katkeyboardmastah · 6 months
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Gee I wonder what Fran meant by this-
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Round 1
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Illua: Crime queen. Secretly owns you.
Mydia: Has a massive suit of armor not pictured here, but if you vote her through to round 2, you'll see it then
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oveliagirlhaditright · 9 months
Kingdom Hearts 4 Challenge Day 2: A Character You'd Want to Cameo
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Llyud from Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
To be honest, while I love Llyud, he's probably not one of my top Square Enix picks at all. In fact, I sort of made another post with those already. ^_^'
So why am I mentioning him here, then? Well, I won't lie: one, because I know no one else will, so I'll be original with this.
But the main reason is because his story would tie in so well with the Nobodies', and I would love to see something done with that. It'll never happen, but we can dream. And Nomura did say that there would be more Nobodies in the future of the KH series (and I think he meant the humanoid ones, like Organization XIII, and not just the mook ones).
Basically, like the Nobodies (or how they start out, anyway, if they don't grow hearts), Llyud's race (known as the aegyl) can't feel emotion (though this is because of the Big Bad's actions. And there's a whole story there in RW). But Llyud really starts to develop and challenge things.
In a perfect world, Llyud would have been in Days. But, like I said, since we're apparently not done with the Nobodies in the series, I certainly wouldn't mind him in a future game:)
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