tragcdysewn · 5 months
closed starter for tenel ka djo!! ( @rcvcrics )
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this is so stupid, where the fuck is fierge when they need her? where the hell is violet when she needs her? "i'm gonna kill her for not answering her damn phone right now." rhi mutters, glaring at her cell screen for a minute before tucking it into her pocket and focusing on the blade in her other hand. "not literally, just in case you think i'm about to go on a killing spree."
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intairnwetrust · 6 months
I don't know how I come up with these scenarios myself, but whatever here is another one with Rhiannon, her dragon and her mother:
From the little glimpses we get of Rhiannon of her mother, you can tell she seems like a very nice lady. So Rhiannon and she are cooking and her mother asks her what else dragons eat other than sheep (looking back at the problem that the sheep population in Aretia is not enough for all the dragons)
Rhiannon replies that some dragons also prefer goats and that they generally eat meat
Rhiannon's mum: How monotonous
Rhiannon: These are predators Ma. What did you expect?
Rhiannon's mum: Yeah but still you could give them a marinated sheep. Why don't you ask your green dragon if she would appreciate a marinated sheep :)
Rhiannon: *Blink* *Blink* Are you serious right now?
Feirge in Rhiannon's head: *Blink* *Blink* Okay i'm listening.
Long story short they give Fierge a marinated sheep. Conclusion Feige likes it spicy.
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WINGLEADER: A Xaden Riorson POV Fanfiction
Jack recovers quickly, shouting across the clearing at me, “And if we don’t want to rethink our actions?” 
I clamp my jaw, a muscle feathering there, the only indicator that my anger is close to breaking the surface.
I look toward Violet and I hope she can see the words in my eyes
I will not allow them to hurt you. You are safe as long as I am here.
Whatever Violet is thinking is lost on me as she rips her head away from my gaze and back to the trio of assholes in front of her. 
“There’s nothing you can do, right? Wingleader?” Jack bellows. I don’t think he’s aware that I have no problem breaking and bending rules if I have to. Wingleader or not.
“It’s not me you should worry about today,” I reply.
Behind me, Sgaeyl’s anger is coming off in waves, and I don’t mind being arrogant about the fact that we are a very, very dangerous pair.
Violet risks another glance towards me, her eyes meeting Sgaeyl’s before flicking her gaze in front of her.
“You really going to do this? Attack a squadmate?” she asks Tynan. It’s not a plea. No, it’s a judgment.
“Squads don’t mean shit today.” he growls, lip curling into a cruel smile.
Without taking her eyes off of the three threatening figures looming in front of her, she speaks to the yellow Feathertail behind her, “So I guess that’s a no on the flying?” The Dragon only responds with a low puff.
I turn to look at Sgaeyl, brows furrowed. “What?”
“Her name.” She says simply before nodding to the clearing. 
“Oh, fucking hell.” Violet glances behind her. “You don’t have any claws?” she groans  before turning back to the three men in front of her.
Jack bellows as he breaks into a run, sword held high.
“Please, Violet. Don’t pull your punches. Be my Violence right now,” I plead with her inside my mind. I think I might be begging.
“She is not a killer Xaden.”
“I fucking know.”
Violet’s dagger goes flying with a flick of the wrist sinking it into Jack’s shoulder. Jack falls to his knees, his sword dropping to the ground with him. It’s not enough though. Oren and Tynan are rapidly closing in on her, swords raised, utter determination on their faces.
But I’m not moving from the treeline. No, I’m going to give Violet the chance to take them down on her own terms. Or at the very least make her scared enough to remind her that killing is sometimes the only option.
Violet slings her other dagger into Tynan’s thigh, and I suck a breath in through my teeth as Oren swings his sword down, aiming for her exposed neck. She ducks, unsheathing her dagger and swiping for his ribs in one smooth movement. 
She rises up and is immediately met with Oren’s sword. It makes contact in a movement that should have left her completely disemboweled if not for the dragon scale armor I already knew was underneath her leathers.
I’d been pretty sure that day on the sparring mat, our bodies pushing against each other so tightly I could feel every inch of her, including the ridges of her armor.
“The girl told Fierge and *Tuisceanach earlier of her armor built from Teine’s scales.” 
“Smart.” I say curtly, too distracted by the fight in front of us. 
“What the hell?” Oren shouts in surprise as his sword glances off of her side.
Behind Oren, Jack is shouting, “She destroyed my shoulder! I can’t move it!” He’s cradling the space between his delts and traps. She hit right at the joint. 
