#fila momoi
rotantrm · 3 years
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*brain freeze* 🥶
Momo stop bullying Yoh 🤣
Yoh stop acting cute ITS NOT YOUR ROUTE 😂
SubStory - FILA - Momoi - Blue Sky Summer Loving
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smutmylifeup · 7 years
Client Report: Shuichiro Momoi (MATURE)
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“It’s so weird you sitting there smiling. I’m not sure I like it.”
Miho said from the other side of her desk, almost a little bitter since she didn’t have a reason to smile currently with Goto just leaving for an undercover operation.
Rose was sat in Miho’s office, writing up her last clients report. Well, this could be her last client for a very long time since all that had gone on at MJS recently. And while the atmosphere was tense and sombre. Everyone tried their best to remain positive at least – except for Miho who had been hugging her Domo plushie for the last hour or so.
Rose couldn’t help having a reason to smile. She’d found Ryosuke.
“Stop looking at me then.”
Rose sassed back although she wanted to wipe the inane grin off her own face because of Miho’s current situation, she couldn’t.
“Was the client that good? Or are you thinking about a certain puppy of yours?”
Miho’s eyebrow arched but she knew the answer to that question before she asked it.
“Don’t call him a puppy, it reminds me too much of Kisaki.”
Rose’s body shivered, that was one encounter she wished she could forget. But somehow, she had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last – especially since Ryosuke and Ota knew each other, even if it was through Mr Oh.
“I really wish I had seen that, Jazz said he deserved it,” Miho leaned back in her chair as if she was imaging it. “But don’t avoid my question. Tell me about him.”
“Fine, his name is Ryosuke. And actually he was the reason I learnt self-defence when I was younger. We were neighbours and he was the kind of annoying kid that just didn’t know when to quit. He’d hang around me like a – well like a lost puppy. He was always so happy go lucky and energetic, the total opposite of me. He was infectious and I found myself wanting to be around him.”
Miho nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips as if she knew something Rose didn’t.
“Eventually he didn’t annoy me anymore. And I actually started to look forward to seeing him after school. Since we went to different schools we only saw each other after. But he’d always have these odd scrapes and bruises on his hands and knees.”
Rose frowned, she remembered confronting him about them on several occasions. And he’d just say he was a ‘klutz’ and fell over. She wasn’t stupid – while he smiled and laughed it off, his eyes looked sad and his eyes never looked sad. But she couldn’t do anything about it or she didn’t think she could because they didn’t attend the same school.
“He was a scrawny, short boy and was so innocent and saw the best in everyone – that was his greatest quality.”
Rose smiled again, he was the only person that saw beyond Rose’s cold exterior. No one had ever broken her walls down as easily as he did – well not until the MJS ladies.  
“But kids are assholes. They saw his kindness as his weakness and pushed him around, literally. I wanted to protect him somehow. So I asked to join my Uncle’s Dojo.”
Rose realised she was rambling about part of her past that both made her who she is and haunted her. She knew that MJS knew she was kind of like a guard dog when it came to people she cared about but it was still hard for her, the metaphorical walls may have been knocked down but there was still rubble all around her.
“Long story short – I kicked some bully asses, nearly go kicked out of school and Ryo got mad at me for getting myself in trouble for him. He shouted at me, possibly the only time I saw him remotely close to being angry but in seconds I had him pinned to the floor.”
Miho chuckled and Rose looked at her.
“I know, it’s like a running theme right? But he wouldn’t listen to me so I had to take drastic action. I wanted to protect him, he was and still is extremely important to me.”
“So he’s basically like your puppy?”
Miho questioned as if she was trying to make Rose realise something.
“No. He might have been when we were younger but he’s not a puppy anymore, well not mine anyway.”
Rose felt a plunge of sadness strike her heart.
Why did that upset her?
“I see.”
Miho nodded well aware of the sudden change in Rose’s expressions. Miho was a woman of wisdom and she knew that some people needed to work things out for themselves rather than be told.
“You’ll have to tell me more about him at our sleepover tonight.”
Miho chirped, the sadness in her voice masked with a forced excitement attempting to cover up her upset but failing miserably.
I think it’s been said before but MJS seriously has some badass bitches who didn’t succumb to drama and angst easily.
“But for now, finish that client report. I’m going to grab a coffee, want one?”
Miho was more than a fair boss. There was an even mix of work and play – outside of the actual date scenarios, and it made for a great working atmosphere. And a great atmosphere meant happy employees.
“Yes, Sir.”
Rose saluted at Miho.
“Okay, just for the Sir comment I’m not bringing you coffee now. And don’t think I won’t kick your ass if you keep giving me lip. Don’t forget I was an assassin in a past life.”
Rose chuckled and waved her hand as if to admit defeat. After all, even if Miho wasn’t serious in her threat, she knew Miho was more than capable of handling herself in her past life and in her current life.
After that, Miho left the office to get their beverages and Rose picked up her clients profile again, thinking back to the beginning of the date.
