#fgh comic
fghniki · 4 months
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Images description: 1. A two-frame QSMP meme. In the first one Tubbo, dissatisfied, is staring into the camera. The caption reads, "BITCHES BE LIKE / CANT STAND HER FAKE ASS!". In the second frame Tubbo is hugging Bagi, and the caption reads "1 PURGATORY LATER / ME AND THE BESTIE!" 2. Same meme, but with Sunny instead of Tubbo and Leo instead of Bagi. The caption on the second frame reads, "1 SERVER RESET LATER ME AND THE BESTIE!". End of images description.
like father like daughter
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wat-zu · 2 years
Some crack content under the cut
idk not really I suppose but!!
they're results from the blushing requests!!
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Then some other characters that didn't really fit the comic:
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see, I don't know if vampire orange is a thing but I did 'em anyways fgh
Thank you lot for those who stopped by and dropped in some characters! Actually almost gave up on this but other than that! it's fun!! Thank you!!
I'm so tired lol
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fghartwork · 3 years
Billionaire Baby is back!!
I know I said I'd wait until around June to make it public, but what the hell. 😛
You can now read the completely renovated Ep. 1 on Webtoons AND Tapas!!
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Check out "Billionaire Baby: A Zutara AU" on Tapas https://tapas.io/series/Billionaire-Baby-A-Zutara-AU/
Patrons will still receive early access and extended, uncensored episodes as they come ✨
Webtoons and Tapas updates will be once-twice a month!
The links can be found in my bio and you know you can always ask if you've got q's!
I hope you enjoy the new version🤞🏽🙏🏽
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iambuggy · 3 years
🖍🎁🌈 for the artist ask post!
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?
when i was like.. 3?? I used to draw comics about my beanie babies fghjkl i had a lot of pharaoh cats!!
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters? 
It’s a mixed bag! depends on how confident i feel that day! usually i feel like people will hate my characters,,fgh
🌈 Do you use more warm or cold colors? 
Cool! I love cool colors!!
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cynicjovial · 7 years
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gfrgfkkgfds i finally made that comic i was talking about aka my version of how king dice became what he is now with him being a Bastard enough for my tastes guuuuh enjoy i guess this took too long fgh
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fghniki · 7 months
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Comic description/transcript is available in alt text, as well as under the cut.
my gift for @arabella377, made as part of the @technoblade-gift-exchange :3 hope you like it!
Comic description:
A house stands on top of a flying island. A small figure is seen digging in the ground right in front of it. The sun is slowly rising above the hills, and the day seems warm and bright. Upon closer inspection, it appears that the figure is a pink anthropomorphic bunny -- Bunnyblade -- digging out carrots. Next to him, red disembodied eyes float -- his Chat. They're watching Bunnyblade with interest. Someone is shuffling behind Bunnyblade. He glances behind him. Chat looks slightly panicked. The stranger lets out a "huh."
A tall, pale man with short blonde hair stands with a sword against his shoulder and a crow perched on his arm. His name is Philza, and he is watching Bunnyblade smugly, "So you're our little carrot thief, huh?" "Well, there aren't exacytly many bunnies on this server," Bunnyblade replies. His Chat seems nervous, watching Philza. "Not even trying to lie?" Philza's grip on his sword tightens. "Bold." Bunnyblade is summoning his own weapon as Philza continues, "I'll be honest too. Do you know what I'm about to do?"
Without much hesitation, Philza swings his sword at Bunnyblade: "I'm about to have your head on a spike!" Bunnyblade easily dodges, and his dagger clanks against Philza's sword. Philza's crow flies behind Bunnyblade and, grabbing his cloak, pulls it over his head. Bunnyblade cries, "Heh?!"
Bunnyblade struggles with the cloak, complaining, "Bruh. This is not fair at all!" As he finally manages to free himself, he (and nervous Chat) realize that he's standing on the edge of the island. Philza, his crow perched back on his hand, replies, "All is fair in war."
Bunnyblade, now scared, is watching Philza approach him and they stand on the very edge of the island. "Nowhere to run, little bunny," Philza proclaims, feeling himself victorious as he brandishes his sword. Bunnyblade, clearly sweating, replies with a "Heh. Not if I do-" he tries to make a run for it, only to be immediately kicked by Philza in the stomach, "OOF!"
