#salty tofu x reader
bonesfromtheglade · 2 years
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Threads | salty tofu
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“I was at the end of every tether, waiting for what once was.” - Her’s
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To a human being, living is truly the longest thing you’ll ever do. Everyday ticks on, every moment bleeds into the next; the fabric of your life is sewn by the seamstress of fate until the day you meet her in person, and you feel every last thread she wove.
To salty, human life is the shortest thing he’ll never grasp. Every waking moment, he is aware of your mortality. Even every sleeping moment. He’s ever so painfully aware of just how easy it truly is- one single prick of the needle and your sent to see your seamstress.
It delighted him in the beginning. Only a few decades and he was free again, free of humans and their rules. Of their disappointments- and of their disapproval.
That was before he knew you, before he grew to understand you. Once he had, it terrified him. He could recover from anything, yet you were the one going headfirst into every challenge. It grew in him a morbid curiosity, how could you do this? Were you not as aware as he was? How could you live as if a single trip in the wrong place at the wrong time could cut your life short?
“You don’t have to worry salty.”
“But I do, it frustrates me that you don’t worry. You are not indestructible!”
You laughed, his knee jerk feeling was to suspect it was a mocking laugh, but he knew better than that now.
“You didn’t fall in love with someone who lives every waking moment in fear, did you? Can you imagine how much a downer it’d be on date night?”
Again, the casual retorts irked him to no end. Your life was not trivial, it was worth more to him than anything. You could sense his displeasure in his dead stare and pursed lips.
“Listen, salty. I’m happy that you care this much about me. Really. I worry about your safety too, even if I don’t have to.”
“You don’t.” He scoffed.
“Mmmhm.” you rolled your eyes, “and yet, I worry. But not enough to limit you. I know that danger is apart of your life. I hope that one day, you can accept that danger is also apart of mine.”
“Danger from ridiculous sources.” He crossed his arms.
“And danger none the less. Human life is fickle.” You reached for his hand, he gave it- almost too quickly. “I know you worry because you love me. You also have to accept that loving me, means losing me.”
He frowned, narrowing his eyes. You continued.
“One day, no matter from what, I will not be with you anymore. You know this. But you don’t want to feel ok with it.”
“Why would I ever want to feel ok with that?” He retorted indignantly.
“Because it’s part of the deal with liking a human, salty. If one day I’m hurt, sick, old, any of the above- I don’t want to have to worry about you feeling left behind.”
He teetered his jaw side to side, seemingly chewing on the thought. You sighed, looking forward, before opening your arms out, to which he accepted. You could feel how he squeezed a bit tighter than he had to, careful to avoid hurting you.
“I will never leave you behind, salty. But one day, I am going to have to go. I won’t want to, ever. As long as I live, you’re stuck with me. But…” he squeezed tighter. “But that isn’t very long. Not compared to your life.”
The conversation ended there. From his silence, and the way his hands grasped your shirt, you knew he’d had enough of the thought.
He thought long and hard about what you’d said that day. It was true, but why did you sound so matter of fact? How were you not distraught? How could you just accept that one day, you will not exist anymore?
But one day, when he was watching as you drove and sang along to one of his old rock playlists, speeding a just a little bit over the limit while drumming the wheel, he began to understand.
Every waking moment he’s aware of the danger to you, and every waking moment, so are you. And so, why worry? Why fret over something that’s inevitable?
You drove and drummed along, barely paying him any mind. One day this would be a cherished memory to him, one that he looks back upon with equal amounts of sadness as it is happiness. One day, you will be a memory. A somebody, and yet a body that does not exist.
But you aren’t right now. Right now he can reach over and flick your head when he catches you spacing out, he can pretend to bite a finger when you give him your hand, he can feel the smile on your lips as you peck at his cheeks.
He reaches over to lace a hand with yours, tapping his index finger on your hand along to the music. You look over, giving him a beaming smile.
One day, this was gonna hurt. But it doesn’t right now, and maybe that’s what makes it worth it.
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alexander-23 · 1 year
You know what, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything for lin. How about a lin beifong x combustion bender reader? I feel like that would be an interesting pair. If that’s too much then let’s have some general dating headcanons?
A/N: This took me far too long to write this little and I can certainly expand on it when I have time. Sorry it’s so short, I was just far busier than I thought I would be. To make up for it, I have put a picture of my pretty kitty at the end!
Warnings: none
Fluff-like tooth rotting fluff
Word count: 612
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Made With Love
Lin always works so hard. I love how dedicated she is to protecting the city and the people in it, but she drives me nuts when she doesn't eat enough. She skips meals claiming, ‘there's too much work to do’, but she needs to take care of herself too. With that said, I'm currently in the kitchen making her dinner. Ever since we first started dating, i’ve always seen that woman dig into noodles.its her favorite thing other than the mass amount of protein she eats. I’m making her noodles from scratch as well as the sauce. I’ve always loved cooking so I'm certainly having fun. The radio is on, music playing loudly, and me dancing around the kitchen. Sometimes, if Lin was home, she would just watch me as I got to work in the kitchen. Sometimes I'd try getting her to join me, sometimes I would succeed, and we would laugh at our inability to dance. The noodles are almost finished cooking so I start on the sauce adding just a tiny bit of heat. I pan fry the noodles, add the sauce, her favorite vegetables and some nuts for some saltiness. I pack it into the to-go containers with the fried tofu on the side. I place my food in the bag with hers, mine far spicier than hers, and place our tea in it as well. Draping the bag over my shoulder, I leave for my walk to Lin’s office.
Lin chose to get an apartment not far from the station, so the walk wasn’t very long, but I still got to feel the sun on my face. As I walk into the station, officers wave, of course recognizing me. I may not work with them, but of course they would recognize the Chief's fiance. When I knock on her door, her gruff voice comes through with a rough, “What”. I push through the door to see my darling Lin hunched over her desk and eyebrows knitted. I close the door and lock it, the click getting her attention and looking up at me.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” I round her desk and place the bag on her desk before pulling her chair out so I can sit on her lap.
“You are working far too hard and need a break,” she opens her mouth to fight on the idea, but i raise my finger to her lips to shush her, “and you will not argue on the matter”. She sighs, but smiles at me, then kisses the pad of my finger. I let a chuckle escape my lips that turned into a squeal when Lin began standing with her arms around me. My face I’m sure has turned red, and Lin has noticed.
“Why the blush future Mrs. Beifong?”
“Your strength is incredibly attractive my dear fiancé” she smirks as she grabs the bag and begins carrying us to the couch.
“Well my love, you should see how much I can lift,” she places the bag down, then takes a seat with me in her lap, “you are easy to carry”. I hide my face in her neck and feel a peck on my cheek. “Now, let’s see what my girl made for dinner,” she pulls out the boxes and looks inside, “you are far too good to me”
“Not too good, just treating you the way you deserved to be treated”. In an instant, she caresses my cheek and kisses me; soft and gentle, filled with love. She pulls away with our foreheads pressed against each other and a soft smile.
“Thank you baby, I love you”
“I love you too Linny”
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Master List
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ff-imagines · 4 years
Tu chi khelotori.
Pronouns: x
Warnings: x
Summary: you’re trying to teach salty a roma dance, he’s not catching on very quickly.
Notes: sooo I am kalderash romani, I don’t see a lot of roma representation in fics or media like... anywhere... so imma change that lmao (Also, can you tell that dancing is one of my fav hobbies from the fact that this is the second salty fic with dancing lmaooo)
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Tap tap click click click, tap tap click click click, tap tap “Wha… what- wait wait…” clack… click……. “Ugh, damnit!”
Salty groaned, exasperated.
You halted your movements and looked up to him again.
“Só? Do you need me to go slower?”
Salty sighed dramatically.
“What I need is new feet. I don’t think I’ve got the talent for this.”
You raised a brow, giving an amused huff. You reached out to his hands, him gently taking them and rolling his eyes.
“You’re not gonna let me give up, are you?”
He knew that answer by your grin.
“Here,” you placed a foot out towards his and motioned with your eyes for him to do the same with his opposite foot, “follow me. Haidé.”
He glanced to your feet, back up to your eyes, and shook his head. He looked back down to your feet and obeyed. Slowly you moved your leg to cross over the other, he followed, losing balance for a moment and causing him to grasp tighter onto your hands. You giggled, him furrowing his brows.
“Tu chi khelotori...”
You softly tease him with an amused smirk, salty giving you a chide look.
He glanced back down to your feet, watching for the rhythm of your tapping against the ground.
Slowly you started your dance again, tap tap tap, and a swish as you brought your back leg and crossed it over the other, clacking your heel against the ground as you did. You paused, waiting for salty to do the same.
Tap… tap… tap…...... swish…..... clack….
his movements bled with uncertainty, but you could tell he was trying his best. Perhaps it made it that much more endearing to see him stumble so much.
You repeated the motion, tap tap tap, swish, clack!
He followed, him bringing his feet down harder as he gained confidence.
Tap tap tap, swish, clack!
You grinned at him, squeezing his hands. He looked up to you and sheepishly smiled back.
You repeated the motion, this time swinging your hips forward as you switched legs. He furrowed his brow and attempted to do the same, very clumsily. Still smiling you stopped your dancing and slid your hands to grasp onto his arms and bring him closer to you.
“See! It’s not so hard! But, me khino, let’s stop here for today.”
Salty shook his head, returning your smile. He pulled you towards him, snaking his arms to wrap around your waist, swaying on his feet as he hummed in thought.
“No no. Do go on. Just leave me out of it, I like watching you dance.”
You rolled your eyes, burying your head into saltys chest.
“Probably for the best, you’re still not very good, babe.”
Salty groaned and continued swaying with you in his arms.
Só- what?
Haidé- come on/let’s go
Tu chi khelotori- you are not a dancer
Me khino- I’m worn out/exhausted
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papergirllife · 2 years
Yuta Nakamoto, Mark Lee
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Chapter 8 (Final)
Venom! Yuta x human! Mark x human! reader
Synopsis :
Mark thought he’d never find love with Yuta living inside his body, having his life turned upside down when he met the alien, or more accurately, was ‘chosen’ by Yuta during an afternoon of a very normal university tour which turned out to be a tour to the biotechnology company he had to destroy to save the world.
So definitely, with the hero duties and school, and the fact that he’s no longer your typical university kid, love was sort of out of the picture for him. But what happens when he stumbles upon a girl who loves him and his alien buddy?
Warnings : Tentacles, unprotected sex, slight mxm, fluff :)
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You woke up to cold sheets beside you, the blanket is tugged high up until your chin, the curtains were drawn to block out the sunlight from streaming in.  
You reluctantly got out of bed to the connected bathroom, thinking of retrieving your own toothbrush when you see it at the ledge below the mirror, and all your other things beside it. Smiling to yourself, you quickly wash up to see what’s for breakfast.
Opening the bedroom door, you catch the sight of shirtless Yuta busying away on the stove, the scent of eggs in the air, making your tummy rumble.
“Are you my breakfast? Because you’re looking like a full course meal,” you said cheesily, cracking Yuta up as he throws in the chopped up spam into the scrambled eggs.
“Did you copy that one from Mark?” he asked, watching you from the corner of his eye, careful to not overcook the eggs.
“Might have,” you said, recalling how Mark had utilised any way possible to have you heed his advances before you finally gave in last night.
“I wanted to let you have breakfast in bed, why are you up so quick?” Yuta chided, his plan of surprise now being flushed down the drain by you.
“It was literally ten in the morning when I woke up, that's not early, this is going to be brunch more than breakfast” you said as Yuta handed you your plate of scrambled eggs.
“Just thought I had tired you out for the next 24 hours,” Yuta said with a cheeky smile as he sat down with his own plate, digging in quickly.
“Just because I'm no superhero, doesn’t mean I'm that weak,” you complained, you’re so used to be the strong one among your friends, even your ex wasn’t all that masculine, but compared to Yuta? You’re like tofu.
“Okay, okay, no need to demonstrate,” Yuta says with a laugh when he sees you roll up your sleeves to show him your biceps, “Let me get Mark out, he hasn’t ate yet,” Yuta had eaten as he cooked your share of breakfast, thinking it’s finally time to wake the boy up.
When Mark was summoned, his eyes were still closed, Yuta had sat down on the dining table, Mark was just about to face plant into his hot breakfast before you catch his head, jolting awake at the pressure of your hand.
“Wow, that was close, nice reflexes,” Mark complimented with a proud look on his face, living together definitely had you improving in that department.
“You need to stop sleeping in like that, just because Yuta could fix a broken nose doesn’t mean you should break it all the time,” you chided, shoving more eggs into your mouth, savouring the salty taste from the juice of the spam.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Yuta would’ve caught me if you didn’t,” Mark said before he heard Yuta say that he was actually planning on cleaning the dishes, so he would most definitely, broke his nose if it wasn’t for you, but you didn't need to know that.
You were enjoying your breakfast to the max, zoning out at the sight of the sun rays streaming in the balcony, not noticing Mark’s eyes on you, staring at the love bites scattered on your neck as well as the faint suction marks littered across your arms, suddenly he recalls last night’s scenes, especially after Yuta came, how you were pumped full of cum, Mark could feel himself growing hard, shaking his head to clear his mind, choosing to quickly finish his breakfast before he dives into the next meal in front of him.
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After breakfast, you decided to laze around in the living room, pulling up YouTube from your phone to catch up on whatever that’s interesting on your feed, deciding on watching a short interview of a singer you’ve known since you were a child, calling Mark over who had just finished putting away the dried plates, knowing that he listens to Adele sometimes.
Mark wasn’t really interested in the interview, not when you’re just in a pair of his boxers and his shirt, your bare legs draped over his, but when he starts kissing your neck, you pause the video.
“Just a heads up, I might need more than just ten hours to recover from last night, I might pass out for another few hours if you want to impale me with your big tentacle cocks again,” you joked.
“What if we just have normal sex? Yuta could reside in your body while we're at it,” Mark suggested, which was always his plan, he isn't ready to use whatever blessing from Yuta he has down there just yet, planning on watching Yuta maybe a few more times before he wants to try it, he doesn’t want to put you in danger after all.
“Does that change my anatomy during sex in any way?” you ask, wondering if somehow Yuta could give you a 'magical pussy’.
Yuta latched onto you at that suggestion, but when he focused on his 'new genitals’, nothing changed from how a normal vagina.
‘Nope, you might be a bit tighter now though, but I’m sure Mark would love that gorilla grip,’ Yuta joked.
“I don't know about gorilla grip, Yuta, but suddenly, I feel like I downed five red bulls,” you said, moving your limbs, the soreness from last night’s events completely disappeared, reminding yourself to let Yuta switch bodies whenever after sex.
As an experiment, you got up and lifted Mark up from the sofa, surprised when you realise you felt like he weighed like feather, carrying him to the bedroom.
“I could get used to this,” Mark said with a laugh before he felt his bed under his hands as he watches you intently, the sight of you above him was so tempting, but he wants to top the first time, you could always top next time, or the next few times even, he’s not picky.
So he flips you over, smiling like a child in a candy shop when he sees your surprised expression.
“And here I thought all your strength was from Yuta,” you teased, a hand tracing his defined abs.
“After this, you won't be doubting my strength no more,” Mark said before tugging off his shirt, low key flexing his muscles.
You can feel the power in your body, strength waiting to be harnessed, but you let him be, you’re a fiery person on the streets, but you just want to be babied in the sheets, most of the time. You stripped off your clothes eagerly before getting into position, on all fours, the sight of your wet pussy greeting him.
Yuta, seeing how the situation is, quickly made himself known by extending three tentacles out from your back, morphed into suckers at its ends to attach to your nipples and your clit. You moan when you felt the combination of Mark’s fingers opening you up and Yuta sucking away on your breasts at a quick pace, the tentacle attached to your clit was slower after Yuta noticed how sensitive you reacted to the quick sucking, he doesn't want you cumming untouched, Yuta wants Mark to know that this is his doing.
After working two fingers into your velvet walls, Mark discarded his clothes and positioned himself at your entrance, pushing himself into you slowly, carefully because he knows last night couldn’t have been easy for you, aphrodisiac or not.
You didn’t struggle at Mark’s size after last night, but he was by no means small, in fact, he was thicker than most men you’ve been with, filling you up to the brim.
Experimentally, you thrusted your hips back onto Mark, sighing in delight at the first movement, looking back at Mark expectantly.
Mark who was still caught up on the first contact of pleasure, quickly caught on to your silent consent to move, swallowing a lump down his throat, he held your hips in his hands before he starts off with shallow thrusts, his teeth biting down onto his bottom lip as he indulges into the feeling of your tight walls wrapped around his cock.
Deciding to switch things up, Mark slowly backs his cock out before slamming back inside you quickly, making you whine breathlessly at the sudden change of pace, Mark tightens his grip around your hips before he thrusts at a fast and hard pace, the sound of skin hitting against skin resonating throughout the room and the sweet melody of Mark’s name falling from your lips is a tune Mark would never get tired of.
You didn't know Mark had it in him, you would have never thought the cute little boy you first met would now be the ruthless man behind you, determined on making you see stars as his cock hits your sweet spot over and over again, your toes curling at the sensation as you struggled to hold yourself up, you would be flat on the bed if it wasn’t for Yuta’s aided strength.
Yuta, deciding on wanting to quicken the pace of both your demises, began sucking faster on your clit, making your knees buckle at the sudden pleasure coursing through your whole body, but of course Yuta wouldn’t only have his attention on you, he summoned another tentacle out of your back to attach himself onto Mark’s body, Mark, thinking it was just Yuta’s way of showing affection to him, Mark had let him be, busy chasing after both your highs, he decided to pay him no mind to Yuta’s touch, which is exactly what Yuta wanted.
Yuta, knowing both of you are distracted, extended the tentacle until it was at Mark’s perky ass, it was a normal tiny tentacle, the tip no bigger than a human finger, Yuta wiggles it between those fat cheeks before coating the sheen of natural slick his tentacles have at Mark’s hole, sliding it in without Mark noticing until it was too late, moaning at the intrusion, Yuta’s name falling from Mark’s lips so naturally that you felt a shudder down your back.
It wasn't the first time Mark had experienced this, Yuta’s done this to Mark a few times, the first time was to get him to get his ass off from studying so much, but instead of eating like he had demanded him to do at that time, Yuta had to fuck Mark’s juicy ass to calm his boner.
Now was no different, in fact, Mark loves it, it gives him pleasure at both ends, taking in a staggered breath before he decides to continue, knowing that both of you were very much close.
Mark’s pace began to become sloppier after Yuta started playing with him, thrusting into you slower, but most definitely harder, determination clouded his mind as his hips meet yours over and over again until you felt the knot in your belly snap, cumming around Mark’s cock, your convulsing walls tightened up, pushing Mark over the edge, his warm spurts of cum painting your walls white as Yuta slows down his pace on both you and Mark, riding out your highs before he detaches himself from your bodies, slinking back into your body, falling onto the bed seconds after, fatigue quickly settling into your limbs.
Mark mimics you, falling onto the other side of his bed before he rolls over to face you, his ears tinted red at its tips.
“How do you feel?” Mark asked, a hand coming up to caress the area between the underside of your breast, where your skin was more sensitive.
“Good, you were great, Mark, didn’t know you and Yuta do that though, you're full of surprises, who would’ve thought a cute face like that could be so freaky,” you said, teasing him more.
“Stop,” Mark whined as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling a sweet scent that’s uniquely yours.
“It's a good thing, that was a compliment, Mark,” you said, reassuring him as your hand brushes his back like he was a giant puppy, the action making Mark sleepy.
“After this nap we need to head to the pharmacy to get a plan b,” you informed Mark, scared that you’d forget about it afterwards, Mark tends to have a better memory than yours.
“Okay, I’ll get some condoms too,” Mark said before stifling a yawn, closing his eyes as both your breathing evens out, drifting off into slumber.
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When you woke up, the first thing you did was check your phone, digging it out of your discarded house shorts before sitting at the edge of the bed, playing with Mark’s hair.
The first thing you saw was a Google news feed alert, monster resembling Venom wreaks havoc upon downtown Seoul.
“Mark! Mark! Wake up!” you shouted as you shook him.
“I'm up! What's wrong?” Mark asked, darting awake from his warm bed.
You shoved your phone into his eyes of the blurry photo of a white thing perched on Lotte tower.
“I think one of Yuta’s friends are here,” you said before rushing out to the kitchen stark naked, looking for the one thing that might help them, the fire gun you used for steak, it might not be able to burn the alien if needed, but it’s easier to start a fire with it.
Retrieving it from the highest cabinet, you gave it to Mark.
