#ff sweet tofu x reader
ff-imagines · 3 years
Helloo! Not sure if my other req came through or not but anywho, can I get hcs of sweeto singing/humming his s/o to sleep or just calming them down? Tysm! Love you mama beann
Mini scene bc I couldn’t format this into hc in a way I liked 💔
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Yesterday had been absolute shit.
With your alarm going off next to to you, the annoyance and anger that was only held back by exhaustion bubbled again to the surface. Barely having the energy to even groan in protest, the alarm continued to blare next to your ear. Bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of your nose, you reached to the nightstand to stop the noise before it made you ears ring. As you fumbled, still keeping your tired eyes shut, the alarm suddenly stopped before you could feel for it, a hand gently grasping your wrist.
Cracking open only one eye, you peered up to see the always smiling sweet tofu. He widened his smile slightly, bringing your hand to his lips and giving a feather light kiss on your knuckles.
“Good morning, tofu.” You croaked, internally wincing at how speaking felt like eating gravel.
“Is it?” He raised an eyebrow, scoffing as you closed your eye again and pulled your hand from him to rub your face.
“Doesn’t matter, I suppose. The morning is here.” Your tone held no joy as you moved your arms to your sides to sit up.
Sweet leaned down to splay a hand on your chest, pushing you back down.
“Do we? Can’t the world last without you for at least one day?”
“Perhaps,” you sighed, “though I don’t really want to find out for sure.”
Sweet made no move to remove his hand, instead he shook his head and gave a pout.
“You’re exhausted, you should just be a little more selfish sometimes.”
He was trying hard to convince you, truly it would have taken minuscule effort to keep you in bed, your head still refusing to clear the fog of sleep. Sweet noticed your lack of protest, giving you a toothy grin.
“Besides, not like I could help you much anyway, I didn’t sleep at all during the night.”
You huffed. “I wondered why you were up this early.”
Sweet ghosted his fingers to clear your face of stray hairs.
“Fine. You win. I’ll be selfish.” You patted the space next to you, turning to your side. “C’mere then.”
Sweet gave no protest, crawling onto the bed and fitting himself comfortably under your chin. Tipping your chin down, you buried your face in his hair, Sweet sighing happily against your skin, his voice picking up to hum a delicate tune. With his warmth, the gentle feeling of his voice reverberating through the air, and the glow of morning sun, you slipped back into a peaceful slumber.
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soul-embers · 5 years
Reverse pledge for Sweet Tofu please!
a/n: here you go sorry that this took so long to get out i felt okay enough today to sit down and focus on writing which was nice. (❁´▽`❁)
Magic Ink, that golden thread slowly wrapping itself tighter and tighter around his heart and your own. A Pledge, something that would tie the two of you together for as long of a life as you have left-- should it make him feel as happy as he does now? After everything that has been done, does he deserve this? To be joined with you so tightly, so thoroughly that your hearts would beat as one? That your breathing would be in sync with his so that neither of you would be alone? 
Sincere feelings covered up by teasing and less than savory words fall from his lips. He’s not good for you, he’s not good for anyone, but God’s does he want his entire being to be so bound to yours that it would be hard for even Sweet himself to tell which heart was his own. 
The Magic Ink in his hands burned, and his heart beats wildly. You look so wonderful, that the first words to come to mind are beautiful and handsome which escape his slack lips. Earning laughter and a smile from you while you reach out, hands cupping his face while you parrot those words right back at him. 
The threads tighten around his heart as he leans in closer to you, face contorted into an expression that he’s unable to name while he holds his hand over his heart and speaks. 
“Can you make me happier?” Sweet can hear the sincerity in his own voice, the ever-present teasing tone vanished, his heart beating wildly at his feelings being laid so bare while your eyes reflect the glow of the Magic Ink and the tears that escaped. 
Warm, loving and gentle kisses are his response with ‘yes’ whispered between each new kiss has Sweet’s heart beating faster and faster as he lets himself melt and smile underneath the attention you are giving him. Finishing it with a delightful little kiss of his own on your lips, one that lingers and a little nip on your lip when he parts before placing his forehead against your own. 
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ff-imagines · 4 years
tofu mother! i’m so happy you’re back! i can’t wait to see you talk/write about dumb tofu men some more! uhh, it seems requests are open! if you wouldn’t mind, uhhhh, sweet tofu nsfw alphabet, please? thank you!
Sweet tofu: nsfw alphabet
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Holy shit, I haven’t done sweet, have I? I am such a bad horny tofu stan please forgive me 😢
A - aftercare
Very good. He’s always pretty overbearing doting and that trait will be cranked up to an 11. He gets you whatever you need, but desperately wants to stay with you for at least a few hours afterwards. He wants to know how you feel, and he loves to see the spectrum of your emotions, he’d never tell you he secretly wants to know you enjoyed it. Your approval hits a certain twinge in his chest.
B - body part
Of his own, probably his eyes, and his fingers. He takes great care in his nails, manicures are essential for him to feel clean.
Of yours, he loves your chest. Not exactly the tiddy tho lmao. A strange thing to like but he likes how comfy it is to rest his cheek on your chest and lightly trace your collar bones. He’s really comforted in hearing your heartbeat.
He likes your thighs for the same reason, they’re a good pillow. Thighs are also soft, which means easier hickies~
C - cum
There’s…. lots of it. He recovers fast, and will sometimes overwhelm you with cum. it’s kinda fucking endless honestly. Will cum legit anywhere you ask, sometimes will be bratty and cum anywhere but where you want. Loves to cum on you, it makes him feel more possessive.
D - dirty secret
This man has no secrets when it comes to sex. He’s up front, and he’s very open about being into almost everything you can think of. One thing he’d rather not let anyone but you know is that his hips, collar bones, and wrists are really sensitive. If you massage, kiss, or lick over them he loses his composure very quickly.
His favorite spot to be kissed is the vertebrae on the back of his neck, and he’ll be a tad more intimate if you lightly scratch the back of his neck and the hair on the base of his skull.
E - experience
moderate. He’s a creepy looking dude, but it’s fairly easy for him to find entertainment for when staying home gets a bit boring. We know from salty's backstory he’d flirted with a woman who came back to talk to him frequently, along with salty mentioning how he’s always been fairly popular.
“Hehehe, I know what I’m doing kitten. My question is, do you know what I’m going to do?”
F - favorite position
Seriously, what doesn’t he like..?
I think positions where he can see your face is his favorite, most likely loves to put you on his lap so he can watch you desperately grind on him while wrinkling your nose in the most adorable way~
G - goofy
To a degree. I feel he’s goofy in initiating but less goofy as time goes on. He still teases though and sometimes he manages to crack a smile out of you in even the most strangest and awkward positions. He'll never tell you but he loves that he can make you laugh, even when you’re in the most intimate and private state possible.
H- hair
Slightly groomed, but not extensively. Sometimes he has weeks where ofc he’ll shower but doesn’t really want to shave so you’ll have to remind him. Or don’t, if that’s your thing.
I- intimacy
Very but also not always.
He can be so fucking intense, refusing to let you look anywhere but at his face so you can see how hard it is for him to keep his control, watch him this time, let it be known how much he adores seeing your body scream and twitch for his touch.
On the other hand, he might rile you up just to leave you squirming for hours.
Depends on how nice he’s feeling~
“Fuck, no. Look at me. Look. At me. You did this, you fucking did this, look. At. Me. You’re gonna watch me while I fuck you, eyes. On. Me.”
J- jerk off
Not too often? He just prefers the real thing. 1-2 times a week. When you started to catch his interest, he stopped completely for a while, giving his full attention to you, even before confessing his interest in you. It’s more out of him trying to gauge who you are and if he’s actually interested or just entertained by you. When he figured out it was actual interest though? Prolly jumped up to 3-4 times a week due to feeling a growing desperation because of his feelings.
K- Kinks
...All of them.
Most of his favorites are the darker side of BDSM, light blood play (mostly prefers he’s the one bleeding), intense sadomasochism (doesn’t matter who’s who), primal, heavy bondage, breath play, and especially role play. He’s just… really obsessed with putting you in strange situations in order to learn all he can about how you tick.
