#addy mumbles
addysinclaires · 10 months
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junkmailmusubi · 6 months
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tunes to get a good night's sleep to
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yncoreee · 2 months
YOU’RE PRETTY. Danielle X reader
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Synopsis— Danielle can’t help but be intrigued by you, your cold and quiet demeanor. She keeps trying her best to atleast make you crack a smile even if it was a small one.
Warnings .ᐟ Grumpy X sunshine, School au, Y/n is basically like a stone, probably will be a part 2 & 3, Dani is like the class clown,don’t be surprised if it’s trashy I basically wrote this at 2:00am,female reader, FLUFF
꩜ — ⵌWord count 1529
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Yes she cracked another joke that caused the whole class to laugh or atleast smile. Including the teacher.
The whole class except one person. Y/n….
Instead she looked very annoyed from her facial expressions Danielle could tell. In addy to her annoyance she muttered something as she brought out her headphones plugging it into her ears and continued to draw.
Curiosity piped in and Danielle wanted to know more about this strange girl who looked grumpy as hell.
Although they have been in the same class for what seemed like a month, she never got her name.
By the end of the class as everyone stood up to talk to each other or walk out from the class, Danielle made her way towards y/n smiling brightly.
She lightly tapped the girl on her shoulders smiling even wider as she removed her headphones to look up to her.
“Hiii! My name is Danielle and you must be?” She expressed with the brightest smile that could warm anyone’s heart holding up her hands for her to shake.
The girl glared her hands before looking back to her. “Y/n” she muttered in a cold tone and went back to listening to music as she continued sketching.
“Oh….” Danielle whispered as she stood there awkwardly, her hand still out. “Not the social type, I see…” she nodded her head in disappointment.
She opened and closed her mouth to say something but couldn’t form any words at all.
When she saw that y/n didn’t even spare her another glance and acted like there was no one there, she left her head hung low.
At the cafeteria her friends noticed that she looked quiet down than her usual self.
Hanni was the first to say something about it. “Hey Dani is everything alright? You look a bit down and sulky” she asked in a concerned tone.
Danielle looked up to her and nodded. “Oh everything’s fine… it’s just…” she hesitated for a bit before adding. “There’s this one girl in my class that just seems grumpy and cold…. But the thing is… I really want to make friends with her but it’s sooo though” she ranted.
“Ah I see” Minji said nodding her head in understanding.
“Is she shy?” Haerin asked quietly but audible enough for them to hear.
“It seemed like it.. I don’t know, I couldn’t even tell, she’s just so confusing” she groaned, placing her face in her palm.
“Maybe she’s just not the type that warms up to people easily … like Haerin" Hyein pointed out.
“Yeah, maybe” she mumbled as she resumed back to eating her food.
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch break and the beginning of the last period before the end of the day.
Luckily for y/n the last period was Art, the subject she loved the most. The only subject she loved actually.
As soon as everyone had gathered into the art studio the teacher cleared their throat to gather everyone’s attention. “Ahem! Everyone quiet please and pay attention” they spoke firmly.
“So there’s nothing much to do for todays class as I’m going to be pairing you all up for a project that’s going to be submitted in 3DAYS time” they stated earning groans from all the students excluding y/n who was about to squeal in excitement but held it back to maintain her usual form.
“I HOPE you all realize that this is going to be 30% of your grades?” The teachers taunted with a smirk plastered across their face. “The project is going to be a painting of a place that you seek comfort from the most” they added.
Almost immediately all the students fell silent.
“Good, now I’ll list out the name… Uhhh” they squinted their eyes adjusting their specks. “Danielle and y/n?” They asked looking around the class.
Both y/n and Danielle raised up their hands.
Danielle was a bit happy that she atleast has an excuse to converse with y/n.
Y/n on the other hand was a little bit shocked as to why she would get paired with Danielle out of everyone in the class.
The teacher nodded as they took their seats back.
It was finally The end of classes for the day. Everyone stood up packing their bags and chatting with one another.
Danielle happily made her way towards YN smiling at her once again. “Hi I’m Danielle in case you didn’t know and I’m your partner for this project” she expressed with a smile.
Y/n just stared blankly at her which made Danielle feel a bit nervous. Y/n didn’t speak a single word and just stared at her.
Danielle couldn’t help but notice her cat-like features. She could feel herself getting drawn to her every passing minute of her stares.
She cleared her throat. “Uhh so should we do the project at your house or mine?” She asked gulping nervously.
Y/n pointed at her. Danielle didn’t understand at first but then realized she meant her house.
“I guess that means my house?” She spoke chuckling nervously.
“Alright just follow me!” She said turning her back to face Y/n as she left the classroom with y/n following from behind.
In a matter of time they reached the gates of a house that looked really massive.
Soon enough they reached Danielle’s bedroom. Y/n looked around noticing the girl adored the color yellow and all sort of bright colors.
Danielle brought out a box of art supplies and looked at Y/n. “Sooo uhh would you like to paint it here or in the garden?” Danielle spoke.
Y/n thought for a while before finally coming to her decision. “The garden” she briefly responded.
“Alright the garden it is, follow me!” She shrieked and happily skipped to the garden, YN trailing behind her.
As soon as they had settled pretty much everything Danielle spoke up. “So where should we start from” she asked crossing her fingers and bit her lips hoping that y/n would say something this time.
“Hmph, we can start by discussing places we seek comfort from the most, for me I seek comfort from my bedroom, because it’s place I can be all by myself away from any human interaction, how about you?” Y/n inquired then turning to Danielle who was already staring at her.
Y/n’s sudden gaze caused Danielle to flinch a bit, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “Uhh I seek comfort from my garden, it’s just always so bright and warm it makes me feel happy” she expressed smiling as she looked around her garden.
Y/n frowned a bit. “Damn it. It’s going to be a bit hard since we both come from different perspectives. You like happy and bright places while I prefer dark and quiet places” y/n spoke with a serious expression.
It was Danielle’s first time seeing someone this serious about an art project.
Suddenly y/n snapped her fingers. “I know! We’ll draw a garden but it’s not going to be bright and sunny instead it’s going to be dark and gloomy” y/n stated with a small smirk on her face.
“You do the sketch, I’ll do the painting” y/n commanded as she brought out all the paints with different sizes of paint brush.
Danielle nodded hesitantly as she held the pencil on the canvas not moving her hand a single inch.
“Uhh you good? Your hand seems a bit stagnant” Y/n asked raising an eyebrow.
“I- uhh , I- don’t k-know how to sketch or draw” Danielle replied feeling embarrassed for both her reason and her stuttering.
Y/n let out a low buy audible “oh”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you” she asserted placing her hand on top of Danielle’s leading her hand.
Danielle couldn’t help but blush at the warm feeling of y/n’s hand and the sudden sensation in her heart.
“It’s all done” Y/n spoke up letting go of Danielle’s hand. Danielle didn’t want her to let go yet but she couldn’t say anything about it. She didn’t want to so as to not make y/n feel uncomfortable.
“Let’s start painting!” Y/n squealed lightly which was a shocker for Danielle. Was it the same person? Or an alien.
Y/n didn’t want to admit, she actually had so much fun painting with Danielle. They way Danielle effortlessly cracked jokes, they way Danielle was the sweetest constantly asking if she needed anything like refreshments.
Y/n couldn’t help but smile as she looked at Danielle whose face was a little bit covered in paint.
She laughed softly and spoke.”your face is covered in paint”. Y/n’s soft laugh caught Danielle off guard, she had dimples which nobody would probably never know of. Her mouth constantly opened and closed in shock.
She couldn’t help but mutter a low “you’re pretty” staring at y/n in awe.
Y/n’s ears perked up at Danielle’s compliment her face returning back to her usual stoic self. “Don’t look at me” she firmly said going back to looking like her usual emoji “😾”
Part 2, ↳ More grumpy x sunshine here
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charliemwrites · 10 months
I’m going to continue obsessive Johnny on lunch break BUT I need to get this out because the smut audios are smutting-
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Serial killer ghost who’s all set to kidnap you, torture you, and murder you. He marked you from the minute you walked in the bar and bumped into him. Mumbled something he couldn’t make out, and then got dragged off by your friends.
He watches you get drunk, nearly abandoned by your more outgoing friends. Sees you make your excuses and head outside. Sees you rub your eyes with a sigh when you see that your phone is nearly dead - no Ubers for you. No walking either, it’s pouring and you’re not dressed for early November.
He offers you a ride. You hesitate like a good, sensible girl should. But you’re miserable and tipsy enough to take the chance. It’ll be your last.
You climb into his passenger side, buckle in saying thank you and then grimacing.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I’m getting your seat wet,” you lament. “Do you… have a spare towel? I don’t want to ruin it…”
“It’s fine.”
You hum and settle in. Tell him a street (but no address, too little too late, but good try). There’s music on the radio that you tap your little fingers to in your lap.
“Oh, by the way - I think I bumped into you earlier? That was you, right?”
He grunts an affirmative.
“I tried to say sorry but my brain messed up and I ended saying ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ and it came out ‘sarcuse’ for some reason? And then Addy yanked me away but - I mean, I’m sorry. Like, so sorry. I know i spilled your drink everywhere. If it makes you feel better, I think it stained my tights?”
He doesn’t know what to say, so he just grunts again. You speak softly for a drunk person - like you’re too aware of how inebriated you are. You sit quietly, shiver a bit in the cool air of the car but don’t ask him to turn on the heat. Just sit and nibble on your lip as the lights pass.
When he’s one turn away from your street, you perk up.
“Oh, can I get you gas as a thank you? Or like.., a coffee or something? I know you’re not a taxi service so I appreciate the ride.”
There’s a gas station up ahead. Curious to see if you mean it, he pulls in. You hope out, fiddle with the cap and the machine, rocking on your reasonable little heeled boots.
“Ooh, do you mind if I run in for a snack? We barely ate before going out.”
“Be quick.”
You don’t seem bothered by his shortness. Leave the gas running as you trot inside. You come back with granola bars, a bottle of water, and a muffin.
“Okay I don’t know what you like, so if you want anything I grabbed, have at it.”
He doesn’t. You’re careful not to get muffin crumbs anywhere, holding a napkin beneath your mouth to keep things tidy. Fold it up and shove it in your pants pocket to deal with layer.
The gas tank is full. You smile at him as you buckle in again.
“Thanks again for the ride!”
Hes going to take you anyway but… damn it you’re too nice to die.
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hazelfoureyes · 5 months
Ho, ho, ho~! I hope your vibrators are fully charged, cause this one's gonna have yall going full ahegao~! If not, then you'd best get those babies plugged in before continuing. Consider this your only warning... ;D
"Oh? Have I managed to shut up the big, scary Radio Demon?" You asked, the reaction your movements pulled from Alastor going straight to your head and to your core. A smirk danced across your face as you traced the tips of your fingers from the crevice between his clavicles down his sternum to the indentation of his navel and even further south, following the tufts of hair that was the beginning of his happy trail*.
Eyes shooting open at your little taunt, Alastor raised his head to look at you sitting pretty on his cock, shadows swirling around you and the sclera of his eyes flashing black for just a moment. "Hah! Only in your dreams, my sweet..." he breathed out just before you raised your hips and slammed them back down in the next moment, voice thick with that staticky radio filter that made him stand out from the rest (among other things). He clenched his jaw, teeth grinding in the same manner as your hips on his pelvis. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to compose himself before opening them once more, his sclera having shifted back to their usual red.
"Besides, my voice is one of the things you love best about me. You would- nnghh fuck! ... You would HATE-" Alastor started, feeling a little mischievous as he planted his hooves (feet?) into the bed and delivered a solitary, brutal thrust - one hard enough to knock you forward and force your hands to either side of his head. "-If I stopped talking," he called your bluff, a soft chuckle reverberating through his chest as his other hand found your hip.
"God damn you..." you mumbled, fighting back a smile as you stared down at him. He was right. It was just one thing on a very long list, but his voice was one of your favorite things about him. Even better was the unexpected shock you received whenever he would suddenly drop the radio filter and all you heard was pure, unadulterated Alastor. As if he had been reading your mind, the deer demon pulled you from your thoughts with another thrust and a few words without his famous filter. "God has no place here. You know that," Alastor groaned as you raised your hips, deciding to give him a small taste of his own medicine. Slamming your hips down again, you smirked once more as he released a sharp gasp followed by a drawn out moan as you started to build a pace. "Oh fuuuck meee... D-darling...- nghhhaha...- please-" he moaned out as the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room once more.
Alastor raised one of his hands to rest on the back of your head, digits threading themselves through your tangled strands as he began to buck up into you - heavy balls slapping against the fat of your ass with a 'pap! pap! pap!' sound. He drew your face closer to his, pressing your foreheads together while he used you as a cocksleeve, the remnants of your previous releases creating strings connecting his thighs to your ass. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Hoh-ooohh shiiiittt!" He moaned out in time with each thrust, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he started to lose himself once more in the way your sweet pussy clenched and pulsated around his throbbing dick.
