josei-jidai · 6 years
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A woman only identified as “Shiori” was the first to speak out to news media in Japan’s #MeToo movement. Shiori was assaulted in a hotel room in 2015 by a very famous Journalist who has written books about Prime Minister Abe. Shiori has yet to recieve justie
The tag #FightTogetherWithShiori has since become synonymous with #MeToo and #TimesUp on Japanese Twitter.
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years
「ノート」の元記事 https://note.mu/tkatsumi06j/n/n093c461e4fc8
Although speaking out about abuse and rape is difficult in almost all circumstances, women living in certain countries face insurmountable obstacles when seeking justice. Japan is one of those places. Entrenched cultural norms which don't even allow the word rape to be mentioned, have silenced women almost entirely. But one person refused to be quiet - journalist Shiori Ito. The man in question has publicly denied all allegations.
Shiroi Ito, Journalist
I was raped two years ago in 2015. And the man who raped me, he offered me a job in Washington DC, because he was bureau chief in one of the Japanese mainstream TV news station. We made appointment to meet because we need to talk about working visa.
It was hard to realize that someone you trust or someone you respect would do that. So I was scared, because he was quite close to all the high-profile politicians. So it took time, to me, to think if this is the right thing to do, if anyone would believe me.
I decided, okay I'm going to the police, and I knew that this would make me hard to work in ... work as a journalist in Japan to accuse such a high-profile journalist. And then when I got to the right person to talk to, he told me, "These things happen a lot, and we can't investigate. It would never be prosecuted, it would never be charged, and it's just a waste of time."
But I told him, "Look, I know which hotel I came out from. They must have security camera. Can you at least check that ?"
So he did a few days after, and we saw that this man was pulling me out from the taxi. So this investigator said, "Okay, this is something."
So I thought he would accept, that he would file the case. And then he told me, "Look, you're accusing such a high-profile journalist. You have no chance to be a journalist in Japan. "
私はこれで彼が事件を認め、捜査を開始してくれるだろうと思ったんです。でも彼は私にこう言いました。 「あなたは著名なジャーナリストを訴えようとしています。日本でジャーナリストとして活動できなくなりますよ」
-- That's what the investigator or detective said to you?
The investigator.
-- And how did that make you feel?
It was quite a tough decision to make, although I had to do it. Because if I put a lid on the truth that I have, I shouldn't be a journalist. And also, I started having more questions, why can't you investigate?
Finally, one day they called me. The investigator decided to file the case. The court issued arrest warrant two months after that.
そして遂にある日、電話がかかってきました。捜査を開始することを決めたと。 裁判所はその二か月後に逮捕状の発行を認めました。
And during the investigation, it was hard... Every time investigator has changed, they asked me if I was a virgin. Why would you ask these questions so many times? I stopped going for work. Every time I see the same... similar figure man on a street, I became panicked. So I decided,"Okay, maybe it's better for me to go outside of Japan."
-- So just to go back, so he was still in the United States but there was an arrest warrant issued for him WHILE he was still in the United States. Is that right?
-- So how did that go, then? What happened there?
Investigators plan was to wait at the Narita Airport and arrest him as soon as he gets on land. But then the investigator called me on the day they were going to arrest, and  he said, "There was order from above," and they stopped the arrest.
捜査官は、成田に彼が到着したらすぐに彼を逮捕する予定でいました。でも、その捜査官は彼を逮捕する予定のその当日に電話をかけてきてこう言ったんです。 「上からの指示」があって、逮捕を取りやめたと。
It was shocking, because if once the court issues an arrest, investigator can change it? But they did. So I asked why and how. He couldn't tell me.
He said, "This is just so odd and rare."
-- Am I right in saying that you are the first person who has publicly said, openly under her own name, "I was raped. This is my story," in this country?
I'm the first person who spoke out about rape by someone familiar.
-- What have you learned about your own country from your experience? What have you heard from other people since you've spoken out?
I was quite disappointed. I felt like everyone knew about me. So I couldn't go out anymore. So I was always ... I had to disguise myself if I needed to go somewhere. And I started seeing these websites talking about my personal life, my family. I saw my family's photo. So I was scared if I go out with my family, with my friend, what's going to happen to them? I couldn't leave the house.
I decided to quit to media I was working for, and be a freelancer and start working with British media. I had a chance to move to UK this summer and that made me feel, again, like a person; that I can go out.
-- Well, we are sitting here in Tokyo. How do you feel about Japan and being in Tokyo now? Do you feel any change at all?
Finally I do feel small small changes. Politicians are now talking about it at the Diet, at the parliament, and they finally changed the rape law which hasn't changed for a 110 years.
小さな、とても小さな変化が起きているという気はしています。政治家は国会――議会― ― で議論するようになったし、110年間も変わることのなかったレイプに関する法律が遂に改正されました。
As a journalist I tried many different ways to talk about it through media, but none of these worked. So in the end, I had to be the ONE who speak out about it. And certainly, sexual violence could happen anywhere anytime in the world.
But I was more shocked by what had happened afterwards, that made me really hopeless. And I never realized what kind of society that I was living in. Okay, legal system -- it would take time. But social system can change to support and help. And that would make a major change for survivors to take the next step. Now, I do see some positive movements, so I'm very optimistic.                      
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ashita-s · 7 years
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【刑法性犯罪改正が実現】110年ぶりの大改革!今改正の「内容」「評価」「課題」 Believe〜わたしは知ってる〜
刑法(性犯罪)改正の成果は素晴らしいものでした。 しかし、大きな疑問も残る国会でした。
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TBSワシントン支局長(当時)だった山口敬之氏に「レイプされた」と、ジャーナリストの詩織さんが告白した事件。山口氏に対していったん逮捕状が出たにもかかわらず、逮捕直前に「上からの指示」で取り消され、山口氏は不起訴となりました。逮捕状が出ているにもかかわらず、逮捕が直前で取りやめになるというのはほとんどないことだそうです。山口氏は、安倍政権に都合の良いニュースばかりを報道するジャーナリストとして知られており、森友学園問題でも安倍首相を庇うような報道をしていました。 刑法(性犯罪)が改正されたのはとても嬉しいのですが、政府は、性暴力の問題としっかりと向き合ってきたと言えるのでしょうか?この問題は、山口氏が安倍政権と近い存在だったことを理由に、もみ消されたのではないでしょうか?
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逮捕取り消しとなったことへの真相解明もされないまま、この問題を終わらせてはいけないと思います。そのためには、市民の声が必要です。みなさんSNS で詩織さんを応援しましょう!#FightTogetherWithShiori 
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日本の国会(下院)における女性議員の割合は、現在、「世界最悪の人道危機」が起こっている南スーダンよりも低く、世界164位であることを知っていますか?(2017年6月時点、IPU調べ。) 下記は2016年度の表ですが参考までに。
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今国会では、パリテ推進法という法案も話し合われるはずでした。パリテとは、フランス語で、「同数・均等」を意味します。いまの日本の議会では1割しかいない、女性議員の数をもっと増やして、議会の男女比を半々にしようという法案でした。 実は、この法案、与党も野党も賛成しており、国会で議論が始まれば通るはずの法案でした。 ところがパリテ推進法は、審議すらされず、宙ぶらりんのまま「延期」された状態になっています。秋の臨時国会や、来年の国会で通るかどうかも危ない状況です。 この法案に賛成しておきながら、自民党が審議を始めなかったのは、みなさん、どうしてだと思いますか?国会議員の中に、��向きは、この法案を支持しているかのように見せつつ、本当は通したくなかった人たちがいたのではないでしょうか? 実は、自民党は、近々、日本国憲法を変えたいと言っています。男女平等を定めた憲法24条も、ねじ曲げられてしまうと予想されます。こうした流れを細かく見ていくと、安倍政権は「女性の活躍」を目標にしていますが、私たちは、それはリップサービスに過ぎず、実際には女性の権利を弱め、女性たちの状況を悪化させているようにしか見えません。
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参考ウェブサイト ビリーブ ~わたしは知ってる~ www.believe-watashi.com パリテ  https://www.facebook.com/parite50/ 明日の自由を守る若手弁護士の会(あすわか) 共謀罪について http://www.asuno-jiyuu.com/2017/02/blog-post_27.html 【レイプ告白】「あの夜、なにがあったのか」詩織さんと山口氏 それぞれに聞いた 『詩織さんは「こういう捜査の方法から変えていかないと、被害者が警察に届け出できない。いくら性犯罪の法律が厳罰化されても救われない」と指摘する。』 「処女ですか?」と聞かれ…詩織さんが語る“捜査中の屈辱” 詩織さんの告発に思う。
女性が声をあげるシーンを大々的に取り上げてくださったニュースメディアの方々、どうもありがとうございました! ニュース23 報道ステーション ショーアップ
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【元TBS職員のレイプ疑惑】しばき隊界隈「レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい」 #FighttogetherwithShiori
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1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(岐阜県)@無断転載は禁止 [ニダ] 2017/05/31(水) 13:06:48.03 ID:jPSjJygy0 Tomica @Tomicajpn #レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい。 Tomica @Tomicajpn マジで国会囲むしかなくないか。 #FighttogetherwithShiori…
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joeahj · 5 years