“So so adorable, but I wonder how you look when you’re in pain~”
L- location
Again, either the place he knows your most comfortable, or the place he knows you’re the least comfortable. He wants to see you squirm as the brick of the alleyway he’s pinned you against rubs into your skin brutally just as much as he loves to see your hands grasp the soft blankets of your warm bed.
M- motivation
When you do something really innocent. The happier you look the more he wants to absolutely corrupt and ruin you.
“Look at you, you’re so precious all wrapped up in these blankets, would you mind if interupted, just for a little bit?”
N- no
I feel he also doesn’t actually like daddy kinks. He’s… got some issues with the man he viewed as his father so if you want to call him something, just don’t make it daddy.
O- oral
God does he love biting your inner thighs and watching you twitch.
He appreciates oral, but being able to make your skin crawl is much more pleasing to him. Might give you oral right after fucking you just to watch you squirm in overstimulation.
“Hehe, I see the bruise from last time is faded… I wonder if I can make a new one that will last just a bit longer~”
P- pace
Depends if he’s playing a bratty role or a more intense one. No matter his pace, he’s gonna stop in the middle and just watch you cry in frustration at his teasing. This man is patient so good luck lmao
Q- quickies
Not… exactly? He loves to tease, so he’d most likely get you incredibly worked up and then leave. Would definitely grope you at a dinner table then right as your getting close leave the room entirely lmao
As for actually quick fucking you, if you beg nicely, he’d most likely give you whatever you wanted no matter what lmao.
R- risk
Wouldn’t full out fuck you in public but.. again…. if he gets to see the embarrassment on your face while he finger fucks you under the table? Now that’s the good shit.
“Stay still, you’re squirming. You’re gonna give us away if you keep moving, you wouldn’t want that would you?”
S- stamina
Ridiculous. Mainly because he pulls some strings and uses his powers as a healer to recover his own energy. What a bastard.
T- toys
He owns a few. Most are restrictive, like handcuffs, rope, etc. might get a vibrator just to tie you down and make you cry and beg him to turn it off after overstimulating you for what feels like hours.
U- unfair
Y E A. Prolly the worst teaser you’ll ever encounter in your entire fucking life. He wants to see you cry from frustration and then hear your screams when he fucks you so hard it makes you cry all over again.
Then he stops, giggles, and goes back to teasing again.
“Kitty, come on, you can take just one more, cant you? For me?”
V- volume
Talks a lot. And it’s not that he’s “loud”, he just moans a lot. His voice is naturally pretty quiet though. Lots and lots of low groaning. During and after cumming he’s quieter, giving out a low hum while breathing slowly trying to regain his composure.
W- wild card
There is no mention that his hair is dyed, so I’m making the head canon that his natural hair is two tone and that his fuckin body hair is duel colored.
X- X Ray
Like I said, I will go down with the hc his body hair is duel colored like his hair. Mans got white and brown pubes I don’t make the rules.
As for size he’s actually on the smaller/average size, solid 5 inches.
Y- yearning
When you’re down, he is. If he hasn’t seen you in a long time he’s gonna be more grabby. He actually isn’t easy to make that jealous because he’s very confident in your loyalty, you’re willing to stick with him this long so… why worry?
Z- zzz
Lmaoooo? sleep?? Who’s that? Don’t know her. Thinks you’re adorable when you fall asleep though. Likes to study your face while sleeping and will gently coo and let your hair if he notices your face starts twitching because of something like a nightmare. Might peel back the blankets a bit to further… “observe”. And he wonders why you keep waking up freezing.
“Awe, out so quick kitty? Hm, you are cute like this. Wonder if you’ll look cuter when you’re having a nightmare…”
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ff-imagines · 4 years
So I read your Sweet Tofu "here kitty kitty" fic and damn! Your making him my favourite!! Your writing is amazing as well!! But I've been looking for some more sweet tofu fics, (especially the ones where he goes dark) but I'm coming up short. So could you pretty please write another fic of Sweet Tofu being dark again? Maybe s/o is just hanging out with him and she says something offhand that he doesn't like (idk, you can choose what she says) so he goes dark and feral about it? Thxs 💙
Feral tofu mini fic
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cw for choking and some less than friendly tofu.
Oh fuck, He didn’t seem to like that.
“You heard me.”
He tilted his head, smile wide as he ran his tonuge across his teeth.
No, he didn’t like that one fucking bit.
“No. No kitten, I don’t think I did.”
He took a step closer to you, you taking one back. His smile invited you, but his eyes threatened you.
“You’re loosing your voice, kitten. You were so confident just a second ago!”
He used the same singing tone, but he hadn’t blinked since the words left your mouth, only stared at you with a malicious glint.
...Have his canines always been this sharp?
“Look, no... I didn’t...”
“You didn’t mean it?”
Your back hit the wall, fuck. He was closing in quickly. You noticed how tight his fists were clenched, his knuckles turning white.
And yet, his tone remained calm, as saccerine as it always was.
“If you didn’t mean it,” he chuckled as he spoke, “why would you say something so hurtful?”
Your eyes darted away, looking to the door behind him, then back to his cannibalistic gaze.
“I-I didn’t.... I was just...”
He was in front of you now, leaning his head down to meet your eyes. Bumping his nose against your cheek, his breath felt hotter than it usually did.
He bummed to himself, and then he laughed.
Laughed as his hands reached to grip your shoulders, a harsh and iron grip, forcing you further against the wall.
He was laughing as you winced as his nails dug into the flesh of your shoulders, his laughter doubling as he reached to lock his fingers around your neck. He squeezed, and you gasped, as best you could, anyway.
“Funny. You’re funny, a funny silly little kitty.”
His voice changed, no longer a gentle, adoring tone as it normally was. He growled, his tone swelling as he spoke dispute how close he was to your ear.
“A funny... silly.... stupid little cat who doesn’t quite know their place.”
His hands clamped harsher on your neck, breathing was becoming more and more of a task.
“S-sweet.... I-“
“I don’t want you to talk. No fucking words from you. You don’t know how to use your pretty mouth the right way.”
Your hands reached his chest, pushing, trying to get him off of you.
“No. No no. No fucking way are you getting away from me, kitty.”
There was no hint of amusement in his voice, only the evident desire to eat you alive.
“How about this, kitten...”
He tilted his head, smiling as your hands gasped his shirt everytime his fingers would push down on your pulse. Your lips parted as breathing became more of a chore the harder he grasped.
“I’m gonna help you.”
His hand left your throat, thrusting his middle and pointed finger into your parted mouth, the rest of his hand roughly gasping your jaw.
“I’ll help you to learn how to be a good kitty.”
He laughed to himself, feeling your teeth biting down on his fingers in an attempt to deter him. He didn’t react at all, only sliding the hand grasping your shoulder up to cup your cheek, his thump stroking your face in an act of seemingly out of place affection.
“You’re gonna hate this lesson, but kitties need to know how to treat their master~”
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ff-imagines · 4 years
Here, kitty kitty.
Pronouns: x
Warnings: primal/hunting kink or whatever it’s called, lots neck grabbing and implied nsfw.
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nsfw, minors dni
Step… step... step…
He was getting closer.
Step… step... step…
His footsteps seemed to get lighter as he came closer.
“You can't hide from me forever, kitten.”
His voice sounded through the small, poorly lit room. Then his soft laughter.
“Come on out, I miss playing with you!”
Had he found you, or was he bluffing?
“Come on, what’s the worst that I could do to you?”
You held a hand over your mouth to silence your breathing as Sweet let out a muffled giggle.
“Second thought, maybe you’re right to hide.” More sounds of rustling as he tried to find you, “I’ll just have to tie you down when I find you. You just like running away from me too much. Should I tell you more, or are you gonna come out now?”
Your heart raced as you heard him coming closer to you, hiding in the open closet and shielded by a mass of clothes and boxes.
“I want to hear you beg. I’ll fuck you until it hurts. If you want to play this stupid game with me, I’m going to remind you how mean I can be everytime you look at the bruises on your hips.”
Shifting, the sound of items and sheets being pulled back, now at the opposite side of the room.
“I’m gonna fuck you so full of my cum you forget your own fucking name.”
More steps, slower now, as if he was now confused, second guessing his sureness that he’d found your hiding spot.
“Are you scared of me? Or does that excite you?”
You did your best to control your breathing, but you were sure if he came any closer to you, the sound of your violently beating heart would be loud enough to alert him.