“You can't start anything big with this, I know you don't like damaging cars, but worse comes to worse, you need to ignite the petrol tank of the nearest vehicle, you understand me?” you pleaded, you don't know how powerful this alien is compared to Yuta, you've never seen any other of his kind before, and they might be much more hostile than Yuta for all you know.
“Okay, hey, don't worry so much, we’ll be okay,” Mark reassures you as he dresses himself.
“Promise me you’ll leave if he's too powerful,” you need him back, you need Yuta, for the both of them to be back home safe.
“Okay, we’ll come back to you, I love you,” Mark said, it's the first time he's said this, and he hopes it's not the last.
“I love you too, both of you, Mark, Yuta,” you said, trying your best not to panic, you've seen them in action, it'll be alright, right?
You kissed Mark, deeply and passionately, usually it would be just normal pecks when they leave to save the day, but this is different, when you pulled away from the kiss, Yuta was standing in front of you.
“You have the fire gun, right?” you asked once more.
“Yeah, I'll try to talk to them, if it's my kind, it might not escalate to a big fight,” Yuta hopes, more so than a reassurance, but he doesn’t dare to air out his worries to you.
“Okay, I'll be waiting, come home to me,” you said before Yuta leaps out of the window, transforming into the hero that everyone knows and grew to adore, Venom.
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this story continues on in Anti Venom ;)
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versadies · 3 years
may the meals we share guide you to my happiness [ 3k followers event ! ]
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welcome to the penpal service’s special restaurant where we serve you teyvat’s infamous meals from all around the three nations as a celebration of a special milestone. care to take a look and try out our special meals with your date?
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characters available: zhongli, tartaglia, diluc, kaeya, albedo, xiao, venti, thoma, itto, scaramouche, kazuha, eula, lisa, jean, ningguang, beidou, ganyu, and raiden shogun
rules: (any requests that does not follow will be rejected)
please follow the format: appetizer/character + main dish/prompt + dessert/genre + drink/theme + sauce/format + side-dish/plot (optional)
please submit only 1 character + 1 prompt per request (you cna submit another request with a diff character and prompt)
nsfw is not allowed. if i see any requests that’s considered as nsfw will immediately be deleted.
pls refrain yourselves on mentioning physical appearance of the reader (hair style, skin tone, height, etc.) because i sincerely think the characters will still treat you the same. rest assured that my fics won’t mention anything about the reader’s appearance as well.
don’t request a character that isn’t from the list, i’ll literally delete your request faster than turbo the moment i see a name that isn’t a part of the list.
all fics are strictly gender neutral
“ hi can i get pile ‘em up + squirrel fish + mint jelly + dango milk + ketchup ”
“ hi can i get pile ‘em up (diluc) + squirrel fish (enemies to lovers) + mint jelly (fluff) + dango milk (normal) + ketchup (hc) ”
“ hi can i get pile ‘em up, squirrel fish, mint jelly and pop’s teas, dango milk and ketchup whereas (insert plot)”
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APPETIZERS (character) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
chicken-mushroom skewer ━ kaeya alberich
pile ‘em up ━ diluc ragnvindr
sunshine sprat ━ albedo kreideprinz
barbatos ratatouille ━ venti
moon pie ━ eula lawrence
mushroom pizza ━ jean gunnhildr
flaming red bolognese ━ lisa minci
almond tofu ━ xiao
bamboo shoot soup ━ zhongli
calla lily seafood soup ━ tartaglia
universal peace ━ ganyu
mora meat ━ ningguang
stir-fried fillet ━ beidou
miso soup ━ thoma
dry-braised salty fish ━ kaedehara kazuha
mixed yakisoba ━ arataki itto
fragrant mashed potatoes ━ scaramouche
tricolor dango ━ raiden shogun
feel free to shorten the name of the dish
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MAIN DISH (prompt) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
sticky honey roast - friends to lovers
squirrel fish - enemies to lovers
northern apple stew - fake relationship
northern smoked chicken - forbidden love
matsutake meat rolls - kidnapped
lotus seed soup - arranged marriage
jade parcels - unrequited love
imported poultry - fairytale au
grilled unagi fillet - runaway spouse
sweet madame - reunion
golden fried chicken - opposites attract
cured pork dry hotpot - teacher x single parent au
cream stew - idol au
chicken tofu pudding - pirate x mermaid au
braised meat - roommates au
adeptus’ temptation - neighbors au
five pickled treasures - hanahaki disease
golden crab - office romance au
goulash - best friend’s wedding
minty meat rolls - coffee shop au
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DESSERT (genre, you can add two desserts in req) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
mint jelly - fluff
pop’s teas - comfort
sakura mochi - angst
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DRINK *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
wolfhook juice - yandere
dango milk - normal / non-au ( for the prompts that doesnt mention any au )
apple cider - songfic
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SAUCE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ketchup - hc scenario
mustard - drabble
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once again, tysm for the milestone ! i couldn’t have done it without you guys and i’m happy that there are people out there who love my writing <<3
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ira-hydrangea · 3 years
Ohhh!~ A food fantasy blog! I’n so excited! May I request a salty tofu, steak, and sweet tofu trying to court/hint to their Master Attendant they like them? But things just keep going wrong, either getting interrupted, accidentally tripping and looking dumb, to screwing up their words and straight up accidentally calling their MA fat somehow indirectly 😭😭😭 thank you! 💕
I hope I got all of their personality right... Enjoy this headcanons dear~
Salty Tofu, Sweet Tofu, Steak x Reader
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Salty Tofu
Salty knows he is much more the bad side kind of brother but at least he is not a sadist like his brother.
The thing is... He tends to say something he didn't mean to...
"Wah~ Are you making my favorite cake, Salty?" Your voice startles him.
"Wh- Wh-WHO SAY THIS IS FOR YOU?!" Salty said immediately while you immediately back away.
"Calm down... I will not steal that cake away from you." You pout while Salty looks away.
"I-I guess, I can spare a little for you... Only a little!!" You clap your hands happily at this. While He bringing his cake to you, he suddenly slips up and the whole cake go directly to the floor.
"Are you okay, Salty?!"
"..." Salty is in so much shock that his food is on the floor and his confession for today is basically failed... Again.
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Sweet Tofu
Salty already laughing seeing his attempt to flirt always backfired.
"Let me help you with the box, dear~"
"Oh! Thank you~ You are such a great friend, Sweet" You smiled at him and leave to attend for another thing.
Salty Tofu already laughs at his brother's misfortune.
"Maybe I should lock them inside my bedroom..."
"Woah! Brother! You do that and the other will make sure you got killed."
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He is a big idiot. Red Wine can only look at him mockingly before flipping his hairs.
"Maybe learn to control that temper of yours before trying to court Master Attendant?" Red wine smirk. Steak looks at him irritatingly.
"Tch. Shut up."
He tries, okay!!! He didn't know his luck will be this bad for the entire week!! Maybe he should watch that show that predicted your luck for today!
First, he got interrupted! Second, he suddenly becomes very clumsy, and third, what with his temper?!?!?
That's it... Is over... He didn't want to face his master's attendant anymore.
"Steak~ I need help with something-Steak?" Your voice come to snap him out as he pull the blanket over his head.
"Are you sick?" You ask worried.
You didn't believe him, so you stay up with him for the entire day trying to cheer him up. He is too damn happy basking in your attention until midnight. By the time you go back to your room to sleep, Red Wine come again to see him.
"So... I take it you manage to confess?" Red Wine ask.
"... Pardon?" Steak looks at Red Wine in horror while the latter only sigh.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Hello, hello~ I see you opened your requests and I LOVE it.
Can I request a gn!reader with Diluc, Xiao and Albedo who are trying to confess to the reader, but always failed because reader is too busy and is like "sorry need to go." or "I have something to do."?
In the end they confronted them and won't let them go so they finally can confess properly!
I hope you know what I mean ^.^
Have a nice day, have fun and thank you🙌
-Anon (because I don't want my friends to find out I read stuff like this ;-;)
Haha, I'm glad! Sorry for the wait and welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy<3
tags: gn!reader x Albedo, Diluc, Xiao(separate), fluff, tsundere Xiao, flustered Diluc, Albedo is the only normal one for once wow, busy busy bees.
-The least annoyed over this as the others. Still kind of annoyed. But not nearly as much.
-Albedo is also really busy, so trying to clear his schedule to meet your schedule and then you're even more busy its.. He doesn't do good with relationships as is.
-The last to assume you are avoiding him tbh. He's smart but he doesn't understand social cues well enough to draw that conclusion.
-This is why he has lured you to dragonspine because he "needs help".
-cant run now bitch -Khoi Dao as Albedo probably.
Teal eyes watch you as you place the appropriate items where they need to go in his little camp. He had asked you to aid him in organizing his camp, every time he does it it just gets messed up minutes later anyways, he said. You reached up, placing some assorted trinkets on one of the shelves in the small camp. When you turn back towards the alchemist he’s holding his pencil to his pad of paper, but his eyes are trained on you.
“What else do we need to do here? I need to get back to Mond-”
“Ahem, I do believe myself to be in love with you. And I would like to pursue a romantic relationship should you feel the same.” Albedo sounds so casual about it you almost didn’t process what he just exclaimed. He gave you a moment, setting his notepad down on the small wooden table while he waited.
You let out an awkward laugh as you examined him, his expression remained as it usually did. “You’re not kidding?” He shakes his head. “Oh well-” You clear your throat, stepping closer to him and reaching out to him. He takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. “I do really have to get back to Mondstadt, but I feel the same.” You squeeze his hands and he returns the gesture.
Thankfully Kaeya’s advice paid off..
-Help him. He’s tried so many times. What do you MEAN you need to go to Liyue for a weekend? Why do you need to take on Bennett’s commissions? Can you stand still for two seconds.
-No. No you can’t. Straight up thinks you’re avoiding him for some reason. Too salty to ask anybody for assistance in this matter. Just kind of broods.
-Sees you while he’s out doing his darknight hero duties and decides now is a great time to corner you in, what normal non Diluc people consider, the weirdest way possible.
-Aka he just kind of drops down from wherever the hell this Batman impersonator was hiding.. Directly in front of you. This was not how he intended to do this but it was getting ridiculous and Kaeya was making fun of him so here he is.
"Ah! Diluc! Archons, my heart." You press a hand to your chest as you meet his gaze. His jaw is set and he somehow seems more annoyed than usual. You lower your hand as his eyes flick away from your form, glancing down the dark streets of Mondstadt. "Is something wrong? You're out quite late." You smile at him and he finally looks back at you.
"Pardon my boldness, but given your recent schedule I have been unable to find a better time for this." He steps closer and you tilt your head, waiting for him to continue what he was going to say. "I would like to take you out to dinner sometime." He adjusts his gloves as he waits for the momentarily stunned silence to pass. Did he always do this when he was nervous…?
"Sure! I'll be free this weekend. Is anybody else joining us?" His smile is awkward, forced maybe? At your words.
"I meant romantically." Diluc clarifies, clearing his throat as warmth spreads to his cheeks. He could only hope his face didn't match his hair. Spoiler alert, it does.
You rub the back of your neck, not expecting this of all things on your walk home from commissions. "I'd love to, Diluc. I'll see you at five on Saturday." You pat his chest as you walk by him in the direction of your home. Leaving a stunned, very flustered wine tycoon.
-THIS GUY. The most annoyed AND the most broody.
-He has never felt like this before, and so he’s stepping out of his comfort zone to even tell you! And then you just? Cut him off? And run away?!
-Tries only once, the moment you’re out of his line of sight he just sort of up and disappears from Wangshu Inn? He just leaves!
-You find out from Verr, because she wants to know if you’ve seen him. "Last I saw him he was going to tell you he likes you." She says with a smile as if she didn't know he disappeared because he didn't manage to say it. Sneaky.
-So this is how you end up trying to lure him in with offers of almond tofu and annoyingly calling out ‘Adeptus Xiao!’ over and over again like he’s a grumpy cat(he is.)
Black and teal swirls of smoke appeared before you and you could only sigh in relief, this had taken the better half of your day. The smoke soon dissipated, Xiao replacing it with his typical scowl. “What do you want?” His tone is harsh, harsher than usual. But at least he isn’t dead or whatever, so you had that going for you.
“I heard some very interesting information from Verr Goldet!” You inform him, holding up the container of almond tofu, it jiggled. His amber eyes snap to the almond tofu, reaching out and snatching the container from you with a huff. A grumpy cat, indeed. “I have a few days off from commissions, would you like to tell me anything?” You clasp your hands behind your back, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“Okay! Well, guess I’ll go then- Check in with Verr Goldet ok?” Xiao grabs your wrist before you could take more than a step away from him, polearm disappearing to make room for your arm. “Hm? Something wrong, Xiao?”
“Do not make me say it.”
“Say what?”
Xiao huffs but doesn’t let go of your wrist, this was so embarrassing. He knew you knew, you knew he knew you knew. Why bother with this charade? Though, he supposed, this humour of yours is partially what had drawn him to you. Xiao mumbles something under his breath and you lean in closer to hear him. “This is stupid, I like you.” He mumbles, again.
“There we go, was that so hard? I-”
“It was.”
“I like you too, Xiao. Let’s go back to the inn and enjoy that tofu.”
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
When You’re Expecting (Taehyung Headcanon)
pairing: taehyung x pregnant!reader
warnings: mention of fertility & pregnancy complications
note: i’ve been craving to write a bts x pregnancy series for a while so here we go !! if there’s a specific member you’d like to see next, shoot me an ask :)
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even before finding out you were pregnant, you both had so much love for your child
there was nothing either of you could have wanted more than a baby
it was always at the forefront of your mind how much you wanted a little human of your own
it was approaching a year since you began trying seriously
a few false hopes and two miscarriages later, fertility drugs were looking to improve the chances of conceiving
the raging hormones which came with the drugs were all worth the positive test
early september - sickness had hung around your throat for days
headaches lasted longer than usual, and crying at the most mundane things had become an unwelcome habit
in the bathroom cabinet, you’d collected a small stockpile of electronic and stick pregnancy tests
one of them would eventually show positive, right?
taehyung sat on the bathroom tiles with you
waiting two minutes felt closer to waiting two months
he crossed his legs, bouncing his knees impatiently
your knees came to your chin; high hopes weighed heavily on your heart
the alarm set on his phone beeped quietly
your heartbeat rose suddenly to your throat
taehyung reached out for your hand as you turned to read the results
two blue lines - as clear as day
they became less clear as your eyes coated with thick, salty tears
he began to chuckle as his happiness trickled down his cheeks
“we did it baby! we’re gonna have a baby!” he whispered, choked up by his own anticipation
no words were left swirling in your mind
your jaw hung open as though the hinges were faulty
shakily, you lifted the electronic test to triple check
as you crashed into taehyung’s open arms, memories of the past loomed in your mind
it was only inevitable
a positive test was a familiar joy to you both
however this familiar joy had only ever been followed by crippling devastation
as much as you tried not to think about it, you couldn’t help but retain maternal caution
however, this time also felt different
taehyung’s spirit, your spirit - it was as though fate didn’t want to disappoint you any more
someone out there decided it was finally your time to grow a mini human to bring into the world
of course, no time was wasted in contacting the maternity clinic
seeing your baby on a screen was now a top priority
just to see their little head, maybe even hear their heartbeat
just to know they were okay
just to know you were keeping them cosy and safe, that’s all you needed
taehyung couldn’t hold his excitement
from leaving the house to reaching the hospital, his toothy grin never wiped from his cheeks
he never said anything at the time since his main focus was always on comforting you
but losing his babies near enough tore him apart
even when you tried to comfort him, taehyung restricted himself just to protect your wellbeing
of course, the worse had already crossed his mind
but it wouldn’t get the better of him
it couldn’t.
you soon learned you were already 6 weeks pregnant
the midwife had to point out where your little baby was hanging out; they were such a tiny thing after all
briefly, you took the opportunity to hear their heartbeat
it was faint over the machine, but fast
there really was a life within you.
“there’s something else, if you just look over here...” the midwife prompted, turning the monitor so you could grasp a better view
taehyung leaned slightly over your chest to peer closely at the smaller monochrome screen
with the mouse, she circled a second bean shaped figure
“the fertility drugs increase the chance of twins. looks like you guys got lucky!”
twins. you were having twins.
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like with most pregnancies, you were advised to wait until the 12 week milestone to begin announcing your impending delivery
and even though he understood the importance of patience right now, taehyung could hardly contain his excitement
it didn’t help that a little bump had already begun to grow
keeping a secret was much more difficult when the evidence was near impossible to hide
already, taehyung spent early mornings talking to his little angels
telling them stories he seemingly made up on the spot
or even borrowing some from his own childhood
“you know they can’t hear you yet? it’s about 7 weeks until they’ll be able to, honey.”
“i know, i’m just practising for when they can.”
of course, you wouldn’t admit that you did the same when you were alone
you attended more midwife appointments than other expectant mothers might
the pair of you much preferred being on the safer side
in the car, when on a quieter, less congested road, taehyung often reached over to cradle your still-growing bump with a free hand
you slotted your fingertips between his for additional sappiness
“you two have so many people waiting for you here, hmm? many people are already so in love with you both. me and mummy included.”
on a sleepless night, you’d made a small pact with tae
it was a rash decision, but sincere nonetheless
“no matter what, they are always going to know how wanted they were. always.”
taehyung hardly needed reminding of this, but it was still a weight off your shoulders
as you tried to conceive, the pregnancy diet had already been implemented into your daily routines
however now that you were carrying two precious babies, there really would be no more ‘cheat’ days for you
no more extra half cups of coffee on slower mornings
although you usually took over the role of head chef in the house, taehyung dedicated extra effort into preparing you both healthy and yummy foods
sautéd rice with green vegetables and lean meat/tofu appeared to be his go-to
but you still opted to supervise just in case
finally being able to announce your pregnancy was another heavy weight lifted from your mind
the other members were over the moon for you both
particularly when they reminded themselves of the struggles you had experienced previously
and also remembering the utter devastation of their taehyung when he had to break it to them
all of them kept their eye out for little gifts and outfits
each week, taehyung came home with a new stack of pale rompers or neutral-tones teething toys
these babies would have the best uncles; at least that much you could be certain of
announcing your pregnancy on social media was a looming task, but one he was determined to pull off perfectly
for filler content between schedules, the members had been asked to film a 5 minute vlog of their daily life
well, what a perfect opportunity!
towards the end, taehyung made sure to include some shots of your now protruding bump overlaid with some more vintage camera settings
safe to say, that day you had broken the internet
love, congratulations and blessings poured in from every corner of the earth
a few comments complimenting how much pregnancy suited you touched you especially
self image is commonly effected by the progression of pregnancy, and you were no exception to that
although it was amazing how your body grew and made a little home for your tiny babies, it was still quite strange to see yourself changing so quickly
your favourite clothes didn’t fit around your doubled bump anymore
and your skin seemed to hate sharing nutrients with two extra people
but for the days where you struggled to love yourself, taehyung easily filled in the gaps for you
sneaking up behind you in the bathroom
(although the mirror kinda gave him away)
he’d wrap his arms around your just-moisturised bump and carefully rest his chin on your shoulder
“tell me all your worries honey.”
you gushed over how much you missed wearing your favourite jackets
and how strange it was to look at yourself in such a new and confusing way
“i know it’s normal, and i know i have to do it for them. but i guess it’s just weird - i don’t look like myself anymore”
he sighed and planted a kiss on a spot of bare skin
those small kisses still tickled you like they always had
“well, you definitely look different,”
you really hoped there was a second part to that sentence, mostly for tae’s own good
“but why does that have to be bad? not gonna lie, it actually kinda makes you hotter. maybe we should make babies more often!”
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originally, you had wanted to try and stick to the natural route for as long as you could
but after a few contractions, that idea was immediately out of the window
to help steady yourself and wait out the pain, you held onto the kitchen island and swayed to your own pace
eventually, taehyung joined you
copying the same movements while timing your contractions
“they really must be desperate to come out, huh?”
“well do you think they could hurry it up a bit?!”
the pair of you had been prepared for this for over a month
the hospital bag was ready by the door with all of your essentials packed tightly inside
not forgetting the pots of instant ramen taehyung insisted he must bring in case of an emergency
just as he was readying to back out of the driveway, taehyung took a mental stock check of everything packed in the back
“do you think we have everything?”
