peppermint-moss · 1 year
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some more warrior cat oc design commissions from August!
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Dark Forest Resident: Butterflywing
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Aliases / Nicknames: Flicker, Bug, Bad Omen
Gender: bigender (he/she)
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: unnamed mother, Fuzz, (biological father), Rookpelt (mate), Pearlybramble, Fidgetpelt, Hopgoose, Antstar (daughters), Myrtleshell, Patchpelt, Stonespots, Goosesting (sons),
Other Relations: Beaverseeker, Pooldapple (mentors)
Clan: Brookclan
Rank: medicine cat
Characteristics: responsible, doesn’t forgive nor forget, cheerful, good storyteller, very dedicated to those she cares about, good actor, Goes into “dazes” when enraged
Murder Motive: wanting to be rid of everyone
Number of Victims: 17
Number of Murders: 17
Murder Method: varied, primarily herb-related kills
Known Victims: Fluffstar, Pooldapple, Frisk, Lupinehusk, Trembleclover, Shimmerfur, Beaverseeker, Heatherpaw, Sharkpaw, Sofritobeetle, Grizzlybeetle, Primrosepaw, Chiveswipe, Honeytooth, Brokenstar, Clovesplash, Goosesting
Victim Profile: Clanmates that gave her grief about her origins, anyone she blamed for her mate’s death
Cause of Death: bitten by venomous snake
Cautionary Tale: a kit not welcomed by the clan will burn it down to feel it’s warmth, grief will consume you if you let it
They found them next to their deceased father. It was just a moral obligation to bring them to the Clan--the warrior code said to help any kits in need, and who were they to break the code?
But ever since they opened their eyes, they felt unwelcomed.
An argument broke out in camp about keeping them, Fluffstar insisting they don’t need more mouths to feed while they sat in the nursery alone. Maybe if they proved themself, everyone would get off their case.
They had the other kit in the nursery, Rookkit, keep it secret while they snuck out. They had killed a mouse, and stuffed it full of things that looked tasty. Like those red berries they noticed! Returning back to camp, they eagerly presented her gift to Fluffstar, who, while upset they snuck out, did compliment the fact they were able to catch something for their age.
She never got up again.
But Butterflykit realized they really liked herbs more than hunting! So they managed to convince Pooldapple to let them become a medicine cat apprentice. They were getting old and needed an apprentice one day anyway!
So, as their friend Rookpaw became apprenticed to Chiveswipe, Butterflypaw was apprenticed to Pooldapple. But they didn’t realize how much of a drag Pooldapple was!
Constantly criticizing them, complaining about every little thing they did....It irritated them so much, they ended up just quieting her down forever with some nightshade squeezed into her water.
But.. they ended up being the only medicine cat after that. It was so stressful, they ended up having to have another mentor! Beaverseeker was able to help out with certain herbs, and he even encouraged their violent trends once he realized how many poisonous herbs the apprentice liked to collect.
That barn cat Frisk got let in with no complaints while you had to fight for your worth? Yeah, that’s so unfair, why not offer them a mouse with foxglove seeds inside?
While he taught them plenty of stories, he didn’t teach them much about actual healing. So once they became a full-fledged medic, they decided that he outlived his use. As they offered him some traveling herbs on their way to the Star Tree, he collapsed writhing in pain as they just kept walking, not willing to look him in the eyes.
Butterflywing went through their ceremony alone, choosing their name themself, as Starclan refused to name them.
They had become a full medicine cat at sixteen moons, waiting long enough, they figured. And once they got back, they silently got rid of the meditator.
They were actively trying to ruin their friendship with Rookpelt! Come on, he was the one cat they liked in this Clan.. Well, maybe a bit more than liked, considering how the two leaned upon one another like they only had two legs.
As their life continued, so did their murders. Albeit much slower now, as they had a mate who they loved dearly. The thought of him hating them for what they did made their stomach drop--and they even had a litter of kits!
They didn’t really want to raise kits while killing their Clanmates, so they decided to stop harming others, at least for the time being. Life was good, happy and comfortable; they had their mate and both of their litters were beautiful, what more could they ask for?
Then, a patrol Rookpelt was on suddenly reappeared early, explaining that Rookpelt slipped while traveling across a flooded river and drowned.
They couldn’t get his body back.
And something inside Butterflywing snapped.
Day by day, one Clanmate after another disappeared.
Each kept showing up dead, even apprentices were disappearing suddenly.
Butterflywing cursed the Clan for taking the one thing they loved more than anything away from them, and wanted to make them all suffer in return. It didn’t matter if they were almost a friend to them like Brokenstar or Trembleclover.
They all had to go.
Then, they heard an agonized sob. “Mom..?” Cried out a voice.
They looked down at their paws to see Goosesting, writhing in pain. Deathberry seeds scattered across the medicine den. Their own son was killed by their paws in their blind rage. Starclan, what were they doing?
They had killed her own son, once a kit that they lulled to sleep with stories, now a dead warrior. They didn’t know why he made such a difference compared to all the others they watched grow up only to be killed by their paws, but they broke.
Days went by slowly, Butterflywing not even caring to take on an apprentice. Their surroundings felt like nothing but fuzz. Even when their daughter became leader, they struggled to cheer louder than the crowd.
They had hoped they would go out in a blaze of glory, perhaps fighting against an executioner. But instead, they laid in Brookclan territory, a copperhead’s fangs sinking into their leg as the poison took hold.
‘How ironic,’ was their last thought as they slipped away.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @umbranoxs
--Lifegen kitty! (Clangen mod).
Umbran: "I somehow managed to kill the leader as a kit and it remains my proudest achievement."
--They loved Rookpelt more than anything. Dude went “I can fix him” and it somehow worked.
--Rookpelt is considering trying to sneak into the Dark Forest just to be with them--He was a loner himself in life, and just wanted to befriend Butterfly for the longest time.
--Their birth name was ‘Flicker’, but they were renamed to Butterflykit for their four ears. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE.
--Embodiment of the “Looks like a Cinnamon Roll, Will Kill You” meme.
--Only cats they regret killing are Goosesting and kind of Beaverseeker. Beaverseeker was an impulse kill that made them go “why did I do that” while Goosesting was completely unintentional, they were just blinded by rage and wanted everyone else to go.
--Probably has caused Brookclan to nearly get wiped out for seasons before being able to recover. No they do not regret it.
--Umbran: "I normally hate making characters with airbrushed markings in their designs, so she's a bit of a step out of the norm for me." She looks great!
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