#ff versus xiii
nyactis-lucis-caelum · 9 months
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edge-of-ultima · 9 months
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Can we talk about how Verum Rex hasn't even come out yet and they already need to nerf Aegis? Gladio + Ignis + Forcefield powers = OP! 🤣
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cecil2311413 · 7 months
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Early ffxv story boards from Roberto Ferrari in 2013. How much it has changed…
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s-insomnia · 1 year
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caehum · 1 year
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before i finish this piece im gonna replay ffxv
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royalarms · 3 months
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the difference between them holds each other at the point of one another's blades , yet the future remains unseen . in this moment , he stands aside her in an attempt to connect beyond their parting ways , to test the nature of his openness , but he closes the door to it with such haste . at times , he gets lost in his thoughts , and his thoughts form to words , and he speaks in something cryptic he'd not ever elaborate upon . it's not worth it . it's never worth it . too vulnerable , too present . he prefers to bide by night's cloak and fade in its illusion . they're the same in what they see , but their destinies seem to only want for destruction . chaos .
❛ yeah . ❜ he dismisses her words , instead falling to self - pity and mild irritation . not at her , no . but , at himself . his frustrations yet go unseen and he leans his head to one side and peers to the sky from the corners of his eyes . the stars watch them here , and the bustle of the party inside is heard through the walls , however thin or thick . he wonders about her station for a moment ; what she goes through on a day to day basis , her elusive nature when it comes to speaking much about herself , and how she copes with her duty . the curiosity about her is what drives him to continue in her presence , but he'd not pry for information not given to him . instead , he proceeds in idle conversation , changing the subject from the reassurance she'd attempted to provide him . he thinks it fabricated .
❛ and what about you ? you got people ? ❜
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. . . @asterites .
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houseofsannae · 10 months
Is Lunafreya from XV going to show up in Chi? (I don’t have the keyboard for the trident on my phone)
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, of Final Fantasy XV
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is planned to appear in KHΨ
is originally from [redacted]
is currently in [redacted]
is going to appear in a small-ish role*
*Like Prompto before her, Luna is somewhere between a small and a large role, in that I have one fic in particular that she'll be important to but she won't have much to do outside that fic. She's currently in her world of origin, which is the same as Prompto's and Noct's. I like Lunafreya a lot, particularly in the Kingsglaive movie, and while I don't have the full details of how that fic's going to go nailed down yet (It'll be in the third arc), I am looking forwards to working with her
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nebuvoid · 11 months
im gonna be fucking sick man, of course getting back in contact with xv would bring versus xiii and by extension kh4 to mind again
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like i want to know what versus was supposed to be so bad, pulling my hair and throwing up
and the thing is? xiii reuses a lot of versus' ideas in xiii-2 and -3
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like that? is literally what xiii-3 is all about. it also happens to sound exactly like fucking kingdom hearts. and we have scala ad caelum (stairway to heaven) now too like
im not going anywhere with this because there IS no going anywhere WE HAVE NO ANSWERS the only way to not froth at the mouth over this is to put it in a box. (or being normal but thats not an option) i just so happened to. open the box. fuck
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ocrystal · 1 year
Okay guys, hear me out. Stella is Etro. Or, a variation of Etro.
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insomnianoctem · 19 days
When I first heard of FF Versus XIII I was in middle shcool I was in high school when I played through FFXV I am once again playing FFXV except now with the realization I am older than the main 4
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// 🌸🌸🌸🌸
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edge-of-ultima · 11 months
FFXV really went through two console generation switches, an engine switch, a name switch, a director switch, an entire story switch, and had to keep loaning out the team working on it to Final fantasy 13 and 14 huh? No wonder it's so different from the initial reveal.
I just watched this awesome video from HiMyNameIsZipp and anyone who's even remotely interested in Versus 13 should check it out.
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cecil2311413 · 8 months
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The prince that still sleeps in fantasy. I think I’ll miss him forever.
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zhylia · 19 days
01. ff vii - the princess of a forgotten and isolated kingdom founded by the cetra hylia several thousand years ago. zelda is force to go into hiding after witnessing her kingdom become invaded by usurpers. taking with her an important artifact of hyrule, she takes on a new identify and finds herself seeking assistance in midgar. her knowledge in subjects involving the old world and cetra is invaluable, but her cluelessness on modern technology seems to hinder her understanding on the new world completely.
