#ferrari 812 auto parts
beanjellysblog · 8 months
Welcome to the epitome of luxury in Dubai, UAE – a showroom where every auto part is a testament to excellence, where form and function coalesce to create automotive artistry.
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jackcaskey · 8 months
Step into a realm of automotive excellence at Dourado Auto Service: Best luxury car accessories showroom in Dubai, UAE. With a discerning eye for quality and craftsmanship, They offer an unparalleled selection of accessories designed to enhance the beauty and performance of your vehicle.
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omarelrahimy · 3 months
An Introduction to Exotic Cars
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More than 239 million Americans have driving licenses. An estimated 69 million American drivers consider themselves car enthusiasts. Drivers in this group have an average age of 56 years. They are the most likely individuals to own or consider owning any kind of collector vehicle, including an exotic car.
The term “exotic car” is often used interchangeably with the term “supercar.” Supercars are expensive, stylish, top-of-the-line sports cars, with common examples ranging from the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport to the Ferrari 812 Competizione. While these and other supercars qualify as exotic cars, the term is much broader.
Although there is no universal or industry definition for what qualifies as an exotic car, there are a few common characteristics. Exotic vehicles typically come with high-performance engines that produce a high level of torque, which describes the traction in an engine design. This allows for increased speed and towing performance.
Exotic cars are often in high demand, and older models are usually rare. Some models may even be one-of-a-kind. A few of the most well-known one-off exotic cars include the Aston Martin Victor, the Bugatti La Voiture Noire, and the Ferrari P80/C SP36. Many of the most expensive cars ever produced are exotic cars. The Aston Martin Valour has a starting price of $1.5 million, with options and add-ons pushing the price tag beyond $2 million. Other exotic cars approaching the $2 million mark include the Ferrari Monza and the Gordon Murray T.33. Even if an exotic car is not one-of-a-kind or one of the world’s most expensive vehicles, they are usually produced in limited quantities, making them perfect for the collector’s market.
Concept cars represent another group of vehicles that may be classed as exotic cars. A concept car is a show vehicle or prototype produced as part of the development process while building and testing new auto technologies. Concept cars produced in modern times do not automatically qualify as exotic cars, but a 1960s-era concept car that had superior features for its time may be considered exotic, especially if the car is in high demand. Similarly, a “milestone vehicle” may take on the reputation of an exotic car as its historic profile rises and collectors come to appreciate the car’s influence on the industry.
If a person wants to purchase an exotic car, there are a few characteristics to look for. Exotic cars generally offer unique customizations, such as hand-built construction using rare or unusual materials. In some cases, a standard sports car may be transformed into an exotic car because of these unique customizations.
It is not uncommon for an exotic car to make some kind of cultural impact. Because of their flashy design, exotic cars are frequently featured in films and television shows. If the car’s popularity signals a cultural turning point, it may be considered an exotic car. Examples of exotic cars that have made notable appearances on screen range from the Lamborghini Countach LP5000S in Cannonball Run to the Ferrari 250 GT featured in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
When it comes to challenges associated with purchasing an exotic car, price is the main issue. In addition to the high up-front investment and costly customization options, exotic cars are more expensive to maintain. The components used in these cars are top-of-the-line and may be difficult to source. It can also be hard to find a mechanic familiar with a specific exotic car. Even so, exotic cars have been popular with vehicle collectors for nearly a century, and the market shows no sign of slowing down any time soon.
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m2024a · 3 months
Incendio e incidenti trasformano un evento con più di 100 Ferrari in un incubo in Italia Ferrari abbandonano l’evento conosciuto come ‘Cavalcade Venice Tour 2024’, che prevede un percorso di 120 km attraverso l’Italia, dopo incidenti e un incendio. +Video: l’India rivela il suo nuovo carro armato leggero per combattere ad alta quota +Caterham crea fusione tra auto ed elicottero con il Seven 360R in collaborazione con la Royal Air Force Il ‘Cavalcade Venice Tour’, iniziato il 30 giugno, presenta Ferrari moderne come la 296 GTB, LaFerrari e 812 Superfast, e ha visto la partecipazione di 125 modelli del marchio italiano. Per partecipare alla festività, i proprietari pagano una tassa di iscrizione di circa 46,2 mila dollari. Inoltre, l’evento prevede un viaggio delle Ferrari da Venezia a Verona. Durante questo percorso, 3 modelli hanno subito danni a causa di due incidenti e un incendio. Una Ferrari 296 è stata ripresa mentre prendeva fuoco, richiedendo l’intervento dei vigili del fuoco per controllare le fiamme. Un’altra 296 è stata vista coperta dopo un incidente che ha causato danni significativi. La terza Ferrari, di colore giallo, è stata coinvolta in un incidente ed è stata vista con un telo che copriva la parte anteriore. Secondo i rapporti sui social media, nessuno degli occupanti dei veicoli è rimasto ferito.
