#ffs rip their braincells
clarkegriffins · 2 years
i find this whole thing about byIers using stancy to prove that mileven is dead so funny bc when they will realize that every single pairing on this show share parallels/similarities, mileven shared some with stancy, but u know that they also shared with lumax, jancy (the ship y'all love to parallel byler), even jopper, and stancy the ship they love to parallel/find similarities with mileven, also shared with lumax and jopper (here and here too), also with byler like???? DAMN EVEN jancy and stancy shared parallels this season, the point is: sometimes it's just parallels, do i need to remind u that the duffers forgot the birthday of the ONLY character that has a canon birthday on the show lmao, and also that they said they don't watch old seasons to write the new ones, they are just lazy and recycling the same tropes/scenes over and over again
Y'ALL PLEASE LISTEN TO SADIE AND CALEB AND GO TAKE A DEEP BREATH (the fact that they are making fun of y'all is actually so funny)
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My Halloween Got Cursed (Apparently)
Told in list form because today is a No Braincells day.
Halloween felt bleh
hmm, let's look at Tumblr for comfort!
yooo, the Halloween fics are very cool. i wanna, like. do that.
starts writing SaSi Halloween fic for le spooky holiday
am already exhaustion but trying so hard
like a good lil weirdo writer (affectionate)
it's 10pm
all of the D E P R E S S I O N starts to hit and now NUMB
that's okay, will finish fic tomorrow and make a lil joke about "pretend it's still Halloween". it'll be okay :)
tomorrow hits
very Low and Bad Depression day
ffs i just wanted to write the fic. mf.
day is a blur
am too NUMB and TIRED to do anything
will just say "was supposed to be for Halloween, rip" instead of joke
joke is gone :(
cannot rest, must do School
day 3 of Depression Please FFS Let Me Write
finally progress on fic
brain halts progress like this -> >:3
must get le mood back so can write
feels like it's the 3rd but is only le 2nd (time? no comprehension of time, nope)
TLDR: I have a Halloween fic on the way. It's just taking me longer than I thought cause depression sucks. But don't worry, should be posted soon :D
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coffeebeannate · 4 years
thoughts on the old guard characters? (a long one I know lol)
I LOVE long asks when I have the braincells! *He says, as if he ever has braincells*
I’m going to go with just the movie for now, since I’ve only read the first volume of the comics yet and there’s definitely some changes.
This post is long, so I put all my brain rambles beneath the cut.
I also cheated and only did the Guard themselves for some brevity, if you want extensions with Copley, etc. I’ll do a part two :)
Andy/ Andromache the Scythian
I love her. I love her SO MUCH. I regret that I never really explore her as much as I want to. Because there is just SO MUCH THERE. There is so much to work with, to explore to understand and to see. I adore her. She’s jaded, but she’s also clearly somewhat passionate in her own way. Something has kept her going this long. She loves her family. She is at her most open and honest and vulnerable with her family! 
The world gets a facade, her calm, collective glance of ‘I don’t give a fuck but I actually do give a fuck but letting you know I give a fuck makes things complicated’. But when she’s with Nicky and Joe, (and Booker), she’s laughing, she’s enjoying their company. She looks so happy and instantly relaxes and I JUST!!
I love that she’s not some 19 year old (possible ageism). I love that they let a 45 year old actress play a character who is clearly over 30 and very much badass. The whole ‘only young women or very old women in movies’ trope is so old, so overdone. (And I’m still salty about this person who said it’s bullshit to see ‘grandma Charlize beating up men twice her size’, as if Liam Nesson doesn’t do just that in his seventies BUT ANYWAY).
Andy is SO multilayered. She’s clearly struggling, and she’s angry and cynical and OH so fucking tired, but she’s still VERY LOVING. She cares about Nile, she cares about her family, she CARES. She’s allowed to be upset! She’s allowed to be ugly emotionally (as they might say it in Hollywood, ffs), she’s allowed to be angry and happy and sweet and she has agency and vulnerability and I JUST LOVE THAT.\
She can also step on me I mean what.
Nile Freeman
Nile is just a MARVEL. She’s sweet. She’s caring. She has ALL the heart and takes NONE of the shit!! There’s so much to her. She’s devoted (I really love that she’s religious, and that the movie doesn’t take this away from her, regardless of things that happen). I love how utterly devoted she is. I love that she’s able to retain so much of her own personal autonomy, AND that she’s both scared and confused, but also SECURE. 
