#festur speaks
chowtrolls · 22 days
Festur If you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward?
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"I'm not sure I'd want to go back. I think the sweeps I spent dead were crucial for me to stop being the horrible person I was. If I went back and stopped it, I'd just keep on the same path.
As for the future- why would I want to go there? Everything I have and need is in the present."
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dungeonbf · 9 months
okay wajt. more comprehensive post on sigge's festures because i'm putting off filling out fafsa
- as i said a few posts back, definitely that guy's (@/gorbinofficial on insta) cheekbones and eyes... and his jawline
- there's this photo of kim carlsson that i've rbed like 3 times on my main and anyways it shows his side profile really well and he's got an almost ethereal nose... def melding that in with sigge
- hmmm.... hmmm... thinking thinking... not necessarily taking this from an existing person, but as i've mentioned before, he is so twinkish; adding onto that, his legs and arms are very long, he's gangly and a bit awkward cuz he doesn't know what to do with all that limbage (?) maybe i'll make him an inch taller (so 5'10) to account for all that limb action
- also think he just can't grow facial hair, like he's tried but he actually can't, it's so sad. he's definitely going through twink death at 37.
- speaking of twink death, i think his hair would thin and his hairline would recede, but he'd probably keep growing his hair out? also worry lines become more prominent as he ages n all that.
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Smells December 17, 2022
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Songs about smells!
stream on mixcloud
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night
The Inner Drive - Smell the Funk
DJ speaks over Lullatones - Secretly Loving the Smell of Suntan Oil
Flux of Pink Indians - Neu Smell / Tube Disaster / Poem Willard - Stinky Vice The Housemartins - I Smell Winter Hiatus - Purulent Stench of War The Byrds - Renaissance Fair
DJ speaks over Django Reinhardt - Parfum
The Slits - Typical Girls Biz Markie - The Dragon Seein' Red - Smell the Fear Wire - Lowdown The Fall - Noel's Chemical Effluence
DJ speaks over Glenn Branca - Bad Smells
Wreckless Eric - Personal Hygiene The Mamas & The Papas - Safe In My Garden Asbest - Stinking AA - Society Stinks Terveet Kädet - Tornion kevät The Jam - The Combine
DJ speaks over Peter Blanchette - Quelle est cette Odeur Agreeable?
X-Ray Spex - Germfree Adolescents La Perrera - Esta Vida Apesta Smelly Feet - A Festured Toe The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Smell of Incense Ignorantes - Olor A Cuero Rancio, Vino y Raja THE FLAMENCO A GO GO - Make Me Stinked Big Mama Thornton - I Smell a Rat
Françoise Hardy - Tiny Goddess Container - Livet Stinker Kakka-Hätä 77 - Kapitalismi Haisee Terri Summers & the Librettos - City's Hospital Patients Clap - Sweet Smell of Success Hans-A-Plast - Hau Ab, Zu Stinkst
Nervous SS - Putrid Stench Unknown - Windsong Perfume Commercial Maria Dimitriadi - Mirizi O Kosmos Giasemi Anti Cimex - Smell of Silence The Jefferson Handkerchief - I'm Allergic to Flowers Violent Children - The Smell
The Hidden Cameras - Smells Like Happiness
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junietuesday · 2 years
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violentdevotion · 2 years
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they make me sick
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cordytriestowrite · 5 years
Floating Away (Until You Catch Me)
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
One shot
Summary: Set somewhere after Civil War if you squint really hard. Festuring house arrest, a bad relationship with gravity, and telling yourself "you need to get out more"
You woke up on the ceiling. It wasn't surprising, more like a depressing, sigh-worthy familiar step back to when you were fifteen and you couldn't stop your feet from lifting off the ground and rising and rising to some confining limit. You were older now and happily slumbering cuddled up to gravity every night, until three days ago. 
Getting up was like unsticking yourself from a gluey fly trap. Every muscle strained to lift an appendage from its stubborn place and by the end you were hurtling toward the ground, too exhausted to even protect yourself from the impact. With a groan you let yourself lay face down on the plush carpet and imagine if you fell asleep right here you wouldn't wake up to the same cycle.
Eventually you got up, feeling guilty wallowing when you heard movement through the shared wall of the room next to yours.
You heard him, every night, moaning and sobbing and screaming in his sleep even through the thick wall. Everything he did was loud, as if he did everything against your shared wall. Oddly enough he was only ever loud in his room. The few times you had seen him around the property the man, Bucky, looked like he only ever learned to talk through wide, soulful puppy dog eyes and a tiny crease between his eyebrows. He was surprisingly light on his feet, barely heard moving between rooms. You weren't the only two here, hiding from something beyond the safety of the hidden house, masqueraded by magic and foliage, but sometimes it felt like it with his pained wimpers lulling you into an uneasy sleep. 
Steve was visiting today. He did that now that Bucky was here. Every day he stopped by he offered you a stilted smile and a cautionary onceover before dropping formalities and going for the true reason he was here. Today they decided to take a walk and what a good day for such a thing. You could feel the warmth when you pressed your hand against the window, could see the gentle cotton clouds rolling leisurely across the vast blue sky. Neither man seemed to be appreciating their surroundings as you were stuck inside, they were too wrapped up in their conversation. Their voices didn't carry but Bucky's expression gives away enough to follow its tumbling path downward to what very well could be an argument. 
