genyatta · 6 years
Genyatta Week
Here’s a link to my AO3 where I’m doing Genyatta week since Tumblr isn’t being cooperative and letting me upload the full stories on tumblr :‘D 
Genyatta Week Day 1
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genyatta · 6 years
Shimada Book of Charms by nerdy-flower.
Part 2 of the Witches of Gibraltar series, it’s all fine and good until Genji and Zenyatta get cursed.
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genyatta · 6 years
I’m Such a Fan (Chapter 19) by Blacklacelilacs on AO3. 
In the aftermath, there’s nothing to do but wait for the storm to pass. But has it passed, or is it just the eye of the storm?
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genyatta · 6 years
Severed by primalrage on AO3. Where soulmates can write on their non-dominant arm to communicate, it sucks when that limb is amputated. But, somehow, the world finds a way.
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genyatta · 6 years
Complete, Rated T, No Warnings Apply
Some changes here.
Harder Times by casualhomesatanism (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
A picture’s worth a hundred memories – but not all memories are happy. Genji and Zenyatta help each other through them. Their piece for Genyatta Zine Vol. 2.
 When the light came through by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Personal Warning for NON-graphic description of violence and injury. Zenyatta is hurt, and Genji realizes that despite how untouchable his teacher seems at times, he’s not.
 Expectations by robotfvckers (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human Zen teaches Genji how to kiss.
 Reach forth, reach backwards by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Zenyatta Appreciation Week. A year and a day have passed since Mondatta’s death – the cycle is complete, so the Shambali approach Zenyatta to be leader of the Shambali.
Many things are brought to light, and Zenyatta’s not entirely sure how to react to any of this. Genji tries to help him.
 how strange it is to be anything at all by celestialfics (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji and Zen’s first meeting, and them becoming companions, and Genji finding a home in Nepal.
 Better Half  by LoliTurk (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Summary says it best: “Zenyatta has an important story to tell and spends too much time worrying about all the things that could go wrong, that he risks sabotaging what could be a wonderful moment. Luckily, Genji will not let that happen.”
 Treasure by Omnicode (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Pet names/Nicknames) Summary says it best: “Loving someone is to cherish them. Loving someone is to be intimate with them. Loving someone is to laugh with them. For best results, combine all three.”
 Looking Forward by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Parents/Babysitters/Interacting with Kids). Summary says it best: “During a disaster relief effort, Genji and Zenyatta find a child. As they bring her to safety, Genji wonders if a family is something that might be in their future.”
 A Storm by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Snow Day.) A blizzard traps Genji and Zenyatta in a cave. Good. They have a few things to discuss.
 The Stars Watch Us From Heaven by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Music/Dance). Genji’s father recently passed away, so he tries to lose himself in the Tanabata festival where he meets a strange omnic.
 Stop and Remember by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Snow Day). Snow brings up some memories for Zenyatta, not all of them pleasant. Genji tries to help him.
 First Steps by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Love on the Battlefield). Summary says it best: “Where Genji learns to trust again.”
 Memories for Tomorrow by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Music/Dance).Zenyatta finds something that reminds him of Before. Genji shows him it’s okay to move on while still remembering the past.
 Nature Reclaims All by LightPinkTheColorOfMyAura (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Hanahaki disease fic with angst and pining Zenyatta.
 Crush by nerdy-flower (baconnegg) (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
McHanzo and Genyatta, though it’s mostly about the Shimada bros trying their best to be brothers. Genji invites Hanzo and McCree over to his and Zenyatta’s apartment to celebrate the New Year.
 Blossoming touch by crystalldragon (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta encourages Genji to write a diary to express the things he cannot say. The omnic does so as well, but ends up writing a letter to Genji instead.
 A Counterpoint to Balance by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Lacertae’s gift for marshmellowtoast for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Sentai/Cultist AU. It’s hard to be a Sentai Ranger, especially when you’re trying to date your nemesis (and don’t even know it…)
 Love, Open Beta by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
greygerbil’s gift to Ace for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Zenyatta loves Genji. It is a strange feeling, having never been in love before. (Featuring Mondatta as the older brother figure.)
mask of the sparrowby void_emissary (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
void_emissary’s gift for ironoverwine for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Oni Genji and Sanzang/Cultist Zenyatta. Genji is rescued from the cold by Zenyatta.
that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam by twicedamnedharlot (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
twicedamnedharlot’s gift for Knisspel for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Honestly the summary is best: “Zenyatta's new boyfriend is Kamen Dragon's publicity agent.
He really should have cleaned his room before he came over.”
 Love Blind by WinterSorceress (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
WinterSorceress’s gift for Snowwhitebirdie for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Lena sets Genji and Zenyatta up on a blind date.
 Stop the Dams by MedicDuFresne (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
MedicDuFresne’s gift for galadrigal for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Human, College AU. Zenyatta finds a stressed-out Genji on the roof one early morning.
