#fergus doesn't get jealous but
justlarkin · 2 years
I wonder how often pelple have fallen in love with mc in past loops like Shiro
Oh, there's definitely been a couple blantant ones in past events that I can recall. Valentine Timeslip- Gyumao/ Valentine Colosseum- Kyuma, Seth, Kengo, Fergus/ Valentine Fantasy- Arc/ Onsen Jamboree- Shiro/ Nightglows- Breke/ Fortune Festival- Ryota/ River Adventure- Shiva/ Paradise Hotsprings- Horkeu Kamui/ Seaside Fashionista- Tsathoggua/ Setsubun- Oniwaka. Then you also get some confessions in SQs like Moritaka's Onsen Jamboree SQ, Arachne's River Adventure SQ, Kurogane's Nightglows SQ, Mineaki's Paradise Hotsprings SQ(?) to name a few.
Wakan and Zabaniyya in Seaside Fashionista are kinda eh because Wakan doesn't know if he's actually in love and Zab just wants Shaytan to use him like an ashtray. Oni Toji is pretty flirty in Halloween Police too, but idr how far that went. Ose also has something going on in Christmas Showdown. Algernon in Virtual Summer is debatable as well. His arc is more focused on finding an equal in MC, but dude probably has a crush on MC since mouse gets on his case for getting jealous and trying to change the topic when MC hits on Yamasachihiko.
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cooloddball · 3 years
I always wondered how anyone was ever able to tie Misha Collins down let alone Vicki or in another News, Jensen. The man flirts right and left, he once flirted with a reporter right there with Mark Sheppard witnessing the whole thing. I mean I can never measure up to the level of understanding Vicki must have on him. Either it is "flirt all you want but that is it" or more..
And Jensen is a whole another level. The flirting happened after the break up so pretty much after they were in a better understanding. I am just baffled by how it works for them. I mean it is great that they care so much about each other that they found a way. But with someone like Misha, I can not imagine where they draw the line.. And Jensen can get pretty jealous and possessive. He doesn't share well..
I always wondered about the mechanism of that relationship..
You are right, Misha is a flirt but I take it as playful and not that deep. He has literally kissed every man on the cast of spn and a few women too
But it never seems that serious. I think Vicki and Jensen understand that it's all on good fun. I also believe he if they didn't trust him they would ask him to stop. Otherwise why stay with him all these years.
I'll also add that Vicki herself says in her book, the threesome handbook, that she had to compel Misha to try out polyamory. He was adamant at first and when they tried it, they did it together too.
I believe Misha just looked having fun bit it's never that serious.
Jensen on the other hand is another story. Jensen unlike Misha is an extrovert who has curated a very specific public image. He does what he had to do when he has to especially when the cameras are rolling.
The Jensen (Nesnej) comes out when 1) he believes no one is watching or 2) when he has imbibed something.
If you want to know who Jensen Ackles really is, catch him in the bloopers, or fan videos, accounts fans meeting him out in the wild or when there are a lot of people on stage like during opening and closing ceremonies.
It's actually very bizzare how he acts when other men talk to Misha. Just talking.
The way he started stuttering when Jarpad went to whisper something to Misha during jib3 closing ceremony.
That time he almost smote Adam Fergus during jib 10.
That time he couldn't stop watching Misha was dancing with Matt Cohen during Jib5.
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That time he started flirting with Matt Cohen during Jib5 because he and Misha were having a conversation like friends do.
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I think knowing who Jensen is, and how overprotective and possessive he can get, Misha wouldn't cross that line.
Unless, it's a power play thing that fuels their *gunshot*
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renee-writer · 5 years
A Broken Promise Chapter 10 The Truth
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I wake to the sound of my crying daughter and my breasts aching and leaking milk. Jamie juggles Brianna in his arms.
"Shhh a leanan. Let yer mam sleep."
"I am awake. Check her clod then she needs to feed. I am full to bursting."
"Aye." He lays her down and makes a face as he changes her dirty clod. I can't help smiling. He will have to get used to it. He hands me our daughter and I position her against my breast. With a bit of trial and error, I get her latched and we both feel the relief as she starts to nurse. Jamie watches, open mouthed, as she suckles as if her very life depended on it.
"Has quite the appetite, doesn't she?"
"Like her daddy." I say with affection. I switch her to the other side and when she falls off my nipple with her mouth open, asleep, I had her back to Jamie so I can get my gown sorted
He hands her back to me after. "I will go invite the others in, then?"
"Yes. It is time she meets the rest of her family "
The children enter first. Wee Jamie, Maggie, and Kitty, who todfles in after her big siblings. They try to climb on the bed. Their mam is there. "Careful them. Auntie Claire is sore and the bairn is fragile." They touch their cousin with awed hands. They touch her tiny toes, caress her little fingers before Jenny moves them away. "May I?" She holds out her hands and I carefully transfer my sleeping daughter. "What is her name, then?" Jamie nods to me.
"I am pleased to present Brianna Ellen Faith Fraser."
"It fits. Thank ye Claire." She moves her into Ian's arms next. They all get a turn holding her, including her big brother, Fergus and her grandfather figure, Murtagh. I see him wipe away a tear when he hands her back to Jamie.
"Now, out with ye all. I wish to talk to Claire alone." Jenny announces. Jamie tries to leave with the rest, after laying Brianna back in my arms, but, Jenny stops him. "Not you brother."
She carefully takes a seat on the side of my bed. "Now, ye said ye were the Woman of Balmain whilst in labour. Was it the truth?"
"It was and is. I am. I went through the stones. I am from the future." I look down when finished prepared for her wrath. But ahe turns on her brother.