Like a scene out of a movie, the detective who had at first reluctantly taken her case but had become her advocate told her over the phone, “He’s walking past us. I can’t do anything. I’ve got orders from way above. I’ve just been told I’m being taken off the case, as well. I’m sorry.”…Shiori explains her decision: “I wanted to use my full name, but my family was against it. I have to question this situation where victims cannot talk unless they hide their face, remain sad, weak, and believe they have to feel shame,” she said in an interview with The Daily Beast.   “I believe it was necessary for me to talk about the horror of rape and the massive impact it had on my life afterward,” she said. “I am now painfully aware of how much the legal and social system fails sex crime victims. For a long time in Japan, women who have been sexually assaulted blame themselves or are blamed by others. When I was about 10, I went to a public pool in a bikini my parents had bought for me—and was terrified when a man groped me in the pool. But when I told the adults, they told me, ‘It’s because you were wearing a sexy bikini.’ So I thought, oh it is my fault. I don’t think like that any more.”…The Daily Beast confirmed the content of the video with a police source who also said investigators spoke to eyewitnesses. The Daily Beast also talked to a third source who viewed the hotel security video and confirmed Shiori’s characterization of the footage. Shiori said she tried to file a report with the police, but officers initially tried to discourage her, warning her it would ruin her career. Investigators finally accepted Shiori’s criminal complaint in late April after she convinced an officer to check security footage from the hotel. The officer retrieved the footage on April 15. After the detectives watched the footage, they agreed there were grounds for a criminal case. The police then enthusiastically pursued the case. It should be noted, that Shukan Shincho, the weekly magazine initially reporting on these events was also able to verify the details of Shiori’s account with witnesses. Police officers obtained an arrest warrant for Yamaguchi on suspicion of incapacitated rape and were waiting to arrest him at Narita Airport on June 8, 2015. But investigators never executed the warrant and instead let him walk away, Shiori said. They had received last minute “orders from above,” an investigator told her on the phone. Police sources confirmed this with The Daily Beast. The call to halt the arrest came directly from The Chief (Nakamura) who as mentioned previously, headed the investigative bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police at the time. When responding to the enquiries of the weekly magazine Shincho, The Chief, admitted he called off the arrest, but said Abe’s administration had nothing to do with his decision. “I made the decision, by myself, based on the details of the case,” he said before Shiori went public. The Chief began his career as a bureaucrat in Japan’s National Police Agency, which oversees all police forces in the country but cannot conduct investigations or conduct arrests; it gives guidance. Thus NPA bureaucrats are usually dispatched to local police departments at an executive officer level and are referred to as kyaria (career guys) by other police who are local hires. They rarely stay in one prefecture for long and lack the street sense of cops who start at the bottom and work their way up. “They’re the police elite. They usually are more like politicians than police officers,” said one Saitama Prefecture detective. NPA bureaucrats often are temporarily transferred to other agencies as well, such as the Nuclear Regulation Authority. At the time of the rape investigation, The Chief had been temporarily transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It is highly irregular for a top-ranking official to stop an arrest warrant or interfere with a case at this level, say many police sources. Jiro Ono, former chief of the Kagoshima Police Headquarters and a former Upper House Member of the Parliament publicly commented. “An arrest for incapacitated rape is typically done based on the judgment of the head of the police department [in this case Takanawa Police] and for the chief of the Criminal Investigative Bureau to butt in and give orders I must say is extremely abnormal.” The irregularity of how this case has been handled is one reason Shiori is now seeking a reversal of the prosecutor’s decision. Even a current high-ranking officer in the National Police Agency was critical of the handling of the case, and commented under condition of anonymity: “When you consider Nakamura’s close relationship to Abe and Suga, and the case involves Abe’s closest friend in the media, Mr. Yamaguchi, Nakamura’s intervention in the case was completely inappropriate. It’s a conflict of interest and it gives the appearance of impropriety. To anyone, it might appear that Nakamura, in his position as the head of the investigative bureau, deliberately squashed an investigation to benefit the friend of his former boss, Suga. It’s disgraceful. I don’t know whether that was the case but the problem is that people may reasonably believe that’s exactly what happened. It’s not hard to see why. Here’s how it could happen. Yamaguchi asks Abe or Suga to intervene. One of them calls Nakamura. Loyal to his former boss, Nakamura scuttles the arrest warrant and the case. It doesn’t take a massive criminal conspiracy to make that happen. It just takes a few phone calls.” When pressed to go on the record, the officer declined, sheepishly explaining the Abe administration just hinted that they will have the whistleblower in the Kake Gakuen case (a brewing scandal involving the licensing of a school) prosecuted for violations of the Civil Servants Act—releasing information gained on the job. “That will be the end of that bureaucrat’s career and possibly time in jail,” the officer said. “I could argue that I am sharing police common sense, not secret information. But even then, as in the case of the whistleblower, anyone who opposes Abe ends up not only having their career shortened but their reputation ruined. If I was retired, like Mr. Ono, I’d be happy to go on the record.” Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, however, pulled no punches in his comment on the case. On the evening of May 31, he tweeted, “What is wrong with Japan’s media?…They have remained silent on the rape committed by former TBS bureau chief, Yamaguchi, who is an intimate friend of Prime Minister Abe. Nakamura, the Chief of Criminal Investigations for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, buried the arrest warrant and Nakamura was the former personal secretary of Cabinet Minister Suga. Except for Tokyo Shimbun [the newspaper], no other media outlet will write about this. Has Japan’s media’s sold out their national [sense of] justice to the Cabinet Office?” Perhaps it was the brevity of Twitter that resulted in Mr. Hatoyama not adding “allegedly” in front of the rape accusation, but over 12,000 people appear to agree with his sentiment…Following the aborted arrest, the lead investigator was taken off the case, the prosecutor handling Shiori’s case, prosecutor Mori, was changed out, and the case was moved from the jurisdiction of Takanawa Police Department to the Criminal Investigative Division One (Violent Crimes) of Tokyo Police Headquarters, where The Chief would have day-to-day access to the detectives handling the case. The newly appointed detectives urged Shiori to settle with Mr. Yamaguchi and drop charges. She did not agree. The police eventually filed papers against Mr. Yamaguchi with the Tokyo prosecutors, where the case languished for months, until the prosecutors eventually decided to drop all charges against Yamaguchi in July of 2016. They would only say there was not sufficient evidence to indict. Mr. Fixit, as the Cabinet spokesman, told reporters at a regular press briefing this month he had nothing to do with police calling off Yamaguchi’s arrest and said he was not informed of the investigation. Because The Chief (Nakamura), who called off the arrest, once worked for him, it’s not surprising that even Japan’s media would go through the motions of questioning him. “I do not know anything about the details [of the Shiori case],” he said gruffly. Shiori’s news conference led to heated debate online, and supporters quickly set up advocacy groups for her on social media while others stood outside parliament in solidarity, holding placards bearing the hashtag #FightTogetherWithShiori. Shiori also faced vitriol and criticism for going public. Critics took to social media to say that she was using the case to gain fame, while other commentators blamed opponents of the Abe administration for orchestrating her press conference. And of course, there were many comments that her shirt was too revealing, which for a large number of Japanese men, seems to discredit her allegations. Shinji Takeda, the president of Tokyo Broadcasting System Television (TBS), told reporters at a recent briefing the company did receive inquiries from the police at the time of the investigation but Yamaguchi quit without discussing details of the case with his employer. The public distrust and paranoia that the Abe administration’s heavy-handed political tactics have generated have elevated Shiori’s case to a subject of national debate, even in parliamentary sessions. Of course, the opposition party sees it as a political opportunity to cast light on the Machiavellian machinations of Abe and his cronies—but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Even members of Abe’s own political party fear the allegations that Abe or Mr. Fixit interfered with a police investigation are true. An Upper House Member in the LDP told The Daily Beast, “Do I know that Abe or Suga blocked this investigation? I do not. Do I believe that they could or would? Yes, without a doubt. The admirable thing about Shinzo Abe and his spiritual doppelgänger Suga is their absolutely fierce loyalty to their friends—they would bend the law, break the law, or cover up a scandal for their bosom buddies. In Japan, that’s a virtue. Such loyalty from the Oyabun (father-figure) generates great loyalty from the Kobun (child-figures). They would also do the same outrageous things to crush an enemy or the enemy of their friend. They terrorize members of our own party who express opposition not just the media or the occasional principled bureaucrat. I also believe they are true patriots. The problem is, and sometimes we forget this, elected officials are supposed to serve the public not their cronies or their own self-interests. The fact that the incredibly cautious Japanese media is reporting this at all should tell you, or anyone who knows Japan, that there is a real problem here.” On his public Facebook page, Yamaguchi has consistently denied all allegations saying, “I have not done anything that violates or touches upon the the law,” and has written a long rebuttal to Shiori’s allegations. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s wife, Akie, “liked” his posts. In an email responding to questions from The Daily Beast, Yamaguchi said, “I am not acquainted at all with Itaru Nakamura, the previous head of the investigative bureau at the National Police Agency. I have never met, spoken, nor made any acquaintance with him at any event. I do not have his contact information.” He continued, “I have neither informed nor consulted with politicians, including Prime Minister Abe or Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga on this issue.” Yamaguchi insists that this is simply a matter between a male and female journalist and that there was nothing unusual about the investigation. Yet, it is hard to see this as the case, because multiple police sources assert that if Yamaguchi was not a famous journalist or a friend of the prime minister, he would have been arrested and subject to 23 days of interrogation without a lawyer present, just like most suspects in Japan. The Japanese criminal justice system itself is incredibly problematic and unfair, but it becomes an issue of great concern when the unfairness isn’t applied fairly. Shiori is preparing a civil suit against Mr. Yamaguchi as well. Her lawyers point to a successful case last March where a civil court ruled in favor of a rape victim. The case, a rare victory for sexual assault victims, involved a then-26-year-old woman who was allegedly drugged then raped by her colleagues in 2011. The woman filed a complaint with the police immediately after the alleged assault, but investigators sat on the case for more than four years, forcing the victim to turn to civil court. “This case was an important precedent because many victims think that because they don’t remember (the assault) they have no recourse,” said Dr. Chieko Nagai, who treated the plaintiff and provided medical testimony in her civil case. Nagai, who runs a small medical clinic in Tokyo, said she sees parallels in the 2016 case with that of Shiori. She notes Japanese police and medical institutions fail victims by not running blood and urine tests immediately after an alleged attack to determine if victims were drugged. Lawyers and advocates say sexual assault victims would not have to turn to civil courts if criminal cases were properly investigated. Women forced to seek relief in civil courts because of failures in the penal system are similar to victims of Japan’s organized crime groups, the yakuza. Police sometimes fail to pin murder cases on yakuza bosses, mostly because prosecutors flinch at taking anything but slam-dunk cases, but the families of the deceased can sue the top bosses in civil court for damages under the guise of “employer liability.” They usually win and thus the yakuza will now often settle out of court. Shiori has asked the Prosecutorial Review Board to rule for prosecution in her case. Her odds of winning such a decision are roughly 1 percent. And even if the first decision goes in her favor, the prosecution may still refuse to indict again. Her lawyer says, “I know the odds are against us but I believe that an objective review of the evidence we have collected by a disinterested third party will result in justice being done and the case being tried in court, not being discarded at the front door.” Even if Shiori wins nothing in her own case, she has helped make a remarkable thing come true for Japanese women—the first major revisions of the sexual assault laws in over a hundred years. Shiori says that she read this Daily Beast article, “Does Japan Ever Convict Men For Rape,” before her press conference and during her speech pointed out that she felt it was problematic that the Abe government had given priority to the terrible “terrorism” bill rather than revising the sexual assault laws. The audacity of her two sentences of criticism earned her jeers as “a left-wing plant” from Japan’s cyber trolls but it also reminded the public that the sexual assault of women in this country has continued with impunity for far too long. Despite everything, her efforts were not in vain. Shiori informed us, in a short message written in English, “On the last day of the Diet session [last Friday] I received a message from the Diet Affairs Committee Chairman that they changed the laws on rape in the last day. And he thanked me. :) it is a small step but I’m so happy!”…
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singsprechchor · 7 years
2017年6月2日 未来のための公共 国会前抗議行動より書き起こし
【 #共謀罪法案に反対する金曜国会前抗議】 与党は13日、参議院法務委員会での採決を目指し強引に審議を進めています。法務大臣すら答弁できない法案、国民が納得できるわけがありません。共謀罪反対の声をあげていきましょう。 日時:6月2日(金)19:30-21:00 場所:国会正門北庭 pic.twitter.com/9YbiDBNA8f
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
【ライブ配信】「共謀罪法案に反対する金曜国会前抗議行動」19:30〜21:00(予定) みなさんのコメントお待ちしています。 https://t.co/VEcZGmVKJq
— 毎日新聞映像グループ (@eizo_desk)
《司会1》こんばんは。今日も『未来のための公共』主催の抗議をはじめさせていただきます。司会の中山です、よろしくお願いします。 最近ある、メディアの方から聞いたんですけれど。「こんなに報道に規制を掛けてくる政権は過去初めてだ」って聞きました。こうやって報道にも規制にも掛けて、言動にも規制を掛けて、最終的には私たちの心にまで規制を掛けてこようとする、こういうやり方の政権なんだなって、あらためて思いました。 けど、民主主義の国において、政権側から私たちが圧力を掛けられる筋合いなんて無いですよね? 「もっともっと、共謀罪の問題点を突いていって、私たちから圧力を掛けていこう」って、強く思います。 それでは、コール、いきます。
コール始まりました!! 市民の声で政権にNOを!! 「共謀罪は絶対反対!」 「盗聴密告監視の法案廃案!」#国会前に押し寄せよう pic.twitter.com/jfAyQkXj8M
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《シュプレヒコール》 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 平成の治安維持法反対 平成の治安維持法廃案 野党は頑張れ メディアも頑張れ 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? テロ対策と嘘をつくな I say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) 自由をまもれ 自由に話せる社会をまもれ 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は全体廃案 ファシスト通すな ¡No pasarán! 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 共、謀、罪、反対! 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 勝手に決めんな 強行採決絶対反対 説明出来ない法案要らない 説明出来ない大臣辞めろ 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 廃案、廃案……!
《スピーチ》 佐高信氏(さたかまこと・評論家)
評論家 佐高信さん 「『自民党感じ悪いよね』とあるが、もっと感じ悪いのは維新、これらと一緒なのが公明党」 「自民党の下ではレイプをしても罪を問われないのか。#山口敬之 は出て来い」#国会前に押し寄せよう #国会前緊急行動 pic.twitter.com/LkdkTZ6K2O
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《シュプレヒコール》 共謀罪は絶対反対 平成の治安維持法反対 説明出来ない大臣辞めろ 共謀罪は絶対廃案 いいね!が押せる社会をまもれ 勝手に決めるな 安倍晋三から自由をまもれ 安倍晋三から日本をまもれ 安倍晋三から平和を守れ 安倍晋三から人権まもれ 共謀罪は絶対反対 治安維持法復活させるな 安倍晋三はいますぐ辞めろ 答弁できない大臣辞めろ 安倍晋三は今すぐ辞めろ 安倍晋三が今すぐ辞めろ 国民舐めるな 平成の治安維持法反対 自由をまもれ ものが言えない社会をつくるな 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? 共謀罪は絶対反対 金田は辞めろ 国民舐めんな 政治の私物化絶対反対 共、謀、罪、反対! 監視社会にするのはご免だ 共謀罪はいますぐ廃案 平成の治安維持法反対 勝手に決めるな 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ 共謀罪は絶対反対 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ!
《スピーチ》 菊地智史氏(きくちさとし/弁護士・東京南部法律事務所)
弁護士 菊地智史さん 「共謀罪は本当にテロ対策なのか。日本にはすでにテロ対策の法律がある」 「沖縄での座り込みや国への批判は共謀罪の対象になりうる」 「野党ができることは審議拒否。市民ができることは野党議員やマスコミの応援」#金曜国会前抗議#共謀罪 #野党は審議拒否を pic.twitter.com/mprSbbw2Ph
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《シュプレヒコール》 共謀罪は絶対反対 疑惑のデパート安倍政権! インチキ答弁安倍政権! さっさと辞めろ安倍晋三 テロ対策と嘘を言うな 本当の狙いは心の支配 現行法で問題ない 問題あるのはお前の方だ 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 森友・加計を誤魔化すな 前川さんを国会へ 安倍は出てこい 管は黙れ ファシスト管は黙ってろ もみ消しすんな ■(聞き取れず)いますぐ辞めろ 黙ってないぞ、俺たちは! 黙っているのは悪事の加担 賛成議員は落選、落選 選挙に行こう、選挙に行こう 投票しよう 自公は退場 維新も退場 賛成議員は落選、落選 安倍は辞めろ 安倍晋三はいますぐ辞めろ 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は廃案、廃案 共、謀、罪、反対!
《スピーチ》 広渡清吾氏(ひろわたりせいご/法学者・東京大学名誉教授・日本学術会議前会長)
東京大学名誉教授 日本学術会議前会長 広渡清吾さん 「安倍首相はオリンピックには共謀罪が必要だと答弁したが、今回の法案はテロとは何の関係もない。オリンピックとも関係ない」 「ナチスドイツではホロコーストの隠蔽が行われ、多くの国民が実態を知らなかった。」続く#国会前に押し寄せよう pic.twitter.com/w7G0FzLmz7
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
続き 「国家は嘘をつく。ナチスドイツ下で行われたような嘘を今の日本も行なっている」 「共謀罪についても金田法相は国民を騙そうとしている。嘘をつく政権がごり押しする法案は国民の人権を制限する」
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《シュプレヒコール》 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 平成の治安維持法反対 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 共、謀、罪、反対! テロ対策と嘘をつくな I say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) 勝手に決めるな 強行採決絶対反対 説明出来ない法案要らない 説明出来ない大臣要らない 告げ口勧める法案要らない 治安維持法復活させんな ファシスト通すな 治安維持法復活させんな ファシスト通すな ¡No pasarán! 野党は頑張れ メディアも頑張れ 野党は頑張れ メディアも頑張れ 自由に話せる社会をまもれ なんか自民党感じ悪いよね? 共、謀、罪、反対! 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 自由をまもれ 未来をまもれ 平成の治安維持法反対 平成の治安維持法廃案 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ I say "安倍", You say "辞めろ", 安倍(辞めろ!)、安倍(辞めろ!) 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 独裁やめろ 人権まもれ 未来をまもれ 勝手に決めるな 説明出来ない法案要らな��� 説明出来ない大臣辞めろ 強行採決絶対反対 I say "勝手に", You say "決めるな", 勝手に(決めるな!)、勝手に(決めるな!) 野党は頑張れ メディアも頑張れ 平成の治安維持法反対 平成の治安維持法廃案 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 強行採決絶対反対 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 共、謀、罪、反対! 共、謀、罪、廃案! 告げ口勧める法案要らない 嘘つき隠ぺい政治家、辞めろ I say "安倍", You say "辞めろ", 安倍(辞めろ!)、安倍(辞めろ!) ファシスト通すな ¡No pasarán! ものが言えない社会をつくるな 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 強行採決絶対反対 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ!