"Hah! Hah! Fuh-... uhah!! Ala-... Al-... Hah! Ah!" You cried, nails digging into the sheets beneath his head, losing what little control you had before he started this bruising pace. "Oh fuck, ohhh fuuuckkk..." Alastor breathed out, that familiar knot in the pits of his belly tightening more and more with every slam, every thrust to your soaking cunt. "You're gonna make me-... mmpphhhoh shit! Make me cum!"
* he SO has a happy trail~ I just can't decide if it's red or black. But I KNOW he puts conditioner on it, so it's not all wiry and scratchy when you go down oh him ahaaa~ 🥴
MINK, GURL YOUR MERCY COMMENT WAS ONE OF MY BIGGEST REASONS FOR THINKING UP MORE ADDITIONS OF COURSE YOU'RE IN THE LOOP! You'll never not be in the loop my love, your reactions are pure gold and give me life~! Besides I gotta give something back, make yall feel the same way I do when I read anything you post! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
btw it's literally killing me rn that I can't interact publicly with any of yall's stuff. I wanted to wait until I was in the final stages of writing the planned fics I have for each of you, but I don't think I can hold on to my anonymity much longer! YOUR MINDS ARE JUST SO BEAUTIFUL JFC HOW DID I FIND NOT ONE BUT THREE?! AND IN THE SAME FANDOM?!?! LIKE HOW?!?!?!?!?!
Danny baby your puns have me rolling omfg 🤣 I swear I'mma think of one or bring in some outside help (dad jokes ftw!) that's gonna knock you dead holy shit- BRING IT ON HUNNY PUN. LET'S DO THIS 💖💥 ... I'll see myself out 🤣
- ☄️❤️ Smut Santa
「He drew your face closer to his, pressing your foreheads together while he used you as a cocksleeve」
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Summoning @minkdelovely @sugoi-writes
Also a doe in fall part 6 also has reader riding, heavy balls, and forehead touches??? Get outta my fucking head???
(Smut Santa: @synamartia) 
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nicohischierz · 4 months
outed: adelaide hughes au
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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trevor zegras
adelaide and matt had slept in seeing as neither of them had training or a game.
the thing that woke them up from their nap was when addy’s older brothers best friends voice rang through their apartment.
“addy, are you home?” trevor asked.
trevor knew no limits so he walked straight into the younger girls room ready to jump in her bed. however, he was greeted with a sleep adelaide on top of a sleeping matt rempe
the new york native screamed causing addy and matt to jump out of bed.
upon seeing trevor, adelaide moved away from matt and stood on the side. she slipped a sweater over her head and turned to her brothers friend
“z, what the fuck are you doing here?” addy asked. she threw a shirt at her boyfriend, who simply pulled it on without a word.
“what am i doing? i came here to spend time with my honorary sister and im met with the rangers number one fighter. im concerned addy,” trevor rambled.
matt couldn’t help the smile on his face. after all the stories he’d heard about your brothers, trevor seemed like a true friend.
adelaide’s eyes softened as she lunged at the boy for a hug. “i’m fine z. matty makes me happy, like really happy,”
trevor patted the younger girls head and glared at matt. “that’s all i want addy,”
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
cole caufield
adelaide was having her monthly catch-up with cole as she cooked dinner for her and matt.
however, half-way through cole had to answer some texts on the team group chat leaving the two in silence.
whilst adelaide was cooking, she failed to notice her boyfriends arrival. the tall canadian stood by the doorway, admiring his girlfriend.
“well don’t you look so pretty,” matt complimented
the taller boy stood behind adelaide and pressed kisses on her neck as she plated their food in front of the camera.
when adelaide looked up she was met with cole’s shocked face. matt looked at her girlfriends phone and stepped back a bit.
“shit. is this what z meant? he mentioned you were seeing someone but i thought you’d tell me!” cole ranted.
“and you. you may be taller than me but i will fight you. god damn addy now i owe trevor $100.” cole muttered before ending the call.
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
william nylander and matthew knies
adelaide had been having a tough couple of weeks so she took some personal days and flew to toronto without telling anyone.
“adelaide?” willy asked as he saw the girl outside the practice arena.
he noticed her sunken eyes and the frail state her body was in. william immediately rushed to the girl and held her as she broke in his arms.
“come on älskling. you’re coming home with me,” willy asked matthew knies to help him, knowing that you two knew each other.
matthew helped put you in william’s car when your phone started ringing excessively. willy was tempted to ignore it but he didn’t know whether you’d told anyone of your whereabouts so he answered.
“ada!” matt rempe answered on the other side.
“this is william nylander, who are you?” he asked.
matthew urged his teammate to put the phone on speaker and that is what the blonde did.
“i’m matt. is adelaide there?”
“matt who?”
“matt rempe. look i just got back to our apartment and she isn’t here. i’ve called barzy and the martin’s but they haven’t seen her either”, matt rambled.
“she here. she’s in toronto,” willy answered.
“is she okay?” matt’s voice was timid, worried about his girlfriend.
“not really, but i’ll keep her with me for a bit,”
“can you hand her the phone please,”
william turned the phone off speaker and handed it to adelaide.
“matty,” she mumbled.
“hi ada, is willy going to make you feel better?” matt knew how close the two were during their time in toronto. he also knew that other than barzy and tito, willy was the only one who could get her out of a slump.
“willy’s the best. he always looks after me and kniesy’s here too. i miss you,” adelaide smiled at the two leaf players.
“i miss you too princess. get some rest and call me later, i love you,”
“i love you matty,” adelaide ended the call and was about to close her eyes.
“so you share an apartment with matt rempe.” kniesy stated.
adelaide hummed “i share an apartment with my boyfriend,”
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
brendan brisson
brendan and adelaide were in the latters room playing smash or pass whilst they waited for dinner.
brendan was scrolling through a girls list of hockey players on tiktok as they both shouted out their answers.
“eww i can’t believe people find my brothers attractive,” adelaide groaned seeing jack for the sixth time.
brendan laughed and continued scrolling until they landed on matt rempe.
“oh i’ve seen him on fyp, the girls really seem to like him,” brendan added.
adelaide let out a nervous laugh. “pass. he’s a ranger, i’d be hung,”
of course, the knights prospect read between the lines. “okay forget his team, smash or pass?” he asked.
“well pass, he’s not really my type i guess. i don’t know briss,” adelaide answered truthfully.
brendan scoffed. “i think you’d smash. actually i think you already have,” he accused the girl.
adelaide got off her bed and looked to her best friend. “w-w-what, you’re crazy brendan. why would i hook up with a ranger?”
“i don’t know addy but i think he’s the guy you’re soft launching. i mean when i showed you the picture you started blushing. whenever any of the guys brings your boyfriend up you just say he’s tall. also i saw the way he looked at you at the isles vs rangers game i went to,”
brendan gave his best friend a pointed look.
the girl caved fast confessing everything to brendan from the time she met matt to them living together.
“who else knows?” brendan asked.
“well cole, trevor, my team, kniesy, willy, our parents and braden schneider,” addy answered.
“how do cole and trevor know before me!!” brendan exclaimed.
“they caught us,” adelaide replied sheepishly.
.·:¨༺ ༻¨:·.
mat barzal and the team
the islanders were out having drinks after their season and to celebrate adelaide's new sponsor.
of course, adelaide celebrated too much as she hung onto mat and slurred her words. her teammates found it amusing as she gave them all advice on their love lives.
"mat. i love you, i really do but i swear if you show up to training camp with a shaved head finding a girlfriend would be the least of your worries," she threatened.
the boys laughed as mat dropped the girl off on their goalie ilya sorokin. the girl then started counting in russian and muttering random curse words causing the others who understood to look at the girl in amusement.
"oh no, i have to factory reset her to english," mat groaned as adelaide began rambling on in different languages intertwining with her sentences.
adelaide then laid her head onto ilya's shoulder. "i miss matt," she mumbled in english. the poor goalie then pointed at his two teammates with the same name, making the girl excited.
"eww, that's not matt. i want to go home to matty," she whined.
matt martin carried the younger girl out the bar as she stumbled over her feet, mumbling about 'matt'. barzy was given her bag as he searched for a contact under that name.
just as he was about to hand the phone back to adelaide, she received a call from 'remmy 🐀'.
"ada, it's 2:30. you told me to call if I don't hear from you at this time," matt answered on the other end.
"are you matt?" barzy asked.
matt straightened up and prepared to head out the door. "yeah, I'm matt. umm is ada alright?"
"she's fine. i mean a little wasted but functioning,"
"i'll come pick her up. i've got her location, i should be there in ten minutes,"
barzy put adelaide's phone in her bag and hung it over his shoulder. "addy, matt's on his way," he told the younger girl, holding a bottle of water to her lips.
despite some having families and significant others, they all waited to ensure that adelaide got home safe even if that meant they walked across the city for her.
the sounds of matt's jeep alerted the crowd and the boy pulled up as close as possible before stepping out.
adelaide smiled at the sight of her boyfriend. she pushed away from her teammate and stumbled into matt's arm, the boy catching his girlfriend.
"matty, look this one and this one has the same name as you!" she exclaimed, pointing at the other two.
matt smiled at adelaide's teammates and fixed his grip around her waist. "come on ada, let's get you in the car and then I'll run you a bath when we get home,"
adelaide’s teammates looked at one another and then at how comfortable the girl was. “bye friends! i’m gonna miss you,” she shouted out the car door.
“is that?” one of the guys asked as they watched the couple drive away.
“yup,” barzy replied.
“with ..”
“we all pretend we don’t know until she tells us,” anders lee told the group before they split.
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Who says I’m sharing that bath with you?
female anatomy for reader (no use of y/n, gender-neutral pronouns)
nsfw, fluffy smut basically word count: 1900~ english is not my first language. if you spot any mistakes (especially grammatical), any typos/misspelled words, or if you have any advice for me in general: please let me know. reblogs and comments are highly appreciated.
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art cr: @arcanescribbles
"Have some mercy on yourself," you mumble, wrapping an arm around his slender waist, and its thinness has you puzzled and somewhat concerned again. He doesn't hesitate. Allows you to place that weary head on his shoulder, to nuzzle into the crook of his neck — a pleasant relief in the guise of your heat, of rhythmic breath tickling his slimline skin.
"You can't work that much,” you remind him, trying to hide the evident worry behind a light-hearted chuckle.
“Have you ever heard of a proper greeting?” Viktor quirks an eyebrow, and his deft hand quickly grabs yours to do a thing that never fails to make your heart shrink: has you melting at the feeling of his dry, warm lips on your knuckles yet again.
“Hug is a proper greeting,” you protest with a slightly offended scoff, burying your nose into the gorgeous mess of his hair — all unkempt strands and a sturdy scent of something pleasant, yet not exactly definable.
“Not when it comes with scolding,” Viktor releases your hand, the touch of his lips lingering on your skin, and he turns around, forcing you to break the embrace for a second — which you do reluctantly. But now you get to face him, and it certainly feels like a much bigger win.
A win and another reason to give him a lecture. Viktor initiates eye contact, runs a hand along the perfect curve of your hips, hoping that his gentle touch is a good enough distraction from his terribly deep eye-bags — so treacherously confirming your concerns about his sleep schedule (or the lack of such, to be precise).
"You've gotten thinner," you state with a sad frown, looking Viktor up and down. "And you need a nap," you continue, tangling two fingers into his hair. "And a bath.”
“I’ve missed you terribly, and that’s the first thing you mention when I finally have you in my arms?” Viktor cooes, staring at you with a guilty smile — your love-sick genius, always exhausted yet so unexplainably handsome in his own special way.
You scoff again, wrapping your arms around his neck and gently pressing him against the desk — a small gesture of care that allows his body better support without the cane.
“Have you eaten today?” you carefully ask, watching his expression closely.
“Maybe,” he grudgingly answers, and his amber eyes are lancing right through you in the dull light of his lab — tired, attentive, pretty.
“I don’t like that answer." Your voice is a sweet purr against his skin, and he winces as you slide a hand down his chest, fixing his vest for him.
“You’re being incredibly annoying today,” he informs you, pressing a quick peck to your lips. A brief one, barely palpable, too fleeting to give you a proper taste. “Perhaps I should appease you.”
“If you want to appease me, a kiss like that won’t do.”
“Demanding, are we?” He quirks an eyebrow, casually sitting down at his desk, squeezing your waist in a playful attempt to pull you onto his lap. But you don’t move an inch. Not until he kisses you properly, at least.
He gets the hint. Gently grabs your chin, pressing your noses together — kissing the right way this time, deep and slow, with his tongue brushing your bottom lip before slipping into your open mouth — it’s almost lewd when that small motion steals a surprised moan out of you. A kiss of a hungry, fervently missing his lover man. Your man.
“Better?” His question is rhetorical at this point. He knows he left you amazed and dizzy once again — your messy breath is giving it all away. But Viktor wouldn’t be Viktor if he hadn’t asked. The incorrigible tease at his best behavior.
“Much better.”
You give him the reassurance he’s been seeking, adding the missing touch to this affectionate gesture by nuzzling into his embrace, and he hums, satisfied with the solace you’ve brought him so easily with the mere power of your presence.
“So… is my darling appeased now?”
