peppermint-moss · 1 year
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some more warrior cat oc design commissions from August!
commission info || ko-fi (tip jar)
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wc-gray-skies · 2 years
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“You will be the next leader of DeadClan. This is the will of StarClan; you will not fight us on this decision."
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Listen, I know it’s horrible but everytime a leader looses a life to being struck by lightning I just crack up.
I have this mental image of them getting like cartoon struck (you know the pose) and then falling over, smoking a little and getting back up a few seconds later like „sorry about that I’m fine“ and it makes me giggle (I know the real event would be horrific but I’m sorry the event is forever funny in my head)
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Buckle in your seatbelts my friends, we’ve got a massive moon ahead of us. Lots of big, important things happened this moon!
First up!
Bonespeckle agreed to venture with Dovewhisker out onto a frozen pond. Bonespeckle went first while Dovewhisker hung back. Bonespeckle slid around playfully, taunting the other cat to chase her.
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She was about to launch another teasing remark when the ice cracked below her paws. Dovewhisker lingered to make sure she didn't surface before running back to camp with a yowl.
Mantisclan has no deputy!
Larkshade fusses gently with Bonespeckle's fur, hiding the evidence of what killed her. She wants to remember her as she was in life, not like this. As the days pass, Larkshade becomes angry and withdrawn. It feels like the entire Clan is just moving on from Bonespeckle's death, which she refuses to do.
Quietstar lies next to Bonespeckle as the Clan sits vigil for her. Her world has ended with Bonespeckle. Quietstar never considered the possibility that she’d one day be without Bonespeckle. She visits her grave, gazing blankly, unmovingly, at the ground for hours on end.
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Frankly, they're all better off without Bonespeckle, and Dovewhisker doesn't know why everyone else is so grief stricken.
After many nights spent mourning her mate, Quietstar finally appoints a new second-in-command.
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His level head and emotional detachment are just what Quietstar needs out of a deputy at the moment. The fact he tried his very best to save Bonespeckle just proves he is worthy of the position.
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In her grief-stricken recklessness, Larkshade fought a rogue, and while she drove the trespasser away, she needed to be rushed to the medicine den afterwards.
Whew! That was a lot! Hope you’re doing okay emotionally after all that :)
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consumer-o-content · 9 months
ClanGen Moon 0
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Welcome to WillowClan!
Quietstar - 114 moons, 9 lives remaining, an insecure dream shaper and a great kit sitter
Pumaback (deputy) - 73 moons, a righteous and unusually strong fighter
Daisybubble (medicine) - 154 moons, a charismatic and naturally intuitive elder
Breezecloud - 29 moons, a phenomenal hunter and great teacher but completely oblivious
Wingkit - 5 moons, an ambitious moss-ball hunter
Riverdusk - 103 moons, a cunning storyteller
Downypad - 151 moons, an adventurous hunter with swimming skills
Sloefall - 141 moons, a strong fighter but childish (perhaps it's just childlike whimsy)
Moon 0:
Moonlight shone on the long moore grass as puffy, bunny-tail-like clouds quickly traced the sky. The breeze was refreshing but fell on numb fur as the cats trudged on the freshly dampened earth. New-leaf had been generous with rain so far. Quietflit looked behind her as she walked. She had known the elders who followed her would need a slower pace after walking for such a long time but seeing them now, tailing even farther behind with every step, she realized how desperate the group was for a camp. Wingkit, who had started the trek outpacing every other cat, now had to be carried by Riverdusk after complaining of sore paws. Were these the cats StarClan had prophesied would found a new great clan? 
It's not that Quietflit didn't trust the group; she didn't trust herself to lead them to that destiny. Clearlilac, the medicine cat of RiverClanClan, had been very clear what must be done before his untimely death but had he been correct to pick Quietflit to fulfill this prophecy? Quietflit wrestled with these thoughts as the group walked on. Desperate to bite the throat of this insecurity and bring it to the ground. The group behind her, who had been willing to follow her for a moon, trusted her. Clearlilac trusted her; in life and in death. The dreams of him had only grown stronger since they said their final goodbyes to RiverClan. The sound of his voice in her ear, giving her comfort and guidance on which paths to take through the many forests, hills and swamp lands they walked through. The only thing she had to worry about was taking each step.