《スピーチ》 宮本徹氏(みやもととおる/衆議院議員・日本共産党)
共産党 宮本徹衆議院議員 「政府は一般人は対象にならないと言っているが、その点について曖昧に答弁」 「ネット情報も警察と協力して監視できるのが今の社会。その中で共謀罪法案が採決されればどうなるのか」 「与党がするべきなのは共謀罪の審議ではなく、加計問題の真相究明」 続く pic.twitter.com/xVbd5qKQFJ
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
続き 「あったものをなかったことにできない。前川さんの尽力も無駄にできない」#国会前に押し寄せよう#共謀罪反対
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《司会2》安倍首相は本当に、野党・国民の声を無視して審議を進めようとしています。(進めて)います。再来週にも強行採決を行おうとしています。277もの対象犯罪なのに、たったの30時間の審議で通そうとしているんです――しかも、まともに審議が行われていないのは、見れば分かるとおもうんですけれども。いまこそ野党の皆さんには、結束して頑張って欲しいと思います。 ぜひ、野党党首揃って、共謀罪反対のアピールをしてください。 私たちも野党を、この国会前から、応援しましょう。
《シュプレヒコール》 野党は頑張れ 共謀罪は絶対反対 平成の治安維持法反対 何か安倍自民感じ悪いよね 共謀罪は絶対反対 平成の治安維持法反対 安倍晋三から自由をまもれ 勝手に決めるな 国民舐めるな I say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) I say "勝手に", You say "決めるな", 勝手に(決めるな!)、勝手に(決めるな!) 安倍晋三から自由をまもれ 安倍晋三から未来をまもれ 安倍晋三から人権まもれ 奴らを通すな ¡No pasarán! 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ 平成の治安維持法反対 共謀罪はいますぐ廃案 ものが言えない社会をつくるな 説明出来ない法案要らない 奴らを通すな ¡No pasarán! I say "勝手に", You say "決めるな", 勝手に(決めるな!)、勝手に(決めるな!) I say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) 共謀罪はいますぐ廃案 政治の私物化絶対反対 勝手に決めるな 国民舐めるな 野党は頑張れ メディアも頑張れ 政治の私物化絶対反対 I say "勝手に", You say "決めるな", 勝手に(決めるな!)、勝手に(決めるな!) I say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) 平成の治安維持法反対 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 廃案……!
国会前コール!!! 「国民なめるな」 「勝手に決めるな」 「安倍晋三から自由を守れ」 「安倍晋三から未来を守れ」 「安倍晋三から人権守れ」 「平成の治安維持法反対」 「野党はがんばれ」 「メディアもがんばれ」#金曜国会前抗議 #共謀罪廃案 pic.twitter.com/VBmJ3BGfhz
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《スピーチ》 牧山弘恵氏(まきやまひろえ/参議院議員・民進党)
民進党の牧山ひろえ参院議員がスピーチ。「私はいつもみどりの服を着ています。平和の色だからです。安倍政権は平和とは真逆の政治をしています。全力で共謀罪に反対していきます」 pic.twitter.com/ECycMwIqqZ
— 赤旗国民運動部 (@akahatakokumin)
《シュプレヒコール》 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 言葉を壊すな 平成の治安維持法反対 平成の治安維持法廃案 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ ファシスト通すな ¡No pasarán! 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 国民舐めんな テロ対策と嘘をつくな I Say "勝手に", You say "決めんな", 勝手に(決めんな!)、勝手に(決めんな!) 勝手に決めんな 強行採決絶対反対 説明出来ない法案要らない 説明出来ない大臣要らない まともに答えろ ¡No pasarán! いいね!が押せる社会をまもれ 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 自由に話せる社会をまもれ 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? 共謀罪は全体反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 人権まもれ 勝手に決めるな 民主主義って何だ?(これだ!)、民主主義って何だ(これだ!) ファシスト通すな 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 共、謀、罪、反対! 共、謀、罪、廃案! 強行採決絶対反対 Tell me what democracy looks like! (This is what democracy looks like!) テロ対策と嘘をつくな 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 廃案、廃案……!
もっと声を上げましょう!! 「共謀罪は絶対反対」 「強行採決絶対反対」 「安倍晋三は今すぐ辞めろ」 「金田も辞めろ」 「説明できない法案要らない」 「説明できない大臣要らない」#金曜国会前抗議 #共謀罪反対 pic.twitter.com/UzoPU1uhZe
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
script async="" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="
《スピーチ》 谷虹陽氏(たにこうよう/未来のための公共)
未来公共から、大学2年生の谷虹陽くんのスピーチです。 新聞記事やSNSなどを通していかに現政権が腐敗しているかを知り、それにNoを突きつけたいと思い、抗議に参加しています。 pic.twitter.com/UDhdG9mgcd
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《シュプレヒコール》 平成の治安維持法反対 安倍晋三から自由をまもれ 安倍晋三から未来をまもれ 何か安倍自民感じ悪いよね? テロ対策と嘘をつくな I Say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) テロ対策と嘘をつくな 平成の治安維持法反対 テロ対策と嘘をつくな I Say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) 安倍晋三から自由をまもれ 共、謀、罪、反対!
共、謀、罪、反対! 共謀罪はいますぐ廃案 説明出来ない大臣辞めろ 平成の治安維持法反対 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ 安倍は辞めろ 平成の治安維持法反対 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪はいますぐ廃案 テロ対策と嘘をつくな 市民の生活のぞき見するな 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? 憲法まもれ 自由をまもれ 平和をまもれ 民主主義って何だ?(これだ!)、民主主義って何だ?(これだ!) 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? 共謀罪は全体反対 テロ対策と嘘をつくな 市民の生活のぞき見するな 共謀罪は絶対反対 テロ対策と嘘をつくな 市民の生活のぞき見するな 安倍晋三から子供をまもれ 安倍晋三から平和をまもれ 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? Tell me what democracy looks like! (This is what democracy looks like!) 民主主義って何だ?(これだ!)、民主主義って何だ?(これだ!) テロ対策と嘘をつくな 市民の生活のぞき見するな ものが言えない社会をつくるな 平成の治安維持法反対
平成の治安維持法反対 テロ対策と嘘をつくな 市民の生活のぞき見するな 憲法まもれ 人権まもれ 自由をまもれ みんなの国を私物化するな 民主主義って何だ?(これだ!)、民主主義って何だ?(これだ!) 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 自由に話せる社会をまもれ ものが言えない社会をつくるな いいね!が押せる社会をまもれ 治安維持法復活させるな 言葉を壊すな 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ まともに答えろ 嘘つき隠ぺい政治家、辞めろ ものが言えない社会をつくるな いいね!が押せる社会を壊すな 監視社会を認めるな 言葉を壊すな 人権壊すな 自由を壊すな 全体主義の日本は要らない 告げ口勧める法案要らない 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 廃案、廃案……!
《シュプレヒコール》 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ 全体主義の日本は要らない ファシスト通すな ¡No pasarán! 強行採決絶対反対 説明出来ない法案要らない 平成の治安維持法反対 平成の治安維持法廃案 勝手に決めるな 強行採決絶対反対 I Say "国民", You say "舐めるな", 国民(舐めるな!)、国民(舐めるな!) I Say "安倍", You say "辞めろ", 安倍(辞めろ!)、安倍(辞めろ!) ファシスト通すな 独裁やめろ 盗聴、密告、監視の法案、廃案(廃案!)、廃案(廃案!) 勝手に決めんな 治安維持法復活させんな 何か自民党感じ悪いよね? 安倍は辞めろ 金田も辞めろ いますぐ辞めろ 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! 共謀罪は絶対反対 共謀罪は絶対廃案 平成の治安維持法反対 平成の治安維持法廃案 I Say "勝手に", You say "決めるな", 勝手に(決めんな!)、勝手に(決めんな!) 強行採決絶対反対 民主主義って何だ?(これだ!)、民主主義って何だ?(これだ!) 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ! ファシスト通すな 安、倍、は、辞、め、ろ!
ラストコールです!#平成の治安維持法廃案#勝手に決めるな#強行採決絶対反対 pic.twitter.com/XzpcrkJ9z2
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
《司会》ありがとうございました。今日は、延べ2500人の人があつまりました。もっともっと、世論を盛り上げていきましょう。 おそくまで――ドラム隊の方も――ありがとうございます。 来週の金曜日もまたここに集まりましょう。よろしくお願いします。
#共謀罪法案に反対する金曜国会前抗議 いつものことながら、1人1人の怒りが手にとるようにわかる国会前。 国会前 &各地 &賛同されてる皆さん、お疲れさまでした! pic.twitter.com/3Y3NUj2mwk
— Kokot (@kokot26773599)
#Fighttogetherwithshiori 生まれてはじめてデモに参加しました pic.twitter.com/B3mgHDRQct
— 鬼帝ちゃん (@NmFlQXY0FHfALx4)
国会正門前北庭、抗議終了!来週も集まりましょう! #国会に押し寄せよう #共謀罪法案に反対する金曜国会前抗議 pic.twitter.com/lnVs4SQxYK
— 安保法反対☆自由と良心武蔵野美術大学有志 (@musabianpo)
国会前に10万人集まろう! https://t.co/41BSv8wUPK
— YukigaSki (@danksmash1204)
国会前、たったいま共産党宮本議員のスピーチの後、何で審議拒否をしないんだ という声があちこちから上がった
— ちいさい*おうち (@LittleHouse_467)
— ちいさい*おうち (@LittleHouse_467)
怖れないでほしい。一昨年の夏、安保法案が本会議採決されそうだった9月16日に市民が地方公聴会会場前の路上に座り寝転んで抵抗した。そして野党議員は国会内の廊下でスクラムを組み抗った。あの夜を思い出してほしい。不正義に真摯に対峙する姿に大きな支持がつくはず。野党は頑張れ!民進頑張れ! https://t.co/b9BE7Nm3Js
— 未来のための公共 (@public4f)
なんかバタバタしてツイートしなかったけど、未来公共主催の今日の国会前、ホントに良かった。もうちゃんと若い人だけでやるべきだと思う。 本庁警備課某氏に「コーラーがとちっても笑っちゃダメだよ!」と割りと真面目に怒られた。
— Masayuki Kusakabe (@pfd1212)
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yaorozuantena · 7 years
【元TBS職員のレイプ疑惑】しばき隊界隈「レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい」 #FighttogetherwithShiori
【元TBS職員のレイプ疑惑】しばき隊界隈「レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい」 #FighttogetherwithShiori Source: だめぽアンテナSP
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【元TBS職員のレイプ疑惑】しばき隊界隈「レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい」 #FighttogetherwithShiori
【元TBS職員のレイプ疑惑】しばき隊界隈「レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい」 #FighttogetherwithShiori Source: ワロタあんてな
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hirohiro0709-blog · 7 years
【在日発狂】しばき隊「レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい」「マジで国会囲むしかなくないか」
1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(岐阜県)@\(^o^)/ [ニダ]:2017/05/31(水) 13:06:48.03 ID:jPSjJygy0?2BP(1500) Tomica 阿部悠 @Tomicajpn #レイプ事件をもみ消すな で国会囲みたい。 Tomica 阿部悠 @Tomicajpn マジで国会囲むしかなくないか。 #FighttogetherwithShiori 2: 名無しさん@涙目です。(岐阜県)@\(^o^)/ [ニダ]:2017/05/31(水) 13:07:06.29 ID:jPSjJygy0?2BP(1500) 【ソース】 https://twitter.com/Tomicajpn/status/869293395293765632 https://twitter.com/Tomicajpn/status/869461055344226304   続きを読む…
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josei-jidai · 6 years
This is the first woman in Japan to speak out in a high profile sexual assault case against a very famous journalist who has written books about Prime Minister Abe. The first of the #MeToo movement surfacing in japan was based on this case that came out May 2017 as the first brave voice to speak up.