“Relatively.” You laugh, and a self-assured smirk plasters smugly across his face. “It won’t save you from having dinner with me tonight though.”
“Is that so? Well, I appreciate the effort, and the fact that you came here just to visit your sick, touch-starved man, but I’m afraid I still have work to do—“
“I’m not here just to visit you,” you cut him off, as one of your hands slips off his neck straight to cup his sharp knee. “I’m here to collect you. I’m stealing you home with me.”
“Oh no.” He cracks an exaggeratedly offended expression, but judging from the still present on his face grin — he’s actually rather pleased with your intentions. “Being abducted definitely doesn’t sound appealing to me at all.”
“That’s right.” You nod, nudging him softly. “I’ll even hold you hostage if that’s what it takes to bathe you and get you into bed.”
“But what a horrific torture!” he pulls away, slamming a hand against his chest with a low giggle — it lands on his sternum with a muffled slap, right where his thudding heart is. “How ever will I survive that?”
“I believe your fate is inevitable, so you better just accept it.”
“How unfortunate,” he murmurs, pulling you closer, and you gasp, allowing him to lay his cheek against your chest. “Can’t wait to end up in that bath with you,” he whispers, and you hitch in breath, your shaky hands stop massaging his scalp.
“Who says I’m sharing that bath with you?” you tease light-heartedly, feeling his grip tighten around your waist.
“Me.” His response is firm and simple, yet still maddening enough for you to go weak in the knees. Apparently, his nap is being delayed again.
Bath with Viktor is a death sentence — a long and squirming one, of countless orgasms and moans loud enough to wake up the whole Piltover. You tried, you really did, to talk him out of it, to make him wait until at least after dinner, but he’s stubborn and knows damn well that you can’t resist him. So all your warnings about how he needs some rest first were muffled mercilessly by his tongue buried deep inside you. At this point, you’re not even sure whether he’s really that into devouring you, or if he’s just trying to prove you wrong, to show you that he’s never tired when it comes to eating you out.
He has you sitting on the edge of the bathtub, legs resting on his covered in crescent nail marks shoulders, and you tug, tug, tug on his hair as he tongue-fucks you through yet another insane release. If only he could smile right now, which was obviously impossible in his position, he would definitely give you the most provoking signature smirk. So you mentally thank his passion for giving head, since it’s the one to blame for his inability to destroy you even more with those grins and his witty dirty-talk right now. He has you right where he wants you: with your thighs wrapped tightly around his head, with your slick getting quite literally everywhere — his tongue, his chin, some on his chest, even. And when you slam your head against the wall, light-headed and breathless, he knows it’s time to do a particularly vicious thing — to suck on your abused clit so hard he might as well just suck the damn soul out of you while he’s at it.
Too much. Overwhelmingly so. And those sweat drops forming on his forehead, and the way he digs his wet fingers into the soft flesh of your legs, and the way he laps up so thoroughly—
“Gonna cum.” You gather the last strengths in your possession to mumble an illegible warning and the skillful bastard between your thighs only picks up pace, leaving you wondering how his tongue is still intact after all that frantic motions inside your cunt. But the technique is rather impressive. You stare at him, wide-eyed and with your lower lip bitten. His sinful gaze meets yours with a guttural rattle when you grip a strand of his dark hair so hard your knuckles turn white. You want to tell him how good his mouth feels, how indescribably hot he looks kneeling in the bathtub, how attractive his skin glistens right now, in the warm water. But the words are unnecessary. Your precious cussing as you come undone on his agile tongue is the best existing compliment to him.
So you deliver. He coaxes the third orgasm out of you. Leaves you throbbing, making one of your shaking legs slip off his slick shoulder into the water with a loud splash. He licks the remnants of you tauntingly slow off his swollen lips, watching your every convulsion closely, and he’s so proud of himself that it almost re-turns you on all over again.
“Look at you.” His sultry whisper reminds you that his ability to be a smartass is back.
“Viktor—“ You suffocate, grabbing his shoulder to hold on for dear life, so you don’t fall out of the tub completely. He chuckles, carefully pulling you back into the water, thoughtful as always, like the gentleman he is. Well, if rearranging your guts with that tortuous tongue and thick cock could be considered something gentlemen do, of course.
He tastes like you now. His tongue is somewhat sour, much puffier in comparison to yours, and it’s not that animate anymore — he pushes it into your mouth rather lazily, evidently worn out by the intercourse.
“I thought the purpose of this bath was to get me cleaned, not dirty,” he whispers with a filthy giggle, wiping your slick off his chin. You roll your eyes, admitting that the single thing stopping you from biting him for that joke is a complete lack of energy. Admitting that he’d just one-upped every single man you've slept with before. Once again.
“Oh, fuck you.” You giggle back, nuzzling into his chest, and it feels so gentle — the lust is gone and the only thing left between you two is pure affection; divine, immaculate, expressed through the softness of your body and the sharpness of his.
“I would be a liar if I said it doesn’t sound tempting, but I don’t believe you’re in a state to do that, my love,” Viktor teases, but you don’t talk back. He left you witless. Too fucked out for your own liking and just perfect for his. “Do you think you can make it to the kitchen?” he asks, pointing at your wobbly legs.
“Yeah.” You hesitate for a second, reluctant to get out of the warm bath. “And you?”
“Oh, I’m not hungry.” Viktor shakes his head, and his response dramatically increases your urge to pinch him. That wasn’t the deal!
“No. Not a chance, you’re not skipping dinner again.”
“But I’ve already had dinner. Well. In a way,” he whispers, as the corners of his mouth curl into another insufferable smirk, and it takes a good ten-second uncomfortable pause for you to understand the pun.
“Eating pussy is not an actual meal,” you frown, pulling away.
“And that’s so unfortunate, don’t you think? At least that way, I’d never skip them…”
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work”
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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wakeup01 · 10 months
A Matching Pair
Goddammit. Why does he always have to argue about it. Can’t he ever put himself in my shoes and try and be more understanding.” I mumble to myself as my boyfriend fades out of sight down the empty train car. I sigh and stare out the window of the train, listening to the world outside shudder past.
“This space free?” Comes an excited voice, I look up to see a fit young guy casually drop onto the seat opposite me. He looked no older than 22 and was outfitted for some kind of sports game, with a designer tracksuit sagging off his hips, a red jersey that pressed against his lean stomach and a glossy puffer jacket.
“Uhhh…not really.” I remark, side-eying his trendy permed hair, perfectly styled and faded. I had never really understood the appeal of…‘fuckboys’; rich but devoid of personality - aside from the prepackaged one they adopt. In this case even I had to admit that he was rather attractive, in a blunt, dumb ‘grammer is for losers’ sort of way. There was a casual air of confidence in the way he carried himself, narcissistic? Sure, but maybe a little ego didn’t hurt, especially in the bedroom.
Shame he obviously wouldn’t be a sub - he’d look nice around my cock, although I can picture my boyfriend tripping over himself to placate his every whim. The perks of this ‘open relationship’ we had seemed increasingly one sided. Ugh. I’m quickly reminded of our argument, and my indignation wins out over my misguided lust.
“Mate, you look proper mad.” He chuckles, kicking off his trainers. He stretches out his legs and rests them on the seat next to mine.
“Name’s Dominic and I’m not….mad.” My voice trails off.
“Uh oh. Who is she then blud?” He gestures at me with his hands, rattling the horde of bracelets that buried his wrists.
“Pftt. I should ‘av guessed. It’s all the same to me. I’m Trev ‘btw’. You off to the gay convention?” There’s a wry smile that is hard to be angry at, in fact I feel strangely comfortable with him. He seemed like a good listener.
“Funny, but yes. Meeting our friend Nate there.” I cross my arms in a futile attempt to appear more dominant.
“Wait, they have those now?” My eyes squint at him. “Just fucking with you. I got a game the next town over. I’m a player.”
“Wow, you don’t say.”
“Maybe you’ve seen me play on the tele eh?” He puts on a face and flashes his shiny white teeth proudly.
“Sure…” He was in a professional team? Like I’d know.
“So spill, what’s the issue with yuh ‘boy’? His ‘bussy’ too small?” My mouth begins to move before I really get the chance to think about what I’m saying, or why I’m telling him at all.
“Ugh. He just never tries to see things from my perspective, he always expects me to play the ‘top’. About everything. And I don’t share his weird kinks.”
“TMI. Oh. You’re the top? And your name is Dom? ‘Lolz’. Is your boy called SUBastian?” He laughs mischievously. His brazen use of text speech was strangely endearing, something I thought impossible.
“Dominic. And no, his name’s Addy.” I correct, flatly.
“Uh huh. Yeah, and have you tried the same? See things from Addy’s point of view. Find equal ground right. Maybe I can help. It’s like when there’s a disagreement in our footy team.”
“I don’t think it’s quite the same thing…”
“Should give it a try Dom, see how it feels to be the sub. It can be fun to let someone else take charge. Easy too when you don’t overthink it. Go on, just lay back and relax.” Yes, I’m sure this will solve all our problems. I humour him anyway, resting my back against the seat’s cushion. Ten seconds pass in silence, just the hum of the train carriage throbbing rhythmically.
“This is stupid-“
“Shush.” Trev stares at me intently, trapping my eyes into his own. I don’t think to look away, why would I. He continues talking, I hear the words floating past me but don’t register what they are. It feels like minutes until his fingers snap in front of his face, and the spell is broken. He just smiles and waits expectantly for me to reply. His legs move from the seat next to me and I follow their movement.
“I—I guess.” I stutter, unsure of what I’m replying to, feeling slightly dizzy, like waking from a dream. For some reason my eyes seem drawn to his feet, now resting on the edge of my own seat, fidgeting between my thighs. I didn’t notice that they were sockless before… or that they were so big.
“Deeper.” He snaps his fingers again. My eyes are feeling so heavy, it’s becoming harder to keep them open. “Picture your boy sitting in your place. See it in your head.” I think about him, see his dreamy smile, like the one growing on my face. “So easy.” Trev repeats, my head nodding absently to his words. He adjusts and pushes his feet against my groin. Hmmf. I should tell him to stop. To stop…
“Uhh.” The dull sound leaves my lips instead of the words I wanted, the rubbing sensation fraying the edges of my thoughts.
Trev’s fingers fiddle at his pockets. He pulls out a vape stick and blows a huge bubblegum flavoured cloud of smoke into my face. The fumes flow through my open mouth and circle my head. His hands appear to be moving in slow motion, like everything was suddenly at half speed.
“Being in charge is exhausting huh. Much better to just relax and follow along, like your boyfriend would.” Yeah, he would probably do whatever this guy asked him to.
“I bet he’d rub my feet If I told him to.”
“Yeah.” I agree, wrapping my hands around Trev’s chunky feet - he definitely would. I run my fingers up and down his sole, picturing my boyfriend in this situation.
“Eyes up here fam.”
I look back up at him, falling into his stare once more, entranced. My hands continue to massage him, passing over the curves and arches of his large feet. The shame of doing this in a public place completely lost on me. “Good foot boy.” I fail to hold back a moan at the validation. Is this what it feels like? It feels…nice, good.
I sense my body start to slowly lean forward of its own volition. Trev loudly exhales, his lips pursing. Another dose of bubblegum mist fogs my view. “What else would your boy do?”
“Don’t know…”
“Bet he’d love to sniff my lush feet hm?”
Probably, I think. He was way more kinky than me about such things. This guy’s feet were quite ripe after all, maybe if I got a bit closer…no—no what am I doing? I begin to pull back when his intense eyes narrow at me.
“It’s okay. I can see you want to take a whiff too. Boy.” His inflection changed on the last word. There was something about the way he said it. Powerful.
“My—my boyfriend will be-“ My voice cracks.
“Put your fucking nose here. And sniff my cheesy feet.” He orders, accentuating each word, dropping all pretence - his finger snapping and pointing down.
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It’s like a switch being pressed in my head. The words cut like a knife right through any lingering hesitation. My face lowers and inhales deeply, sucking up his harsh scent.
“Yeah.” I mumble from behind his feet in a daze.
“Yeah what?”
*snap snap*
“Yes sir.” I don’t know why I said it, it just slipped from my lips and then it was too late to take it back. Too late to stop, as my face leans down to his foot like a magnet. Too late to pretend I didn’t want a sniff, my nostrils breathing the thick musky air.
“A good start boy.” I tentatively take a couple more whiffs, a part of me still attempting to hold back, feeling self aware. He rolls his eyes and shoves his feet forcefully into my face, my nose pushed snugly between his big toe. His stench shrouds my head like a cloud. The concept of ‘disgusting’ faded to nothingness.
“Salt and vinegar flavour, your fav.” Trev asserts. It became true the moment the words left his lips. Salty and eye watering. My favourite. My cock liked it too apparently.
“You look so much better under me, worshiping me - where you belong. Keep going.” And I did. Breathing deeply, in and out. In and out. The heat from his foot radiates outwards, travelling down my body, seeping into my skin. “Wouldn’t your boy agree to be at my feet at all times If that’s what I wanted?” He—I would. I want nothing else.
“Of course sir.” I say, unaware that the words would seal my fate.