“i love you but stop talking please.”
thankfully, he understood well that the sheer pain made you cranky
so long as he assured himself that it was ‘just the contractions’, he’d be just fine
as much as he couldn’t wait to announce he was about to become a father to everyone, he kept himself grounded when walking you to the maternity ward
one corridor in and you’d suggested that a wheelchair might be a better mode of transport
breathlessness and contractions didn’t sound like a favourable mix to you
the assessment of your fast dilation granted you an immediate spot in the labour ward
you’d picked this suite specially due to its expansive space
the option of a birthing pool was still available if you so needed it, but the mood lighting and access to aromatherapy was what attracted you to the room in the first place
a serene paradise for your angels to be born into
it was perfect
taehyung explored while you adjusted to your new surroundings
of course, it didn’t take him long to find the birthing ball
“what’s the difference between a yoga ball and a birthing ball?”
there obviously was none, but you took a few seconds to try and be smart with him
“well, sit on that and you might have a baby the size of a watermelon come out of you soon.”
taehyung cradled his torso and pulled a shocked expression, which was enough to make you giggle and cause another contraction
less than a few hours passed, and you had already attempted to scream the building down once or twice
“get these babies out of me. no i’m serious, i need them out.”
realising your deadpan expression, taehyung soon attended to you at the head of your bed
stroking your slightly sweaty head and patting a ice cold flannel on your clammy forehead
he braced himself for a crushing hand grip which came about sooner than he’d prepared for
you weren’t the biggest fan of commotion, and so being surrounded by nurses and doctors was close to being your worst nightmare
taehyung focused his voice into your ear, trying to minimise the tension coming from below your pelvis
his motivational words were broken up by short bursts of pushes
many of which were followed by a string of curse words which just slipped out
and then, there it was.
the first piercing cry belted across the room
a tear or two may have happened to slip from your eyes
finally the moment you’d waited for, nearly two years in the making, was here
the first of two, a little girl who already had a head full of the most luscious black hair
taehyung wanted to hold back his happy tears in order to show some kind of strength
but you and him both knew he’d never hold it back for long
within the space of 4 minutes, the second baby was born into the world.
but this time, there was no immediate cry
the whole world seemed to slow down in that moment as you waited
and waited
midwifes gathered around the new infant, looking for any kind of obstruction
but, soon enough, your son said his first hello to the world
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we-have-bangtan · 3 years
Pairing: Doctor! Yoongi x Patient! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Crack (??), Ex's, smut
Warning: Swearing, smut (just an old memory)
Synopsis: When Yn is forced to go to the hospital after falling down the stairs of her office. The doctor who was to attend to her was none other than her ex-boyfriend Min Yoongi.
A/n: let me know if you like it! And give me a reblog to support me!!!
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Yn turned over onto her back, her eyes still closed. She wondered silently why her normally soft bed was hard today. With another roll, she landed with a thud on the cold, hard floor, jolting her awake.
When the blinding lights of the room filled her vision, she suddenly regretted opening her eyes. She sat on the floor, rubbing her eyes to clear the sleep from them, oblivious to the drool on her chin. Her eyes opened in confusion when she saw the IV line on her wrist, her gaze following the line, attached to a bottle mounted onto an IV stand.
She sprang to her feet immediately, taking in her surroundings: the IV stand, the white bed, white walls, the hand sanitizer mounted on the wall, the white floor tiles, and the white blinds that kept the sunshine out.
A hospital? She guessed as she took in all the equipment, the machines that beeped every few seconds were a dead giveaway. Is this a private room? She asked herself, trying to find any clue which hospital this was when the door swung open.
Min Yoongi entered the room, wearing a white lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He walked over to her side and encouraged her to take a seat on the bed.
"Where am I?" Despite the fact that she already knew the answer, she inquired. "Take a wild guess," Yoongi replied dryly as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. Yn racked her brain for the name of the hospital; she was certain she knew which one Yoongi had been working at, but her mind was blank, displaying only a buffering page similar to that of a 2004 Dell laptop.
"Did you really hit your head that hard?"  Yoongi said what he was thinking, a little concerned for her safety. "Do you have a headache? Can you recall what you ate for breakfast or what happened just before you passed out? "He questioned.
"My head hurts a bit, so for breakfast, I had cinnamon crunch with milk, and lunch I had a sandwich. Walking down the stairs is the last thing I recall," She responded. All of her responses matched what her coworkers had told them, leading Yoongi to believe that Yn simply didn't know where he worked and that her head was okay.
He was irritated that Yn had no idea where he worked, but he forced his resentment to the back of his mind before informing her that she was in a private room at Asan Medical Centre in Seoul. "Wait, are you serious?" She yelled as she struggled to get out of bed.
"Yes, seriously," he explained, forcing her back onto the bed "You fell down the stairs in your office and one of your colleagues brought you in; you were unconscious for 5 hours; you will need to stay the night so we can run some tests on you; you will need to stay the night so we can run some tests on you," he added. "Why on earth do you have no idea I work at Asan?"He demanded once he was done briefing her.
"I would have noticed if you hadn't blocked me on all your social media pages," Yn said after some thought. She hisses, reminding him why she was blocked in the first place. "I wouldn't have had to block you if you hadn't started tagging me in those dumb Facebook memes," he retorted as he paging one of the nurses to come to change the IV bag.
"Is there something bothering you? Aside from your head," Yoongi inquired, reaching for his fancy click pen, which Yn had given him in college. "You still use that?" She inquired, her gaze falling on the royal blue color of the pen, the brand name has faded over time. He calmly replied, "I started using it once I got my residence, now answer the question."
To search for any injury, Yn moved her limbs around, starting with her feet. She turned them around to look for any discomfort before moving on to her legs, which were still perfect.  She eventually tested her shoulders and despite her best efforts, winced in pain as she raised her left shoulder.
"Left shoulder, okay. Do you feel nauseous?"  Yn shook her head as Yoongi asked more.
"Any ringing in your ears?"
"Is that gray hair on your head?" Yn interjected, pointing to a few strands at the start of Yoongi's hairline. He dismissed her and instead scribbled a note on his clipboard.
"OK, so you don't have any concussion symptoms, your hearing is good, and you're not feeling dizzy and your eyesight is better than ever before considering the fact that you could pick out my gray hair from that far. We still have some blood work to do and I'm putting you on observation tonight in case any symptom pops up, you're free to go home after that," Yoongi informed.
He reasoned that saying anything else would be unprofessional of him. Heading for the door when, "Yah, why am I in a private room in the first place?" Yn intervened, preventing him from leaving. Yoongi replied, turning around to face her, "I figured it would be more convenient for you."
"Bruh, do you have any idea how broke I am," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her stomach. "I ain't a hotshot doctor to be able to afford a private room in Asan Medical Centre," she sneered. "Who said something about you paying?" asked Yoongi. As he returned to her side. "So, who is going to foot the bill?  You? " She inquired, he nodded, causing her jaw to drop. She was perplexed by his words and asked, "Why would you do that?" "What good is it to be a hotshot doctor?" He shrugged.
The mental picture of a very sleepy and confused Yn, with her hair all tangled up and a tiny spot of drool on her face had made him soft, and there was no stopping his heart from falling head over heels for her all over again as he walked out of the room, the smile he had been battling slowly crept into place...
Yoongi peeked into Yn's room after his shift, his shoulders slouching from the stress of his job. He had his coat and stethoscope wrapped over his arm, his hair slightly damp from the shower he had taken, his white t-shirt clinging to his body.
When they were dating, one of Yn's 'rules' was that if he wanted to get close to her, he had to shower after returning from the hospital because she hated the scent of antiseptic. With the scent of antiseptic all over her, he wondered how she was doing.
He discovered her in bed, knees drawn up to her stomach, phone in hand, the screen almost brushing her nose as she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram. Her food, which had been left on the side table, had not been touched.
He warned, walking into the room, "You'll go blind if you keep doing that." Yn's head snapped up at his voice but calmed down when she saw who it was. He drew up a stool next to the bed and checked what Yn had received from the hospital. Soup, kimchi, rice, and pickled radishes were served on the side (Yn hated those). "Is the food not to your liking?" Concerned about her dietary habits, he inquired.
"They don't have any salt or spice," she replied as she stowed her phone. Yoongi grimaced after taking a sip of the soup. There was no salt or pepper and was as bland as raw tofu.
"SEE!!" Yn screamed, delighted that she had been proven right, but Yoongi, not one to concede defeat, put on a display. "How come it's so salty?" His face scrunched up in exaggeration as he groaned. "Stop acting, I can see right through you," Yn said, raising an eyebrow to call him out on his nonsense.
"All right, fine, you're right," Yoongi conceded as Yn yanked the sheets off herself and reached for his shoulders. He thought it was strange, but didn't say anything when she gently rubbed the spot near his collar, the tension in his shoulders dissipating as she applied pressure. He'd always thought Yn had magical hands. It felt like a miracle to have her hands on him again, something he had never expected to feel again.
"Can you tell me what I can do to get you to order me a plate of jjajangmyeon?" Yn asked. Yoongi thought, Darn it, I knew it was a trap, but he was too relaxed to say no. As she worked out the knots in his muscles, he melted under Yn's touch. She was no longer connected to the IV, enabling her to freely move about the room.
"I knew you were only in it for food," he chuckled, moving away from her to grab his phone from his coat, "What else did you think I was in it for?" Yn jested, playing along as she massaged his shoulders.
"Only jjajangmyeon?" He questioned, scrolling through the options, Yn looking at the phone from over his shoulder. "Order some side dishes too," she added, Yoongi let out a groan when Yn put pressure on THE SPOT at the back of his shoulder blade, the sound making Yn blush. "Stop that, people will think we're filing a porno," Yn scolded lightheartedly, continuing her ministering.
"I don't think we need to film any more of those, I have a whole collection already," Yoongi teased. His gummy smile showing up when he felt Yn's hand round his throat, threatening to choke him. "I think it's the other way round," he scoffed. His heart going into dangerous territory.
Yoongi remembered the night he had discovered Yn's choking kink, it had been a very eventful night. He had just come back home from the hospital when he had heard moaning coming from his bedroom, he had walked inside, totally unprepared for the breathtaking view that awaited him.
Watching porn wasn't considered cheating by Yoongi as long as Yn showed him what she was watching so he knew what they were getting into. When he walked in on Yn in his rotating chair, her legs spread out on the armrest, touching herself to a film about choking, he was pleasantly surprised. He went up behind her softly and wrapped his fingers around her throat, not putting much pressure. When Yn groaned for him, he felt himself harden in his pants and murmured, "You like that baby."
"Stop imagining it," Yn snapped, pushing away from Yoongi, "How do you expect me to just stop, those were some great moments of my life," he chuckled when his phone rang. It had something to do with the meal. He went to get the dinner by himself, leaving Yn alone.
When he returned with her dinner, he delivered it to her before saying his goodbyes and preparing to leave. "Enjoy your meal and get some sleep," he added as he gathered his belongings. "Where are you going?" Yn inquired. "Home??" Yoongi answered, taking his phone from the table when Yn stopped him. "Did you have dinner?" she asked, opening up the takeout box to reveal a generous serving of jjajangmyeon.
"Not yet, I was planning on getting some on the way," He answered, waiting for Yn to say anything. "Then you should stay and give me some company, it's not like I can finish all this on my own," She mumbled. "You sure?" Yoongi confirmed, taking his place on the chair as Yn grabbed the chopsticks from the bedside table, letting him have the wooden chopsticks that the restaurant provides.
They both dug into the meal, savoring every mouthful. In the otherwise peaceful hospital, just the sound of them slurping their noodles and the beep of the monitors could be heard. The majority of the patients were fast asleep, and those who were awake were taking special precautions to avoid making any noise.
Yn was the one who broke the stillness by inquiring about Holly. He said, licking his lips to get rid of the sauce, "She's good, I got her a ribbon for her ears the other day." He was intrigued about Yn's cranky cat, Buster, who had scratched Holly once. Yoongi's heart dropped to his stomach as Yn replied, "We had to put him down."
Although he was simply a large, sluggish cat who refused to get his butt off the window pane, Buster had been Yn's pride and joy, her support system. "That must have been difficult," Yoongi paused, unsure of how to express his condolences.
"It had to be done; he was in a lot of agony," Yn shrugged, shaking her head to clear her mind. "How are the boys doing?  I haven't seen them since we broke up" Yoongi's six other friends were the subject of Yn's inquiry. He assured her everyone was ok. "You might see Jungkook tomorrow," he said, explaining that he had taken the day off today. "Does Jungkookie work here?" Yn inquired, quite surprised by the information. "Yes, he's an intern trying to get his residence, surprising isn't it," Yoongi admitted.
Yn burped after she finished her dinner, making Yoongi laugh at how cute she looked. Once Yn had freshened up, Yoongi said, "Ok, now that you've finished eating, I'll go home, and YOU'LL go to sleep." "You always leave," Yn remarked, rolling her eyes. The words weighed heavy on his mind as he tucked her in. On his way out, he turned out the light and gave her one last look before walking away.
Yoongi slouched his shoulders again once he was in his car. The words Yn had just said reverberated in his mind. Since he had broken up with Yn, the words "You always leave" had tormented him. He had been in love with her, yet he was the one who had abandoned her. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, HE LEFT HER. It was painful to recall the details of their breakup.
Yn crying into his chest, asking why she wasn't enough. Him holding her as fiercely as he could, not knowing if he'd ever get another chance. His cowardice had broken both of them that night. He'd run away from one of the most precious part of his life, and he still regrets it.
They had broken up because of him. Yoongi always believed Yn deserved someone better than him, she was too good for him. She had yelled at him when he had told her that. Saying that it was her who got to decide who was worth her time and affection, and if h really thought h didn't deserve her then maybe he should make himself deserving, she had said that that was the solution for Yoongi's thoughts, breaking up was not the solution, but he was stubborn as a mule, refusing to see how he was destroying both of them and everything they had.
And now here he was, striving to be less of a wimp than he had been all those years before. He remembered how enraged the boys had been when he told them what he'd done. "Have you gone insane?" All Yoongi could do was nod when Jin Hyung asked. Yes, he'd gone nuts, which was why he'd been insane enough to let her go. He had no problem admitting it.
He cruised around the deserted roads, far too late in the evening for anyone to be out. He considered calling Jin hyung for advice, but he opted against it because he assumed he was already in bed. For the rest of the night, he was alone with his thoughts, his mind eating away at him, keeping him awake at night, tossing and turning in bed, contemplating what they could have been if he hadn't been a coward.
The next morning was the same as any other, the only difference being the speed of Yoongi's car when he was on his way to the office. The usual 60km/h had escalated to 80km/h and he was certainly a little too excited for someone who was going to be at the hospital for the next 18 hours.
He was walking up the corridor to Yn's room after exiting the elevator on the third level when he heard screams. "MOVE, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY PEOPLE!" shouted Yn as Jungkook pushed her wheelchair down the slanted corridor quicker.
What the fuck!!, Yoongi thought as he saw Jungkook climb onto the wheelchair's back supports, watching in horror as the two of them laughed and giggled their way down the corridor at full speed (which wasn't much speed btw), completely disregarding the 'no noise' and 'no running' placards which were stuck to the wall.
He quickly stepped in the way, feeling a little sense of joy watching Jungkook's eyes widen in fright. Bringing the wheelchair to a screeching halt a few inches away from Yoongi. "Good morning, Hyung!!" he said cheerfully as if he hadn't just broken every regulation in the hospital.
"Can you tell me what you're up to?" His gaze fell on Yn, who appeared to be having the time of her life. "Relax, Yoongo-boongo," Yn remarked. Yoongi frowned at the old nickname, which he had pleaded with Yn to abandon.
"This is risky, you know," Yoongi said, "especially since you wounded your shoulder," He added, quick to understand that Jungkook had no idea about Yn's wounded shoulder. "You hurt your shoulder?!?" the younger one screamed. Yn scowled at Yoongi for giving up that knowledge so easily. Yoongi justified himself by saying, "Don't look at me like that, he was going to find out regardless."
"Yes, but you didn't have to tell him so early, now he won't let me have any fun." She whined, Yoongi scoffed at that, "he isn't supposed to make you have 'fun', he'd supposed to take you to get your x-ray done, it's on the first floor."
Yn pouted as Jungkook nodded at the instructions, pushing the wheelchair with Yn still in it towards the elevator. "Without the wheelchair," Yoongi clarified, making Jungkook pout as well, helping Yn out of the wheelchair.
They both sulked like kicked puppies in the elevator and Yoongi could not stand it. "Ok, fine, take the freaking wheelchair, but just be careful." he said, finally giving in. The two of them gave him bright smiles. Yn sat back in the wheelchair just as the elevator door slid open and Jungkook rolled Yn out.
They're fortunate. Yoongi thought to himself as he went about his rounds that Namjoon owned the hospital. While Yn was getting her x-ray, he checked in with his patients. Yn had a good night's sleep and awoke fairly early, according to the nurse in charge of her surveillance. She felt a minor headache, but nothing else was wrong with her. Only the shoulder was a big issue, and they were unable to determine what was causing the pain.
It took 2 hours for Yoongi to check up on all his patients and meet with a few others in the clinic when Jungkook barged into Yoongi's office with an envelope. "Jungkook you can't just barge in like that," Yoongi groaned as he quickly gave the patient their prescription before sending them out. Telling the receptionist to not send any more patients, he turned all his attention to Kook.
"Now, what's wrong?" He asked, spinning in his chair to face the intern. "Noona's reports are here" Jungkook informed, holding out the envelope. "So fast?" Yoongi questioned. It usually took a day or two for the reports and none of the radiologists took Jungkook seriously, dismissing him as just an intern. He found it suspicious that they had given the reports back so early.
"Namjoon hyung was there for an inspection, he got it done when he saw noona," Jungkook said with a cheeky grin. Yoongi nodded at the explanation. Namjoon always had a soft spot for Yn regardless of if Yn and he were together. He pulled out the reports, scanning through them. "Where is Yn now?" He asked, putting the reports back inside. Jungkook informed that Namjoon had taken her to her room, playing along with Yn's wheelchair drama.
Yoongi rolled his eyes at that, but Jungkook didn't miss the quiver of his lips. Jungkook followed Yoongi upstairs to Yn's room, where they found Yn squishing Namjoon's cheeks. Jungkook joined them, laughing, and Yn hastily let Namjoon free. "So, Doctor, what do you have to say?" Yn asked as Namjoon got out of the chair, rubbing his red-tinged cheeks.
"You must slow down with the usage of your shoulder. You appear to be putting a lot of tension on it; fortunately, it's only strain and nothing dangerous." Yoongi said, instructing Yn to apply heat and ice packs to the affected area. "Are you going to issue me a leave sick note?" Yn inquired as she got out of bed.
"Nope, you can go back to work just fine as long as you don't do any heavy lifting," Yoongi said, scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Yah, Yoongi-ah pleaseeeee write me a sick note," Yn pleaded as she searched for the t-shirt she had worn when she had come into the hospital yesterday. "Nope, and are you really going to wear that?" He asked, surprised that Yn hadn't called anyone to come to pick her up.
"Yeah, I need to head home," Yn answered, gathering her things, "Wait, you can't wear that, I have a spare shirt in my office I'll get that," Yoongi said, getting out of the chair while Namjoon and Jungkook exchanged knowing looks.
"We'll get it hyung, don't worry," Jungkook assured, dragging Namjoon with him. The two of them got into the elevator before spilling the tea. "He is SO whipped!" Jungkook exclaimed, pushing the button to go downstairs. "So is she and did you know Yoongi hyung was footing her bill and he got her a private room?" Namjoon asked, amazed at the extent his extremely tsundere hyung was going to for Yn. "He's pretty much in love all over again, and the nurse said that Yoongi hyung spent more than an hour in noona's room," Jungkook informed with a giddy smile.
"Jin hyung NEEDS to know about this," Namjoon exclaimed but made no move to call their hyung, quickly going to Yoongi's office and grabbing the gray FG shirt which was in his locker before going back upstairs.
As soon as the boys returned to the room, Yn grabbed the t-shirt. She hurriedly removed the hospital gown she had been compelled to wear. Yoongi was quick to respond, instantly stepping in front of Yn so the two younger men wouldn't get a glimpse of his lovely ex's exquisite body, and only pulling away once Yn was covered in his shirt.
"You didn't have to do that, I was wearing a tank top beneath," Yn said, tucking the shirt's hem into the jeans she had worn the day before. "For safety reasons," Yoongi shrugged, avoiding eye contact as though it weren't a big concern that he was covering up his ex. Namjoon's sniggering at the entrance went unnoticed.
