#felt like I haven’t been on my angst mojo lately so this one was a stress reliever
chickenscript · 5 years
specs (rottmnt x reader)
A/N: originally wrote this a couple months ago. i haven't been keeping up very well with things lately honestly (-。-;
it's mostly platonic and started out as an idea based on donnie having glasses being cannon. then it turned into a bit of angst. there's just a lot more going on than what i planned for.
hope you all enjoy though!
and sorry again for the spotty updates. i'm having another dive in mojo and it's been hard to think things up. but i'll write when i can and try to get to stuff in my inbox soon (^◇^;)
Donnie didn't wear glasses much anymore.
He ditched his specs for contact lens the moment he could. Being around his rowdy brothers always shortened the life span of his glasses and he was done with repairs and having to scour for replacements. But, there's still occasions where he needs to refresh his stock of contact lens and has to break out his glasses in the meantime.
The softshell turtle huffed and pushed his glasses up his snout again, squinting a bit as he looked at the parts of his newest project that he was stitching the wire guts together for. There was a steady thump going in the back of his head. He lost track of how long he'd been working hours ago and his vision was starting to get slightly hazey.
He sat up in his chair, stretching to relieve the crick in his back and rolled his shoulders with a rumble. The blades felt as stiff as his back muscles but the discomfort wasn't anything new.
Donnie pulled off his glasses to swab at a greasy smudge on the lens with a handkerchief from his work table, and he could hear footsteps and the crinkle of plastic bags approaching his lab.
“Hey Dee.”
He turned in his chair, placing his glasses back onto his face.
You had a plastic slung over your shoulder- probably filled with some goodies you got on the way there from some 24/7 store, and your bookbag.
You let out a gentle guffaw when you spot the change in your friend’s look, “Since when did you wear glasses?”
Donatello sat back, checking notifications on his phone as you asked.
“Well, who said I never did. There’s such a thing as contact lens.” he answered matter of factly.
You go up to his work table to drop your haul of snacks down and shoulder off your bookbag.
“I mean, I knew you wore contact lens but I’ve never seen you with those.” you’re obviously staring at him still and he looks up at you from over the rim of his square framed glasses. 
They’re held together by tape in the middle and it was like he’s never not worn them in front you before. 
You tilt your head and give a slight smile, “They look good on you.”
Donnie isn’t really sure how to take the compliment and uses a skinny finger to push up his glasses again.
“Thanks.” he mumbled, clicking off the screen of his phone and dropping it back onto his desk.
You start sifting through the snacks you bought, “I stopped by that Asian market again- they had some great deals today.”
It was always a cheap spot to get good Japanese munchies from, but there were some really good sales tonight. You pulled out a few bottles of ramune, lining them up on the table, and then a few packs of various chips and tossed one to Donnie that you knew he was very fond of.
It crunched in his grasp as he caught it with ease, and he quickly popped it open. A salty, savory scent wafting into his snout.
He looked over at the time in the corner of one of the monitors on his work table.
“Only 3am?”
You chuckled, “How long has it been since you last slept anyway?” 
The turtle hummed for a moment, posing his fingers against his chin thoughtfully.
“Two days maybe.”
You remember his longest sleepless stint was five days. He crashed severely hard and got a head cold. He was miserable for about two weeks after that, mostly because his body kept forcing him to shut down and sleep much earlier and frequently than he would normally.
“Haven’t even napped?” his sleeping system had a lot to do with him taking several hour naps in between working before crashing at some point and getting legit bed rest.
“No.” he yawned, his pointy molars peeking out.
“Well, I think it’s bed time.”
He grunted from under the crunch of his crab and seaweed flavored chips, giving you a look.
You pulled your sweatshirt over your head and threw it Donnie’s way. He ducked- not that you expected to hit him. You also slipped off your shoes, thinking about how it was hitting the colder months now. But, it was especially cold for November because of the Arctic blast heading over the states. Your fingers and toes were definitely feeling the backlash, and you probably should’ve worn a jacket.
You knew the colder weather has been affecting the boys too.
Despite Donnie not wanting to sleep, you could see the lethargy written on his face. Probably didn’t help that he was only wearing sweats.
You started to rethink the ramune and crave something warmer.
“I’m gonna go make some hot chocolate. Pick out a movie.”
Donnie grumbled a reply and you padded out the lab on your toes.
The other turtles had long since went to bed, or at least you thought they did, so it spooked you when you nearly ran into Leo.
He was coming from the direction of the bathroom and looked awfully run down.
“Oh hey,” your name got caught up in a long, showy yawn. Even the red stripes on his face look a little duller, like they were as tired as the turtle.
You chuckle off the scare and knocked on his plastron with a knuckle. You were surprised he didn’t have a shirt on with his baggy pajama pants and tube socks.
