violadesdragons · 6 days
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They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds 🌱
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azrithart · 10 months
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Yvarra, my Fey’Ri (fiend/elf) shadow sorcerer and fabulous lord of darkness
Do not use my art for AI training.
Please do not use or repost anywhere.
However, reblogs are great! :D
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arianwen44 · 2 years
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Spirit Feyri doesn’t like people on his lawn.
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skllyr · 2 years
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Some wholesome art for my partner @ourmaskoflies
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undyingembers · 2 years
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Decided to do my Neverwinter crew with this picrew.
Left to Right: Feyri (NWN), Anande (SoU&HotU), and Tara (NWN2&MotB)
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starfall-spirit · 19 days
Burning in the Starlight
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Summary: In the wake of Amarantha's downfall, Feyre finds herself struggling to acquaint herself with the ways of Autumn nobility. Once a third-born daughter, now Cursebreaker, attention and gossip around the court were to be expected. What she didn't expect was the young and rising High Lord's proposal-nor her father's arrangement without her consent.
Trapped between a marriage bed and a mating bond, Feyre finds herself tangled in a new game, thanks to Rhysand's affinity for bargains. A game that would create the sort of scandal a proper Autumn lady shouldn't find herself caught in.
Feyre can't quite bring herself to care.
BitS Masterlist Ao3
@polyacotarweek Day 3: Secrets
Chapter IV: Wife, Mate, Spy
Dinner was an even more casual affair than breakfast, if that was possible. Feyre had lost track of time in the library and Rhys had found her on a window seat, curled up in a blanket with her nose in a book. She was so distracted in fact, it had only been the soft prodding of her mental shield that alerted her he was near.
“Is it getting easier to maintain?”
“Yes,” she murmured, accepting a plate of cheese, meat, and fruit from him as well as a glass of wine. “I’m not so sure that will hold true if I have to be paranoid about you poking at it.”
He frowned, sitting down beside her. “As I said, visitors and powerful officials to Autumn will be a bigger threat to you. Soon enough it will be an unconscious habit and won’t take any energy to keep it solid and in place.” He shook his head, that frown morphing to amusement. “Did you gather every pillow in the house?”
She shot him a glare, burrowing a bit deeper into her nest and balancing her plate on her knees. “What business is it of yours? It’s not like I was poking around your room.”
“And just where were you poking around, Feyre darling?” 
He leaned in just half an inch, his body hardly doing more than tilting towards her. And yet that was all it took for his scent to wash over her. For the second time that day she was paralyzed, but rather than having her control stolen, it was raw instinct bringing her to pause and recognize the thread between them. It was a thriving thing, emotions and fears and dreams tangled in and along it, pulsing between them. 
He cocked his head, watching her straighten and sit back, letting her slowly widen the space between them.
“What is beneath this house?” Rhys raised a brow, rolling a grape between his finger and thumb. “Well, there must be something beyond this place. This part of your territory can’t just be this house and the mountains beyond it. So?”
“We are rather isolated if we’re discussing the cardinal directions. Beneath the house, however, lies my… occupation, one might say. The Hewn City is unpleasant to say the least. It mostly governs itself unless someone needs a firm reminder about who is High Lord.”
“Hewn City?”
The corner of his mouth twitched upwards. “Amarantha was not as clever as she pretended to be. What you found Under the Mountain was a sanitized version of the Court of Nightmares. And yes, it’s every bit as horrid as its name.”
Feyre hummed, reaching for her wine. “What is it about you wicked and dark types, holding court underground?”
She thought she had masked her distaste well enough, especially with her teasing at what she was truly coming to recognize as a facade. He merely held her stare, his face almost pensive. “Not only are the people there horrid, but it is a reminder. Those years there—” Beneath the stone where he saw no stars. Those years in Amarantha’s bed. “—won’t be forgotten. The first time I returned to court, appearing as High Lord, it was far from easy.”
“Would I have to go there? If…” If she chose him. This place. How long would it grant her this tranquility before the facade faded to the same fascism and maneuverings she was forced to endure in Autumn?
There were many subjects going unspoken tonight. “I would not force you to attend those audiences. My mother rarely did, but then she was not my father’s equal.”
“They weren’t mates?”
“Mates, yes. Equals is another matter. This morning Morrigan mentioned the traditional title a wife or mate inherits. Lady of Night, Autumn, Winter, and so on. There has never been a High Lady, as I’m sure you know through your political studies in Winter.”
“I didn’t have much need for politics or history,” she admitted with a blush. “But I’ve gathered a thing or two since returning to Autumn. Is this your next attempt at a bribe?”