"Noona how are going home?" Jungkook asked, checking the time realizing it was his lunch break. "I'll take a cab, don't worry," she assured, grabbing her phone and keys from the bedside table. "I'll drop you home, it'll be hard to get a cab at this time over here," Yoongi said, following after her into the hallway as Jungkook and Namjoon watched.
As she approached the elevator, Yn commented, not really trying to stop Yoongi from coming with her, "There's a thing called uber Yoongi, I'm sure I'll catch a cab." "Jesus woman, will you ever accept aid without a fight?" Yoongi moaned as he snatched her wrist and brought her downstairs to get his keys.
"Aish is so stubborn," Yn grumbled as she trailed behind him, her hand slipping into Yoongi's. They didn't seem to be aware that they were holding hands.
"Jin hyung will be so happy hearing about this," Jungkook exclaimed, watching Yn and Yoongi argue like an old, married couple while holding hands as they went to the hospital parking lot.
"They look cute, 10$ that they get back together by the end of the month," Namjoon bet, moving away from the window of the private room. "Hyung, you literally own the hospital, I'm just a flimsy intern, how could you expect me to pay 10$," Jungkook whined making Namjoon laugh as Yoongi’s car spedmout of the driveway.
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kyuuppi · 4 years
Personal Duties
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Pairing: Xiao x Reader (gn)
Contents: ...fluff ig?
Word Count: 2.8k
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The morning had begun uneventfully, giving no hint to how strange of a day it would inevitably become.
You had risen with the sun, as usual, and taken the time to double check the contents of your inventory before leaving for Liyue harbor. On the way you stopped by Wanmin restaurant for a simple skewer, returning Chef Mao’s enthusiastic greetings as you indulged in the quick breakfast. He rattled on about a few new recipes he wanted to try, insisting that you would be the one to sample them before they became an official part of the menu, and his beloved daughter’s latest adventures in Springvale. Chef Mao was always rather talkative but he was kind and one of the first locals you had become friends with when you first arrived in Liyue.
You finish the meal quickly and thank him before continuing your short journey. As you walked through the open streets of the harbor you breathed in the freshness of the sea, salty and foreign but comforting in the way only a land as mysterious as Liyue could feel. Despite having only lived in the city for a few months, you feel at peace here, safely cradled between mountains tall enough to break through the clouds, dotted by qingxin flowers that seemed to sparkle in the evenings after a good rainfall. The first day you arrived in Liyue you were left speechless, awestruck by both the vastness of the natural valleys and mountain ranges as well as the crumbling ancient ruins scattered across the lands, telling of a time you had only read about as a child in your faded copy of Records of Jueyen. The locals immediately recognized you as an outsider but offered nothing but hospitality, providing useful advice or large discounts on some of their finest products. Thoroughly enamored, you had immediately decided you would stay in Liyue for as long as you could. That same night you had rented a modest room at the highly regarded Wangshu Inn, a decision that cascaded into several life-changing events, including the meeting of a certain long-term resident and fabled legend of the inn: adeptus Xiao.
Meeting and then even befriending Xiao could be described as nothing short of a miracle. Meeting him has been unexpected—an accident really—in which you foolishly ventured to the vacant top floor of the inn in the middle of the night and nearly fell to your death trying to lean over the railing for a better view. Xiao had, very reluctantly, saved your life in that moment, gripping your upper arm firmly the second you realized your weight was tipping forwards. When you looked back to meet his gaze he had advised you, quite harshly, not to be so careless before vanishing without another word.
Naturally, your interests were immediately piqued and you sought out more information about the mystery man on the top floor of Wangshu Inn who could conveniently blip in and out of existence.
Most of the locals provided minimal information aside from a few rumors and the story of a masked figure told by the owner of Second Life. Piecing together snippets of information from locals and a few of the tales you remember from books, you were able to conclude that the man who saved you was not a man at all and rather the revered conqueror of demons and vigilant yaksha, Xiao.
The most useful source of information, however, turned out to be Wangshu’s very own boss, Verr Goldet. While the woman was hesitant to reveal anything at first, she eventually opened up at your persistence to the point it almost felt as if she wanted you to make progress with the adeptus more than you did.
“Rumor has it he becomes a little more friendly when he is presented with a fresh helping of almond tofu,” she had suggested not so subtly one evening.
You had happily taken the hint, pestering Smiley Yanxiao to teach you how to make the delicate dish before taking said dish to the top balcony as an offering of thanks to Xiao.
Expectedly, Xiao did not appear at all that night but you were nothing if not persistent. You returned with a fresh plate of almond tofu every night that week until on the seventh day, as you were nearly dozing off while leaning on the rail, Xiao finally revealed himself to you, if only to ask if you were trying to make a repeat of your near death experience from last time. He claimed he wouldn’t save you a second time but the way his eyes sparkled when he finally received your plate of almond tofu made you think he was bluffing.
After that night, your relationship with the adeptus rapidly developed. You found yourself on the top floor of Wangshu Inn every night, Xiao obediently appearing a safe distance beside you even if he liked to pretend you didn’t exist or that your presence annoyed him. The fact he still showed up and, as evident by the occasional question he would ask in the midst of your chattering, actually listened , was enough for you. He did not share much about himself but you understood well enough that his life was not without significant hardship or suffering and, if nothing else, you liked to think you could at least offer a small distraction to the hardworking yaksha.
“Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild,” Katheryne greets as you finally arrive at her desk.
You return your own greeting before discussing the details of the day’s commissions.
It would be an uneventful day, you quickly gather. Two of your assignments are merely deliveries: a mother near Dongsheng’s general good shop needs her daughter to take her medicine but the little girl refuses unless there is a fresh plate of almond tofu to eat it with and a letter addressed to Granny Chu in Gulli Plains that need to be delivered. The third assignment is a complaint about a particularly rowdy group of hilichurls close to the main road. Lastly, a small clan of treasure hoarders seem to have stolen one of Jifang’s most prized artifacts.
Reasoning to yourself that a day of boring commissions is likely better than a day of dangerous commissions, you set off.
You finish the first two assignments rather quickly, as expected. The little girl had excitedly complimented your almond tofu several times, swearing it to be the best thing she had ever eaten while her mother profusely thanked you for getting the girl to finally take her medicine. Likewise, Granny Chu had immediately brightened the second you handed her the small envelope, explaining it was a message from her grandchildren who seemed too busy with their own families to stay in contact very often. The elderly woman insisted you took a couple of ripe sunsettia as thanks for delivering the letter before you were once more setting off, prepared to face the rambunctious cluster of Hilichurls.
It is then that your uneventful day takes a turn.
While hiking through the marsh on the way, you quickly notice how disturbed the land looks, barren of the common lizards, loaches, and small mammals that usually occupy the lands, scurrying away the moment you step too close. Instead, patches of bare land break up the once lush and seamless grass, jagged cuts along the blades as if a strong force had ripped through them. Evidence of chipped cobblestone and patchy grass seem to only get worse as you approach your destination and a small part of you feels anxious, wondering if the camp of hilichurls will be much more powerful than you had expected. Subconsciously, you grip your claymore a little tighter as you walk, glancing around cautiously as if you could be ambushed at any moment.
Instead of a rowdy group of fearsome monsters, you are met with empty space when you reach the location Katheryne had described. The air is eerily quiet aside from the soft chirps of distant cricadas, not a hilichurl in sight as you slowly survey the area. You almost would have assumed you had misheard and went to the wrong place if it were not for the obvious evidence of a large group of hilichurls once residing there. Shoddily built wooden huts and tilted towers surround the open space, the structures seeming barely able to support themselves as half of them had been caved in or ripped apart as if by a tornado. Strewn across the ground near the unlit campfires lie various meats, vegetables, and wheat. A few water pots and cauldrons lay tipped over but still partially filled with water as if they were being used mere hours ago.
Someone had clearly exterminated this hilichurl camp before your arrival, not even bothering to rummage through the chests, undoubtedly filled with valuable treasures, sitting in the far corner of the camp.
You are far from the only adventurer in Liyue. There are others, many of which are stronger and more skilled than you, who are assigned similar and even more dangerous commissions, taking down hilichurl camps like this on the daily. However, Katheryne always keeps meticulous records of who the guild assigns to do what and, in your five years as an adventurer, mistakes made by the adventure guild are almost unheard of. Surely Katheryne didn’t assign you to a task someone else was already assigned to—but then, who would complete something as tedious as clearing a hilichurl camp without seeking the rewards the adventure guild offers, or even the unguarded chests around the camp?
None of it makes sense to you but the sun is already beginning to set and you still have an assignment to deal with treasure hoarders on the opposite side one the city. Reluctantly, you take advantage of the untouched chests and pick up anything of value you find among the wreckage of the camp, not a single hilichurl body in sight.
The oddity of your last commission is nearly forgotten by the time you reach the treasure hoarders’ hideout, chest slightly heaving and thighs burning from hours of hiking through the uneven terrain. Above you, the sky has already turned a deep lavender, a speckle of stars glittering above the mountain peaks. You lean against a large rock at the entrance of the valley, too tired to even consider the glittering tangerine of cor lapis peeking out between the rocks. It is in that moment, as you are catching your breath, that you catch the murmurs of male voices carried with the wind.
“Look—I think that’s them…!”
“A-are you sure? If we mess this up that m-masked man might come back and…”
You abruptly straighten up, brows furrowing at the words and fearful tone of the voices. Why did they sound so afraid? Was it because of this “masked man?” The only masked man you can think of is...
“Just hurry up and give it to them so we can get the hell out of here!”
You are startled into a fighting stance at the sound of footsteps coming towards you.
Finally, a small group of burly men round the corner of the large rock you were just resting against, all wearing the familiar variations of martial arts or farming clothing and masks synonymous with treasure hoarders in Liyue. To your surprise however, rather than angry or smug as the hoarders usually looked, the men before you all appear disheveled and wide eyed, some even visibly trembling as if they’d seen a ghost. All look at you with wide eyes, as if you personally had struck the fear of the archons within them. The largest man, who you presume to be their leader, steps forward and you take a cautious step back, raising your blade in defense.
“No, wait—we don’t want to fight you,” the man quickly says, causing you to furrow your brows in skepticism.
“H-here, this is all of it, we swear!”
You fumble when the man throws a large bag at you, nearly dropping your sword to catch it. The bag itself is unassuming, a brown and slightly stained burlap sack, but you can already guess the contents based on the weight and clunky shape. Glancing up you find the men all staring at you expectantly, seemingly awaiting your approval as if their life depended on it.
Cautiously, you open the bag, finding a single blue and silver goblet inside along with a few bird’s feathers and a silver cricket lined with jewels—Jifang’s stolen artifacts.
“Y-ya see? It’s all there! We learned our lesson—we promise we’ll never steal again,” one of the men stammers, the group already stepping back as if ready to bolt.
“Wait a second—” you try, stepping forward.
To your shock the men startle like wild animals, recoiling from you as if you’ll attack them at any moment.
“H-here, take these too,” one of the men in the back shouts, throwing down a bronze coin. You immediately recognize it as a treasure hoarder’s insignia—something a hoarder only gives up if they have been defeated in battle. And yet, soon all of the men are throwing their own down as well, letting them land around your feet like an offering before the men all turn heel and abruptly book it, running down hill as if an evil spirit were hot on their tails despite your calls.
Thoroughly baffled by the whole exchange you crouch down to pick up the tokens—that is when you realize the land looks familiar. The same patchiness and jagged cuts plague the grass here as it did the hilichurl camp you had seen earlier. In fact, the pattern felt familiar to something you had seen only a few times before: the aftermath of a particularly powerful anemo used by a particularly powerful masked “man”...
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Your voice echoes slightly around the wooden hallway as you stumble your way to the top balcony, eager to confront the adeptus. Your chest is heaving as you attempt to catch your breath, having practically ran all the way to Wangshu Inn from Liyue harbor after hastily collecting your commission rewards.
The air is silent for a few moments, the only sound coming from your own harsh breaths before a calm, deep voice startles you from behind.
You whip around to face him.
“You’re so noisy, ” Xiao complains, arms crossed and expression mildly annoyed.
While the greeting would be hardly encouraging under any normal circumstance, you feel you have grown close enough to Xiao to understand his words hold no true malice—or perhaps you’re just really good at ignoring it.
“Xiao,” you repeat much more calmly than before. You eye him cautiously as you speak your next words, trying to gauge his reaction.
“What did you do today?”
His expression gives nothing away, remaining neutral and closed off—unreadable—as he replies monotonously.
“The work of the adepti is not something mortals could ever understand nor need to know.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the typical, very Xiao-like response.
“Well did you happen to decimate any hilichurl camps in the Dihua Marsh? Or mentally scar any treasure hoarders around Jueyen Karst? The hilichurl camp I was supposed to take down was already gone when I got there and the treasure hoarders I talked to were acting really weird—there was also a lot of collateral damage. It almost felt like someone was sabotaging my commissions…”
Xiao’s expression promptly sours, seeming slightly offended by your unspoken accusation.
“I have no interest in the work of an adventurer, ” he spits out, the word itself seeming to leave a bad taste in his mouth, “I am dedicated to my adept duties, nothing more and nothing less.”
Xiao speaks in a way that leaves no room for protest and you finally give up with a small sigh, turning away from him to gaze over the view from the balcony instead. It was true—there would be no reason for Xiao to trouble himself with doing your dumb little daily commissions when he faces much larger, more powerful monsters on the daily. Moreover, why would Xiao target you specifically? As much as you like to think you’re special, you’re really just one of many humans and Xiao does not seem like the type to hold personal vendettas or enjoy watching people suffer. It was foolish to even think he had anything to do with what happened today, you mentally scold yourself.
Despite the summer season, a cool breeze rustles through your hair and clothing, encouraging your shoulders to release a tension you didn’t even realize you had. Your smile at the calmness of the night, oblivious to the watchful eye of the adeptus next to you.
His duty as an adeptus is to defend the people of Liyue but somehow along the way ensuring your protection has become a personal duty he takes very seriously.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Love at First Bite
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A/N: we love a man who can cook where can I find myself an osamu (and yes this is an excuse for me to write about food)
Pairing: Miya Osamu x reader
Description: Your story with Miya Osamu began with tears, rain, and really good food.
Word count: 5270
Making Breakfast//Twin Peaks
Sunday Kind of Love//Etta James
Baby I’m Yours//Arctic Monkeys
You met Miya Osamu on what felt like the worst day of your life.
“I don’t feel the same about you anymore.”
The words that your boy- no, ex-boyfriend said to you rang in your ear. You could not get it out of your head ever since he uttered those few words in front of you, leaving you dazed and alone on the street as he turned away without even looking back. 
He did not even look back, not even bothering to see the look on your face and hurt in your eyes as the reality sat in.
I don’t feel the same about you anymore.
What the fuck was that even supposed to mean? Your face heated up at the anger that was starting to boil up. It was humiliating how you just stood there and say nothing as he walked away, you could have at least say something smart, or demand an explanation. But instead, you stayed still like a block of wood.
Pathetic, maybe that was why he got tired of you.
It did not work. You tried so hard to shake off the echo in your head of last voice you ever wanted to hear at that moment but the more you tried, the louder it was in the void of your mind. You hated how easy it was for him to walk away and how hard it was on you, you hated how you could barely even think straight as you mindlessly walk along the straight road ahead, taking turns whenever there was one without even having a single thought.
There was a moment when you stared at his figure as he walked away and felt the urge to say something that would make him stay, and that was the worst part of it all.
How sad, how pathetic.
The streets were getting dark and one by one, the shops along the sides dimmed their lights. It was late and you should go home but just the thought of being along made your stomach twisted into knots. 
There would be no one waiting for you when you get back, which you should have gotten used to by now. But being by yourself was one thing, the thought of there being no one you could go to anymore was another.
You had not felt so lonely in a long while, and you weren’t sure how to deal with this foreign hollowness.
You did not want to be surrounded by nothing but four walls. You knew that the voices in your head would be clearer and louder when you were accompanied by nothing but silence. At least when you were out, wandering on the empty streets, you had the eyes of the people walking by to keep you from breaking down completely in fear of the looks you might get, a sad attempt at convincing yourself to stay strong.
But the reality was that the emotions that were boiling up at the depths of your chest were starting to bubble up, and you had never wanted to cry so badly.
You grimaced when you felt the bead of water rolling down your chin, then you realised that it wasn’t you.
It was like the sky could sense your conflict and it decided to cry on your behalf when you were o hellbent that you wouldn’t be vulnerable. It started off as sparse drops of water on your face until the silver strings of water became a downpour. 
You were a mess as you scrambled to find cover, clutching your bag close to your chest as you ran under the rain, barely able to see what was in front of you. Amidst the heavy veil of rain that covered the street, you spotted a distant glow. A warm light from afar, and with your clothes soaked through and your brain tangled by every train of thought that had been bothering you, your feet moved on its own.
You just wanted somewhere you could be, somewhere you could hide for even just a second.
“I’m sorry, we’re closed-”
The man standing by the counter turned around at the sound of the wooden door being slid open. He was holding a cup in hand and a towel in another, clearly in the middle of closing things up. He froze in place when he saw you standing by the door, drenched from top to bottom and your eyes looking down. Your shoulders were drooping down, your lips quivering as your chest rose and fell to the heavy breaths that you were struggling to maintain. You looked like a mess and shame burnt through your face when you realised you were barging into someone getting ready to be finished with their day, unlike you who were just finding a place to escape to.
He paused and stared at you for a while before slowly opening his mouth again, “Welcome, take a seat wherever you like.”
You felt the lump at the back of your throat at this stranger letting you stay even though it was likely that you being there wouldn’t be anything but helpful to his work. Your dignity wanted to say that you wouldn’t want to be a bother and that you would be leaving soon but as the loud crack of thunder made your body shock, you swallowed it down and muttered a soft thank you as you pulled out the tall stool right in front of the bar table.
The crisp sound of rain drops falling onto the ceiling and the occasional thunder filled the empty shop as you sat there. You stared at your crossed hands that were in front of you, your brain completely blank as the wetness of your clothes slowly seeped through. You shuddered at how cold the layers felt, trying to curl up on your seat as a last resort for some warmth. The man, who you assumed to be the owner of this shop, was at the back and you wondered if it was because he took pity at how disheveled you were and decided to give you some space.
You could hear the occasional clank of ceramics and pots from the kitchen. Warm lights, steam that was slipping past the door curtain, the clicks of gas stoves being turned on. It all felt so terribly like home. Not the small apartment that you had to be careful doing anything to in fear of losing your deposit, the one where you could hear the sound of the tv even at the door right as you step in, the one with someone waiting for you to be home, the one where you could smell the sweet scent of rice from the kitchen.
The one where you were not along.
You felt the tear prickling at the corner of your eye and you quickly brought your hand up to press against your forehead, forcing the soreness in your nose to go away. You had been on your own for so long and probably would be for even longer, you could not let your mind wander to places that would crush you down like that. Not now, not when you knew how hard it would hit you.
The click on the table in front of you broke you out of your spiraling thoughts, and your eyes widened as you looked up to see what was placed in front of you.
White streams rose from the black lacquerware, the shine and the patterns on top a sharp contrast to the onigiri placed on the plate by its side. They were rounded, put on a long rectangular plate side by side with a small stripe of nori wrapped around them. You could see each grain of rice clearly, the light made it looked like they were clear enough for you to see through it. You looked into the bowl to see pieces of vegetables and tofu floating in the cloudy liquid, the soft scent of miso filling your senses as you leaned forward.
Tonjiru and onigiri, how long had it been since you had this?
“You need something to warm you up.” the man said with a small smile, brushing the fallen strands of his silver bangs away from his eyes as he turned away from you.
You nodded as you took the bowl from the counter, your lips pursed together into a thin line at the million flavours that were in your heart. You let out a soft sigh at the heat on your finger tips. It had been awfully long since you had anything as homely as this, and your own breath melted in with the steam that was blurring over your vision.
You tasted the warm soup at the tip of your tongue with your first sip, slowly gliding down your throat into your stomach and then the warmth slowly spread across your entire body from your core. The onions were cooked through, melting into the soup and soft against like jelly. slices of potato were nearly mashed up, the sandy texture still permanent in your mouth even after you gulped it down. The pork was cut up into thin pieces, tender and with the flavour of the stock all blended in. You could still taste the vague hints of the stock between your teeth, your breath shaky as you hold the bowl in your hand.
They said life was made up of different flavours, and right now the flavour on the strings of your heart was salty, from the jar of sealed emotions that shattered on the ground at something as simple as a bowl of warm soup made handed to you by a total stranger.
You did not know you were crying until you tasted the saltiness at the corner of your lips, and you lifted the bowl to your mouth before the sobs could even leak out.