You knew who Bucky was to Steve, had been to the museums and were told the stories by history books and teachers, but history books couldn't capture what you were seeing firsthand; a friendship, crumbled and made weak with time and tragedy, being rebuilt brick by brick. Except Bucky wasn't helping Steve rebuild sometimes, instead snatching brick after brick and building his own walls higher and higher. It was happening now, even at a distance you could see Bucky's gaze harden under a heavy brow. 
Bucky's eyes drew away from Steve with an exaggerated roll and fold of his arms and when they stopped tumbling those eyes landed right on you. 
Like a shot you moved down out of sight, as if his eyes had not been trained on you but a gun with an eager finger on the trigger. Lightning bolts of pain bloomed upward from your knees where they harshly landed on hardwood and your breath left your lungs as if being chased out by your galloping heartbeat. Danger, your brain was screaming, Danger! 
Danger never came for you, but eventually Wanda did, prying you from the floor with gentle fingers digging into your ribs. 
Steve was gone by dinner but Bucky's bad mood remained. You could feel it. It lingered in every room he left, making it impossible for you to relax. When the sun went down and the hour ran late you still felt him, his frustrations coming out as sharp yelps through your shared wall. By the time you fell asleep your tired body wasn't even touching the mattress.
Consciousness eluded you hours after you would usually be awake. There wasn't a need for an alarm here, no job to get to or people to meet. You were here day after day developing a circadian rhythm naturally, one that was thrown off cycle by the late hour the night before. 
Your eyes pried themselves open, feeling strained and crusty. You had to stop and wonder for a second if you were hungover. Between your heavy lids and foggy mind it felt eerily similar. And then there was the fact that you were stuck to the ceiling again.
Right arm, left leg, right leg, left arm; your method was tried and true to get you down in the least precarious way possible. It would take you double the time it usually did with how sluggish your body was moving, might as well close your eyes and stave off the burgeoning headache while you work. With a groan of relief you managed to get your right arm free and dangling below you. Maybe you'd take a break, catch your breath, before starting on the next limb.
"Is this why you're so noisy in the mornings?"
The question startled your eyes open, searching wildly for the source. The voice stood on the edge of familiarity and the person speaking stood at the edge of your vision. Your eyes and neck strained to see just a little further before a throb behind your temples forced your surrender. With warmth in your cheeks and a frantic tug to your next limb you decided to ignore the question until you could answer it with some dignity. 
A hand wrapped around your dangling forearm giving it a gentle, experimental tug. You couldn't help the small noise of discomfort from escaping as your shoulder pulled away and your body felt precariously off center. 
"My leg next. Left leg."
If Bucky was going to try to help, and now you knew it was Bucky as he entered your line of sight, you would have to let him in on your extraction methods. He nodded, not looking up at you but staring beyond where you can see. He walked toward your lower half and a few moments later he reappeared within your vision holding the room's uncomfortable desk chair. He set it down just below your legs and stepped up, hand ghosting over various parts of your legs before grasping your ankle.
He pulled gingerly, testing your body's resistance. His force increased steadily until you could feel your leg losing contact with the uncomfortable plaster. From there it seemed Bucky had figured out your method of extraction as he moved on to your other leg without needing to ask. 
The thing about having three of four limbs free is that gravity starts to overpower your own stubborn powers. Your back was losing its hold and soon you would be suspended by less and less until bam, you're face down on the floor making all that noise Bucky mentioned earlier. 
Except this time it's different, Bucky was here and Bucky was below you grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist and when the last of your body was let go it landed straight onto Bucky Barnes' strong, warm back. You took a moment, leaning your full weight against him with languid relief. He didn't seem to mind, letting you take deep breaths that ruffled the hair on the back of his neck. His hair was clean, still slightly damp from his morning shower, the one he managed to take before you even woke up. As if reading your mind Bucky's chest rumbled underneath you with an almost soundless chuckle. 
"I wondered what you did every morning to cause such a racket."
He couldn't see your face but you hid it in his back anyway muffling your voice.
"Sorry about that."
Bucky's hands loosened around your thighs and you could feel yourself slipping down to the floor. Reluctantly you set foot on solid ground and let your arms fall away from the broad shoulders they were wrapped around. No part of you was touching Bucky anymore and you were just standing there, looking at his back trying to find the right words to say after what just happened. You should thank him, you should maybe explain yourself, tell him this doesn't happen all the time, just when he yells and moans in his sleep. Bucky doesn't seem to find any words either but instead of dwelling on them he casts a quick glance at you over his shoulder and walks away, closing the door behind him.