A gasp came from Pumaback who had been walking at her side. Quietflit looked up. Her eyes shone with disbelief. Of course StarClan could be trusted. Of course Clearlilac had been right. Of course leaving RiverClan had been the right path for this group of cats. In front of her, as if placed there by the paw of StarClan, lay a large shallow cliff enclosed clearing. Tunnels framed by smooth stones encircled the camp as soft fresh sprouts of grass, no larger than a mouse tail, grew at the center. The willow tree that marked the end of their journey grew at the far end of the clearing, its long dainty branches hung over the slope. At that moment, Quietflit could feel the dragging weight of her group's StarClan given duties lift. 
She turned to face the brave cats who had followed her. Their many-colored eyes shone brighter in the moonlight. Now full of life as they took in the sight they had longed for. "When we set out a moon ago, I did not know tonight would be the night that our many days of wandering would conclude." She smiled as Wingkit was gently placed on the ground. Sleep weighed down the kit's eyelids. Quietflit knew Wingkit wouldn't remember this in the morning but somehow that added to the cuteness of the scene. "You are brave warriors, braver than me that's for sure. I believe this is the place Clearlilac prophesied that we would settle in. I see questioning in your eyes Downypad." Quietflit chuckled. "No, I also did not anticipate living like a WindClan cat but if you listen closely there seems to be a stream nearby. We have not lost our roots, we have simply outgrown our mother soil. Let's begin the duties of making this place a camp tomorrow but you all have done more than enough to earn a long rest." The wind rustled in the grass and the group took a collective breath. Each cat found the footing they needed to enter the camp. It took less than a minute for each cat to collapse into their hollow and drift to sleep.
That night, Quietflint dreamed once again. This one was not like the others. Her eyes opened and she took in her surroundings, awe filling her from tail tip to nose. The hair on her shoulders raised and her ears twitched. This was no the MoonStone cave. She was standing on a large ledge looking over a valley spit by a river. The rock behind her and under her paws was smooth, black, and reflected each star above her head perfectly as if a mirror. It looked as if she was sitting amongst the stars looking over the land below as StarClan would. 
The stars began to move and twinkle as if many unseen cats walked in front of them. Then two stars lowered closer to her and blinked slowly. Clearlilac manifested from the light, the two stars becoming his eyes. As Clearlilac approached her, she swiveled her ears behind her. Whispers of her ancestors quietly chanted words she could barely make out in unison. "We grant you your remaining 8 lives." Each voice distant, but together they shook Quietflint to the core. "Use them well and with our blessing." 
Their starry eyes stared into the back of her head as Clearlilac touched noses with her. "Welcome to StarCliff, Quietflint. Or-" he looked her up and down with an expression that seemed knowing of her every thought, "should I say Quietstar?" A hearty laugh that reverberated across the land followed. "Well done! The trek was not easy but every cat that came with you I selected myself." He raised his whitened chin in teasing pride.
Quietstar could do nothing but slowly nod. What was there to say that Clearlilac and the cats that watched her didn't already know? "You really do live up to your name." He laughed again. "Anyway, it's about time you returned back to your clan. WillowClan. But I must warn you of something. There is a deeply personal relationship in the clan that will come to an untimely end, however, the young one will recover. She will find comfort in a cat close to you. Go to them now and return to StarCliff in a moon. The path will be clear when you need it." And with a smile, he touched his nose to Quietstar's forehead. A blinding light forced her eyes closed and once she was able to open them again she was in the hollow. Pumaback slept peacefully next to her as the light of a new day shone into Quirtstar's eyes. She sat up and licked her chest to soothe herself. The stretch and yawn that followed cleansed the remaining sleep from her body. 