You gulped down the soup, despite how you felt like you were having trouble trying to breathe with the ache at the back of your throat. The man had his back towards you, continuing with cleaning up the many dishes piled up as you cried at the far corner away from him. He had never met you and in his head, you were probably just another annoying customer who took up the time he could have had to himself by being a sobbing mess in his shop, but there was a silent gentleness in the way he didn’t flinch or budge even once as your sobs slowly erupted in a bawl, like you were not there at all, like the fact you were there was just another part of his routine.
You had calmed down a little when you saw the bottom of the bowl, your cries now turned into broken whimpers. You took a small bite into the onigiri and smiled amidst your tears at the sweetness from the grain and the hints of vinegar that expanded in your mouth. There was no filling within, but just the taste of rice was enough to make you feel the purest form of joy. The sound it made when you bit down on the seaweed was nothing less than satisfying and as you felt the crunch between your teeth, the tears rolling down you face and making your chest ache stopped. 
The man’s hands slowed down as you stopped crying but he waited for a moment before turning around like he wanted to make sure that he would not interrupt you at a moment of vulnerability. 
“How much is it?” you asked. Your voice coming out much weaker than you wanted it to be, like you were out of breath and with a strong nasal from your earlier sobs. 
“It’s on the house.” the man said and he couldn’t hide the slight amusement behind his eyes as you visibly panicked.
“I really shouldn’t-”
“I can’t charge you for something that isn’t on par with our usual quality,” he said, pushing your hand that was holding your wallet away softly. You wanted to argue that it was the nicest meal that you’ve had in a while but he stopped you before you could even speak, “so please.”
You stared at him. His eyes were fixed on you, not once wavering during this exchange. You sighed, knowing that there was no way he would back down, and a sly grin found its way to his lips.
You thanked the owner again and again before you walked out the door. With a soft swish, you were alone on the street again but somehow you didn’t feel all too bothered by that.
The rain had stopped.
Taking a deep breath, you could smell the distinct smell of rain lingering in the air. Walking away, you took one look at the shop before you left. The door curtain hanging on the upper half of the door was flowing with the wind, the symbol of the shop printed on in white.
“Onigiri Miya”.
Onigiri Miya.
You looked up from your phone to the front of the shop and then back at your phone. 
You had deliberately put off coming again after last time for a couple of days, even though there wasn’t a moment when it wasn’t in your mind. Somehow, you were paranoid about if you actually had the face to show up again after the owner had practically seen you at your lowest point. It was embarrassing to be remembered as the person who barged in late at night and cried on someone’s bar table.
And it most definitely didn’t help that even with tears in your eyes and you practically struggling to breathe properly, you still clearly remembered that the owner was likely your age and very attractive.
Maybe you should just leave. Your legs planted firmly on the ground as you thought of everything that could happen if you go in there. But really, you should go in as a proper customer at least for once after the owner practically treated you to a free meal. You gulped at the reminiscence of the warm soup that washed down your system and the crunchiness of the nori, you could feel your stomach rumbling just at the thought of it. How was it that such simple food had such an impact on you that you couldn’t stop thinking about it? 
You would just go in there, eat your food, actually pay this time around and leave. What was the worst that could happen?  
But on a second thought, did you really want to go back in there? Did you really-
“Sorry to interrupt whatever deep thought you might be having,” you jumped at the voice from behind you and was shocked to see that it was the owner standing behind you. 
Wait, no, this wasn’t him. 
“But are you going inside?” the man pointed at the sliding door of the entrance.
“Yeah,” you blurted out and went to grab the door like it was exactly what you were about to do anyways, groaning inside at how your earlier conflict was all for nothing, “yeah, of course.”
“Irassha-” the man behind the counter, the actual owner, looked up as the door was slide open, “ara?”
“Samu...” the man brushed past you as he sat right at the center of the bar table but the owner didn’t look away from you and nodded in greeting which you immediately reciprocated, your eyes glancing between the two subtly. Seeing them side-by-side, you could now see that while their facial features were near identical, the two men had deliberately styled their hair differently and dyed them a different colour. The blond laid on the wooden table the moment he sat down, rambling on about how “people nowadays didn’t know what a good joke was anymore”. 
You gingerly picked the seat that was the furthest away from him, carefully pulling the stool and had your back straight as you looked around the store. You were too deep in thought that you didn’t even pay much attention to your surroundings the last time you were here. There was nothing fancy about the humble interior, the earthy tones of the wooden structure of the building and the warm lights that were used a very good compliment to the food it served. Down to earth and simple, but sometimes it was the simplicity that draws out the best flavour.
“What can I get you?”
Your back tensed up at the sudden attention that was put on you. The owner of the shop stood in front of you with his arms crossed and you tried your hardest to save yourself the embarrassment that your eyes immediately picked up on the way his biceps flexed under the black t-shirt that fit his form perfectly. You had already broken down in front of this man, the last thing you would want is for him to notice that you were subtly not-so-subtly checking him out.
“Oh,” you snapped out of your trance, your nerves returning as you felt him waiting for you to say something. “um...”
Leaning back, you looked around at the many items that were written on thin wooden boards hung right above the counter. Salmon roe, tuna with scallion, marinated plum, stewed pork... the list went on and on, and that was only for the onigiri. How were you supposed to make a decision when there were so many to choose from? 
Miya Osamu felt a foreign swell in his chest as your eyes racked over the menu. Your tongue slightly poking out as you were lost in your thoughts and it was like he could see you debating with yourself as your glance jumped back and forth. He did not get to talk to you when you first walked in but he immediately remembered you as the one who came in that night with the particularly heavy rain. Even as his twin’s blabbering held a tight grip on his attention, he could not help himself but stealing glances at your direction. He could see the way you sat with your back straight and your shoulders stiffed at the corner of his eye but right now, the previous density was all gone.
He would have to admit that he had been wondering if you would come back after your initial encounter. He was not keen on acknowledging that he had been waiting for you to show up again even though judging by the look on your face as you took that first bite, he was almost certain you would.
You were still not able to decide on what you want which normally would be quite an annoyance (especially if it was Atsumu being indecisive because seriously dude, why are you being conflicted? You would get the exact same thing in the end anyways) but he just found how serious you were to be oddly endearing. He was tempted to tease you a little, to see you flustered and panic a little but bite his tongue at the potential of you tensing up again.
“Do you want to try a new product?” and there it was, the subtle glint of excitement in your eyes that you immediately tried to hide, “It’s not out on the menu yet and I’ve been hoping to find someone to try it out.”
The blonde at the other side perked up, his cheeks puffed out as he chewed on the onigiri he had in hand. His voice was muffled as he spoke, “Wait, samu-”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” the owner snapped around before turning back to you with a smile, ignoring the look of discontent on his brother’s face. “So?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you were quick to nod, smelling the lingering smell of gunpowder in the air, “sure.”
The owner hummed and went to the back of the kitchen. You shuddered when you suddenly met the gaze of the man sitting opposite to you. Were you roped into some sort weird sibling rivalry? You wanted to look away but didn’t have the guts as he stared at you. His eyes pursed into thin lines as he chewed slowly before glancing at the kitchen and then back to you. His eyebrows quirked up as his eyes widened, his lips curling up like he had gotten something figured out. You let out a heavy breath as he finally turned his eyes back to his meal.
Ok, what was that supposed to mean?
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” 
You gleamed at the plate that was placed in front of you. Unlike the small rice balls from last time, this one was nearly the size of your fist and you could feel your mouth watering just at the smell of freshly cooked rice. 
Clasping your hands together and giving a quick nod, you picked it up and took a bite. You could not stop yourself from humming in delight when you bite straight into the filling, the flavour immediately filling your cavity. The distinct taste of toro hit you in full force, but the fishiness was not too overwhelming as the saltiness from the soy sauce balanced it out. The tuna was well marinated with the sauce soaking through each piece, small dots of roasted sesame seeds making it look extra enticing. You could taste the hint of sesame oil that followed as the fish melted on your tongue, the mix of flavours still left between your teeth after you swallowed. The sauce seeped into the rice surrounding the filling and you could taste the careful balance of saltiness and the aftertaste of the vinegar with each bite. 
Everything was just right, not one flavour outshining the other.
“How is it?” Osamu asked and chuckled as you frantically nodded.
He liked eating, but watching other people eat was a whole other kind of enjoyment.
He watched as you licked away the drop of sauce at the corner of your lips before taking a large gulp of the warm cup of tea in front of you, letting out a satisfied sigh as you held the rim of the cup by your lips.
“It’s so good,” you said, your voice muffled as you pressed the tissue against your mouth, “it’s marinated tuna right?”
You could see the blonde’s behind the owner shook when you mentioned the word “tuna”.
Osamu nodded, his chest puffing out in pride. “Tuna toro marinated in special soy sauce overnight.”
“You had something with a toro filling but you-”
Osamu turned around to give his twin a sharp glare, and Atsumu muttered about how this was the utter betrayal.
“It’s gonna be a hit if you put it on the menu,” you dipped your hand in your bag to search for your wallet, “how much is it?”
“Well, I can’t charge you for something that isn’t actually on sell.”
Your eyes widened. No, you were not going to let him give you free food again. “But-”
“Just get more food when you come back next time,” he said nonchalantly like it made total sense, taking the empty plate in hand and didn’t allow you the time the object, “ok, and that’s settled.”
You wanted to argue that it was not settled, but he didn’t look back as he disappeared into the kitchen again. 
Atsumu looked between his brother and you as you thanked him once again for the meal before leaving. He tilted his head as he watched Osamu smiled at the door even after you were gone. He looked at his twin, and then back at the door, tilting his head as he recalled your exchange earlier.
Next time? Next time???
Atsumu smirked, “You sly, sly bastard.”
“Shut up, tsumu.”
“Irasshaimase-” Osamu said, a small smirk gracing his features as he spotted that it was you pushing the door open, “arara?”
“I came to get my daily fix of Onigiri Miya onigiri.” you said in a sing song voice, plopping on your regular seat at the corner of the bar table. The store was bustling with people but somehow, the seat at the corner was always empty when you arrive no matter how many people there was. You greeted several of the other regulars that you recognised, leaning your chin on your palm as Osamu put down the cup of tea in front of you.
“What do you want today?”
“Hm... I don’t know...” your brows furrowed together. No matter how many times you had come here, there was still no way that you could decide on what to get at the spot. It felt like you were missing out on something no matter what you settled on. “What is the owner recommending today?”
Osamu laughed and you couldn’t help but grin. You weren’t sure if it was that he got you so hooked on his cooking that you were mistaking it as attachment or was it genuine attraction, but there was no denying that part of the reason you came back was for the young owner who managed to make the simplest of food tasted like something fit for a king.
“I think I have just the thing for you.” he said, filled with confidence as he turned around.
“Are you not going to tell me what it is?” you leaned forward as you yelled, snorting in amusement as a distant “nope” passed through your ears from behind the curtain. 
You closed your heads, tilting your head as you listened to the soft sound of ceramics clinking, the ticking of the stove and the sound of water boiling. This was nice, you thought to yourself, like home.
“There you go.”
You couldn’t help but laugh when you saw what he put in front of you, attracting the stare of several other customers but you didn’t care. Your cheeks were hurting from how wide your smile was as you took the black lacquerware in hand, humming as you smelt the delicious scent of miso with the stream.
“You are not reminding me of very happy times here,” you pretended to glare at him, your eyebrows quirking up as you sent him a look of judgment but your features softened when you took a sip of the soup. Same old taste, still brought the exact amount of warmth to your heart. Looking back, you were glad that things happened the way it was. There was no more pain left inside your heart when you were reminded of that night, only the simple gratitude that everything turned out alright.
You were doing better now than you were before, and with something to look forward to whenever you walked past the wooden doors that you now know so well.
You finished the soup in gulps, letting out a satisfied sigh as you closed your eyes to take in the flavour. 
It was a good thing that you had your eyes closed, or else Osamu couldn’t stare at you as shamelessly as he was. The way you hold each dish in hand and took each bite with so much joy never failed to give him a rush. 
Osamu liked eating, and he liked watching people eat too but nothing could compare to the thrill he felt when it was you munching down on his cooking like you had been starving until you came to him.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love everything you make,” you said, wiping the corner of your lips with your thumb as you took a bite at the plain onigiri, “but I can never get tired of this.”
“I can keep making it for you," he blurted out. You looked up, watching as his eyes widened when he realised what exactly he just said, “if you want...”
And there it was, the same feeling that he felt when you first came into this place drenched from head to toe and your eyes swollen. The same ache at the back of his throat and the weight in his chest that gave him the impulse that he had to cook you something, that he had to make sure you left this place with no more tears in your eyes. 
You smiled, and at that moment he was certain that if it meant he could see that every day, then he wouldn’t mind cooking for you for the rest of his life.
“Of course.”
The sharp buzz of your alarm rudely interrupted you from your sleep and you groaned as you rolled to your side.
The other end of the mattress was empty, as always. You laid on the bed, facing the ceiling as you struggle to keep your eyes open. God, you pressed your palm to your forehead, why couldn’t you just spare me five more minutes?
It was the sweet smell floating down the corridor into your nostrils that gave you the motivation to stay awake. You sighed as your stomach rumbled, pushing the blanket off of you as you sat up straight against the back board.
Pulling the first shirt you could find on the floor, you yawned as the black t-shirt that was far too big for you draped over your body. You rubbed your eyes as you made your way down to the kitchen, the sizzling getting louder and louder as you got close.
You leaned on the frame of the door, smiling as you watched your boyfriend stirring at the frying pan with a pair of long chopsticks and the other hand at his waist. You had a deep appreciation for him at all times, but you always swoon for Miya Osamu the hardest when he was in the small kitchen of your apartment.
How could you not fall in love again and again with a man who wakes up early every morning to make breakfast for you?
His back tensed up when he felt you wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and you leaned your face against him pressing a small kiss at the blade of his shoulder. You chuckled as he relaxed again, feeling each flex of his body as you silently admired his built.
“Morning, samu.”
“Morning,” his hand didn’t stop, curling the egg in the long rectangular pan up until it was a nicely formed roll, “breakfast will be ready soon, can you get the bowls out?” 
You hummed, your hands lingering just a little as you let go of him. You took a whiff of the steam as the lid of the rice cooker sprung up, taking the rice spoon in hand and give it a quick fold before filling the bowls up.
Sitting down in front of the table, you leaned back to stare at Osamu who was still busying himself in the kitchen. He was always so concentrated when he cooks, his brows pressed together and lips pursed. The scent of food filled the air as you waited for him at the table, the sound of morning news playing in the background.
Home was knowing that each dish on the table was cooked by someone that has you in their mind and to the person who did the cooking, that no matter what you bring out, there was someone waiting for you by the table.
You looked at the plates lined up on the table with a smile on your face. Today’s breakfast was rice with miso soup, tamagoyaki, pan-fried salmon and salad made with last night’s leftovers. 
“So,” Osamu took his chopsticks in hand after sitting down in front of you and you did the same. 
It was not about what you were eating, it was about who you were eating with.
You grinned as your voices overlapped.
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Heavy is the Hand You’re Dealt
Part 2
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Thor x Reader     Word Count: 7,541
Masterpost          Warnings: Smut, language, ANGST, Endgame canon
Challenge Prompt: Imposter - Bearson
A/N: So, I had every intention of making this a two-parter...fml, right? But I think three parts is more appropriate. This one ends where it needed to. A lot happens and I think we all need time to digest. I hope you all like it. I really do. I love @youngmoneymilla as a writer (and human--let’s be honest) and I so want to rise to this challenge. As always, any feedback on what you loved or what spoke to you the most is appreciated. Any reblogs are as well. Thanks. xoxo P.S. Sorry I used so many gifs.
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It’s eerie how quickly the world changed. In an instant it’s all become so…alien.
The sounds of the city have not been the same since that day. It’s too quiet. The hustle and bustle muted. Hardly any animals.
Soy again tonight? Tofu with roasted tomatoes?
Or maybe tofu burgers? Maybe you can convince Steve to splurge and get him to buy himself a real burger. Beef.
Animals breed faster than humans so, the price is falling. Finally, after five years, burgers are almost affordable.
It’s all about soy now-a-days.
The familiar jiggle of keys in the deadbolt pulls you slightly out of your dinner contemplation. Eyes frozen on the hazy glass, dark skies looming overhead. Thunder crackles, clear and sharp. It shatters your concentration and you lean forward, tilting your head up to look at the swirling slate clouds.
“It’s gonna rain.” You say, the front door quietly closing followed by the setting down of keys and the hanging of a jacket.
Soft thumps on your hardwood floor move closer, stopping just behind you as two large hands come to rest atop your shoulders. A kiss to the back of your head. Lingering. The hands move down along your biceps, a warm silken caress raising goosebumps along your skin.
As they reach your elbows, they transfer onto your sides and wrap around your waist.
His heat curls around you from behind and you tilt your head up and to the side to look at him as he leans down and buries his face against your neck.
“Hey, you okay?” You frown, the tremor in his chin and the crinkle of his brow means trouble. “Steve?”
He sniffles once, wrapping his arms around you tighter.
You almost cry too because it’s hard to see him quake. Your rock. Your center. He’s still so…shaken. You’ve tried to do as much as you can. You’ve  tried to help but maybe you aren’t enough? He’s quiet about it but sometimes, like now, he’s almost like a child. Searching for reassurance and comfort.
You twist around in his arms, hands placed on his cheeks as you pull his head up to stare into those beautiful eyes.
The pine green plaid shirt he’s wearing brings out the small flecks of emerald around his pupil. They’re sea green today.
“How was the group?” You probe, making sure to keep your voice light as he sniffles again, eyes red, cheeks flushed.
You miss his beard but without it, you can see him cry and you’re grateful. He’s open with you—more than with anyone else—yes, but he’s also withdrawn. Secretive. You have to pry things from his lips at times and you know it’s only because his life has changed again.
He went into the ice and woke up in modern day. You’d been around to help with that. And now he’s plunged into this nightmare after the snap and you know that he’s struggling. He blames himself. They all do.
You wipe the tears from his cheeks, loving him so much and thankful because he can fall apart in your arms now when before he’d been so careful to keep up the façade. This is progress.
“The group’s fine. One of the guys went on a date.” Steve’s voice is lower than normal. Deep baritone as he struggles with his sorrow. “He’s got a second one lined up for tomorrow.”
“That’s good.” You praise him, knowing he needs it. He’s is making a difference. Always striving to help. “Right? It’s working.”
His effort. It’s worth it.
“Yeah.” He sniffles one last time and stands up straighter, breathing in slowly then exhaling as he traces the shape of your hips.
Like a magnet, his hands draw you closer. You push yourself up onto your toes, knowing this need better than his other ones. Five years with Steve has taught you his ins and outs. You’d already known him fairly well before the world had ended but now, on this barren planet, you know him better than you know yourself.
You’ve seen his highs—most of those before the Snap—and you’ve seen his lowest of lows.
You know when he needs your words and when he doesn’t.
Like now.
He kisses you, soft lingering pecks as his body molds itself to yours. He steps towards you, pelvis first, searching, needing, desperately. Arms crushing your chest to his.
“I need you.” He whispers, sending shivers down your spine.
Five years and you still can’t believe that Steve wants you. That he comes home to you. He sleeps next to you.
“I’m here.” You promise him, tracing the shell of his ears before you slide them up into his growing blonde locks.
Steve’s face changes, eyes darkening as he backs you up against the wall beside the window you'd been staring out of.
Thunder rumbles again and the torrent begins, loud against your window.
He comes at you, mouth open, tongue sliding out to tangle with yours and you taste the watered-down coffee from his meeting. As his right hand pushes against the small of your back to keep you up against him, his other hand slides down to hold your bum to keep it still as he thrusts against you.
It’s wild movement. Chaotic and almost lost in desire.
“Ooh, Steve…” You moan against his mouth.
“Mmmph.” He groans and pulls back.
Reaching down for your hand. He takes it, leads you to your shared bedroom, then sits you on the edge of the bed. In silence he kneels before you, pulls at the button of your jeans as he leans in to kiss you in more wet lingering pecks.
You work on his jeans too, tugging them open until there’s enough space for your hand and you slide in past his waistband to find his cock, hard and throbbing.
Steve's hands stutter as you grab hold of him and begin to stroke. You squeeze him, soft pliable flesh, burning skin, the thought of that salty taste of him already coaxing your lips apart.
Your touch calms him. He moves his hands to rest on either side of your hips on the bed as you work him, elbows trembling with your touch. You pass your thumb over the head of his cock and feel him quiver as he drops his head and leans forward to rest it against your breasts.