“Hey, sorry to make you come all the way here instead of the bar we agreed on.”
He picked up the bowl full of icing and whisked it as if it was the lightest and easiest thing in the world – and from a disastrous experience of her own, Rose knew it wasn’t.
“No problem. Sounds like you’ve been pretty busy.”
She wasn’t lying when she said it wasn’t a problem. Although being here at all was kind of disappointing since she’d just found her best friend, she was still on an adrenaline rush that made it difficult for her to sit still or for her mind to be focused on one thing. But work was work. She had time for a social life later. Rose leaned over the counter trying to squash her jittery hands and watched him.
“You have no idea.” He sighed.
Shuichiro Momoi. 25 years old. Pastry chef and part owner of Pâtisserie Larme in Jiyugaoka. He was a very handsome man, still young, in good physical shape despite all the sweet treats around him every day, he could bake and he had his own successful business at such a young age.
He ticked all the right boxes for a lot of women. Although, it wasn’t as simple as that – she hadn’t witnessed much of his personality yet. Even at the brief meeting with him and Miho, he was quite serious and robotic about the entire thing.
Which wasn’t a bad thing.
“While you finish up, mind if I ask you some questions about your ideal wife?”
Rose said getting out her sketchbook – she had planned to makes notes but it was kind of becoming a theme for her to draw clients as part of their profile. And with the inspiration of such decorative cakes all around her, she was in her element. As well as to keep her focused on the job at hand.
“Go ahead. I’m almost done anyway.”
“Tell me about your ideal type? What specifically do you want in a woman?”
Rose flicked her pencil in the same motion as Momoi did when he iced the cakes he was making.
“Hm. Well, I think it’s easier to tell you what I don’t want and I don’t want to date another pastry chef.”
He said, his tone sharp but flat and deathly serious.
It wasn’t meant to come out as inquisitive as it sounded but Rose couldn’t exactly suck back in the sound she just created.
“Bad experience.”
Was all he said, the end of his sentence making it quite obvious he didn’t want to go into any further detail. So, he had a wall up. Not willing to show someone his scars like a badge of honour. He needed someone patient to chip away his armour.
“While I respect that it’s probably still a tough subject for you, you are aware that I need full honesty from you to find you the best match, right?” Rose said.
She glanced and him and he gave a nod but didn’t look at her.
There was silence for a moment only the sound of her pencil scratching against paper. Rose wasn’t sure what to say – he hadn’t really answered her previous question, well he had but there were millions of women who weren’t specifically pastry chefs. It was almost like he chose to end that conversation there. And so far, all of her clients had been more than honest with her since it was to their benefit. This was basically the first wall she’d walked into yet.
“What are you doing?”
His voice boomed over her head and the sudden appearance of his voice, much closer now made her head bolt up and straight into his chin.
He grunted, stumbling back slightly.
“Ah, fuck. I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
Rose dropped her pencil and got up and briskly walked round to where Momoi stood. She pushed his hands out the way that held his possibly bruised chin and replaced them with her own.
“Jeez, you have a seriously hard head.” He grumbled.
But he allowed her to continue touching him and inspect his chin for any damage. She titled his head upwards to get a better look. His jawline was really something, it was sharp and strong. Surprising really that he hadn’t shattered Rose’s skull.
“You chin isn’t exactly soft.”
Before she even realised, her fingers softly followed the bone. When her eyes flitted up to his face, there was a tinge of pink to his cheeks and he seriously avoided eye contact. While she was here for more than a caress of his chin, she also didn’t want to step over any boundaries he had.
“Sorry,” Rose let her hands drop after making sure he was not seriously hurt. “and to answer your question. I was just drawing – I’m an art student.”
A deep intake of breath and Momoi looked at Rose. His brow furrowed into a scowl and while she would have assumed he was pissed, the slow arch of his eyebrow was the first expression she’d seen other than his resting bitch face.
“That doesn’t really surprise me,” Momoi eyed her from head to toe. “You have that whole artist ‘look’.”
“Is that an insult or a compliment?”  
Rose stepped back so she was able to look at him without craning her neck too much and crossed her arms under her chest. Effectively creating some impressive cleavage that poked out of her shirt. And she was rewarded with an obvious glance from Momoi.
“What would you do if I said insult?”
This was starting to get somewhere. While the banter was basic at best, it was still more than what she’d gotten out of him already.
Rose walked back slowly, not taking her eyes off his until she reached the almost empty bowl of icing. She gracefully, still looking at him dipped her finger into the bowl and got a generous amount of icing on her finger and raised it until she could lick it clean off.
Momoi watched, his stoic face shifting into the slightest of teasing smirks.
“You’re lucky I’ve finished icing the cakes or I’d make you pay for the icing you just ate.”
While Rose thought that perhaps if she wasn’t here for the reason she was, that threat would have been serious. After all, he clearly took a lot of pride in his work and the dedication it took to make and perfect each individual cake.