Something is changing. A shift in weight. My whole body starts to feel lighter, filling with air. My skin itches, a rash forming across it’s surface - bleaching every inch an even, clean white. The rash crawls down my chest, flattening my modest set of abs, leaving everything it touches incredibly soft, absorbent and flexible. Tiny strands of fuzzy cotton fabric poke out from each pore; the changes showed no sign of stopping.
Everything is happening all at once, alarms try and go off in my brain but it’s preoccupied swimming in a musky drunken stupor. My feet seem to leave the floor as my form inexplicably shrinks, the length of my arms folding inwards as my body simplifies.
“Look at you bruv. You were easy as fuck.” I gaze up at him, his smug face towering over me, looking so far away. A puff of vape smoke floats down towards me, particles dissolving on my cushioned skin. The sweet aroma mixes with the smell of his sour feet. “Just one look into my eyes and you were done. Get socked bro.”
Trev started to appear bigger and bigger, his feet dwarfing my new size, now taking up my whole view. It was like my essence was being pulled around his foot. My mouth opens and his toes slip effortlessly inside, stretching me out and making themselves at home. The rest of his foot follows, his ankle resting at my opening. It sets off my gag reflex momentarily, before feeling perfectly natural, like I was tailor made for his foot.
“Sorry bud, they’re a size 13.”
The taste of his potent sole explodes into me. I’m violently shaken out of my trance-like haze, the world around me speeds up. I try and desperately pull away, lucidity returning like a slap to the face. Why am I on the floor? Why is his foot in my mouth?! Oh shit oh shit!
“Get socked!” Trev yells enthusiastically. “Get fucking socked!”
Control is slipping away. My skin pulls taut around his foot, the fabric digging between his toes. It feels as though every part of me is pressed against him, his warmth surrounding me. My new shape settles into place, defined by his smooth curves.
I can’t move my ‘body’ at all, but all my senses still persist…somehow. My blurry vision clears, a sudden shift in view makes me disoriented. It’s as if I have a pov of the room from the bottom of Trev’s foot, he lowers it to the floor and my worldview erratically drops to carpet level before going dark. The material of the carpet brushes against me, the strange sensation is embarrassingly pleasing; bringing attention to the absence of my cock. Relief now seemed impossible.
“Socked. Man, I love that initial freshness. Tbh, it makes the inevitable even more fun.”
He pushes the weight of his foot into me, his sweaty soles sticking to my tight fabric body. It feels humiliating to be literally stuck on the ground. His stench clings to me, soaking me in his foot musk. The imprint of his toes yellowing my surface. It’s like having his foot down my throat, perpetually swallowing his mind numbing sweat.
“Mmm that’s good, you hang so tightly. A perfect fit. Hope you like sucking on my rank fucking toes. Cuz now you’re just my stinky ripe sock. Fucking idiot. Can’t wait to get you worn in.”
That’s not possible, I can’t be a sock…it defies logic. This is a nightmare I’m about to wake up from, any second now…any second…
He pulls at me and stretches my ribbed opening up and over his tracksuit, stuffing the silky material into me.
“So much more… pliable.” Trev wiggles his toes and my body conforms to it’s every movement, lodging in between each one. I try and desperately struggle, do something. I manage to achieve a light wriggle that only helps pull myself tighter against his skin.
Trev lifts his foot and points it towards the window, the dark night air rushing past outside. A clear reflection echoes back. I stare at it in disbelief, wanting to blink the reality from my eyes. A caricature of my shocked face is crudely printed on the underside of the sock - trapped frozen in time, with the word ‘SNIFF’ sewn into the fabric. The material was already beginning to discolour. Logic or not, That’s all I am now - a cheap white sock. His sock. An object.
“Basic as fuck boy makes basic as fuck sock. Lit.” He points out, smirking in the reflection while he checks out his new kit. Trev puts his feet back up on the seat, letting me watch the empty space where I had been sitting - back when I was more than just his property.
“Enjoy the view, while you can cheesy. You’re going to spend most of your time staring at the floor, or the inside of my fumigated sneaker.” What joy. I hadn’t even thought about that, about what comes next. Surely he didn’t plan to keep me like this? “Hmm. I think the name Dominic is a bit too fancy for you now, how about…sock. Simple, to the point.” Trev steps me back against the ground, his heel slightly raised. “Suits you, don’t you think sock?”
Light footsteps thud from down the carriage, getting closer and closer. “Hey babe. I wanted to apologise, Nate thinks—who are you? Umm where’s my boyfriend?” Addy had returned, this was my chance.
I wanted to shout and cry out to him, to get his attention anyway possible. I conjured a barely audible rustle and then nothing. All it did was reinforce how small and subservient I now felt, forced to listen to my owner in silence.
“Oh he’s not gone far, cutie. Sit.”
I hear my boyfriend stammer from above. All it took was one compliment and he turned to putty. In most cases it was endearing, but right now I needed him to be anything but agreeable.
I feel the weight on me shift. I glide through the air again, Addy’s expression coming into view across from me, from us.
“He’s…” Addy looks me over curiously.
“Yep. He got socked.”
“Gosh. That’s…hot.” His cheeks blush.
WHAAT! You’ve got to be kidding me! Damn, why did he have to be so kinky when I need him to rescue me. I can recognise his horny face a mile away.
“Now it’s your turn. Look at my eyes.” Trev’s voice taking on a more serious tone. Addy’s eyes dart up, quickly becoming ensnared by Trev’s hypnotic gaze. No, please snap out of it. “Good, keep looking. Relax. Let me give you the deets. In a few minutes you’re gonna have the privilege of having my foot up your arse, sucking up my sweat as a thin piece of fabric like your bf. You’ll be my sock puppet, controlled completely by my foot. You can already feel my toes pushing at your mind. You want it. Say it.” Trev waves me back and forth, hypnotically.
“Say it.”
“I — I want to be your smelly sock puppet. Pleaseee Master.” He moans in a trance.
“Course you do.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Addy’s shorts were noticeably tenting, a wet spot forming at the tip. He was getting off on the idea! “Sock puppet. Look at your boy, read the word sewn into him. You know what to do.”
Addy’s head leans towards me, eclipsing my vision. His huge nose presses up against me, his eyes dilating. I can feel his wavering breath brush at my cotton skin. He did exactly what the sock - me, said to and sniffed. The hesitant whiffs quickly devolve into enthusiastic huffing.
“Babeee. Hmmf. You smell so niceee. Mmmm.”
“That’s an obedient sock sniffing sock puppet.” Trev assured him. ”Now onto the other one.” Addy moves away from my view, I can only see him shuffling at the edge of my narrow locked vision. “Ready to join him?”
“Yes masterrrr.” Addy’s voice slurs monotonously. “Enter me and take control. We’re both yours.” Like hell we are!
“I want you to lick this foot clean like a dirty dog before it becomes your new home.” I hear him start to slobber all over Trev. “Good puppet. Get socked.”
The sound of my boyfriend licking and moaning in heat continued for what felt like an eternity. There was nothing I could do but be suspended in the air like my owner deemed appropriate.
“It’s time to become a puppet. Turn around and spread that cute bubble butt. There we go, feel my foot enter your rear, filling you up, fucking your tiny brain. Ufff. Tight. Fuck. Let’s stretch you out, nice and wide. Ahh that’s better. Your hole clamping around my ankle. Yeah. Becoming soft and flexible. A sock puppet. A sweat guzzling, empty-headed, dirty filthy sock puppet.” I can just about see Addy’s head, craning back in pleasure as he’s foot fucked.
“Butt feels…Hnng my—my body…” Addy pants desperately.
“Now belongs to my fat fucking foot. SOCK. PUPPET.
“Pu—puppet.” Addy’s bobbing head pulls out of sight, compressing around the invader inside him.
“Sock puppet. Surrendered all free will. Sock puppet. Commanded by feet. What are you?”
“I’m a sock… a sock puppet. Mmmmf…I’m a soooommfff.”
His voice goes silent. I can only assume he’s turning into a perfect match for Trev’s other foot. The thought horrifies me, but also gets me a little excited. I glimpse a pristine white shape shudder next to me. Trev sits up and places both feet flat on the ground, in order to admire his new additions to the collection.
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“Hell yeah. You two make the cutest pair. Glad I could help bring you ‘together’. And no more worries about disagreements ‘lmao’. Go on, kiss and make up.”
Trev bends his legs and points me at Addy’s new form, his lustful face captured on the socks sole; the word ‘LICK’ was immortalised above. I was for sniffing and he for licking, it made a bizarre kind of sense to my addled brain. He brings his feet together and rubs us both against each other, our ‘faces’ pressed closely. My mind blurs, the friction bringing searing white hot bliss. God it’s amazing. He was so soft! Please more. More! Babe. Don’t stop. Get socked!
Trev eventually pulls us apart, I watch the folds of Addy’s loose fabric pull taut, finalising his transformation. He made a cute sock, just like me. We were now on equal footing. Wait, what am I thinking? This is insane, I don’t want this! Was I stuck like this? Would it be really so bad? No, stop.
I realised that the smell was permeating my thoughts, twisting them. Knowing that didn’t change how good it felt, how good his touch felt, his musk.
“Don’t worry, when I go to replace you I’ll be sure to sell you on as a pair to one of my foot sluts. Let’s be honest, as socks go, you’re kinda ‘mid’ at best.” The comment did nothing to reassure me about turning back to human. “Man you gay nerds are so dumb, none of you can resist my scent. It’s like you want to be part of my fit. Even my sneaks gave more of a struggle than you two lovebirds. All I need now is some new undies to stretch over my ass and hug my fat dong and balls. Know anyone?” Trev pauses and then laughs to himself.
As each minute passed my mind became more subdued, it was relaxing, becoming content. The part that was angry, defiant, was shrinking. A bubbling happiness was slowly expanding within me. I did my best to push it back but with my senses overwhelmed, it was a seemingly losing battle. Addy was probably already loving every second of it.
“Let’s have some fun. Which one of you will make a good cum sock? Who am I kidding, you’ll both be great. But for now…”
He peels me free from his foot, holding me limply in the air. For a moment I feel incredibly empty, already missing his warmth. The disappointment is short lived; I’m quickly filled out as he pulls me over a stiff pole. His cock. His glorious thick shaft. I’m forced to swallow it whole, it’s tip poking at my edges.
With his hand around me he wanks me furiously, using me as sleeve. ‘Don’t enjoy it’, I shout internally. This sucks. This sucks! It’s hard to ignore the pleasure it brings the both of us. Oh god I’m being stretched out by him completely. It sucks. Sucks… this…mmm. Faster. Go faster! Fill me! Cum inside me, mark me as yours!
My sexy owners pumping reaches a crescendo, now with both hands thrusting me up and down. One final tug. A grunt. A twitch. Thick copious splooge unloads right into me, flooding my interior. His fuckboy seed is absorbed into me, my cotton body sucking up every drop. A dark patch spreads across me and crusts over as it dries. The bitter taste lingers, like the cum was sat on my tongue.
“Fuck me, that was sweet. But enough fun.” Trev pulls me off his dick and janks me back over his foot, his toes push against my cum stained dark spot, still damp.
Trev’s phone starts to ring with some loud trap song. “Trev. Yeah. Yeah mate. Course, you fucka. Be arriving soon. Mint, I got me some new gear too. Ace. Uh huh…K, chat tomorrow.”
What would have normally been inane babble to me made a concerning amount of sense, like his identity was somehow rubbing off on me.
He stands up, dragging something over to him with his other foot. I’m lifted high into the air, tauntingly hovering over his beat up shoe. I can’t help but look down at my future smelly prison. I don’t think my mind can take any more…
It didn’t help knowing that the sneaker was once a guy, now heavily used. It was like seeing a glimpse of my own fate. Mmmm.
“Let’s get you acquainted.”
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I see the trainer hurtle towards me as I’m lowered to the floor. My edges slide effortlessly into the pungent confines of his sneaker, the thick stale air engulfing me. I’m pressed against the stained sole and squelch against it’s moist surface; the outline of his foot clearly indented into the material. My vision goes pitch black.
The stench is blasted at me from all sides. Fuck me. I don’t stand a chance against it, my mind is drowned beneath its waves. Sinking below as new, more simple desires emerge.
There’s a muffled sound of an announcement playing overhead. “Guess this is where we get off lads. I should probably warn you, me mates and I have a footie match tomorrow. And I don’t plan on removing you, after that I expect you won’t even want to be turned back. Not that I ever planned to. I’m sure you stinkheads don’t object? Sorted.”
I didn’t object, in fact, I— I think I was looking forward to it. My printed face would probably be completely yellow by the end of it, as it should. Mmm.
The weight of his foot lifts as I feel myself rise from the floor and then just as quickly I’m pushed back down to the ground. My boyfriend being subject to the same in tandem. A second later and it happens again and then again, each step the strength of his body squishes me against the shoes insole, which sticks to my surface. And each time, my brain is submerged in a pleasant sweaty haze, scattering whatever dim thoughts I had left. The weight flattening my mind to sodden mush. Rewarding me for fulfilling my role as his smelly, mindless sock, us both huffing at our owners beautiful addictive feet. Together.