He chuckled. “I’m not foolish enough to believe you would be swayed by something as shallow as power, Feyre. In fact, I’d be disappointed if that was all it took for me to win your heart. This is my pathetic attempt at transparency. Considering where I spent the last fifty years, you could say I’m out of practice in that courtesy.”
Feyre offered him a smile, letting herself scoot an inch closer. “I think you’re doing well enough, all things considered.”
His lips twitched to mirror her own. “I want everything on the table to avoid any unnecessary surprises down the road.” His expression suddenly sobered, making Feyre wary. “Speaking of power, have you discovered any consequences of your resurrection?”
She shook her head. “the usual parlor tricks I had already mastered before going Under the Mountain. You and Eris really believe something was passed to me?”
”It’s been centuries, maybe longer, since the High Lords have seen someone worthy of reviving, and I’ve yet to find any sort of record of the results. Even then, I’d imagine the results are case-by-case. We just need to find your trigger before it does you harm.”
Because fae who tried to suppress power, be they in hiding or something else, had gone mad and burned up from the inside out, trying to lock their power away. “Write to me or—” He huffed, grinding his teeth. “—or inform Eris. He can at least train you in control of Autumn gifts you may possess. Stop smirking like that.”
“You males. Always so jealous when it comes to your mates.” Ignoring his soft snarl, the shiver it sent down her spine, Feyre refocused on the subject between them. “Training the other gifts? Autumn’s ties are tumultuous on a good day, and you have few friends outside of the Night court.”
“The principles will be similar enough through each branch of magic. Once you learn to control a high magnitude of power, the rest will come easily enough. And something tells me you’re a quick study, regardless. Don’t start worrying about that until you actually have to. Especially with the other problems we’re juggling.”
“Hybern, right? Or something else?” She grimaced “You’ll have to fill me in. Vivian could only get crumbs of information behind Kallias’ wards.”
He gave another heavy sigh. “War is coming, Feyre. And fast.”
Rhys’s failure to give a fuck must have worn off on Feyre in the week she was away, because despite her desire to be at least well-mannered enough to show her face in high society, the sheer horror on her mother’s face was worth the risk of wearing Night Court loungewear home.
Though her father scowled at the exposure of her midriff and the sheer sleeves she wore, he had other concerns. “You carry his scent.”
There laid the roots of her concern. The scent of a mating bond left in limbo. She’d spent all week fearing it would snap into place without her consent just because of their physical attraction to one another. “A result of the bargain,” she lied smoothly. “And likely the fact he kept me close during my stay. Monitored, I mean. The last thing he was going to do was let Eris’ bride go snooping.”
There was a semi-truth to that. While there had been little to no classified information to find in the Moonstone Palace, when he spoke to his general and cousin in her presence, there was a vagueness to his words. And a slight pain in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Feyre,” he told her once. “But even with the bond, I can’t tell you everything yet. One day I hope I can.”
“The day I accept you and your court as my own?” She had no right to feel so bitter, but it still stung for some reason.
“The very moment you do. That’s a promise, and I never break my promises.”
Shaking off the memory, she gave her parents and sisters a tight smile. Elain seemed particularly worried, Nesta simply suspicious. “It was all… taxing. But I’m unharmed.”
”I imagine so,” her father replied, voice still laced with suspicion. “Go change into something proper. It’s nearly dinner and the High Lord expects you to join him.”
Insufferable bastard. All he wanted at the moment was to interrogate her, she was certain. And perhaps try to discourage her romantic pursuit of his enemy. Still, she was sitting across from Eris at a quarter to seven serving herself a portion of roast meat and various side dishes. “What exactly is the point of this dinner, Eris?”
“Do I not possess the right to wine and dine my fiancée?”
 “That’s not what I mean and you know it.”
He grinned. Dangerous, was the descriptor that came to mind. It seemed she had a type. Where that thought had come from she wasn’t sure. But she couldn’t deny he was attractive, at least. “You walk freely through my enemy’s household and you expect me to just ignore it?”
Feyre sighed. “You’re being quite predictable, actually. Mates or not, he doesn’t trust me yet. And even if he did, it’s none of your business what he and his court are up to.” 
He cocked his head, one short nail clacking against his glass. “And if your mate asked you to spy on me?”
Feyre sighed. “He didn’t ask me to spy on you like that.”
His hand stilled. “Like that?” Just what does ’like that’ mean?”
She raised her own goblet to her lips. “What is your stance on the war against Hybern?”
He chuckled. “Tell me you have a bit more couth at court. That I’ll have the slightest hope at training you in political parley.”