Bucky takes another walk outside but this time Steve isn't here to join him. He enters and leaves your vision intermittently. Sometimes he's visible through the windows, allowing you to track him from room to room. Sometimes he treks just beyond the treeline and you hold your breath until he can be spotted again. You knew there was danger beyond the property and a shield of magic separating you from it, but in your mind's eye you imagined Bucky walking right through that barrier and out into a world that wished to lock him up, the same world that wanted to mark you as different and thus dangerous. Your toes scrambled for purchase on the tile floor of the kitchen, sudsy hands grasping the lip of the sink as you took desperate breaths until those thoughts quieted. 
You weren't even like them, those you hid with and those hiding you. You had asked for help is all, but in asking for help you brought about an attention you never wanted and now your "powers", as useless as they were, would forever define you as a threat. An accidental fugitive, a bystander-turned-victim, and a further prisoner of your own, uncontrollable abilities. 
Bucky was back from beyond the treeline and your feet were falling back to solid ground. Your grip on the sink was the only thing keeping your full weight from rolling your ankle unnaturally. 
The front door opened then closed and you could hear the muffled voice of Wanda then Bucky's, though just barely, in response. Words were few here between the three of you; you and Wanda had a couple weeks of conversation before Bucky's arrival a few days ago and Bucky wasn't a man of many words. You resumed your chore as silence yet again engulfed the house, making quick work of the remaining dishes now that Bucky wasn't catching your eye through the window. 
"Something wrong with the dishwasher?"
You half turned, offering Wanda a smile before realizing Bucky had joined you as well. With silent steps he maneuvered around Wanda to the refrigerator. With his head now blocked from view by the open door you blinked and turned around, clearing your throat before answering.
"Dishwasher's fine, just goes too quick."
Wanda makes a sound of understanding. As a comrade of boredom she too has found herself stretching out menial tasks. Wanda kept you company as you finished up, a silent but friendly presence just over your left shoulder. If you went by instinct you would say it was only you and Wanda in the room, but the few times you dared to glance to your right confirmed Bucky was still there as well.
It was Vision who visited today and Wanda's eyes lit up in a way they rarely do when he wasn't around. You tried not to watch them, but there was so little else to do when you had spent weeks cooped up in the same house. It's why Bucky took so many walks, why Wanda and Vision had snuck away to her room after breakfast and hadn't come out since even though it was long past lunch time and rapidly approaching dinner. 
You hated staying in your room. Minutes after waking up and, more recently, ungluing yourself from the top of it you would high tail it out of there like it was a burning building. Now you were intimately familiar with every other room in the house except those occupied by your housemates. Outside, you wanted to go outside again. You had taken it for granted in your early days here, before your feet left the floor on their own accord. You had walked the property only a handful of times not realizing you would be made hostage of the house. 
Maybe you envied Bucky, maybe that's why you watched him so intensely through the windows. You wanted his freedom to walk in the open air, beneath a blue sky, unhindered and uncomplicated. You wanted to feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair and your hand in his as he pulled you between copse of foliage and kissed you breathless, the bark of a tree digging into your back as he pushed your body against it with his.
Envy. Envy and Lust. Stemming from two sources and culminating into one vivid fantasy that was as new and confusing to you as a foreign language heard for the first time. You shook your head and sat straighter against the sunken couch cushion and turned the volume up on the television. You should close the blinds, at least to get Bucky out of your mind. And if you were going to imagine stolen kisses between the trees you could at least save yourself the embarrassment of looking Bucky in the eye after. 
A body planted itself heavily next to you, causing the cushions to sag with the new weight. Bucky let out a deep sigh and stretched his arms across the back of the couch. You were practically nestled into his side as he settled in, spreading his legs wide and connecting you from shoulder to knee. Bucky always seemed like a guy who appreciated personal space, keeping himself at arms length from others with few exceptions, your first granted exception occuring the other morning. You opened your mouth, intending to ask Bucky if he was okay, like maybe he hit his head outside or had a bout of heat stroke, but before you could utter a word Bucky spoke. 
"Think they'll take a break for dinner?"
He wasn't looking at you, his eyes affixed to the tv. He's brow was furrowed as if he was concentrating on being brooding and serious but the upward twitch of his lips clued you in. Bucky was making a joke. 
"It's sweet." You counter, thinking all to easily back to your own wistful fancy.
He made a sound from deep in his chest that you couldn't quite interpret. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Bucky's metal thumb tap tap tapping over your shoulder.
"They're lucky." you started, your voice cracking as your mouth was suddenly dry and tongue heavy.
"To find each other with everything that's going on."
He was looking at you now, brow still furrowed over stormy blue eyes. He searched your face, eyes flitting from one side to the other in quick movements. You held your breath the whole time, and Bucky was taking his sweet time if the burning in your lungs was any indication. He eventually emitted another chest-deep note and turning back to the tv.
Wanda and Vision didn't come out for dinner and neither you nor Bucky moved from the way you had settled together.
"Let's go for a walk." Bucky said out of the blue over breakfast. 
This was unexpected in multiple ways; one, Bucky had joined you and Wanda at the table for breakfast instead of grabbing a plate of food and eating it with his hip against the counter and two, because he had never once extended an invitation to join him in doing anything. Your eyes met Wanda's mirroring her expression of surprise. She swallowed her mouthful of toast before offering Bucky a warm smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Sure. After breakfast?"