“Maybe we should stop off at that gay convention first, see how many noses we can get pressed against you two while you get sucked dry. Plus, we could find that friend of yours to get wrapped around my big sweaty butt.”
Yeahhh…I bet Nate would make a perfect pair of fucking briefs.
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valuunit · 3 months
best dad ever
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summary: it’s dad’s day and harry and his family celabrate it in the most chaotic way
here in mexico today’s celebrated father’s day, so yeah, i wrote this.
Content: She/her pronouns. children lol, a itty bitty of smut, i wanted to write something but i couldn’t, im with my family 💀, food, pregnancy. oh, mommy is used a couple of times sexually, but nothing crazy. that’s it ig :)
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, please let me know so i can correct it :D
“c’mon guys, dad should be getting up by now.” y/n walked across the hall, standing next to the master bedroom’s door.
“we’re going mum” alisha said behind her baby brother, dereck, who was barely walking with a ballon in his little hand he was holding like his life depended on it.
she sweetly laughed and kissed her two children. “good job, wait here a minute, when i open the door we’re going to say ‘happy day, daddy styles’, alright?”
dereck laughed, showing his father’s dimples on his face, god, he was his dad in all of its splendor.
“yes mummy!”
“perfect.” she entered the room quietly, her bare feet touching the rug she and harry bought when they were moving in together to their first apartment. “harry…!” she whispered.
“hmm.” he mumbled.
“happy day, sleepyhead.” she started crawling into the bed, careful to avoid his limbs and wake him up with pain.
“oh, yeah, dad’s day. i completely forgot about it, like the rest of the world.” his green eyes were barely visible, but charming as always. his view went to his stunning wife, his words, hovering over his body.
“well, i guess i’m an e.t.” she replied closing the space between their faces.
“i guess so, your out of this world.” his hands went to her hips, sitting them in his thighs.
she laughed and kissed his cheek, then cleaning a saliva stain off of it. “you’re still a flirt, aren’t you?”
“just with you, my love” he dragged his hands up, going under her new lace pj top, passing through her spine, shoulders and back down to her ass. he smirked, giving away his intentions, but y/n didn’t.
“wai-” before she could complain a knock on the door separated them.
“well, later then.” he giggled.
“shut up!, your kid prepared something really cute for you.”
“oh, my babies.” he smiled, when someone mentions his kids his eyes light up in such warm light it’s almost heavenly.
“yes, so, act surprised.”
“mummy! a minute has passed!”
“going, baby!” y/n appeared scared of her only daughter while harry laughed so loudly dereck also did.
she quickly turned to the door, now not caring if she kicked harry’s legs or anything, which she did, right on the balls. “oof, baby!”
“sorry!” she squealed and opened the door.
“‘appy ‘ay, da’y styds!” dereck screamed.
“oh my god, good job love, but.” she laughed at the chaoticness of the situation. alisha was also laughing. “now.” she grabbed alisha by the shoulders gently and let them inside the room.
“happy day daddy!”
“‘addy haffy!” dereck jumped, jumped and landed on the bed. where harry was now seated laughing, his hands in this private area.
“my beautiful children, come here!” he opened his arms letting his daughter run towards him.
“careful!” y/n screamed when she saw alisha landing near his legs.
“come here mummy!!”
“yeah mummy, come ‘ere” harry smirked putting dereck and alisha around one arm, having space for his wife.
“going daddy harry” she went, they were happy in the bed, the ballon, which was harry’s face, floating above them, dereck still gripping it.
“what’s that honey?” with all the fuzz, harry didn’t saw that masterpiece. so he looked up, watching a not so attractive picture of him in a medium size ballon. “wow! i love it bud, thanks!” he said faking enthusiasm.
“he loves it bubba!” y/n smiled towards her son, hi smiled even more.
“i also got u something dad!” alisha went to the door, where were a plate with pancakes, that had “best dad ever!” written with nutella and berries.
“thanks honey!, it’s so pretty and sweet”
“any time, dad” alisha replied, harry laughed.
“i taught her that!” y/n said raising her hand and smiling.
“where were we?”
that’s what y/n heard as soon as she got into the bedroom after taking dereck to bed. it’s been a long day of celebrating, so it was relatively easy.
“hm?” she pretended not to have heard, turning around and quietly locking the door.
“i said…” he kissed her shoulder. “where. were. we.” kiss after kiss he was progressively getting closer to her soft spot at the back of her left ear.
“ahm” even with his kissed it was hard to think for her, “i don’t recall… anything.”
“i could make you remember, or maybe you’ll prefer me to left your pretty little mind in blank.”
she turned to face his beautiful, handsome husband. looking at her with as much love and desire as he looks at authentic tiramisu.
“i like the second one better, but first i should tell you something.” she took his cheek and kissed him passionately, slowly and lovingly.
“whatever you need” he said after a couple of minutes. they joined their foreheads, looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m pregnant, three weeks.”
she smiled so sweetly in response to his reaction. his whole face fell in utter shock, his hands, shaking, took her face and his eyes searched for every bit of honesty his wife had to offer.
“my love, a-are you kidding?” she shook her head no, a couple of tears going down her face into her wide smile.
“that’s, that’s amazing, thank you, thank you, for everything.” he hugged her, lifted her, spun her, loved her.
“yeah, yeah, you’re welcome. now, where were we?” she smirked, her hands in his face.
“no, love, what about the… you know, thingy…” he replied looking at her stomach.
she laughed, hard. “c’mon, you promised leaving me watching stars, now you do it. it will be fine, it’s smaller than a pinhead.”
“you’re so hot, love. before we do anything else can i thank you again?”
“of course. with an orgasm.”
“your wish is my command, mommy.”
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addysinclaires · 10 months
the little girl inside you never really died. her heart just stopped
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pantherxrogers · 4 months
yunho comes home - yunho x black!female!reader
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🧸 pairing: yunho x black!female!reader
🧸 warnings: none, just fluff, some kissing, established relationship (married), reader and yunho have a daughter name adele (addie)
🧸 summary: yunho comes home to his little family.
🧸 a/n: i'm black so my reader is always black lmao. but i encourage everyone to read because i think this is awesome 🤭
also, yunho just gives husband material. like i need to marry him actually. so, this blurb was born :p
my masterlist
This is a work of fiction and is not meant to represent real events or the actual personalities of any K-pop idols mentioned. All characters and situations are purely imaginary. This story is created for entertainment purposes only, and no harm or disrespect is intended toward the idols or their fans. Enjoy!
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“i promise daddy will tuck you in when he gets here, sweetie,” you whisper, tucking a curl back into adele’s little bonnet. she’s staring up at you with heavy lids, sleep trying to take her.
“promise?” she slurs, her cute little lisp makes your heart clench. she’s been waiting for her dad all day, but you finally managed to put her to bed. it's late and his flight was supposed to get in hours ago, but several delays got in the way of reuniting for their nightly routine.
“promise,” you whisper, locking your pinky with her smaller one. you press a kiss to her forehead, placing the storybook back on her shelf and heading towards the door.
when you turn around to say a final goodnight, she’s already fast asleep. she’s nestled in the bed, surrounded by the dozens of stuffies that you and yunho buy her whenever she asks.
“goodnight addie. i love you,” you whisper into the dark, softly shutting her door.
walking down the hallway, the house is so quiet. you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t disappointed when you got the call from your husband. still, you’d put on a brave face for addie. it’s out of his control, but that doesn’t change the fact that you really miss him.
he’s been traveling a lot again, promoting the new ateez album. you’re immensely proud of him, but your heart aches whenever you get into your large bed alone.
making your way to the living room, you cuddle up on the couch, putting your comfort movie on. you absentmindedly fiddle with your wedding ring, watching the familiar faces flit across the screen. with drooping eyelids, you mumble along with the dialogue. you know yunho would tease you if he was here. the thought makes you smile to yourself, before finally succumbing to your exhaustion.
you feel warm hands on your arms, gently shaking you awake. you jolt up in a panic, momma bear mode activated, immediately moving to locate addie.
“sorry honey. i didn’t mean to scare you,” yunho murmurs, a sheepish smile on his face. his cheeks are slightly red, suddenly feeling bashful. you can’t stop the smile growing on your own, immediately leaning further into his touch.
"it's okay, yuyu," you murmur, sitting up so you can regain your bearings. you finally get a good look at him, standing up to meet him with a proper hug.
the hug lasts a while, neither of you in a rush to pull away. yunho burrows his head in your neck, inhaling the scent of home. you run your fingers through his hair, gently cradling him to you. his body is warm and firm against your own, immediately making you more relaxed.
"missed you so much," he mumbles, squeezing you a little tighter. he pulls back slightly, cupping your cheeks to give you a slow kiss. his lips are gentle and soft, taking his time with you. your heart skips a beat, thumping a little faster. you've been married for years, but yunho never fails to make you feel like a girl with a high school crush.
he only pulls away to pepper more kisses all over your face, prompting you to let out a girlish giggle. he wraps his arms around you again, blowing raspberries into your neck.
"i missed you too, baby," you let out between laughs, draping your arms around his neck. he scoops you up, your legs wrapping around his waist out of reflex.
"let's get you to bed, sugar," he mumbles, kissing the top of your head. your curls smell divine, and the scent makes him feel at ease. while he walks back to your bedroom, you cling to him like a koala, head lulling with his movements.
he shuts off all the lights in his path, double checking the main locks in the house. when he arrives at your bedroom, he gently places you down on the mattress, tucking the sheets under your chin.
"i'll be right back baby," he murmurs, easing out of the bedroom and heading toward addie's room. he quietly opens the door, heart aching when he sees her sleeping form. she's knocked out, cradling her baby blanket to her chest.
yunho tip toes over to her, adjusting the stuffies, so she can get more comfortable. he leans down, pressing a kiss to her squishy cheek, tucking the sheets in a little tighter.
"goodnight addie. love you so much," he whispers, savoring this moment. with a final kiss to her forehead, he walks towards the door, turning around for one last look.
he can't believe how fast she's growing. it feels like just yesterday he was burping her and changing diapers. now, she's old enough to bargain with you on staying up later. he smiles to himself at the thought. exhaustion intensifies the emotion swelling in his chest. with a sigh, he shuts the door, smiling to himself as he walks down the hall.
everything feels right in this moment. he's like a magnet, drawn towards your bedroom, eager to hold you in his arms. he's finally home with his girls and knows he'll get the best night of sleep that he's had in a while.
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
My girls (Lance Stroll)
Lance gave Juno one job: to make sure his girls were looked after while he was away at a triple header
Note: english is not my first language. My baby fever has been through the roof lately, and while I was working on this, another blurb came through for dad!Lance, so I joined them.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader is pregnant
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Have you seen Juno?", Margot asked her older sister while she did her homework, "where's mummy? She usually is where mummy is", Addalynn smiled, "I just need to finish this question and then I can go downstairs with you, wait a bit for me, please", she asked.
Margot waited for her, standing by her desk and watching curiously as her older sister wrote on her notebook until she finished, tidying her desk and storing the notebook back in her backpack, "we can go downstairs now", she smiled, holding Margot's hand and going down the stairs with her, the patter from Luna's paws and nails on the floor telling them you were in the kitchen.
You had only read about it in books, and since Luna had only been in your family for a little over a year, you never experienced being pregnant while having a dog. So far, besides your two daughters, you also had a four-pawed shadow following you around, "Luna, you can't get all tangled between my ankles, okay? Mummy can't see you that well anymore, only your tail every now and again", you giggled as you looked for her snout, hearing the girls approaching you.
"I knew she'd be here", Addy whispered to Margot as she called the dog, sitting on the floor to play with the dog.
"Are you hungry, girls? I can make you something before we sit down for dinner", you offered, figuring that dinner would still take a while to be ready.
"No, we just wanted to play with Juno", Margot said, pulling on the rope material so Juno could pull back.
"I finished my homework, too, and we knew Juno would be where you were", Addalynn added as you blushed slightly, "she's following daddy's request to look after you!", both girls giggled.
"She's looking after all of us - but I think she does come to stay with me whenever she wants a rest", you winked, "she knows I won't go too far too quickly", you offered.
When you finished dinner and tidying up with the girls' help, they were quick to go to the living room, turning on the TV and finding the channel.
"Is daddy on track yet?", you asked, ushering Juno to her spot on the sofa by your left before you sat down next to the girls on your right.
"Lizzie was saying they're going to start soon", Addy added as she unfolded the blanket on top of her and Margot's legs, "do you want some of the blanket too?", she asked.
"I have mine here, love, thank you, though", you smiled, arranging it under your bump carefully as you stretched your legs on the footstool, "Oh, forgot my pillow", you mumbled, changing your position.
"I'll get it, mummy!", Margot offered, getting the pillow you needed and placing it under your feet, "is it good?", she checked.
"It is, sweetheart, thank you", you smiled at her attentiveness as she climbed back on the sofa.
"Daddy is going really fast!", Margot pointed out, "is this the one where he could win?".
"This is practice still, the one where he can go for the pole position is much later and you will be asleep by then", you stated, not wanting to bend their bedtime routine even more than you were already doing.