 Back on Track by MedicDuFresne (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
MedicDuFresne’s gift to honeycola for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Not everyone sees eye-to-eye in the new Overwatch.
 Shelter by Naopao (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Naopao’s gift for kesaheiina for the Genyatta Secret Santa. Genji’s recurring dreams are comforting in their familiarity, until they are comfortable in the unfamiliar.
 A Winter’s Date Night by MedicDuFresne (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human, College AU. It’s date night for Genji and Zenyatta.
 Firsts by Starshifter (blueiaf) (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
The first meeting between Genji and Zenyatta happens when Genji’s running from the cops and accidentally enters someone’s home.
 Mind, Body, and Soul by Grovey (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji and Zenyatta at the Shambali Monastery as Genji comes to terms with his own self (and feelings for Zenyatta, who’s dealing with his own issues).
 kisses & rainfalls by crystalldragon (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human, College AU that is all fluff. Genji and Zenyatta wait in the rain for Mondatta to pick the latter up after a trip to Japan.
 Isolation by fre (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji’s experience with death and how he associates himself haunts him. Zenyatta does his best to help.
 Where the Past and Future Meet by KNACC (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji and Zenyatta sort through an old storage locker that holds relics from Genji’s past. Part of the “Something About Us Verse” series.
 Deepest Sympathies by Beldam (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Reverse AU; Genji helps Zenyatta after the death of one of his brothers.
 Summer Start by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
 Oh the Time That Has Passed by MedicDuFrense (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for PutridVodka’s Hidden AU, combines canon with AU.
 Rhythmic by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Pre-ship dancing.
 A Purple Glow in the Dark by BenevolentErrancy (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Shit goes sideways as Genji and Zenyatta make their way to Gibraltar after the Recall. Bittersweet. Has a fight scene in it but not a graphic one.
 Folding Papers by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Starts out pre-relationship and ends with established Genyatta. Genji wants to give Zenyatta a gift since he’s been under the monk’s tutelage for a year now.
 Lend Me a Hand by Sp00kWorm (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Author might be Spookworm; it’s hard for me to tell. Anyway, fluffy as cotton candy marriage proposal.
 like sunlight dripping by SmugShimada (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Nomad Genji and Sunyatta Zenyatta. Fluffy drabble.
 a little world created by love by crystalldragon (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Non-binary Zenyatta and Genji take a vacation and discuss the possibility of children.
 Along the path Happiness Follows by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Friends to lovers. Honestly the summary is best. It’s a slightly longer read, but worth it.
 being more (than what i’ve been) by mywordsflyup (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
College Librarian AU.
 I Think, Therefore by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Bastion has some questions about love.
 Touch by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is both touch starved and reluctant to initiate contact.
 The Greatest Life and Stickiest Leaves by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
I have to make honorable mention of one of my favorite tags: “Shimada Genji’s Affection Erection”. Anyway, fantasy/mythical creature AU with unresolved romantic tension and pining Genji.
 Cardamom and Pepper Kick by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Technically part of a series, but the first part is incomplete McHanzo and is unnecessary to read to enjoy this one. Anyway, supernatural AU featuring fluffy, domestic witches and oracles.
 The Mistletoe Started It by Mo-Mouse (abyssmalDeath) (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
In which Genji and Zenyatta kiss under mistletoe and proceed from there.
 A Letter to an Old Friend by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji struggles for words here, too. Luckily, Zenyatta knows how to help him.
 Tannenbaum by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2016. Just holiday fluff.
 Follows Me Everyday by goonyte (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genyatta Week 2016
 Preternatural by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
AU where Genji is a dragon and Zenyatta seeks to help those who need it.
 Trust by Unchained_Silver (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji eventually shows his trust to Zenyatta – by showing his face. Zenyatta has a crush.
 Take a Load Off by alohiel (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
The Overwatch team has a Thanksgiving feast. Featuring sweaters and Bohemian Rhapsody.
 parlez-vous francais? ;) by slxightofhand (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings/None Apply)
Literally just kissing.
 A New Man by Sp00kworm (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Again, might be SpOOkworm (it’s hard for me to tell). Anyway, one shot about Zenyatta helping Genji in the very beginning. More about Zenyatta than Genyatta.
 Sugar Crystal Sisyphus by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human AU where Genji works in an ice cream parlor and is a little in love with one of their regulars.
 curse.exe by Byacolate, mywordsflyup (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Frog Prince AU. Has a podfic by Arioch that’s about 55 minutes long. Podfic is the second link.
 Touch Starved by chelseyelric (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is touch starved, but is afraid to initiate it. Zenyatta has no such boundaries.
 Similar Pains by Corvidae_Corvus (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
First meeting between Genji and Zenyatta. Zenyatta heals Genji, but physical wounds are fleeting compared to those on souls.