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juanmecanico · 6 months
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¡Ferrari demandado por frenos defectuosos! ¡Lo que no te están contando te dejará en shock! - ¡Hola a todos, vamos a hablar hoy de Sinatra y su Ferrari, bueno, más bien de su hijo y también de un problema particular de este Ferrari! Me llegó la noticia de que Sinatra Jr. está demandando a Ferrari por un par de frenos defectuosos, ¡guau! #FerrariGate El hijo del legendario cantante, cuando se le preguntó en una entrevista reciente, aseguró que su exclusivo Ferrari 812 Superfast tuvo serios problemas con los frenos después de pasar sólo 2,000 millas. Sí, has leído bien, ¡dos mil! Eso suena a un gran '¡Uh oh!". Este es un asunto extraño y en verdad bastante sorprendente. Las marcas de lujo como Ferrari prueban exhaustivamente sus vehículos antes de ponerlos a la venta; se espera que ofrezcan no sólo un rendimiento exquisito, sino también un estándar de seguridad muy alto. Sin embargo, parece ser que algo ha fallado aquí. Pero, ¿será verdad todo lo que Sinatra Jr. afirma? #AutomotiveMystery Un hecho notable es que los frenos no son cualquier cosa en un coche. Estamos hablando de un elemento vital para la seguridad del conductor y del público en general. ¡Imagina tener a un Ferrari 812 no apto para frenar como se espera, acelerándose por ahí! ¡Absolutamente aterrador! Por otro lado, Ferrari, como he mencionado, ha gozado de grande prestigio y gran fama entre el círculo de coches de lujo; es una marca que representa calidad y perfección. Esto podría darle un golpe significativo a su reputación. ¿Podrá mantener su estatus quo después de todo esto? El defecto del freno es indudablemente algo serio, aún más en un vehículo tan potente como un Ferrari 812 Superfast. ¿Pero es todo esto una maniobra publicitaria? ¿O es un simple defecto que permanecerá como una piedra en el camino de Ferrari? Esperamos que esta situación se resuelva lo antes posible de la mejor manera para todas las partes involucradas. Queremos seguir viendo y disfrutando de estos hermosos vehículos en las pistas y calles alrededor del mundo. Y también, que cualquier defecto encontrado pueda ser corregido para asegurar la seguridad de todos. Sin embargo, tenemos que reconocer que este tipo de incidentes no son particularmente buenos para la imagen de ninguna marca automotriz. ¡Esperamos que Ferrari encuentre una solución de manera rápida y efectiva! #StayTunedAutomotive Bueno, y para encender un poco el fuego aquí...para alguno de ustedes que han tenido la experiencia de conducir un automóvil de alta gama como un Ferrari, ¿han encontrado algún fallo como este? ¡Anímense a compartir sus experiencias! ¡El mundo automovilístico quiere saber! Terminemos este post con un pensamiento interesante: tal vez, el próximo auto de Sinatra Jr. sea un Lamborghini o un Bugatti...¡quién sabe! #DreamCars. Un saludo a todos y hasta la próxima.
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noticiasinter24 · 3 years
Edición limitada Ferrari V12: 812 Superfast más fuerte que LaFerrari
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Ferrari V12. Ferrari ha añadido una versión especial. Debido a su alto grado de exclusividad, se espera que se convierta en un superdeportivo de coleccionista porque solo hay una pequeña cantidad de unidades disponibles. El automóvil se basa en el 812 Superfast, que representa la máxima expresión del concepto extremo de Berlinetta. Como todos los automóviles de Maranello, esta edición especial encarna a la perfección el ADN deportivo incomparable de Ferrari, combinando rendimiento, forma y función a la perfección.
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Ferrari V12
¿Qué tiene de especial el Ferrari V12?
Además de ser un auto de pocas unidades, esta derivación del 812 Superfast está dirigida a un selecto grupo de coleccionistas apasionados y buenos conocedores de Ferrari, por lo que incluye soluciones extremas de ingeniería concebidas para garantizar el máximo placer en su conducción. Fiel a estilo de Ferrari, el elemento más relevante reside en su motor, que se trata de una evolución del actual doce cilindros atmosférico. Este bloque es capaz de ofrecer la mayor potencia que jamás haya existido en un modelo Ferrari de serie. Nunca antes había existido un Cavallino con 830 hp desde fábrica.