"Who else ken's Jamie?"
"Murtagh. I told him in Paris."
"I told Fergus on the way here. I thought Jamie and Murtagh dead. I needed someone else to know."
"And ye couldn't tell me when ye came!" She demanded.
"I am sorry. I should have. But, it wasn't long before that I was tried as a witch due to the actions of a jealous, vengeful lass from Castle Leoch named Leary. I feared.." Jamie gasps and I recall he didn't know that. "I am sorry."
"Weel, I understand that, then. But, I am family. I would ne'," something hits her and she whirls on Jamie. "Ye were sending her back! To her own time!"
"Aye and her first husband and safety for her and Brianna."
"To have yer daughter raised by another man. Away from her family! Ye clod- heid! Ye dinna believe we could keep them safe?"
"It is more complex then that."
"Ohh. Ye ken. Ye ken what will happen."
"I do. I will tell you after some rest. I am sorry for not trusting you."
"I ken now." She reaches over to hug myself and Brianna tight. She glares at her brother before hugging him too. "I will send up some food."
I drift off to sleep as Jamie cradles us both. I wake later with Jamie spooning me and my arms empty. "Where is Brianna?" I am a bit panicked.
"Dinna fash. She is in the cradle at the foot of our bed. Get some more rest." Reasured, I do. The next time I wake it is too my breast leaking and the soft, just waking, sounds of my daughter. I wake her daddy.
"Hand her to me. She needs feed." He does. She latches on easier this time. I sigh with relief at the feel of the colostrum letting down. She eats contentedly.
"Yes. I saw her peaking around the corner as Gellis and I were lead away and she spoke out against me at the trial. Said I bewitched you away."
"She is a jealous, vengeful lass and we are well rid of her."
"Agree. Change our daughter." He takes her making funny faces at her as he changes her clod. The fact that we had almost missed this time brings bittersweet tears to my eyes.
The next morning, I awake with two urgent needs. To feed Brianna and to empty my bladder. She comes first. After she eats, I hand her to her daddy.
"I need the privy." I explain as I dress as fast as possible. I didn't realize how painful the first wee would be. I crouch over the privy and hold back a screem as I feel like I am peeing fire. I hubble back toward the house. Jenny sees me.
"First wee, was it?" She asks in sympathy.
"Yes. Felt like fire was coming out."
"Aye. It will get better. Lot's of water helps."
"Thank you." I stop in the kitchen for a cup of water before slowly starting upstairs. My slow pace turns to a run when my daughter's cry reaches my ears.
I find her getting her clod changed. My heartbeat slows down as I approach them. "What is all this then? Daddy is not killing you." She calms under my voice. I lift her up after he is done. I decide it is time to rejoin life in the house. I clothe Brianna in a wee gown, wrap her in a blanket and Jamie helps us downstairs. We arrive for breakfast. The children see us enter and start to jump up.
"Nae! Eat first. Yer cousin or auntie is going nowhere." Again she flashes Jamie a look of disdain. After breakfast, the children greet Brianna and are then taken out by Mrs Crook.
"Sae Claire, what is our future?" Ian asks. Jamie looks at him in shock.
"Ye think I wouldn't tell my husband?" Jenny says.
"Of course. Well Ian, I can't say when you will pass or Jenny. I can tell you it is going to get bad." I rock Brianna against my chest as I continue," it is why we were trying to stop the Raising. The English will continue to punish us. They will raid Scotland for supplies. We must hide food for us while having some to offer to the raiding parties. The tartan will be banned, as will the Galiec."
"A Dhai!" Ian calls out.
"We must prepare then. Do all we can." I nod and hand the baby to her Auntie Jenny before twisting Frank's ring off my finger. I let it hit the table.
"Here is a start. Sell it and use the coin to buy seeds and other supplies.
"Claire, are ye sure?" Jamie asks.
"Very. I don't need a ring from first marriage, from my past. Not when it can help my family here and now."
Ian, no dummy, picks it up. "Solid gold. We can do a lot with this. Thank ye Claire. We will buy seed for the spring and hid the rest of the money away for the coming hard times."
"Weel, winter is close. That should slow down the Redcoat visits." Jenny says while swaying with Brianna.
"Aye." Her husband and her brother, agree.
"Weel then, we shall have a proper Hogmany celebration with Jamie and Murtagh back from the dead and a brand new niece." We all agres. "Now away men. There be chores to do." They take off and I take my daughter back to feed her.
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crowleys-lament · 2 years
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I got sent to post limit jail for going too bonkers SuperWhoWolf posting earlier 😭😭😭
10 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 22:25:55 GMT
12 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 23:11:08 GMT
I can’t believe they cut that Sam, Eileen, Dean, & Cas scene. But I guess making fun of Sam wasn’t a part of the Walker agenda......
13 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 23:13:42 GMT
Misha is gonna be so jealous when he hears about the questions Adam Fergus got.
39 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 22:29:30 GMT
I'm pacing around the room thinking about 15x18 and how Cas spent so much time before confessing drilling it into Dean, how important the last decade has been to Cas. How much knowing him has changed him. How being here with Dean has taught Cas that Dean is so much more than he even realizes. And that he needs to know and understand and hold onto this before the next three words change their lives. Before Dean might angrily decide to sever Cas from his family forever.
And all Dean gets out before this shoe drops is: why does this sound like a goodbye? That must have meant everything to Cas. The final push of courage, because Dean doesn't want him to go. The empty will take him regardless if he plans this right, but he'd rather go on a happy note.
205 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 03:41:51 GMT
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