#fics from my playlist
up-to-some-good · 1 year
Fics from my playlist (3/?)
You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time"
The Black Lake was quiet in the middle of the day. It was what Lily loved about exam season, especially NEWTs: all of the younger students were busy writing exams while the 7th years were given extra study time, so the grounds were empty and calm.
James was humming softly as the sat by the water in the shade, her head in his lap and his fingers in her hair. It used to annoy her that he couldn't ever sit still, but annoying fidgets had turned into playing with her hair and tracing fingers down her spine and suddenly, it was less annoying.
"What did you want to do after school?" she asked.
He looked down at her, glasses slipping down his nose and frowning slightly.
"I'm sure I've told you? I'm hoping to get into Auror training," he answered. "And we'll be on the frontlines together with the Order."
"Not that, I know that," she said. "I mean what did you want to do when you were a kid, when you didn't have to worry about grades? What would you do if there wasn't a war to worry about?"
He leaned back and pushed his glasses back, humming again as he thought about it.
"Before I got my Hogwarts letter, I always thought I'd be play quidditch professionally," he answered eventually. "Hell, even after I got it I thought that would be it. But I don't know if that's for me anymore."
"Why not?"
He looked up at the sky, squinting at the sun and avoiding eye contact.
"It's silly."
Lily sat up and pulled his face down so he had to look her in the eye.
"I don't care."
James sighed.
"I wouldn't want to travel all that much," he said. "I'd want to be at home, with you and whatever kids we'd have. I could stay at home with them, look after them during the day and you could go be a Healer or a Potioneer or anything, really. I'd have dinner warm and waiting when you got home. We'd have a little cottage somewhere with a garden and we could just be happy and in love forever."
Lily leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"When all this is over," she whispered. "When evil is defeated and the world is safe, I'd love to have a quiet, happy life with you."
Previous fics from my playlist (Wolfstar):
The Great War Don't Blame Me
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