“You’re lucky it tastes as good as it looks or I’d need something to wash away such a dissatisfying taste.”
Rose gave her finger one final lick before she walked back towards Momoi.
“I’m so glad Aki isn’t here.” He sighed.
For a moment Rose thought that perhaps he’d be embarrassed by how openly they were just flirting in his work place and the innuendo that left her lips. But there was something about him that reminded her of Minato.
If he was anything like Minato, this was going to be fun.
However, he looked completely comfortable in his posture, in his gaze and in his movements as he tugged Rose into his chest.
His lips were on hers and their bodies pressed as close together as the height difference would allow. The kiss was warm and smooth. Their heads titled together as Momoi changed the angle. Rose’s hands were gripping tightly onto him for support, he was greedy in his kisses and even with her vast experience, Rose struggled to keep up with his pace.
“Hah…Not – Not here.”
He panted as he took a moment to catch his own breath before he kissed her again.
While Rose was starting to get into the heat of the moment – she also knew it wasn’t very sanitary to have sex in a kitchen that was used to make cakes for mass human consumption. And reluctantly she pulled back.
She looked at him with lustful eyes and waited for him to show her in the direction of where he wanted to continue.
He took her hand and escorted her to a set of stairs and with his eyes motioned for her to go up them. However, he did not follow and just watched her as she continued.
“Enjoying the view?”
Rose called as she peered over her shoulder.
“Would be better if your shirt wasn’t in the way,” He dismissed but his tone still teasing. “I’m just gonna lock up, I don’t think we want any unexpected visitors.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Rose smirked thinking back to the time her and Kyobashi were just about to reach their orgasms and his bedroom door burst open, and what she could only assume was his friend/co-worker walked in. She never caught his name but he was pretty hot and the way he blushed was extremely adorable.
She continued up the stairs with that memory replaying in her head and went into the room where Momoi told her to wait.
It was really hot upstairs. The room was probably directly above the kitchen so the heat from the ovens seeped into this room. She undid her shirt, popping each button – while she would have endured the heat for any other reason, her shirt would probably be coming off anyway so she may as well make a head start.
With her shirt thrown over the back of the sofa, Rose sat back in position and a few moments later Momoi entered.
“Sorry, the guy who ships our deliveries just showed-“
Momoi cut off his sentence when he lifted his eyes from the floor to Rose. And Rose smirked in response, it always made her feel really good when she removed her clothes and she got that kind of reaction.
People always didn’t expect her to have the figure she has from the baggy shirts and t-shirts she wore.
“Something wrong, Shu?”
Rose hadn’t asked if she could be so informal, not that she normally did but with what was to come calling him “Mr Momoi” seemed a little strange, unless he asked her to call him that.
He whistled out in a deep exhale. He shut the door behind himself and began to undo his uniform on his way to where Rose was seated.
“I like a mature woman, but you,” he said wrapping a hand loosely round her throat and pulling her up. “Are pretty damn impressive.”
He kissed her again, not allowing her to respond to his compliment. And Rose fell into the kiss.
The rest of their clothes were shed without any hesitation. Although, Rose’s underwear was left on. Perhaps her intricate strappy mesh bra and panties combo was a good choice because Momoi didn’t seem the least bit interested in taking them off.
“Like doing it with underwear on?”
Rose queried as he pushed her into a sitting position on the sofa.
“Mm, if the underwear is this sexy – yes.”
He responded but still stood.
Rose made a mental note that he was a fan of sexy underwear and waited for him to make the next move. She looked at him through her lashes and blinked sensually – she knew what she wanted to do next and she was hoping her eyes were doing a good job at asking for permission as well as her sneaky hand that was running down his stomach.
“Uh-uh. You have to vocalise what you want.”
He smirked, pushing her hand away.
“I want to suck your dick – please.”
Rose didn’t hesitate to answer to his terms. It wasn’t as if she was ashamed of wanting to blow him.
“Good girl.”
Momoi brushed his hand through her hair and encouraged her to slide off the sofa and onto her knees by putting a little pressure on the back of her head. And she complied happily.
“Looks like it’s not only your cakes that rise well.”
Rose said – she couldn’t miss the opportunity to make a pun out of his job and his semi-erection.
Abruptly, before Rose could even get his boxers down and around his ankles, Momoi pulled her hair back and made her head tilt up to his towering form.
“You’ve got a lewd mouth.”
“You’re going to find out just how lewd.”
Rose moaned, enjoying the pain on her hair follicles.
Momoi let out a growl and encouraged her once more to get down to business.
So he enjoyed dirty talk too – noted.
Rose pulled his boxers down and the semi she had seen protruding through his boxers was now a full blown erection. And she subconsciously licked her lips – it was amazing how a little dirty talk could turn someone on so much.
He wasn’t huge, Rose would say about average but he was thick and girthy. Each vein seemed to stick out and throb against his skin. And it was all cased in the delicious chocolate colour of his pubic hair.
