kelmping · 6 months
the fact that pluralkit is in the official dropout server (which is absolutely wonderful and made the host feel incredibly safe to see) is kinda funny to me. like, i'm the only one in the system who might talk there, if it felt like we were being to annoying about my source — but at the same time, i can never fucking proxy in there, because i will be clocked immediately even after changing my icon from the official art
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wearehugh · 8 months
i enjoy watching lwd because it feels like a show that would have existed within federation pop culture. right down to confronting stereotypes and being very openly weird
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marinmers · 8 months
our finn has a whole megapost for his canon and i’m just over here posting “btw the movie luca was a historical event pre-mushroom war”
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hazeldragonblossoms · 8 months
i miss professors malistaire and sylvia.
for all the times malistaire was unapproachable to others, he was understanding to his students. he was a teacher. a mentor. almost a father. he knew what it was like to be so overwhelmed and angry that all you could do was lash out. he paid attention to us. he never intentionally pressed us beyond our limits. he never threatened us, be it with violence or otherwise. he was kind. he understood trauma. he always made me feel safe.
and the same was true of professor sylvia. she was a wonderful teacher, mentor, and surrogate mother. she fiercely protected us, all crackling magic and cool, collected calm. she built us up. she comforted us when everything we built crumbled. she would listen if we needed to talk, and distract us if we couldn’t. she was gentle, but a force to be reckoned with, and she taught us how to be the same way.
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monstermertens · 8 months
alright, here’s how things went down about as far as i remember;
edit: i've added dividers to represent the various "arcs" of my memories' "plot." there are three major arcs so far, as well as an "epilogue," and while the second and third blocks are still pretty big, i think they're a lot more manageable!
last updated: oct. 19th
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vampworld was the result of a wish for simon to never become ice king. which, technically, yeah. he sure didn't do that. it was Way Worse.
aside from the opening where little marcy is stealing simon’s shoe, all events shown in the episode “the star” happened as normally depicted.
i was left in the tank, and once pep finished repairs, we went moving to look for bonnie. she was really badly hurt, drained of most of her color, but was able to patch herself up just enough to keep from. not getting back up. she spent a few days in the tank to recover.
i reached the milestones of a five year old within the first day in the tank. i guess i was pretty irritating, because bonnie eventually had peptank equip me with some basic equipment and let me outside to explore, so long as i kept within peptank’s proximity.
bonnie kept an eye on me from inside, and photographed me to document my growth progress throughout the whole thing. we had photos of me at the approximate ages of one (initial arrival), five (initial spurt), eight (when bonnie was lucid enough to notice), ten (photograph taken by the star), and every year since thirteen. my growth leveled out at around fifteen, and bonnie’s hypothesis was that something about babyworld inherently kept its inhabitants young.
i called it the neverland effect, and the name stuck, even though she thought it was too whimsical :p
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anyway! while i was exploring, i did a lot of scavenging, and i had a watch so i could talk to peptank! when i reached about ten i started to go inside buildings, and that’s when the pillow corner really got started. i tried to grab “useful” stuff like tools or rare curios, but i ended up stuffing my backpack with every scrap of threadbare fabric and squashed pillow i could find.
and so, the pillow corner was born.
the scraps i collected supplied a lot of what i wore until i was physically ten. bonnie reworked some of peptank’s assistive arms to make him into a temporary clothing manufacturer cause i outgrew everything super fast
i know i was captured by the star around ten. she sent a photo of me to bonnie. i remember that much.
bonnie didn’t have the manpower to get me back and was forced into a toxic domestic situationship with the star. this part is where my rate of aging gradually started to slow down. we lived in the vampire city, and most of the star’s thralls left us alone
for timeline’s sake, i was ten when i was kidnapped and held hostage, and the memories start to trickle back at around fifteen, but really come back full force at 16-17. zero to fifteen was about a week, ten to fifteen was a couple days, and beyond age “fifteen” is when i slowed to start aging normally. bonnie and the star were together for years.
i was trans, but really clearly a dude from the get-go. bonnie had me on hrt pretty quick. a pretty painless process all told — i mostly just forgot about it, y’feel? (and i still do sometimes, despite the body being afab!)
i lost my arm while exploring outside the vampire city during that time. the star had less explicit control out there, but punishment was just as swift for the vampire who attacked me.