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Dark Forest Resident: Tawnymoon 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Vengeful Deputy, Scourge of NewtClan 
Gender: tom 
Sexuality: bisexual, biromantic 
Family: Shatteredtoe (mother), Grayfire (father), Barkfur (brother), Mottlefrost (mate), Gorsepelt (daughter, biological), Sedgeclaw, Fidgetfrost (sons, biological), Rippleear (son, adopted) 
Other Relations: Larkwing (mentor), Ivywhisker, Duskmuzzle, Mousewing, Graystep (apprentices), Icenose (best friend)
Clan: MorningClan, StarClan (formerly) 
Rank: deputy 
Characteristics: deaf, manipulated MorningClan cats into killing NewtClan cats for revenge post-death, angry over spending his last days as a NewtClan prisoner, stern, serious, loyal, caring, has poor social skills, autistic, excellent hunter, devoted to his family, whom he loves, prolific mentor
Number of Victims: 47+ (indirectly)
Number of Murders: 47+ (indirectly) 
Murder Method: getting others to kill in battle for him
Known Victims: Grayfire, Barkfur, Mottlefrost, Gorsepelt, Sedgeclaw, Ivywhisker, Duskmuzzle, Hounddusk, Marshswoop, Slatethorn, at least half of Morningclan and Newtclan cats
Victim Profile: MorningClan cats, NewtClan cats 
Cause of Death: Blackcough 
Cautionary Tale: N/A
It was too unfair. 
After all he had been through, Tawnymoon couldn't have died like this! 
Any other cat would have been proud of the life Tawnymoon had lead. Though he was deaf, he had risen above his early hardships to become the deputy of MorningClan, a duty he relished with all his heart. He and Mottlefrost was the most envied couple in the entire Clan, and he loved all of his kits, both his biological litter and his one adopted son, with the ferocity of a wolf. 
He mentored four apprentices and cared for them just as much as he did his kits. He always took in sick loners who he found on patrol and confronted the other Clans’ leaders when they trespassed on MorningClan territory... a decision that would cost him his life.
He had confronted NewtClan for stealing prey from MorningClan territory, and that foxheart Hazelstar had denied it. Tawnymoon was furious, but after talking it over with Quietstar, they decided it would be better for them to confront NewtClan at the next Gathering.
Before he could do that, though, he was ambushed on patrol by NewtClan warriors and captured. He could have gotten away had he not been gesturing at Sedgeclaw and Fidgetfrost to run. Still, Tawnymoon had full faith in Quietstar to come negotiate with Hazelstar and break him free. 
But only two moons in his prisonership, he caught blackcough and died.
It was completely unfair! He still had so many things he wanted to do. He and Mottlefrost had just started discussing having a second litter of kits. He had spoken with Quietstar about mentoring her nephew, Hornetkit. Barkfur had finally gotten a mate. Worse of all, he never got to say goodbye to any of his loved ones.
NewtClan took his last days away from him. 
NewtClan must pay.
He began visiting MorningClan cats in dreams, telling them what had happened, and that Newtclan must pay for what they had done. It worked, and soon a MorningClan patrol had broken into NewtClan camp and killed Hazelstar. 
But Tawnymoon wasn't satisfied just yet. He revisited the MorningClan cats and told them to keep going, that he wouldn't be satisfied until every NewtClan cat that had participated in his capture was dead and in the Dark Forest where they belonged.
They obliged, of course. That was expected. What Tawnymoon should have expected was for the NewtClan cats to strike back. 
The war was brief, but it was bloody. Half of both NewtClan and MorningClan were wiped out. Quietstar lost four of her remaining six lives fighting those battles. Grayfire, Barkfur, Mottlefrost, Gorsepelt, Sedgeclaw, Ivywhisker, and Duskmuzzle were all killed fighting in his name. 
Though Tawnymoon was happy to be reunited with them all, he knew it shouldn't have been like this. Hounddusk, Marshswoop, and Slatethorn, three of the cats whose dreams Tawnymoon had visited, and who had been killed in the war with NewtClan, agreed with him. 