 Floating by chelseyelric (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji got an upgrade and is now able to levitate like Zenyatta. Well, he would be if he stopped overthinking it. Zenyatta helps him with the happy thoughts part of the Peter Pan saying.
 A Chapel of Unreason by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Cuddles. Literally just cuddles. Established Genyatta.
 The Saltiest Sea Knows its Own Way to Me by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Just gentle fluff.
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genyatta · 6 years
Hanakotoba by Naopao on AO3. Different flowers for different feelings, they bloom from inside his chasis. Hanahaki fic.
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genyatta · 6 years
Complete, Rated T, “Graphic”Depictions of Violence
Congrats on making it to the halfway point.
 The Rookie by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Written for Genyatta Week 2018 (Prompt: Different Skins). Blackwatch Genji and Carbon Fiber Zenyatta get to know each other.
 Road to Nowhere by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
greygerbil’s gift for Jojo for the Genyatta Secret Santa. The first meeting between Genji and Zenyatta happens at a capsule hotel in Shanghai. A series of moments leads to new opportunities. While it is tagged with Graphic Depictions of Violence, it’s not super awful.
 A Call to Arms by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
The Shambali are attacked, and Genji and Zenyatta are of the few able to help. Doesn’t mean Genji’s not worried about it though. (Part of Genyatta Week 2016.)
 Hesitation by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Genji is reminded of how precious his and Zenyatta’s time together is and comes to the conclusion that he has a question to ask.
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genyatta · 6 years
I’m Such a Fan (Chapter 15)  by Blacklacelilacs on AO3.
Before the storm.
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genyatta · 6 years
Clarity Line (Chapter 15) by SimonBlackchill on AO3. Things come to a head.
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genyatta · 6 years
Recall (Chapter 2) by nerdy-flower. Taking place in their “Shimada Brothers Need Healing” verse, four grown men plus a dog go camping.
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genyatta · 6 years
Begin (Chapter 1 of 3) by nerdy-flower (baconnegg) on AO3. Genji’s story from the author’s “the Shimada Brothers Need Healing” series.
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genyatta · 6 years
I’m Such a Fan (Chapter 13) by Blacklacelilacs. Sentai AU where Zenyatta is a fanboy of the Sentai Rangers - especially Green Sentai. Our favorite duo finally manages to have the conversation they’ve been meaning to have for some time.
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genyatta · 6 years
Expectations by robotfvckers on AO3. Summary says it best: “Despite the rumors, Genji’s never been kissed.”
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genyatta · 6 years
Happy Blogaversary, you guys. ~Mod Mage
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genyatta · 6 years
Complete, Rated T, Chose Not to Use Warnings
Just because people choose not to use warnings doesn’t mean there aren’t any. I try to include some for things I know people are bugged by without spoiling too much, but I’m human and miss things.
Fallen Snow by Sadina Saphrite (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Personal warnings for descriptions of injury and near death-experiences for Genji. Not everyone who travels up the Shambali’s mountain is friendly. Genji and Zen go to help.
 The walk back. by Trashcanfiction (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Fanfiction of Lacertae’s “Counterpoint to Balance”, picks up right where it left off.
 Midnight by fre (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji gets drunk on New Years and is very sentimental. Zenyatta finds it cute.
(Implied Sexual Content, but not while Genji is drunk.)
 Things Are Changing by sociallychallengednerd (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji comforts Zenyatta after hearing about Mondatta’s death.
 Blankets and Comforters by UranianProcyonid (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji suffers from sleep paralysis, and Zenyatta helps him calm down after an episode.
 Blinding by Ora (Finale) (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Junkenstein verse story. The Summoner and the Witch try to blind the Iris by killing of its servants. (Symmetra/Mercy, implied Genyatta).
 The Path is Never Straight by sturmfreii (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Deals with Genji having a heavy dissociation episode and Zenyatta trying to help him. Lots of fluff at the end.
 Universal Motion by Balenae (Rated T; Chose not to Use Warnings)
Mondatta and Zenyatta have a discussion. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth.
 parlez-vous francais? ;) by slxightofhand (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings/None Apply)
Literally just kissing.
 New experiences by Iyrs (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
In which Zenyatta wonders what it would be like to feel, and Genji shows him that he can.
 Hug by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Recovery is not a straight line. Zenyatta helps Genji.
 Softly by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Kissing. That’s it.
 Sketches and Kisses by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji decides to sketch Zenyatta one day.
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genyatta · 6 years
Ryujin Sentai Goranger - Season 3: Episodes 1-11 (Chapter 7) by choriarty on AO3. Shambali ambassador Zenyatta travels to Hanamura to oversee the building of another Shambali temple. He didn’t really believe in the reports of monsters and superheroes until he saw them for himself. He seems to be rather taken with Green Sentai.... and one of his hosts for his stay; Shimada Genji.
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