“I’m gonna find you. And when I do, I’m gonna rip you apart.”
A poisonous undertone overpowered his normally soft voice. His footsteps seemed to linger around the room, but slowly, they tracked back out.
You uncupped your mouth and looked around your hiding spot, searching for a peep hole of some kind. No such luck, the door was just out of view. You’d need to poke your head out. Risky, but after focusing your hearing, his steps didn’t seem anywhere near to you. You turned your torso, peeking your head only slightly out from your hiding spot. Your heart still beat wildly, half out of fear, and half out of morbid joy.
No one around the room. Sweet had left, just like you expected.
You got up slowly, grinning to yourself. This game was only getting more fun the more frustrated he seemed to get.
You snuck behind the door of the room, peeking from behind it, making sure to keep your noise low. No footsteps close by, you could move to the next room safely.
Keeping your steps light, you walked down the hall and stopped in front of a room on the left. Before stepping inside, you pressed yourself against the wall next to the door frame, focusing your hearing intently.
Stepping inside, you looked left and right, the room was dark, too dark to tell anything distinguishable about the room at all. It looked as if it had a basic bed, one window, a nightstand, and blankets scattered across the disgruntled bed and halfway falling onto the floor. You could see what looked like a desk on the far side of the room, with unknown clutter on and under it. From the light coming from the hallway, and moon light coming from the window, you could tell the carpet was an eggshell color, not quite white. It seemed like some of the blankets were a light pink, some a dark brown, but it was hard to tell with the limited lighting.
Taking a step further into the room, you grasped onto the door, pushing it closed extremely slowly and quietly, making sure it didn’t creak. The door gave a slight click as it shut, you cringed at the small noise but decided to start hunting for a hiding spot before he could check the room. Studying around the room again, you waited for your eyes to adjust fully to the darkness.
“Hehe, you’re good at not being heard, kitten.”
A voice sounded out from inside the room, you jumped out of your skin and whipped your head around, frantically trying to spot any silhouettes. You spotted no one, but decided to make a beeline for the door. You were standing just in front of the door, reaching out to the handle, when you were stopped dead in your tracks feeling someone wrap an arm around your waist from behind, covering your mouth with their other hand. Pulling you back into themselves, they walked backwards away from the door, you having no choice but to stumble backwards into them.
“But you’re not so good at choosing where to hide.”
He found you.
Now your eyes had adjusted, you could make out the band posters, and a sleek, well cared for electric guitar by the desk. Sweets guitar. ‘Dammit…’ you mentally cursed to yourself. Of course he’d found you, you’d stumbled right into his room.
You grabbed onto the hand over your mouth, desperately trying to pull it away. Squirming in his grasp, you pulled yourself downward in an attempt to escape him. He chuckled darkly, following you to the floor until you plopped down, your legs flailing as you squirmed. He was resting on his knees, you sitting in between his thighs while he hovered over you, still having an iron grip on your waist. His other hand was now on your neck, not squeezing, but definitely imposing. Sweet gave another throaty laugh, resting his head on your shoulder, giving your neck a light squeeze. You stopped squirming, feeling tired already, and now getting lightheaded. He released the pressure from your throat, nuzzling his nose into the skin just under your jaw. you could feel his excitement in the way his chest bubbled with a chuckle as he held you crushingly tight against him.
“I don’t think so, kitten. You’re the one who wanted to play this game, and I won.”
His lips were right next to your ear, his grip on your middle getting tighter. His breath was unusually hot, this game of hide and seek was getting him worked up. You gave no reply, only squeaked as his grip shifted from gripping your neck to clutching your jaw, forcing you to look at his impish grin.
“You’re going to stay still and be a good kitty. Isn’t that right?”
He emphasized the last part of his sentence by painfully tightening his grip on your jaw. You still didn’t give him a reply, but your quickening breathing told him to keep talking. He let go of your face, and slipped his fingers into your hair, yanking your head upwards to expose your neck to him.
“Be a good kitty, and maybe I’ll think about being nice to you this time.”
He used his grip on your hair to direct you to angle your face so he could lean his head down, forcefully kissing you. His lips were drawn out in a sadistic smile, nipping at your bottom lip as he loosened his pull on your hair. You parted your mouth slightly in response to his biting, and he took the opportunity, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
His mistake.
You bite his tongue hard, him recoiling his head as your teeth released his now bleeding tongue, the hand in your hair moving to hover over his mouth, the other arm loosening the hold he had on your waist enough for you to elbow his chest, shoving him away.
“Ha… Fucking hell...”
He grunted as you scrambled to stand up, and ran for the door, his hand hovering over his mouth as he snarled.
You barely made it three steps.
“You’re staying right fucking here-“
As he said that, he jolted forward and snatched your ankle, pulling you backwards towards him. You lost your balance, falling forward on your hands and knees.
“Why can’t you just sit still?”
His voice was leaking venom, and his mouth was dripping small traces of blood. Using his grip on your ankle, he dragged you towards him, grabbing onto the other leg while you squirmed, you reaching out to grab anything to pull yourself forward as he dragged you closer to him.
No such luck.
“You had to make this difficult for me. Why can’t you play nice with me?”
“That’s not how you play the game.”
You’d let your voice slip as you struggled. He grinned, yanking you forcefully close to him. Fuck, you forgot how strong he was.
“that so? Not how you play the game?”
He let go of one of your ankles and placed his hand on the small of your back, pushing you downward. His hand on your back made it hard to squirm.
“You should know by now this game you’re playing is only gonna get you into more trouble then you can handle.”
He crawled forward, moving his legs over your knees and resting his weight on them, further pinning you.
“Maybe that’s what you wanted though, isn’t it? You just want me to fuck you up?”
It would have brought him too much satisfaction to admit that that’s what you’ve been trying to get him to do all night.
He leaned his body downward, laying on his forearm, the other hand gripping the back of your neck and forcing your head into the carpet. You could hear how excited he was getting now, his breathing was ragged, he swallowed more to help his parched throat.
In any other circumstance, you’d allow him to indulge, to reach down and take a sip of you, but this was fun. You would make it overly difficult, that was what made it exciting. To see your kind and composed boy turn into a feral killer.
“You’re not answering me, are you still thinking you’re gonna get away?”
He tightened the grip on your neck, you gave a weak squeak.
“Answer me.”
He leaned his head down till he was just next to your ear. He let go of your neck, sliding his hand up to pull your hair back again, exposing your throat.
“I’m gonna make this hurt if you don’t answer me.”
“Fuck you.”
He barked a laugh, grinning wildly while his eyes ravaged your own, looking for some kind of fear. Instead, he found a challenge. He’d have no problem engaging in this kind of provocation.
“That’s the goal.”
He chuckled at his own joke, closing his eyes and leaning his body down more so his chest was against your back. He rested his chin on your shoulder, turning to nuzzle his nose into your neck. He let go of your aching scalp, sliding his hand up your arm, running his nails lightly up your skin. You watched his hand inquisitively. He felt your reluctance to squirm, body slowly settling against his weight, he smiled again to himself.
Sweets hand met your own, desperately grasping the bed frame, and he gently pried a finger away from the wood. You gave little resistance, at this point, he’d caged you in his hold, made it so fighting back would cause you more distress than it would him. He unhooked your fingers from the frame, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“There you go. See? Isn’t giving into me just easier?”
He snuggled his head further into your neck, laughing as he felt you squirm uncomfortably as he added more of his weight.
“Even if you’re being nice now, I don’t think I can trust you, kitty.”
You hissed as sweet dug his nails into the palm of your hand, you felt like the skin was beginning to break. Your attention was diverted from his hands as you felt his teeth on your shoulder, him nibbling at your skin, small amounts of his blood being left with the saliva on your skin.
“Give in.”
He let go of your hand, balancing himself while snaking a forearm under your hips, lifting them off the floor. You squirmed slightly,
He hummed, begins his lips right next to your ear.
“I have ways of making you scream, kitten.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
Sweets grin widened, he let out a dark laugh from deep in his chest.
“I look forward to making you regret saying that.”
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ff-imagines · 5 years
Could I please get headcanons for the tofu bois and coffee with an MA/so that likes to nuzzle into things like a cat? Or just has cat-like behaviors in general? 💚💚
Coffee & tofu twins with a cat-like MA
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• honestly he’s a little confused
• flattered!
