peppermint-moss · 1 year
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some more warrior cat oc design commissions from August!
commission info || ko-fi (tip jar)
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kipxan · 1 year
don’t mind me just keeping track of a few things for creekclan (my 340+ moon old clangen clan) will add more stuff as i think of it
note: cats marked with (*) are still living
Creekstar (moon 0-26)
Deputies: Emeraldwhisker
Medicine Cats: Oakpelt, Brackenwater
Mediators: Thymefeather, Sunflight
led for 2 years 2 months, died 175 moons (14y 7m) old
Emeraldstar (moon 26-85)
Deputies: Cougarwing, Strawberryleaf, Lightningleaf
Medicine cats: Brackenwater, Soottuft, Featherfoot, Pigeonpounce
Mediators: Thymefeather, Sunflight
led for 4 years 11 months, died 159 moons (13y 3m) old
Lightningstar (moon 85-115)
Deputies: Vulturetail, Wolfspeck
Medicine cats: Soottuft, Featherfoot, Cricketjump
Mediators: Thymefeather, Cormorantstep
led for 2 years 6 months, died 99 moons (8y 3m) old
Wolfstar (moon 115-191)
Deputies: Alligatordapple, Irondapple, Hawkfall, Marigoldwhisker
Medicine cats: Featherfoot, Cricketjump, Blackberryleaf, Songsun, Leopardclaw, Thicketrose, Wolverinefeather
Mediators: Thymefeather, Cormorantstep, Moonleaf, Maplenose, Darkblaze
led for 6 years 4 months, died 166 moons (13y 10m) old
Marigoldstar (moon 191-228)
Deputies: Rainspeck, Hailspring
Medicine cats: Cricketjump, Thicketrose, Wolverinefeather, Thistletuft, Flickerclaw
Mediators: Cormorantstep, Maplenose, Darkblaze, Swampheart, Deerstripe
led for 3 years 1 month, died 140 moons (11y 8m) old
Hailstar (moon 228-294)
Deputies: Opossomfur, Nectarheart
Medicine cats: Thicketrose (briefly), Thistletuft, Flickerclaw, Honeyflight, Talonclaw, Dovewalker, Sparrowbreeze, Galepelt, Ocelotshade
Mediators: Swampheart, Deerstripe, Saltbrook, Jaspersnow
led for 5 years 6 months, died 139 moons (11y 7m) old
Nectarstar (moon 294-376)
Deputies: Lavendertuft, Hazelstripe, Almondleap, Cinnamondapple*
Medicine cats: Honeyflight, Talonclaw, Dovewalker, Sparrowbreeze, Galepelt, Ocelotshade, Chitindapple, Mossyfreckle*, Heatherfoot
Mediators: Deerstripe, Saltbrook, Jaspersnow, Acornspot*, Rivernose, Spirefur
led for 6 years 10 months, died 167 moons (13y 11m) old
Cinnamonstar (moon 376-434)
Deputies: Quietsong, Fisherstream*
Medicine cats: Honeyflight, Mossyfreckle, Heatherfoot, Rootclaw, Earthberry*, Cavernmask*, Thicketcloud*
Mediators: Saltbrook, Acornspot, Spirefur, Rowanfall*, Jackalhowl
led for 4 years 10 months, died 161 moons (13y 5m) old
Fisherstar (moon 434-502)
Deputies: Scalefoot, Brushpelt, Berrywatcher*
Medicine cats: Rootclaw, Earthberry*, Cavernmask*, Thicketcloud*, Mossyfreckle, Flutterwind*
Mediators: Acornspot, Rowanfall*, Jackalhowl, Leopardspots*, Mossmane*
led for 5 years 8 months, died 162 moons (13y 6m) old
Berrystar (moon 502-575)
Deputies: Forestwind, Silverfur, Echofeather, Marshsong
Medicine cats: Earthberry, Cavernmask, Thicketcloud, Flutterwind*, Yewpelt*, Bloodnight*
Mediators: Rowanfall, Leopardspots*, Mossmane, Buttercupclaw*, Earthcreek, Chestnutstripe*
led for 5 years 1 month, died 167 moons (13y 11m) old 
Marshstar (moon 575-present, remaining lives: 9)
Deputies: Lynxstep*
Medicine cats: Flutterwind*, Yewpelt*, Bloodnight*
Mediators: Leopardspots*, Buttercupclaw*, Chestnutstripe*
MEDICINE CAT SUCCESSION (the clan is huge which is why there are a ton)
Oakpelt (died without a successor and mentored Brackenpaw from StarClan)
Soottuft (exiled SpringClan cat)
Featherfoot (my love)
Pigeonpounce (died at 23 moons, but im counting her anyway)
Thistletuft (also my love)
Dovewalker (<3)
Mossyfreckle (lost while serving Cinnamonstar, returned briefly under Fisherstar)
Heatherfoot (only just now realized her name rhymes with featherfoot) (just checked, feather is her great-great-great-great grandmother. wild)
Flutterwind* (current senior medcat)
Medicine cat apprentices who died before their training ended: Fernpaw, Vixenpaw
Swampheart (former warrior)
Deerstripe (<3)
Mediator apprentices who died before their training ended: Glacierpaw, Clovepaw
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sillypenguincats · 11 months
Here are some cool/funny warrior cat names using only canon prefixes and suffixes!