Nile doesn’t know WTF is happening. First kill in the Marines, very sudden death, you have a brand new family? Oh, you also can’t see your family again? Your mother and brother? Oh and this lady with the bizarre name has effectively kidnapped you so you can’t be shipped to a lab in Germany? THE FUCK.
Kiki does such a MAGNIFICENT job too! Like the amount of emotions she conveys!! All of Nile’s confusion, anger, upset. Hurt. How throughout all this, she’s shown as street smart! Clever! ADPATABLE.
Nile  becomes something ‘new’ but retains her original personality entirely. And I LOVE that. She is young, but she isn’t babied. She’s allowed to be guided without being considered infantile. She’s allowed to be here whole self and it’s SO GOOD.
Also, you wake up in a Humvee in the desert and your first instinct is to kick the back end out and roll away? And then stab your kidnapper?? AMAZING.
I love that she’s an art nerd. I love her enthusiasm, I love her heart. I love her cleverness. I love how she can be a bit “wtf’ but also flat out doesn’t take ANYONE’S bullshit EVER.
“We’re not going to Paris” HELL MA’AM GUESS WE ARE NOT. 
Sebastien Le Livre/ Booker
(Rucka once again I ask you, was that name only for the punning? Because I love puns to but cmon)
I’m..I’m not neutral, but I tend to not think about him much beyond what is necessary. I think I’d feel that my thoughts on him are ‘complicated’ so I’ll keep his section short. I WILL say that his character is VERY well written. Booker cannot be called a flat character. And maybe I’m naive, but my first time watching the movie? Yeah, totally goddamned BLINDSIDED. And I give the movie a LOT of credit for that. 
Maybe smarter people saw it coming, but I sure didn’t. So hey, kudos.
I understand him. I understand his motivations. And for a person suffering from that kind of depression, the toxic sabotaging kind, yeah. It’s well done. His motives are..his motives. I’ll probably not ever know what it feels like to outlive your children. But lots of my family members did. I get how it destroys you.
However, Booker needs help. And it’s on Booker, IMO, to get that help, outside of his family. Because he hurt them. He hurt them badly. It’s not the kind of thing you just come back from.
Consider my attitude..curious.
Joe/Yusuf Al-Kaysani
I can’t make this too long I can’t make this too long I can’t-
JOE. Is a MARVELOUS MAN. He’s soft. He’s artistic. He’s strong and sweet and his entire face lights up like the actual honest to god sun that he IS. I love how much he loves. I love how compassionate he is. I love his passion. His soft voice. His kind caring attitude.
I love how badass he is. I go slightly feral from the bullet spitting ‘very pissed off’. DARLING, NO KIDDING. I love how he’s just got this kinda hidden swag element. He is so clearly the life source of every room he enters. Show stealer. He’s the one that makes people feel comfortable immediately. With charm and boastfulness. With just such great WARMTH. Joe feels like a fireplace. You just want to curl up with him.
He cares so much about the world. His husband. His family.
Imagine someone LOOKING AT YOU THAT WAY. No wonder Nicky is downright wavering on us. I’D FAINT.
Joe seems to love the world around him so much. And yeah, okay, he holds out with  justified anger. (I SUPPORT THIS ANGER), but he’s also clearly affectionate. He’s open with his love. Joe literally wears his heart on his sleeve. You KNOW how Joe is feeling at all times. Because Joe can’t hide it. And if you have his love and friendship, you have it forever.
Joe could do audiobooks. Joe could paint museums full of paintings. 
And those curls? Best. Incredible.
Marwan made Joe into such an incredible character I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOUR SIR I LOVE HIM.
Nicky/ Nicolò di Genova
Ahhh Joe’s other half. Man of few words, but when those words come out they cut and say so DAMNED MUCH. And what isn’t said vocally is always said with a look, a smile. MICRO EXPRESSIONS THAT SPEAK THE WORLD.
Nicky seems like such an aware character. Nicky is the type that makes very conscious decisions every single day. Be kind. Daily. This is not the type of man who does anything lightly. I feel like Nicky is a calculated sort, but with EVERYTHING. Because he KNOWS that your presence in this world makes an impact. He knows how important being self-aware is. He feels so lucky and grateful to be with Joe and his family at all times.