• but like... “why r you pushing your head on me are you ok”
• never does get used to it, but he doesn’t dislike it either.
• it’s more of a curiosity to him
• might start to write down some of your more strange bahaviors so he can ponder on them later
• does like that you’re more affectionate
• he’s not the best at initiating physical affection, but once it’s started he’s way more open and comfortable about it.
• would secretly buy you thigh highs with little cat faces on the top of them
• also would get you a super oversized sweater with a yarn ball on it
• if you nap a lot he’ll be slightly miffed cause he enjoys to work
• then you convince him to lie down with you and just curl into him
• “oh shit this is really nice”
• doesn’t really question it anymore after that lmao
• honestly? he’s got a lot of cat-like behaviors too!
• has a tendency to nuzzle into things as well, especially when he’s tired
• he obviously doesn’t purr, but he gives out a low pitched, almost sigh-like hum when he’s really comfortable
• so the fact that you’re also super touchy and like to nuzzle into him makes him super happy
• likes it when you grab at his shirt, uncurling your hands and grasping onto him again, it’s strange but he finds it endearing.
• might draw a cat nose and whiskers on you with makeup if he’s feeling really mischevious
• will paw at your face teasingly, mostly when you’re getting riled up
• he just squishes your face and teases you about “his kitten acting up again”
• already called you kitten, when he’s being more playful he’ll switch to kitty.
• would really like it if your nails were a bit longer and claw-like, it makes the grabbing and touches a tad more... interesting.
• he likes this more than he probably should lmao
• “you mean I get to constantly hug them and they’ll adore me? Sign me up now”
• loves that you’re so affectionate, he loves the attention
• might pick up some of your behaviors as well, likes to nuzzle into your neck and just trace your jaw and collarbone.
• sometimes does the hum, but only when he’s incredibly tired
• if you poke or tug at his piercings he’s gonna be annoyed
• “you can’t just pull at those” “why not they’re shiny” “n o”
• headbutting him will be seen as a challenge
• he will never back down from a challange and will probably try to start a play fight lmao
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ff-imagines · 5 years
headcanons? I've been wondering what someone's take would be on if both Tofu twins developed romantic feelings for the same MA/other human
Tofu twins falling for the same person...
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• Oh.... no....... o h n o.......
• basically???? Hell
• imma say something right now
• neither of them are good at sharing
• salty is especially bad at that
• so being able to end up with both of them would not be an easy task
• at. all.
• salty doesn’t like the idea of sharing what belongs to him, and he definitely doesn’t want them going out with the one person he hates more than anything else on earth
• sweet doesn’t appreciate his new favorite obsession entertaining anyone else but himself, especially not his overly angry and violent baby brother
• for the most part, whoever you choose will be cocky for the rest of time
• the other will be resentful of the both of you
• if you pick salty, he’ll be estatic
• sorta in disbelief but will tease you like he always knew you’d choose correctly
• sweet won’t hate his brother, but he will be disappointed in you
• you made him so excited, and you choose someone as immature as his brother instead?
• won’t be cold towards you, rather incredibly creepily flirty
• salty will beat his ass if he ever caught him so he’s very skilled in choosing the times he corners you
• if you choose sweet? He’ll kinda whisk you away from saltys eyes
• honestly sweets a hermit who only gets periodically visited by Boston lobster and spicy gluten when Boston gets his shit rocked so you won’t be seeing really anyone
• salty is massively hurt
• almost as much as when he found out about his first MA
• he genuinely thought he loved you, and you run off with the person who ruined his fucking life?
• if he sees you again, you’ll get the same immediate hostility as sweet
• sweet, if he sees salty, won’t mention you at all and won’t engage any questions salty has about you
• doesn’t want to rub it in that you didn’t chose salty, but does want to express his gratitude for you choosing correctly
• keep in mind, he’s done everything in the name of his brother
• so that’s how you slip in the idea of somehow getting both of them
• bringing it up to salty will end in him scoffing, it’s gotta be sweet
• mention the idea off handedly when chilling with sweet
• and he’ll ponder on it
• don’t make any moves on either of them, and don’t chose yet
• eventually the idea will brew in sweets head, and he’ll corner salty to talk about what you’d said
• basically the coversation is “they not gonna choose so what do”
• they both settle on at least trying to share
• it doesn’t always go well, and sometimes it can be down right hostile
• but they’ll get better eventually lmao
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ff-imagines · 5 years
I need more sweet tofu headcanons!Seriously tho your writing is the best so i want more sweet tofu head cannons,sorry if you feel like i'm rushing you
General headcanons: sweet tofu
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Enjoy me obsessing over my beutiful baby boy for however long these are lmao
• this absolutely beautiful mess
• so let’s start off by saying this
• he is h a n d s y
• he loves hand holding, putting an arm around your waist, cradling your face, he l o v e s to touch you.
• he greatly encourages you to do the same
• “aren’t you cold?”
• “sweet, it’s 80 degrees.”
• “aw, it seems your heart feels a little chilly.”
• “bitch-“
• he doesn’t really have a ton of nicknames, but “kitten” is his go to.
• he uses it to the point that when he doesn’t, you know somethings wrong.
• his teasing tone gets very much worse when you pledge to him
• his teasing in general also gets worse
• but it’s more about getting a rise out of you than pranks or something like that
• anything he can do to get you blushing or stuttering
• he will do it
• his favorite is to sneak up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist, and lean in close to your ear, whispering whatever is on his mind.
• you can feel his breath on your skin, his hand sliding a little under your shirt as he mutters, “I see that you are completely helpless~ ”
• when it comes to him, you really are.
• and he knows it.
• however, because he’s so obsessed with seeing “every side of you” he’s very in tune with your emotions.
• he recognizes when you’re not in the mood to be teased, so he goes into cute mode.
• you have tried to stay upset when he activates cute mode but alas, you have never succeeded.
• it starts as soon as he sees the look of discontent in your eyes.
• so he retreats from the room before you really notice him, he’s going to prepare
• he grabs all the blankets on his bed, and puts them in a circle, lining the circle with pillows, he sneaks to grab some of your favorite juice and snacks, turns on some light tunes he knows you love, and finally sets off to accidentally “run into you”
• when he does, almost every time he pretends he “didn’t mean” to run straight over into you
• you almost tumble over, but he grabs onto your middle and helps you stand up straight.
• “kitten! There you are! I’ve missed you!“
• he moves himself a little away, not touching you for a second.
• if you still seem as troubled as you did earlier, he gives you some space, letting you come to him instead of laying it on too thick.
• his entire face softens completely as he reaches his arms out.
• must stay angry…. don’t go into them….
• “no? I see… that’s alright. Come here though, I have some business I needed to disscuss.”
• “business?”
• “business.” His smile is so sweet it’s giving you cavities as he takes your hand cautiously.
• you walk into his room and are pushed gently to the nest of pillows and blankets he made you.
• “your sadness is my business. Come here, sit down with me.”
• he sits in the middle of the blankets and pats the space between his legs.
• it does look comfy….
• you sit down, and he grabs an extra blanket from behind him
• you’re wrapped tightly, and he lays you against his chest.
• he lets you rant while his arms are wrapped around you securely, he sways gently to the tunes while he hums to you softly, nodding his head every so often to show he’s listening to you.
• but comfort goes both ways!
• sweet never likes to show his sadness, or his malcontent.
• but you’re not just anyone.
• the way he fiddles with his jacket, his hand rubbing the back of his neck and then planting his check on his palm, the way his eyes dart around focusing on the door…
• you recognize immediately he wants away, he needs to isolate himself from whatever is bothering him
• “hey, sweet!”
• “ah, hello.”
• uh oh. He didn’t call you kitten.
• whatever it is, has got him mega upset.
• “I need some air, don’t you?”
• he says nothing, giving a strained smile and walks a little behind you.
• you lead him straight to his room, opening the door and stepping inside.
• “something’s eating at you.”
• “heh. You shouldn’t be worrying about me.”
• “your sadness is my business.”
• his laughter is dry.
• what’s a way to calm him down almost immediately?
• hugging and/or cuddling him.
• he really loves the kind of hugs where you’re facing him, sitting on his lap as you wrap your arms tight around him.
• he’ll rest his head in the crook of your neck and just rock back and forth.