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Edición limitada Ferrari V12 Para llegar a esta potencia, los ingenieros emplearon materiales de última generación, rediseñaron la mayoría de los componentes clave del motor, emplearon un innovador mecanismo de distribución de válvulas y un nuevo sistema de escape. Noticias Internacionales. Junto al enérgico motor, el 812 Superfast de edición especial destaca por el sistema de dirección independiente en las cuatro ruedas, que incrementa la sensación de agilidad y precisión al entrar en las curvas, y control dinámico Side Slip Control. También destaca la perdida de peso en comparación con el 8-12 normal, gracias al uso intensivo de fibra de carbono tanto en el exterior como en el interior del vehículo.
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Ferrari V12 Foto Por otro lado, este nuevo modelo también tiene profundos cambios en el apartado aerodinámico, logrando soluciones formales y perfiles extremos, nunca antes vistos en un automóvil de serie. En términos de diseño, la nueva versión especial es un automóvil con personalidad propia, claramente distinto del 812 Superfast que toma como base. Esto se logró adoptando líneas que realzan especialmente su diseño y dinamismo, con el objetivo de exacerbar su carácter de deportivo extremo. Dentro de los cambios, destaca la sustitución de cristal posterior por una estructura en aluminio. Del mismo modo, os generadores de vórtice que luce, mejoran la eficiencia aerodinámica del automóvil, pero la solución de diseño elegida, que está completamente integrada en el techo, crea simultáneamente un efecto de columna vertebral.
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Ferrari V12 Gris Otra diferencia es el cofre, la parte trasera que muestra un efecto fastback más pronunciado, lo que le otorga un aspecto más compacto y de competición, y el spoiler, con un aspecto más agresivo. Respecto al diseño interior, esta edición especial es fiel a la del 812 Superfast, conservando el tablero y superficies. Solamente, el panel de la puerta se ha rediseñado para reducir el peso y, combinado con la introducción del diseño de la puerta en forma de H en el túnel, trasmitiendo a la cabina un toque más deportivo y moderno que refleja el espíritu racing. Finalmente, el nombre y los datos técnicos de la edición especial se dieron a conocer en un evento de transmisión en la red social Ferrari el 5 de mayo. Con información de infobae. Read the full article
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airflashmls · 4 years
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2020 FERRARI 812 SUPERFAST FOR SALE! https://bit.ly/3buca0z Maserati of Fort Lauderdale (954) 607-7928 Ferrari 812 Superfast- FERRARI CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED - AVAILABLE EXTENDED FERRARI WARRANTY -- Rubino Micalizzato over Crema - 1 Owner - Very Low Miles - Like-New Condition - Many Fine Options - Sold as New by Our Dealership - Expertly Maintained by Our Factory Trained Technicians - Ferrari Factory Warranty to 6/30/23 - Complimentary Ferrari Genuine Maintenance Service to 6/30/27 -Factory Options:- 2 Layer Special Paint- 20-inch Forged Painted Wheels- Aluminum Brake Calipers- Advanced Front Driving Camera- Carbon Fiber LED Steering Wheel- Colored Steering Wheel in Crema- Leather Central Tunnel in Crema- Leather Headliner in Crema- Leather Upper Part in Crema- Colored Inner Details in Bordeaux- Cavallino Stitched to Headrests in Bordeaux- Special Stitching in Bordeaux- Colored Seatbelts in Bordeaux- Parking Camera- Scuderia Ferrari Shields- High Emotion Low Emission (HELE) System- Italian Flag Applique- Vehicle Personalization PlateIf you are in the market for a Ferrari 812 Superfast, please call or email us today.This Ferrari has passed a multi-point inspection performed by our factory trained technicians, and has been enrolled in the Ferrari Approved Certified Pre-Owned Program. The Certified program makes available up to two years of additional Ferrari Power Approved Warranty coverage. Please see dealer for more details. Maserati of Fort Lauderdale 5401 N. Federal Hwy Fort Lauderdale,FL 33308 (954) 607-7928 • • • • • #ferrari812superfast #ferrari812 #airflashmls #classifieds #ferrarifortlauderdale #luxury (at Luxury Auto Collection) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7jsUWAi27/?igshid=hqb8ovqv7h4a
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beanjellysblog · 8 months
Discover a world of precision engineering and exquisite craftsmanship when you visit Dourado Auto Service showroom. Each auto part on display is a masterpiece, meticulously designed to enhance the performance and aesthetics of your luxury vehicle.