- Bigheart
- Bigbelly
- Tinyclaw
- Quietsong
- Quietstep
- Loudstep
- Bumblebee
- Sheepcloud
- Rabbiteater
- Flywing
- Thunderstorm
- Snowstorm
- Firestorm
- One-ear
- Lightbeam
- Moonlight
- Brightmoon
- Brightsight
- Mistysight
- Mistypool
- Hollowspirit
- Hopeheart
- Mudmask
Will be adding to these :))
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skulladraws · 2 years
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Anestri Quietsong - Sketch request
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kittypets-unite-au · 2 years
Leader: Bluestar- Tall blue gray lynx point molly with a scar on her shoulder. Blue eyes
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Deputy: Redtail- Small, mostly white calico tom with a bushy dark ginger tail. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Dustpaw
Druid(s): Spottedleaf- Petite calico molly with a plumy tail. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Smudgepaw
Lorekeepers: Robinwing- Brown calico ticked tabby molly. Hazel eyes
Patchpelt- Black and white tom. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Mossburr- Gray and white spotted tabby molly with long ears. Green eyes
Warriors: Rosetail- Heavily scarred cinnamon calico molly.
Lionheart- Regal golden classic tabby tom with a thick ruff of fur and nicked ears. Green eyes
Apprentice: Graypaw
Tigerclaw- Huge dark brown mackerel tabby tom with a white belly and paws, tufted ears, and a long scar on the bridge of his nose. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Fawnpaw
Whitestorm- Silver and white broken mackerel tabby tom. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Brindleface- Pale gray spotted tabby molly with white paws. Yellow eyes
Cherrygaze- Cinnamon mackerel tabby calico molly. Green eyes
Darkstripe- Slender dark gray tabby tom. Amber eyes
Runningwind- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom with a pale belly. Amber eyes
Mousefur- Pale brown molly with a white chin. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Firepaw
Longtail- Lean cream mackerel tabby tom with unusually dark stripes. Green eyes
Caretakers: Fuzzypelt- Black tom with messy fur. Yellow eyes
Dappletail- Lean brown tortoiseshell molly. Pale green eyes
Aspenfoot- Skinny pale golden and white ticked tabby moggie(she/him) with darker ears. One amber eye, one blue eye
Willowpelt- Pale gray molly with a darker stripe running down her back. Pale blue eyes
Apprentices: Sandpaw- Huge, mostly cream dilute calico molly. Green eyes
Dustpaw- Short, stocky brown ticked tabby tom with a white belly. Yellow eyes
Ravenpaw- Lanky black tom with a white locket, tail-tip, and front paws. Yellow eyes
Graypaw- Large, fluffy pale gray classic tabby tom. Pale yellow eyes
Smudgepaw- Plump black and white tom. Green eyes
Firepaw- Lanky ginger ticked tabby tom. Dark green eyes
Fawnpaw- Stocky fawn ticked tabby molly with a white chest and paws. Amber eyes
Perma-Queens: Speckletail- Pale golden spotted tabby molly with a white chest. Green eyes
Quailmist- Plump pale gray molly with distinctly dark mackerel tabby markings. Bright amber eyes
Queens: Goldenflower- Large golden classic tabby molly with white paws. Amber eyes
Frostfoot- Black molly with a white muzzle, chest, and paws. Yellow eyes
Kits: Swiftkit- Black and white tom with scruffy fur. Yellow eyes
Lynxkit- Skinny, small calico molly with tufted ears. Green eyes
Brackenkit- Large golden classic tabby tom
Cinderkit- Round dark gray molly with a white muzzle, chest, and belly
Brightkit- Golden calico molly
Thornkit- Skinny golden classic tabby tom with white paws and a white chest