• wanna calm him down further?
• run your nails through his hair, scratch a little at his scalp, braid it, anything you like!
• his hair is very soft, it smells a little like orchids and fresh linen.
• giving his skin really subtle scratches, running your fingertips across his skin, feeling your slow breathing fan over his neck, it all relaxes him like nothing else.
• he may not talk about what’s bothering him just yet, but he appreciates you just being with him.
• he eventually explains what was on his mind a day or two later, but in the moment, he just wants your presence.
• give him an hour or two like this… he’ll be back to normal in no time.
• he…. really wants you to get some piercings if you don’t have any
• even if it’s just the average lobe piercing
• pls his punk heart would die to see you with some metal in your skin
• if you already have a few he’d love to investigate them
• he’d awkwardly tilt your head to see it closer, smiling to himself.
• “hm, I think you could do with one more…. maybe here?”
• of course he’s just teasing
• but the day you approach him and ask for help mapping out any future piercings you want is the day no one sees him for a solid 12 hours
• because he’s straight up crying tears of joy during that whole time
• he’d suggest a lip, just so you can match him, but there’s something about nose piercings he finds adorable
• if you compliment him at all he literally gets drunk
• fastest way to his heart is by telling him he’s a pretty boy
• it’s not a lie. He is a very pretty boy.
• “sweet, can you look at me?”
• “hm? are you alright, kitten?”
• “Yeah! I just think everything about you is so beautiful, I really like to look at you.”
• he freezes for a second, his eyes go wide.
• he tries to recover quickly, but you can tell he’s star struck by the lack of smugness in his tone.
• “I… heh. Thank you kitten. But I know who’s the prettiest out of the two of us.”
• sneak attack him with compliments, he becomes absolute putty.
• “Hey sweet? I don’t think I could meet anyone else that would make me feel as happy as you do.”
• “you’re so pretty… I don’t think I tell you that enough.”
• “Sweet, I love your voice… you always sound so soft and gentle with me.”
• “sweet, could you come here? I just feel really safe around you…”
• his teasing dementor melts and he gets love drunk lmao
• however, there are three words that can make him completely lost
• “ I love you.”
• seconded only by “I love you, too.”
• he tells you he loves you all the time, to hear it in return makes him feel dizzy with the amount of adoration he has for you.
• He. Would. Die. To. Be. Able. To. Do. Your. Makeup.
• the tofu twins are the undefeated kings of winged eyeliner.
• sweet doesn’t leave his room, let alone the house, if his eyeliner doesn’t look sharper than a needle point.
• just ask, and he’ll have you looking good as hell for any occasion.
• or don’t. Sometimes he just walks into your room and says “look up, I think this would be amazing on you…”
• seriously….. say yes, even if you’re not going anywhere, it’s a good way to feel his hands touch your face so gently, have his eyes so focused on you…
• he handles you so lovingly you feel like royalty by the time he’s finished.
• he. Lives. For. Cuddling.
• he doesn’t care who’s little or big spoon
• as long as your pressed as closely as physically possible
• he doesn’t snore
• but he sometimes hums lightly in his sleep
• if you run your nails a tiny bit roughly down his chest, the humming turns to outright groaning
• that’s when you can convince him to sleep, however
• good luck with that lmao
• most nights he’s stumming his old guitar
• let him play a song for you
• pls
• pls
• most of the time it’s light chords and songs
• but sometimes he sings along to the chords
• his voice isn’t loud, it’s the kind that sticks to your mind like honey, and soothes your senses like menthol to a sore throat.
• he would die of joy if you sang along with him
• and if you asked him to teach you some chords on the guitar?
• his heart would stop beating right there and he’d thank every single god that was ever thought of for this moment
• he’d sit behind you and guide your hands, singing any chords you couldn’t match up
• “hand here…. there. Now to the D chord…”
• he’s extremely, almost concerningly pateint with you
• his voice is softer than usual, almost like he’s afraid to break your concentration.
• but really, he’s busy studying your face
• the look of determination to learn one of his greatest passions, to share that skill with him
• you really are making sure he stays utterly, completely, unapologetically, obsessively in love with you, aren’t you?
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ff-imagines · 5 years
Idk why but i think it'll be cute if the best bois got jealous >:3
Best bois jealous: one gets spicy, the other is just a cutie who loves you so much it hurts lmao
Side note: when I get back to my computer I just might continue writing the sweet tofu portion of requested cause I need some nsfw practice heheheheh~
Tofu twins getting jealous...
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Sweet tofu:
• oh boy
• if he sees someone hitting on you? It’s honestly kinda terrifying
• I mean, he’s the absolute undefeated king of being creepy
• he’s one of the only food souls that genuinely scares black tea, some rando hitting on you has absolutely no chance getting out of this unscathed
• can honestly seem a little yandere if the person is being aggressive enough
• he’ll just stand behind the other person, smiling unsettlingly wide, and come up behind them, bringing his hand along the persons neck and squeezing
• uses his other hand to twist the person’s arm to a painful point
• just leans his head close to their ear and whispers absolutely terrifying threats of what he’ll do if they don’t get out of this place, and if they dare to show their face near him, or you, ever again
• they’re out of there faster than fucking light as soon as he lets go of their arm
• but if he’s jealous of a friend?
• creepy mode is still on, he just knows he can’t turn to violence
• tries to beckon you away from going out, staying in with him instead
• if that doesn’t work, he kinda broods all day till you get back
• doesn’t want to let you know he’s angry, doesn’t like to show you when he’s upset at any time
• except for when he’s defending you, then he’d full on break their knees no questions asked
• you’re casually working at your desk, him standing around your room
• he’s trying to keep his calm
• but it’s really bothering him
• and eventually a snarky comment on how you and the friend are awful close sneaks past his lips
• “hold up what”
• well it’s out there, he might as well press the issue
• “it’s nothing. You’re just... a little too close, don’t you think?”
• you stand up, ready to defend yourself from a ridiculous assumption
• “what do you mean by that?”
• he kinda thinks you’re playing dumb for a second, maybe it’s some kind of test?
• “are you making a joke? You’re spending so much time you barely have any with me.”
• he’s smirking like he’s trying to play it off jokingly, but you can see his jaw is flexing from how hard he’s clenching his teeth
• “they’re only a friend, sweet.”
• “is that so?”
• he turns more to face you, walking up to you slowly
• “yes. It is so.”
• you’re backing up slightly, he’s still moving forward
• your back hits the wall, his smile is getting wider
• he stops inches away from you, roughly pinning a wrist to the wall while the other smacks against the wall near your shoulder
• he gives a throaty chuckle, and a smile that doesn’t quite meant his eyes
• he slides himself closer, resting his forearm next to your head
• “I’m not convinced, kitten.”
• he leans in incredibly close to your neck, biting down harshly
• you squeak, grasping his shirt with your free hand
• you know he’s purposely leaving a very noticeable mark
• he nibbles on the skin a bit, darkly chuckling as he feels you squirming
• he brings his lips next to your ear, lowering his voice and whispering harshly
• his voice makes you melt under him like a sedative was injected in your veins
• “i think you need a reminder on who you’re dedicated to, kitten~”
• well, a little reminder never hurt anyone~
Salty tofu:
• when salty sees someone hitting on you in public it’s point blank rage
• he’s not as creepy as sweet, more so straight up scary
• you can almost see his anger coming off him in waves
• he’s never been one to keep his anger in check
• he’s not gonna straight up murder them but they’ll... soon learn the error of their ways.
• when it comes to getting jealous of a friend?
• oh no
• he can’t be angry at that person cause he can’t expect you to only talk to him at all times
• even though he wants you too
• so he thinks “ok fine. Maybe I’ll just go with them so I can at least talk a little”
• bad idea. Very bad idea.
• makes him feel worse because your friend and you just seem to click on certain topics he has no goddamn clue about anything on
• and your friend is very touchy
• you guys talk about the past and things he obviously can’t comment on, leaving him out entirely
• and that makes him feel queasy with jealously
• eventually he kinda stops trying to contribute to your guys conversation and he kinda sits on his chair, his hands are clenched so tightly they’re bright white
• he and you walk home in silence
• you can tell he’s upset about something
• gee what gave it away
• and he feels like if he talks he’ll scream out of anger
• he refuses to yell at you, he’ll just go home and screech into a pillow or something
• but the second you guys enter your home you tap his arm
• “hey, you. I didn’t want to say anything while we were in public, but you seem.... annoyed.”