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fastmusclecar123 · 4 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/mercedes-amg-muscle-car/best-muscle-cars/
Mercedes AMG Muscle Car
During the second quarter of 2019, Mercedes AMG finally returned to its roots and launched sports car-daily driver hybrid – the Mercedes AMG 4-Door Muscle Car.
Although intended to replace the Mercedes CLS class, the sports sedan is more similar to the Mercedes E-Class in appearance, as it features a slick shell, a rear-wheel drive platform and a vintage-style front-mounted engine and transmission.
As Mercedes Benz’ newest addition to the famed full-strength AMG model, the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door muscle car is a strong upgrade from the brand’s regular premium-billed muscle cars. With a stylish exterior and an added element of practicality, the Mercedes AMG 4-Door Coupe has the firepower and car upgrades to compete with even the newest models in the market today.
Powering the Mercedes AMG GT 4-Door 63 S is the AMG’s colossal 4.0-litre twin-turbo engine, winding up to a mad 470kW (at 5500 to 6500rpm) and 900Nm of torque from a mere 2500rpm.
As part of the AMG GT prestige, the car is also sizeable (over 5 meters long) with modern and stylish design cues on both the front and rear, including a special racer-style grille as well as ultra-thin LED tail-lights.
Buyers can also tailor the Mercedes-AMF 4-Door GT 4-Door Coupe to best suit their needs with its two variants. Accompanying the super V8 powered GT 63 S model is the AMG GT 53, which houses a 3.0-litre twin-turbo inline-six alongside a 48V hybrid system.
Like its counterpart, the GT 53 also guarantees enhanced performance by sporting impressive outputs of 320kW and 520Nm, with a 0-100km/h sprint time of 4.5 seconds, as well as a maximum speed of 285km/h. The 4-Door is also the latest Mercedes AMG to include rear-axle steering, making for the perfect speed management when driving up to 100km per hour.
Despite its advanced specs and sports-car inspired design, the Mercedes AMG 4-Door Muscle Car can also substitute as a family car. Unlike other renown sports cars around the $250,000 price point (such as the Ferrari 812 Superfast and BMW M6 Gran Coupe), the AMG 4-Door Muscle Car series presents the added option of a daily driver with its convenient seven-speed dual-clutch transmission feature. This is also upgradeable to the versatile nine-speed MCT gearbox, providing complete control over all four wheels.
Both Mercedes AMG 4-Door Muscle Car models sport an aesthetic and athletic shell, alongside customizable vehicle interiors. Available in a wide range of colors and metallic hues, Benz’ 4-Door Muscle Car series involves buyers in its design process by including steering wheel options as well as cockpit and AMG performance seat choices.
If customizing your vehicle from scratch isn’t your thing, Mercedes also offers a number of pre-planned packages suitable for different purchasing wants and needs. These include the AMG Aerodynamics Package, the AMG Exterior Chrome Package, the AMG Exterior Carbon-Fibre Packages (I and II) and the AMG Exterior Night Package.
However, the Mercedes AMG 4-Door Muscle is not without its downsides. The sports sedan has a relatively heavy weight of 2045kg and also fails to include the latest MBUX infotainment system.
To ensure safety and compensate for its extra weight, the AMG GT 4-Door Coupe is protected by several bracing measures that are fit to deal with its increased load, whether in design or any riding baggage. Such bracing measures include a full-length wall made of carbon fiber behind the rear seats, as well as heavy-duty struts which support the trunk space as well as the car’s underfloor.
Across the entire bottom of the car’s engine compartment is also a rock-solid and rigid aluminate plate which acts as a protectant for the engine. There are also more cross-bracing struts running across the rear of the car to its middle, as well as on the transmission tunnel.
With its impressive specs, timelessly stylish exterior, comfortable and convenient interior, and quality protective measures, the Mercedes AMG-4-Door Muscle Car has become one of today’s most popular Mercedes car models and will certainly be on the list to stay.
Comparable to reputable cars already established in the scene such as the Porsche Panemera and Audi RS7, Mercedes’ first entirely in-house developed four-door car is a luxurious daily-driver option worth considering.