They went to the previous leader, Swiftstar, and told her of what he had done, and she came to him and told him he was exiled from StarClan. 
Though his family and apprentices protested, Tawnymoon accepted his fate with his head held high. At least this time, he was able to nuzzle Mottlefrost on the forehead, tell her how much he loved her, and say goodbye to all of his gathered loved ones before slinking away into the Dark Forest.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @starfalcon555​
--They found this Warriors generator that acts as a mini version of ClanGen, letting you play out the entire lifetime of a single cat and pick their friends, lovers, and more! The link is here: https://perchance.org/warrior-cats-life-game 
--After having their first two runs end in failure during apprenticehood, they grew attached to Tawnymoon and thought his death was some bullshit, so they wrote this on the fly XD
--Quietstar has an INSANE backstory as well. She was never leader or deputy, but elected after Swiftstar and her deputy died in a greencough outbreak in rapid succession!
--Tawnymoon is a good teacher, but has horrid social skills. As a young warrior, he brought back a loner who wanted to join MorningClan, only for that loner to take one of Swiftstar's lives.
--We have known Tawnymoon for two hours but if anything happens to him we will kill everyone on this hellsite and then ourselves.
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punkymaysnark · 5 months
Starting a new Expanded Mode Clan
This will be RootClan.
Since I like the idea of a quiet, cold leader who's also a peaceful mediator, Quietstar gets the job.
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And here's her chosen ones:
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Lupineflare, her deputy, who learns to be a mediator under Quietstar's example
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Silvertail, who just seems perfect for medicine
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Hollymoth, who TOTALLY won't pick fights with everyone else
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Petuniaice, who just seems like diet Squirrelflight honestly
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Honeyfluff, who rocks those tail markings
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Logbellow, who seems to be a Leopardstar doppleganger
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Tadpoledew, who seems well versed in starting wars
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Gorgebush, who will be in charge of reaching the cookie jar
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And Splinterkit, the obligatory waif.
And just so they'll be remembered, here are the two who didn't make the cut.
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dayundying · 2 years
SO. I killed and sent Falconstar to the Dark forest, now we have the unfit to be leader, leader: Quietstar, and unfortunately he seems like a kinda shitty leader too, idk what to do we havent had apprentices in a while- I'm not sure if ANYONE is fit to be leader
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flowerclan-clangen · 2 years
FlowerClan - Moons 7-9 (Leaf-fall)
Last time, FlowerClan welcomed the new warriors Silverspeck and Quailslip, as well as Downdawn's kits, the charming Finkit, the noisy Rosekit, the impulsive Olivekit, and the bossy Smokekit, and I struggled to update to the developer version and gave up.
Today, we start with our starting roster, alongside the four new kits born to Downdawn!
Moon 7
Snakepaw, Downdawn and Splashrunner meet a kittypet interested in the Clans, but they are frightened by descriptions of Clan cats.
On a patrol with Archpetal and Silverspeck, Quailslip suggests they practice teamwork; they have a nice practice session.
After telling ghost stories, Quietstar, Honeystep and Newtblaze's patrol runs back to camp due to a branch snapping.
Moon 8
Downdawn adopts Nectarkit, an impulsive abandoned kit!
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Downdawn, Snakepaw and Splashrunner meet a loner interested in joining the Clans, but they decide against it (are these three blursed-).
Newtblaze and Honeystep have a fight, and look to Silverspeck to settle the dispute; Silverspeck can't solve it, and doesn't think he's fit to lead patrols.
Archpetal and Quailslip try to get Quietstar to tell stories of her warrior days, but they're boring
Moon 9
Snakepaw is named Snakeflight! She's a good teacher. Additionally, Splashrunner gets a scar fighting a hawk.
Snakeflight, Splashrunner and Downdawn encounter a rogue, who tears Snakeflight's ear before leaving.
Newtblaze, Quietstar and Archpetal also come across a rogue; they drive them off.
Quailslip, Silverspeck and Honeystep encounter a large rat, and successfully catch it!