• he doesn’t face you, is just kinda clenching his jaw while digging his nails into his palm
• “... salty?”
• he breaths out, it’s very uneven, like it’s a struggle to not scream out
• “go talk to your friend, you two seem to get along better than we do.”
• that took you for surprise, you haven’t seen this friend in a while, what did he expect other than for you two to catch up?
• “what? Salty, what are you insinuating?”
• he faces you, his lips are brought up in a snarl
• “I don’t know. What am I insinuating? You has so much fun with your friend, you forgot I was even there!”
• “I didn’t forget! We were just talking”
• he scoffs and turns away again
• “if you say so.”
• it sounds like pure venom is leaking from his words
• “I do say so! Where are you going?!”
• he doesn’t answer, just sulks off to his room
• he hasn’t slept in that room since he pledged to you, and he definitely can’t will himself to fall asleep now
• he can’t even find the will to turn on music, he just lays on his bed and faces the wall
• he knows he’s overreacting
• but you and that friend get along so well, they seem to talk so much smoother than he can
• how is he supposed to compete? Should he even try to?
• there’s a knock at the door
• he knows who it is, but he can’t find the will to call out to you
• you enter regardless, sighing when you see him
• “there you are.”
• your voice is soft, kept at a low volume.
• he doesn’t answer, just closes his eyes and tries to fight off the tears of frustration
• he feels the weight shift on the bed, and turns
• he���s facing you, you’re laying down a few inches away from him
• he can’t find his voice, he’s just looking off behind you
• “salty.”
• he forces himself to look at you
• “you know, I love you a lot.”
• he doesn’t move
• “just because some people have things and knowledge you don’t, doesn’t mean you’re any less to me.”
• he stares at you still, his breathing is becoming quicker, he can feel the sob climbing up his throat
• you reach out, wiping some hair off of his face
• “you are not replaceable to me, salty.”
• he closes his eyes, a hiccupy sob rocks through his chest
• you curl yourself into him, keeping him close to you
• he wraps his arms around you tightly, and you just run a hand through his hair as he lets out some soft cries.
• you whisper some small words to him, trying to ease his fear a little
• “I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.”
• his grip on you tightens more
• “you’re the most important person to me. Just because I spend some time with someone else doesn’t make you less to me.”
• “I....know...”
• he manages through hiccups
• “I love you more than anyone I’ve ever met, or will meet.”
• he hides his face in the crook of your neck
• “I’m sorry...”
• you rub his back a little
• “it’s ok. You’re ok. I’m right here.”
• after his sobs had calmed down, you spoke again
• “Come on, grab a blanket. Lets take a nap.”
• he hesitantly lets go of you, grabs a blanket from the foot of the bed and throws it over you, sneaking under and grabbing onto you again tightly.
• he gets better as time goes on, his jealously purely comes from a place of insecurity that one day you’ll find a reason to move on.
• emotional self destruction is a hard habit to break, but it’s a lot easier with the support of someone you love.
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ff-imagines · 5 years
Playful teasing
Pronouns: x
Warnings: x
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“Sweet tofu.”
“Don’t make me fight you.”
He was grinning now.
“I will do it.”
“You won’t~”
“I wil-“
“You can’t reach me~”
He held the bundle of clothes above his head, to towel wrapped around you keeping you from jumping up to grab them.
“Besides..... you look better like this~”
“You want other people to see me like this?”
He hummed.
“Perhaps not. I guess I’ll just keep you here, locked up with me~”
“Tofu, give me my damn clothes.”
“Mhmmm.... fine. Here.”
He tossed them behind his back, the bundle landing straight in the middle of the bed.
Ugh, if you’d have known he’d sneak into your room and steal the clothes, you’d have thought twice about giving him the key to your room.
You rushed over to grab your clothes, sweet laughing while he watched you frantically grab the hoodie and shorts. You heard his boots clicking over across the room, then the sound of cloth rubbing together, but you didn’t turn your back. He was most likely just taking his shoes off.
Perhaps that’s not the wisest choice.
You only had the chance to get on the oversized hoodie and the loose shorts when you were spun around via someone’s hands on your shoulders turning you, sweet then pushing you backwards while laughing wildly.
“Got you, kitten~”
He was on his hands and knees on the bed, hovering above you.
You laughed lightly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling yourself upwards.
“Yours truly kitten~”
He brought you up so you were on your knees facing him, his nose bumping against yours.
“Hey, kitten, you said you have some work tomorrow, didn’t you?”
His voice was soft, his eyelashes seemed even longer up close.
“Yeah. I did. I don’t think I’m gonna end up going.”
His lips were centimeters away from yours.
“Heh, good~”
He finally pushed his lips against yours gently. It would have been sugar sweet if the both of you would stop smiling, your teeth clacking together noisily.
You pulled away, but not far, resting your forehead against his.
“Hey, tofu.”
“Yea, kitten?”
He furrowed his brow, grinning a little.
“Nah. Nothing. You’re just really pretty.”
He pulled his face away, brushing a little bit of hair off your face.
“Oh? But why are you laughing?”
“Hmm.... guess~”
You decided to play his teasing game, this time around.
He grinned.
“Hmmmm.... there’s some snacks left in that drawer?”
He pointed to your nightstand.
“Well, maybe. But nope!”
“You thought about how long bao was adding marmite to his green tea earlier today?”
“What, then?”
You pulled him closer again, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“I thought about how I don’t think anyone else could ever make me feel as happy as you do, sweet.”
He was silent for a second, frozen in place. He recovered quickly, looking down at you. He wrapped his arm around you tighter, the other running a hand through your hair lovingly.
“Heh.... Even if I dye your hair a different color?”
You nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, he smelled like vanilla and old leather.
“Hmm. Yea. I don’t know if anything can stop me from loving you.”
Sweet hummed, resting his head against yours and closing his eyes.
“I love you too, kitten.”
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soul-embers · 5 years
Kiss 73 with Sweet Tofu, please? uwu
a/n: here you go anon! this is my second time writing for sweet tofu so i hope that this is okay! 
request is from this prompt list right here! feel free to send one in!
73. height difference where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes 
The Food Soul absolutely adores the height difference between the two of you, there’s just something so cute, so sweet about having to lean down to kiss you that always has Sweet looking forward to a kiss.
Sweet found that you standing on your tiptoes to kiss him is absolutely adorable. The Support Soul would lean down, but then immediately lean away so that you were unable to kiss him. Turning it into a fun little game that the two of you would play every so often. 
Sweet is especially fond of when you grab the collar of his shirt, cheeks puffed out. A small laugh escapes his lips and Sweet is leaning down to close the distance between the two of you.  
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soul-embers · 5 years
a/n: a request for sweet tofu was made for something similar to my other post! oof i need to work on getting salty tofu whenver i am able to, but boy is he so far a way. 
1. — summoned
He was welcomed into the world with a small smile from the Master Attendant and a familiar ‘tsk’ that he knows from anywhere from the Food Soul beside them. Ah, his lovely little brother, so young, so rebellious, and oh so easy to tease. 
“Oh, hello. If you see my little brother, please be careful~ Oh, it's not a warning~ just a suggestion~ “ You’ve already met him, but Sweet just couldn’t help the growing smile on his face as he watched his brother’s face fall, and then turn into yelling. 
All while you stood there smiling, what an odd creature. 
2. — hands/touch
Master Attendants hands intrigue him, from the way he’s watched you cook, fight, heal and interact with your Food Souls Sweet, has on more than one occasion found himself just looking at your hands. 
Looking at the way the Food Souls seem to lean into those hands, your touch and chase after it without you even realizing it makes him wonder. What is so special about your hands. 
So he sits here, holding your hands running his fingers over your cracked knuckles, fingers lingering on the calloused bits of your hand until they stopped on the softer part. Looking over each little cut that had become scares, Sweet chuckled. 
He could see why everyone loves these hands. Because just maybe, he loves them as well. 
3. — sleep
It was a rare occasion, a moment of weakness on you’re part for allowing Sweet to see how tired you were before heading out. The tell tall nodding of your head, the brighter colored cheeks and those bags under your eyes was all he needed to see.  