“That’s the thing about having weak joints; you know exactly where to strike.” She shouts back at him.
“Kill her!” Jack orders with a scream before bolting in the opposite direction, disappearing into the tree line.
Fucking coward.
Tynan goes for her again, sword out in front of him. She spins away and thrusts the dagger behind her into his side, then turning to Oren, swings her elbow into his chin. It’s an impressive maneuver. 
“You fucking bitch!” Tynan screams, clutching at his side. The wound is a deep, clean slice, his fingers doing very little to stop the blood from splashing onto the grass at his feet. 
“Such an original insult!” she says, slicing into a still dazed Oren. 
Tynan’s on the move and, before Violet can right herself, he cuts her from shoulder to bicep with his sword. 
My stomach roils and I think I’ve praised Malek more in the last handful of months than I have in my entire existence because of the woman in front of me, fighting with all of her courage, in all of her pain, for the innocent dragon that stands before her.
Behind her, Oren has recovered, and his arms begin to rise– ” Behind you!” I shout, and she pivots before he has a chance to behead her with his sword.
The dragon – Andarnaurran – juts her jaw forward, snapping at Oren. He stumbles backwards and Violet finds her opening.
Instead of killing him, she brings the pommel of the dagger down onto his head and, with a crack, Oren crumples to the ground.
She’s not a killer. Even when she needs to be. 
Violet turns towards Tynan who has his sword raised in a defensive position. He’s too wounded to go on the offensive now.
“You can’t interfere!” Tynan yells, face contorting with rage.
“No, but I can narrate!” I shout back. 
Behind me, Sgaeyl has gone serpentine; her giant head moving side to side, poised to hunt her prey. 
Violet risks a glance in our direction, eyes looking above my head at Sgaeyl; fear has broken through her bravado.
“Your arm is shot, Sorrengail,” Tynan says through his teeth. 
Violet raises a brow, “I'm used to functioning in pain, asshole. Are you?” 
Gods, this woman. This brave, exceptional woman. If the world knew what she was capable of they would get on their knees for her. 
“Pay attention, Wingleader.”
“I know exactly where I sliced into you. If you don’t get to a healer soon, you’ll bleed out internally.”
She’s goaded him into a fury and, as he moves to strike, she flicks her knife at him. 
Where it lands in the grass several feet away.
She’s out of options.
Without a thought I’ve loosened the leash on my power, shadows swirling at my feet forming a brutal wave of blackness. 
Tynan grips the pommel of his sword with both hands–
I step forward into the clearing, ready to strike.
Until a black cloud appears overhead.
Not a cloud, but a dragon.
Tairn barrels towards us landing with a smooth grace that nothing so large should be capable of. With a gust of wind from his great black wings, he encases the little yellow Feathertail in a shield of scales, fire, and teeth.
I swing around to look at Sgaeyl.
“I told him to get Andarnaurran, that the small one was losing. I didn’t know he was going to come falling out of the sky,” Sgaeyl snips, her lip curling slightly. But the fire’s gone out of her eyes at the sight of her mate.
Tairn turns his eyes towards Sgaeyl and I.“You asked *Mo Chroi. This is who I choose. This is my rider.” Tynan and Violet both stagger as the gust of wind pushes them off balance. Violet manages to right herself, but Tynan’s mouth has fallen open, and he begins retreating at the sight of the most lethal dragon known on this Continent. 
“I am more dangerous than even the unknown shadow wielder.” 
There’s complete silence in my head. I have no thoughts, no words, as Violet turns towards Tairneanach, son of Murtcuideam and Fiaclanfuil, descendant of the Dubhmadinn line.
My dragon’s mate.
There’s silence as he speaks into Violet’s mind, words only for her. She stands stock-still for a heartbeat before she stumbles over to the side where Oren’s still body lay.
Within an instant, Tynan knows what's coming for him. He bolts for the trees as Tairn opens his maw, and spits a stream of fire into Tynan’s back, incinerating everything in his path.
More silence, and then Violet speaks, “I can’t kill an unconscious man.” She shakes her head at Tairn.
I don’t have it in me to reprimand her for it. My head is swimming. The momentary silence in my head has broken into an avalanche of thoughts.
Sgaeyl, behind me, though shocked, seems nothing short of pleased.
More silence. Violet glances at Oren's crumpled body. “Well, that’s a statement on his character. Not mine.”
A dragon choosing their rider is one of the most intimate connections our souls can make, and it is not for us to bear witness to. Violet is safe, and it’s time for us to go.
I run up Sgaeyl’s side and take my seat in a single, swift movement, raking my gaze over Violet one more time before Sgaeyl launches us into the air.