She rolled her eyes. “I have no desire to beat around the bush this evening. That doesn’t make me incompetent. Now, Hybern.”
To his credit, Eris only hesitated a moment longer. “Hybern has had a very long time to plant the seeds of doubt in his people’s mind. Regardless of his own power, an army full of anger can be beyond dangerous. Worse than that, particularly unpredictable.”
“What is Autumn doing about it?”
That was where she saw the change in him. Where this was shutting down. “That’s none of your concern, Feyre. Unlike some, I know when to keep my cards close to my chest.”
“Sounds like a whole lot of nothing.”
Chuckling, Eris wiped his face, standing from his chair. She tensed, but remained seated as he approached, reaching for her chin. He was all too smug the next time their eyes met. “I might be convinced to share such information with my wife.” His thumb stroked down her jaw, the motion small, yet possessive. “Think on that, little wolf. I’ll call on you soon.”
Taglist: @highladysith // @lulling-night-sky // @edgyellie // @stars-and-scripts // @shallyne // @the-lonelybarricade // @darling-archeron // @goddess-aelin // @the-lost-changeling // @faeriequeensuriel // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @elentiya-whitethorn // @acotar-fanns // @jealousveronya // @acourtofwips // @reverie-tales // @gwynkyrie // @corcracrow // @thelovelymadone // @mybestfriendmademe // @lilah-asteria
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ae-neon · 1 year
Controversial ACOTAR Crackship?
This is just my opinion, I'm not an unbiased source. Don't like? Just scroll
Was explaining to my lovely mutual how :
Fey.ris is what Fey.sand should have been (and is actually better than Ne.ris) because the material conditions necessary to "excuse" bad behaviour exists for E.ris but don't exist for R.hys
(and for some reason F.eyre's narrative is obsessed with excusing as well as always explaining why her side have the moral high ground 🙄😕 so, here's how it might actually work and not come off as cognitive dissonance + hypocritical nonsense)
R.hys has been the HL for his court for over 400 years. He is the Most Powerful™ and his nepotism circle are the Most Powerful™
E.ris on the other hand is still under the very real threat of his father and his brothers as well as being isolated and lonely. This makes the "mask" necessary and, more importantly, BELIEVABLE.
Therefore F.eyre's (+the narrative's) exoneration and sanctification of the love interest doesn't come off as hamfisted and self righteous as in canon.
It also doesn't force F.eyre to give up her action heroine archetype as the overall plot of the AC is one of an impending rebellion (the I.llyrians don't count, they are no threat and especially no threat in comparison to B.eron and an Autumn succession war)
It would fit for F.eyre to be the bridge that reconnects L.ucien to E.ris as she has/ would have a separate personal relationship with both (N.esta doesn't work here)
As always I maintain the V.alkyrie plotline belongs to her and it actually makes sense for there once to have been a female warrior group who now no longer exist in the current sexist climate (aka B.eron's reign) this could be a key point in the rebellion (again I'm not a warrior N.esta supporter so she doesn't fit)
Also fits F.eyre as liberation figure, to help the AC rebellion, cause she's doing fokol for the I.llyrian women.
It even makes more sense for E.ris to have a secret enclave he considers his home outside the capital
And last but not least E.ris has no mind fuck abilities so even the idea of manipulation or threat of control
(this is where the opposite pairing does have merit because N.esta isn't as vulnerable to R.hys' mind fuck powers or even his plain old manipulation, he could never convince her to get half naked or pretend she's a sexual pet)
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shallyne · 10 months
SJM Crackshipmonth - Forbidden Love
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They were walking for hours now. Feyre didn't have the right shoes to wander such long distances and no potions to ease the soreness and she doubted Eris would let her gather the necessary ingredient. Not that Feyre had any time to grab either of these things when her village was attacked and burned to cinders. Feyre had fought, wearing her powers out so much that she only felt an echo of it right now, only a drop lingering, and this after hours of using her powers. It wasn't unusual, witches were powerful but it took them a long time to recharge. Some could destroy armies but slept a week through pure exhaustion afterwards. The less powerful you are, the quicker you recharge. She had made it out, running to the rendevouz point she agreed to with her sisters, who helped villagers escape while Feyre stayed back and fought. Although when Feyre arrived she found nothing but chaos. Smoke, bodies, the stench of burned meat and blood. That's when she met Eris, who had told her that her sisters were save in the north and that he would take her there too. Feyre declined, telling him to go fuck himself. Eris told her it wasn't a request. Feyre had debated to fight, she had debated to run, to call him out on his bullshit but a little voice in her head said, what if he's right? What if he leads you to your sisters? Since then she had made it her duty to ignore him.