Sweet was fast to grab the back of your clothes, not letting you leave the restaurant to adventure before turning up the small bit of charm with his smile in telling the Food Souls that today's Showdown battles would be put on hold because Master Attendant needs to rest. So that’s how he ended up laying on top of your covers while you lay beneath them. 
“Do you feel tired because of a lack of sleep? If so then please get some sleep.” Sweet wasn’t sure of what to say to a tired human. 
“Are you?” Sweet was shocked to hear those words from you, bold words from an even bolder human. “Don’t try to fib, those bags under your eyes are just as bad as your brothers.” 
A small hand appeared from underneath the blankets, waiting for him to hold your hand in return. The open and close motion of your hand and the pitiful, yet demanding look on your face made him laugh. 
“A rare rest period. I will obey you and sleep a moment.” Sweet replied, reaching out to hold your hand. Small, warm and familiar. 
4. —  pledged
It was late, cold outside and the early morning preparations in the kitchen made his thoughts wander. The soft sounds of you working never fail to put him at ease. The repetitive sound of you dicing fruit, vegetables and the sound of turning pages are nice, familiar and he never realized how much he loves these early mornings when it’s just the two of you.
“So kitten what do you like about me? My eyes? Or my nose? My mouth? Hey, should we swap?” Sweet asked, watching as you stopped kneading the dough for today's fresh bread. Chest quickly rising and falling from the sheer work of working with the dough. 
A soft laugh was your first response to his question. Followed by the removal of your hands from the dough, hands running down your apron a failed attempt at wiping them off placing your hand on your chin, you looked at him. Focusing on his eyes, nose, and mouth (you didn’t notice the way he swallowed the saliva that had built up in his mouth) before you spoke. 
“I like your hands, so different from my own,” You reached out and holding his hands, Sweet wished that the dough still on your hands would hold you there forever. “I love how much you care about your brother. I love how your eyes shine at the thought of a challenge. How your mouth moves as you speak, how you say my name in a tone different from the others.” 
“I love you Sweet, not just parts of you, but all of you.” 
Sweet didn’t realize how much he had leaned down to hear your words, to watch your lips move until he was kissing you. Teeth clacking together at first before your lips perfectly molded to the others. Stealing the very air from his lungs, the two of you parted with a smile. 
Is this what it feels like to be loved so thoroughly? So completely with his entire being? If so, Sweet never wants to lose this feeling. The feeling of his heart racing, singing as it beat so wildly in tune with your own. 
“Ah, that's really sincere. You have to be like this all the time~ This is love, isn't it? Because I love you, I want to see all of you.” Sweet’s all bounced around in his head, holding your hands as tightly as he could, mindful of his strength while doing so he looked at you. 
That silly little smile and these hands with a lifetime of stories etched into them, both soft and hard. He wants to know all of them, to hold your hands for as long as he is able to before he has to let them go. 
“I Pledge myself to you Master Attendant. Please, Pledge yourself to me as well, this feeling... this love is overflowing and I have no idea of what I should do--” 
Words cut short with a kiss, that silly little smile and your soft ‘yes’ followed by even more kisses. If this is what love is like, this warm fluttering happiness then let the two of you drown in this sweetness. 
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ff-imagines · 4 years
What did they get you for your birthday?
My b day past not to long again so I did some of my favs and what they would get for b day!!!
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Salty tofu: ”hehehe, I got you a matching choker! Here, let me help you put it on~ what? Why do I have a leash? Hehehe, don’t trouble yourself over it...”
Sweet tofu: “why, I wrote a song for you~ what about you, kitten? What are you going to give to me?”
Vodka: “gifts? Hmph. Well, you always shiver badly when we walk together, so... here. An oversized coat. Andre insisted it have fluffed trim. Now, stop hanging onto me all the time.”
B-52: “attendant! It’s come to my attention that it’s tradition to give gifts when it is someone’s.... “birthday”, and so, I give you this! It’s a wind up musical box, I built it myself! Is it... ok?”
Steak: “attendant! The holidays are here, and, well... here. I got you an ornate dagger, to defend yourself. I... was hoping maybe... you’d want to learn a few tricks with me?”
Red wine: “hello, attendant. It’s getting close to your birthday, is it not? Humph. I’m no good at gifts, how about you and I have a day on the town. Pick out anything you’d like. With me, you’ll want for nothing.”
Peking duck: “ah, you’re finally here! The children are so excited to celebrate with you! Here, have my gift first! It’s a collection of poetry I’ve written for you! It isn’t much, I’m aware, and they might not be exquisite, but I hope you enjoy it none the less. Now, let’s see what the children brought for you!”
Yuxiang: “umph! Ugh, damn things... oh! Attendant! I was just looking for you! Here, your gift is here.. somewhere. I found an adorable pillow with your favorite animal, but I can’t find it through how messy my office is! Ugh.... would you help me organize this a bit?”
Boston lobster: “You. You’ve arrived. Didn’t I tell you to be back before it got to late? Ugh, no matter. Here, this is for you. You’ve been eyeing this stuffed animal everytime we pass the market. At any rate, You’d better appreciate this, I don’t think I’ll be able to look a cashier in the eyes again.”
Black tea: “hello, master attendant. I heard it was getting close to your birthday. I prepared you a gift. It isn’t much, but I retrieved a bouquet of roses for you. They smelled so lovely, they reminded me of you. Perhaps... we could visit the gardens soon?”
Milk: “oh, It’s you. I brought you a new apron, your old one was getting rather beat up. I hope you enjoy it.”
Bloody Mary: “my master, you’re back~ ah! Your gift! Here, a golden garnet ring, just your size! What? Oh, you were expecting another woman’s body? Hmm, not this time~”
Rice: “I... made you.... some.... pastries! I spent.... a long.... time on them... I hope..... you.... like them.... attendant!”
Whiskey: “ah, hello my love. Are you wondering what I got you for your birthday? Hmmm~ is my love not enough? Oh, I kid. Here, your favorite storybook, fully illustrated. if you’d like, I’d love to read a few chapters to you~”
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ff-imagines · 4 years
hello!! well ehh I read that you open requests for some time so well uh can I please request smth??? sorry if no I'm just stupid as hell first of all I want to say that your hc and scenarios are so good god thank you that you born can I please request how sweet & salty tofu would react on «I don't worth that love that you give me» from their s/o I just hope that you will understand what I'm trying to say ehh I'm very sorry if you won't accept this request I'm very stupid sorry plz.....
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Feel free to vent to me anytime, beans!
Sweet tofu:
“I really just... don’t deserve you, sweet.”
The simple words made him pause.
“Kitten, what was that?”
Your eyes darted away from him.
“I just... you’re so...” you’re voiced significantly quieter now, “I... I don’t know.”
His eyebrows furrowed, he looked at your form, he could visibly see the way you seemed to shrink into yourself.
Sweets smile subtly dropped, his eyes swimming with disbelief.
The most kind and adorable human he’d ever known, the one who gave him a chance to prove he was more than a scary face and intimidating power, felt that he, a murderer, scum, someone who the entire kingdom believed killed tens of people, thought you didn’t deserve him.
How cruely ironic.
Sweet brought a hand to you, hovering over your shoulder.
No, you needed deeper reassurance than a simple pat of the shoulder. You deserved more from him. Needed more.
He stood from his spot next to you on the edge of the bed, putting his arms under yours and making you lay back, positioning you on your back on the center of the bed. Making sure you looked comfortable, sweet crawled onto the bed and rested his head on your chest, curling up against your side and wrapping an arm around you.
“I can’t have you thinking like that, kitten. Not when you make me feel so happy. I’ll make you happy too, I’ll make you believe me when I tell you how much I really love you.”
His voice was still as sweet as it normally was, but something in his tone was missing it’s playful element. Through his mask of the coy and schemeing mad man, he held you in a higher regard than he did with even his own life.
As he tucked his head under your chin, hugging onto you tightly, he silently vowed to make it a point to make sure you were fully aware of his udder adoration.
“I really don’t think I deserve you, sometimes...”
Salty had listened to your sleepy rants, awake but half asleep and barely aware of the words that spilled out of your mouth. Usually he’d be amused by the sweet nothing that left your lips, but this night was not one of those nights.
What the fuck did you mean by that?