“Don’t just stare at it.”
Momoi said, his tone impatient under Rose’s gaze.
And Rose wasn’t one to keep someone waiting. She gripped the base of his cock and watched Momoi’s body tense at the contact.
Once he relaxed again, Rose gave one stroke with her fist before she leant in to kiss his tip. It was a feather light brush on her lips and she stared up at him to watch his response.
His eyes tightly shut before opening and he stared down at her. A stern expression as if to say ‘don’t keep me waiting.’
Rose shut her own eyes and sucked his tip between her lips. The salty taste hitting her savoury pallet in the dribble of the pre-cum that she swiped at with her tongue. Rose opened her eyes again as she began to bob her head. One thing she loved about blowjobs was watching a man enjoying her mouth.
Their eyes met for a brief moment until Rose grazed her teeth along the top of his cock. Momoi’s eyes squeezed shut and the grip he had on her hair tightened. Rose did that one more time before continuing to bob her head.
She continued like this for perhaps ten more seconds before switching it up. She removed him from her mouth with a lewd pop. Tilting his cock up towards his stomach – Rose licked the underside of his cock from base to tip and back down again.
And next was the focus on his balls, which seemed to throb against her tongue as she traced small circular patterns before sucking on one then turning her attention to the other.
Rose gripped onto his thigh for support and dug her nails in when he gripped her and pulled her once more to put his cock back in her mouth.
But this time he set the pace – thrusting his hips forward into her mouth, pushing as far back as her gag reflex would allow. When she began sputtering, he held his position and looked down at her.
Rose swallowed, although she wasn’t actually swallowing anything – it was the contraction of her throat muscles that contracted around the head of his cock that pressed against her tonsils. Momoi groaned and pulled back out of her mouth.
“You weren’t wrong when you said your mouth is lewd.”
Momoi panted, releasing his tight grip of her hair and smoothing it down. And Rose smiled, one of things she enjoyed about rough sex was the softness that was hidden under all the pleasurable pain.
“But if we keep that up, I’m not gonna last much longer,” He said bending to wrap his arms around her and pick her up. “And I’ve got to an inspection of your pretty little cake before I do that.”
Momoi grinned, obviously pleased with his own baking pun.
Rose chuckled, wobbling slightly as Momoi helped her stand. The pins and needles made her legs ache but she couldn’t asked for a moment to walk it off – it would spoil the mood.
So instead she decided to turn and kneel on the sofa and lean against the back of it. Her ass perched up and ready for inspection. And she was rewarded for her position by a little spank on her behind.
“You’re such a good girl.”    
Rose wiggled her ass in response. The ache between her thighs from the make-out sessions and the blowjob was bordering on painful. And the little wet patch on her underwear showed that.
“Did you enjoy sucking my dick that much?”
Rose nodded as he gripped each of her cheeks.
“Say it.”
He slapped her ass again but this time with a little more force. And Rose threw her head back in enjoyment.
“I loved sucking your dick.”
She panted, she was already extremely turned on – the lack of friction was starting to get realllllly frustrating. She gasped when her underwear was pushed to the side and the air hit her damp pussy, a buzz of a shiver ran over her body from head to toe.
The intrusion of a finger into her wet glove was not unwelcome but still made Rose moan out her surprise. The much needed friction satisfying the frustration he’d caused making her blood pulse around her body faster than before.
He leaned over her form and brushed her hair to one side of her neck and kissed softly against the other side. A complete contradiction to the almost pounding his hand was doing as he thrust in and out of her pussy adding a second finger after two thrusts.
For a moment, he just breathed against her neck and her ear as he continued to fuck her with his fingers.
“I’m not allowed to mark you, am I?”
He asked, his teeth grazing her already bruised throat – the marks Minato had left still not fully healed.
“My – My boss wouldn’t be happy if I showed up with more visible bruises.”
Rose moaned out, struggling to form a sentence with the pleasure he was still bestowing on her. But she emphasised on the ‘visible’ part.
“Well then,” His teeth continued to graze down her neck until her reached her shoulder. “I guess I’ll just have to leave some only where you and I know about them.”
Momoi bite down onto her shoulder and sucked harshly. A rush of pain jolting her forward and her moans muffled into the back of the sofa as he made sure he’d leave a sufficient hickey.
“I can’t, I can’t hold back anymore.”
Momoi said as he released her skin.
He retracted from her, the heat from her back making her sweaty skin shiver. But as he pulled his fingers out of her, her pussy was still hot and begging to be cooled down.
Rose stayed in position panting out the lingering pleasure she was feeling.
She leaned on her arm and peered behind her as she watched Momoi head to a locker – which was probably his. After some fumbling he pulled out a small foil package. And Rose was thankful because her bag was still in the kitchen and she’s not sure her legs were stable enough to go and collect them.
Momoi returned to her but instead of continuing this position, he sat on the sofa and made her straddle his lap.