*Aisteach and Tuisceanach refers to the two dragons who sniff Violet on the Flight Field. I named them the Gaelic words for “Curious” and “Thoughtful”, respectfully. EDIT: one of the green dagger tails bonds with Rhiannon and is name Fierge, I’ve changed the name in this chapter to reflect that.
*Mo Chroi is Gaelic for “My Heart” and will be something Tairn will continue to refer to Sgaeyl as throughout the series as a term of endearment.
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More than 60% of industries in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul suspended activities after floods
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Heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil, forced 63% of the state’s industries to partially or completely halt their activities in May and June, with 95% of interruptions lasting up to 30 days. The number of industries affected by the flooding that devastated the state is even higher: 81% said they suffered some type of loss.
The data comes from a survey conducted by the Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS), an association that represents the sector. Among the main losses caused by floods were difficulties in logistics for the flow of production or receipt of inputs, as well as problems with workers and suppliers.
According to FIERGS, 31% of businesses reported losses in raw material stocks, 19% in machinery and equipment, another 19% in the physical facilities of the industries, and 15% in finished product stocks.
“The floods were catastrophic for Rio Grande do Sul. Besides the personal tragedy of those who lost family members and saw their homes invaded by water, the economy will also suffer an immense impact,” said FIERGS President Gilberto Porcello Petry.
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lcngliive · 8 months
hw mini event six || the valentines gala feirge & violet ( @mcrcki )
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"viooooooolet," fierge grinned at the sight of the other, stumbling over her own feet. she'd been given something to drink earlier - it was really fruity and she'd just kept drinking them. "hiiiii!"
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lucioborges · 25 days
RS Notícias: Homenageado com Medalha Assis Brasil, presidente da Fiergs projeta resultado positivo nas vendas de máquinas agrícolas
Fonte: RS Notícias: Homenageado com Medalha Assis Brasil, presidente da Fiergs projeta resultado positivo nas vendas de máquinas agrícolas https://www.rsnoticias.top/2024/09/homenageado-com-medalha-assis-brasil.html
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f5noticias · 3 months
Indústrias gaúchas terão auxílio para reabilitação de maquinários
O Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio (MDIC), a Agência Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial (ABDI), a Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Fiergs), e o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (Senai-RS) assinaram nesta quinta-feira (11), em São Leopoldo (RS), um convênio de cooperação técnica e financeira no valor de R$ 9,4 milhões que serão destinados…
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originalchildshark · 3 months
Of course Basgiath doesn’t have any sort of ceremony for graduation. Just prove you’re worthy of a dragon and four years later they kick you out to wherever they need you most. But Iron Squad does things our way, so we planned a party anyway. 
We all squished into my room since it’s the biggest. We had smuggled up some food from the cafeteria and everyone had a drink in hand.
“Rhi, we decided you’re valedictorian!” Violet said, giving me a hug and slurring her words just a bit.
I laughed. “Thank you, but Basgiath doesn’t have a valedictorian.”
“Speech!” Ridoc yelled from across the room. Soon everyone joined in.
“Okay, okay!” I yelled back, “just quiet down before you get us kicked out on our last night!”
I pulled the chair out from my desk and stood on it. Violet grabbed a scarf out of my wardrobe and put it around my neck like a sash. 
“Iron Squad,” I began, “I didn’t prepare a speech for the occasion, but hey, who’s better at winging it than us?” Everyone cheered. “We’ve been through a lot together in the last four years.”
“Five years for some of us!” Ridoc yelled, giving Sawyer a friendly punch in the arm.
I glared at him but continued. “There was the time we all got food poisoning from eating the cafeteria deviled eggs and still had to make it through flight maneuvers. Or the time Ridoc tried to smuggle in a civilian he met in Chantara; what was her name, Emma? And when he was caught his punishment was to wear his underpants on his head for the rest of the week. And of course how could we forget the countless times Violet made us listen to her complain about her silly threeps with Riorson!” 
“Hey!” Violet yelled with a smile. 
“But really. We have proven again and again that we all stick together no matter what. It’s how we all survived this far. Each one of us showed up and brought what we could to the table. Nice work you did. All of you.” I held up my glass. “To the Iron Squad!” 
“To the Iron Squad!” Everyone cheered. 
“And to our fearless leader!” Sawyer yelled out as everyone raised their glasses and cheered again. 