Elders: Smallear- Small dark gray tom with folded ears. Hazel eyes
Whiteeye- Very pale gray molly. One blind eye, other eye is yellow
Sparrowpelt- Dark brown tom with a stub for a tail. Amber eyes
Leader: Raggedstar- Large dark brown mackerel tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Deputy: Brokentail- Stocky ginger mackerel tabby tom with a short muzzle. Amber eyes
Druid(s): Yellowfang- Stocky, heavily scarred mostly gray dilute tortoiseshell molly with a flat muzzle. Yellow eyes
Foggynose- Pale gray and white tom with missing fur on his nose. Green-yellow eyes
Lore-keepers: Archeye- Dark gray tom with an arch-like white marking over his left eye. Yellow eyes
Toadskip- Dark brown spotted tabby tom. Green eyes
Apprentice: Cypresspaw
Pinethroat- Pale cinnamon ticked tabby tom. Amber eyes
Quietsong- Pale silver point molly. Dark blue eyes
Warriors: Scorchwind- Heavily scarred dark ginger classic tabby tom. Amber eyes
Amberleaf- Pale ginger ticked tabby molly. Amber eyes
Blizzardwing- White tom with black ears and a black tail. Pale yellow eyes
Apprentice: Cedarpaw
Lizardstripe- Slender pale brown mackerel tabby molly with very dark stripes. Green eyes
Nightpelt- Skinny black tom with a nick in his left ear. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Starlingpaw
Clawface- Dark brown tom with black ears and three long scars on his face. Amber eyes
Frogtail- Small gray tom with a limp left hindpaw. Green eyes
Newtspeck- Tortoiseshell molly with shaggy fur and a missing patch of fur on her haunches. Amber eyes
Mudpath- Pale brown spotted tabby tom with white paws. Pale green eyes
Applefur- Short dark cinnamon classic tabby molly. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Whitepaw
Tangleburr- Dilute tortoiseshell molly with tattered ears and a scar on her muzzle. Amber eyes
Blackfoot- Large, bulky seal point tom with heavily nicked ears. Yellow eyes
Russetfur- Dark ginger ticked tabby molly. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Drizzlepaw
Sootclaw- Pale gray point tom with nicked ears. Blue eyes
Jaggedtooth- Dark gray mackerel tabby tom. Pale amber eyes
Scavengers: Mousewing- Black tom with white paws, and white chest, and a white muzzle. Yellow eyes
Thymestalker- Tall lilac lynx point tom. Green eyes
Finchflight- Short tortoiseshell molly. Pale green eyes
Apprentice: Hemlockpaw
Timberfall- Dark brown point tom. Blue eyes
Apprentice: Salamanderpaw-
Boulderpelt- Small silver tom with white paws. Green eyes
Caretakers: Rowanberry- Plump dark cinnamon spotted tabby molly. Pale green eyes
Apprentice: Poppypaw
Wolfstep- Dark gray tom with a pale belly. Yellow eyes
Deerfoot- Pale brown point tom with a white muzzle and belly. Amber eyes
Stumpytail- Skinny dark brown tom with a pale belly and a nubby tail. Green eyes
Apprentices: Cedarpaw- Large dark gray dilute tortoiseshell tom. Amber eyes
Cypresspaw- Large dark brown mackerel tabby tom. Green-yellow eyes
Poppypaw- Cinnamon and white molly. Pale yellow eyes
Peatpaw- Stocky pale cinnamon spotted tabby tom. Hazel eyes
Whitepaw- White molly with gray speckles along her back. Yellow eyes, one eye blind
Starlingpaw- Black tom with a white chest. Yellow eyes
Drizzlepaw- Pale gray spotted tabby tom. Blue eyes
Salamanderpaw- Fluffy tortie point molly with protruding front canines. Dark green eyes
Perma-queens: Hollyflower- Sleek black and white molly. Amber eyes
Queens: Fernshade- Dark dilute tortoiseshell molly. Dark green eyes
Ashpelt- Small pale gray lynx point tom with white paws. Dark amber eyes
Darkflower- Slender black molly. Amber eyes
Kits: Oakkit- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom. Green eyes