“Hey sleepyhead. I’m making hot chocolate- think you can stay up long enough to wait for a cup?”
Leonardo sleepily nodded and followed you to the kitchen. You kept him awake while you prepped the hot cocoa with some idle chatter. Once you talked about the blandness of your school day, he spoke about the rigorous and very tiring new training routine Splinter was putting the turtles through.
"It's crazy- he's never pushed us like this. It's like he's preparing us to go to war or something."
Something somber hit you and Leo could tell.
Splinter finally cracked down on the boys because of the Kuroi Yuroi, and ever since you found out about, you've been fearful.
Something about it and what it was made your skin quiver. It brought this feeling that a storm was heading everyone’s way and there was nothing you could do about it. Even Leo's reassurances that they would get through whatever would come just fine, you...
You didn’t like feeling so helpless.
The hot chocolate reached a peak boil and you hurry to pour out three mugs worth. You turn to bade Leo a goodnight and get a tight hug you didn't expect. But, the wrinkle in your brow and the way your lips were set in a firm line before, tipped Leo off that you probably needed one.
You hug back and couldn't say you weren't thankful for how it managed to help mellow out the bad feeling lingering in your gut. When you both let go, Leo ruffled your hair with a smirk.
You swat at him before giving him his share of hot cocoa- it was in the blue Sonic mug he loved so much -, and then grabbing your own mug and Donnie’s too.
When you got back to the lab, Wolf Children was about ten minutes in and Donnie was roosted on his pillow stuffed loft, swaddled in a thick and colorful, patchy quilt. It was one of the many things you and April found while spelunking at thrift shops for stuff for the boys.
You wondered how full April's hands were with helping them out before you came along to help with outings like that.
"Nice choice." you refer to the movie and reach up to give Don the mugs so you could climb up and join him on the plush perch.
"Ghibli always is." he lifted his mug to his lips and let you take half of the quilt and huddle under it with him, passing your mug back when you were settled.
The both of you sipped at your hot cocoa in a warm silence as you watched the movie.
While you couldn’t do much about what was going to happen in the future, you were holding out that the Hamato family would turn up on the winning side and nothing as horrible as you felt would happen to them in the end.
Donnie leaned against you, seeming to detect your internal distress- that or he just wanted to get closer to your body heat. You think maybe it was both because somehow. Even with the new central heating the boy genius managed to cleverly cobble together for the lair, his skin felt staticy and cool to the touch against your arm.
You hold your mug a little tighter, staring into the last bit of chocolate sludge swishing around the bottom.
You really did hope this storm didn’t come.
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mikayfics18 · 7 years
Visions of Winter
Chapter 1/(?): In Love with the Shape of You
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*not my gif*
A/N: I know I stink at finishing things ;-; a lot has happened in the past year. BUT I’m definitely excited to see where this story goes, and if y’all like it, I’ll continue it. Some feedback is always welcome!
Also, I was recently inspired by that Ed Sheeran song - hence the title of this chapter. And of course this is a modern AU Bucky x Reader story, with some dark backstories, romance, angst, and danger ;P Enjoy~!
He couldn't tell if it was your hips in that tight black skirt or those smokey eyes that caught his attention first - both so sultry and beautiful in their own way. But the glance you gave him while he wiped a shot glass clean as you sauntered by the bar table had him hooked in an instant. "Uhhh, hey, Buck. You got some drool on your chin there." Bucky put the toweled hand to his mouth before he realized his friend at the table was just messing with him. "Oh shut up, Steve," he chuckled, putting the glass away and towel on a hook. Steve put up his hands in mock surrender as the smirk on his face grew wider. "Not my fault I caught you lookin'." "Yeah? Last time I checked, those blue eyes of yours followed her too." "You got me there, but I wish she was checkin' them too," Steve sighed, tapping his hands on the table in a quick rhythmic motion. "Whatcha mean?" "You kidding me, right," he mocked. "Did you not see those lashes bat at you?" The tips of Bucky's ears turned pink as he mumbled, "No, I don't know what you're talking about." With the roll of his eyes, Steve prepared himself for the advice he was going to give. "Look, Casanova, I know you haven't been in the game much since that Miranda or whatever left you for some dentist, but don't be afraid to go after what you like." Bucky let out a short laugh. "Are you for real right now? Steve Rogers, the biggest gentleman I know, is telling me, Bucky Barnes, to go out and hit on unassuming women like a tool to get over an ex?" Steve blushed and shrugged. "Hey hey, I'm just trying to think like you-before-Miranda, I guess. I dunno, you've just seemed a little down lately, and I'm trying my best to get your mojo back." Bucky's eyes rolled. "Excuse me, the mojo never left. I just... haven't seen anyone that's caught my eye yet." "The gal that