The #MeToo movement in America has greatly helped give women the courage globally to speak up against sexual assault and violence
Now, #standtogetherwithshiori has become the Japanese #metoo and #timesup synonymous rally cry.
Friends of Japan and global women’s rights, I implore you to add #FightTogetherWithShiori to your tweet about women’s rights so you can show your support for Japanese women’s liberation
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years
暴行被害を訴えた詩織さんが、手記を書いた理由 - 伊藤 詩織 The reason why Shiori has published her memoirs - Why the sexual assault victim decided to write a memoir - 
by Shiori Ito
Source: http://bunshun.jp/articles/-/4562
レイプ被害を受けたと会見で訴えたジャーナリスト伊藤詩織さんが、手記『Black Box』を上梓した。
Shiori Ito, a journalist who claimed she had been a victim of rape in a press conference, has published her memoirs entitled the Black Box.
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『Black Box』(伊藤詩織 著) "Black Box" By SHIORI ITO
Shiori filed her quasi-rape charges to Tokyo Police Agency in 2015 claiming she was sexually assaulted in a hotel room while she was unconscious. However, Tokyo Prosecutors Office dropped the case due to ‘lack of ground for charges’. In May 29 2017, Shiori held a press conference at the Justice Ministry Press Club and revealed that she had filed a request to the Prosecutors Inquest Committee. However on September 21, the Committee also ruled that the decision of ‘non-prosecution’ was duly appropriate. Since September 28, Shiori is fighting a civil law suit in Tokyo District Court seeking for investigation of the truth.
At the [May] Press Conference, Shiori chose to appear in her first name instead of the typical pseudonym of "Victim A". In the new book, she has also revealed that her last name is "Ito". With the aim to foment social discussion on this matter, we will share the Introduction part of her book where she has attempted to reveal everything in her knowledge.
In May 29, 2017, I held a press conference at the Ministry of Justice Press Club. The purpose of the conference was to report on the fact that I have filed a request for inquest to the Prosecutors Inquest Committee due to the fact that the rape case which I was victimized has been dropped by the judgment of the Prosecution.
More than two years have passed since I was victimized.
It appeared that most of the people come to know about my case in this press conference for the first time. But I will emphasize that I've done this many times over the two years in front of the police, lawyers, and the media.
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© Bungei Shunju
The word "rape" must make people think that such case only occurs outside, during night time, when the victim is assaulted on the streets, by a complete stranger.
But according to a survey by the [Japan’s] Cabinet Office in 2014, the case of the victim being forced to engage in sex was 11.1 percent. The majority of the [rape or non-consensual sex] case was committed by an acquaintance. However, those who report to the police only accounted for 4.3 percent of the total of which half of them are cases committed by a complete stranger.
It is clear that victims find it harder to go to the police when they are victimized by an acquaintance. And if the victim happens to be unconscious during the assault, then there is a even higher hurdle to overcome to prosecute the case in today's Japan's judiciary system.
Just as it was in my case.
When you are alive, you can experience many things-- things that are completely unexpected, things that you only thought would happen on TV, or things that can only happen to someone who is remote from you.
I pursued the path of a journalist. I studied journalism and photography in an American college and worked as an intern at Reuters after I returned to Japan in 2015. Then there was that incident that almost changed my entire life.
I have been to about sixty countries abroad, and I have interviewed guerrillas in Columbia and reported on the 'Cocaine Jungles' in Peru. When I tell anyone about this, they usually say, "I assume you've been through many dangerous situations."
But the fact was that I never was in any danger throughout my career visiting, staying, and reporting in these remote places. A true danger arrived when I was living in one of the most safest country known to the world, and my home, Japan. And what happened after the incident devastated me even more. There was no place where I can depend on for help; not the hospital, not the Rape Hotline, or the police.
I was truly astonished to find that I lived in a society where I knew nothing about what I have experienced back then.
Sexual violence really brings upon great pain and instills fear that no one should ever have to experience. And this fear and pain torments the victimized person for a very long time.
 なぜ、私がレイプされたのか? そこに明確な答えはない。私は何度も自分を責めた。
Why was I raped? There was no clear answer for me. But I blamed myself over and over again.
But it happened. And the fact that it happened can't be changed by anyone.
I want to think that this experience of mine wouldn't end in vain. I learned it myself for the first time through this painful experience. This unimaginable experience, that I didn't know what to do about it at all when it first happened.
But I know now what needs to be done. And to make this happen, I must tackle to change both the social and legal system surrounding sexual violence at the same time. To do this, first and foremost, I must become a part of a society where victims can openly discuss about their experience, for myself, for my precious sister and my closest friends, my future child, and for the many who are still unknown.
But if I maintained in myself the anger or the shame [against myself and others], I would not be able to change anything. In this book I want to be straightforward, and tell what I think is needed, and what I think needs to be changed.
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© Bungei Shunju
"How do I prevent it?"
As I said repeatedly, what I want to tell here is not "what really happened" to me.
Rather, it's about looking into the future and asking,
"What can be done to lend a helping hand when it happens?"
I am only referring to my past to tell a story about the future.
I want the readers to imagine this; that what happened to me could happen to you, or someone you care, some time or some place in your life.
No one can foresee that.
(伊藤 詩織) SHIORI ITO
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ashita-s · 7 years
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被害者が守られない日本を変えたいという方。もう、時間が全く残っていません。いますぐ、こちらの署名の拡散のご協力をお願いします! 署名ページ日本語:https://goo.gl/BQBYVk 署名ページ英語:https://goo.gl/3oacZj
署名提出までのカウントダウンが迫っております。 いますぐ、署名の呼びかけのご協力をお願いします。
Believe -私は知ってる- https://www.believe-watashi.com
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webnchi-blog · 7 years
1:動物園φ ★@\(^o^)/:2017/05/30(火) 23:33:39.74 ID:CAP_USER.net 辛淑玉@shinsugok #Fighttogetherwithshiori 実名で、顔を出して告発したその勇気を、支えます。あなたは独りではない。 Honami@rock_west_ 性被害がこんなにも軽く扱われる日本で安心して暮らすことなんてできやしない。 被害者が声をあげるとセカンドレ*プで潰そうとしてくるようなクソったれの日本でも、私は決して黙らない。 #FightTogetherwithShiori 諏訪原 健‏@swa_swa_swatch 山口敬之氏の件。逮捕状まで出ていたのに「上からの指示」で、最終的に不起訴に。なぜ被害者が顔を出してまで戦わざるを得ないのか。 既にセカンドレ*プの言葉がはびこっている。許しがたい。…
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
August 1, 2017 Volume 15 | Issue 15 | Number3
2017年8月1日 第15集|第15号|No. 3
Murder of the Soul - Shiori and Rape in Japan | 「魂の殺人」──詩織さん事件と日本におけるレイプ事件の実情
よみがえるトラウマ The traumatic childhood experience
When Shiori was 10, her mother took her to Tokyo Summerland, an indoor pool. Wearing a new swimsuit, she splashed happily in the water until she was sexually assaulted. “A man came from behind and touched me on every part of my body,” she recalls, crying at the memory. Shaking and terrified, she told the grownups but their response was bewildering. “My friend’s mother said it was because I was wearing a bikini.”
The emotions forever associated with that incident – powerlessness, fear, humiliation – flared again after a press conference in June this year, where Shiori, (she wants her last name concealed) now 28, told fellow reporters she had been raped. She had hoped to trigger a debate about the treatment of victims in Japan. Instead, she says, the response was a flood of hate mail. She was a ‘prostitute’ who had brought it on herself. Among her sins, it seems, was unbuttoning the top of her blouse during the press conference.
あの日に起きたこと What happened on that day two years ago
Shiori says she awoke in an upscale Tokyo hotel in the small hours of Saturday April 4th, 2015 to find a man lying on top of her, inside her. She pushed him off and fled to the bathroom. Groggy and in pain, she tried to remember where she was. She’d had a night out with the man in Ebisu during which she believes her alcoholic drink was spiked. Her last memory was using the bathroom in the sushi restaurant. 