Overall, this season has been very chaotic. The apprenticeships of Downdawn's litter approach, as does leaf-bare. What will happen in the upcoming snowy season? StarClan knows... as in I know cuz I played two seasons.
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mythical-juniper · 7 months
WOO new chapter, I had to take a break to avoid writer burnout but I’m back!
In this chapter, Quietstar confronts Oakpaw, in front of everyone, about what she did to her brother (which happened to result in the clearing COVERED in blood) with her Void crystal powers.
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morningdraws · 3 years
sibling fun
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lookit my 3 babies. turtleshell just pranked tis brother and now rubbleflight wants revenge, quiet has to mediate the situation
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hinterland-clans · 3 years
So I read though the Hinterlands doc and got to the df section and was wondering if you could drop some lore on why all the df cats are currently there? (if you can't say anything without spoiling something important its alright)
Certainly! I think I have talked about the reasons they're all there once or twice before, but it may have very well changed since then.
Keep in mind that some of these characters do not have very much thought put into them at all and I might replace them eventually, idk
Warnings for mild/vague descriptions of violence, abuse, and various means of murder and death below!
Barkfang: SO there was this whole situation over whether PineClan or GlenClan got to own the Sunstones and surrounding field. Barkfang was the GlenClan deputy at the time, and when negotiations started to come to a close with a compromise, he got it in his head that this was a Really Bad Thing that would show the other two Clans that GlenClan was weak and would just give away territory without a fight. He killed Dewstar, and when the two healers (Briskwater and Sandytail, who was formerly Barkfang's apprentice and was TERRIFIED of him) figured it out, they poisoned him with traveling herbs. They named the warrior Redgleam as leader afterward.
Dawnshatter: A very corrupt healer who used yew to poison cats he didn't like. I have this idea that maybe he had a close friend or mate who wanted to become leader, and Dawn said "don't worry, I'll take care of it ;)" and when high-ranking cats started dropping dead, they called him out on it. Idk! His cause of death was starvation after being banished from the Clan.
Sparkflame: She was a major bitch of a warrior who was super abusive to her apprentices in the belief that it hardened them into better warriors. She was super cruel, working them half to death and verbally berating them when they couldn't keep up with her demands. Her last apprentice drowned in the river when she was giving him swimming training, as she tossed him into the water and wouldn't let him return to shore until he could swim "properly." She was eventually killed by a rogue during a skirmish.
Chillyfur: She was a queen, and I have it written down that she killed her kits, but I don't know why? Maybe there was some drama with her mate, or maybe she thought there was something wrong with the kits. I have no clue. She fled the Clans after her crime was discovered, and her cause of death was a snake bite.
Silverpine: Silverpine! The oldest OC in this group! She grew up bitter towards her sister Birchstripe, and when Silverpine's mate Leafswirl left her for Birchstripe, who was tone-deaf enough to flaunt that she was having his kits, Silverpine led her out into the middle of nowhere and murdered her. She was determined to make Leafswirl suffer but felt guilty about what she'd done, and Birchstripe tormented Silverpine with visions of what she'd done until she broke. She freaked out, inadvertently admitting her crime before running back to where she'd killed Birchstripe (with a furious Leafswirl giving chase behind) and was crushed by a falling tree branch. She knew that what she'd done was wrong, but refused to go to StarClan if Birchstripe and Leafswirl were allowed to stay there too.
Bramblewasp: He's basically Ashfur if he'd actually killed the three, lmao. He was in love with this cat named Petalbreeze, but Petalbreeze was 1. never interested in him and 2. secretly mates with this RiftClan tom named Ravenpatch. Bramblewasp followed Petalbreeze to the border one night and saw them meet, and, heartbroken, decided to get even with her. After she had moved to the nursery, pregnant with Ravenpatch's kits, Bramblewasp instigated a skirmish with a RiftClan patrol that ended up with Ravenpatch dead. Petalbreeze was heartbroken, but she at least had her three kits to remember him by. But Bramblewasp wasn't done yet, and later led two of her kits to get killed in some way I haven't thought of yet, maybe led them out into the snow and left them? The third kit, Shadepaw, was attacked by Bramblewasp after he got him alone during a hunting patrol. But Petalbreeze, who had had her suspicions about who was behind the murders and had been keeping a close eye on Shadepaw, fended him off before killing him outright.