Ratkit- Small dark brown tom. Yellow eyes
Snowkit- White molly with brown ears and a brown tail. Blue eyes
Bagerkit- Black and white tom. Yellow eyes
Midnightkit- Black molly with white paws. Amber eyes
Brownkit- Dark brown tom. Pale copper eyes
Littlekit- Small, pale brown mackerel tabby tom with a short tail. Pale green eyes
Dawnkit- Cream mackerel tabby molly
Mosskit- Brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws
Volekit- Gray tom
Elders: Brackenfoot- Ginger point tom with a gray muzzle. Blue eyes
Brightflower- Dilute tortoiseshell molly with a nick in her left ear. Amber eyes
Poolcloud- Small brown and white mackerel tabby molly. Yellow eyes
Dustcloud- Pale brown moggie (he/they) with shaggy fur. Dark amber eyes
Leader: Crookedstar- Large pale brown mackerel tabby tom with a twisted jaw. Pale green-yellow eyes
Deputy: Oakheart- Stocky cinnamon tom with a lighter belly and paws. Dark green eyes
Druid(s): Mudfur- Small pale brown tom with a darker back and ears and a long, jagged scar along his left shoulder. Pale yellow eyes
Lore-keepers: Softwing- Fluffy cinnamon calico molly. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Pebblepaw
Mallownose- Dark brown and white molly. Green eyes
Apprentice: Loudpaw
Owlpelt- Dark brown tom with white paws, a white muzzle, chest, and belly. Bright yellow eyes
Vixenleap- Black smoke molly with white paws. Amber eyes
Warriors: Whitefang- Brown and white mackerel tabby tom. Yellow eyes
Beetlenose- Large black smoke tom. Yellow eyes
Voleclaw- Gray smoke tom. Amber eyes
Graypool- Dark gray molly with a silver muzzle. Deep amber eyes
Sedgecreek- Lilac spotted tabby molly with an unusually long, plumy tail. Green eyes
Apprentice: Silverpaw
Reedtail- Dark brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws. Dark green eyes
Ivytail- Pale brown mackerel tabby molly with very dark stripes. Dark green eyes
Blackclaw- Black smoke tom. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Raypaw
Skyheart- Brown smoke molly. Blue eyes
Leopardfur- Golden spotted tabby molly with a white muzzle and paws. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Icepaw
Stonefur- Heavily scarred dark gray tom with a pale belly and muzzle. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Shadepaw
Mistyfoot- Dilute calico molly with a white chest. Amber eyes
Frogleap- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Whiteclaw- Black and white tom. Yellow eyes
Grasswhisker- Pale brown molly with white paws. Dark green eyes
Chubpelt- Pale golden mackerel tabby tom. Pale amber eyes
Dapplestream- Calico molly. Green eyes
Caretakers: Willowswirl- Pale gray classic tabby molly with long leg fur. Blind pale amber eyes
Petaldust- Dilute calico molly. Dark amber eyes
Apprentice: Flowerpaw
Dawnbright- Pale cinnamon calico molly. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Heavystep
Springstep- Pale brown and white molly. Bright green eyes
Apprentices: Silverpaw- Slender silver classic tabby molly with a white muzzle. Pale green eyes
Icepaw- White molly with dark gray ears. Amber eyes
Pebblepaw- Pale gray spotted tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Raypaw- Large dark gray smoke tom with white paws. Yellow eyes
Flowerpaw- Slender pale gray and white ticked tabby moggie (they/them). Amber eyes
Shadepaw- Lean-muscled dark gray molly. Deep amber eyes
Heavypaw- Stocky dark brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws. Amber eyes
Loudpaw- Plump pale brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws and a white chin. Pale yellow eyes
Perma-queens: Greenflower- Pale brown classic tabby molly with white paws. Green eyes