Daniel is an avid car enthusiast, with a growing passion for track racing. Since he was young he has been around performance vehicles and his supercharged love for sports cars has led him to writing for a number of Automotive blogs. He is now sharing his auto knowledge by writing for Euromotorsport blog
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2020 Chevrolet Corvette obtiene un documental y un 'tiempo de vuelta del anillo
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Chevrolet tiene más historias que contar sobre el Corvette 2020, que el fabricante de automóviles hará en un documental de dos partes llamado "Revolución: La historia del Corvette de motor central". Las fechas de lanzamiento son confusas, todo lo que tenemos por ahora es un avance y confirmación de que todo el dinero se emitirá durante los próximos meses en la página dedicada de Corvette en el sitio web de Chevy. El dato más interesante que saldrá del avance documental es que el piloto de Corvette Racing Oliver Gavin condujo un prototipo de desarrollo equipado con el Paquete de rendimiento Z51 alrededor de Nürburgring en 7: 29.9. El equipo de producción escribió la hora en la pista de 'Ring en la marca 0:52 en el video como si fuera un graffiti. Un portavoz de un fabricante de automóviles confirmó el tiempo para Roadshow. El tiempo de vuelta intercala el Stingray que viene entre el Chevy Camaro ZL1 2017 que corrió en 7: 29.6 y el 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT a las 7:30. El Corvette corrió apenas dos segundos a la deriva del 7: 27.48 de Sport Auto establecido en un Ferrari 812 Superfast, y apenas un segundo detrás de la vuelta oficial 7: 27.8 de BMW con el M4 GTS de $ 135,000. En comparación con otros Corvettes, la perspectiva de tiempos asombrosos de variantes C8 más rápidas es sobresaliente. Comenzaremos con el Corvette C6 porque ofrece los datos más completos. En 2005, el piloto de Corvette Racing, Jan Magnussen, estableció un tiempo de 7:59 en el Corvette C6 base con el Paquete de desempeño Z51. Ese mismo año, Magnussen estableció un tiempo de 7: 42.9 en el C6 Corvette Z06. En junio de 2011, Mero tomó el volante de un Corvette Z06 2012 y estableció un 7: 22.68, y condujo el Corvette ZR1 2012 alrededor del 'Anillo en 7: 19.63. En cuanto al C7, el piloto de GM del verano pasado, Jim Mero, explicó que las condiciones climáticas y los problemas mecánicos impidieron que el fabricante de automóviles estableciera un tiempo en el Corvette C7. Sin embargo, Sport Auto logró empujar un C7 Z06 alrededor del 'Anillo en 7: 13.90 en abril de 2017. Mirando los deltas de tiempo entre las versiones C6, y pensando que Chevy no permitirá que el próximo Z06 sea más lento que el Z06 retirado, un tiempo alrededor de las 7:10 parece conservador para un Corvette Z06 reenfocado en una velocidad ligera y lista para la pista. Si Chevy puede tomar solo cinco segundos del C7 Z06, el C8 Z06 estará a dos décimas del McLaren 600LT y el Nissan GT-R Nismo. Y después de eso, habrá al menos dos variantes híbridas de Corvette para tener en cuenta, una de ellas se espera que sea la ZR1 con algo así como 900 o 1,000 caballos de fuerza. ¿Estamos viendo un Corvette listo para sumergirse en los seis? Mientras esperamos descubrirlo, estaremos atentos al documental para conocer qué otros secretos tiene el nuevo cupé.
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adrenalineguide · 5 years
77th Montreal Auto Show Part 3 of 3
Text and Photos By Michael Hozjan
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Above and below: The Genesis Mint Concept
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Cadillac’s XT6
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BMW M235i
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Acura ILX
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A pair of NSXs
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 Buick’s revamped Encore
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Above: Ferrari 812
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Lotus Evora
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Ram Longhorn
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McLaren Senna
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Lamborghini Urus above and below
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VW’s Atlas Cross Sport is shorter with a new roof line over the regular Atlas
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Chevrolet’s Trailblazer
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Factory 5′s replica Cobra
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Something for everyone at the show; ‘65 Ford Falcon drag racer.
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1954 Caddy
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Racing electric Nissan Leaf
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The electric powered Karma Revero
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Above and below:The Pagani Huayra
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Until next year.
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perksofwifi · 5 years
The 2020 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Widebody Flares Up
Dodge is up to its old tricks again, chopping and screwing its rear-drive models using off-the-shelf ideas and parts to create something new and admittedly pretty cool. In this case, the Challenger was the first to get the widebody treatment, and now it’s the Charger’s turn to get flared. As on the two-door muscle car, the new package adds 3.5 inches of width to Dodge’s four-door sedan, where it’s now standard on the 707-hp SRT Hellcat and available on the 485-hp Scat Pack.