just walked by seemed to. For a whole five seconds." "You counted?" "Maybe, maybe not." Steve chuckled, placing his fist under his chin and his elbow on the counter. "Now are you gonna give me another shot or are you gonna show me that mojo of yours isn't dead." "How ‘bout both," Bucky uttered with a smirk as he poured his friend another drink. "Watch the bar for me.” And with that, Bucky walked around from behind the bar and into the back hallway towards the bathrooms, ignoring Steve's calls that he honestly was not going to watch the bar for him. After going to the jon, Bucky waited outside the bathrooms, leaning against the wall opposite of the women's bathroom door, which soon opened as the girl from earlier stepped out. He was lighting a cigarette when you paused to look up at him, but noticed he was already looking at you. "The owner lets their bartenders smoke inside?" You say with mock reprimanding. Bucky chuckles and takes a hit, then blows the smoke out from the side of his mouth. "Well what if the bartender is also the owner?" You cross your arms in a shrug. "You got me, then. So you really own this place?" "Yeah, bought it a few years back. It's given me a decent living. I actually live in the apartment just above it too." "Ohhhh, so the studio? Nice place." Bucky nods once, keeping his eyes locked with yours. "You been up there before?" "Yep, the previous owner may have taken me up there once or twice." You grin playfully, biting your lip and reveling in the reward of his pupils dilating against those pretty sky blue irises. God, he was gorgeous. "Ahh I see. And was he - I mean - it entertaining? The place and all... Has a nice view, decent surround sound setup." A playful glimmer flashed across his eyes as he spoke, and you felt your stomach flip - in the good way. "Yeah, I'd say so." You flashed another smile at him. "My name's (y/n), by the way." You held out your hand and he took it, bringing it slowly to his lips, inadvertently pulling you closer to him. "Nice to meet you, Miss (y/n). My name is James Buchanan Barnes." He kissed your knuckles softly, letting his mouth linger while still keeping eye contact with you. "But you can call me Bucky." You were glad you wore foundation that night or else he would've been able to see how flushed you had gotten. "Nice to meet you then, Bucky Barnes." You two probably would've stayed there gazing at each other for longer if a stumbling guest hadn't entered the hallway and tripped over himself between you towards the men's bathroom. You both awkwardly stepped back against opposite walls, looking down at the floor while the man slurred something about his "damn mortgage payments" and walked into the men's room. After watching the swinging door close, Bucky looked up at you and let out a small laugh, "I hope our night turns out better than his seems to be." You smiled widely. "I think it will." Bucky gleamed as he scratched the back of his head. "So, uh, would you like to get more drinks? On the house." "Hmmmmm on the house? How could I say no to that." You winked at him, delighted to see his cheeks turn pink. Getting attractive men to blush always made you pleased on the inside. "After you, Mr. Barnes." You followed him out of the hallway and back into the main room of the bar. He walked behind the bar table and got out a mixture of different drinks while you took a seat next to a handsome blond. He grinned kindly at you and then looked at Bucky. "Aw, you making that for me?" He snickered at Bucky, who rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Yeah you wish. I'm making this for the lovely (y/n) here, actually." The blond turned his head to you again and smiled. "Hi, (y/n). I'm Steve Rogers." Geez, you thought, what is it about this bar? An attractive guy magnet? You returned a small smile and gave a slight nod. "Nice to meet you, Steve." The three of you spent the next two hours drinking, laughing, chatting, and playing with Steve's game cards that he took from his coat pocket. You beat them every time. "Gosh, (y/n), are you a mind reader or something?" Steve breathed out, baffled that you beat him at blackjack for the fifth time. You giggled, feeling a bit lightheaded as you leaned against the back of your stool. "You callin' me a cheater, Mr. Rogers?" "No no," he laughed. "It's just... you're truly good at it." "Well thank you~" you somewhat sang out, and giggled again. He sighed and turned to look up at the clock above Bucky. "Wow, it's 3am? Where does the time go when you're having a good time, huh? I've gotta be heading home." Bucky nodded at him. "Want me to call you an uber?" Steve waved him off. "Nah, I'll walk. I like to think off my alcohol," he chuckled. Bucky grinned at him. "Alright, alright. I'll see you around then, bud." "It was nice to meet you, (y/n)," he mumbled as he turned to you with a small smile. You smiled back with a short nod as he stood up. With a quick wave, he walked out of the bar with the last few guests following behind. You watched until the last person left, then slowly turned back towards Bucky. "Steve's such a nice guy," you say to him as he finishes off his 8th beer. "Yeah, I've known him for a looooong time. He's my best friend actually." His eyes look nostalgic for a split second, but the moment passes and he's then leaning on the table and just looking at you. Heat goes to your ears as you somewhat look away from those intense eyes, and you mumble with feign confidence, "Why are you