Queens: Mosspelt- Small, fluffy calico molly. Dark green eyes
Kits: Cricketkit- Dark brown tom. Amber eyes
Splashkit- Pale gray classic tabby tom. Pale blue eyes
Wavekit- Dark gray classic tabby tom with white paws. Blue eyes
Dawnkit- Ginger molly. Amber eyes
Woodkit- Dark brown tom. Pale green eyes
Robinkit- Brown calico molly. Dark green eyes
Elders: Echomist- Gorgeous, stout black smoke molly with sleek fur. Yellow eyes
Piketooth- Skinny dark brown tom with elongated canine teeth and a graying muzzle. Dark amber eyes
Shimmerpelt- Slender black molly. Yellow eyes
Rippleclaw- Large silver classic tabby tom with tattered ears and a wrenched right shoulder. Bright yellow eyes
Leader: Tallstar- Tall, slender black and white tom with large ears. Amber eyes
Deputy: Deadfoot- Skinny black tom with a twisted left front paw with nicked ears. Yellow eyes
Druid(s): Barkface- Stocky dark brown lynx point tom with a nub tail. Amber eyes
Lore-keepers: Sorrelshine- Dark brown calico molly. Green eyes
Wrenfeather- Cinnamon ticked tabby molly. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Fleetpaw
Flytail- Pale gray and white ticked tabby tom. Yellow eyes
Eveningheart- Ginger spotted tabby tom. Dark amber eyes
Moor-runners: Ryestalk- Tall cinnamon spotted tabby molly with three claw-mark scars across her flank. Green eyes
Stagleap- Pale brown spotted tabby tom with white paws and a white tail-tip. Amber eyes
Harefur- Pale brown molly with a white underbelly. Dark green eyes
Bristlefang- Dark gray spotted tabby molly with a tattered right ear. Yellow eyes
Patchfeather- Large black and white tom with a scar on his right shoulder. Copper eyes
Fleckear- Brown mackerel tabby moggie with a white spot on his ear, and a white chin and white paws. One yellow eye and one dark green eye
Apprentice: Onepaw
Mudclaw- Dark brown mackerel tabby tom. Amber eyes
Tornear- Pale gray spotted tabby tom with tattered ears. Amber eyes
Meadowrunner- Lanky gray ticked tabby molly. Green eyes
Paleclaw- Stocky pale gray moggie with white paws. Yellow eyes
Tunnelers: Mistmouse- Small pale gray and white spotted tabby molly with small, rounded ears. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Tawnypaw
Rookfeather- Black tom with very long whiskers. Amber eyes
Mousestripe- Pale brown mackerel tabby molly. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Webpaw
Tinyfang- Small black and white tom with a nicked right ear. Dark green eyes
Pochardface- Short brown tom. Pale green eyes
Dawnbriar- Ginger ticked tabby molly with white paws and a white locket on her chest. Amber eyes
Caretakers: Rushtail- Pale cinnamon spotted tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Doespring- Petite pale brown and white molly with large eyes. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Whitepaw
Morningflower- Stout dilute calico molly. Amber eyes
Oatcloud- Cinnamon spotted tabby tom. Deep gold eyes
Apprentices: Onepaw- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws. Gold eyes
Webpaw- Dark gray classic tabby tom. Pale yellow eyes
Tawnypaw- Golden ticked tabby molly. Green eyes
Fleetpaw- Tall, lanky pale gray ticked tabby molly. Pale blue eyes
Whitepaw- White molly with small ginger patches along her back and a ginger tail. Vibrant green eyes
Perma-queens: Hawksoar- Dark brown molly with a pale belly and chest, and nicked ears. Bright yellow eyes
Queens: Ashfoot- Short gray ticked tabby molly with a white chest and paws. Amber eyes
Kits: Hillkit- Pale gray classic tabby tom
Downkit- Fluffy black molly
Eaglekit- Lanky pale gray ticked tabby tom with a white chest.