Bunnyblade is sent flying off the edge. He closes his eyes to focus, and an image appears in front of his mental eye: an empty bucket of water, and Wilbur saying "had 2 borrow all ur enderpearls for business purposes hope u don't mind xoxo". Bunnyblade opens his eyes and says, "uh oh". Chat is panicking. A hand reaches out to grab his cloak.
Bunnyblade is hanging upside down. He and Chat look up… to see Philza holding him just above the edge. Philza has sweat running down his face as he asks, "Are you okay?"
Bunnyblade jumps up and away, laughing, "Keep the cloak, old man!" Philza, confused, looks at the ripped piece of cloak he now had in his hands. He then smiles fondly. The moon is shining in the sky. Bunnyblade is mumbling "…huh".
Bunnyblade is clearly confused, asking "Why'd he do that?" as he's staring at a patched up cloak. Chat is asking, hopeful, "Maybe he wants to be friends now???" Bunnyblade shuts down the suggestion with a small smile, "Friends? Doubt that, Chat. Maybe in another life." An image is seen -- Philza laughing with arm draped over Technoblade's shoulder. Behind them, other Philzas and Technoblade go around their business as they celebrate victories, meet up in tundras and take over the Antarctic. They all look happy.
End of comic description.
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fghniki · 6 months
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Image description: A two-panel digital comic depicting characters from QSMP. In the first panel, BadBoyHalo is explaining something to Fit, while Pac and Tubbo are going somewhere in the background. Pac turns to look at Fit, and, his face red and sweaty, asks Tubbo, "Has Pierre finally fixed heating?". Tubbo replies with an annoyed "Pretty sure you're just gay". End of image description.
for a base without heating everyone is dressed surprisingly light, huh
made for @fitpacweek (soulfire heating | FGHNiki | T | Slash | Day 1 | Warmth)
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A two-page comic. In the first page, Fundy looks at the "MCYTBLR'S WETTEST CAT" medal and then, sitting on a couch and holding sleeping Yogurt in his arms, says with fake optimism, "I mean, I guess I am the best at something. Not like Tommy would be able to beat me at angst amount." to which HBomb, who is sitting next to him and knitting something, replies, "Well, Tommy's the most popular character in AO3's Child Abuse tag. That's kinda impressive". As he says that, Fundy's eye twitches.
In the second page, Fundy is beating up Tommy. Someone is screaming "What is going on here?!". HBomb is livestreaming the fight on his phone and is saying, "Me making money." Yogurt is standing behind HBomb, confused. End of images description.
something something wilbur had a favorite child and it was not his actual son (based on @bronzetomatoes's post)
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fghniki · 1 year
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Image description: A two-panel comic. The first panel is of a white bluish light shining brightly and saying, "Hello, friend-". The second one is of Steve from Minecraft sitting, gripping his pickaxe and yelling in horror, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT MAN". End of image description.
started watching a minecraft legends video and dropped everything to draw this
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fghniki · 8 months
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Images description: A digitally drawn two-page comic featuring seven characters, each representing a color of the rainbow. In the first page, Green asks: "Who broke this?", holding up a clearly broken sheet of something pink. Orange replies "Blue!". Light Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple and Blue all proceed to independently reply with "Orange", with Yellow going as far as to specify that it was definitely her. In the second page, Green eyes Blue suspiciously, and then proceeds to scold him: "Shame on you for lying so blatantly". Blue screams "Oh come on!" in frustration. End of images description.
#oc_tober / #bweirdOCtober. day 5 + 7: relationship + personality. “impartial”
i think this captures what the main problem of this group is pretty well [reflex]
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A two-page comic depicting a conversation between Schlatt and Connor, characters from Dream SMP in a modern setting alternate universe. Connor is sitting at a reception and is waving at someone, saying "Here's your card. Enjoy your stay at the library!" and getting "tnx" as a reply. Schlatt is standing behind him in a Sonic hoodie and is drinking what looks like a smoothie.