"Okay", they said in unison, respecting your orders. Overall, they were pretty good at following what you asked them to do, usually only throwing tantrums when they were really tired and understanding what could and couldn't be negotiated pretty well. Of course they were still kids and had their developmental needs and challenges, but you also had an inkling that Lance had spoken to them about how they needed to behave extra well since he wouldn't be coming home for three weeks.
You rolled to Lance's side of the bed, finding Luna already looking at you, "the girls are not up yet?", you mused, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
Getting up gently, allowing your back and hips to stretch properly and readying yourself to go back to spending most of the day in a standing position, "Good morning, baby girl, you're up too, at least, you can keep me and Juno company", you smiled, rubbing your bump softly as you felt her movements, little feet kicking your ribs gently for now.
The silence didn't last for too long as when you were getting yourself dressed, Juno's ears popped when she heard noise, leaving you briefly to go to the girls' bedrooms. Putting on your lounge wear set and making sure it would be stretchy enough around your bump you stepped into the corridor to find your two curly haired girls petting Juno.
"Good morning, mummy! Did you sleep well?", Addalynn asked, coming close to give you a hug.
"Good morning, my loves. I did, did you?", you kissed the top of her head before kissing Margot's as well, hugging her too, "I'm going to let Juno out in the garden so she can do her business, are you coming down now?", you wondered as you picked out comfy clothes for them.
"I'll go in a bit - I need to pee!", Margot let you know before speeding to the bathroom.
You opened the back door for Juno first and then started making breakfast.
The doorbell rang, making Juno go up to the door with you, and once you opened it, she barked loudly at the man holding a box, "Juno, it's okay!", you assured her as she took a protective stance in front of you, "she's harmless, really, but she will bark at anyone she doesn't know, I'm sorry if she scared you", you told him.
"It's fine, no worries, I used to have one just like her when my children were younger", the delivery man, "Y/N Stroll, right? These two boxes are for you, may I?", he asked, wanting to help you by at least putting the package on top of the table near the door.
"Sure, thank you! Juno, come here!", you called the brown labrador so she wouldn't get in the way.
"There you go", he said, "I hope you have a good day!", he waved as he walked back to the car.
"Thank you, you too!", you waved back before closing the door.
The girls walked down the stairs, Addalynn in the outfit you picked out and Margot holding her clothes on her hand, "who was that, mummy?".
"A delivery man - we got two packages. Do you need help getting dressed, love?", you asked Margot, who nodded as she looked at the smaller box.
"Can we see what's inside?", Addalynn quesioned.
"Sure, you girls do that one while I do this one", you encouraged, ripping the tape on the box on the table to see a beautiful bunch of flowers along with a card.
I can't wait to be back home, I miss you girls so much!
There are some flowers for you and the girls and a little treat for Juno, too - figured she wouldn't be the most gentle with a plant!
I love you!
- Lance
"Mummy, this one has flowers, too!", Margot showed you two smaller bunches of flowers and a bag with some dog treats.
"These are from daddy! This one is for me, each of those is for you and then some treats for Juno", you explained, showing them the card so Addalynn could read it out loud as you carried the flowers to the kitchen so you could put them in water.
"Let's take a photo and send it to daddy, okay? Smile big, my loves!", you cheered, snapping a cute photo of the girls, Juno and the flowers and sending it to Lance.
Even though it was late where he was, your husband still sent you a text with many heart emojis and then another one reading "these are three of my favourite girls, and I would like to see the other two 👀".
Taking a selfie in the mirrow on the hallway, perfectly showing your baby bump, you sent it back to Lance, earning the same reaction to the first one you sent.
After having breakfast, you sat on the sofa to watch the qualifying session, the girls laying out their Lego sets, "daddy didn't tell you in which position he was starting?", Addy mused.
"No, I told him we would watch it today and I stayed away from the news, too, so I have no idea what's going to happen", you offered, pressing play on the remote to start the program.
Juno was quick to recognise Lance, getting up from her spot where she rested her head on your legs, tail wagging, "yes, Juno, that's daddy!", Margot squealed.
"Does that mean daddy got P3?", Addalynn asked as the voice over as they filmed the paddock spoke about a penalty, "yes, he goes up a place", you smiled.
Later on the night, your baby girl couldn't seem to settle so sleep wasn't coming by easily, "if your sisters find out that you're keeping me up so we can watch daddy's race, we're going to be in trouble", you spoke, fluffing the pillows as Juno looked up at you, "you can't tell anyone either, okay?", you warned the dog as you set up you iPad on your bedside table.
Lance ended up in second place, the podium celebrations showing his happiness as he sprayed the champagne on the other drivers, "mummy's tired, baby girl, and daddy is flying back soon", you tried to soothe her by rubbing your bump, hoping she would slow down enough for you to sleep once you turned off the streaming channel.
Lance couldn't wait to be back home, getting his luggage from the plane as soon as he could before he walked to his car, putting all his belongings inside and driving home to his family. Triple headers were hard as it was, but now that he had his family waiting back home, they were even harder.
He closed the garage door and parked the car, taking his luggage to the laundry room before expecting to meet the girls at the corridor but finding the whole floor empty.
Lance found you napping on his side of the bed, the girls napping on your side and Juno by the feet of the bed.
Smiling at the view, he walked up gently to you, Juno alert as she sensed someone else in the room and barking before noticing it was Lance, stepping closer to him to rub her snout on his legs, "hey, Juno, you did a good job here from what I can see!", he scratched her ears.
The girls stirred in their sleep, blinking their eyes a couple of times before looking at him, "hey, girls", he whispered.
"Daddy!", they yelled, making him kneel on the floor so he could hug them closely, "I missed you princesses so so so much", he said, inhaling their scent and squeezing their bodies closer to his.
"We missed you too, daddy", Margot said, kissing his cheek while Addalynn nodded, snuggling herself closer to Lance.
You turned on your side, opening your eyes to see Lance and the girls, "you're home already?", you croaked out, a sleepy smile on your lips.
Lance climbed up on the bed so he could hug you close, "I am, love", he greeted as his arms wrapped around your body.
"Hello, my love", you whispered against his lips before kissing him, feeling his hands rub your bump
"Hey, darling", he said once he let go of the kiss, "baby girl has grown so much these past weeks, hm?", he smiled, pecking your lips, "you're so beautiful, Y/N - isn't it true, girls? Mummy looks so beautiful", he added as they nodded, "I have all of my beautiful girls with me", he pulled them into the hug, squeezing you together for a family cuddle.
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eyesthatroll · 10 months
chocolate pancakes | bless the broken road series
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pairing: dad!jack x fem!reader warnings(s): established relationship, children, not sure what else. word count: 2.26k author's note: dad!jack is everything to me. also i love this au sm. hope u enjoy. (i too would give jhugh as many babies as he wanted). go canucks! -mari
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With a gradual opening of your eyes, the morning light filtering in, you’re gently reminded that your youngest son, Adler, sought refuge in your bed after a nightmare. An attempt to roll onto your side is halted by a concealed giggle emanating from under the covers. Curiosity piqued, you twist your body, discovering a tender scene unfolding—your son and husband engaged in a hushed game of thumb wrestling.
Caught in this quiet interlude, Jack’s eyes meet yours, and an easy grin spreads across his face. “Morning, Mama,” he greets, the raspiness in his voice echoing in the morning stillness. Adler, buoyed by his father’s words, springs into action, throwing himself onto you with infectious enthusiasm, demanding a good morning hug. “Mama!” he exclaims, the joyful proclamation filling the room and ushering in the start of a new day.
“Addy,” you softly greet him, a smile gracing your lips as you lean in to plant a cascade of kisses all over his face. Starting at his nose, you traverse his cheeks, then his forehead, and back to his nose again. Adler giggles in response, a mixture of delight and playful protest evident in the sound, his small frame wriggling as he tries to escape the onslaught of your never-ending kisses. 
Releasing him from your hold, Adler tumbles into Jack’s chest with a soft thump, a mild groan escaping Jack’s lips as he instinctively pulls your son into a warm embrace. 
“How about you go wake your brother up? Please.” Jack suggests to Adler, who responds with an enthusiastic nod. In his eagerness, Adler inadvertently delivers a swift kick to Jack’s sensitive area as he springs off the bed, his small feet padding down the hall toward the shared room with Stephen. Jack’s face contorts in pain, his hands instinctively reaching down to alleviate the discomfort. The unexpected and humorous turn of events elicits a spontaneous burst of laughter from you, unable to contain the amusement of the morning. Moments later, Jack joins in, and the two of you find yourselves laughing obnoxiously at eight in the morning.
“Are you... okay?” you manage to ask. He shakes his head, a lingering amusement dancing in his eyes as he pulls you towards him. Yielding to his tug, Jack effortlessly guides you onto his lap, and you straddle his waist. In an easy gesture, he reaches up to sweep a cluster of wild curls behind your ear, his fingers tenderly lingering at your earlobe to stroke down your cheek.
From this vantage point, looking down at him, your hands come to rest on his toned stomach, fingers lightly grazing the warm skin beneath. Your gaze lingers intently on his striking face, where traces of a recent injury still mark his nose from a puck taken to the face weeks ago. Noting the specks of acne littering his T-zone area, you discern that proper skincare wasn’t a priority when he was away on the roadie he just arrived home from. Yet, despite these imperfections, God was he gorgeous. You couldn’t help but have an appreciation for the raw and unfiltered essence of him and who he was. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” he mumbles. Your response is a subtle raise of your shoulders, a facade of innocence adorning your features as you lean down, bringing your face closer to his. “Like what?” you inquire, a teasing edge to your tone.
A hitch in his breathing betrays the effect of your proximity. “Like you want me to put another baby in you,” 
Quirking a brow, you choose to test the waters further, your face flaring with heat. “Maybe I do,” your words hang in the air, laden with a provocative energy that lingers between you both.
He wets his bottom lip, cursing under his breath, before leaning up to capture your lips. Your hands are in his hair, tugging slightly at the roots, a gesture that elicits a small moan from him, prompting an opening that gives you access to his tongue. You hear multiple sets of footsteps through the hall headed your direction, causing a smile into the kiss you shared with Jack. “Daddy, tell Stevie to stop touching my Obi-Wan doll!” 
You quickly roll off of Jack, slight panic arising for him as he moves to throw a pillow over his rapidly growing erection. With a quiet chuckle escaping your lips, you pivot toward your beautiful babies, whom you couldn’t believe were almost five years old. “Let’s go make pancakes!” you exclaim, the mere suggestion injecting a burst of excitement into the room. The bickering that had occupied their attention mere moments ago dissolves like morning mist as they eagerly latch onto the idea, their little feet transforming into a blur of motion as they dash towards the kitchen, their jubilant voices harmonizing in a spirited chorus of, “Pancakes!”
Emerging from the embrace of your cozy bed, you pause at the threshold of the door, a playful glint in your eyes. “You coming?” you inquire, the corners of your lips curling into a mischievous smile.
Jack responds with an almost theatrical groan, surrendering to gravity as he collapses backward onto the bed. “You know I can’t right now.”
With a subtle shake of your head, a genuine amusement lighting up your features, you leave Jack with his predicament, your steps carrying you towards the task of gathering the boys. In the confined space of the hallway bathroom, the three of you brushed your teeth, and washed your faces for the day. 
Upon your return to the kitchen, you are greeted by a sight that pleasantly surprises you—all of the ingredients needed, adorning the counter top. 
Your fingers close around a bag of miniature chocolate chips, and you arch an eyebrow at the two little boys gazing up at you with eager anticipation. “Chocolate chips... what’s the plan with these?” you playfully inquire, wearing a mock expression of bewilderment.
In an instant, Stephen jumps from his feet. “Choco pancakes!” he declares with unbridled enthusiasm.
Your grin widens as you challenge him, “Chocolate in pancakes? Mhm.. that doesn’t sound right...”
Stephen, undeterred, makes a determined lunge for the bag, insisting, “Yes, Mama, they’re my favorite!”
Grinning, you seize Stephen around the waist, effortlessly lifting him off the ground. You twirl him in a joyful circle, showering him with affectionate, sloppy kisses—mirroring the same endearing ritual you bestowed upon Adler earlier in the morning. “Ew, Mama, let me go!” 
Gently settling Stephen back onto the floor, your focus shifts to the mudroom, where your keen eyes catch sight of the two items you were seeking. Easily, you retrieve the boys’ step stools, positioning them strategically near the stove for the later use. 
Turning to the boys, you invite them to take their places at the island, their anticipation palpable. The prospect of cooking with you elicits an unmistakable sparkle in their eyes. As they eagerly perch on their stools, you can’t help but feel a radiant warmth in your heart as you reflect on the profound significance of these moments. Spending time in the kitchen with Stephen and Adler, sharing what you’ve dedicated your life to, with them—gave you a sense of happiness that rested in your chest always. 
You grant the boys autonomy in the kitchen, allowing their small hands to navigate the world that is chocolate chip pancakes. They take charge, measuring ingredients with a mixture of enthusiasm and concentration. As they gingerly crack an egg, you observe their movements with a watchful eye, ready to intervene at the first sign of trouble, though, they’ve made pancakes around probably a dozen times now, it was almost second nature to them. 