Elders: Appledawn- Plump, curly furred pale cream mackerel tabby molly with a graying muzzle. Yellow eyes
Cloudrunner- Tall gray and white tom with nicked ears and a long scar on his left elbow. Blue eyes
Woolytail- Bulky, curly furred dark brown and white tom. Amber eyes
Crowfur- Grizzled black tom with white paws with patches of missing fur. Yellow eyes
Scourge- Small, lean black tom with one white paw and a red collar. Bright orange eyes
Henry- Old, fat brown classic tabby tom with white paws. Amber eyes
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rarumara · 20 days
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doodle of my new OC, Baraboo! She was designed by Quietsong on TH and they generously gave her to me!! ;o;
Baraboo is she/they and is a singer in a metal band! Super tomboy klutz energy!
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thegreatcrowdragon · 2 years
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Finally found the warrior cats maker I usually use and here’s Quietsong! I wanted to make the stripes darker and the fur lighter, but I couldn't find the right color. You can’t tell from the picture, but her back legs don't work (she got shoved off of a cliff and broke her spine, she now lives in the nursery)
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ask-shadowclan · 3 years
How are you doing, Hollystar?
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beelas-bees-art · 4 years
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Did some quick doodles of some of my favorite characters from @ask-shadowclan​! I wish I could’ve done more ;w;
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wc-rippleclan · 4 years
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deadpaw and quietsong are good friends and love meeting before the medicine cat gathering
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starshadow8991 · 4 years
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My first time trying to do a sort of reference sheet for my oc, Quietsong. I'm not sure on all her info but I do know she's currently used for TFA, her current mate is Optimus and she's Starshadow's carrier
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timihaze · 4 years
I had the idea for a flower plucking itself while singing "she loves me, she loves me not" while I was dealing with the emotional turmoil of a failing relationship.
Purchase this song at the links below: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/tim... https://timihaze.bandcamp.com/track/s... 
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timihaze
Lyrics: Someday I'll find what I'm searching for Are you the one I've been waiting for Oh don't tell me the answer But I've got to know to know Does she love me She loves me not Does she love me She loves me not No where it's lost can't find it anywhere Oh why oh why did you leave me here Oh don't tell me the answer But I've got to know to know Did she love me She loved me not She loved me She loved me not She loves me She loves me She loves me credits released August 10, 2020 All credits belong to me, Timi Haze license all rights reserved
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clans-of-the-sea · 5 years
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Player: dandy
Name: Quietsong
Previous Name: Whisper
Gender: Female; Can Bear kits
Age: 85 moons
Clan: StormClan
Sexuality: Lesbian
Rank: Elder
Description: Longhaired, red-and-white van with blue eyes. Has folded ears and a bobbed tail.
Quietsong is, as you could guess, quiet, and softspoken. She can't speak loud, on account of an injury to her throat she sustained many seasons ago. But, that doesn't hold her back any. She's sweet and gentle, but steadfast in whatever she sets her mind to doing. While she's easily the less outwardly intimidating between herself and Pikeflower, she has a knack for being very scary when she needs to be. But this is rare. She's cheeky and likes to tease. She takes up the roll of peacekeeper whenever it's necessary after their move to StormClan.
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beelas-bees · 4 years
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Kit Guardian Mapleshade AU Anon! This time with the focus on Sorreltail since I’m mapping out AVoS and TBC, plus some families getting shuffled about. First up, families.
Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush aren’t siblings in this and only Snowbush is born at the correct time and is a BrightCloud kit.
Dewnose is the son of Petalfoot (Cloudtail’s sister Nami) and Swiftspirit (Swiftpaw) and is born at the same time as Whitewing. He and Millie become mates since Graystripe stayed in RC and they have Stormcloud and Drizzlefeather (Benny).
Ambermoon is the daughter of Foxleap and Rosepetal and is born around the same time as Sorrelstripe, Brooktuft (Hollytuft but Hollyleaf survives the battle due to being a med cat so she gets renamed after Brookshine, aka Princess) and Fernsong.
Speaking of Rosepetal, she and Toadfoot are the children of Ravenfoot and Barleyheart, with Daisy as a surrogate.
Daisy and Thornclaw wind up as mates, eventually having Eaglewing, Stemleaf, Plumstone, and Shellfur.