Until he took a path that guided them away from their main route. "Where are you going?"
Eris looked over his shoulder, letting his eyes rove from Feyre's muddy shoes up to her messy hair, scrunching his nose. "The sun is setting, we'll seek cover for this night and continue tomorrow. Come on, I know a near cave." he didn't wait for Feyre to agree, knowing she would follow. Stomping after him, Feyre seethed and debated to kick him in the back of the knees, imagining how he would react. Would he curse? Scowl? Trying to put her back in her place? Threaten her? Feyre stifled a giggle, feeling slightly lighter as she followed Eris into a small cave. There was a little campfire in the center and Eris sat against a wall, waving his hand to start the campfire, which movement made him wince. He turned to look at her but Feyre's eyes were fixed on his shoulder and she cocked her head.
"You're injured." She looked down at her hands as Eris scoffed, feeling the tiny spark of power that was left inside her. Sighing, she told him, "Turn around?"
He eyed her suspiciously but turned around. Again, it made Feyre angry because he didn't see her as a threat at all. But she shook the anger, laying her hand on Eris’s shoulder, which made him flinch. She focused on the spark, reciting spells that she had memorized long ago in the old language until the spark was almost snuffed out. Wordlessly, she walked to the opposite wall and sat.
"Careful Archeron, it seems like you care." Eris mocked with smirk, rolling his shoulder.
Feyre looked at her feet, trying to ignore the flames in front of her, "Don't flatter yourself, you're slowing us down if you're injured."
He didn't answer immediately and a silence grew between them. It wasn't uncomfortable, to Feyre's surprise. They just sat there, lost in their own thoughts for a few minutes.
"Why do you even care? The last I checked they treated you like shit." he broke the silence.
Feyre wished she wouldn't have spoken at all. Wished he wouldn't be right. "The last time you checked was two hundred years ago." she snapped. "That's a lot of time."
Eris laughed but there wasn't a hint of humor in it. "The last I checked was on winter solstice." he told her. Feyre's eyes snapped up, meeting his russet ones over the fire. "I was close and I...well, I thought I should take a look." he shrugged. "I saw you preparing meat as your sisters sat in front of the hearth. I wonder, did they even remember that it was your birthday?"
Feyre swallowed. "Tomas Mandray."
"Excuse me?"
"They were talking about Tomas Mandray." Feyre told him. "He wanted to marry Nesta."
Eris snorted. "He hates witches. I don't feel particularly sorry that he died in the attack." Feyre smiled slightly and it took Eris a few moments until he deciphered the reason. His eyes shone with glee, "Oh Archeron, you killed the Mandray boy?"
Straightening her legs, she replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. He stumbled and cracked his head open. My hands are clean of his blood."
Eris chuckled, "See? Two hundred years barely changed anything."
She shook her head. "A lot changed since you left, Eris."
His smile vanished. "I see, you're still mad."
"You turned your back to serve for your father." she grit out.
Eris leaned forward. "I will never serve for my father." he growled. "Trust me, if I could kill him I would but there's a lot more that depends on this. I can't gamble this, I need to become the next High Lord and if I have to play a few of his games, so be it."
"A few games? Like burning down a whole village of innocents?" Feyre jumped up. "If so, you did it, Eris. They are all dead because of you!"
Eris jumped to his feet too, walking over to Feyre in three long strides. "I didn't know what my father planned until it was too late, Feyre. Nothing of what happened today I approved of!"
"Do you want me too swoon for such a noble deed? Oh, you didn't approve! Good job. Forgive and forget, right? I'm sure bards will compose songs about you, oh he came for the villagers but it was too late, such tragedy!" Feyre seethed, stepping forward.
"What do you want to hear, Feyre?"
"The truth!"
"Fine!" he said, "I didn't come for the villagers!"
Feyre nodded, "Not surprised–"
"I came for you." he breathed.
Feyre went rigid, staring at Eris. Staring into his eyes for any hint of a lie. "Huh?"
"When I heard that my father send soldiers to attack your village, I was filled with terror. Honestly, I barely remember hoe I managed to get here because all I was thinking about was you and that I would set the world aflame if anything happened to you. I decided that I wanted the throne two hundred years ago to make this court a safer place for you." he sighed. "I can't. I realized this today. I can't make this a safe place for you until my father is dead, so I'll risk sending you north."