In the bathroom she realized she was naked and had to return for her clothes. “Everywhere was hurting,” she says. When she went back to the bedroom, she says the man tried to rape her again. “I had a really rough fight with him and I was hurt. He said: ‘I have your underwear as a souvenir.’ I didn’t know how to curse in Japanese so in English, I said, ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ And he hadn’t worn a condom. I asked: ‘What did you do to me?’ He said, I’m sorry, let’s go and get the morning-after pill at the pharmacy. Then he starts saying, ‘Oh, I like you. I’m going to take you to the States. You always look so strong but now you look almost like a kid.’ He completely changed his tone and I was so confused. All I could think was, ‘I want to go to a safe place and wash myself.’”
「日本語でどう罵ればいいのかわからなかったので,英語でこう言いました。”What the fuck are you doing!(何てことすんだこの野郎!)”と。男がコンドームをしていなかったのでこう訊きました。”私に何をしたの?!”と。すると男はこう言いました。”ごめん。アフターピル (morning-after pill) を後で薬局に買いに行こう」と,そしてこんなことを言い始めたのです。”ぼくは君,好きだなあ。アメリカに連れて行ってあげるよ。君はいつも強そうにしているけど,今はまるで子どもみたいだね”と。彼のトーンがこれまでとまるで違ったので,私は混乱しました。とにかくそのとき考えていたのは,”早くどこか安全な所に行って自分を洗い流したい”ということでした」
How doctors, nurses, the police, and friends responded
Later, alone at her apartment, she called a rape helpline. The woman on the other end said she would have to come into the office for counseling. Shiori did not have the strength to get up from her bed. A doctor prescribed the morning-after pill, barely looking up from his notes or bothering to ask why she needed it. Friends told her to get on with her life; a nurse said all traces of the drug had already left her body and she would never be able to prove it had been there. It was five days before her mind cleared and she went to the Harajuku Police Station.
その後,ひとり自分のマンションに戻った詩織さんはすぐにレイプのホットラインに電話したが,応答した女性は,カウンセリングするから事務所にきてほしいと伝えたという。だが彼女はベッドから起き上がることもできない状態だった。後で婦人科医を訪ねたときに「アフターピル」 を処方してくれたが,医者はカルテを見つめるばかりでロクに彼女の方を見ることも,なぜピルが必要なのかを尋ねることもしなかったという。看護師は,薬物の痕跡はすべて体から消え去っており,それが体内にあったことを証明する術はないと言った。友人たちは「[諦めて] 前に進むしかないよ」と言ったという。
“At the reception desk, I asked to talk to a female cop. I talked to her about what had happened. It was really hard. After two hours she said, ‘Well, I’m from the traffic department, you need to speak to an investigator.’ She retold her entire story to a male police officer who said she was at the wrong place and needed to file a complaint at the Takanawa Police Station, closer to where the assault occurred. And so, she again found herself explaining the assault to another male officer, who paused sympathetically before telling her to forget about what had occurred. “He said, ‘These things happen a lot and there is no way to prove it. Your life will be ruined.’”
詩織さんは男性の警察官に最初からすべてを話した。すると,その警察官は管轄が違うといって, 彼女が暴行された現場により近い 高輪警察署に訴えを出してくれと言う。詩織さんは高輪警察署で再び,男性の警察官にいちから,暴行の件をすべて話す羽目に陥った。
How rape victims survive in today’s Japan
One of the first things many Japanese women do while still shivering and bleeding at home is to read online about the experience of others – and deciding it’s just not worth pursuing. Even when the police and prosecutors can be persuaded to take up a rape case, the odds against conviction are high. In many cases, they will try to broker a financial deal between the rapist and victim rather than risk airing their testimony in court. In the most recent high-profile example, actor Takahata Yuta apologized for raping a hotel maid last year but escaped trial because Maebashi District Public Prosecutors Office in Gunma Prefecture waived prosecution. In 2015, the Tokyo High Court acquitted a man of attacking a 15-year-old girl because it said she hadn’t fought hard enough.
[被害を受けた直後に] 自宅で血を流し,震えながら,日本の被害女性の多くが最初にすることのひとつが,ネット上で他者の経験を読み比べることだという。そして,最終的には追究する価値はないと諦める。仮に警察や検察がレイプの立件にまで至ったとしても,有罪判決に至るまでのハードルは依然高い。多くの場合,警察や検察はレイピストと被害者の間で何らかの金銭的和解が成立するように導き,法廷で証言がなされるリスクを避けようとする。
著名人が関わった最近のケースでは,昨年,ホテルのメイドをレイプしたことを謝罪した高畑裕太容疑者のケースが挙げられる。群馬県の前橋地方検察庁は [容疑者と被害者の間に示談が成立したため] 高畠容疑者を不起訴とし,高畠は公判を免れた。前年の2015年には,15歳の少女に暴行を加えた男を, 少女が「十分に抵抗しなかった」ことを理由に 無罪とした事件もあった。
Still, Shiori persisted. A sympathetic officer in the Takanawa Police Station was persuaded to watch footage at the Sheraton Miyako Hotel, which proved at the very least that she had not been a willing participant. A taxt driver later confirmed that she pleaded to be dropped off at a train station. The plea was ignored. Video footage from the hotel lobby would later show her being carried through the hotel lobby. The taxi driver testified to several unusual details, including Shiori’s verbal pleas, and the fact that she had vomited undigested sushi on the taxi floor. The hotel bellman recalled the man struggling for three minutes to get the unconscious Shiori out of the taxi. A DNA sample was collected from her underwear. She endured a humiliating ritual in the careful marshaling of evidence: reenacting the rape using something resembling a crash-test dummy as male officers looked on, taking photographs.
またタクシーの運転手は,詩織さんが口に出して訴えていたことや,車内で消化されていない寿司を吐き出したことなど,状況の異常さを伝えるいくつかの詳細を明らかにした。 ホテルのベルボーイは,意識を失っている詩織さんをタクシーから出すのに,連れ込んだ男が3分ほど奮闘していたことを証言している。
Rape statistics in Japan are among the lowest in the developed world. Victims of sexual assault in Japan are even less likely to tell the police than elsewhere; fewer then 5% of Japanese women officially report rape. Less than a third even talk about it to friends or relatives, according to a 2014 Cabinet Office survey. Campaigners say the actual numbers of rapes and sexual assault far exceed the roughly 1,300 cases sent to prosecutors per year.
日本におけるレイプの件数は,先進国の中でも最も低い水準にある。同時に,日本で性暴力の被害に遭う者は,他のどの先進国よりも警察に訴える可能性が低い。公式な統計によれば,レイプ被害を通報する日本女性は5%に満たないという。2014年に内閣府が行った調査によると,家族・親戚や友人に被害の事実を話す女性は三分の一に満たないという。活動家たちは, レイプや性暴力被害の実際の件数は,検察に送致される年間1,300件といわれる件数をはるかに上回ると訴える。
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The vast discretionary powers of Japanese prosecutors mean that conviction rates are high - if the decision is made to proceed with a criminal rape case. “The highest hurdles to getting justice…occur in the pre-trial stages,” according to a paper by Harriet Gray, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield. Of particular concern, says Yamamoto Jun, a campaigner and herself a victim of sexual assault, are the actions of the police.
“The highest hurdles to getting justice in a rape case, then, occur in the pre-trial stages, which is why this paper focuses on the early stages of the legal systems relating to rape and sexual assault.”(※記事には全文は未記載)
英シェフィールド大学東アジア学科に在席 (当時) したハリエット・グレイ(Harriet Gray)博士は,論文でこう述べている。 [現在はスウェーデンのヨーテボリ大学でポスドク研究員を務める]
Victims often describe their first visit to a police station as traumatic. There are few officers trained to deal with victims. In many cases, the reaction of beat cops is to treat women victims as suspicious. Potentially recoverable DNA evidence is routinely neglected. Shiori’s experience of having to announce her assault to a room full of uniformed men is typical, says Yamamoto, as is the advice to forget what occurred. Many cases conclude with “suspended prosecution,” meaning guilt is assumed but the perpetrator is not charged, often in return for financial compensation.
Shiori’s decision to badger the police into investigating her assault, then to publicize it, is very rare. She says she too might never have said a word but for her budding career as a journalist. If she couldn’t face the truth of what had happened to her, how could she continue? Whatever her attacker did to her, she says, it could never be worse than the psychological damage of running from herself.
詩織さんは,性暴力被害の捜査を行うよう警察に疑問を浴びせ続け,そしてこれを公表するというひじょうに希な決断を行った。詩織さん自身,何も言わずに終えていたかもしれないという。 しかし芽を出したばかりのジャーナリストとして,この事実と向き合わずに,どうしてこの道を続けられるのか,という思いがあった。加害者が彼女に何をしようとも,自分から逃げるという精神的痛みに勝るものではなかったと。
Suspicions surrounding the retracting of arrest warrant
Two months after the assault, the arrest warrant was issued for quasi-rape (where consent is impossible) against Yamaguchi Noriyuki, then the Bureau Chief of Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)’s Washington Bureau. On June 8, 2015, investigators waited to serve the warrant to Yamaguchi at Narita Airport. Instead, Shiori says, one of the investigators called her and said he had been ordered to let Yamaguchi go. “Even now, I have vivid recollections of this call,” The investigator said: “He just passed right in front of me, but I received orders from above not to make the arrest. I’m going to have to leave the investigation.” The case was transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. In July last year, it was dropped by prosecutors at the Tokyo District Court. Shiori was offered a ‘settlement’ from Yamaguchi via her lawyer and the police. “I couldn’t believe it,” she says.