With the condom on, Rose held the base of his cock and began to lower herself onto him. His width stretching her in ways that made her sting but in a pleasant way.
She let of on his cock when his tip was inside her and she gripped onto his shoulders to support her as she engulfed the rest of him. Momoi gripped her hips and pushed her down on this cock with a gentleness that was refreshing in comparison to the roughness he’d showed her so far.
After full insertion, for a moment they sat still and panted. Their breaths mingling into a hotbox of sexual heat.
Then they began to move, and Rose’s hips lifted Momoi pulled his back to the slammed her back down into his lap. The desperation in both of their movements were evident. It was so blissful and gratifying. Each thrust reaching further and further each time – or that is what it felt like.
“God, I – I want you to cum.”
Momoi said, releasing one side of her hip so he could play with her clit.
At the contact Rose’s head flung back and only didn’t fall off his lap thanks to the hold her nails had on the skin of his shoulders.
It wasn’t long till they’d both reached their orgasms.
She was first to cum, and gladly let Momoi use her pussy until he’d found his own.
Rose was putting her clothes on, while Momoi went downstairs – luckily after putting on his own clothes, probably wouldn’t look good if someone saw a naked man wandering around inside of a cake shop – especially since it had peaked in popularity, mostly due to the ‘prince of pastry’.
Once she was presentable, Rose went back down too.
“Here, these are for you.”
Momoi handed Rose a pale pink box.
“Oh and Miss Fujiwara.”
Momoi said as an afterthought.
Rose placed the box on the counter and opened it.
In the box sat six cupcakes, all pale pink and white. Each intricately decorated into symmetric and tasty looking butterflies.
“Oh my god. These a beautiful.”
Rose smiled at Momoi and he blushed. How cute.
“I almost don’t want to eat them,” Rose’s smiled intensified. “Almost. Thank you, are you sure it’s okay for you to just give these to me?”
Momoi nodded, his cheeks still a little pink.
“That’s really sweet of you. Hey, how about when I finish my drawing, I give it to you as a gift? Fair trade.”
Rose offered as she picked up her sketchbook and put it back in her bag.
“Deal. Maybe I’ll have to get you to design some cake for me sometime.”
He smirked as if he hadn’t even give Rose the option to say no.
Rose’s phone began to ring – telling her that the date was over.
“That’s my cue to leave.”
Rose smiled, and Momoi’s disappeared but he nodded.
“Would you like me to take you home?”
Rose shook her head. While she was pretty sure Momoi was a good guy under his abrasive personality, after all that had gone on at MJS she couldn’t allow him to do that.
“I’ll get a cab, thank you. It’s getting late, I’m sure you’d like to go home.”
Rose smiled as she collected her things and then picked up the box of other sweet treats she was itching to wrap her lips around.
“Thank you for this evening and the cakes. You’ll be hearing from either myself or Miho in the next few days.”
Rose said as she headed towards the door. Momoi following closely behind.
When she opened the door, she turned towards him and stepped onto her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek, more of western style goodbye than a traditional Japanese one but she felt rude just bowing after what they’d just done together.
“Good night.”
And that was the end of the date.
Rose had just finished writing up Momoi’s report when her phone rang. She didn’t recognise the number but answered anyway.
The use of her first name and the almost shy but puppy like voice used made Rose smile instantly.
“Hey Ryo. I’m so glad you actually called. I was half expecting you to forget, you were always good at that.”
Rose chuckled.
“I’d never forget to ring you!!!”
Ryosuke exclaimed, very defensive.
“Yeah, yeah. So what’s up?”
“I, I, Um. Was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Mr. Oh gave me the day off and I want to see you. But Don’t worry if you’re busy!”
Rose smiled, he was so adorable.
“I’m not busy tomorrow. What did you have in mind?”
“Really?! Yay. Um, I dunno I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” There was silence on Ryo’s end for a moment. “Oh I know, can we play mario kart?”
Rose’s smile turned into a grin.
“Didn’t get enough of me beating you when we were kids?”
“Hey! I’ve had a lot of practice. I know I’ll be able to beat you this time!”
Rose laughed. He was always so energetic, it was so refreshing.
“We’ll have to see about that. Do you want to come to mine?”
There was another pause on the phone and Rose wondered if she’d asked anything strange.
“Is, Is that really okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
Rose was puzzled, he came her house as a kid all the time. And she went to his all the time. Why wouldn’t it be okay?
“N-No reason! Ya, what time should I come to yours? Is it the address on the card you gave me? Do you want me to bring snacks or anything?”
Rose laughed.
“Calm down, Ryo. I can only answer one question at a time. Yes it’s the address on the card and shall we say about one PM ish? And no, I’ll swing by the grocery store after I leave work today.”
“Okay! I can’t wait to see you. Oh, and to finally beat you at Mario Kart.”
Rose shook her head. He was still the same person she knew as a kid and that was such a relief, she was always worried if she found him he’d be completely different.