I LOVE HIS SNIPING. I love his outfits! I love how intense and sweet and compassionate he is. I feel like he has some little shit energy. Doing something slightly devious? Probably. Having ideas just because? Damned right! I can only imagine how much dry teasing Joe has endured over the centuries. Because Nicky is just so raw and clever. You can never be entirely sure what he’s thinking, perhaps. Joe can read him like a book, but I think anyone else might be finding themselves looking a touch harder. Just in case.
I love Luca’s accent! I love how competent Nicky is! He loves Joe just as openly too, and I adore it??
“The love of my life was the people I’ve been taught to hate” THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE! AND THAT TINY SMILE! THE SMILE OF A THOUSAND WORDS.
Boss. I want more immediately. I NEED MORE.
RIP we barely knew ya.
Final Thoughts:
I love that we got ALL THIS.
I love the thoughts the actors put forth. I love how dedicated everyone was to this movie. I love how there’s so much from what could have gone so wrong.
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sparrowsarus · 3 years
Stargate Atlantis- The Lost Boys; Or, Ford Deserved Better.
I feel "keep your army drugged" seems like a plan with very little long-term applicablity. Although, I mean, for a lieutenant, Aiden's showing a lot of tactical savvy here?
"We would have come for you."
Don't drug people without consent, man. They are allowed to be mad.
Lorne ILU. You aren't reassuring.
I feel Rodney would be more tolerable if you gave him something to do. But look, he has a new nerd friend!
Ronon bby.
"I'd Choose You" what is this, Pokemon?
"What kind of plan is this?" I mean that's valid.
"That is a terrible plan-" "Rodney"
Fordy has a dart!
And he has such faith in AR-1; in Rodney, in Sheppard, in Teyla. Ugh. My feelings.
Poor Rodney, amphetamines are not his friend.
And Radek is here! I love Radek!
"That's why he's on my team in the first place" Cause the show nerfed him in the beginning of season 2!
Teyla my beloved.
Hello Mr. Dex.
"I wanna go home" brb sobbing.
Poor Lorne, someone give him a snack and a juice box.
Sheppard is such a nerd.
RIP Jace :(
"Don't tell me what to do" brah.
"If you wanna live stay behind me" Ronon ILU
Aw, don't threaten Rodney, he's just scared.
When in doubt, grenade!
Uhoh, captured!
Fucking battle bros!
this sniffing is terrifying.
She's a Killer Queen Gunpowder, gelatine Dynamite with a laser beam Guaranteed to blow your mind Anytime.....
Wraith fashion is something, eh.
"She didn't even tell me her name" buddy.
Ooh, Cat Fight!
"How many of those things do you got?"
"How many do you need?"
Heh, heh.
Oh no....Rodney, buddy. pal. overdosing is a thing.
DHew has some shoulders though eh?
Ruunnn aaawwwaaayyyyyy!!!!
Ronon and Aiden would make such a good team though!
ain't no one having a good time eh
In a perfect world, they would have clubbed Aiden upside the head and brought him home in Runner.
Man, girl is being real nice considering Aiden was a dick to her.
"I don't know."
Their relationship in a nutshell. But they are friends! I love that!
This episode is a better drug PSA than D.A.R.E ever was.
Atta girl Teyla, stare down a wraith!
"No." I love you Elizabeth.
And Carson staying with his friend!
Oh no :( :( Aiden buddy :(:(
This poor woman. All of these women, actually. Dealing with these men.
Ronon has the emotional braincell.
"We're peaceful" you fucking liar.
The Clown War. ffs Sheppard.
Lorne, inviting Zelenka to come play! And Zelenka being "lol fuck no"
yeah Rodney, do your job.
That was a hell of a once over, Neera.
Yay, it's Ford!
Say thank you, John!
I...hate what this show keeps fucking doing to Ford.
I wanna read the books, but I really hate [redacted] as a pairing.
"Sheppard." He's so happy! Look at that smile!
Oh no :( :( He is so sad :(
Aw, they are all so happy.
"Why aren't you dead?" brah.
"Where's Ford" Rodney really expected John to bring him home :(
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