#files: [hazbin hotel]
raspberry-rampage · 6 months
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tfw you're the only one in the group not obsessed with some has-been
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svoolclouds · 11 months
Smile Squad
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Look at em <33
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42uneatenwatermelon · 6 months
i made more of this fucked up creature
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emma045 · 2 months
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chronic-art · 4 months
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I wonder, when God is your literal dad, if the feeling of being watched by thousands of all seeing eyes ever truly leaves you.
[click for higher quality]
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spookyghostbunny · 5 months
Yep, sometimes I gotta beat the hyperfixations back with a stick
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diabloku · 7 months
... my hand slipped 😶
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cryfvck · 4 months
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can't remember if i posted this over here, but it's still cute hehe
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xxx-angie · 7 months
my addition to cursed cat alastor
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lucifer is 90% sure it has rabies
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viviarts-c · 18 days
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Part 2 of my radioapple Titanic AU
Part 1|Part 2
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zizzy-rie · 2 months
Another AU I've been thinking about for the past several days now
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Here are some close ups of the second pic
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More info under the cut
Lucifer Morningstar
His main job is creating toy designs and inventing them. Despite what people might think, he actually comes from a very wealthy and famous family, having owned several companies and lands in different parts of the country. Even though he has his wealth, Lucifer chose to live far from his family and start a life on his own, much to the disappointment of a lot of his relatives. From time to time, he does contact his father and siblings to catch up and know that they're okay.
Lilith Magne
She is a famous fashion model. Not much is known about where she came from as she rarely speaks about her past. Some say that she's bossy and unapproachable (men) but others see her as soft spoken and understanding (women and children). No one in society knows what she does behind her fame, except those powerful syndicates from the underworld. Lilith is a seductress killer who targets men as her victims. She lures them during huge gatherings and parties, wearing a purple gown paired with a black mask over her eyes. She leaves nothing but a black rose on the scene of the crime.
Alastor (??)
He is a radio host from an obscure radio show. Not many know who he is, much to his delight, as he prefers not being traced back to the monthly deaths happening in the city, most of which was his own doing. Alastor is quite organized with the way he chooses his prey, to the way they should be killed. In the underworld, he is well known, both by amateurs and by powerful and huge syndicates, yet no one dared to touch him or report him to authorities (they know what happens if they do, or even try to).
No one knows how Lucifer and Alastor met, not even their close friends and family. One day, Lucifer was just suddenly seen arguing with Alastor on the street while holding some plastic bags filled with different things. Complicated is what can be described about their relationship. One minute, they're arguing and trying to hit each other with anything they can hold on to, then the next, you'll hear them cackling at each other's corny jokes. Their relationship got more complicated when the two got drunk off their asses and swore off and made a bet to make the other get laid.
**It would probably go something like this: Alastor and Lucifer, both very drunk and incomprehensible to anyone eavesdropping on them, somehow talking about relationships and partners (how their topic of conversation led to that is up to everyone's own interpretation).
Lucifer: Pppfft- I'm definitely a whole package! I mean just look at me! Charming, rich, handsome, great with the ladies~ Who wouldn't want that? Ehh? Eh?~
Alastor: Well, I don't see anyone hovering around you like an annoying pest now, do I? I guess you're not as charming or great as you think you are, sire.
Lucifer: You're one to talk! You've never even been on a date once!
Alastor: That's because I chose not to, Lucifer. Relationships are messy, and only complicate things. I have no time dealing with such feeble emotions such as love everyone oh so desperately craves. That is clearly not my cup of tea.
Lucifer: Pft, bet I could find you a partner that matches you.
Alastor: oh? Is that a challenge I hear, sire?
Lucifer: oh! How about this? you find me a partner to date, and I find you one as well. If one of us gets to find a match for the other in a matter of 6 months, then the winner gets to receive a reward. Sounds good?
Alastor: hhmmm, tempting, but what would be the reward, sire? If I may ask.
Lucifer: the winner gets to choose his reward, how about that? Doesn't that sound nice? Hhmm?