“Bring it on.”
Rose could hear another voice in the background and by the tone, assumed it was Mr. Oh.
“Ah, yes. Sorry Boss, right away,” Ryosuke’s voice was muffled but Rose could still hear what he was saying. “Akane, I’ve got to go. Mr Oh needs me. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Heh, okay. Have a good day!”
Rose hadn’t realised that just by talking to Ryosuke just how much he could affect her mood. She almost didn’t recognise the excitement that came out of her voice as she said goodbye. But she wasn’t bothered.
She was just thinking about what snacks to get for hers and Ryosuke’s Mario Kart date.
MJS: @whatdoyouexpectthistime​ @hifftn @smile-smile-ichthys @nitelotus 
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Did he stutter?
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venuslively · 5 years
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Meanwhile I’m sure it’s freezing in hell....
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voltage-vixen · 5 years
Kinky in the Kitchen --(NSFW)
(This is featuring Momoi from FILA)
Aki had just finished saying goodbye leaving MC and Momoi alone in the kitchen. The two were just finishing cleaning up, when Momoi had spread some whipped cream across MC’s face. “Hey,” MC cried out, “What did you do that for?” He grabbed her wrists and pinned her up against the refrigerator. “Don’t tell me this doesn’t excite you,” he whispered sensually in her ear, “You have been eyeing me all day, haven’t you?” MC couldn’t deny it, as she had to admit, she loved how he looked in his pastry chef uniform. She blushed and gave him a slight nod, while Momoi grinned at her, and then licked the cream from her face.
MC let out a whimper as she felt his hot breath on her neck. “Shu, we shouldn’t do this,” MC moaned as she tried to be the voice of reason, “We work here! What if Aki comes back?” Momoi grabbed her pants and pulled them down and started fingering her clit through her underwear. “Don’t say another man’s name in front of me,” Momoi smirked as MC’s knees buckled, “Say my name.” “Sh-Shuuuu!” MC cried out as he slipped finger inside her underwear and had started to finger her. “Tell me what you want,” he instructed her. MC couldn’t take much more of his teasing and was growing impatient
“I want you Shu,” MC panted as she was close, but he refused to let her finish, “Please.” He swiftly removed her underwear and his pants and lifted her up and lowered her on his cock. “Ahh! Harder Shu!” MC screamed as he felt his cock stretch her walls. She was overwhelmed with the feeling of pleasure as she bounced up and down on him. MC knew he was close as she felt him start to expand inside of her. “Cum for me MC,” Momoi panted, “Cum on my cock.” Wanting to finish with him, she threw her head back as she felt herself reach her release.
MC was still in Momoi’s arms, when they heard the door open to the store. “Hey guys, it’s just me I forgot something,” Aki called out from the front, “Have a goodnight.” Momoi was trying to hold back his laughter as he watched MC frantically put her clothing back on. “This isn’t funny Shu! What if Aki caught us?” MC grumbled as she finished dressing. Momoi had put his pants back on and went to go hug her. “I would never let another man see you like this. That’s for me only.” He gave her a kiss, and took her hand as he locked up the shop, and they started to head back home for the night.
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sweet-pinkitty · 6 years
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From now on, I will appreciate it if a character of Revenge・Last ・Teachers・Taisho will remain in the hearts of everyone.
2018, January. Koto Fuduki
© Voltage, Inc
The characters are designed by Koto Fuduki...
復讐のキスをあなたに | Kiss of Revenge: 
Issei Sezaki Junpei Miyashita Soichiro Irie Kyosuke Narumi Naoya Hasegawa
JP: December 17, 2012 ENG: September 11, 2013
最後の恋、僕にください | Finally, in Love Again:
Aki Fujishima Shuichiro Momoi Sosuke Kikuchi Yoh Kobayakawa Yuto Tsuruya Kazuki Serizawa Kanata Tachibana Hiroyuki Nagase
JP: March 10, 2014 ENG: September 10, 2014
教師たちの秘密の放課後 | After School Affairs:
Shinichi Kagari Kiyonori Taishi Rikiya Mononobe Hidetaka Sera Kenzo Yasukawa Chiharu Utsumi Seigo Mikuni Ryoji Shibata
JP: September 1, 2015 ENG: February 18, 2016
大正ロマン、運命の人 | Rose in the Embers:
Kyosuke Takatsukasa Takahisa Togo Misao Higuchi Tsukumo Kobayakawa Atsurou Shibusawa
JP: July 3, 2017 ENG: November 13, 2017
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FILA Momoi Epilogue
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some-ikemen-snob · 5 years
Love365 Crossovers That I Would Like
OPH x ASA: It’s your last year at Shiragaoka High and that means it’s your last chance to win the Sports Competition. Thanks to months of studying your opponents from other classes, you’ve trained your body even harder than Saitama! The day of the competition comes but with a little twist. Suddenly, Seishun High is here to compete too! THIS JUST RUINS YOUR WHOLE PLAN. But with your boyfriend teacher, will you be able to bring them to your knees and win that AYCE sushi buffet ticket?