the full story is… graphic. and intense. but it’s over here if you wanna read it.
i know a lot about how the vampire nobility worked! back in the old days, it was basically just individualist imperialism, where vamps had to Start strong and Stay strong in order to stay on top and ensure their survival. it was well established by the time the vk took in the star. by the time i met her, she generally didn’t bother sucking up the souls of vamps she considered below her, and was used from time to time as a threat by the vk for others to stay in line. and she loved it.
but, when i was around sixteen or seventeen, the empress stole the vk’s crown and went rogue to do her own thing anyway. start her own vampire city. meanwhile, the crown somehow ended up back in the hands of our world’s simon petrikov, who had never escaped her thrall. the empress made him maintain the sun-blocking clouds put in place by the vk.
our simon petrikov was… i don’t know how to say it without sounding insensitive. but he was something truly, ghoulishly inhuman. most of the time, the crown was on his head, but there were times where he would keep it on his hip like he did when he was with marcy in the main timeline. blood on his hands and a crazed, almost hollow look in his eye. he was terrifying.
once in a while, he’d have a moment of lucidity where he wasn’t consumed by her spell or his own dissociative devotion. that was sy.
i met both simon and sy when i was around fourteen or fifteen. first simon, as something to be feared, then sy, as someone to be helped.
tldr; they were a system. when i first heard of them, they were just simon petrikov. but then i met sy and realized what was going on.
…the star came looking for me, since i’d technically run away from being her captive. she saw simon/sy, and she got. mad.
she hated him for leaving her when she was a kid. he tried to explain the situation with simon, but simon had had his time in the back seat and forced himself to the front despite sy’s protests.
i think something in her broke. but like, in such a way that something else started working again. she started moving towards becoming marcy.
marcy, bonnie and i helped sy and simon out, and they learned to work together. after we eventually took out the vampire king, sy and marcy reconnected, and marcy helped simon adjust. they moved in together after our finale, when the sun came out. bonnie and i stayed nearby with peptank.
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marshall was. honestly just a really weird coincidence? like. freakish. but he was a more relatively recent attempt at adoption by sy, similar to marcy, and he was a lost werewolf prince — kinda like rapunzel in tangled? but as a monster prince, he was entitled to challenge vk for the title of king of all monsters. after that, the magic crown would be his by right. (luckily, he wanted no part of that thing.)
the werewolves were originally a pack as large as the vampire clan, but by my time they’d been reduced to a small rebel faction. marshall was the son of their last king, but he didn’t originally know any of them. they were similar to the railroad in fallout 4? the only ones left who really had the means to take down the established oligarchy, but far from the only ones against it.
…i had a goofball crush on marshall. he was about seventeen, i was around sixteen, but then he found out that i was originally from babyworld and had only spent a year or so in vampworld. but he was cool! kinda like a big brother or older cousin.
monsters were like the elementals of our world. some canon elementals existed too — candy, fire, ice, and slime — but my timeline’s “elements miniseries" equivalent surrounded vampires, werewolves, wizards, and demons, and might've been after the finale...?
marcy took a role similar to pb and fp. she was the vampire queen, in her giant bat form, with all her character development flushed down the toilet. and it made her sick to come back from.
our “finale” — my timeline’s equivalent to the last episode of adventure time — involved a werewolf/vampire standoff, with most other people left alive on the side of the werewolves. i was kinda like the sole survivor, if you remember the fallout 4 metaphor from earlier. y’know, running around helping folks, recruiting them to help our cause in exchange for protection from vagabonds and vampires.
marcy was… akin to zuko, if he didn’t become the firelord at the end. she fought, but like i said, she and simon lived on the outskirts, kinda like bucky’s initial steps to recovery in wakanda, but with a buddy. two for one, with sy and simon as her roomie!
preeeetty sure simon and sy were originally jewish, too. they and bucky are pretty similar, actually — go figure!
vampworld didn’t have a finn anymore before me. i usurped him and took our narrative role, since… he was already dead. or i guess he was just never born?
no humans untouched by vampirism or some other monsterous affliction or magical protection survived the initial fallout of the mushroom war. most other stuff was able to mutate, but... well, if you've watched arcane, "nature has made us intolerant to change. fortunately, we have the capacity to change our nature."
it would explain why simon/“ice king” would initially be the only one capable of surviving rather than sy, since he was using the crown to keep them alive.