I took an overexaggerated bow and stepped down from the chair as everyone gathered together for a group hug. It was bittersweet; this was everything we had worked for and yet I don’t think any of us really understood the reality of graduation until we were faced with it. For the first time in four years, we would all be going our separate ways. Indefinitely. And while everyone agreed to make plans and get together during our time off, we all knew that time off wasn’t really a thing for new lieutenants.
I stepped back and watched everyone having fun and celebrating in a way we didn’t often get to do here. 
By early morning everyone had stumbled back to their rooms but I couldn’t sleep. I might as well get a head start on the ride; Fierge and I had a long flight ahead of us. I finished cleaning up from the party and packed up a few last things. I grabbed my bags and took one last look around. When I opened the door, I almost tripped on something in the hallway. I looked down to see one boot laying there. It took me a second to see the note stuck to it. 
“Rhi,” it read, “We’ve got this. But if you ever need me, you know I’ll be there to help. I won’t let you fall.”
My eyes teared up as I took off one of my boots and put it in my bag. I took Violet’s boot, the same one from four years ago, and put it on. Of course it still didn’t fit, but it somehow felt right anyway. 
“Bye Basgiath” I whispered before leaving one last time.
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ambnews · 4 months
Pedido de impeachment do prefeito de Porto Alegre é protocolado na Câmara de Vereadores
A União das Associações de Moradores de Porto Alegre (Uampa) protocolou pedido de impeachment do prefeito Sebastião Melo na Câmara de Vereadores nesta quinta-feira (23). Conforme a entidade, a ruptura do dique próximo à sede da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Fiergs), no bairro Sarandi (Zona Norte) e a desinformação por parte do Executivo municipal agravaram a situação,…
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ambientalmercantil · 4 months
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informacoes-legais · 4 months
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ângela frança de brito - 2024
‘Se houvesse manutenção do sistema, nada disso estaria acontecendo’
Ex-supervisora de planejamento urbano lembra que o projeto do Muro incluía uma via suspensa para um visual do Guaíba
(...) .
Meu nome é Ligia Maria Bergamaschi Botta. Eu me formei em Arquitetura e Urbanismo em janeiro de 1969. E, em agosto e outubro de 1969, respectivamente, ingressei na Secretaria de Planejamento da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre - onde chegaria ao cargo de supervisora de planejamento urbano - e na Faculdade de Arquitetura da UFRGS.
Desde então eu vivi, cresci, me alimentei e me apaixonei por Porto Alegre. Sempre dia e noite em cima dos mapas da cidade. Trabalhei basicamente em questões de estrutura urbana e nessas cinco décadas pude acompanhar muita coisa.
Meu marido, o engenheiro Décio Carlos Botta, teve vivências paralelas e semelhantes porque antes de se formar já tinha contato com Porto Alegre.
Na verdade, os diques e o Muro da Mauá formam o sistema que foi proposto num estudo muito criterioso e competente de um grupo alemão contratado pelo DNOS e feito também com alguns profissionais do Estado.
Chegaram à conclusão de que, em função de falta de dados que oferecesse um panorama mais preciso da periodicidade das enchentes, que estabeleceram entre 80 e 100 anos, a cota máxima de inundação seria de 6 metros.
Foi proposto um anel em torno do Centro e da zona Norte, ali na entrada da BR-290, onde estão a Fiergs (Federação das Indústrias/RS), o aeroporto, o Grêmio Navegantes, o Centro de Porto Alegre, a Usina do Gasômetro. Essas terras são todas baixas, abaixo da cota 6, predominantemente cotas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 por aí.
O dique foi feito em todo o entorno dessa área, no nível 6, mais alguns portões para possibilitar a passagem – o porto e o porto do bairro Navegantes ficariam fora desse dique e precisaria haver acesso.
Os diques foram construídos com taludes e uma via em cima, que seria para contorno da área central da cidade. Propôs-se também que, como o dique não poderia ser implantado sob forma de talude na (avenida) Mauá, a solução seria um muro.
Na ocasião, os técnicos propuseram uma pista elevada em cima do Muro da Mauá, fazendo a ligação entre a avenida Castelo Branco e a Usina do Gasômetro. Permitia que o visual do rio fosse preservado.
Lamentavelmente, a via elevada não foi feita. A estrutura do muro foi executada, calculada, com a possibilidade da carga dessa via acima. A cada cinco metros, pelo lado do cais, haveria um pilar de apoio. Se erguida, a via teria 17 metros de largura.
Algumas pessoas pensam que o muro é um enfeite. Na verdade, tirando-se o muro, o restante do sistema de contenção estaria totalmente inválido. Não dá para acreditar que, por tanto tempo, tentariam destruir o muro...