ASA x KBTBB: NANI. Seishun High gets a notice that the Ichinomiya Group plans on building a hotel right where the school is? But what about the memories that I made here with him? Trying to persuade Eisuke to rethink his decision, Shinichi and you head into his terrority. “I’ll retract my decision if you can beat me.” The game? A horse racing betting competition. Who will win? The demon king on top of his throne or the young hero trying to save his country? (I’m not trying to call Eisuke a demon here I swear)
DDIWT x FILA: Amidst Ichigo and you trying to take care of your child, you find a poster for an interesting event: parents and child baking contest! And it’s not too far away from here. Agreeing that it looks like fun, the three of you head to the location, a famous local bakery. Amidst the opponents is a hot headed Momoi Shuichiro? Ichigo and Momoi end up butting heads before the competition even starts and suddenly BOTH CHILDREN ARE GONE? Putting their stubborness aside, both families have to work together to find their children.
ARR x EITM: One day, you’re walking through the Capital when you sense Wraiths nearby. Wraiths in the morning? But it feel like they’re not exactly nearby, like they’re somewhere far away... At night during a patrol, you’re on your way to dinner with the Ayakashi group when suddenly you’re all sucked into a portal. You find the wraiths you first sensed and another group of unknown Ayakashi and a human girl alongside them. Helping them fight off the remaining wraiths, you find out that this is the future and these wraiths just started appearing today. But who is responsible for creating them? Will you be able to stop the wraiths in this new time period and find a way back to your world?
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masqueradekisstrash · 8 years
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My mind made this a typo to "glare" 😏 Shuichiro Momoi
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voltageotome · 7 years
Voltage Inc. Developer Interview - 2nd Installment
Ready to get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at what goes into creating your favorite stories?!
The second installment of our Developer Interview series features none other than the creator of Star-Crossed Myth herself, M-san!
Click Keep Reading to see all of the juicy details!
*We do not shy away from Main Story spoilers here! Haven’t read the gods’ stories yet? You might want to play catch-up...
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She really likes Leon, by the way (as you will soon find out)!
What characters & stories have you personally developed at Voltage?
Finally in Love Again’s (FILA) Momoi Shuichiro was my first original character, followed by Star-Crossed Myth’s (SCM) Leon and Huedhaut – those are the two characters I plotted in their entirety. Of course, I created the setting and all the characters for SCM. 
Oh gosh... what else. Oh man, there are just so many. Oh! I created Butler Until Midnight (BUM) too, and plotted the story for Yuma Akagi and Kyo Aizawa. After that I made Era of Samurai: Code of Love (EOS:COL), and plotted Soji Okita, Hajime Saito, and Shinsaku Takasugi. And then I made Irresistible Mistakes (IM), where I plotted Shunichiro Tachibana.
So from Star-Crossed Myth you’ve helped create...?
Well, I was the person who came up with the original plot, world, and characters. But as for the ones I actually crafted into a story... Leon and Huedhaut. I was part of the brush-up work for Dui’s route. I, and another member of our staff (who has since left the company), were in charge of coming up with all the characters’ general back stories. Like, for example, ‘he was the last god left on Earth,’ or ‘he won’t live for eternity,’ stuff like that.
It’s complicated, I know. Haha. I make the basic outline/story of the app and its characters, but it’s just way too tough and way too much work for one person to be in charge of every single character’s individual scripts.
I’m more the one who directs what should happen to the characters and how the world is formed... Most of the time there’s someone else who’s in charge of actually implementing those ideas into an enjoyable story.
 Star-Crossed Myth has a massive following among our English-speaking fans. What do you think is the secret to its success?
Gosh, I think there’s a lot that goes into it, really... But if I had to say... Well, I guess there are two reasons. One being the characters’ personalities. You look at the star sign of Leo and you have an image of someone being super confident and imperious, while Cancer has this image of being impartial and practical. All of the characters we made are based off those star signs and what they represent, so seeing those aspects in characters is really interesting for fans.
The second reason is how dramatic the story is. It’s really tragic, actually. A forbidden romance, a love that could never be. I mean, you have a god and a human... That’s not a love story that could ever end happily. It’s forbidden... And that love, as wonderful as it feels, comes at a huge cost – sometimes at the expense of actual lives. That’s so heartrending. I feel like that could be one of the reasons for SCM’s success.
And plus, wishing on a star or looking up at the sky, hoping and dreaming for something, is such a universal theme. It’s a beautiful idea that transcends a lot of cultural barriers.
 Do you have any favorite characters from that app?
Oh you’re killing me with this question. I love them all so much; I can’t pick just one... But the ones I have the most memories with have to be either Leon or Huedhaut. I can’t choose between them though...