He buries his face in them. Relishing in the relief you’re giving him, groaning against them, slowly nudging them with his nose.
Wrapping your arm around his head, you kiss the top, over and over as your hand speeds up.
Steve’s find your waist and he coaxes your shirt up to slide his fingers against your skin. His exploration becomes tender, less frenzied as he trails the pads of his fingers over your ribs and back behind you to unhook your bra. When it’s loose, he slides his hand up over your breasts, kneading them softly.
Finally, he lifts his head, pushes your shirt and bra up to take you pert nipple into his mouth.
“Steve…” You mewl as he suckles, his tongue making long slow circles leaving wet marks around the pebble.
He leans back and you stand up. He stands with you, hands pulling your shirt up over your head. You begin to squat down, eager to taste him, but he catches your elbow and stands you back up.
“No.” He says gently. “I wanna see you.”
You blink, surprised by the sadness still within those blue eyes.
If that’s what he needs…
You unzip your pants and strip, stopping only when you’re laid bare before him all woman curves and wanting flesh.
He touches you, your arms, your shoulders, your hips, massages the curve of your ass and turns you around to slide a strong hand down the center of your back while the other wraps around your front and slides down along your stomach to your swollen nub.
He presses down on it and you whimper, biting your lip hard as his other hand pushes your back forward and he grinds against your bum. The rough fabric of his jeans chaffing but the bulge of his cock tempting.
He pushes you until you’re at the edge of the bed, chest flat against the mattress, ass up in the air towards him.
You can hear the slide of his zipper and turn your head on bed so that you can look back at him. He pulls his shirt off, exposing the perfect chiseled sculpt of his body and his muscles flex as he steps towards you again. He traces your spine again and you can only stare at his perfection as he leans over and kisses the center of your back.
A quick lick to that spot between your shoulders that always makes you weak, and the heated tip of his cock is pushing into you.
Your head snaps front, back arching into the mattress as he slides in easily because you’re dripping for him.
He grunts and he stops, feeling you around him, clenching and adjusting to his girth.
“Oh, baby…” You whimper, laying yourself back down as your hips squirm with the anticipation of his movement.
He doesn’t move though. He kisses your back again, slides his pants off and steps out of them.
You try to keep quiet. To be patient because Steve needs this right now. Needs you. This he can control. The world might have been broken and he may not be able to put it back together but at least with you, here, in the safety of your bedroom, he can move and bend you and make you his in any way that he wants.
He doesn’t make you wait too long before he’s pushing into you deeper. He pulls back and rolls his hips into you again, groaning.
“Oh, Steve that feels so good.” You tell him, unable to help yourself.
He puts one knee beside you and pushes in the rest of the way.
“Shit.” He growls. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”
Steve never talks dirty and it surprises you, sending warm tingles down your stomach. Heat pools at your core and you whine, squirming again.
He lays himself over you, curling his body until he’s right on you, knees offering support, your own feet still on the floor.
His lips are everywhere. Your neck your shoulders. He tilts your head to the side, and he kisses you, tongue pushing past your lips as he begins to move again.
He moves slow at first, then faster and faster until the lurid sound of his skin slapping against your ass fills the room.
His hands are magic along your slit as he moves in and out of you. He finds your nub and pulls, prods, pinches, and moves against it in slow circles. There’s a break within you suddenly and it comes all at once. Your body comes undone.
“Steve!” You cry, as you twitch and spasm as while he keeps pumping through your climax then pulls out only to turn you onto your back and crawl over you giving you a moment’s relief from stimulation.
Still breathing hard, he wraps his arm around your weakened body and tugs you upwards. He lays himself between your legs and plunges back into you, moving faster as you lift your legs and spread them for him.
Your hands find his bottom, hard flexing muscle as he relentlessly thrusts into you and you push him down against your clit hard, the swell of his cock stretching you so delicious.
“I love you.” He tells you, dropping down closer so that your breasts are pressed flat against his chest.
“Oh, Steve…” You moan, touched. “I love you.”
And you do and you’re so overjoyed that this is your life. This is what you can do for him and so much more. But this, being with him, this closeness, his love so freely given—“I love you.”
He kisses you hard, teeth clashing as you both try to convey the depth of your wants and joys.
“Mmmm.” He moans against your lips. “Shit.”
“Come for me, baby.” You whisper, reaching up to slide his hair back, fingers lacing through the soft tresses as he bucks against you faster.
“No.” He protests, a sudden flicker of fear in his eye. “I shouldn’t.”
“Then outside but come for me, Steve.” You nod at him, hands sliding up along his strong taut back, lusting for his body. You want to touch every bit of him. Kiss, love, and enjoy every inch of his Adonis structure.
“I shouldn’t.” He says again, ignoring you.
“I…shouldn’t.” He moves faster, hips grinding down on your clit hard.
“Ste-? AH!” You moan loudly, body crashing once more into euphoric bliss as Steve stares right into your sex-hazed eyes, thunder overhead drowns out your pleasure cry.
“I’m…I should…shouldn’t…” He grunts but then rams himself into you three more times very quickly and you feel the heat of his climax fill you up. Hot thick spurts inside you, all the way in.
He collapses on top of you and your relaxed limbs wrap around him, keeping him close as he rolls both of you onto your sides.
With one leg straightened, the other left around his own, you push his hair back and notice the small beads of sweat on his forehead.
“You okay?” You check, reaching up to wipe at the sweat.
“I’m not done.” He states, and pulls you into his arms again, chest to chest, still inside you he grows hard again slowly.
He kisses you, lips moving languidly along your own.
“I love you.” He declares.
So much love today. You’re so lucky.
“I love you, Steve. You know I do.”
He gives you a quick small smile then reaches down and hooks your leg up high around his hips.
“I love you.” He says again and as the sky outside cracks with another deafening boom and the rain falls harder and faster, he pulls his hips back and thrusts up into you once more.
“Should I come with you?” You hold the sheet against your naked body, watching Steve get dressed.
He’s pulled on a pair of dark jeans, a black long sleeve, his hair combed back. It’s so long. You like it this length.
He’d fallen asleep in your arms last night, cheek against your bare breasts while your hands had stroked that beautiful blonde hair. You wish it was last night again.
Every time Steve goes back to the compound, your heart beats wild with apprehension. You aren’t sure what it is or why it makes you panic. Perhaps it’s because that’s where you were when it all fell apart?
One story ended and yours and Steve’s began.
Today you feel especially sick to your stomach about it. It’s all in knots, making you queasy but this time you know why.
Nat’s getting a report today from the remaining Avengers. Rhodey’s been patrolling the more torn up countries. Following a trail of high-profile crime syndicate killings. Someone’s taking out all the bad guys but violently and definitely not sanctioned. Okoye has been handling things in Wakanda and Carol, Rocket, and Nebula are all dealing with various crises on other planets.
New Avengers.
All of them reporting to Nat who then in kind, reports to you. The new Fury. Or so Nat says, usually with a smirk. You stay out of the Compound, but you have your hand in all the pies.
You reach for your tablet and power it on. New notifications of possible problem areas becoming real issues fill your screen and you open up the World map to look at the spots and see if there’s a pattern to the trouble. You check in with some contacts around the world; London, Paris, Hong Kong, Seoul, Wakanda, Sydney…all the major check points and they begin to inundate you with strange occurrences and questions.
“No. I’m just going to go check up on Nat.” Steve says, moving to sit at the end of the bed and pull on his boots.
You slip the sheet under your arms so that you can work with both hands, your brow furrowed in concentration as you answer questions about Iron Man and where he’s been.
Busy. He’s semi-retired. Is it an emergency? Can local law enforcement handle it? What makes this case special? Sounds like it’s already over.
You sigh.
Steve has mostly kept out of all the trouble. He does what he can, but he’s focused on helping with the group and doing smaller things around the city. He’s kept his distance and you’re pretty sure it’s because he feels like he’s failed the team. Things are quieter anyway.
“I’ll need to check in at some point.” You tell him, still distracted. “I can come.”
You feel his weight drop down beside you and look up. He’s sitting on the edge of your side now, his left arm around you on your right as he leans in, that tempting half smile in place as he meets your eyes.
“Stay. Rest.” He begs, then slides those storm blues down to the top of your sheet. He slides two fingers under it then pulls it away, exposing you.
He leans down, kisses one breast, then the other before sitting up straight. He takes the tablet out of your hands and throws it to the foot of the bed before sliding that right arm underneath your knees. He pulls you once, hard and fast so that you fall onto the bed on your back, breasts bouncing from impact.
You chuckle and Steve smiles a little more widely at the sound.
He lays his torso over you and your hands trace the bulge of his biceps.
“Sleep. You’ve been waking up really early and going to sleep very late.” He complains.
“I get distracted.” You confess. “I’m busy. I’m-”
“The world is full of problems, Y/N. They’re not going anywhere.” He assures you.
“I know. I just…I wanna help.” You sigh and Steve traces the curve of your cheek.
“You are.” He kisses you, slow and pure, then pulls back.
He looks down at your breasts once more, a lick of his lips to show you that he still wants it, before he pulls the sheet back up and tucks it in around you. Places to be and things to do.
“Sleep.” He kisses the tip of your nose.
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You’re never ready for it. The change. The way things are perfectly fine—well, as close to perfectly fine as they can be after the Snap—and then suddenly everything becomes unknown. Everything that you pictured for your future is thrown to the wind.
Everything you’d thought was possible disappears because now anything is possible. Anything.
You’re not alone in your worries.
Your phone rings, buzzing across your desk at the Compound.
“I figured it out.”
“What?” You gasp, hushing yourself as a wave of hope and panic immobilize you.
“I know how to do it. I know how to go back…Y/N…”
“Tony, are you sure? Because Bruce has been trying to get Scott to-”
“Old man or baby?” He asks, cutting you off.
“B-Both.” How the hell does he know that?
“I know how to do it right.” He says once more.
“We can get them all back?” You ask, excitement already beginning to flow through you, setting your world to glow.
“We can.”
“Tony…Steve-” You begin, already getting to your feet to go get him.
He’s been in the hangar with Bruce this whole time, a temp lab because the equipment is so large. He’s been as distracted with this time travel idea as you were before with work. He’s laying all of his hopes on this idea. Maybe, if you can give him the good news then he won’t be so…distant.
Steve the morning he came to see Nat and Steve after he spoke to Nat and Scott are like two people. Before their talk, okay, yes. He’d been preoccupied. Depressed a little. But who isn’t depressed these days?
Things are hard. Lives were changed in drastic and bad ways. Steve had been and is still your only consolation.
However, even though he’d been preoccupied, he’s withdrawn into this project. He’s brighter. The light in his eyes is full of hope and eagerness and disappointment when it doesn’t pan out, but he’s driven again. He’s got something to strive for.
You only wish it didn’t also make him spend less time with you. Unless it’s to go to bed, you don’t hear from him all day and that’s because he’s right there, in the room. He doesn’t hold your hand or kiss you or even smile at you.
One time you’d looked up and caught him watching you. Eyes sad. He’d forced a smile then looked away.
“Don’t tell him.” Tony says, shocking your heart into confusion.
“What?” It would make him so happy!
“I-I’d like to tell him myself. He and I…we need to-”
“Yes!” You gasp, not even needing him to finish. “Yes, Tony. I’ll let you tell him.” More than Steve’s kisses or love filled gazes, you want him and Tony talking.
“But…please get here soon? I really don’t know how many more times they can make Scott old before he starts losing his mind.”
And Tony does come. He and Steve bury the hatchet—very quickly too—and then they all go to work.
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But not with you.
To your surprise, Nat pulls you aside and hands you her tablet. The one she talks to you with. The one that holds all of the relevant information for the operation that you’ve been running together to keep the world turning without too many blazes.
“I hate to ask, but while we work on this, do you think you can take over?” She looks sheepish and so not Nat that you take the tablet without hesitation.
“Of course, Nat. Whatever you need. But if I can help you with anything here though, with this, can you let me know? I’d love to help.” You look for Steve behind her. You want to be beside him, helping him achieve his dreams.
And…you want to see him. Talk to him. Love him. He’s busy. You remind yourself. A scolding.
“Thanks, Y/N. And if we need anything, of course we’ll come to you.” She smiles softly, then turns and heads back towards Steve, Tony, Bruce, and Nebula all huddled around the large Quantum pad they’re building.
Nebula walking around and putting a panel down only for Bruce to shake his massive green head.
“No. I said to the right.” Bruce gripes.
“This is the right.” Nebula argues.
“My right. Not your right.” Bruce says.
“This is your right.” She points out.
“Oh.” Bruce looks down at some schematic you can’t see. “I meant left.”
Nebula stands up straight, jaw clenching and flexing.
Rhodey hurries to her side and gently moves to slide his hands under hers. “Here, I’ll get it. Go help Rocket.”
“Looks like they don’t want your help either, aye?” A deep gruff voice comes from behind you.
You turn to find Thor sitting on a bench, legs spread wide, belly slightly peeking out at the bottom of his ratty, stained, and torn up beige t-shirt.
“Guess we’re not…worthy of giving a hand.” He scowls.
“Are you okay?” You ask him, frowning as you hold the tablet against your chest.
He’s not looking so great.
Thor on the other hand looks down at your feet then shakes his head. Whatever he’s going to say weighs heavy on his shoulders and so instead of saying what he really wants to say, he changes the subject.
“Did I ever tell you about Jane Foster? My ex?” He asks, suddenly leaning forward, sunglasses thrown up onto his head as he stares at you with one piercing blue eye, the other is amber.
His beard is long and thick; a mess. His hair in chunks and clearly in need of a wash and some brushing. He’s let himself go. He smells…well, you’ve smelled worse but not much.
Sweat, stale beer, that always familiar ozone only it’s more prominent and stings your nose. You don’t wince or otherwise betray that your olfactory has been assaulted.
Thor is a broken wretch of a man, given up on himself and everyone around him. It’s sad to see him like this because you know the pinnacle of Godliness that he’d been before. The absolute confidence that had shaped his strutting, thumping, godly energy.
However, you understand this fallen man. The chasm that must rest in his chest where his pride had settled beside his heart left must ache.
This loss, the Snap, broke him. It tore him to pieces and he’s only just put them back together enough to be here.
“I met her once. She was very nice.” You nod, giving him a small smile.
He returns it, a soft curve of his lips that brightens the otherwise glum expression. “She was beautiful. And smart. So smart.”
“Yes.” You nod once again. “She was.”
“And I failed her.” He says weakly, his voice closer to lamenting than speaking. “I failed everyone.”
Your smile falls, concern replacing the wariness as you move towards him and squat down before him so that he’ll have to look down at you. You carefully place your tablet in your lap, then your hands on his knees to keep your balance.
“Thor, no one blames you for what happened with Th-”
“No.” He protests, shaking his head at the name.
“For what happened with that guy.” You correct. “Everyone played a part in this beat, Thor. Even me.”
Thor’s face shifts from grief to fond and delighted amusement. It’s a soft expression, the smile gentle and his eyes crinkling at the corners. It’s the first time you’ve seen it in a long time. Since Ultron’s days at the party after the team had found Loki’s Scepter.
Thor’s exalted revels.
He takes hold of your chin and gives your head a very minute shake. It’s a soft tough, hot calloused fingers, affectionate and gentle.
“You were passed out on your bed, little dove. Not much you could have done.” He points out.
“And why was I passed out?” You ask him, waiting as he thinks it through.
He drops his hand from your chin but only to rest it over yours on his knee.
“You know, I don’t know. Captain Rogers never-”
“Because Nat drugged me. Because Steve didn’t want me out there fighting with everyone else. Because I’m normal, and weaker than them. I didn’t have Nat’s training or Sam’s skills or Rhodey’s military background. All I have, even to this day, is a glorified certification for an elite spy squad. A certification that I made use of by sitting behind a monitor and watched as everyone else went out to do the fighting.” You give him a second to let his mind catch up because he’s got his confused face on, brow furrowed as he stares at you. “If I was different, if I was better, if I was stronger, or special then I could have been out there fighting and maybe that would have made a difference?”
“Y/N…” He protests, chastising you for your thoughts.
“See? It’s easy to find blame in yourself if you try hard enough.” You explain. “You might have been right there Thor but the only person responsible for Thanos’s actions is Thanos.”
He doesn’t even flinch when you say his name.
“I still believe in you, Thor. Always.” You promise then lean up to press a chaste kiss to his cheek, grab your tablet, and leave him to hopefully, pull himself together.
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Your eyes are burning. You haven’t stopped crying since they got back. They’re outside, dealing with the aftermath of their choices and you’re one friend short.
Not Nat. Is all you can think. No. It’s not true.
How can she be gone? The strongest Avenger. She is…was…she'd fought so hard only to have it to end like this?
She’s gone and you didn’t even get to say goodbye. You crumble against Steve’s bed, clinging to Nat’s tablet because it’s the last thing she gave you before they left on their heist.
The shining excitement in her pale rosy cheeked face as she’d bounced on her feet waiting to go back in time feels so wrong now. It feels like sacrilege.
How dare she be that eager to go out and die? Why? Why Nat?!
“Y/N?” Tony’s voice is winded, weak, and grieving. He’s like you. “You in here?”
You’re crying so he moves towards the sounds. “I-I-She’s not gone.”
Your denial makes him somber.
“She did it for us.” Tony tries to reason with you. “For them.”
Right now you would rather have Nat than the rest if the Universe. You know it’s selfish but it’s Nat!
He sits on the edge of the bed and places his hand on your ankle. He doesn’t try to comfort you because nothing can be said to make this better. Nothing can bring her back.
He lets you cry yourself out. When you finally sit yourself up, you struggle to find your balance, weak as you are.
“Where’s Steve?” He hasn’t come to see you yet. He came back and you sat on the bed, sniffling and crying silently while he showered and changed. He’d kissed your forehead and then left you in here.
“I have to regroup with the team.” He’d said, and then left.
“They’re going to the lab. We’ve got the stones and the gauntlet is almost finished.” Tony leans back, looking at your utter state of depression with gentle eyes. “You wanna come?”
You consider his offer, wondering if you want to be there to celebrate in the stones that took your friend…so many of them actually.
You wanna see Steve but he’s actively keeping his distance from you. You’re not sure why but you can feel his withdrawal.
Shaking your head, you let your hair fall forward, shielding your face from view.
“We’ll try to fix it. I think we can try to fix it. We’ll bring them all back. All of them, Y/N. Nat too.” He says, more hopeful than certain.
His warm calloused hand suddenly slides in underneath your hair, cupping your cheek gently.
“Hey, wanna do me a favor then?”
You nod, anything to distract from this agony and the looming question of Steve and why he doesn’t have you tucked in under his arm as he holds your hand like he always does.
You know you’re being stupid. The fate of the universe is in the balance. Of course your relationship has to be put on the back burner.
“Morgan’s been asking about you.” He says, finally drawing your eyes up.
That girl is the cutest and you haven’t seen her in so long.
“I’ll go.” You tell him, knowing what he’s asking. Steve probably asked him to. He wants you away from the danger of all this.
You find him in the lab and he hugs you tight when you tell him you’re going. He holds you much longer than he normally would in front of the team as you almost fall to pieces over Nat again, but he releases you and kisses you quick before sending you on your way.
“Stay safe.” You beg of him.
You’re sitting with Morgan on the log house’s rustic porch when the garage door is blown open. You see a streak of blue and silver fly up into the sky, a blue-white spark of repulsor energy trailing behind it.
“What’s going on?” You ask, picking up Morgan to hold her close.
She looks worried, but only like a child would be. She doesn’t understand. All she asks when Happy comes out is, “Where’s mommy going?”
And you know things must have gone wrong.
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The funeral is beautiful, at least in the way funerals can be.
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When Pepper pushes the tribute wreath for Tony out onto the lake by the house, you cry. You stand inside, watching from a distance because you can’t bring yourself to be in front of all those people.
You’re alone. And you’re broken because Tony was here. He was just here. And now he’s gone and nothing feels the same.
Steve keeps his distance too. You don’t take offense because this battle, this mission, this whole fucking plan had taken so much from everyone. From Morgan the most.
Bruce is scarred from having used the stones to undo the Snap—and he’d said he tried to bring her back, but it didn’t work, and Nat is really gone—Steve had been broken and bruised and emotionally wrought.
He'd hugged you and cried into your shoulder as he clung but then he let you go and disappeared.
It was all so jumbled, this mess of celebration and grief. You lost him in the crowd and when things had finally died down, the two of you sat together silently, holding hands.
Taking solace that even though the Compound was gone, the two of you are still here, and you have each other.