Salty laid next to you, his arm loosely hung across your side as you faced him.
Those words, they bit him in a familiar way. Salty knew that fucking feeling. A sense of insecurity, a rising, bubbling fear of never being enough. Memories of doing absolutely everything to please, giving everything and ending up disgraced, and alone, painfully and irreversibly alone.
You had reached out to him, done the impossible, offered him your heart in exchange for nothing.
You’d given him everything and he felt he barely gave back to you.
How could you be the undeserving one, here?
He felt the same sometimes. When morning came and the sun rays that slipped past the curtains would highlight the skewed strands of your hair, the way the rain plopped against the tip of your nose, when he’d feel the little squeeze of your fingers as you held his hand, the way you laughed when he’d tease you, the smell of your pillows and the feel of you warming up his freezing skin on cold nights.
The small, little things that reminded him he was completely in love with everything you did. You’d given and given and given. Did he do the same for you?
But here you lay in his arms, feeling that he did too much for you.
He could tell by the way your breathing slowed, you’d fallen closer to falling asleep completely.
He snaked his arms to hold you even tighter against him, placing his head on yours and savoring the way your breath fanned over his chest.
He’d show you how much you’d given him. As soon as you woke up everyday, he wanted you to know that you were absolutely adored.
He’d see to it that you did.
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ff-imagines · 5 years
Headcanons you say? 👀👀👀👀 how about sweet and salty tofu when their MA takes their teasing a bit too seriously and gets upset?
Tofu twins when they take teasing too far....
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• Oh boy
• Sweets entire being and thought process is “how can I make everyone around me mildly uncomfortable”
• It’s toned down a little for you and now it’s more attempts to make you flustered
• But that doesn’t mean he never takes it too far, in fact, he kinda does it a lot in the beginning lmao
• He purely doesn’t realize he now has to consider your boundaries
• He’s never had to in the past
• No ones ever really tried to get this close to him
• Well now you’re here
• And he said something a little too personal
• He probably teased you about something you admitted to him in private
• And you?
• Got mad
• As is the normal reaction but sweet doesn’t know how to deal with normal reactions
• “Wait what what you mean sometimes I go too far???? This is all I do?????”
• He tries to play it off like “oh come on you know I don’t mean harm”
• “Yeah but that doesn’t mean what you said isn’t harmful”
• Oh shit wait you’re seriously mad
• Shit What do
• He kinda just stands there for a sec
• A deer frozen in headlights, he’s nervously smiling and trying to play it off
• It’s not working
• Uh oh
• Honestly this is the first time in his life he’s had someone not only make an effort to know him, but genuinely enjoy him and willingly volunteer to spend time with him
• If he senses he’s upset you
• He’s genuinely anxious
• The longer this goes on the more statue-like he gets, and the more his words just because nervous stuttering and the smiles fades
• He takes a deep breath and sighs, closing his eyes and trying to calm his nerves
• “I... didn’t think it would...”
• huffs and sighs
• He’s not good at apologizing at all
• “I didn’t know it would...”
• take your time...
• “I’m sorry, kitten.”
• Bingo!
• You’re gonna have to sit him down and have a heart to heart talk about these things
• The only way he can learn is if you teach him, god knows no one else has taught him jack about genuine emotions.
• again, it’s not if, it’s when.
• More likely to happen before you pledge, he can be kinda mean honestly
• When he upsets you before pledging, he kinda scowls and slinks away
• Later on you find some kinda snack or Knick knack on your bed as an apology
• After pledging?
• He internally panics
• His thoughts are legit just “shit shit shit shit shit shit”
• He’s like sweet tofu in that he hasn’t really had a chance to get to know someone on this level
• but unlike sweet who has Boston lobster...
• salty really hasn’t even had to chance to make a legitimate friend
• Let alone anything like you
• He also stutters but he’s trying to explain himself
• It’s not coming out right
• “no no no shit shit”
• The one person who gave him a chance and he fucked it up
• “Are you tearing up salty??”
• “shit no I’m not. Shit. I didn’t....”
• honestly he tears up a lot when he’s super frustrated
• and he’s not only frustrated, but genuinely scared
• But he’s trying not to because he knows this isn’t about him and he’s trying to hold it back and shit he’s making it worse shit shit
• Honestly he’s gonna need more comfort than you are lmao
• With sweet it’s important to talk about these things, but with salty it’s crucial
• Because in the end your pain is his, and when he’s the cause of your pain, he panics
• It’ll take a second to calm him down, but he finds his tongue eventually and sighs
• “I... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that...”
• big sigh of relief after he manages to say it
• You both deserve a long nap after that ordeal
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ff-imagines · 5 years
ahhdhdhfb I love u and I hope I don’t pressure u but, when u have time,,,, lemme suggest 👀 sweet tofu x pure ma 👀 owo
Sweet tofu x innocent MA
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• oh no
• So
• His entire nature is just “tease them till they want to punch me in the knees”
• And the longer he stays by your side, the more....sexual his teasing becomes
• You’re cute, and he doesn’t know any other ways to flirt lmao
• But the problem is
• you’re not picking up on any of it
• He’ll straight up make a dick joke and you’re just “????”
• at first
• He is delighted
• Now he can tease the absolute hell out of you
• And he has a lot of fun with that
• However,,,,
• Again, he doesn’t know any other ways to flirt other than make weird sexual jokes
• So while he loves to tease you he’s internally panicking
• So he kinda sulks by himself for a few days
• Trying to think of ways to not come across as anything but genuine, because you’re not gonna pick up on any of the hints he drops
• You’re not dumb, you’re just not used to this
• And he’s not used to being genuine
• Well.... Shit.
Sweet has been by himself for about two days now, sneaking out at night to take a rare late night walk when he sees someone coming. He stops, and tucks himself into the tree line, he doesn’t really wanna be bothered by anyone right now.... but......
Ah, just his luck. You’ve come outside.
Wait what? It’s like 2 am, what are you doing?
“Sweet tofu?”
Oh, oops, did he say that out loud? You walk a little closer to the trees, only seeing him faintly in the dark.
“Heh, you got me. But what are you doing out here, kitten?”
You wave him closer to you, holding out the other hand slightly. He raises an eyebrow, but walks closer.
• “I found a little spider in the restaurant.... I didn’t want him to get hurt so I brought him out here. Isn’t he cute?”
And just like you’d said, a tiny furry spider slowly walked across your palm, seeming to stop and turn to look at sweet.
“Ah, I see. But that doesn’t explain why you’re awake to even find him in the first place.”
You look down for a sec, then crouch down to let the spider off your palm. When he’s safely crawled into the grass, you stand up again, fiddling with your shirt nervously
“Well... what are you doing out here? I haven’t seen you in a while...”
“I’ve been fine. I’m always up this late, aren’t I? But you need your sleep. Come on, kitten.”
He wraps an arm around your shoulders and starts walking to the door. You stop, forcing him to stop, shaking his arm off and grabbing onto his hand.
“You’re not always like this though. You’ve been so distant lately, even for you! You’re worrying me!”
“Worrying?” His eyebrows furrow, “About me?” He points to himself, his smirk slightly indignant. The idea he’s been on your mind enough to keep you awake is more gratifying than he’d like to admit.
You look down, still holding onto his hand.
“That’s why I was up. I was looking for you.”
You’ve surprised him again, has he worried you that much?
“I see.”
He doesn’t know what to say, honestly, and you don’t seem to either. You grasp onto his hand a little tighter
“It’s not my fault, is it? I haven’t upset you right?”
His entire chest clamps up, he feels his heart shatter from how sad your voice sounds. He removes his hand from yours, putting both of his hands on your cheeks, making you look at him clearly.
“Kitten, you could never upset me. You could never hurt anyone. Especially not me. I love you too much.”
Well, cats out of the bag, and you’re frozen in place.
“...love? ....Me? Really?”
You sound so soft, so adorable. He needs to hug you now, resisting is going to kill his soul. He gently hugs you, placing his hand on the small of your back.
That’s all the answer you need.
He chuckles a little as he feels you relaxing, burying your face into his jacket. He strokes your hair a little, his voice is soft, as if talking too loud would shatter you like glass.
“Come on kitten. I can feel you falling asleep here. Let’s get you into bed.”
“Will you sleep with me?”
................... he can laugh about your word choice later
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