mageofcolors · 5 months
I'm being nerfed again, Companion!
Tumblr has once again given me a time out from reblogging lol but tis fine. How're you? I hope you're doing well
Anything interesting happening in the fandoms or perhaps you saw a particularly eye catching rock or perhaps something interesting in any games you've played?
I wanted to send in an ask for fun and hope this finds you well!
Dear Fiden,
This ask has found me in quite the predicament, as I am now taking care of the dog of my Parents, who left me alone both at work and in their house to take care of their pets and suffer in what is probably the coldest weak of the season! But I am not salty, not at all!!!!
however. i have been gamin u see. this game called Sword 'n Magic and Stuff. It's a fun little fantasy rpg that's still in early access made by an indie studio and i'm obsessed with it. absolutely in love!!!!!! i get to be a mage and ride a cute horse and do parkour with the horse and collect cool lookin weapons and buy multiple houses and decorate them to my will and i can craft cool things and it's just very very fun :D There is fighting ofc too and you do quests for people and there are like. hidden secrets around the map it's cool!!!!@ ive been playing this for 3 weeks now i think and i have over 80 hours (it'd be more if not for the fact that i work full time)
but yes! Your ask did find me quite well in thats sense, my dear friend.
I hope thou is fairing splendidly! And if not, then at least okay. You're strong and ily <3
but yeah how're ya doin?
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hweesiong · 6 months
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Master of fire, enough sweetness to hide the hoppiness.
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I like em
5 headed beasties
Kinda drew inspiration from various creatures as usual
-various mammals such as stoats and seals and such, salamander, eels and Canidae for the 4 sensory heads, and bats
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beerselfie · 2 years
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#Repost @tapswithtor Chasing Sunrises & Sunsets (always)      Burning Daylight @fidensbrewing 8.5%   Imperial IPA. DIPA with American, Australian, and New Zealand hops.      📝 Citrus soft with some grassy hops. It is so convenient to stop at Fidens en route to Cooperstown. I tend to bring their ipas/dipas for the sunset happy hours. They make delicious beer and happen to be wonderful people. This was the “best cloud” night on the water, the sky changed every hour.     #beersintow #optoutside #fidens #dipa #nybeer #thinknydrinkny #otsegolake #sunset #burningdaylight https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg0QNYNvU1j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afghanprincess69 · 16 days
what has absolutely rounded out my first full year living in mtl
strange enough t say but i am white passing and i have the utter conffidence, posterity and total privledge for the confidence to go and live how and whither i choose to in this big open city
being white (toned in pallor)does not neccisate this but it certainly helps - ppl in this city fuckin got me. sov to invite me. max with the fries. claudia to come. they do, verily, at the end of it all. they got me. and i trust them deeply.
i am asexual, and i live my life according to life~ and sexuality the way i feel it, secondary despite the sensulatity i naturally bring. getting in front of myself - knowing myself too well does not help my state of things
and another thing -- no body sees me. I ought to stop thinking anyone sees me because no body does. Not even - and especially myself. I do not see me.
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ifattinews · 1 year
Giorgia Meloni sul social ricorda l'amica Nicoletta, vittima della sparatoria a Roma
Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni pubblica sul social il suo ricordo dell’amica Nicoletta Golisano, rimasta uccisa nella sparatoria in un condominio romano, per mano del 57enne Claudio Campiti. Il ricordo Il dramma che si è consumato nella zona Fidene, nel corso di una riunione di condominio a Fidene, conta tra le vittime anche un’amica di Giorgia Meloni, che affida ai social il suo…
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mageofcolors · 6 months
If you're up to it:
For the ask game: 10 and 13
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
I'm excited for spring! i want it to be warm again and i wanna be able to comfortable wear skirts and dresses again. I wanna be able to go out after work to play pokemon go when it's not too dark outside yet. I wanna see dandelions and I wanna feel the just slightly cool wind. ALSO there's a possibility my sister and i might go to norway in may and that would be very cool
13. what’s your comfort food?
Cereal or hot dogs! Theyre the things easiest for me to eat when i cant get myself to eat anything else
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floofgryph · 5 months
Mutual circle: @ask-liam-and-co @nunezs-stuff @vanillafalvoredcoffee @chouthechaoticraccoon @heldril @buffporcupine @lovelielaurel @adcmans @randomlysent @adharagranley-writer @fidens-world @writing-n-memes
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fidens-world · 7 months
Fidens was s persona I created because I didn't have roll models or heroes. I strive to be him. Someone strong and confident. Fearless and daring. Thoughtful and caring. Every day, I'd look in the mirror and say you're awesome. I didn't believe it at first, but I eventually did. Like hilter said, " If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
But he really didn't come alive until that day. I was 16. I was there in the mirror. Staring. Breathing slow and hard. Gun on my temple. I yelled for silence and held my breath. Then pulled the trigger. Tink. I've spent an Eternity in just a few seconds. How can hope and despair be mixed in my stomach? Then he awoken.
I don't think anyone wants to die. Honestly. I think we just feel stuck and that the only power we have is by killing ourselves. That's how we take back control. We decide when we die no one else. Not even time.
But what if I told you. .
The life you live will be greater than any pain you've felt.
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cypriathus · 7 months
WIP List Game
Thanks to @anyablackwood for tagging me! I haven't even started writing for any of my stories because I'm honestly more preoccupied with character names and worldbuilding (I'm slowly picking my way at it). I'm also kind of lazy, but I do have a lot of ideas that are floating around my head.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I did post the plots of my WIPs, but you still ask me stuff.