Bucky nodded and hunched back over his plate, effectively walling it in like he was afraid someone would knick something if he let his guard down.
You were back in your room putting on your shoes. It felt odd, moving the laces into the well practiced tangle and knowing that once you were done you were going outside. Maybe you shouldn't go. 
Bucky's knuckles rapt against your doorframe, his other hand nestled in the front pocket of his jeans and his hip cocked outward with casual ease. 
"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Totally"
You shrugged off the nerves but they only migrated lower into your stomach leaving it aching and jittery. You smiled through it, clenching your jaw tight to keep your teeth from chattering. Bucky's mouth remained full and pouty but his eyes warmed. He tilted his head back to the living room and the front door beyond.
You let out a breath, feeling it stutter in your chest. And your hands, how were they so sweaty? You scraped your palms down your thighs as you passed Bucky, hiding the action from his view in an attempt to save face. Bucky's steps were close behind yours and Wanda was already waiting by the door effectively preventing escape. But you didn't want to escape, not really, not this moment. How many hours lately had you spent wistfully staring outside?
It was just a few steps. Six, actually. You counted each one in your head until you were there with your toes peeking over the threshold.
There was no porch, no overhang beyond the front door to transition slowly away from safety. Wanda was already strolling right into the thick of it, the sun shining off her vibrant red locks. She looked radiant.
Your right foot raised, ready to just go for it, when a sudden weight fell upon your shoulders. Your heart jumped against your ribs leaving a painful, organ shaped bruise just beneath your skin.
Bucky's face was tilted toward you, forehead just barely glancing off your temple. His breath came out in gentle puffs into your ear as his baritone voice whispered
"I won't let you float away out here."
You let out a laugh, more like a nervous squawk, and nodded moving forward when Bucky pulled you both out of the doorway and into the sun.
There is a warmth you can only get from the sun shining against your skin and it gave you a burst of energy you hadn't realized you were missing out on until now. You were suddenly giddy, practically jumping with each step to catch up with Wanda. Unspeaking you all fell into step on an unmarked path, weaving through trees and navigating over fallen branches. Bucky's arm was a welcome presence, especially during those steps when it felt harder to bring your foot back to the earth. During these missteps you gripped Bucky's waist just a little bit tighter and when you did he chuckled low in his throat and knocked his head tenderly against yours, like the moment was an inside joke and not the man literally saving you from floating off into the sky like an untethered balloon. 
"I wish you could always do this for me."
Your tongue was loose with an almost drunken glee, but Bucky only smiled back letting his eyes crinkle at the edges. It made you want to kiss him and in a moment of delirious exuberance you did.
It was only on the cheek, at least the first one, but then Bucky turned his face and leaned in and your lips were against his in a real, full on kiss. 
"It's hot. I'm going to uh, go back inside."
Neither of you could get a word out before Wanda practically jogged back toward the house. 
A rather sudden snore woke you from your deep sleep making you groggily wonder if it was you who let out that rumbling snort. You turned onto your side willing your brain to stay in sleep mode when your body was pulled back over onto your back by a forceful hand on your hip.
"No." Bucky mumbled, pulling against your hip harder until you close enough for him to toss a leg over. 
Who knew Bucky was such a cuddler?
Sleep covered you like a warm blanket soon enough, only for another sound-barrier-breaking snore to jolt you back to consciousness. Bucky's breathing quickened and when you cracked one eye open you could just make out the features of his face screwed up. Like lead your hand moved slowly to cup Bucky's cheek giving him a sleepy sush. 
"I got you Buck."
He let out a noise that you decided to accept as an answer. You waited a few minutes but Bucky didn't let out any more pained noises or heavy snoring. Satisfied you could finally get back to sleep you turned on your side and pressed your back flush to Bucky, making sure his vibranium arm was ironclad over your stomach keeping your body pinned to the mattress. The ceiling wouldn't have you this time.
"And you got me."
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shin-so-sleepy · 4 years
Hi, congrats on starting a writing blog, I wish you luck and hope you have fun! Could you do a little ficlet of someone making Momo feel insecure about her height but then her s/o defends her (and then Momo realizes how much she loves her s/o and cuddles/hugs/forehead kisses ensue)? Thank you so much!
2:42 am - how dare someone make momo feel insecure sis imma FITE... which is why the reader in this has a bit of a uh, temper. i don’t think this is quite as fluffy as you wanted but there’s some soft stuff sprinkled in there. side note, you can pry the hc of momo enjoying puns from my cold, dead, body
Momo Yaoyorozu
— you and momo had been recently let off the stress of hero internships, and decided to schedule a fun mall date to relax
— sometime during the trip, momo happened to notice the mall’s new boba store that had opened recently, and insisted you both try some of the flavors that they had to offer
momo tugged at your sleeve and looked towards the direction of the shop, “ah- y/n look, it’s the new gong cha! i hear they make amazing caramel bubble tea...” she turns back to you, eyes wide and hopeful, “would you like to stop by as well?”