Alastor: Alright then, challenge accepted Lucifer. Although you're only making this easier for me, as I have never ever fallen for someone and I can assure you that it will never happen. Good luck with finding me a partner.
Lucifer: oh I definitely can, just you wait.
The current situation on their challenge so far: difficult is one word to describe it. No one has found a suitable date or partner for the other yet. [Until Lilith comes into the picture]
Lilith is a witness to one of Alastor's murders. While disposing of the body, she had accidentally walked into the scene, much to Alastor's disappointment. This is their first meeting with each other, although they have heard rumors about the other from amateur criminals and rookies. Alastor, not wanting to kill Lilith because of his moral code of not killing women and children, bribed her into getting a date with one of the rich and chivalrous men in their city, Lucifer Morningstar, in exchange for her silence. Pleased with the idea (and perhaps another prey to feast on), Lilith agreed. The two exchanged contacts and have been in touch ever since. They are acquainted easily as the two share sentiments on not harming women and children in their murder spree. One detail Alastor forgot to take notice though is, Lilith's victims are men who she had a date with before their deaths.
The two bumped into each other in a cafe. Lucifer was getting a latte for himself, stressed out on the list he is making (names of random people he has heard of who he thinks are the type of people Alastor would go out with). Lilith was getting coffee, just finished from her modeling job in a nearby building. Their meet up was merely a coincidence, which was a delight for Lilith. This way, she could gain more information about who the person Alastor is setting her up with. Lucifer, mesmerized by her voice and stunned by her brilliance, tried to ask for her name. Unfortunately, he blurted out a different question as he was mulling over other problems in his head, such as the list for Alastor's possible dates. Asking someone to date their friend is not the kind of question anyone should be asking to a stranger, and yet it still happened to Lucifer, no less. Being possibly one of the most socially awkward people to exist, he could only sit on the ground and hide his face in shame and horror. Lilith, not expecting this kind of behavior from a rich and supposedly charming man, had found him quite cute and endearing. This is when she decided to leave her original plan of killing him, and instead vowed to marry him someday in the future.
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ghostr0tz · 2 months
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
Vaggie: “Babe, you have an amazing brain, love everything going on in there-”
Charlie: “Thank you!”
Vaggie: “-but we need a LITTLE bit of organization or we’re NEVER gonna remember what great ideas you had five minutes ago.”
Charlie: “Wait, what great idea did I have five minutes ago???”
Vaggie: “I don’t know. You scribbled it on a napkin and there’s like, five hundred of those scattered around our room.”
Charlie: “Aw shoot.”
Vaggie: “Some of them are folded in the shape of swans?"
Charlie: "Nnnoooo I've been trying so hard not to DO that so much!!!"
Vaggie: "It’s, pretty impressive honestly.”
Charlie: (huffs) “Okay. Fine. Maaaybe you’re right. Maybe I might have a slight, uh, organizing thoughts problem.”
Vaggie: “No worries sweetie, I have a solution.”
Vaggie: (dramatically steps aside) “BAM!”
Vaggie: “They’re filing cabinets.”
Charlie: “OHHHHH!!!”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “How… how do we activate the filing cabinets?”
Vaggie: “You put your ideas in folders, label the tabs on the folders, put them in a drawer, and label each drawer. Then when you’re looking for something you just open the drawer and-”
Charlie: “Bam?”
Vaggie: “Bam. There it is. The brilliant ideas of Charlie Morningstar.”
Charlie: “As organized by Vaggie, her amazing wonderful super smart and beautiful girlfriend!!!!!”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “I don’t think looking good has anything to do with organizing…”
Charlie: “Hmm, you still are though, miss good looking. Annnnnd it DOES have a lot to do with what I’m thinking about right now.”
Vaggie: “What’re you thinking, Charlie?”
Charlie: (grins)
Vaggie: “…really? Right here, in front of our new cabinets?”
Charlie: “Heheh. I like it when stuff is ‘ours’~”
Vaggie: “Why do I get the feeling the first recorded thoughts of Charlie Morningstar are gonna have to be filed under ‘for our eyes only’.”
Charlie: “Your smirk would have to go there too then. But does this mean it’s a good idea!?”