The package also includes 20 x 11-inch wheels wrapped in 305/35 Pirelli all-seasons—three-season tires are available—and 15.4-inch Brembo two-piece front brake rotors and six-piston front calipers to slow the beast down. (The rear has four-piston calipers). In addition, widebody models receive a Bilstein suspension with revised adaptive dampers and newly fitted multi-mode electric power steering to keep things on the straight and narrow during Woodward Avenue cruises. The front springs are 32 percent stiffer on Hellcats, 27 percent stiffer on Scat Packs, and the Hellcat also gets larger front and rear anti-roll bars where the Scat Pack makes do only with a bigger one out back.
More standard goodies include line-lock functionality for wicked burnouts, launch control, and launch assist to control wheel hop. The Hellcat adds a race cooldown feature, where the radiator fan and intercooler pump are kept running after the engine is shut off to keep things as chill as possible.
The Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Widebody gets a new grille for more efficient airflow, revised side sills, a new rear spoiler, and two-piece satin chrome SRT Hellcat fender badges. Its supercharged 6.2-liter Hemi V-8 delivers an insane 707 hp and 650 lb-ft of torque and is mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission; Dodge says it can zip from 0-60 mph in 3.6 seconds and achieve a top speed of 196 mph. The Scat Pack is powered by a 485-hp 392-cubic-inch (6.4-liter) V-8 making 485 hp. It, too, has an eight-speed automatic, while its zero-to-60 time is estimated at 4.3 seconds. We have tested a standard Charger SRT Hellcat hitting 60 mph in 3.8 seconds, and a standard R/T Scat Pack making the run in 4.2 seconds.
Inside, the Hellcat features a standard leather-wrapped SRT flat-bottom heated steering wheel and French stitching on the instrument panel and door inners. A new Carbon & Suede option adds carbon-fiber dash and console trim, as well as microsuede on the headliner, sun visors, and A-pillar.
Read More Challenger Redeye vs. Ferrari 812 Superfast! The Charger Hellcat Octane Is a Total Blackout Jeep: The Hellcat Will Fit in a Gladiator, But…
Tech goodies include an 8.4-inch Uconnect touchscreen with SRT Performance Pages that’s also Android Auto and Apple CarPlay friendly. The latest widebody models are available in a dozen colors, including wild new shades like Frostbite, Hellraisin, and Sinamon Stick. Interior treatments offered for the new rides are black, black/caramel, black/red, black/houndstooth, black/dark red, and black/sepia.
If you’re ready to go wide, the thicker Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat and Scat Pack can be ordered this fall. Deliveries are expected to commence in early 2020.
Source: FCA
The post The 2020 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Widebody Flares Up appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/2020-dodge-charger-srt-hellcat-scat-pack-widebody-photos-specs/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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savetopnow · 7 years
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magtop22 · 6 years
New Post has been published on Top Auto Magazine
New Post has been published on http://topautomag.com/cars/ferrari/2019-ferrari-portofino/
2019 Ferrari Portofino
2019 Portofino Ferrari is a sports sporting sport produced by the Italian automotive maker Ferrari. It is a hard two + door converter 2 + 2. The car is named after the Italian village of Portofino and also manages to touch the V8 grand tourer company, California T. The car was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show 2017. The Portofino fashion has been made of 12 different aluminum aloes with many of its components now being integrated. Its A-pillar was predecessor containing 21 separate components and is now one piece. Empty casts allow for more structural rigidity, increasing by 35%.
#gallery-15 margin: auto; #gallery-15 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; #gallery-15 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-15 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Ferrari Portofino Interior
Ferrari Portofino 2019 Interior
2019 Ferrari Portofino Interior
2019 Ferrari Portofino White
2019 Ferrari Portofino Colors
Ferrari Portofino Blue
2019 Ferrari Portofino Black
Ferrari Portofino 2019
2019 Ferrari Portofino Convertible
The Ferrari Portofino was unveiled on the Italian Riviera in the village of Portofino in two unique nights on 7 and 8 September 2017, where Piero Ferrari, Sergio Marchionne, Sebastian Vettel, and Giancarlo Fisichella were present. It was also shown in Maranello on 9 September and 10 during the 70th Anniversary of the Ferrari celebration. By the end of 2017, Portofino has also been shown on the road in Asia, namely China and Japan, where it is said that China is a big market for the car.