Tawnyfoot: Another one I haven't though much about, at one point I had it written that they tried to take over PineClan but failed and then ended up getting hit by a car, I think I'm going to make it that they built up a kind-of cult within the Clan and tried to use them to help them become leader (to accomplish what? idk) but they somehow failed, running off to twolegplace before meeting their demise.
Vinestar: He was generally very Not Good but the final straw was when he decided he was going to genocide GlenClan after his mate Sunbelly was killed in a fight over the Sunstones. A rebellion led by his deputy Blackreed and warriors Roseblossom and Hollyfrost stood against him and, after Blackreed basically challenged him to a duel for leadership, they killed each other and Rosestar became leader. He was convinced that his bloodline should stay in power in the Clan, a belief carried by Sunbelly and Shimmertail, who passed it on to...
Tangleflower: Vinestar's granddaughter, heavily influenced from a very young age to believe that she was destined to become leader one day. She was fed stories of how noble and powerful Vinestar had been, and these convinced her that the position of leader was her right, no matter the cost. She conscripted Blackreed's son Cindershock, who was convinced that he had to become leader to live up to his father's name, and she revealed her plan to get them both to be deputy and leader together. They became mates, and when they got their apprentices Fleetpaw and Swiftpaw, they enlisted them and Cindershock's best friend Splinterfang into their little group. Swiftpaw was more than happy to help, wanting to do anything for his cool uncle Cinder and too young to really understand the gravity of the situation. Fleetpaw and Splinterfang were a bit more hesitant, and this became the plan's downfall. Tangleflower (unexpectedly) had a kit, Strikekit, and while Tangleflower left the nursery as soon as possible, she was still quite weak when the plan went into motion VERY off-schedule. Splinterfang and Fleetpaw finally worked up the courage to warn Rosestar of what was about to happen, and Cindershock, realizing this, went to attack her. Tangleflower joined him and attempted to kill Hollyfrost, who quickly threw her off and went to the aide of Rosestar. Rosestar lost a life in the fray, and Hollyfrost grabbed Cindershock by the neck and threw him off, killing him. Swiftpaw was subdued by a few other warriors, who were baffled as to why he was trying so hard to attack them. Tangleflower was banished, but a moon later she returned, delirious with hunger and fury, and tried again to kill Rosestar while PineClan evacuated during a forest fire. Tangleflower was caught in the flames and died of smoke inhalation. Cindershock came to her in the Inbetween and asked her to give up her memories and anger and go to StarClan like he did. but she refused and now spends her time in the Dark Forest.
Quietstar: By all rights, she really shouldn't be in the Dark Forest. She was the leader of RiftClan during a famine, with a lack of the large prey birds RiftClan cats hunt spelling doom for them. She pleaded with the other Clan leaders for aid, but they refused. They were all starving, after all. Quietstar, furious, gathered whichever of her warriors were still strong and attacked at the Clan borders, mercilessly claiming patches of land to hunt on. When the other two Clan leaders confronted her during a gathering, she attacked them, and her Clanmates followed. The ensuing battle only ended when Quietstar was struck by lightning, killing her instantly. She chose to go to the Dark Forest, hating it there but standing firm in her hatred of the cats who refused to help her Clanmates.