He leans to Connor, asking "Who was that?". Connor replies with "Uh, an Underscore kid." "Like, from Nuke's family?" Schlatt says, visibly confused. "Oh, yeah-" Connor says, "She was your gf in highschool?". Connor continues talking ("apparantely she got prgn… around time… left for law … her … fa… tic… but … i'm … not … with her… though, … different … and … what … about"), but his monologue is barely heard as Schlatt is doing mental math.
Eventually, he has what looks like a horrible realization, and says, shocked, "holy shit". Connor, who looks rather annoyed, replies with "Does the perspective of playing board games terrify you this much." End of images description.
okay here's a stupid ass and very low effort comic for a dsmp modern au i've been brainrotting. now goodbye for 10 000 years until i feel like doing something with this au again
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A series of comics.
Image 1: A two-frame comic. The first frame is depicting a catlady yelling "No! We must persevere!". The second frame depicts a curly-haired boy and a girl sitting on a sofa. The boy seems relatively neutral and only mildly interested, while the girl looks like she's about to cry. The comic is captioned with "7 pm. Home. Watching Nikol's superhero show, I'm growing strangely fond of it".
Image 2: A two-frame comic. Above it, a caption reads "8 pm. Philip's busy with work, so my mom, Nikol and I are eating take-out tonight". On the first frame the girl and the boy are eating, with the girl unwrapping something and with the boy sipping out of a cup, his eyes closed. Someone asks them if anything special happened today. The boy replies with "Not really". On the second frame, the girl says that she almost slipped on a banana peel. The boy's eyes are opened in shock.
Image 3: A two-frame comic captioned with "9 pm. Contemplating if I have the Power...". The words "the Power" are emphasized. In the first frame, the boy is looking at his hand. On the second, someone says "I need to use the bathroom", to which the boy, with his face in rage, yells "I literally JUST entered!!!". The word "just" is in bigger font and is underlined three times.
Image 4: A simple drawing of the boy lying in a bed under a blanket and resting his head on his hands. Two captions say, "10 pm. Until the next day!.." and "if you like this series, please consider supporting me! ko-fi.com/fghniki".
End of images description.
hourlies batch #4 (7-10 pm) (final!) (tag with all of this year’s hourlies in chronological order)
i would normally apologise for the shameless promo at the end, but i'm really not sorry. i lost 10 000 nerve cells making this.
i did have fun though, so i hope you enjoyed this series as much as i did! :)
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A series of short comics.
Image 1: A short comic strip. In the first panel, a boy is banging on the door and saying, "Nikol, I need to use the bathroom". The person behind the door replies, "Gimme a minute!". The boy stands there for a couple of seconds, displeased; but then suddenly starts smiling and knocking on the door multiple times, making a rhythm, and doesn't stop. Just as he's starting to enjoy it, a voice cries out from the bathroom: "I'M DOING MY BEST HERE!". The boy laughs. A caption next to the comic reads, "7 am. As always, Nikol is taking her time preparing for school".
Image 2: A one-panel comic. The boy from the previous strip is sitting on a desk, his face turned red and heavily sweating. Another boy sitting next to him is asking him if he's good. He replies "I',- huff- -fine". Caption below reads, "8 am. We had to run to get to school on time. I hope Nikol slips on a banana peel".
Image 3: A two-panel comic. In the first panel, the protagonist is called out to answer in front of the class. He asks his friend whether he's going to help him. His friend says that he can count on him. In the second panel the protagonist is standing in front of the teacher, looking at his friend showing him a sign with "F" written on it. The teacher, not seeing the friend, is asking the protagonist "Do you really know nothing about halogens?". Caption next to the comic reads, "9 am. I was hit with the realisation that Mitko owes me 20 leva".
Image 4: A drawing of a phone making a "ping sound" while laying on a school notebook. A caption reads, "10 am. Having a normal one in Guardians' gc". Next to it is a fake screenshot taken in a messenger app. Time is 10:18, and the chat is called "Minecraft server". A user called "Krisi" is typing. The dialogue below is as follows: M.: Guys I'm soo sorry, my mom just told me to babysit my sis 😭 so i won't be able to come today. I'm really really sorry 😢😢😢 Krisi: Np, good luck w ur sis Phone user, the protagonist: np. i doubt we’ll have any incidents anyhow, considering wendsday xd dostoevsky's 1868 novel, replying to the protagonist's message: nice spelling shitlord protagonist, replying to their message: i hope your dorm gets infected with cockoraches dostoevsky's 1868 novel: why do you wish such cruel fate upon me dostoevsky's 1868 novel, again: is it because im a woman D.S.: Does anyone know how to disable notifications?