— you smiled, amused at her excitement over a simple drink, and simply nodded in agreement,
“yeah, i could go for some boba! i’m curious about their flavors too” you pause, tilting your head in mock inquisition and continue in a teasing voice. “know what you’re getting already? sure seems like it”
— the 1-A student let a gracious blush fill her cheeks, which let you know she was growing slightly flustered at your playful poking,
“w-well yes, i may have done some research beforehand... erm, anyways, if you’re alright with it then let’s go inside!” and with that, she took your hand in hers and made her way to the shop
— among the few customers there was a group of younger boys ( junior high, if you had to take a guess ) huddled at a table in the corner snorting with laughter
— you glanced at the group briefly, noticing their volume, but thought nothing more of it and allowed momo to lead you towards the cashier
the woman at the cash register smiled as you two approached, “hello! welcome to gong cha, how may i help you?”
— you observed the overhead menu as momo cleared her throat to order, hmmm do i want a boba or a milk foam... oo but a slushie sounds good... should i get a matcha? wait is that too basic- actually no i don’t care, i’ll get a matcha
— with that ( rehearsed in your head to make sure you don’t flub your words ), you finalize your order, pay, and opt to stand to the side with momo to wait as the woman prepares your drinks
— while you both stand patiently and talk in the meantime, you can’t help but overhear part of the conversation from the group of boys in the back,
“hey hey hey shut up or they’ll hear you, dude!!”
“bruh they’re not even paying attention. answer the question, is the tall one a solid 10 or what?”
“...nah, she’s not my type. too tall, it’s weird and would probably be like dating a giraffe, honestly.”
— your eyes widen, clamping your mouth shut and immediately searching momo’s face for any sign that she overheard them. your face falls once you recognize the signs of self-doubt slowly creeping into her festures. she gives you a small smile and tries to shake her head to assure you everything’s alright but you aren’t having it
without a second thought about causing a scene ( the shop was almost empty save for a few customers near the back ) you whip around and face the boys,
“seriously, kid? how immature do you have to be to judge someone by their height? what, does it make you feel like less of a man? it’s not like you were one to begin with so i don’t know why you’re complaining, honestly.” you emphasized the last word to mock their last comment, and fix them all a glare,
“she’s out of your league, buddy. turn around and enjoy your drink before i shove it up your-“
— momo hurriedly interrupts, waving one hand and taking yours with the other, giving it a squeeze as if to say “i got it from here, thanks”
“i think they get it! haha...” she starts, but trails off to give them a stern pointed look. “besides, we’ve seen firsthand that poorly-considered comments like those will cease to get anyone very far in life, especially in the hero industry.”
— the group was silent for a moment, processing her words and turning red at the insinuation towards their chances at becoming heroes. eventually, they collectively nodded and muttered their apologies, turning around with ears burning and metaphorical tails between their legs
— you both turn away, glad the situation didn’t escalate further, and you scoff, still clearly irritated by their comments. tch, arrogant middle schoolers... like what the hell? do they even have eyes? momo’s gorgeous!! i should’ve ripped that kid a new one i swear-
momo interrupted your thoughts by squeezing your hand again. you look up at her with a pout and she laughs lightly. “thank you for telling them off, dear. it was- well i guess you could say it was rather heroic of you...?” she giggles
— your irritation morphs into exasperation and you groan, “momoooooo that was baaaad”
“your smile tells me otherwise though, hm?”
“i’m smiling ‘cause you’re cute, not because the pun was enjoyable, duh. which, it was not by the way” you sigh. “but seriously though, are you okay? they were just being dumb kids, your height makes you charming and like, seem more commanding and stuff...” now it’s your turn to blush at how stupid you sounded
— momo gives you a big, genuine smile that spreads warmth throughout your chest. it’s the one that never fails to get your heart all tingly and the butterflies in your stomach all excited, and you can’t help but grin back, as sappy as it sounds
— suddenly feeling a small surge of confidence, momo leans down to give you a soft peck on the forehead before standing straight again. “i’m fine! i promise. i have you to make sure of that, so don’t be too worried now!” she returns.
— as if a light bulb turns on above both your heads, you turn towards the counter to check on the progress of your orders and are relieved to find the cashier woman finally emerging with the drinks
“i’ve got uhhhh caramel boba and a matcha milk slush for momo?”
— you speak up, raising a hand, “that would be for us, thank you so much!” you and momo grab the drinks and some straws, walking out of the shop
“you’re welcome, have a nice day!” the cashier calls
— you both turn back to bid them a good day as well, and momo intertwines your fingers and heads off to the next store. for the rest of the date, you’re a bit more affectionate than usual, albeit, still keeping her bashfulness in mind as you supply your girlfriend a few pecks on the cheek whilst you attempt to help her browse for clothing items. momo, who usually shies away from pda, surprisingly allows you to continue without complaint. i don’t mind much today, she thinks, they deserve the extra love
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Upside Down Headcanons:
Gonna tag @kingbillyharringrove because the two of us have talked in depth about this before, and @paladin-cleric-mage because they requested me to tag them! Love you guys. Lots of this will be me babbling about cool facts too because I love biology so much.