Twilightpaw: Another cat who really shouldn't be there. Twilightpaw was a meek little tom, training to become a hunter. His brother, the brash and somewhat hateful Sleetpaw, was training to be a fighter. One leafbare night, the two were out hunting together when they got in some kind of fight. Twilightpaw was pinned by Sleetpaw, and when he finally succeeded in kicking him off, Sleetpaw slipped and fell from a ledge. Sleetpaw was killed by the impact, and Twilightpaw, scared of the consequences of the accident, left him there. Sleetpaw's body was found the next day, his Clanmates assuming he'd simply slipped jumping for some prey in the dark. Snow had already covered up most signs of a fray. Twilightpaw developed whitecough from rolling around in the snow, and this turned to greencough, which increased in severity until it killed him. When he was in the Inbetween, Sleetpaw came to confront him. But Twilightpaw, so scared of what he might say, ran in the opposite direction until he found himself in the Dark Forest. There, he was found by Sparkflame, who took him on as an apprentice until he was rescued from her by Quietstar. They now travel the forest together, keeping each other company until they can find a way to get Twilightpaw to StarClan where he belongs.
Blackflame: SHE. Ok so her dad left RiftClan to join GlenClan because he fell in love with a cat there after he and his first mate broke up. Blackflame was livid over this and wanted to get even with him for abandoning her mother, her sister, and herself. So, being a healer, she faked a sign from StarClan and told her Clanmates that it meant they were to attack GlenClan. So they did, and during the battle, Blackflame made it look like her dad was attacking her so that her mother and sister would come to her defense and hurt him. Which they did. He didn't die tho, just wounded pretty badly. StarClan contacts Blackflame in a dream and tells her that, for violating both the warrior and healer codes so badly, she has been cut off from StarClan permanently. She's fine with this because the whole situation made her realize that, being the one expected to interpret StarClan for her Clanmates, she technically holds more power over her Clan than StarClan itself. She uses this to fake more signs and omens, dragging the two Clans into a war with each other. Around this time, a young apprentice named Sunpaw became obsessed with the idea of becoming a healer and started following Blackflame everywhere. When Sunpaw accidentally discovered her setting up one of her "signs," Blackflame killed her and dragged her body to the border to make it look like she'd been killed by GlenClan. RiftClan was furious, and began to head to the border for another battle. A GlenClan patrol met them there, and retrieved their leader and other warriors upon demand from the RiftClan leader. As they were denying any murdering of apprentices, Sunpaw's ghost appeared to the cats and named her killer as Blackflame. Her Clanmates turned on her, and she ran, falling into the river and drowning.
Starklight: Frankly I kinda hate Starklight and I'll probably replace him bc I can't think of any story for him. I had it written down that he was just an abusive asshole to everyone, especially his sister and her mate, but I can't really think of anything beyond that so sorry!!
And that's all of them! There are many baddies in Clan history, but most of them choose to forget their past in order to join StarClan. There are few who choose to be in the Dark Forest, and some of them, those whose crimes are unforgivable, are never given a choice at all.
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fledermoved · 2 years
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Events that happen in clangen that are random but also not:
long time deputy died of yellowcough
new deputy was picked
leader was killed within the same moon of chosing new deputy
New deputy becomes super new leader (story: has no idea how to run the clan I KNOW that but the game doesn't)
bloodthirsty warriors of the clan kill rival clan kits
everyone suddenly gets into issues or otherwise trouble at the border
more cats are killed by the rogues that killed the late leader
Basically everything is falling apart as I had planned and the random generator gods delivered
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Mantisclan Year 3 Lineup
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I realised I haven’t properly fleshed these guys’ personalities out! Better late than never :D Here’s all our current cats and a bit about them as of year three!
previous / next
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Quietstar is a perfectionist at heart, and has been through a lot in the last three years, from losing their deputy and apprentice to then losing their mate, Bonespeckle, over the course of just a few moons. A bit neurotic, Quietstar has always seen flickers of strange shadows and movements in the corners of their vision. Pious to the last breath, the one thing Quietstar cares about more than Starclan and Mantisclan is their daughter. Sunsap.
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A former kittypet abandoned by his owners due to sickness, Bluesky joined the clan on moon twelve. He’s very daring, but secretly afraid of becoming a burden to those he loves and being abandoned again.
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The clan’s resident healer, Blisseyes trained under Bonespeckle before the older molly changed paths to being a warrior. She’s an excellent storyteller, able to make even the most mundane of herbs sound interesting.