Silver lining. You watch Steve hug his friends. After the funeral he and Bucky talk for a long time. They walk out to the lake and they sit, and they just talk.
You keep your distance because Steve has been needing this to happen. He’s needed Bucky back. And Sam. And Wanda.
You can already see the weight on his shoulders lessen and you feel your own sense of relief to know that he’s finally going to feel better.
When most of the people are gone and it’s only the team, you move out to Bruce as he sets up what looks like a smaller Quantum pad.
Suspicious. Worried.
“What’s going on?” You ask him, uncertain about this time travelling crap after what happened with Nat.
“Oh, hey. We’re getting everything set to go back again.” He explains, messing with the knobs and buttons on the panel before him.
Like death, fear begins to creep in, turning your blood to ice.
“Why?” You ask, afraid of who you’ll lose this time. Will Clint go? Or Rhodey? Bruce himself?
“Well, I made a promise. We have to get the stones back to where they belong the very moment that they were taken so that we don’t accidentally start any new timelines…although, I’m pretty sure we already did that, what with killing past Thanos at the compound. But…oh well. What could really go wrong, right?” His explanation makes your brain hurt but you get what he’s saying.
“Who-?” As he meets your eyes, you realize you don’t even need to ask. “Steve is going?”
“Yeah.” Bruce reaches over to gently massage his right shoulder, held tight with a sling then freezes as he sees the shift in your eyes. “I'm, oh jeez, I’m sorry. I-He hasn’t told you, has he?”
Rage. Pure rage engulfs your heart, at the center like the black pit of a rotten apple is the fear fueling your fire. You can’t lose Steve. You just can’t.
“I thought you knew!” Bruce yells after you, sounding remorseful.
Stomping mad, you search for Steve.
How dare he make this type of decision without speaking to you first? You’re his girlfriend. Hell, you’ve been living with him for five years! You’re way more than that by now.
You don’t have to go far and find him on the bench where he’d been with Bucky earlier, sitting with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together as he stares out at the water.
“Steve?” You storm, moving towards him intent on letting him know that he cannot go back in time to drop off the stones because more than a million things can go wrong and you cannot risk it.
No. He’ll just have to send someone else.
Steve jumps, which in and of itself should surprise you but you’re so angry you don’t notice the guilt in his eyes.
“How can you make the choice to go back in time again without even asking me?” You demand. “After what happened with Nat? You are not going. Do you hear me?”
Steve swallows hard, his hands clasped tightly at his side. He’s holding something, you realize. He doesn’t even seem annoyed by you demanding he stay.
“What’s that?” You ask him, pointing at his hand.
Steve looks at it and opens it up, holding his old compass for you to see.
“Oh. Well,” You renew, “This time travelling thing? I can’t watch you do it again, Steve not with-”
“I think…” He begins, hesitating as he stares down at the compass in his hands, cutting you off.
He’s twirling it around over and over, drawing your eyes to it and effectively silencing you.
“We’ve been friends for a long time.” Steve says, and with the way he does, your heart drops down into the pit of your stomach. ��We had to wait until the world ended before we had our chance. I know that, part of that is my fault. If I’d been less scared to take the chance…you had to kiss me, remember?”
“Steve…” You try, softly, suddenly terrified.
“Please, don’t stop me or I’ll never get this out, Y/N.” He pleads, and his tone makes you nervous, chest aching painfully at the guilt you can clearly see now.
You lick your lips but nod and remain silent.
“I love you.”
Why doesn’t that give you comfort?
He nods, agreeing with his own statement. “So much but…”
He opens the compass and stares at it. Then he turns it and offers it to you.
You take the two steps closer to him in order to grab the compass, and your hand grows numb at the old black and white photo that lines the inside of the lid.
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You know this face because you’d studied it during your training. You know it because you’d looked her up when Steve had finally told you about who she was and what she’d meant to him.  And just how important she really was. You’d known back them that you didn’t compare to her and yet, somehow, even knowing this, knowing what she represented to Steve, you didn’t see this coming.
You’d been so confident. Five years is no small amount of time to spend with someone.
Now you can see it. As clear as day, blinding and painful.
The moment time travel had become even a plausible possibility, Steve had begun to push you away.
He’d slipped up a few times. The night before they went on the heist especially.
He’d curled up behind you, coaxed you awake, kissed you fiercely and made love to you tenderly.  He’d even cried but you’d been sure that it was because he was nervous about the mission. What if they messed it up?
You realize now that he was telling you goodbye. Tracing the shape of your arms and legs, the curve of your breasts and bottom. He’d stared into your eyes and kissed you slow. Deep.
One last fuck before he does what he’s known he would do the moment he knew he could go back.
“You’re leaving me.” You whisper, disbelief ripping through you.
“Y/N…” He begins again, taking a step closer but you take a step back, tearing your eyes away from the beautiful Peggy Carter.
“You’re going and you’re not coming back.” You realize, betrayed.
“I…I have to see. I have to take the chance because if I can be with-”
This isn’t happening. This is a lie.
You turn away from him, and he goes silent. “Five years…Steve. We have been together for five years. You kissed me this morning—every morning for the last five years. You told me you love me.”
Him leaving must be a lie because if it isn’t then those five years you spent with him. Those kisses. His declaration that he loves you. Those become the lie.
“How…Are you not happy with me? I-I know that I…no, I…how can you…wait, I…don’t you love me?” You sputter, jumping from hurt to angry to confused as you turn to look at him again.
“Of course, I’m happy with you.” He rushes forward, hands on your cheeks and the way he strokes them is genuine and loving. You don’t want him to go. He can’t. “I love you…I do…”
“But not enough?” You gasp, realizing this as the truth. “You love her more. You’ll always love her more.”
This angers you. You shove him, hard, pushing against his chest because you’ve dreamt only of Steve. You’ve wanted only Steve. From the moment he taught you to punch, through all of the doubts and struggle and the distance that kept you apart when he was on the run and the times that he couldn’t be with you. You’ve loved him, body and soul. You were there after the Snap and you gave him what he needed and you…you’re nothing?
No. Not nothing.
You’re not enough.
Just a stop along the way.
You sob.
“I’m the one that’s been here through all of this shit with you Steve. We’ve lived together for five years. You slept beside me, for five years and you’re telling me that this entire time I was…what? Second best?”
“No.” Steve moves towards you again but you’re spitting angry and hurt. The hurt is the worst.
“But that’s what you’re telling me.” You argue. “I’m here. I’m right here, Steve.”
“I know.” He says, quiet, pained.
“I love you and I want to give you my life.”
“I know. I love-”
“I will marry you-” You utter desperately, begging almost but you’re getting angrier and angrier.
“Y/N…” He says, a little shocked.
“-and give you babies-”
He blinks, stunned. Thinking fast and hard, brow furrowed with thought and pain.
“-you are all I want. You know that…you know that I love you.”
“I do.” He assures you, seeming to snap out of it.
Your anger spikes, reaching new levels and coating your heart in venom. “Well if you know that you’re all I want the why do you want someone else?!”
You shout and Bruce gives you two a glance but then turns to leave to give you space?
Clint and Wanda turn to look at the two of you, staring for a moment with furrowed brows. Responding to the atmosphere but not your words.
The house door opens, swinging with a faint creak, and Bucky comes outside, standing by the railing as he watches. Deep knowing concern etched across his face.
He knows.
They’re all too far to really hear what you two are arguing about but they know you’re arguing.
“Don’t you want me?” You ask him, back to what sounds like a slight begging quality in your tone for him to choose you only because you choose only him. It’s Steve. Or no one.
“Yes.” Steve nods. “I do.”
He sweeps you into his arms, pulling you against his chest as you turn your head up to look at him, your hand still clutching his compass.
“Then stay with me. I love you. Please don’t do this to us.” You plead. “Please?”
Your voice cracks.
“Please?” You sob.
He leans down to kiss you but the guilt in his eyes doesn’t recede. It makes you pull back and he stops.
“You’re still going?” You check, even though you already know the answer.
“I have to.” He sighs, “It’s…it’s Peggy.”
You shove him away from you again and this time he tries to hold onto you, but you don’t let him.
“And I’m nothing.” You spit, finally managing to get out from under his hold. “I’m nothing to you.”
“Y/N, no. Baby…”
“Don’t call me that, Steve. How can you call me that and do this? Don’t…stop lying.”
You toss the compass at him and it hits his chest. He catches it while you turn and head back inside.
“I’m not lying. Baby…Y/N!” He calls after you, though he doesn’t make to follow and that kills you again.
You pass Bucky who opens his mouth to say something. Defend Steve? Empathize with you? You don’t care. None of it matters.
“Don’t.” You choke, tears streaming down your face.
You don’t stop until you’re in your bedroom, ignoring the multiple faces looking up at you with concern.
“Y/N?” Pepper asks, worried with Morgan in her arms.
“What’s happened?” Thor asks, sitting up straighter in the armchair he’s chose beside the couch.
Once in your room, you move to the closet and go in there too. You find a corner and slowly sink down to the floor, wishing there was a room in this house even smaller than this one where you might have the chance to fall apart in peace.
You want to be crushed. Enclosed in nothing so that this isn’t real, and Steve isn’t leaving you for someone else.
You don’t want to exist. You want to never have felt like this for Steve so that he can’t hurt you.
As it is, this will have to do, so you let yourself fall apart.
An hour later, Steve abandons you.
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I’m so sorry to anyone who asked to be tagged and I said I wouldn’t be doing tags because it’s only two parts. If you would like to be tagged in the last part, let me know and I will add you! xoxo
Buy me a coffee!
Forever Tag List @jessieray98 @crist1216 @rainbowkisses31 @xxloki81xx @the-wayward-robot @quokkatrash @tiffanynguyen03 @basementcafe @kind-sober-fullydressed @moli1497 @badassbaker @awkwardfangirl2014 @shield-agent78 @supernaturaldean67 @sea040561 @jewelofwinter @this-side-of-midnight5 @sebbystanlover-vk @just4muggles @death-unbecomes-you @lilulo-12 @whosmarisaaarw @hiddles-rose @pandazlazykid @alagalaska @theonelittleone @xlittlestarling @moonlessnight14 @natura1phenomenon @pineapplebooboo @spaghettirogers @dsakita @sincerelytlh @booklover2929 @lovefreylove @just-trying-to-survive-marvel @vulpecula-minor @babytrollgirl @wildefire @fairislesheets @mother-of-fire-snakes @xrosegoldwolfx @queenoftheunderdark @mrsdeanwinchester19 @thefridgeismybestie @mcuwillbethedeathofme @peaceinourtime82 @baebeepeach @teller258316 @juustpeachy420 @libbymouse @fallinginlovewithqueue
Steve Taglist @patzammit @darkdragonpheonix @lostinthoughts23
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foodfantasies · 5 years
Night Air (Salty Tofu x Reader)
Your crush on Salty Tofu was starting to cause tension between the two of you — only because you were too shy and embarrassed to tell him how you felt before tonight. No gendered pronouns used when referring to the reader. Content advisory: suggestive themes and language (cursing).
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You opened your eyes in a dark room, completely awake.  Ugh, not again.  This was the fourth night in a row that you’d suddenly woken up, each time so immediately alert it was as if you hadn’t been asleep at all. Turning to face your bedroom window you saw it was still pitch dark outside. You thought of spending the next few hours here in bed like you had the previous nights, tossing and turning, bored and anxious. You’d be lucky if you got back to sleep at all. Especially since you’d be spending these sleepless hours trying fruitlessly to get Salty Tofu’s heterochromic eyes out of your mind. Trying to stop thinking about him lying just in the other room, so close and yet so utterly out of reach.
With a heavy sigh you sat up and climbed out of bed, stripping off your pajamas and pulling on a pair of tights. 
Your feelings for your Food Soul were becoming a problem.  You were starting to care too much. His flippant taunts and teases were sparking hope in you, only to immediately snuff it out when nothing came of them. Being around him was draining you. Your desire for him was distracting. Worst of all, he probably knew how you felt - he’d barely been speaking to you lately, and you figured your nervous and awkward behavior was a likely cause.
You buttoned up a long coat and wrapped your favorite scarf around your neck. It had been raining when you went to bed, but you judged by the silence outside that it had stopped. A walk might clear your head.
Wonder if Salty is awake, you thought absently.
   Salty Tofu was awake, as he frequently was during the late hours. He was lying in bed, arms crossed behind his head, music blaring through headphones. Around the same time you woke up, the song changed. It was the song — the one that always made him think about you. As soon as he heard the opening chords he felt a tightness in his chest. 
This fucking song.
Your face was in his mind in an instant; smiling at him, scowling at him, it didn’t matter, as long as it was you and your eyes were on him he was happy. But god, he wanted more. Teasing you just wasn’t enough. And it seemed to him lately that even as his need for you intensified, you were pulling away from him, hiding your feelings from him. He didn’t understand, and it made him furious.
He wanted to tell you how he felt. He wanted you to know it. And then he wanted to make sure you never forgot it. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled in frustration, yanking his headphones off.
He did so just in time to hear your footsteps down the hall, followed by the sound of jangling keys. He hopped out of bed and opened his bedroom door.  You were standing by the front door, dressed to go out: boots, tights, a long overcoat and scarf.   “Where are you going?” he asked irritably.  “Going for a walk. I can’t sleep.”  “I’m going with you,” he said, “I can’t have my favorite toy out wandering this late all alone.”
Normally you blushed when he said things like that. You didn’t now, and it reminded him that something was wrong, something he couldn’t define and therefore couldn’t control.   “If I asked you to stay behind, would you?” you said suddenly. He stared at you, brows furrowed, not even angry, just… confused.   “If I told you I wanted to go by myself,” you went on, your voice uncharacteristically firm, “Would you listen to me?”   “Well… yeah,” he said gruffly. Caught off-guard, he had nothing to fall back on but the truth. This wasn’t like you; normally, you were always so happy to have him along. He could always count on you to seek him out. But the look on your face when you asked him this was new. He didn’t know what to do.
Your eyes softened for just a moment. You looked away, tossed your keys in the air and caught them.
“Let’s go,” you said.
   You walked along in silence. Salty kept glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, trying to catch you doing the same to him, but you never did. Your aloof attitude was making him feel like a kid - a stupid, clueless kid, desperate for your attention. He hated it.
The streets were slick with rainwater and choked with sodden leaves. You kept your eyes on the ground, lost in your own thoughts. You didn’t really have a destination in mind - you just wanted to walk, to be outside and feel the sharp chill of the night air on your face. You wished you had asked Salty to stay behind, and cursed your weakness for him — this walk was supposed to help you get him off of your mind.
Eventually, you came across a small park and playground you recognized. It was close to your house, but it had been years since you'd been here. It looked eerie under the dim orange glow of the streetlights, the twisted structures extending limbs still dripping with rainwater and creating deep pockets of shadow.
Your boots crunched over wet wood chips as you headed towards the swings. You looked up at the sky - no moon, no stars. Just clouds hanging low and heavy with the threat of rain.
You leaned your back up against one of the poles of the swing structure and watched Salty’s approach. He was just catching up, his hands stuffed in his pockets, breath clouding in the freezing night air. The silence was broken by the distant rumble of thunder. His odd-colored eyes flickered across your face in hesitant curiosity, but still he said nothing.  It was so fucking quiet. Why didn’t he say something? Anything? Was he following you like this just to torment you?   “Why did you come?” you asked him abruptly.  Your flurry of emotions reaching a fever pitch, you had flung yourself, out of desperation, into anger - that was something you understood, something you could deal with.
Salty, too, knew anger better than he knew fear or longing, and therefore it was his knee-jerk reaction to your hostility.  “What the fuck do you mean, why did I come?” he snapped back. “I came because I didn’t want you to be by yourself. It’s late. It’s-“  “Why bother caring tonight? Were you just bored?” you interrupted.  
He balked. What the fuck was this attitude from you out of nowhere? He came to keep you safe. He came to protect you. You were his. Nothing bad was allowed to happen to you. Why didn’t you already know this?  His nostrils flared, and he ran a shaky hand through his hair in exasperation.
“Look, if you want me to go, I’ll go,” he grumbled, “If you hate being around me so much—“  “Hate being around you?” you echoed incredulously. “God, Salt, you know that’s not it. You know.”  “No, I don’t fucking know. What, I’m supposed to know why you’ve been avoiding me? I’m supposed to know why you’ve been acting like a kicked puppy all week?”  His posture was rigid, aggressive, his shoulders arched like the raised hackles of a snarling animal. 
You were tired. So fucking tired. Arguing with him wasn’t making you feel any better. Avoiding him wasn’t making you want him any less. You were tired of fighting, tired of hiding. The truth rose up in your chest like a wave swelling at sea and came crashing down with equal force, unstoppable, inevitable.  “It’s because I want you so fucking bad,” you cried, “I want you, and you know it, but you don’t care.”  He took a half step towards you, but you couldn’t stop the flow of words now that they’d begun; they poured from you independent of will, in defiance of caution or reason. “And if you do care,” you spat bitterly, “I wish you’d actually do something to prove it instead of running your mouth and making me wonder if you actually mean anything you fucking say.”
He was on you in a flash, his hands pressing hard on either side of your head as he pulled you into his kiss, his mouth pushing against yours. Your body stiffened with shock, sucking in frigid air through your nose in a muffled gasp, but as his lips closed hungrily over yours again and again you eagerly parted your lips to receive him. Your body melted into his, and you were no longer aware of anything save the feeling of his cold lips and warm breath.   The two of you were utterly lost. You kissed as if drinking deeply from each other, as if to draw out with your passion the bitterness and anger that had poisoned you both. His kiss was as unpredictable as he was; one moment tender, the next ferocious, his tongue caressing yours, his metal piercing biting into the soft skin of your lips.  Another peal of thunder cracked overhead. You felt him trembling against you and it wasn’t until a few moments later that you understood why — his silent laughter finally broke out into audible chuckles, but he hadn’t yet pulled back from your kiss.
Since the moment you’d said you wanted him he was on fire. He had first felt a bolt of joy from head to toe, even wondering for a second if he’d been struck by the lightning that split the sky overhead. Then came frustration, his anger sparking like a match at the caliber of the misunderstanding between the two of you. Indignance soon followed, outrage that he’d ever doubted your feelings at all, that he’d been made to feel so insecure. These things had weighed him down and wrenched control from his grasp, and to him, control was everything. His need now to reclaim it was only eclipsed by his all-consuming desire to exert it over you.   Uncertainty was vanquished — he knew you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. A euphoric sense of power coursed through him as he savored the knowledge that he could claim you at any moment.
“Oh, you’ve been so, so bad,” he murmured against your lips, another bout of laughter following the words. “I’ve been going crazy for weeks wondering what the fuck was up with you.”  “I’m sorry,” you said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you wanted me, I-“  “Of course I want you. ‘My favorite toy,’ remember?”  You hummed with delight as he nuzzled your face and swept a hand over your hair, pulling you close into an embrace. He turned his head and brushed his lips against the shell of your ear. “But such a naughty toy needs to be punished,” he growled. His wicked words made you shiver — yes, there it was, that cocky, aggressive, maddeningly sexy persona of his. “I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he went on in a whisper, and as you whimpered an obedient reply he nipped at your ear and giggled.   “Good,” he crooned, “But you know we can’t play here.”  He grabbed your wrist, biting his lip as he grinned at you; you felt he’d never looked more beautiful or more dangerous than he did in that moment. He pulled you along and you followed him home, both of you splashing through puddles as you went, still high on the taste of each other and breathless with the rapid beating of your hearts.
The rest you remember in fragments. 
Standing on the front porch, fumbling with your keys in the lock and dropping them; his snort of laughter, your mumbled curse. 
Reaching blindly for the light switch, instead his hand finding yours in the dark and holding it tight, guiding you down the hallway to his room. 
Your back crashing up against the door as he pinned you there, his lips on your neck, his knee between your legs, his hands all over you. 
And the faint click of the stereo as he turned it on, wailing guitars shattering the silence, manic percussion pounding in your head and echoing the hammering of your heart as he pulled you down into his bed.
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itsmkjones · 8 years
From Hell and Back Again
From Hell and Back Again
Dean x Preg!Reader
Content: Pregnancy, Angst, ~Fluff
Anon Request: Dean x reader request where after dean goes to hell reader finds out she is pregnant with his baby. 4 months later when dean comes back he has to cope with the surprising news. Make it as angsty or fluffy as you want. Also can reader be Bobbys daughter?