Since their canon parents never became mates, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe, and Briarlight are the kits of Lynxlight (Lynxkit) and Breezefur (Cloudtail’s brother Zack)
Since Mapleshade kills the snake that bites Honeyfern before anything happens, Honeyfern lives, giving birth to Juniperleaf (Juniperkit) and Dandelionbloom (Dandelionkit). They’re born at the same time as Poppyfrost and Jayflight’s (warrior Jayfeather) kits, Molewhisker and Cherryfall.
As Dewnose is much too old for Sorrelstripe, he’s only the sire to her and Seedtail’s kits.
Breezepelt is still Crowfeather’s child, but Crowfeather was never mates with Nightcloud, as Nightcloud and Crowfeather’s sister Hillwhisker are Breeze’s parents. Breeze eventually gets two new half-siblings. Slightfoot through Nightcloud who is sired by Crowfeather’s brother Downfoot and Fernstripe who is a LeafCrow kit born at the same time as in canon.
Minnowtail and Mousewhisker end up having Heronwing and Perchwing.
Minnowtail is the daughter of Dawnflower and Quietsong (Quietkit from ShadowClan), as are Pebblefoot, Tumbleleaf (Tumblekit), Havenpelt, Shimmerpelt, and Pikepaw.
Dawnflower has one brother in Woodshine, two adoptive brothers in Stormsong and Mintfur (found on the boarder), and five half-siblings in Willowshine, Rainstorm, Rushtail, Troutstream, and Lakeheart, all from Graystripe and Mosspelt.
Blossomsong (Blossomkit) and Brownstep (Brownpaw) both formerly from ShadowClan have Harestar and Antpelt.
Badgerfang and Swamplight (Swampkit) have Cloverfoot, Berryheart, and Rippletail/Buster with Snowbird as a surrogate.
Dawncloud and Wetfoot have Crowfrost and Spidertail/Eclipse (random shadowclan warrior who hid during the eclipse battle in Battle of the Clans. He runs and gets found that very day during the eclipse, hence his name)
Mosstooth (Mosspaw) and Tallpoppy have Marshheart, (Marshkit), Applefur, Toadfoot, and Shrewfoot.
A few leadership changes end up happening, starting with Russetfur becomes Russetstar as Stonefur kills Blackfoot, and she has Flintfang and later Badgerfang who becomes Badgerstar after Fading Echoes. He dies in the flood and we get Rowanstar.
Instead of Onewhisker becoming leader, Tallstar chooses Ashfoot who dies in the great battle as Ashstar. She appoints Blossomsong as deputy and she dies in place of Onestar as Blossomstar, after choosing Harespring as a deputy.
Since Stonefur doesn’t die, he gets to become Stonestar. That’s it. Reedwhisker stays deputy.
With Graystripe in RiverClan, Firestar chooses Longtail as deputy and Longtail stays deputy until he dies in Fading Echoes, despite his blindness. He actually mentors Jayflight. Following this, Shrewpelt gets appointed deputy and becomes Shrewstar. Brambleflower just kinda dies.
Also he’s mates with Cinderpelt.
Skipping over to plot stuff, with Darktail in WindClan, the new leader of the kin is Sol. Sol is an awful leader, but convinces everyone he’s right and eventually dies at Blossomstar’s paws.
Since she’s not gross and awful, Blossomstar doesn’t refuse the yellowcough cure, but it is a hell of a lot harder to find in this AU and a lot of cats still die. Violetpaw is brought to ShadowClan during this.
Shrewstar is very against having Twigkit and Violetkit separated, but even then, Sorreltail making herself visible and verbally clawing Rowanstar to shreds makes the agreement end up being that ThunderClan raises them to apprenticehood before Violetpaw is moved to ShadowClan. Needletail still becomes an important figure in her life, as she is in ThunderClan multiple times a moon to make sure Violetkit is being cared for properly.
The Broken Code actually ends up staying mostly the same as in canon, with Ashfur possessing Shrewstar instead of Bramblestar since even Mapleshade slapping him didn’t get rid of his incel behavior. The only big difference is Sorreltail can also be seen by Rootpaw and helps him with everything and when the clans all blame Shadowsight, she calls down lightning to strike in front of him before telling the clans off like an absolute girlboss.
This is excellent
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dragonsxng · 5 years
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