End of images description.
hourlies batch #1 (7-10 am) (tag with all of this year’s hourlies in chronological order) (if it doesn’t work im sorry)
also, because i'm not sure how well it reads for non-bulgarians: here teachers call students out by the number in the class list
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A series of short comics & sketches.
Image 1: A three-panel comic of someone greeting a girl with braids, of a curly-haired boy and the girl with braids going somewhere while talking, and then passing through some kind of portal into a different dimension. A caption next to the comic says "3 pm. Patrol time!".
Image 2: A two-panel comic. The first panel depicts the two kids from the previous image standing in front of a door. One of them knocks. "Who's there?" a voice from behind the door asks. "Me! Anyone home?" the boy replies. "Nope!". The girl chimes in with "Um... I'm also here...". In the second panel, a door opens, and a boy with a cornflower drawn over his left eye is behind it. "Oh! Hi, Krisi!" he says with a happy face. A caption behind the comic says, "4 pm. Universe hates me, so we had to go to Lord's place".
Image 3: A simple sketch with a caption above it: "5 pm. Thankfully, Lord wasn't home, so we hung out with Corny. There were no useful books in his library, though, so at some point we just resorted to doing our homework. When Corny saw Kristina studying for her English test, he decided to recite a poem he knew. He wasn't good". The sketch is depicting the same trio from the previous image in a library. The boy and and Kristina are sitting at the table with rather disgruntled faces. Corny is standing on a chair next to the table, jesturing dramatically with his eyes closed.
Image 4: A simple sketch of Kristina and the boy eating while sitting in a field, captioned with "6 pm. Ate our snacks and did some actual patrolling before going home".
End of images description.
hourlies batch #3 (3-6 pm) (tag with all of this year’s hourlies in chronological order)
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A series of short comics.
Image 1: A simple drawing. It's is captioned on top with, "11 am: During lunch break The Bro Council™, learning about Mitko's violation of The Bro Code© has made the decision to sentence him to doing two of my Bulgarian homeworks. I love democracy ❤". Below it, there is a drawing of a sad boy being sprinkled with bread crumbs by a boy on his right. On his left another boy is happily eating something, holding a cup in his hands. There are sillouetes of two people in front of them; they have the same facial expressions as the Crumb Sprinkler: they're incredibly disappointed.
Image 2: A drawing of the curly-haired boy from the previous image, standing with his hands pressed together, ready to catch a volley ball. He's dressed in a sports singlet. There's a confused girl with a ponytail behind him and someone jumping to catch the ball in front of him. A caption says, "12 pm. I hate to give The Idiot credit for anything, but the exercises she recommended work wonders. I might get a B this year!".
Image 3: A drawing of a pair of shoes walking over some tiles. Plants are growing in the cracks between them. A caption reads, "1 pm. Going home. I wonder if it'll snow this year".
Image 4: A short comic. In the first frame, a hand is writing something down next to a drawing of a triangle and a circle. In the second one, an answer to what seems to be the Math problem is seen: 69. In the third frame the curly-haired boy's face has the expression of the utmost satisfaction, with the word "NICE" being written next to it. The caption says, "2 pm. Did some homework before patrol".
End of images description.
hourlies batch #2 (11 am-2 pm) (tag with all of this year’s hourlies in chronological order)
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fghniki · 1 year
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Image description: A short comic of a boy, Grisha, and a girl, Vasilena.
In the first frame, Grisha is boasting with his eyes closed, while Vasilena is standing behind him with her survachka -- a nicely decorated stick -- and is ready to strike. In the second frame, she is hitting him on the back full force; he's visibly shocked.
In the third frame, Grisha is laying on the ground with Vasilena standing above him. There is "Wasted" written above Grisha. End of image description.
Survachka is a decorated branch of dogwood, which, according to the old Bulgarian custom, is used to "survakat" each other on New Year: lightly pat on the back while wishing health, happiness and prosperity. The key word is "lightly".
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