A fine sheen of sweat coated his body moving rhythmically above yours, catching the thin ray of light from the pale street lamp. A bead of sweat gathered on the muscular line of his throat, growing, trembling with each slow thrust of his hips. It slid, riding the line between muscle and trachea reaching the high hollow of his throat to pause before a thrust allowed the drop to continue its journey over his heart. You had reached up pressing a thirsty kiss to his collarbone and flicking your tongue to catch the salty remnants. He groaned deeply, the sensual sound vibrating between your writhing bodies. A gasp melted into a wonderfully helpless moan as he buried his face in your shoulder. The passion grew desperate; gentle caresses curling into clutches, nails biting, imploring kisses broke into pleas and simpers, and the methodic pace he set lost the patient tone, slamming harder with each quick jerk. Heat seeped across every inch of your sticky skin. Pleasure gripped your nerves, vision blackening, back arching until all you could do was hold on to the mounting ecstasy. Light burst behind your eyes, your mouth parted, and you tipped into the abyss. Your body melted into the blanketed seat. His breath hitting your ear in mouthy pants. You smiled as he pulled back to drop a lethargic kiss to your lips.
Your brow furrowed, no longer able to feel him. It took a moment for your eyes to focus. The roof of your old car swam into view- peeling fabric that bubbled near the cab light. You eyes fell to the fogged window, where your lover was no more. A chill shredded the warmth clinging to your body, stripping the comfort from your veins until your body was tensed. Your naked legs stretched across the seat, bent to accommodate size of bench, but you could only see the peaks of your knees. Alarm clawed at your throat, fear screaming in your brain as your eyes landed on your rounded belly. Your mouth parted and you shot up.
You sat up in bed. Early afternoon light filling the room. Cold sweat beaded across your forehead and your shirt plastered along your spine. Heavy breaths fell from your lips, bringing a welcomed noise to the suffocating silence of the house and breaking the hard thump of heartbeats in your ears. You brought a trembling hand your lips, the memory of his kiss lingering. A kick of vacant urgency swirled in your gut. You threw back the knitted throw and swung your legs over the edge of the bed. Standing made your head swim and your knees shake with the uneven balance. You hurried to the bathroom, body swaying to the sides to absorb your drained energy. You lolled to the ground, flipping up the toilet as the familiar wave of nausea hit. A perfectly decent half digested Sloppy Joe and tofu salad vacated your stomach. You groaned, more out of annoyance and self-pity than discomfort, flushing the toilet. Your first trimester was long over, but each time that dream hit, especially after a large meal, nausea came to bat as well. You pried yourself from the floor, making it to the sink. You closed your eyes letting cold water splash your fevered face. Perfect green eyes came to the forefront of your mind. His eyes.
You heard the door open downstairs, slamming a second later. You sighed wiping your face, but avoided the mirror. Too often of late, did you look into the trepid device only to find you appeared as drawn and exhausted as you truly felt. Nothing could heal the hollow void in your chest since he left. Raised voices were a welcomed distraction. You wiped your hands on the towel and found the shotgun in the linen closet next door. Tucking it against your shoulder, you plodded downstairs. Your father came into view. His back was turned towards you, tufts of soft brown hair sticking out from his favorite blue cap. A couple of men were just out of view near the front door.
“Is there a problem, Dad?” You asked pausing on the third step.
“Y/n!” He turned, eyes wide. Never a good sign. You held the gun at the ready.
Your heart skipped a beat, tumbling forward in your chest, slamming against your sternum, then launched in your throat obscuring your airways. Not that it mattered as your lungs simply caved. Every inch of your body screamed as a footfall hit the wooden floor, then another. The third revealed heavy boots and dirty denim jeans. Fourth, strong hands, muscular arms. Fifth. There was no where else to look. A face that haunted you every waking hour and came in every dream stood before you now. Dean Winchester stood before you. The gun sagged at your shoulder. A bright blankness infected your reason, unable to process his presence. He was back. Finally, back. The very wish you desperately whispered into the pillow, your deepest desire, and most painful longing had been answered.
“Y/n…” He smiled hesitantly, eyes swimming with questions and joy. “You look… good.”
You recoiled. You’d seen him in a million places. Heard his voice a million times. If this was a mirage, you’re heart would surely give. You retreated up the stairs as fast as possibly able.
Dean watched your disappearing form until he could no longer follow. Bobby shifted his weight recapturing Dean’s attention. He cleared his throat turning back to the older man.
“So, uh, Y/n, huh?”
Bobby rocked on his heels, hands tucked neatly in his pants’ pockets. He nodded once, carefully keeping his words close to chest. “Yeah, Y/n.”
“Well, uh, good for her.” Dean forced his voice to come out evenly. He picked up a stray knife resting on a book and tapped it on his palm. “I’m glad she’s happy. That’s, uh… good.”
“Mhm.” Bobby replied keeping his sharp gaze on the young man.
“So, who’s the lucky guy? Must be some guy to get Y/n to take a break from the game, huh?” Dean let the knife fall with a thud back into its original place. He faced Bobby unaware of how much his eyes revealed.
Bobby sighed. “The only thing lucky about the bastard who did… that to Y/n is he was already dead by the time I found out.”
Dean laughed nervously. “Yeah, I bet. You’re quite the Papa Bear, aren’t cha Bobby?”
Bobby watched patiently as Dean tapped a fist against his arm in jest. He exhaled, “Yup. Although, this guy is like a son to me, so I probably woulda only…” He shrugged good-naturedly, “crippled him or somethin’.”
“O-oh. He was that close to you, huh?” Dean averted his eyes bringing Bobby to roll his.
“Yeah, that’s right, but considerin’ where he’s been for the past four months, I think I’ll let it slide. This time.”
Dean’s brows furrowed together. He rounded on Bobby, face hard. “What?”
“It’s you, ya idjit.” Bobby replied softly.
Dean gaped stumbling back as if the man had taken a swing. His eyes flicked over to the empty staircase in wide realization.
“Wh-what? But… how could…? It only happened once!” His thoughts raced through his head, the entire house spinning around him.
“Well, it only takes once, genius.” Bobby scoffed. “And I really don’t need to hear about it.”
“That was months ago!” Dean ran a hand through his hair pausing to dig his nails into his scalp. “Like…, I don’t know, like half a year ago?”
“Like seven months and a week ago?” He suggested dryly.
“How did this happen?”
“Boy, if you don’t know-”
“No! But Bobby we used protection, I swear.” Dean interrupted. “I would never risk that.”
“Well these things happen, son.”
“But I was only gone four months? Why didn’t she tell me before?”
“Dean.” Bobby placed his hands on Dean’s shoulders meeting his eyes steadfastly. “Don’tcha think this is something to talk about with Y/n?”
You could hear the rumble of Dean’s voice below, his words too muffled to make out. The conversation stilled. You held your breath waiting to hear the front door slam. Instead, the heavy fall of boots tapped each step. You counted, not daring to hope. Ten. You never noticed there was ten steps on that staircase. His steps grew louder. You didn’t turn as he entered the room, opting to stare out into the metal graveyard below.
“Shouldn’t you be sitting?” Eyes closed, you knew the exact expression on his face; the wrinkle across his forehead, furrow of his brow, and trepidation in his gaze that always made you think of how he must of looked at seven years old holding a gun in his hand for the first time.
Your lips pulled back humorlessly. “I’m suppose to stand when I can. Get exercise.”
“Okay…” You heard him exhale. Each syllable he spoke was just as you remembered, serving to bring the faint churning emotions you attempted to ignore to the surface. “So, I talked to Bobby…”
“I kinda got that already.” You shivered as he stepped behind you. You hugged yourself closer trying to attempt the impossible task of making yourself smaller.
Dean whispered, his breath brushing the tiny hairs on your neck. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You chewed your lip. “I didn’t know until late third month.”
“What? How?”
The incredulous hint in his tone flared your temper. You turned with a glare, the sight of his deep green eyes almost causing you to waver. “Well first, lots of things can delay a period, okay? Like change in exercise and diet, not to mention stress! And I was a little stressed at the time to be thinking about it, like your scheduled one-way trip to the pit, for instance. Secondly, I thought I was just gaining a little weight and caught a the flu or something. Thirdly, I was focusing on the impending demon over take!”
Stunned, his head jerked back. He licked his lips, silently accepting the answer without argument. “Right.”
You sighed as you studied the hurt in his eyes. Trying to ignore the twist in your chest, you continued, months of repressed guilt finally giving way into the open, “I didn’t want to tell you because… your deal date was three weeks away. You were either going to beat Lilith or die trying. Telling you beforehand… it didn’t make sense. I was going to tell you after, but… you didn’t come back.”
“Well I’m back now.” He declared without missing a beat. Dean searched your eyes with every ounce of resolve he had in the face of confrontation. “And I’m apart of this now. I swear I will make up for every minute you had to do this alone.”
You swore the days of crying were behind you. You swore it still even as your vision blurred and your cheek grew damp. You hiked your chin up a fraction placing your hands against your belly. The gesture was soothing, but it didn’t replace the desire for his hands instead. Gazing upon his strong face, the trials of pregnancy slammed against you all at once. A deep, all-abiding fatigue wrapped around you like a cement blanket, weighing your body down to the bone leaving the singular desire to lean into Dean and surrender to his help. The last remaining dread of stubbornness pulled your shoulders back, belaying the wish.
“And what if I don’t want you to, Winchester?” You challenged.
Pain and desperation tinged his eyes, but he didn’t move. “If you really want me to back off, if you tell me to leave and never come back again… I will. But I will never stop taking care of you, both of you. If that’s what you really want.” He reached out, fingers caressing a line down your upper arm with a ghostly touch you’d never forgotten. “But that’s not what I want. I want to stay by your side and figure this out.”
Despite the gentle message of his words, his voice was firm with demand. You shook your head knowing all too well his tendency to garner complete control of situations. The sentiment pulled a painfully delicate part of your heart vitalizing the slumbering raw love to beat through your core.
“Idiot.” You whispered affectionately steering your thoughts back to cold reality. “You can’t do that.”
The budding hope edging into his expression dropped. “Why the hell not?”
“You gotta find Sam, then you can come back.” You reminded him with a watery grin. “Then we can figure this out.”
“Sam…” Dean glanced into the distance, concern touching his features before giving way to alarm. He stepped closer, your belly brushing against his. His hands encircled your arms holding you close and steady. His refuse, his warmth vanished any trace of doubt of his return. “Did he know? Did he leave you like this?”
“No! No!” You waved away his questions. “I helped him look for you for a while, but I never told him that I was... and I left before I stopped being able to hide… this.” You slid your hands up his forearm savoring the feel of his skin. You met his eyes no longer caring to hide the earnest pleading in yours. “Dean, Sam… Sam never stopped being in a bad place when you died. He never stop trying to save you, either. As selfish as I want to be, and, God do I want to keep you here all to myself, you need to find Sam… as soon as possible. I’m worried about him. Just… just come back… please!”
Dean swept you into a tight embrace. Despite the large wedge, his arms wrapped around your body, clutching your head to his chest. “I promise.” Your strength dissipated all at once. You slumped against him, burying your face in his shoulder, tears soaking his shirt unrestrained. Through muffled sobs, you could hear him whisper, “I promise, Y/n.”
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ff-imagines · 5 years
tofu I miss u
Pairing: Salty tofu x reader
Pronouns: x
Summary: Salty tofu refuses to sleep, sleeping brings nightmares and tears. You interfere, and while there’s still tears, at least salty can find comfort in someone in his life.
Warnings: x
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I miss all of you, too :(
Salty sat awake for the fourth night in a row.
His eyelids felt so heavy, but he refused to sleep.
His head drooped further and further, but he always jolted himself back awake.
His mouth had begun to run dry, his stomach feeling queasy from exhaustion.
He sat on the bed, tucked into the corner, his hands holding his knees as he rocked himself back and forth.
His body screamed, please, please let me rest.
But he wouldn’t.
Not tonight.
Maybe not ever.
Each night he bathed in moonlight, staring out the window to see the wind combing through the trees with gentle precision.
Each night he feared to go to sleep.
Sleep brought him the curse of memories, of what could have been, what will never be.
Sleep brought broken promises and scorned affection.
The morning sun would rise and he would soon watch as the sunlight crept up his bedsheets to tug at his clothes, it’s ok to go to sleep now, it said. You’re safe. The shadows can’t reach you now that I’m here. You’re safe.
Maybe he’d let himself rest in the morning. But for now, he stayed awake.
Shadows can’t be created when you don’t move towards the light, darkness doesn’t need to be faced when you avoid it entirely.
Salty didn’t want to face his dreams.
Nightmares more accurately.
He didn’t want to see sweets face anymore. He didn’t want to see his attendants shock ridden face dumped carelessly on the kitchen floor. He didn’t want to see the world.
Salty sighed, not daring to close his eyes for more than to blink.
He knew if he let his eyelids drop for a millisecond more they’d stay close, he’d lose the battle.
He stood, wobbling as he gripped the bed frame. He put a hand to his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Why can’t he have one peaceful night? One where sleep caresses him as tenderly as the wind that gingerly swoops through the trees.
Why can’t the calm wash over his mind and cleanse his aching mind, why must he suffer the nightmares? The memories?
He looked up again, stretching his arms in an attempt to wake up further.
He stumbled out of his room, his fingers tracing patterns in the walls as he passed them. A few times he almost fell over, catching himself by pushing himself against the wall. A particularly loud thump echoed across the house, salty cringed. Any sound was enough to make his migraine even worse.
Fuck. You were supposed to be asleep.
Salty said nothing, only stopped in moving forward.
“Salty, it’s four in the morning, have you been awake this whole time?”
He kept quiet still, turning to rest his back against the wall.
You furrowed your brows. His eye bags were normally fairly noticeable, but now he looked so sunken in and tired. You’d left your room to get a glass of water, hearing the thud of his exhausted body smacking against the wall had scared you, but you would rather have found a fallen angel in your hallway than your normally confident and prideful food soul looking so defeated.
His posture was slanted, but not relaxed. His jaw looked clenched, arms wrapped around his middle in an attempt to hug himself, his eyes couldn’t stay open for more than thirty seconds, completely bloodshot and looked to be watery.
You wondered if he could even hear you as you watched his head bob up and down, he looked as if he would black out any second now.
You approached him quietly, lightly placing your hand on his shoulder. He jerked, his eyes finally meeting yours, fully open but you could tell it pained him to do so. Fuck the water, salty needed you. He needed sleep.
He needed to feel safe.
“Salty, come here.”
You grasped onto his arms, pulling him towards you and sliding your arms up to his neck into a hug. He didn’t respond at first, not moving an inch. You buried your face in his neck, rubbing his back as comfortingly as you could.
You felt his shoulders shake.
Then you felt as his arms responded, wrapping around you very loosely, as if that’s all the strength they could muster. You felt as he rested his forehead on your shoulder, feeling your sleeve growing wet. Silent sobs raked through his body, you simply holding him as tightly as you could, humming a quiet lullaby.
When you could feel his shaking grow to a minimum, you pulled away, grasping gently onto his hands.
“Let’s go, salty.”
“... Where?”
He croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Somewhere safe.”
He looked down, his shoulders shaking again, but he followed your steps into your room, each step he swayed as if his weight was to much for his own two feet.
Reaching your room, you linked arms with him, leading him to sit down in your bed.
“Come here, baby boy.”
You sat him down on your bed, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it tightly around his shoulders. Sitting next to him, you placed your hands on his cheeks, studying his face closer.
“Salty, when was the last time you slept?”
He closed his eyes, eyebrows furrowing as he bit his bottom lip as an attempt to keep it from quivering. You nodded, understanding his voiceless reply. brushing the hair away from his face, you moved to lovingly kiss his nose. He sighed, leaning into your touches.
Reaching under the blanket, you grabbed onto his middle, slowly laying down and forcing him to follow. You secured the blanket snuggly around you both, tangling your legs with his and tucking his head under your chin.
You could feel his shoulders shaking again, quiet tears wetting your chest.
You could care less about the feeling.
You only focused on comforting him.
Combing your fingers through his hair, you inhaled deeply, taking a deep breath as you kissed the top of his head.
“You can rest now, baby. You can let go.”
The sobs has quieted down, you could feel his breathing slowing.
You pulled back only a little to see him, using a thumb to move his hair out of his face again, some hairs clinging to his tear stained cheeks.
His eyes were finally closed, his nose and ears red from crying, lips parted slightly as his breathing finally slowed. He’d finally let himself slip into a deep sleep.
You closed your eyes, sighing again. You tucked his head back under your chin, and relaxed your muscles as best you could.
You’d ask him what was wrong in the morning. Right now, you just wanted him to rest.
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ff-imagines · 5 years
may I ask for an oblivious m!a who gushes abt everything n their compliments r lowkey flirty but they have no clue and salty is just like 🥺💕💕💕💕💕
Salty with a MA who compliments him a lot
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• the first thing he thought upon summoning you was ‘hehe new person to tease’
• “are you happy to see me? I’m really happy too, because now, I have a new toy!”
• he didn’t expect you to walk straight over to him and give him the biggest smile
• oh no you’re cute
• “I am happy! Very happy! I’ve been working to summon you for months, you’re exactly what I’ve been looking for!”
• he tries to play it off like he’s not flattered
• “is that so? Ha, you’re determined for a plaything, aren’t you?”
• you shrug, and give another big toothy smile
• “I guess so. You seemed worth the effort. Also, you’re very handsome!”
• aaaand there goes his heart
• he’s tried to shoo you off by being rude before, he’s tried teasing, poking fun at you, no matter what you’re still so kind to him??
• “you’re just a toy and nothing more. I don’t need you to worry.”
• “I know you don’t need me too, but I still do. You’re special to me, salty! I care about you!”
• so he’s kinda stopped trying to be mean to you and now he’s just highly confused
• somtimes you’ll stop him and just gush about him
• “salty! Your eyeliner looks even sharper today, I’m almost jealous of your skill!”
• “you look really good today, well, you always do, but you know!”
• “I really like your eyes, you know? They’re really pretty~”
• “I could hear you playing guitar the other day, you’re really amazing at it!”
• it should be medically impossible for a heart to be beating as fast as his but here we are
• your kindness is almost suspicious to him honestly
• he hides in his room for a day or two, only coming out late at night to get something to munch on
• one night he’s out late and about to grab a snack when he hears talking
• your voice, and someone else he can’t pinpoint
• “and of the fallen coming from the east? Have we found any source?”
• ah. A master chef come to discuss things.
• he kinda stands there, not sure whether he should let his presence be known.
• “not yet. But I trust my team. We’ll start checking closer to the eastern borders.”
• ugh. Such a boring conversation.
• “I’m not sure. Your team captain seems rather hot headed. How can you trust someone who can barely hold his temper?”
• wait, salty is team captain
• ‘holy shit this persons talking about me’
• he’s ready to turn the corner and yell at the stranger when he hears a soft chuckle
• “He’s nothing to worry about. I trust him more than you know. You’re not being fair, he’s smarter than you give him credit for.”
• “I think you’ve just got a soft spot for him.”
• you’re raising your voice now
• “maybe. Or maybe you won’t accept he’s reliable based only off of what you’ve heard.”
• “what I’ve heard about him doesn’t convince me-“
• “I don’t need you to be convinced. I need you to understand he’s more than the rumors tell you he is. Be better than this, friend. I care for him, and I trust him. That should be enough for you.”
• the stranger sighs, and talks softly, not wanting to overstep again.
• “if you say so. At any rate, it’s late. I’ll not keep you longer.”
• and they leave, salty is still behind the corner, smiling to himself now
• you defended him against someone who’s you’re superior, that could’ve been ugly had the stranger been someone more prideful and defensive...
• your kindness is very obviously true if you’re willing to risk insubordination in order to defend his name...
• so he kinda accepts you’re just like this and tries to return it as a way to tease you, instead of being rude
• “hello salty! You’re looking even better each day!”
• “that so? Maybe one day I’ll catch up to you then~”
• he goes out of his way to find you and compliment you the same as you do for him, dropping the toy spiel pretty quickly
• but salty is a little more handsy than you are
• “ah, there you are attendant. Cooking again, I see? Mind if I join you?”
• he hugs you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder
• he gets a big toothy smile and is told to be your taste tester that night~
• he likes this new flirting game, and the other food souls can see his change in demeanor as well
• he’s a lot less quick to anger, he smiles more
• he also seems more eager to get back to the restaurant and almost always has to find you immediately after returning so he can greet you
• everyone can tell he’s got it bad, but he’ll always be nervous to say anything about it...
• he’s pretty content with his enormous little crush for now
• optimism and positivity really makes a difference to him, and he likes this new hopeful feeling more than he cares to admit~
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