragons wings, although most of the time he concentrates on keeping them in since they always get in the way. He’s aged 501 and stands at 6’8
Farbon is a stoic and dutiful character. He doesn’t have much of a sense of humor but is kind enough to pity laugh even if he doesn’t get the joke lol. He’s also oblivious as hell and will not know if you flirt with him.
He works as a blacksmith, focusing more on precious metals and small dainty creations instead of the more large hardy creations of other drakefell monsters. He’s commissioned pretty often by Ollivander to make decor for his banks.
Farbon against all odds somehow was seduced wedded and bedded by chilbell, a drakeswap water elemental. Chill bell (or chillie as he likes to be called) took one look at Farbon, spent weeks flirting trying to catch his attention, and finally had a breakdown in where he yelled at Farbon for being dumb as a brick, kissed him and asked him on a date all in the same breath. The rest is history and the two are happily soulbonded and have their first child, a toddler flame elemental, together
Things he loves: gold and silver, his soulmate, pretty metal trinkets, spring flowers, potatoes
Dolby is a yellowish orange flame elemental from theatretale. He stands at a shorter 5’6 for an elemental and is aged 399.
Dolby is not one for noise or theatre despite the au he’s from. Instead he’s a man of the written arts. It makes him considered unusual to his fellow theatre monsters, but outside of that au, he’s seen as a rather chill and average guy. He’s a normally quiet monster with a talent for telling jokes at the best time. You never know when he will speak, but when he does it’s hilariously amazing.
Dolby owns a simple cafe in Steeler called cup o’ coal. Its main seller is coffee of course but it also does sandwiches. The cafe is pretty popular with artists and writers because of the book clubs Dolby likes to host there, and the very comfy seating areas
Dolbys soulmate, treble, is a tan earth elemental with a gorgeous deep husky voice. Their childhood sweethearts and trebles voice is the only one that Dolby considers more beautiful than his novels and poetry. They had a child together as well (now an adult himself) and he’s the only “grillby” child to not be another flame elemental. The kid is a handsome grey earth elemental
Things he loves: his soulmate, poetry, coffee, whipped cream, tragedy novels
Birdfell grillby, he’s a crimson red flame elemental with a massive flaming red pair of wings resembling an albatross! He’s a young 202 and stands at 6’7. He’s bloody gorgeous by monster standards
Phoenix’s wings aren’t the only big thing he has ;). His ego is massive. Being treated like a prince because of his looks has definitely creeped into his personality. Thankfully he’s a sweetie at his core, and while he can come across as big headed and condescending at times, he’s also very generous and friendly with every one around him.
Phoenix is one of ebotts top models. He’s in every years swimsuit edition despite not being a water type monster, and he’s especially famous for this one photo shoot advertising mellow marts new type of cheese by posing on a fur rug and pouring the melted cheese all over his… actually that’s not important. The pictures are a collectors item now though since they’ve been retracted.
Phoenix is surrounded by suitors, but he’s never had eyes for any of them. Or anyone for that matter. He’s just never had an interest in romance. He does adore making friends and keeps the ones that stick around close to his chest.
Things he loves: cheese, showing off his beautiful body, photo shoots, pedicures and manicures, photo shoots with babies and baby animals for those sexy calendars of hot men holding adorable things.
Kelby is a fierce golden flame elemental from fellswap gold. She is aged 477 and stands at 6’6
Kelby is fierce, stern and magnetic to those around her. She’s a monster many look up to and idolize. And she really is all that. She’s an incredibly talented individual who can back her confidence up. Don’t cross her though, her temper burns hot.
She’s the owner and head chef of a prestigious seafood restaurant in Steeler. Her place is a favorite of the royal, Empress and for good reason. Everything tastes heavenly. She runs her kitchen with an iron fist
Kelby always prized her career first, and prided herself as one of the few gold monsters in high society who got there on pure talent. No blackmail needed, a true feat really, so she never had time for romance. She is open to a partner these days though
Things she loves: seafood and meats in general, ballet, weightlifting, champagne and pretty scarves
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azuli-bean · 9 months
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Mep 3
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Use me like I'm yours❤
(Under fell sans X reader ⚠️smut⚠️)
You were hot and bothered all over the place, Red was at fellbys just getting mustard. You needed him you wanted him so badly so you decided to to "sort yourself out" if you know what I mean.
You were half way through your pleasure almost at your climax when- "ey, Dollface I'm back. " you looked at him with your face completely red from your self love and embarrassment from him walking in on you. He put his head down closed the door locked it before giving you a love sick hungry look. And looking you up & down.
"Damn~ yer lookin' realll fuckin sexy like that~", he said in a low seductive tone that made you feel tingly. Before you could even said anything he lifted your legs and struck your ass leaving a red mark. "ngh-! " , you yelped "your one dirty bitch ya know that~! " , "mmhm~", you moaned to him.
He smacked your ass again before moving your underwear and sticking his tounge in your pussy. "Ahh~nmmm~", he pulled away from your pussy to give it a slap before pushing his tounge in your mouth. Then you felt the tip of his cock tease your clit.
" you want this cock~? " he said in the same seductive tone he used before. "Yess~" you mumbled in a slight moan. "Didn't hear ya doll face~" you tried to answer but his throbbing dick made it hard for your words to come out saliva was slowly running out of your mouth.
He shoved his dick in your pussy and started thrusting down into you letting out a grunt each time louder than before. "Ohhh fuck yeah baby!", "right there!" "Ah~! " "mm~! " Harderr~! ", " uh,uh yea yeah!" "yes~!!". He was hitting just the right spot that made you cry with pleasure.
When you came you both tensed letting out one last moan before relaxing and cuddling up with each other in his bed.
"I love you", you huffed, " I love ya more baby doll" he said in a tired tone.
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hamuka · 1 year
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Fellby & Ralsei
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17. a sleepy good morning kiss with Fellby, please? - 🔥
You always woke up when Fellby got out of bed. The rush of cold air that filled his spot stirred you out of sleep, no matter how careful he was. You blinked in the soft light of his flames. Your fiery love leaned down to give you a soft, gentle kiss that sent warmth all through you. He tucked the blankets close around you and stroked your hair. Then he tiptoed out of the room. You didn’t ever go back to sleep when he did this, but you lay in bed and basked in the warmth he left behind for you.
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undertale-fluffcanons · 4 months
Underfell Grillby and human reader trying to figure out how to cuddle without Grillby hurting em?
*Fellby knows how to keep his fire from burning you, since he has managed to hold your hand a few times now without hurting you
*but cuddling was something else. You had gotten cold and you wanted to cuddle with him, but you were both figuring out how to do so without you getting hurt in the process
*he figured this was going to come up eventually, so this was a perfect opportunity to figure this out
*you started off with just holding hands, like usual, before you got closer
*Fellby eventually figured out that to prevent himself from hurting you, he just had to do the same thing he was doing with his hands, for his whole body
*and once that was figured out, oh it was over for you both. You immediately started cuddling with him, enjoying the warmth he gave off
*Fellby was a bit surprised by how cold you were, and he kept you close to him until you warmed up. He may or may not have told you never to tell anyone about this for he wouldn’t hear the end of it
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