we had a betty though! she went missing and was presumed dead at the end of the mushroom war, which, turned out to be the time travel thing with hambo, like in canon. again, to draw a parallel to fallout 4 — she was like nick valentine. except we weren’t all that close since i knew other humans already. i had fuzzy memories of fionna and her simon, martin, and huntress, (all human), and bonnie told me about them while i was growing up. and the fact that more humans did come out of vaults like to the ones vault-tec built. (guess that explains what little human population there was.)
so that’s where vampworld martin came from. poor guy.
we had a minerva campbell too, but she never knew martin mertens, and she had lost her son when he was young…? she didn’t like talking about it. but something in her told me that she was just like my original mom, back in babyworld. i didn’t like thinking about that. frankly i still don’t so i’m gonna lock that up and move on
my timeline's equivilant to the "islands miniseries" also took place after the "finale."
i dunno if i ever found out why huntress wasn’t a wizard. maybe she would’ve been, if she hadn’t gotten ganked by the star. …whoops.
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my timeline had a nico the catboy. he was still a cat, but he lived out somewhere with a werewolf pack, i think. we met after the showdown against the vk, and he was really cool. we started dating kinda by accident — luckily i had more life experience and he was more comfortable with dating me than marshall was. which i’m glad for, ‘cause marshall was a great familio-platonic bestie, and nico was a great partner.
nico was taller than me, long and lanky. He liked to sprawl out on top of me no matter what position i was in. and when i played with his hair, and scalp massages where i scratched behind his ears. his hair was super long, too — he rarely ever cut it.
if i had to assign him a human race, i’d say he was diné, at least in part. there were definitely holdovers from human culture across ooo, and that one resonates with what i remember about my nico and how he would read as being “coded.”
i, on the other hand, mostly cut my hair short. after the first time i chopped it all off when i was ten or twelve, it was never longer than about my shoulderblades.
i got a lot more comfortable taking my arm off with nico around. i didn’t like not wearing it since it’d lost it traumatically and shiz, but nico just… i dunno. he made it easier.
i used to sleep curled up in his arms with my face buried the crook of his neck. he smelled good, like boyfriend hoodies and a healthy cat. lean and muscular, so he was basically the ideal proportions for my sweaty ass to hold at night.
he was also super easy to lift, which i did all the time. i’d just scoop him up and carry him off, either because i was feeling needy or to help him calm down. eventually, i was able to haul him under my left arm just as gently as i could carry him bridal style.
this post is an ever-expanding wip as i remember stuff, so have a guinea pig 🐹
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pixel art credit: 🌌 | 🌆 | 🏙️ | 🌄
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roseandrew22444 · 4 months
Hello fellow authors! 👋 Excited to join this amazing group of talented writers. I'm Rose Andrew a passionate book promoter here to support and celebrate your literary achievements. Looking forward to connecting and helping each other thrive in our literary journeys. Let's create something extraordinary together! 📚✨ #BookPromotion #AuthorsUnite"
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wlwboo · 4 months
actor john goodman: speaks
my goofy ass who wasn't looking at the screen: dad?
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vtoshkatur · 5 months
my brother is so fucking funny
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“vulcans have no emotions” my ass. one of the most expressive one of us i’ve ever met and i’m fucking counting myself
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jewishmunsons · 5 months
i think there should be reblog games just for fictives. drop a song from your playlist that would get you crucified by the fandom mine is either caramelldansen, again by yui, or ready now by dodie
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stoatdad · 5 months
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hello! my name is geoffrey (he/him), and i’m a stoat that can read!
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i’m a fictive from d20, as you can probably tell from the mustelidic theming of this blog. i’m part of the @merlynic system, and i’m essentially here to hang out and love a lot :]
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i do make an effort to tag things such as gore and child death (syntax: “[topic] cw”), but don’t hesitate to shoot me a message if i slip — i promise to only bite in play!
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happy trails!