looking at me like that, Mr. Barnes, hm?" He sighs through his nose and simply states, "I just really want to kiss you right now." Your eyes widen for a split second as you see him lean in, but it's taking too damn long. You close the gap, almost too quickly, as your mouth clumsily crashes against his. Bucky truly doesn't seem to mind because his hands are immediately at the sides of your face, holding you against him. You climb on top of the bar, accidentally knocking over a few glasses, but neither of you really cared the second your legs wrapped around his torso. You kiss each other hungrily, only breaking apart to rip your shirts off each other and toss them to who knows where. Lord, he tastes so good, it's addicting. His stomach grinds against you, and his mouth leaves marks along your jaw and neck, but it's not enough. He lets out a deep groan as you tug on his messy brown locks, and you swear it's the sexiest sound you've ever heard. One hand caresses your thigh while the other digs into your ass causing your head to tilt back with a gasp. Why is this so intense right now? "Ohh, my god, Bucky," you sigh as he nips that sweet spot between your neck and shoulder, urging him to keep going. Bucky's hands slide up the sides of your torso, sending shivers down your spine. He kisses down your sternum to your stomach, and up again while he palms over your red lacy bra. The unexpected teeth dragging and licks are driving you insane. You lean back on your elbows as he goes lower, his hands now both wrapped into the fabric of your skirt, surprising you that it hasn't ripped yet. He tugs on it, just enough so the rim of your matching underwear is showing, but all you want is for him to tear everything off. His tongue swirls around the sensitive skin of your right inner hip bone, causing your hips to buck in anticipation. This man is going to kill me... Holy shit, this is amazing- 
And then he stops. "W-wait, what're you doing?" You breathe out heavily as he stands up, allowing more space between the two of you. "I-I'm sorry, (y/n)," he pants, catching your disappointed eyes with his. "But I can't do this. Not right now." You feel a pang in your chest, and suddenly feel the need to cover up. "O-oh... why?" Catching your mood, he corrects himself. "No, no...! I don't mean it's cuz of you or your body. I mean, I swear, I'm in love with it. Really. It's just... before I do anything with you, I'd rather we be sober." You look down and nod, still feeling slightly disappointed, but better. "Oh. Yeah, I can respect that." Still with chests heaving, you keep your eyes locked on each other. If it felt like that intoxicated, you could only imagine what it would feel like completely sober. What was that even? "So, um... do you have a ride...?" He asks, baffling you that this guy can go from freaking sex demon to caring angel in seconds. "I...uh. No actually. I forgot to set one up." "Oh. You, um... wanna stay with me? I mean like in my bed - I mean at my apartment with me - but not like WITH me in that sense cuz drunk and yeah." "Oh my gosh," you laughed, shaking your head at the blushing dork before you. "Yes, that sounds fine to me. Thank you." He shrugged shyly and smiled. "No problem." After picking up your shirts and locking the front door, you took your arm in his and walked to the hallway, heading in the opposite direction of the bathrooms to another locked door that lead to a stairway. You were shocked you didn't hear any yelling from neighbors telling the two of you to shut up from all the drunken giggling that occurred the entire climb. Once going up a couple stories, you made it to the 5th floor where there was another door. Bucky unlocked and opened it, guiding you into his open studio apartment. It was only a little bit different than you remembered three years ago - more cozy maybe. Being near the water meant the large ceiling-to-floor windows displayed a perfect view of the Hudson River; you remember it looking gorgeous at sunset. "Here, you can take my bed, I'll take the couch. The bathroom is over there to the left of the windows." Bucky grabbed a pillow off his king size bed for himself and started heading towards the couch when you stopped him. "Wait, um, can I sleep with you...? Like in your bed, together, just spooning or something," you ask shyly. Bucky can't help but think you're the cutest, sexiest thing he's ever seen and relaxes his paused stance. With a small smile, he replies, "Of course. Sounds great to me. You can borrow one of my t-shirts if you'd like." "Sure, thank you, Mr. Barnes." "My pleasure, Miss (y/n)." After clumsily washing up and changing into your respectable pjs, the two of you crawl under the covers together. Bucky pulls you in close to him, but not too close as to arouse another bar-incident. You enjoyed the feeling of his strong arms gently wrapping around you, making you feel safe for once in a long time. But he didn't need to know about that. It's not like you were staying with him for long anyways, just another guy on another lonely night. Yet, it didn't feel so lonely this time, and that made part of you hate it, because that meant that it would only hurt once this little - whatever this was - had to end. Bucky let out a content sigh, interrupting your thoughts. "Goodnight, (y/n), sweet dreams." You can't help the smile that plays across your lips. "Goodnight, Bucky. Thank you for this... See you in the morning."
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