Eris shook his head. "Forget that." Feyre opened her mouth but Eris said, "He's...Rhysand is cunning but he is a man of his word and he promised to take you and your sisters in and that you will be safe at all times." he took a deep breath. "I don't need you to take this all in at once but I need you to stay in the night court while I take care of my father and when I'm done we...we can talk about whatever this is. Or not. However, you will always have a home in the Autumn Court when I'm done."
Tears were rolling down Feyre's cheeks. "I can help you–"
"You can help me when you stay with Rhysand. I will take up your offer if I need it but first I need to know that you're safe. You are exhausted, Feyre. Healing me took the rest out of you. Go to the Night Court, heal, recharge, rebound with your sisters. I will find you."
"You'll find me?"
Feyre sniffled. "Good, because if you won't find me, I will find you and I won't be nice."
Eris smirked. "Good." he said, "Now rest, tomorrow will be a long day."
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marblesarelost · 4 months
A visit with an old friend...
"Goldie, you scandalous thing, you," Myra drawled as she hugged the smaller woman. "Trousers?"
"I like them," Goldie grinned at her. "And the suspenders play merry hell with my personal customers, too." Oh, Myra could see that; the thin belts stretched across Goldie's ample bosom, garnering attention without a doubt.
"La. I take it you've a very busy social schedule, then?"
"Never too busy for you, Duchess," Goldie assured her. "And what's this I hear of your being considered as the heir to Tyrconnell? Will I be calling you princess next time I see you?"
"Not if I can help it," Myra replied with a sigh. "Uncle Colm is finally discussing annulling his marriage to Deidre."
"It only took him three hundred years, but good," Goldie said, pulling out her cigar case and choosing a slim cheroot. "Light?" In a blink, a flame appeared stationary in front of her, and she leaned in to light it. "Thanks."
"My pleasure, just blow the smoke away from me," Myra said, dismissing the flame and gathering her skirts to sit down on the lounge and looking out over the rail. "You do have such wonderful perks to your position, Goldie."
"Yeah, well," the dwarven woman sat down in a chair beside her, taking in the same view. "I earned them, Duchess. Fair and square."
"You did. And I deeply respect that about you."
"And so did you," Goldie added. "You don't just hang about the courts, you earned your title, can't buy it, that's for damn sure."
"Very kind," Myra murmured. "Very kind indeed."
"I always am, to my friends." Goldie paused, blew smoke out over the railing. Myra started at the slightest touch to the back of her hand, and looked to see deep green eyes searching her own. "Moira. What are you running from?"
"I haven't the faintest --"
"You don't lie well, Moira Derryth. You never have. That damn near killed you the last time you were on my boat, and it hasn't changed. Now. What's wrong, and how can I help?"
(It's a possible opening as to why Myra would be on the Double Rose.)
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violadesdragons · 6 days
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Faun feet
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azrithart · 7 months
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Day 2 of OC-tober! Yvarra and Maruvir, thrice-divorced lovers to enemies and back ⚔️ Maru belongs to my pal @c-cloudyy Yvarra is my brain spawn -- Please do not use or repost. Not for AI. Reblogs are lovely, though! Thanks 🖤
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arianwen44 · 2 years
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I have wanted to make a giant picture of all my D&D babies together, they all would make a well-rounded party! Two druids, two clerics, a bard, a paladin, and a rogue. ❤️ Left to right: Quill, Vex, Hollus, Alois, Orcarina, Feyri, and Ciarán.
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skllyr · 2 years
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Art for my partner @ourmaskoflies ♡
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gailynovelry · 2 years
behold my dumb bard child
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Redesigned a D&D-adjacent character of mine, Fennik Glenwey. He's a fey-touched stormsinger bard, which translates to "sparky, snarky, and exceptionally cheerful for someone who couldn't logic his way out of a paper bag."
When I redesigned him, the intent was to bring in both a jester theme and autumnal colors, since he's from an Fall-themed court.
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starfall-spirit · 28 days
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Looking forward to @polyacotarweek. Here's a little sneak peek of my plans. Fingers crossed that Gwynriquin and Feysandruhn will be ready in time.
Summer Soirée-Gwyn/Azriel/Tarquin (Beginnings)
Serve and Protect~Feyre/Rhys/Cassian (Secrets)
Burning in the Starlight Chapter 4-Feyre/Eris/Rhys (Favorite Trope)
Remember Me? Chapter 2-Feyre/Rhys/Ruhn (Free Day)
Also going to drop a poll here and remake this list next week, because I'm having trouble deciding.
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shayennelovesbooks · 1 year
Feyre and Eris have the potential to be a chaotic duo. The good kind of chaotic
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