2019 Ferrari Portofino Convertible
In Hong Kong, the Portofino was launched at the end of March 2018, making it the third time in the history of Ferrari to launch a new car at the Penrhyn Hotel in the city. Unlike previous occasions where the launch of the vehicle took place in only one part of the ground floor lobby, the launch of Portofino occupied the entire ground floor area of the hotel, where some other Ferrari models also continued outside ‘ The drop-off area, and creative light including the Ferrari Prancing Horse logo was also predicted on the exterior walls of the hotel. The China-spec driving model, left a career, featuring a simple Chinese menu display, a rare move to Ferrari is shown as every Chinese-speaking Asian region would not have a Chinese language menu. Portofino prices in Hong Kong start from HK $ 3.5M, with supplies scheduled later in the year. A very right driving model was seen at a time at the launch of the city’s 488 Pista event at the end of June 2018.
2019 Ferrari Portofino Interior
2019 Portofino was developed after input from different clients. The rear seats have increased a leg room and the advanced system is more advanced and easier to use, including a 10.2-inch display screen in the middle console with the function of Apple CarPlay, as in its predecessor. The air conditioning system is also refined and is now 25% faster and 50% more flat than California.
2019 Portofino Ferrari Suspension
The Portofino includes magnetorheological dampers, a transfer from California, with better software that necessarily maintains good quality although it has a suspension system than California. As an exciting company Grand V12, 812 Superfast company, the Portofino includes electronically powered power steering. The prevention and navigation system becomes increasingly responsive when the car is sporting.
2019 Portofino Ferrari Engine
The engine, which is 3,855 cc (3.9 L) F154BD V8 twin-turbocharged, is the same as in GTC4Lusso T, but it generates a small output of 591 kilometers (441 kW, 599 PS) at 7,500 rpm and 560 N · M (413ft) or torque at 3,000-4,250 rpm. Changes to the engine include a 10% weight increase in the combustion chamber, modified double and multiple empty pistons and pistons. The car keeps the dual balance velocity transmission of 7 speeds by its predecessor but includes new software to allow faster shifts. Portofino can accelerate from 0-100 km / h (0-62 mph) in 3.5 seconds, 0-200 km / h (0-124 mph) in 10.8 seconds and can reach a maximum speed of 320 km / h (199 mph).
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2020 Chevrolet Corvette obtiene un documental y un 'tiempo de vuelta del anillo
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Chevrolet tiene más historias que contar sobre el Corvette 2020, que el fabricante de automóviles hará en un documental de dos partes llamado "Revolución: La historia del Corvette de motor central". Las fechas de lanzamiento son confusas, todo lo que tenemos por ahora es un avance y confirmación de que todo el dinero se emitirá durante los próximos meses en la página dedicada de Corvette en el sitio web de Chevy. El dato más interesante que saldrá del avance documental es que el piloto de Corvette Racing Oliver Gavin condujo un prototipo de desarrollo equipado con el Paquete de rendimiento Z51 alrededor de Nürburgring en 7: 29.9. El equipo de producción escribió la hora en la pista de 'Ring en la marca de 0:52 en el video como si fuera un graffiti. Un portavoz de un fabricante de automóviles confirmó el tiempo para Roadshow. El tiempo de vuelta intercala el Stingray que viene entre el Chevy Camaro ZL1 2017 que corrió en 7: 29.6 y el 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT a las 7:30. El Corvette corrió apenas dos segundos a la deriva del 7: 27.48 de Sport Auto establecido en un Ferrari 812 Superfast, y apenas un segundo detrás de la vuelta oficial 7: 27.8 de BMW con el M4 GTS de $ 135,000. En comparación con otros Corvettes, la perspectiva de tiempos asombrosos de variantes C8 más rápidas es sobresaliente. Comenzaremos con el Corvette C6 porque ofrece los datos más completos. En 2005, el piloto de Corvette Racing, Jan Magnussen, estableció un tiempo de 7:59 en el Corvette C6 base con el Paquete de desempeño Z51. Ese mismo año, Magnussen estableció un tiempo de 7: 42.9 en el C6 Corvette Z06. En junio de 2011, Mero tomó el volante de un Corvette Z06 2012 y estableció un 7: 22.68, y condujo el Corvette ZR1 2012 alrededor del 'Anillo en 7: 19.63. En cuanto al C7, el verano pasado el conductor de GM Jim Mero explicó que las condiciones climáticas y los problemas mecánicos impidieron que el fabricante de automóviles estableciera un tiempo en el Corvette C7. Sin embargo, Sport Auto logró empujar un C7 Z06 alrededor del 'Anillo en 7: 13.90 en abril de 2017. Mirando los deltas de tiempo entre las versiones C6, y pensando que Chevy no permitirá que el próximo Z06 sea más lento que el Z06 retirado, un tiempo alrededor de las 7:10 parece conservador para un Corvette Z06 reenfocado en una velocidad ligera y lista para la pista. Si Chevy puede tomar solo cinco segundos del C7 Z06, el C8 Z06 estará a dos décimas del McLaren 600LT y el Nissan GT-R Nismo. Y después de eso, habrá al menos dos variantes híbridas de Corvette para tener en cuenta, una de ellas se espera que sea la ZR1 con algo así como 900 o 1,000 caballos de fuerza. ¿Estamos viendo un Corvette listo para sumergirse en los seis? Mientras esperamos descubrirlo, estaremos atentos al documental para conocer qué otros secretos tiene el nuevo cupé.