The most commonly accepted and seen headcanon- the Upside Down wildlife (with the possible exception of the Mindflayer) are a form of semi-sentient plant evolution. That being said, I'm now going to break down the different plant aspects of wildlife I have developed and would like to share, as well as habitat, time cycles, and weather.
Parasitic Plants
I would like to bring to your attention Rafflesia Arnoldii, also known as the Stinking Corpse Lily. It has a putrid, decaying flesh scent and produces the largest known individual flower in the world. "It is parasitic on members of the genus Tetrastigma (in the grape family, Vitaceae). It has no roots or leaves and most of the time lives unobserved inside the woody stems and roots of its host." (Source) Also, it looks like this:
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I can absolutely see the Democreatures being evolved from this beauty. In their larval stages, they would have to have a host to survive(as seen with Will, who was the host for what was probably Dart) There are many different types of Rafflesia that look very similar but are smaller however, so that's food for thought as well.
While we have not seen much in terms of the actual Upside Down (which is both a shame and a crime), it is easy to assume there are more living variants to the ecosystem than just the three we have been shown. It is, after all, an entire realm parallel to our own. And so, I would like to introduce you to Hydnora Africana, another unique parasitic plant, that grows in the roots of Euphorbia caput-medusae, a succulent. It's undetermined whether or not it has roots or a stem, though it's makeup lends it more towards having one root system and no stem. It's appearance is also fascinating, and it's far too easy to imagine some monstrous creature based off of it:
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The fine white threads when in first bloom are just wide enough for beetles to get in through, but may find it difficult to escape through. After a few days the "teeth" pull apart so that the beetles may escape and distribute their pollen. (Source)
There is also the plant Orobanche fasciculata, or Clustered Broomrape. They are endangered in many states, including Indiana! (Source) "Clustered Broomrape (Orobanche fasciculata), also known as Yellow Broomrape, has mostly 5-10 long, slender, 1-flowered stalks rising from a short, trunk-like stemusually 2-6 inches (5-15 cm) long. It occurs in the midwestern and Plains states." (Source) It is also nicknamed the Cancer Root, and it's a parasitic herb.  The species has both male and female reproductive organs, and is a perennial(meaning it comes back each year.) (Source) It is parasitic on the roots of Ambrosia and other members of the Compasitae. It is one of plants I have based herbivorous creatures off of, prey animals that act as a food source for Rafflesia and Hydnora variants. The reasoning for this is because of its medicinal uses. "The root is pectoral. The chewed root has been used as a dressing on wounds and open sores. An infusion of the leaves is used as a wash on sores. Forms of the plant that are parasitic on sweet sage roots have been used as a treatment of cancer." (Source) It looks like this:
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With the spores that are constantly in the air of the Upside Down, and the often-times toxic nature of fungi, it's all too easy to picture variations of wildlife as evolved sentience from them as well. Here are some good contenders for potential wildlife!
Hydnellum Peckii, or the Bleeding Tooth Fungus, is a creature I've actually drawn and designed before! Similar to the Demogorgon, it is a humanoid omnivore. "Scientifically known as hydnellum peckii, the young bleeding tooth fungus’s thick red fluid oozes through its tiny pores, creating the appearance of blood. The underside of the cap has tooth-like spines. As it matures, the mushroom’s pale pink centre becomes dark, almost black, in colour... The bleeding tooth fungus is a mycorrhiza fungus, engaging in a symbiotic association with the roots of a vascular plant. The fungus receives fixed carbon from the host and, in return, improves the host plant’s mineral absorption." (Source) It looks like this:
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The Bleeding Tooth Fungus creature is a stealth hunter, lying in wait completely still. The blood colored fluid is also scented like blood, luring in unsuspecting prey for the creature to strike quickly and effeciently. It is not built for speed but rather strength and quick movements.
Armillaria mellea, also known as a Honey Mushroom, is a parasitic version that colonizes dead or dying plants, and will kill living hosts. It has an enzyme that gives it bioluminescence, and colonized plants where this fungus is present are known as Foxfire. (Source) It looks like this:
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Creatures based off of these fungi would loan themselves to bioluminescence, in either a total glow or perhaps something with design, such as species patterns.
This one is purely self-indulgent and festures heavily into an AU I've had in development for months and talked about at length with @kingbillyharringrove and @wickedlittleoz for being a rare jarringrove au.
I like to headcanon that there are enzymes that exist naturally in the water of the Upside Down, and when ingested and entering the bloodstream have a reaction with white blood cells that cause a bioluminescent reaction. I like to headcanon that this is why, despite the darkness of the night, it is never truly dark. There's always a dull glow at the very least.
Day & Night Cycles
I love the idea of the Upside Down having a day time, and I now feel ROBBED knowing that the original concept art had considered it! I like the idea of the Upside Down having a Red Sun instead of a sun like ours. During the day, the world os illumimated in a reddish glow and colors appear distorted to what we are used to. The plants tend to have more bluish purple tones during the day.