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Fumble joined the clan on moon twenty two after a particularly rough kitting on Mantisclan territory. Perpetually an anxious wreck, Fumble gets through his day by telling himself stories and reassuring himself with the knowledge that he’s fast enough to outrun any threat. Though that’s not quite enough to stop him worrying about his kits, Thistle, Osprey and Tadpole.
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A troublemaker at heart, Breeze joined the clan on moon seventeen, having boldly asked to join with her newborn kits Locust, Branch and Echo. Sometimes she lets her nature get the better of her and can come across as rude or mean-spirited but she really just wants her and her family to have a good laugh.
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On moon twenty five, Perditofog and her two kits Stem and Magnolia joined the clan. Just as much, if not more of a troublemaker than Breeze, those two queens get up to plenty of trouble together.
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The most recent addition to the clan, Lynx is an old friend of Peter Pangrove’s and knew him when she was a kit in a loner group with him. Aggressive and energetic, Lynx seems to have some connection to Spider…
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Quietstar and Bonespeckle’s adopted daughter, Sunsap doesn’t let the fact that she’s missing a leg stop her from wanting to follow her ba’s pawsteps in becoming clan leader someday. Ambitious and driven, Sunsap is the first to jump into battle when the time comes.
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Once an apprentice from Snailclan, Mumblecrackle ran away to join Mantisclan on moon twenty seven. Always eager to have some fun, Mumblecrackle lives to have a good time.
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Locustpond, Branchheart & Echodapple
Breeze’s litter, these three are each unique characters. Locustpond, while she was an odd apprentice, has turned into a stern, Starclan-worshipping adult. Branchheart seems to blend into the background, not seeming to have a solid identity of her own and Echodapple has grown from an egotistical kit into a compassionate, if impulsive, adult. Locustpond and Echodapple both suffer from chronic pain and have bonded a lot over that fact.
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Tadpolewood, Thistlefire & Ospreyrip
Fumble’s kits, these three newly made warriors have a lot of learning and growing to go. While Tadpolewood endlessly strives for perfection and recognition, Thistlefire and Ospreyrip seem content to goof off rather than take their duties seriously.
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Stempaw & Magnoliapaw
The youngest members of the clan, these two brothers are quite similar in some ways and different in others. Stempaw always has a snappy comeback prepared and excels in debate and inciting arguments while Magnoliapaw is often left to smooth over his brother’s disagreements- not that he struggles all that much, what with his charming personality.
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Peter Pangrove
The oldest member of the clan, Peter Pangrove has loved and lost a lot in his life and as a result feels constantly lonely even when surrounded by cats he cares about. He seems to have been a friend of Lynx’s in the past, but, then again, he seems to know everyone.
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Ambitious and bloodthirsty, this former deputy of Mantisclan acquired the position by murdering Quietstar’s mate- not that anybody knows this, of course. He has since mellowed out in his old age, and may be starting to regret some of his actions, why else would he step down from the deputy position?
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Killed on moon number one by a bear trap, Briarmoth hardly had any time at all to be the fierce deputy for Mantisclan that he wanted to be.
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The deputy of Mantisclan before Dovewhisker and Quietstar’s mate, Bonespeckle was never one to outwardly show much glee, but that doesn’t mean she loved her family any less.
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Grumpy, yet always with time to tell stories for the kits, Larkshade lost herself in her grief when Bonespeckle died and eventually succumbed to a wound she received from a rogue while out on patrol alone.
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New to the concept of clans and Starclan, Spider joined Mantisclan to escape from something in her past- but it seemed to follow her anyway and she ended up dead from injuries sustained in her getaway. Was she murdered, and what did she know about Lynx?
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Poor Mousepaw. Dying tragically young and doomed to the Dark Forest for reasons beyond his comprehension, the gloomy tom has every reason to resent Starclan.
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cometpelt · 4 years
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Quietstar and her apprehensive deputy! I forgot to post this here!
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