I don't know too many writeblrs, but here are a few I'll tag who are writeblrs or writing is a hobby of theirs (it can be any type such as poetry) and you're also open to join if you wish to do so.
@adcmans @chouthechaoticraccoon @writing-n-memes @nunezs-stuff @the-missann @adharagranley-writer @caffiendbard @fidens-world
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aceballcomics · 1 year
ok the other day I was going to a dance recital for my cousin, and on the way there we passed by the police station of this small town and I have literally never seen so many pride flags along with so many trump 2024 flags. the entire police station was covered with trump flags and “buck fiden” flags and “let’s go brandon” flags and in the homes next to them are some brave souls waving progress pride flags and a bunch of other flags. shoutout to those brave souls they are the real G’s
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soup-scope · 1 year
hey ray. hey friend. hey. do tou want to be friends. hey do you want to be fidens. hey.
i’m going to publicly castrate you and then hang my trophy on the walls along my estate to warn other trespassers that they will suffer the same fate if they’re foolish enough to cross.
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beerselfie · 2 years
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#Repost @val.beer.i Equilibrium Brewing x Mortalis Brewing x Widowmaker Brewing x Fidens Brewing • System Four . Systems Four starts off with a grist with 4 grains: flaked wheat, flaked oats, golden naked oats, and base malt before a Citra and Mosaic T90 and Incognito whirlpool. A systematically monster dry hop follows with EQ’s Energy Treatment using 4 of their favorite hops: Strata, Citra, Mosaic, and Galaxy. 8.5% abv . Nose is fruity, citrusy. Taste is fruity and juicy. Hoppy with notes of grapefruit, orange, mango, and passion fruit. It’s dank, a bit earthy, with a dry finish. Good mouthfeel. #eqjuice Cheers 🍻 . . . . . #equilibriumbrewery #mortalisbrewing #widowmakerbrewing #fidensbrewing #systemfour #dipa #beer #beerporn #valbeeri #beergeek #beerlover #beerlife #beerpics #beergasm #beerme #beerselfie #beerstagram #craftbeer #craftbeerlife #craftbeergirl #beerfluencer #craftbeerblog #showyourcans #craftbeerjunkie #craftbeerporn #craftbeerpics #craftbeerenthusiast #cheers https://www.instagram.com/p/Cklw85DvWbp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ben şu an Wi-Fiden Tumblra giriyorum fakat insta ve tivitıra vpn ile giriliyor
İnstagram ve Twitter patlamadan sonra yayınlanan görüntüler nedeniyle yavaşlatıldı veya erişime kapatıldı. Tumblr ile ilgili bir durum söz konusu degil..
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mageofcolors · 2 months
Was burnt out from social media and started ignoring my phone which happens at regular intervals
Im kinda back now but yee
Hope you're doing okay
I can't remember if i sent this to ya
But yee i missed ya
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Understandable, I'm glad you're takimg breKs when you need to!
I'm doing good! Been playing/watching lots of minecraft XD
and YOU'RE SO RIGHT. DO IT BAD and all that. do it bc it makes u happy. im augjjgjf ive been getting myself to get over that lately XD
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lamilanomagazine · 1 day
Roma: oltre 450 kg di droga sequestrati, la Polizia di Stato ha tratto in arresto 4 persone
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Roma: oltre 450 kg di droga sequestrati, la Polizia di Stato ha tratto in arresto 4 persone. Continua, senza sosta, la lotta della Polizia di Stato e della Procura della Repubblica contro lo spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti nella Capitale. Questa volta, sottratti al mercato 450 kg di droga. Gli agenti della Polizia di Stato del III Distretto Fidene-Serpentara hanno arrestato in flagranza un 20enne romano poiché gravemente indiziato del reato di detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti. I poliziotti, a seguito di un'attività info-investigativa, hanno effettuato un servizio di osservazione finalizzato al contrasto del fenomeno dello spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti e, in particolare, hanno controllato l'abitazione di un uomo, a Lariano, dove hanno rinvenuto ben 199 kg di hashish, 5 chilogrammi e mezzo di marijuana, una macchina per il sottovuoto e diverso materiale per il confezionamento e la pesatura della sostanza stupefacente. Gli agenti hanno identificato l'uomo per un 28enne romano e lo hanno tratto in arresto poiché gravemente indiziato del reato di detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti. Sempre gli agenti del III Distretto durante un mirato servizio di osservazione, presso uno stabile in via Monte Libretti, hanno notato presunti scarichi di sostanze stupefacenti da mezzi di trasporto commerciali. In particolare, hanno visto arrivare un autotreno che si è posizionato a retromarcia rispetto all'ingresso del deposito e, contestualmente, sono sopraggiunti due uomini i quali, mentre l'autista teneva aperto il vano sottostante il rimorchio, hanno iniziato a scaricare rapidamente diversi pacchi per poi collocarli in un cassone in legno posto all'interno del magazzino. In quei frangenti, i poliziotti sono immediatamente intervenuti bloccandoli ed hanno rinvenuto un ingente quantitativo di panetti di hashish del peso di circa 250 kg. I tre sono stati identificati per tre italiani, di 65,39 e 49 anni che, al termine delle attività di rito, sono stati arrestati poiché gravemente indiziati del reato di detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti in concorso. L'Autorità Giudiziaria, su richiesta della Procura della Repubblica, ha convalidato gli arresti.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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