The dusk and dawn times are brilliant and full of life, with all the glowing beasts and fungi bursting to life in the first hour after sunset and right before sunrise. The late night period is the darkest, when things are either sleeping or hunting. Carnivores have evolved so that their glow is hidden, patterned like the flora surrounding them. This helps hide them from prey animals who might have eyes and flee.
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(Early concept art for the Upside Down)
Weather and Habitat
Now aside from the storm surrounding the Mindflayer, we don't have any real basis for the weather in the Upside Dowm aside from stale and still. My own headcanons include a few other phenomena including:
Acid rain storms. It's a world of death and shadows and decay. Acid rains fit in beautifully with this ideal.
Extreme heat waves, especially during the summer months when many of the creatures travel deep deep south or high high north towards the ever-frozen poles. Alternatively, the summer is when the heat-based creatures come out from hibernation or migrate back from their position at the equator.
Speaking of the equator, much like our world it's considerably warmer than the rest of the planet. Unlike our world, it's literally uninhabitable by the rest of the planet. It's a scorching barren wasteland with extreme volcanic activity and large pockets of gas below the surface of the earth that frequently boil over and explode. The gases are deadly to breathe in even for the native creatures.
Sand and glass storms. Sand storms are prevalent on the outskirts of the equator, where deserts line the center of the globe. Glass storms are closer to the center of the equator, where freak lightening and rapid heat rising keeps the sands crystalized and when the wind catches them and cools the molten sand rapidly, it turns into glass. It's not fun.
The Ocean
This one is fair game, and honestly? Not one I've put too much development into because the possibilities are wider than we can even imagine. I mean, hell. Our OWN oceans provide otherworldly horrors on a daily discovery basis. What would the Upside Down have to offer?
The only thought we've really put into it is @kingbillyharringrove and I decided that the deepest part of our own ocean was a connector to the Upside Down's. When it comes to the oceans, our worlds overlap consistently.
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chowtrolls · 1 month
that does sound cute <3 maybe I'll get a copy and give it to you for your classroom once I'm done reading it
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"It's cute, I think you'd like it. Just remember it's for 6 sweep olds, so it's on the young side, but it is cute.
I also accept any and all book donations, as long as they aren't Hatchet or Bud, Not Buddy. I will accept any of TrollGary Paulsen's other novels though, because I do fancy a good survival story. Not Canyon, that one hits a little too hard for home."
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@insufferablefaemales I hope you enjoy your ship! I’m sorry for the wait!
‘What kind of group do you want to be a part of? Girl group or Co-ed Hobbies and skills? Reading (My favourite genre is fantasy or something a little dark and twisted - nothing to scary though! Dark fantasy is the best!), I like to dance aswell but it's hardly a skill, I'm trying to learn Korean, and I love listening to music/watching good mvs (I live a pretty boring life 😂) Do you play any instruments? Nopperty - I wish I could though - Maybe I should learn the piano? Ultimate group/bias? Monsta X (Bias Kihyun - everyone else is hella bias wrecker), Stray kids (Biases Felix and Changbin - Bias wrecker Jisung), BTS (Bias Yoongi/Tae who sometimes creeps from the Bias wrecker zone - Bias wreckers Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon), and Pentagon (Biases Wooseok and Shinwon - Bias wreckers Edawn and Yeo one). What would you consider yourself as in your friend group? The crazy one/The smol but fierce one 😂 How many languages do you speak? What are they? 1 (English) - I'm currently learning Korean though but i'm still at beginner level 😂 (Technically I do Spanish at school but i'm just learning enough to pass my gcse then i'm not continuing it.) Favorite pasttime? Reading or Watching/Listening to Kpop related stuff 😂 OH AND EATING!! Favorite drama? If you mean Kdrama, I haven't gotten round to watching any yet, however my fav tv shows are American horror story and Teen wolf. Notable physical features? I have dyed Dark red hair, My eyes are a Hazel/Green and they look hella Green in bright light, and my lips are quite full and naturally rosy coloured. Also I get cold VERY easily, my hands always are numb in winter to the point my fingertips often go slightly blue (Not really a noticable festure but..😅). How would you describe your personality? I get stressed pretty easily which sometimes results in me becoming emotional - I also have a hot temper. I'm either absolutely awful at holding grudges and being angry at someone (especially if we're really close) however I can also be VERY good at holding grudges too. I tend to get quite jealous very easily. I love making friends; however when meeting new people (or even just being around people I don't know that well/i'm not that close to) I can be extremely awkward and shy - yet around people i'm close to, i'm very loud, bubbly, and crazy in a good way. I'm prone to laughing a lot when i'm with my friends - especially to the point of being unable to stop laughing. I can sometimes seem very withdrawn and introverted at times too though. I get embarrassed very easily and blush a lot. I love skinship and can be very affection towards my friends, they often say I can be a little clingy, for example If i'm tired or bored I usually rest my head on them and I love jumping on their backs when they least expect it - I can be quite childish and playful at times 😂 - I love hugs to and apparently I give really good hugs. I love having fun however I get bored very easily, i'm nearly always up for an adventure and I especially love amusement parks and places like arcades and even playareas (ofcourse I just go in their to "supervise my younger siblings" 🤣) I also loves playing games like tag and hide 'n seek 😅 i'm just a child at heart; although I do have those days where I just want to lay in bed and do nothing but watch movies or sleep. I am a major procrasinator - it's so bad - homework is nearly always left til last minute and tasks often forgotten about 😖however if I get stuck into doing something like cleaning or writing or something then I usually do it very thoroughlly - 😂 after all the motivation needed to start the job. I also tend to zone out a lot and am a big daydreamer. I have a very active imagination and can get jumpy and scared very easily though I like to act brave. My friends also often say I tend to be quite cute and smol but also quite sassy. (Sorry If I wrote a lot 😅). Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Probably more of an Ambivert.’