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That startling denouement, which the police deny (though they won’t discuss it) had the whiff of political conspiracy. Yamaguchi is the author of two soft-focus books about Abe Shinzo, the prime minister, and the men reportedly became close. He had won praise from Abe supporters for reporting on allegations that the South Korean military had operated military brothels across South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, which they saw as a riposte in the long diplomatic battle over Japan’s wartime system of brothels in Korea. Now, this star reporter of the nationalist right was himself accused of sexual assault.
この政治的な策動の匂いが漂う衝撃的な幕引きについて,警察側は否定するが反論もしていない。山口は安倍晋三首相のことを持ち上げる書籍を2つ出版しており,二人は近しい仲にあるという。  山口は,ベトナム戦争時に韓国軍が南ベトナムで軍の慰安所を運営していた疑惑を報道し安倍の支持層から称賛を持って迎えられた。彼らからすれば,日本が戦時中に朝鮮で運営した軍の慰安所に関する長きにわたる外交戦で相手に事実を突き返す決定打になると思ったのだろう。そうして国粋右翼らのスター記者となった山口が,今では性暴力を行った疑いをかけられているのである。
The uninterested media
The story was largely ignored by the mainstream media but taken up in Japan’s weekly tabloid magazines. On May 18, 2017, Shukan Shincho published the rape allegations in detail, including comments from Nakamura Itaru, the senior detective who had cancelled Yamaguchi’s arrest overruling the Takenawa Police Station. The article carried a photo of Yamaguchi and described him as ‘bettari’ (tight with) Abe. The claims spread rapidly online, fuelling criticisms that the Abe administration was remote and corrupt; that it protected its cronies and smeared its enemies.
As the Diet prepared a rare revision to the legal provisions for rape crimes in May this year, Shiori decided to go public. Before her press conference at the Ministry of Justice, friends told her to wear a business suit, and to shed a few tears or she ‘wouldn’t be believed.’ “That made me very sad,” she said. “If that’s the way people see me what chance have I got? This is how I look; I wear jeans and T-shirts. Someone said, ‘button your shirt’ but I said ‘no.’ There were 50 journalists in the room, with cameras and lights…I couldn’t breathe.”
「そんな風に見られてしまうのならば,私に何ができるのというのか。ジーンズやTシャツしか着ない。それが私なのだから�� ある人は,"ボタンを最後まで閉めて"と言いましたが,私は”イヤ”と言いました。50人からのジャーナリストが部屋に詰めかけていて,カメラがこっちを向いていて,フラッシュを焚かれるのだから,息が出来なかったんです」
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Shiori (right) 詩織さん(右)
“Becoming a rape victim myself made me realize just how small our voices are, and how difficult it is to have our voices heard in society,” she told the reporters. “I know there are countless women who have gone through the same experience, leaving them hurt and crushed. I know that, both in the past and today, many of these women have given up. How many media have published this story? When I saw Mr. Yamaguchi repeatedly broadcasting his side of the story through his powerful connections, I couldn’t breathe. Where is the freedom of speech in this country? What are the laws and media trying to protect, and from whom?”
「自分自身がレイプの被害者となることで,私たち [被害者] の声がどれほどか細く,そして社会になかなか伝わらないものであるかを思い知らされました」
詩織さんはこう,記者団に語った。 [※訳注: 実際の日本語での発言ではなくあくまで英文を日本語に翻訳しています]
 「同じ経験をして, 深く傷つき,打ちのめされてきた女性は数え切れないほどいるでしょう。そして過去から現在にわたって諦めてきた女性たちも。いったいどれだけのメディアがこれらの出来事を報道してきたのでしょうか。山口さんが強力なコネを通して自分側のストーリーを展開していたとき,私は息ができない思いをしました。言論の自由はどうなっているのでしょうか?法やメディアは何を,誰から守ろうとしているのでしょうか?」
From her perspective, the subsequent media coverage was thin: Most of the big media outlets ignored it; Nippon News Network interviewed the head of the criminal investigation department at Tokyo Metropolitan Police, who said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. The backlash, however, was excruciating. She was accused of inviting the assault, and of political opportunism. She had connections to the Democratic Party, some said, which wanted to unseat Abe. Her family name was revealed, despite her pledge to protect her parents from the glare. Broken, she went to hospital and stayed in bed for four days. “I had a panic attack; I thought I could deal with it but I couldn’t.” In trying to show women they could talk about rape, she says, crying again, “I instead showed that what happens is this.”
「パニック発作を起こしました。自分なら耐えられると思ったのですが,耐えられなかったんです。レイプ被害に遭っても声に出して訴えていいんだということを他の女性たちに示したかったのに,逆にこんな惨めな姿を晒してしまいました」 と言いながら,詩織さんは再び涙を流した。
Shiori’s goal
 Yamaguchi, who denies rape, has since been fired by TBS and has largely disappeared from public view. Shiori has filed a request with Tokyo prosecutors to reinvestigate the case.1 She says she has no interest in revenge against the government, or even the man she says raped her. “Everyone wants to take me to a place where I am fighting against Abe Shinzo; I don’t care,” she says. “I don’t even care about Yamaguchi. I do care that the justice system works. The people around me are furious but I don’t have that emotion because it is so hard to deal with.”
レイプを行ったことを否定する山口はTBSの職を追われ,公にはほとんど姿を現さなくなった。詩織さんは東京検察庁に対して [検察審査会による審査を通して] 再捜査を求める申し入れを行った[1]。詩織さんは,政府や,彼女をレイプしたと信じる男に対してでさえ,復讐する気持ちはないという。
「誰もが,私が安倍晋三と戦おうとしているように見せようとします。私にはどうでもいいんです。山口すら,どうでもいいんです。私にとって重要なのは,司法制度がちゃんと機能しているかなんです。 私の周りの人は怒り狂っています。でも,私はとても堪えきれないので,そういう感情を持たないようにしているんです 」
Her thoughts on the expanded sex crime law
The day of our interview at a friend’s house, the 1907 sex crime law was amended, mandating tougher sentences and allowing for broader definitions of rape, including assaults on men. The revisions, welcome though they are, would not have helped Shiori, says Yamamoto. “For that to happen, we must change how things are done, and that takes time.”
Facing the sense of helplessness
Shiori says she will “never forget” her sense of helplessness when told the police had stopped her case. Like the frightened 10-year-old girl at the pool, she had looked for protection that was not there. “Laws do not protect us. The investigation agency has the authority to suppress its own arrest warrants. I want to ask…all people living in Japan. Are we really going to continue to let this happen?
警察が捜査を取りやめたときの無力感は「決して忘れられない」と,詩織さんは言う。かつてプールで怯えていた,あの10歳の少女の頃のように,与えられない保護を [誰かに] 求め続けている。
She now waits for the results of a review by the Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution – she must convince eight of the 11 members to pursue an indictment. “For the past two years, I often wondered why I was still alive,” she said in May. “The act of rape killed me from the inside. Rape is murder of the soul. Only my body was left, and I was overwhelmed by the feeling that I had become a shell.”
「 過去2年のあいだ,私はなぜ自分が生きているのか不思議でした」
「 レイプという行為は、私を内側から殺しました 。 レイプは魂の殺人です。もう肉体しか残っていませんでした。私は,抜け殻になってしまったという思いに苛まれていたのです」
Notes 注記
[1] In May, Shiori applied to host a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, which declined (full disclosure: I am one of 12 journalists who sit on the FCCJ’s Professional Activities Committee, which votes on press events). Letters and emails flooded into the inboxes of FCCJ members, falsely accusing them of buckling to political pressure from the Abe government. Katsumi Takahiro, a former aide to a DPJ senator with the Democratic Party, sent an open letter demanding to know why Shiori’s request had been turned down.
[1] 5月,詩織さんは日本外国特派員協会(FCCJ)に対し記者会見の開催を申し入れたが却下されていた(全面告白すると,筆者は記者会見等について評決をとるFCCJの報道企画委員会(PAC)の12人の委員の一人である)。安倍政権の政治圧力に屈したのではないかと,FCCJの各メンバーを中傷する抗議のメールが殺到した。旧民主党参議院議員の元秘書である勝見貴弘氏 [←本記事の訳者] はわれわれに公開書簡を送りつけ,詩織さんの申し入れがなぜ却下されたのか回答を求めた。
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years
After rape allegation against TV journalist, Shiori hopes to shed light on victims’ plight「被害者の苦しみに光を当てたかった」──TVジャーナリストにレイプされたと告発した詩織さん,その後を語る
著:Tomoko Otake 訳:Office BALÉS
2017年7月13日 Jul 13, 2017
Since she went public in late May with a rape accusation against a high-profile TV reporter, Shiori has been exposed to a storm of hurtful and derisive comments by anonymous internet users.
“A prostitute,” “A publicity stunt,” “A honey trap,” were some of the phrases hurled at the 28-year-old freelance journalist publicly and privately via social media and direct emails.
She was so overwhelmed by the deluge of messages from strangers that she asked a friend to sift through them for a while, she said.
詩織さんに対する[国内] メディアの狂騒ぶりは,レイプの被害者や性暴力の被害者=「サバイバー」たちがいかに日々,人格の尊重を求めて闘いつづけているかを如実に示している。
The media frenzy against Shiori illustrates how survivors of rape or people who claim to be victims of sexual assault struggle in being treated with respect.
Shiori, who has withheld her last name in line with her family’s wishes, announced at a news conference in Tokyo on May 29 that she has filed an appeal with the Committee for Public Inquest of Prosecution over a decision by prosecutors not to indict Noriyuki Yamaguchi, the former Washington bureau chief for Tokyo Broadcasting System, whom she accuses of raping her.