Por sorte nossa, o muro foi reforçado e, graças a isso, manteve-se íntegro até hoje pois, nesses anos todos – foi feito na década de 1960 – nunca houve manutenção no concreto." (...).
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beltasar · 6 months
Eotrith Sorcering Solutions
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Eotrith Sorcering Solutions once was Derus Order of sorcerers created in 587 AA by Ditrich Derus, court magician of the king of Eotrith and it aimed to research magic and seek ways to empower sorcerers. However, it became corrupted quickly after his death in 638 and its main goal was to gain as much power as possible through new and ancient knowledge. Though it was slowly changing to a more peaceful organisation once again over time. In 934 it officially became the corporation under the name of Eotrith Sorcering Solutions, with a famous Derus inventor Edmund Fierge becoming the first chairman of ESS. ESS of today is known for their great barriers, as well as being the only manufacturer of wands and wandrifles and it was them who created artificial antimana. Its HQ is in Eotrith.
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capitalflutuante · 11 months
IBGE estará presente na edição de Porto Alegre (RS) da Caravana Federativa 17/10/2023 O IBGE participará, nos dias 19 e 20 de outubro, da Caravana Federativa, no Centro de Eventos FIERGS, da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio... Link da matéria
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radiorealnews · 1 year
Vice-presidente da República, Geraldo Alckmin, visita o Rio Grande do Sul para importantes eventos
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Nesta sexta-feira (4), o vice-presidente da República, Geraldo Alckmin, estará no Rio Grande do Sul para participar de eventos nas cidades de Passo Fundo e Porto Alegre, marcando sua presença em atividades de grande relevância para o estado. Passo Fundo Durante a manhã, Geraldo Alckmin estará em Passo Fundo, onde participará do anúncio da construção da primeira Usina de Etanol em grande escala no Rio Grande do Sul. O evento ocorrerá às 10h, na sede da Be8, e faz parte da programação especial da Semana do Município de Passo Fundo. A usina produtora de etanol e farelos tem previsão para iniciar suas operações na segunda metade do próximo ano, prometendo trazer avanços significativos para o setor energético da região. Porto Alegre Já na parte da tarde, o vice-presidente Geraldo Alckmin realizará uma importante palestra na Fiergs (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul). O tema escolhido para a palestra é "O Brasil na Rota do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social", onde Alckmin abordará as mudanças já implementadas no país, com foco no crescimento da produção e consumo, além de discutir a expectativa de evolução dos indicadores sociais. O evento acontecerá às 14 horas e contará com a presença de convidados do meio empresarial, político, presidentes de entidades e autoridades oficiais gaúchas, proporcionando um ambiente de discussão de ideias e estratégias para o progresso econômico e social do país. A comitiva de Geraldo Alckmin é composta por importantes figuras gaúchas, como o ministro-chefe da Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência da República, Paulo Pimenta, o presidente da Conab, Edegar Pretto, e o secretário de Comunicação Institucional da Secom, Maneco Hassen. A presença desses representantes reforça a relevância dos eventos e a disposição em promover parcerias e diálogos com o estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A visita do vice-presidente ao Rio Grande do Sul certamente trará reflexões e debates sobre o futuro do estado e do país, além de fortalecer o intercâmbio de ideias entre representantes políticos e empresariais. Essa oportunidade de compartilhar conhecimentos e discutir estratégias é fundamental para o progresso econômico e social da região e do Brasil como um todo. Read the full article
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Brazilian production and export of apples not affected by floods in Rio Grande do Sul
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In Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, heavy rains since April that led to flooding over the past two weeks, have affected 450 of its 497 cities and impacted 9 out of 10 industries, according to the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Fiergs). As the death toll is sadly climbing at 151, the flooding has in comparison surpassed the area affected by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, with economic damages predicted to be greater than those caused by the recent pandemic.
Commenting from Porto Alegre, the capital city of the state affected by the flooding, Caroline Viecili, Sales and business Specialist from TFruits, a Brazilian fresh produce export company, says they are not directly affected by the rains: "This situation demands a slow, challenging recovery and intelligent replanning of cities and infrastructures to adapt to modern life and climate changes. The repeated severe weather events highlight the urgency of addressing these issues and the potential for new opportunities amidst crises."
She says in agribusiness, except for apples, fruit production in Rio Grande do Sul mainly serves the local market and does not significantly impact Brazilian production and export. However, the state plays a crucial role in grain and livestock production, notably rice, where it accounts for about 70% of national production. The government is considering rice imports to manage domestic inflation.
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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