Your Company: 
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How Many Members/What Kind of Group: Nine member, girl group
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Group Concept: Dark and fantasy-like 
Similar Concept: ZICO’s ‘Anti’ feat. G-Soul
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Role In Group: Visual and dancer, in the older line but not the oldest
Idol Best Friends: 
Male: Stray Kids’ Chan 
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Female: Apink’s Eunji
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Who Considers You Their Ideal Type: Pentagon’s Shinwon
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*Pics are not mine*
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chowtrolls · 1 month
i've never heard of that loneliest girl book before, whats it about?
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"Its actually really cute. I don't typically read this genre, but I wanted to make like...an effort, I suppose, to know what all the books on my shelf were about. I've always been a book junkie and I think its important for my kiddos to find a book they like...so I try to match them up.
But uh...The Loneliest Girl In The Universe is a fiction novel, set in a different planet where trolls are raised by parents instead of lusii. And they're not as technologically advanced as we are. Their Empire built a space ship designed to slowly travel the long distance to the nearest habitable planet. The crew was supposed to take turns being awake and then go into cryo-sleep, but two of them fell in love and ended up making a grub. In space! Which hadn't been done before!
But some really surprisingly scary stuff happens, and this wriggler ends up alone. Her name's Romy, she's incredibly intelligent, and also totally alone. She's almost 7 sweeps, on her own, only occasionally getting messages from her Empire's space center.
Then they send a newer, faster, second ship to meet her, with another troll on board. She sends him messages back and forth and begins to fall for the guy. As an adult I could see the red flags, but clearly she's still a wriggler, she couldn't. She stops getting messages from her Empire- there's a nuclear war, apparently- so J is all she's got. It had a fascinating twist.
Would I read it again? Probably not. Mostly sad because it's a fantastic introduction into sci-fi while playing on romance tropes, and has a lot of that youth self-empowering stuff."
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chowtrolls · 1 month
hey festur hows the start of the new semester going
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"I moved classrooms and somehow acquired, without any exaggeration, 75 copies of Hatchet, 68 copies of Pictures of Hollis Woods, 118 copies of Bud, Not Buddy, and 10 Freak the Mighty. And one with an orange cover that I got so annoyed over that I just stopped counting. AND I lost my copies of Girls Drums and Dangerous Pie, and The Loneliest Girl In The Universe. Sad about Loneliest Girl, that was a cute book.
In short it's a hot mess and my damn-- sorry, dang lesson plans for next week aren't done."
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chowtrolls · 2 months
fester, what’s your favorite climate to live in? North, south, beach, mountain etc
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"I used to prefer the cold. I wanted to move away from population and on a mountain, where it'd be cold and wild. But since I was revived, I'm just...colder now. Feels like I can't really regulate my body temp. Not sure the snow is where I need to go now."
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chowtrolls · 4 months
Festur, did you have any female role models growing up? What did they mean to you?
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"No, I had Kittle. This caused permanent and irreparable brain damage for the obvious reason of it being fucking Kittle."
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chowtrolls · 4 months
festur, besides the pay, what keeps you coming back to your job, and if you really can't think of anything else what would your dream job be?
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“There is no other occupation where I can watch a 6 sweep old unironically griddy down the hallway, tripping over his own shoelaces, jump to his feet, mew at me before I can make a comment, then run away.
Nor can I find another job where I can watch a 6 sweep old pick up my Febreeze, stare at it, look down the nozzle, and spray herself in the face point blank, shout ‘IM AN IDIOT MR C’ and fall to a heap on the ground.
And I’d be hard pressed to have a child face me and sadly say, ‘Mr C I can’t play sports, my lusus won’t let me because I have a D in your class!’ To which I respond, monotonous and deadpan, ‘So get your D up dude.’
I would prefer to never be called a Discord Kitty again. That is probably the most unfun part of the job.”
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chowtrolls · 5 months
festur, what would your younger self think of you now? how would they feel?
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"After he got over the initial distress over dying? I think he'd be really angry, but then again...when wasn't I angry?
Mad I let JD get away, mad I abandoned Riptid, mad I ended up in a church teaching literature, mad I never did what I wanted to with my life, mad I still can't afford a Toyota, mad I died and somehow managed to come back as a spineless coward who continues to waste the life he has, the second chance of life he was given.
That entire sentence can be broken up into several independent clauses, meaning it contains several comma splices. Just so you know. Wanted to do something great with my life and here I am teaching teenagers what comma splices are instead."
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