In the midst of this culinary symphony, Jack materializes, a vision of casual comfort in gray sweatpants and a well-worn t-shirt. Evidence of a recent shower clings to him, his hair tousled and damp, redness resting in his face. Closing the distance, he sidles up behind you, molding his form to yours. With a gentle touch, he rests his chin atop your head, wrapping his arms around you, the warmth of his presence adding an extra layer of intimacy to the kitchen tableau.
Together, you and Jack become silent spectators to your twins before you, sharing a moment of quiet unity as you witness the harmonious chaos of your sons navigating the world of cooking.
“Done, Mama!” Adler’s triumphant proclamation reverberates through the kitchen, accompanied by the clink of his bowl being hoisted upward and skillfully twisted for your inspection. Jack, displaying swift parental reflexes, intervenes immediately. He glides over, deftly guiding the elevated bowl back to a stable eye level, a masterful save as the pancake mixture teeters perilously close to escaping the confines of the container. Stephen, ever the observant sibling, punctuates the moment with a peal of laughter, relishing in the near-miss.
Amidst the playful banter, Adler slouches into his chair, a subtle pout gracing his features as he nibbles thoughtfully on his bottom lip. “Sorry, Daddy,” he offers in a soft, apologetic murmur.
Jack, the epitome of paternal grace, brushes aside the potential mishap with an understanding smile. He leans in, a soft gesture that manifests as a kiss planted on Adler’s forehead. “It’s alright, bud.” 
He moves to methodically pull out the boys’ chairs one by one. His strong arms effortlessly lift them from the lofty barstools, descending with a gentleness that contrasts the stools’ imposing height. The boys, brimming with anticipation, scamper towards the stove, their eagerness painting the air with a palpable sense of excitement.
Meanwhile, you seize both pancake-laden bowls, cradling them with a careful balance as to not drop them. Jack, in seamless coordination, retrieves two spatulas and two ladles from the kitchen drawers, handing each utensil to the boys, who accept with a small thank you leaving their lips. Mindful of the potential hazards, the boys instinctively keep a safe distance as you flick the burners on, configuring the heat before positioning the pans. 
You watch with amusement as Adler crafts a quartet of petite pancakes, each a miniature masterpiece, while Stephen opts for a duo of substantial ones that meld seamlessly within the confines of the pan. Laughter dances through the air as the boys revel in their culinary freedom, flipping their creations with a sense of pride, all without needing your or Jack’s assistance.
As the spatulas expertly navigate the flips and turns, the aroma of cooking pancakes weaves its way through the room, a fragrant tapestry engulfing the space. In a surprisingly short span, the once-filled bowls now stand empty, replaced by towers of golden-brown pancakes, contrasting in size and shape. 
Jack extinguishes the burners, before helping the boys dismount from their step stools. A synchronized burst of youthful energy propels them toward the den, their plates clutched like treasures in hand. The anticipation of Saturday morning cartoons, a rare indulgence, dances in their eager eyes. You trail behind, two cups of milk in hand, the cool liquid promising a refreshing complement to the warmth of their freshly cooked pancakes. 
The den, a haven of comfort, awaits their arrival. With careful precision, you guide them to a small table, the hub of their Saturday morning ritual. The glow of the TV screen flickers to life, revealing an episode of Sonic the Hedgehog already in progress. Settling into the soft cushions, the boys become entranced by the animated world unfolding before them.
“Started coffee,” Jack announces, his gaze leaving the pot to lock onto yours as you reenter the kitchen.
“Thank you, love,” you respond with a grateful smile. Moving to the fridge, you retrieve a container of velvety vanilla yogurt and your preferred coffee creamer. Jack, attuned to your needs, hands you a plate laden with pancakes, seamlessly relieving you of the creamer as if anticipating your next move.
Taking your designated seat at the island, you observe with quiet appreciation as Jack, with practiced familiarity, doctors up your coffee just the way you like it. The fragrant steam rises, winning the battle over the pancakes and successfully enveloping the kitchen in the rich aroma. As Jack presents you with the completed coffee, you savor the moment, the warmth of the mug seeping through your hands.
Seated beside you, he seizes the moment to immerse you in the vibrant narrative of the road trip. As the two of you indulge in breakfast, he delves into the details with animated gestures and candid expressions. From lamenting the decisions of the referees to self-critiquing and dissecting nuances that demand improvement, he unveils the intricacies of his experiences on the road.
Amidst the discourse of sports, a genuine sentiment surfaces — he shares how much he missed you, and the intimacy of the conversation deepens as he intertwines personal anecdotes with tidbits of team gossip. The breakfast table becomes a nexus, where the clatter of cutlery and the exchange of words weave a narrative that transcends the surface of sports talk.
“I meant what I said earlier.” 
A fleeting moment of confusion flits across his features, a subtle puzzle settling into his expression. However, realization dawns, and a radiant spark ignites in his eyes. Despite the attempt to conceal his joy, a flicker of brightness surfaces, momentarily betrayed by the clearing of his throat as he grapples with a mix of emotions. 
“You don’t have to just say that, if you don’t really want another.” He cautions. 
You lean into him, your lips meeting his gently. “I’ll give you as many babies as you want, J.”
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0blobthefish0 · 1 year
Just one small change - full fic
addison montgomery masterlist | main masterlist
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Addison Montgomery x Female Reader 1351 Words
"Here you go," Addison says handing over the papers to Derek.
"Divorce papers," he states as he examines the sheet. "You've already signed," he mumbles, and she glances over at you as you work.
"Yeah, yeah I have." A small smile on her lips as she looks fondly at you.
When Addison had walked through those hospital door, you couldn't believe your eyes. She was there, in Seattle, in the same hospital, in the same area, at the same time. You hadn't seen her in years, probably well over a decade now, but there was no doubt that it wasn't her. She looked good. She looked really, really good. Her long red hair curled over shoulders cladded in fur from her black coat, a grey skirt wrapped around her hips and she wore heels that aided her already tall height. Addison Forbes Montgomery was always a force to be reckoned with. So when you saw her stood behind Derek Shepherd and, poor, Meredith Grey with that look in her eyes, you couldn't help but stay a little while. 
That night had been a while ago, and you watched as she settled into the hospital, though the tension between the three were, understandably, rising. You hadn't decided to make yourself known to her as there was never a good moment, the last being that first night she was here, there was no need to rush anyway, she might not even remember you, you had changed substantially since. 
You were in the NICU, there had been an emergency c-section last nights and the baby was so small, probably the smallest one you had ever seen. You were checking his tubes, making sure everything was working properly, when salmon scrubs caught your eye. You glanced at her as she walked past the glass, a smile was on her lips as she talked to the person next to her and you felt your heart flutter. You focused back on the baby and felt yourself wince, when you had left school knowing that you would most likely never see her again, you though that was it which left you to just push your massive crush on her to the side instead of dealing with it. And now you were paying for it, fawning over her like you did so many years ago. You needed to do something. Anything.
You found yourself in the bar, slowly sipping on a small glass, dressed up and swallowing all your sorrows away. You had gone on a date and left as quickly as you could, the types of people you found were unspeakable, you hoped to never see that person ever again. You signalled for another when you felt someone take the seat next to you. You glimpsed at them and when your eyes caught red hair you looked again. It was definitely her; well, you thought, it was now or never.
"Bad day, Montgomery?" You questioned as Joe passed you another drink. You picked it up and swirled the liquor with the straw, staring at it, looking, hopefully, unbothered. Meanwhile, Addison had turned her whole body to you, at recognising your voice, in shock. Her eyes surveyed your side profile as you stirred your drink and, after a while of no reply, you looked back at her. Addison could not believe her eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed with a smile as you took a sip of your drink and Addison, did that thing she always did when she was embarrassed, brought her hand up to thread through the top of her hair, pushing it back and tucking it behind her ears while she let out a small laugh. You watched as she did that and you felt your heart flutter, bringing back old memories. 
"You following me, Y/l/n?" She smirked as she was handed her own drink.
You shrugged, "Only if you want me to." Addison chuckled and pulled herself closer to you; this was going to be a long night.
You were definitely drunk now, and so was Addison. It was late and the two of you were still sat at the bar talking.  You had no idea how your conversation turned to this point, but it had.
"What're you going on about, Addie? I had the biggest crush on you in high school, like for the whole of high school," you blurted out and Addison was never one to hold back.
"How about now?" She flirted back with a smirk, her eyes heavy from all the drinks.
You paused, thinking about your answer, "I'd be stupid not to, you're gorgeous, everyone, at least, has a small crush on you, Addison Montgomery."  She stared at you and you stared back. "I'm so happy you're here," you smiled and she smiled back, "we should probably get going," you mumbled and patted your bag for your keys. 
"Whoa! Whoa!" Joe started, stopping you. "I'll call you guys a cab," he nodded.
"Smart," you looked back at Addison and pointed at him, nodding, "smart." 
You woke up first that morning, light spilling from the curtains and stabbing you in the brain. You let out a groan as you rubbed your eyes and let your arm fall back down the the bed, only to whack someone. You quickly pulled your hand away as you whipped your head around to face them. Familiar, red hair spilled over the white pillows and you felt your eyes widen. You lifted the duvet to discover that you were only in underwear, what had happened last night? 
Quietly, you moved from the bed and moved around the room, stepping on random items of clothing, and quickly pulled on something decent and clean to wear. You stepped into the kitchen, your bare feet on the cold tile causing you to hiss out in pain. A clock shone the time in glowing numbers and you picked up the pace, you were going to be late. Did Addison have work today? You didn't know; it was better to let her sleep, you'd leave her a note, a sharp pain travelled through your head, and a painkiller. 
Addison let out a yawn as she stretched out from her sleep, she let out a satisfied hum as she curled into the pillows. Her eyes flung open and she sat up, this wasn't her bed, and where were her clothes? Her eyes scanned the room and she quickly found her coat pooled on the floor, she stumbled her way toward it and rummaged for the pocket. She pulled out her phone and her eyes widened at the time. She opened her phone to find that she had a text from... you? When the two of you had exchanged numbers, she didn't know, but she was thankful for it now:
"Morning, Addie, sorry for having to leave you. I didn't know if you had work so I just let you sleep, there's a glass of water on the table and a painkiller, coffee in the brewer that I know you'll probably need and you can take whatever clothes you want from the closet. Hope you feel better than I did, and there's some money on the kitchen counter for a cab home. Again, I'm really sorry that you had to wake up alone."
A smile made its way onto her lips, you were always so thoughtful and she quickly made her way back to the bed to take the pill on the side table. Your bedroom, she was sat in your bedroom, in your home. She nodded to herself, it was very you.  All these years, and you were still you, butterflies flittered in her stomach, it was weird being here without you. 
Addison made her way into the hospital around midday, she had gotten home in a cab and had the money to pay you back. Derek didn't want her, she knew that, she had always known that, she just wasn't ready for it to be over. And now she was doing what was best.
"Here you go," Addison said as she handed over the papers to Derek.
He took the papers and looked at her before flicking through the sheets, "Divorce papers," he stated as he examined them. "You've already signed," he mumbled and Addison glanced over at you as you work.
"Yeah, yeah I have," a small smile made its way onto her lips as she looked fondly at you. 
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! Ok so I don't know if I late to your Adele Song Tribute (if I am that's totally alright!) but if you still have space what about something for Tommy or Jonathan with the song Skyfall? Maybe something about reader standing by her man/comforting him when everything seems to be falling part? I think it's one of my favourite songs of hers and not just because I love the James Bond movie of the same name😂 you totally don't have to to though if you don't want too❤️❤️
Hey Addie! Don’t worry you’re never late 🤗 thank you so much for sending in this request! It’s the first one of the ones I got that I started worked with because I particularly LOVE that song and watching the performance to get inspiration is something I really enjoy! ♥️ so I hope you like this 🥰
The lyrics for the song are in italics. As I was debating whether what background story to choose from to develop this story, I had like a moment flashing before my eyes… I definitely enjoyed writing a dark Tommy story for “The way to a man’s heart” but the thought kept coming back to me, how about the opposite? How about someone who actually loves him and wants to help him and his family? So I turned everything upside down and came up with this.
Adele song: Skyfall
Tommy Shelby x reader (smut)
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This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
That’s all that filled the halls.
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Y/N took a deep and shaky breath to build some courage and walked towards the love of her life.
Tommy had been staring at the road the police cars took after arresting Polly, Arthur, John and Michael, but they were long gone.
She’d never forget the look in their faces as they were processing what was happening; everything was caos, the people she considered her chosen family yelling, cursing Tommy, trying to find a way out. She felt useless.
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
Esme and Linda were looking at Tommy with such anger, that it made her heart ache for him. Jaws clenched, pointing fingers at him as they were escorted out of the house.
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
Softly she touched his shoulder to let him know she was close.
“Tom.” She could hardly even her own voice. “Come.”
It took a huge strength from her to snap Tommy out of his trance.
“Frances can you please prepare me a tea for Mr. Shelby? Lavender or Valerian Root… double.”