Vaggie: “Definitely.”
Charlie: “WOO! Kisses kisses kisses-”
Vaggie: “AFTER we’ve cleaned up all these napkins. AND have neatly folded the ones that aren’t already swans.”
Charlie: “Wh- but- but there’s almost five hundred of them!! The kisses-?”
Vaggie: “One kiss per every fifty napkins, how’s that sound?
Charlie: (pouting) “Insufficient kiss ratio.”
Vaggie: “Sorry, but as much as organizing your brain turns me on, the storm of paper in here is kinda a total mood killer. No way I can focus on anything with this mess everywhere. So. Start cleaning.”
Charlie: “I’m starting to think writing on napkins was my worst idea yet…”
Vaggie: “Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been paper airplanes again.”
Charlie: “THEN I could’ve just thrown them all out the window! Be free! Fly!!! Shoo! Let me make out with my girlfriend in peace!”
Vaggie: “Ha!”
Charlie: “…. Vaggie. What if we-”
Vaggie: “Charlie no.”
Charlie: “Oh come on! Swans can fly!”
Vaggie: “Not when they’re fancy origami ones that we’ll just have to clean up later anyway.”
Charlie: “Feh. Stupid ideas on stupid napkins.”
Vaggie: “Would one kiss per every two dozen napkins make you feel better?’
Charlie: “Yes.” (deep sigh) “But I’ve only folded ten.”
Vaggie: “Perfect, I’ve done fourteen, so that makes two dozen.”
Charlie: “Wh-”
Vaggie: “Kiss ratio completed.”
Charlie: “It’s based on our combined number???”
Vaggie: “Why not. You like it when stuff is ‘ours’, don’t you.”
Charlie: “….yesthankyouiloveyouonekissplease.”
- a few several many moments later –
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “I’m suddenly getting the idea that… those were way more than one kiss.”
Vaggie: “I don’t care and wasn’t keeping count. File it under ‘Vaggie can’t multitask for shit’.”  
Charlie: “Mmm, ehhh. I think we just need a ‘Vaggie has AMAZING focus while kissing, but specifically only on the actual kissing’ folder instead.”
Vaggie: “Are you trying to get me to kiss you again.”
Charlie: “Is it working?”
Vaggie: (shoving napkins in her hands) “Here. Fold.”
Charlie: “I’m filing that under a yes~”
Vaggie: “Charlie. Fold. NOW.”
Charlie: “Hm-hmm-hm-hmmm~” (folding at lightspeed) “My newest great idea is that we should get even MORE filing cabinets.”
Vaggie: “Oh for-”(throws aside napkins) “-fuck’s sake-” (gives up and kisses her again)
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sparklingsora · 4 months
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so i found out that today's (? or yesterday's?) prompt for radiostatic week is "dancing", and i was like, "wait, i got a drawing of these two dancing", so i guess i'm finally posting this. i drew this back in march but never posted it bc i wanted to introduce swap!alastor's season 1 look before i start posting stuff of him with curly hair. the story here is that i subscribe to the "alastor's hair is naturally curly and he straightens it", and so at the beginning of season 2 in the veeswap au alastor starts wearing his natural hair! it takes him a bit to grow it back to this length, but yeah :]
[Image ID, copied from alt text: A digital drawing of my swap au versions of Alastor and Vox from Hazbin Hotel dancing. Alastor's hair is curly and pulled back into a ponytail. He wears a white dress shirt underneath a dark red vest with lighter red pinstripes, as well as a black and red bowtie, black pants with red cuffs, and black shoes with red tips. He also wears oval-shaped glasses, and his deer tail is visible. He is smiling somewhat mischievously at Vox. Vox wears a dark blue blazer with a matching fedora and pants. Underneath the blazer he wears a red argyle sweater, and a white dress shirt under that. He also has a cyan blue tie. His shoes are red hi-top Converse, but with the stars in the Converse logo upside down so that the logo resembles a pentagram. He is giddily smiling back at Alastor. Doodly musical notes surround them both. /end ID]
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eatmyson · 5 months
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