Leon was actually really tough for me to create. The first character from any title has to perfectly encapsulate the world of that app; they have to be the flagship character, so to speak. So, love between a human and a god... I mean, no one has any experience in that obviously, so how do you go about making a romance like that? You know, he descends from on high and grants your wishes, sure, but... how are you supposed to fall in love with him? What happens when you do? Would he give you flowers? Would he take you on dates to fancy restaurants?
Gods should be haughty, proud things, beings that are used to getting their way. So we knew Leon had to be arrogant, but how do you make a god arrogant? We decided that he’d call humans goldfish [to illustrate that concept]. He doesn’t call humans goldfish because he hates them - he calls them that because he literally thinks nothing of them. I mean, a person doesn’t touch goldfish, right? You just sit there and look at them.
Plus, we had to think about how a god would feel when he fell in love with a human. Would he suffer because he knows he has to love all humans, but now he loves one more than the others? Would he hate himself for falling in love with something as lowly as a human? It was tough getting into that headspace.
For Huedhaut, I have so many memories with his story...
Huedhaut denies all love, he doesn’t need it. He had his one great love, the goddess who sacrificed herself, and to keep her soul alive, he gave up a part of himself. I mean, his love is a tragedy; it can never be reciprocated because his goddess is gone forever. There’s a part, right in the middle of his Main Story, where he says he wishes he’d never met the heroine, around the time when the heroine’s memories come back. 
The heroine, for her part, only wished for something good to happen... So then where IS her ‘something good’? Because when she does fall for him, he has to return to heaven. Now she’s stuck, suffering with this love that can never be. She even regrets meeting him at a certain point in the story. But that’s love! It happens to everyone at some point. There are times when, in our lives, we think ‘Shoot, I wish I’d never gotten married to him’ or ‘If love is this painful, why did I even bother?’ or stuff like that. I wanted to make a story that basically told people ‘Whoa, stop thinking like that. Loving another, even if it didn’t work out in the end, is something amazing. Don’t think for a second that it wasn’t worth it.’ I really wanted to get that message across in Huedhaut’s story.
From the outset, when we were coming up with the character settings, I knew I wanted to make his story about that. I mean, Voltage is about more than just happy-happy romance... There’s this element of drama too. So I knew I had to make his story about a grittier side of love.
 If you had to choose on character to date in real life, who would it be?
Yikes, that’s tough. Well, being realistic here... I probably wouldn’t choose a god. I mean, you could never see each other. ...That’s a long-distance relationship I’m not ready to commit to. So if I had to be realistic? I’d probably choose Shunichiro Tachibana. I mean, that salary, whew... Haha!
That’s part one for you! Did you guys enjoy that? We hope you did... because there’s lots more yet to come!
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plloo2013 · 7 years
Hello! I would like to know who do you like more between Minato(OTBS) and Momoi(FILA)? 😊
Hi, Minato for sure since I enjoyed otbs more. 😊
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rotantrm · 3 years
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Loll this is not the first voltage game i can think of where they accidentally ordered more fruit than needed 🤣 at least they didn’t throw it into the bath tub with then guy (high 5 if you know who’s story I’m talking about 🙃)
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Momo Honey-Dipped story involves a lot of marmalade and as someone who’s quarantined hobby was making jams and marmalade this is 😋 makes me SO FREAKING HUNGRY FOR Marmalade toast 
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Yes fresh homemade jam = happiness 🍊☺️
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I agree orange Marmalade is the tsundere of jams 🤣 
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I used to have a love hate relationship with it as a kid but only ate it cause of my parents and a certain Paddington Bear 🤣 for me the first thing I’ll taste is the bitter of the orange rind and followed by the sweetness of the orange.
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I’ve learned and found many ways to use marmalade in things other than toast like add it to pancake/cake batter/ pour some hot water for citron tea or ice cold fizzy water for marmalade aid. Heck add some to hot milk or hot cocoa. I want to try it with savoury combinations like duck or chicken but.... am too scared to give it a go so toast and pancake it is! Or better yet orange pound cake 🤩🤩🤩
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I just want to know how much Marmalade did they go through 😅 and WHO EATS MARMALADE STRAIGHT FROM THE JAR??? Then again they’re chefs so i can see them eating straight from the Jar 😂
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So hot yet SO SWEET!!! ☺️☺️☺️
Special Story- FILA- Momoi - My Honey-Dipped Man 
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drilovskyclan · 7 years
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FILA MC Chiana Koimuchi (Momoi Route) (Made with Avatar Maker: Anime)
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rotantrm · 4 years
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Admit it Momo you cried a lot 😅🤣
From FILA - Behind the tears - Aki & Momo
I miss FILA 🥺🥺🥺 I miss reading voltage stories like this 🥺 more importantly i’m so glad I finally have time to post about voltage game and actually read them now 😅☺️ especially i can go ham with their sale
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rotantrm · 4 years
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I’m so glad this is finally on sale 🤩🤩🤩
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FILA Momoi Sequel
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