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topmag222 · 6 years
New Post has been published on Top Auto Magazine
New Post has been published on http://topautomag.com/cars/ferrari/2019-ferrari-portofino/
2019 Ferrari Portofino
2019 Portofino Ferrari is a sports sporting sport produced by the Italian automotive maker Ferrari. It is a hard two + door converter 2 + 2. The car is named after the Italian village of Portofino and also manages to touch the V8 grand tourer company, California T. The car was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show 2017. The Portofino fashion has been made of 12 different aluminum aloes with many of its components now being integrated. Its A-pillar was predecessor containing 21 separate components and is now one piece. Empty casts allow for more structural rigidity, increasing by 35%.
#gallery-16 margin: auto; #gallery-16 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; #gallery-16 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-16 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Ferrari Portofino Interior
Ferrari Portofino 2019 Interior
2019 Ferrari Portofino Interior
2019 Ferrari Portofino White
2019 Ferrari Portofino Colors
Ferrari Portofino Blue
2019 Ferrari Portofino Black
Ferrari Portofino 2019
2019 Ferrari Portofino Convertible
The Ferrari Portofino was unveiled on the Italian Riviera in the village of Portofino in two unique nights on 7 and 8 September 2017, where Piero Ferrari, Sergio Marchionne, Sebastian Vettel, and Giancarlo Fisichella were present. It was also shown in Maranello on 9 September and 10 during the 70th Anniversary of the Ferrari celebration. By the end of 2017, Portofino has also been shown on the road in Asia, namely China and Japan, where it is said that China is a big market for the car.
2019 Ferrari Portofino Convertible
In Hong Kong, the Portofino was launched at the end of March 2018, making it the third time in the history of Ferrari to launch a new car at the Penrhyn Hotel in the city. Unlike previous occasions where the launch of the vehicle took place in only one part of the ground floor lobby, the launch of Portofino occupied the entire ground floor area of the hotel, where some other Ferrari models also continued outside ‘ The drop-off area, and creative light including the Ferrari Prancing Horse logo was also predicted on the exterior walls of the hotel. The China-spec driving model, left a career, featuring a simple Chinese menu display, a rare move to Ferrari is shown as every Chinese-speaking Asian region would not have a Chinese language menu. Portofino prices in Hong Kong start from HK $ 3.5M, with supplies scheduled later in the year. A very right driving model was seen at a time at the launch of the city’s 488 Pista event at the end of June 2018.
2019 Ferrari Portofino Interior
2019 Portofino was developed after input from different clients. The rear seats have increased a leg room and the advanced system is more advanced and easier to use, including a 10.2-inch display screen in the middle console with the function of Apple CarPlay, as in its predecessor. The air conditioning system is also refined and is now 25% faster and 50% more flat than California.
2019 Portofino Ferrari Suspension
The Portofino includes magnetorheological dampers, a transfer from California, with better software that necessarily maintains good quality although it has a suspension system than California. As an exciting company Grand V12, 812 Superfast company, the Portofino includes electronically powered power steering. The prevention and navigation system becomes increasingly responsive when the car is sporting.
2019 Portofino Ferrari Engine
The engine, which is 3,855 cc (3.9 L) F154BD V8 twin-turbocharged, is the same as in GTC4Lusso T, but it generates a small output of 591 kilometers (441 kW, 599 PS) at 7,500 rpm and 560 N · M (413ft) or torque at 3,000-4,250 rpm. Changes to the engine include a 10% weight increase in the combustion chamber, modified double and multiple empty pistons and pistons. The car keeps the dual balance velocity transmission of 7 speeds by its predecessor but includes new software to allow faster shifts. Portofino can accelerate from 0-100 km / h (0-62 mph) in 3.5 seconds, 0-200 km / h (0-124 mph) in 10.8 seconds and can reach a maximum speed of 320 km / h (199 mph).
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