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addysinclaires · 6 months
i miss ambrose. not bo not ma definitely not dad. not even the museum. i jst miss the. town. i wanna wander and know that nobody will see me or hear my anguished screaming in the woods or notice me going missing for hours on end and coming back caked in mud with my shirt torn by prickers and thorns and spines because i followed a deer path like an idiot
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kelmping · 7 months
rewatching my source is Interesting because canon!me will say “my phone doesn’t have a screen” and then various system members always pipe up with “yes it does. how else would you see what speed dial number you’re calling 🤨”
he means it doesn’t have a touchscreen
“it has a screen that can be touched 🤔”
you know what i mean—
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farmverse · 7 months
andif i posted writing. what th
cw; adult discussing his own hypersexuality and as a teenager, mentions of teen pregnancy
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“My history is… complicated,” he says lamely. His new jeans are still stiff. He hasn’t properly worn in his boots yet. His only options with his jacket are to keep it on or hold it in his lap, and his prosthetic makes taking it off and putting it back on easier said than done anyway, but it’s uncomfortably warm in the uncomfortably quiet room.
“What isn’t, these days?” The man sitting across from him reminds him almost of his mother. His laminated nametag reads Dr. Marvin Campbell, and his blond hair is starting to thin, covered with a white little hat that Farm forgets the name of. “With that Scarab guy showing up and attacking the city, I mean. Since then, nothing has been the same.”
Farm examines his fingernails. Over the years, he’s mastered the art of biting them cleanly and evenly, since he can’t hold a set of clippers with the claw of his prosthesis. “My complications go back further than that, I’m afraid. I’m… like that Scarab guy, in a way.”
“That’s right — you and your family came from another timeline…” Dr. Campbell’s fingers move lightning-quick over his exceedingly loud keyboard. Maybe the horrible sound is supposed to help him type faster. “Your original world had magic, didn’t it?”
“Not always.” Farm’s kids aren’t here, so he doesn’t bother censoring himself. “I didn’t fuck with it. Tried to stay as far away as I could. At first, I just didn’t believe in it, but…”
Boy, that old fartbag sure proved you wrong, huh!
Technically, the so-called “Vampire Queen” hadn’t done much. That had been Finn.
The crown.
And me!
Farm flexes his left hand forcefully, then shakes it out in an attempt to banish his nerves. It sort of works. Almost.
“…It did some shit to me that I’ve… just had to learn to deal with. And I didn’t always do the best or smartest thing. I-I know that. But I’ve… I’ve done my best. Tried to give my kids a safe childhood. Keep them clothed and fed and happy.”
“And that’s commendable. You should be proud of that, Farm.”
He wants to believe it, but it feels empty.
“…But I’ve also done some things I’m not proud of.” He sighs heavily. “When I was a teenager, I put on a magic crown that granted me ice powers and fractured my psyche. I… hurt a lot of people. My own family included. And, afterwards, I made some particularly bad choices.” He shifts. “I think I felt like… I had ruined the morale of the people around me. So I had to boost it, somehow. And, one thing led to another…”
“What do you mean by that?”
“…Please don’t make me say it.”
“I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, here.”
Farm meets Dr. Campbell’s gaze, at once both reluctant and deliberate. “I told people to use me however they wanted. And they did. And I-” (Fuck, why is his throat choking?)
Dr. Campbell is so fucking patient. The look he’s giving Farm now is the same look Minerva Mertens gave him when he first tried to tell her at sixteen that she was going to be a grandmother. But he’d thrown up and stumbled out, and she had never known.
Deep breath. Slow down. Cool off. You got this.
When he tries to speak again, he manages to keep his voice level. “…I gave birth to my first son when I was seventeen. I still don’t know who his other parent is.”
There’s a brief pause before the next question. “How old is he now?”
The question nearly makes him flinch. Its silly, really. But he answers anyway, because to hide away from it would just be pathetic. “He’s almost fourteen. Does great in school, polite, good-hearted — he’s the reason we moved here, honestly. If he and Dez hadn’t snuck out, we’d probably all still be in Farmworld.”
Farm blushes a little. “Uh, my original timeline.” He rubs the back of his neck, idly tucking his light hair back under his cap. “Fionna came up with the name, and it stuck.”
Dr. Campbell laughs. There’s a moment of recognition, like he’s just speaking with a friend’s father, before the veneer of professionalism goes back up over the conversation.
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marinmers · 8 months
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redrew a luca screenshot as myself but used the at style as a model :3c
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refs + full bg (by sue mondt and sandra lee)
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hazeldragonblossoms · 7 months
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stuff frm the sys notepad
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monstermertens · 8 months
i’m pretty canon divergent as it turns out. not that anyone should be surprised by that
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