02. ff versus xiii - during the golden era of solheim, zelda's family ruled the capital with the blessing of solheim's heavenly artifact. under their rule, they were able to fend off hostile invaders and formerly assert themselves as a holy city. solheim was considered a world power that worshipped the ancient god lindzei ( and in turn was loyal to the slumbering god bhunivelze ). unfortunately, despite its current advancement it was unable to fend off niflheim and their surrounding allies attacks. the crystal broke and sent the world in period of darkness for the first time. the current chosen was zelda, who underwent a pilgrimage to save the ailing world. with the blessings of her ancestor and holy artifact, zelda was able to bring light back into the world at the cost of her life. similar to xiii, zelda has fulfilled her "focus" and while humanity considered her gone, the light maiden fell into a deep slumber embrace by crystal stasis for several centuries. she would eventually be awoken to a modern period where etro's power now wanes and a forgotten god slowly marks his return.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
I saw an article about how one of the things Final Fantasy XVI had in common with some other FFs--to make it a FF (which is still a silly argument that we even need to have to me, but whatev)--is flower importance in the story. And that's certainly true. So I decided to make a post about that... And prepare for the longest post in the history of the world, because I may have gone overboard in screenshotting some of these. I also decided to include Kingdom Hearts here, since it's a Disney and Final Fantasy crossover (with its own story, of course).
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We'll never know how similar or not Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XV's stories are or were to each other (after Tetsuya Nomura, director of Versus XIII, got kicked off the project and the game got a new director and became FFXV, and the story did at least slightly change)--even with Nomura now putting some of his Versus XIII ideas into Kingdom Hearts. It seems here, though, that even when it was Versus and Noctis and Stella, instead of Noctis and Luna, there was at least one flower scene with them. Perhaps this is the aforementioned Noctis and Luna flower crown scene (maybe originally it happened with Noctis and Stella, and that was then repurposed for Noctis and Luna). Like, for whatever reason, something upset Noctis' childhood friend here (the responsibilities her mother had to endure, perhaps, if this part of the story was still very much like XV's. Mayhap that hurt Stella to think about), and Noctis comforted her with the sylleblossom, and then we got the flower crown scene Luna alluded to in XV... or maybe it was something totally different from that with Noctis and Stella. Maybe sylleblossoms didn't even exist in Versus. Like I said, we might never know. But here, at least, was another couple (again: how similar they were to the later Noctis and Luna: who knows?) where flowers were at least important to them for a hot second.
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Kairi likes to pick flowers, as we see here and in a scene in the BbS credits (that I'd show, but picture limit is keeping from doing it [I'd show a lot more pictures for a lot of these girls, if it weren't for picture limit)].
She also has a flowery Keyblade, of course, surely because of her love for flowers:
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And I guess part of her Keyblade's design is that a king chess piece--which Sora's chess piece was the king one in KHIII, of course--is attached to a red string. And we all know about the red string of fate (I bring that up, because another common theme in all of this, is that all these gals with the flowers are part of a star-crossed lover pairing).
Kairi's heart is also in the shape of a flower in Re:Mind and Melody of Memory?
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Edit: Oops. I forgot Squall and Rinoa: Squall's promise to Rinoa that if she comes to Edea's orphanage--that is full of flowers outside, giving us our flower connection--that he'll be waiting for her, so she'll find him.
Also, I think Yeul gave Noel a flower in Lightning Returns for some reason? Though I don't remember why. I've only played Lightning Returns once--and only watched the cutscnenes once, in said playthrough--many years ago at this point. I really need to replay Lightning Returns again, as I actually love the Lightning Trilogy and found the gameplay in Lightning Returns very enjoyable. I also know that one of the Yeuls in FFXIII-2 loved flowers.
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royalarms · 1 month
. . . @keyschosen ,
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the night is late as darkness blankets the streets , and his muscles ache in a familiar tightness that oft becomes him after and arduous day on the job . a secret prince who gets his fill of living in servicing the food industry , spending long hours and late nights beneath the bright lights and continuous entourage of noises that have become so familiar . he's tired and worn , and thinks to himself that trudging through each day could be perhaps feel easier were he to get enough sleep at night . not sleep born of nightmares and death , decay and prophecy , but sleep born of peace . of rest . he envies those who find serenity in their slumber .
he closes his eyes in frustration , and as he opens them he sees him . a boy from his dreams : the one who perplexes him for than any other . he's seen him die , just as many others , but this stranger has died three times , all in different ways . whenever he wakes from his demise , he is left with racing thoughts and confusion . and now here he is , right in front of him , and noctis wants to reach out and grab him . to protect him from whatever hell awaits .
instead , before he can turn to continue down his path of minding his own existence , his instinct calls to him , unsure of what to say , or what to do next , but he's already spoken out : ❛ hey . ❜
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