“Right away Madame.” The maid nodded and rushed towards the kitchen.
“I need to be alone.” Tommy mumbled as he stood in front of the staircase.
“No.” She stated firmly. “I’m -” her voice broke down a bit, “I’m right here for you Tom.”
“Y/N please,” he replied in that warning tone he used when he was about to loose his patience, “I’m not a very good company at the moment.”
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
She could see the pain in his eyes, and it was the hardest thing to endure.
Tommy had stepped up for his family since a very young age, he worked really hard for everyone, put everything single member of the family before him or his needs… it was time to make him a priority.
She couldn’t look another way and pretend he was alright.
Because he wasn’t, but he didn’t know how to ask for help either.
With all the love she held in her heart for this man she kneeled before him, Tommy didn’t lift his head as it was hanging close to his knees, he looked defeated.
“You got this, Tom, love,” gently but with a firm hand, Y/N lifted his chin to make him look at her, “this seems like a very dark time and that everything’s going the wrong way, but you always find a way to make it better, you always find a way out.”
“They hate me, Y/N as if they needed one more reason… there was nothing I could do to stop them from going to fucking jail.”
“I know darling.”
“All of this…” he extended his arms while looking around the room, “money, power, and for what? They’re in a fucking prison cell, the size of a shoebox. Someone else paid the judges and police more than I did.”
Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
“That’s where you’re wrong, my darling… you can use it to get your position back, if they got your family in prison and they want to play dirty? But you can play smarter than your enemies, I know you will get your family out of jail soon.”
That seemed to work on him, his features were softer, his shoulders weren’t so tense.
“What would I do without you? Ey?” His thumb outlined her cheek.
“Drive Frances crazy?” Y/N joked earning a small chuckle from Tommy that felt like the sweetest thing ever. “Now, I know it’s almost impossible, but have some rest, it will help you think better in the morning.”
“Will it work if I say no?” Tommy tried, knowing the answer before he even opened his mouth.
“Absolutely not.” She slapped his arm lightly before extending her arms towards him to ask for help to get up.
Getting rid of his suit jacket she placed it carefully on the chair, then Tommy let her unbutton his vest and shirt, but first she needed to get rid of the holster and gun.
His mind was going down in a spiral with worry, fears, the monsters inside his head, the tunnel closing up while he tried to reach the stairs to get out… but there right next to him was a woman who trusted him, who believed in him, who was trying to be the light in his darkness.
The only one he could trust to disarm him, both physically and emotionally.
Before he knew it, she tucked him in bed now only wearing his shorts, then she took a cigarette and the matches and lighted it for him, knowing so well he needed a smoke.
“I won’t take long, don’t go anywhere.” She requested right before pressing her full lips to his.
There was only one way to make that mind of him go numb.
He needed to think straight to choose his next move, but he wouldn’t be able to do so when he was in that altered state.
So she removed her skirt and blouse, applied some perfume and subtle lipstick and walked out of the bathroom wearing only her intimate pieces of clothing, a silky short in pale pink with a touch of black lace and matching bra.
As she slowly and tentatively walked towards the empty side of the bed, Tommy was under some kind of spell, his eyes devouring her body.
He was in the same position she left him; the sheets around his waist, bare chest and leaning against the headboard.
Still looking vulnerable after the horrible events of the day, but in his eyes she found a small flame starting to grow with each step she took. As it grew Tommy licked his lips in preparation of what was coming, he was aware of the power Y/N held over him once the bedroom door was closed.
His mind was already in blank as she straddled him, her fingers running up and down his chest. Tommy’s hands immediately circled her waist as he looked up with adoration in his eyes.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Tommy asked in a whisper, his body reacting as she rocked her hips slightly, tempting him, barely brushing against his member.
“Taking off my clothes.” Y/N replied in an innocent voice as if it wasn’t obvious.
Tommy groaned in pleasure as her upper body wasn’t covered anymore. He only dared to close his eyes a moment as she took off his glasses very carefully and placed it on his nightstand. He hissed as she took again her previous spot on him, leaning down to finally give him a proper and deep kiss.
As his mouth explored her neck and collarbone, his hands removed her underwear. A moment later, she was helping him out of his shorts. The atmosphere getting heated rapidly… it wasn’t long before Y/N was rocking her hips back and forth, teasing Tommy, just allowing the tip of his cock inside of her body, as Y/N moved an inch down only to move up again almost all the way out. He protested and tried to move her body down again, he needed her warm walls envelope him.
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
“Fuck… Y/N.” He moaned and to her it was the most beautiful sound.
But she wasn’t going to give in, just as Tommy tried to grind her against his hard member, she moved up again. The burning feeling between her legs only adding more pleasure.
“Not yet dear.” She enjoyed the half empty feeling of just having his tip inside and decided to change her pace and angle by making circles with her hips.
Tommy was weak when it came to her, there was no use in trying to deny it, but when it involved her naked, he would do anything she wanted him to.
“Please… I can’t hold it.” She noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead, how tense his jaw was, his beautiful blue eyes closed and felt the rhythm of his heart against her palm.
That’s when she finally in a fluid moment took all of him, his eyes snapped open and a low fuck escaped his lips as he could only focus on the fluttering feeling around him. Y/N controlled her movements to prolong her own pleasure. Throwing her head back she gave in the feeling of being connected so intimately to Tommy, hitting the sweet spot inside of her over and over and suddenly watching him with his mouth hanging open, the veins on his neck pulsing, groaning and trying to not come undone before her it was too much.
“Don’t hold back.” Y/N encouraged him as she guided one of his hands to her center, where she needed him, his skilled fingers set her on fire in mere seconds and they both reached the climax together.
By the end of the night, Tommy was exhausted, Y/N noticed when the rhythm of his breathing changed and he stopped clearing his sore throat after too many cigarettes. She didn’t dare to move to make sure from her current position; head resting on his chest, his arm around her waist. But at least she achieved her main goal… make him feel tired enough to get some sleep.
She knew he would deal with everything in the morning with a clear head, but for now she only wanted to enjoy the feeling of his lean body relaxed, his deep breaths helping her to relax as well.
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
The following morning when Y/N opened her eyes, she noticed Tommy wasn’t in bed with her but she could hear him moving around the bathroom so picking his undershirt from the floor, she tiptoed towards him finding Tommy tucking his shirt inside his pants.
“Morning Mr. Shelby, slept well?”
“Like a baby, you wore me out.” There was a hint of a smile, before returning to his usual serious expression.
“I’m coming with you to the office.” Y/N announced, but before Tommy could protest, she added; “think you probably need some extra hands these days.”
Tommy swallowed watching her strip down to enter the shower. “Thank you.”
She’d choose to tease him for accepting help so easily, but given the circumstances she decided to pass on and hurry up, without his family around the work and papers would pile up.
“Can you take over Polly’s calendar?” Tommy asked as they rushed towards the door.
“Ada will help us as well, I need to go out during lunch though, I asked Michael to do something but…” he trailed off and let the words hanging in the air.
As the car left Arrow House, Y/N squeezed his hand in an attempt to give Tommy some reassurance. On their way to the Shelby headquarters, Y/N helped him sign a couple of documents and a letter, as the ride went in silence, she knew he was already making a plan so she decided to give him time and space to do what he did best.
As soon as Tommy crossed the door Lizzie and other secretaries and employees were trying to figure out what would happen now, uncertainty decorating their features. Everyone following his instructions, not asking questions, they were just obeying his orders, he was back to being the boss once more, not showing an ounce of emotion, of course he wouldn’t show the vulnerable side Y/N saw the previous night.
Y/N marched to the kitchen in silence to prepare him some tea.
“This is a mess, how did you handled him last night?” Ada asked leaning against the table.
“As best as he let me.” Y/N sighed. “I think he’ll need something stronger, but Polly keeps the booze locked and I don’t know where her keys are.”
“I need to go through Arthur’s papers later, if I find something, I’ll give it to you.” Ada proposed in a low tone, still shocked.
“I’m planing to pay Polly a visit, she might need a change of clothes and other things, would you come with me?”
“The safe combination wont work, Y/N I need you to open it.” Tommy appeared out of breath, he looked like he had been moving furniture around and it was only past eight o’clock.
“Alright I’ll take that as my cue to go.” Ada left them with her own cup of tea, she had a long day ahead and knew when to stay away from her brother.
Pouring the two cups, Y/N gave Tommy his to try to keep him busy as he was looking over her shoulder, as if with that she would be able to open the safe faster.
“What’s so urgent?” She didn’t understand, Tommy had already paid for protection for his family while they were in jail. That was something.
But the combination she was using didn’t work either and Tommy was growing impatient.
“Hang on, Pol told me something about a picture.” Y/N clicked her fingers and started opening the back of a frame that was sitting on Polly’s desk, hidden behind a photo of Michael, there was a paper with the new combination.
“Why the hell did she choose to hide combination there?” Tommy complained, shaking his head.
“Because no one would think of opening a photo frame?” Y/N chuckled and left him to start organizing the things she would be helping around with.
First she started to make a list of the things that were needed at the office, then she got busy with the car spares of the upcoming shipments which kept her busy most of the morning.
The following weeks happened exactly like that, super busy days by keeping the books in order, registering the accountability made her feel exhausted by the end of the day and her feet were sore when she got involved in dispatching the Scotch whiskey. She could barely realize when it was lunch time and before she knew it, it was already nine o’clock and Tommy took some papers to keep working from home.
Rubbing his eyes, he locked the door to his office and walked through the empty property, all employees were gone home for the day, except for one; the most loyal one, the one who stepped in and didn’t ask what she needed to do, she got completely hands on immediately and didn’t stop until he was ready to go. Y/N had been developing incredible leadership skills, she made everything go right on time, she made sure meetings were efficient and all employees had clear instructions.
Tommy looked around for her since all he could find was silence,so it was a surprise to find her sitting on the floor inside the safe, somehow she also managed to make the count and organize the mess they had inside. After feeling on the edge for days, watching her skirt wrinkled, a lock of hair bothering her vision and making her blow some air in a lousy attempt to move it back made his day go a million times better.
She wasn’t a Shelby yet, - he should change that soon- but somehow she had managed to earn that last name by her endless support and all the hard work she was doing.
“You’re making me start thinking I should have everyone else fired and hire you full time, what the hell are you doing Y/N?” Tommy asked with his arms folded against his chest, the hint of a smile dancing in his lips. He couldn’t hide the amusement in his features.
Face it all together
At Skyfall
“Why do you have a King’s letter here?” Y/N raised her hand with a wrinkled paper, that caught Tommy’s attention right away.
“Where did you find it?” His eyes scanned the words at speed.
“After finishing the count, I started organizing the licenses and papers, this briefcase was at the back.” She explained showing him the other papers. “What’s the matter?”
Then, in a surprising motion, Tommy took her face between his hands and gave her a loud and effusive kiss on the lips.
“This is better than the fucking lottery!”
He announced storming out of the safe, Y/N rushed to close it before following his steps confused.
“You’re a fucking genius.”
“I’m not following.” She frowned while Tommy poured two glasses, this was the first time she saw him smile for weeks, his eyes finally showing life.
“I found that briefcase by accident some time ago, it involves the King in some shit ,” his eyes were shining like the stars outside, “this is my ticket to get my family out and all thanks to you.”
Tommy pulled her by the hips to make her sit on his lap.
“What are you waiting for then? Go on!” She encouraged him, but Tommy had other plans.
“If it wasn’t for you during this difficult time, I wouldn’t be able to do this, you know that right?” His hand came to caress her cheek while she took a moment to savor his sweet words. “This is far from the ideal proposal and I don’t even have a ring right now, but I need you to know that I want you by my side forever.”
“Oh Tommy!” Her eyes got teary, she was so tired and worried for him, thinking he would explode at any moment so this was totally unexpected.
And for the first time in days, they both felt like they did a good job by keeping the business afloat and finally the way to get the family free. After hugging tightly and another round of kisses, Y/N pulled back.
“First things first, we’re going to write a letter to get your family out of jail,” Y/N stated excitedly, “we should do a tea party and invite Mr. Churchill and other VIP guests.”
Tommy chuckled.
“And let me pick up Aunt Pol, she is still angry with you.”
“Fair enough.” He answered leaning back on his chair as Y/N was writing the letter.
After asking a blinder to deliver it personally, Y/N walked back into Tommy’s office finding him with his eyes closed and two fingers massaging his temples.
“Everything will be alright.” She hugged him from behind, taking in how worried he really was, but he had been disguising as strong and tough and intimidating all the time.
“I know,” when Tommy looked into her eyes, she found sadness. “Thank you for doing this.”
“Tommy… I knew you’d find a wait to get them out.”
“This shouldn’t be happening. Not to them.”
“Let’s focus on the future now, hmm?” Y/N kissed his cheek.
That was all he could think of now. And all of the things they’d do together.
He was so grateful for the way she managed everything, kept him grounded and focused, encouraged him to keep going, to not give up, she stood up for him when he needed it the most.
And there was nothing on earth good enough to show her how grateful he really was.
Adele songs challenge
Master List
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @zablife @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra
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