Her disclosure shocked many because it’s extremely rare in Japan for people who come forward with rape allegations to disclose their identity publicly and face cameras. It also made waves because the accused is a well-known journalist who has close ties with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and has authored two books on the inner workings of the Abe administration.
Shiori said she went public because she wanted to shed light on the powerlessness sex crime victims feel due to insensitive treatment by police, hospitals and society at large.
“Sex crime victims have been hidden from society and regarded as something filthy, even though they have done nothing wrong,” she told The Japan Times in a recent interview.
“Their voices were never heard. Disclosing my identity was hard mentally, but I wanted to show that a victim has nothing to be ashamed of ? that each of us is a human being with a face.”
According to Shiori, she met the then-TBS journalist at a restaurant in Tokyo on April 3, 2015, to discuss a job opportunity at the network’s Washington bureau. She claims she was raped by him at a hotel after losing consciousness at a second location, a sushi restaurant.
詩織さんによると,暴行された後すぐに産婦人科を受診したが,当直の医師は何が起きたのか訊こうもせず,ただアフターピル [緊急避妊薬] を処方して外で服用するように指示しただけだった。警察に事件を訴えても,当初は2つの警察署で二人の警官の間をたらい回しにされるだけで,何度も同じ話をさせられたという。
After the incident, Shiori rushed to a gynecologist who didn’t even bother to ask what happened. The doctor just dispensed a morning-after pill and told her to take it outside, Shiori said. In efforts to report the incident to police, she was shuffled around to different officers at two police stations and asked to repeat the same story, she recalled.
Shiori also claims that a police officer told her that the police had planned to arrest Yamaguchi at Narita airport in June 2015 but canceled the arrest at the last minute under orders from “the top part of police” department.
Investigators sent the case on Yamaguchi to prosecutors with charges of incapacitated rape in August that year, but prosecutors dropped the charges in July 2016 citing insufficient evidence, according to Shiori.
Shiori’s account could not be independently verified by The Japan Times and the facts on the case remain elusive.
The news first surfaced in mid-May when the Shukan Shincho weekly started running articles about Shiori. But the timing of the publication of the articles coincided with a range of other scandals that emerged around the same time that were damaging to the Abe administration, which led some internet users to suggest that she may have been a “honey trap,�� a ploy hired by someone else to frame a man close to power.
Shiori’s case, meanwhile, even made waves in the Diet.
6月2日行われた衆院国会質疑の中で民進党の井出庸生議員は,松本純国家公安委員長への質問で,警察の捜査に不適切な面がなかったかどうかを質した。質疑で井出議員は,当時の警視庁刑事部長 [中村格刑事部長 ] が山口氏への逮捕状の執行取りやめを決定したという「週刊新潮」の記事を引用した。
During a June 2 Lower House session, Yosei Ide of the Democratic Party asked National Public Security Commission Chairman Jun Matsumoto about the possibility that police investigations of the case could have been inappropriate. Ide cited Shincho articles that quoted the then-head of the detective department of the Metropolitan Police Department as saying he decided not to execute an arrest warrant for Yamaguchi. 
井出議員は「管轄の警察署をこえて警視庁幹部が [逮捕を行わないという] 判断をすることには元警察関係者からも疑問の声が上がっている」と述べ,捜査を見直すよう求めた。
Former police officials have questioned the fact that a senior member of the MPD overruled the police station in charge of the investigation and decided” not to make an arrest, Ide said, urging the chairman to review the investigation.
Matsumoto answered that it’s “normal” for prefectural police departments to give instructions to local police officers and that the case was handled properly.
井出庸生議員(民進): 先月二十九日、東京霞が関の司法記者クラブで一人の女性が記者会見をしました。報道によりますと、女性は知り合いの著名なジャーナリストから性暴力を受け、警察が準強姦容疑で捜査をしたものの不起訴となったため、不起訴処分を不服として検察審査会へ審査を申し立てたということです。  この事件を最初に提起した週刊新潮によると、著名なジャーナリストには準強姦容疑で逮捕状が出たものの逮捕に至らず、警視庁の当時の刑事部長が、私が決裁した、自分として判断した覚えがあるなどと週刊誌の直接取材に答えています。  管轄の警察署を超えて警視庁幹部が判断をすることには元警察関係者からも疑問の声が上がっています。不起訴となっているこの事件は、警視庁の刑事部長が判断を下す特別な捜査本部体制が最初からしかれていたのでしょうか。国家公安委員長に答弁を求めます。  検察審査会への審査の申し立ては、公正な捜査を尽くしてほしいという願いにほかなりません。  被害者にとって、性暴力が犯罪であるかどうかは、被害者の回復に大きな影響を与えると言われています。有罪になれば、自分が悪いのではなくて加害者に責任があると、より明確に思うことができ、また、不十分ながらも公的サポートを受けることができます。刑事や検察官が頑張っている姿に力をもらえると、性暴力と刑法を考える当事者の会代表山本潤さんは著書の中でこのように述べています。  会見を開いた女性には、励ましの声がある一方、会見時の服装など、事件と無関係の批判も見られます。性暴力や性犯罪の被害者への支援は、社会を挙げて取り組むべきものです。  国家公安委員長には、この事件について、捜査のいきさつを検証し、説明する責任がございます。個別の案件にはコメントを控えるという答弁では、これまでの捜査の公正さを証明することはできません。国家公安委員長に、事実関係の確認と、捜査のいきさつを検証する意思はあるか、答弁を求めます。”
国務大臣・松本純(国家公安委員長): 警視庁において捜査した刑事告訴事件に関する捜査体制についてお尋ねがありました。  まず、警察署が行っている捜査に関して、警察本部が適正捜査の観点から指導等を行うのは通常のことであり、お尋ねのような特別な捜査本部体制がなければ指導等ができないものではありません。  特に、専門性の高い性犯罪の捜査に関しましては、その適正確保等のため、全ての都道府県の警察本部に専門の指導官が置かれ、平素から警察署の捜査幹部への指導等に当たっているところであります。  次に、同告訴事件に関する事実関係の確認及び検証についてお尋ねがありました。  お尋ねの事件の事実関係については、警視庁において、告訴を受理し、法と証拠に基づき必要な捜査を遂げた上で、関係書類及び証拠物を東京地方検察庁に送付したものであり、また、送付を受けた検察庁においても必要な捜査が行われたものと承知しています。  警視庁において必要な捜査が尽くされ、また、検察庁で不起訴処分となっていることなども踏まえ、検証を行うことは考えておりません。"
Contacted by The Japan Times, Yamaguchi declined to confirm whether or not he had sex with Shiori, saying he is refraining from commenting on specifics of the case to focus on the proceedings by the inquest committee.
“All I can say at this point is that I have done nothing that constitutes a violation of law,” he said in an email.
Yamaguchi, however, blasted the way the case has been covered in the media.
“I think it’s too extreme to treat the arguments of a woman who holds a news conference and claims to have been ‘victimized by a sex crime’ as entirely true and treat the claims of a man who has been labeled as a suspect as entirely false. … I am startled by the stance of the Japanese media and comments of opposition lawmakers to brand me, who remains silent, as a criminal,” he said.
詩織さんの会見後,インターネット上には,彼女の黒のブラウスの上のボタンが一部外れていたと,彼女の服装を指摘するユーザーや,彼女が姓を明かさないように要請しているにも関わらずこれを暴露するユーザーなどが現れた。 一部ユーザーが彼女のフォロワを追跡し,彼女の私的な写真などをツイッターのフォロワのアカウントなどから拾い出し勝手に投稿したりしたため,詩織さんは仕事関連の写真のみを投稿していたインスタグラムのアカウントを停止する状況に追い込まれたという。
Following Shiori’s news conference, some internet users commented on her appearance ? a few top buttons of her black shirt were left undone. Others divulged her last name despite her request to keep it private. She says she was forced to shut down her Instagram account, where she had only posted work-related photos, after people tracked down her followers, found private pictures of Shiori on the followers’ Twitter accounts and circulated them publicly.
“I learned the horrors of the internet,” she said, noting that she was appalled by the thought of random acts by strangers hurting not only her but her family and friends. “A forum was created online for people I’d never met to talk about me. Details of my personal information were all exposed.”
しかし,詩織さんはくじけていない。 今夏の終わりまでに,山口氏に対して損害賠償の請求を申し立てる民事訴訟を起こす予定だという。
Still, Shiori, who said she plans to file a civil damages suit against Yamaguchi later this summer, is undeterred.
「タブーを破らなければなりません。それ [性暴力被害に遭ったことを] を話せるようになるために。これはあなたの娘や,妻や,彼女や,息子,誰にでも,あなたの恋人にも,そしてあなたにも起こり得ることなのです。自分のこととして考えてもらいたいのです」
“We have to break this taboo,” she said. “We have to be able to talk about it. … This could happen to your daughter, your wife, your girlfriend, your son, everyone ? your boyfriend, maybe to you. I just want people to think about it for themselves.”
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years
月刊『紙の爆弾』 八月号 「ニュースレスQ」pp.34-35より
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 かねてから「女性活躍」を繰り返す安倍首相。五月に開かれた「2017世界女性サミット東京大会」では,「女性活躍の流れがもう戻ることはない」と強く語った。また,昭恵夫人もNGO「Girl Power」(一般社団法人日本女子力推進事業団)の顧問を務め,大手芸能事務所幹部による元ミス・インターナショナルの吉松育美さんへのストーカー事件では,自ら前面に出て応援した。こうして作ったイメージも,お友だちの山口氏のせいで台無しである。
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