#film scholar
abrahamvanhelsings · 2 months
crozier being kidnapped and telling goodsir not to worry because edward will be there on the morrow, completely sure of it, like it's inevitable. edward in fact immediately going to rally the men to get crozier back and finding they held a vote without him and it's been decided they'll leave without crozier (and without the sick). edward having the choice between being left alone with no chance at crozier's rescue or his own survival, or taking up his duty and leading the men onward. crozier in hickey's camp believing in edward's sense of loyalty and edward not showing up, not knowing how edward fought for him. crozier showing up at the final camp seeing edward mutilated but alive like he told him to, only to die. thinking about edward's absolute sense of loyalty to his captain and duty towards the men tearing him apart and it never saves anyone
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hangmanshole · 6 months
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daphne-miles · 2 years
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Kirsten Stevens + outfits
Set It Up (2018), dir. Claire Scanlon Costume design by Rebecca Hofherr
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ghost-in-the-corner · 6 months
It's important to me that everyone understands that Paddington is actually one of the best historically impactful films of the last couple decades. I'm being dead serious here.
It's a subversion within British cinema specifically, rejecting the classical imperial nostalgia and colonial film techniques. By using motifs fit for kids to understand, it reverses many early British films by allowing an immigrant into the country to take down structures put in place to oppress the colonized. Is it perfect? No, nothing (British) ever is. But within the terms of political and colonial film, Paddington is the greatest subversion of this history.
(@wearewatcher pls let Ryan know his taste is impeccable)
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dykeonysus · 1 year
I’m so sorry Tumblrinas but I love the just-coded-enough-to-show-up-if-you-squint type gay characters in like mid 20th century Hollywood movies. I’m a slut for innuendo and slight of hand. YES I know so much of it is based in homophobia but there’s also something that reads as “here I am, I know you’re out there too, I hope you catch this” that I just lose my mind.
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splodey-goat · 23 days
I feel like something critical missing from the current music discourse is that, while the excuses people make for not listening to rap ARE extremely racist and need to be called out, a lot of people don't actually need to expand their musical horizons, they just need to realize that music isn't actually like a core hobby of theirs.
We're all basic bitches it's fine. You don't need an excuse for only listening to top 40 hits and the same 2 albums since middle school, trying to summon one will inevitably lead to falling back on ingrained biases.
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novantinuum · 6 months
there's an essay in my head somewhere about how arwen isn't AT ALL a boring and meaningless woman in the wider lotr film narrative (bc i feel so many unfairly compare her to éowyn simply bc one is a woman who gets to actively fight on the battlefield and one is a woman who... if you're only looking on the surface... doesn't have an ACTIVE role in the physical battles) and that actually her story and the role she serves is PIVOTAL to the survival of middle earth
this all stems deeply around the concept of connections and people's (and kingdom's) bonds with others being what ultimately saves them
and it's isolation and paranoia and distrust and hopelessness and inaction that are the enemy's tools
and in my mind the biggest ripple arwen creates... is that she refuses to follow suit with the inaction of the rest of her people and simply leave the denizens of middle earth to suffer and die under this wave of darkness. she refuses, because she- unlike many of the elves- actually has formed a deep connection with one of these mortals. it's dangerous for her to stay- it's perhaps even futile. but she has her connections, and she has hope in those she loves, and it's that very love that convinces her to fall back and to urge her father to reforge the shards of narsil into a new blade for the rightful king of gondor to wield. and it's that very reforged sword that is what turns the tides of the war in man's favor when aragorn convinces the dead of dunharrow to fight by his side in the siege of minas tirith
you see these kinds of ripples literally everywhere in this story and it's just. gosh. that's literally the point of all of it, huh? little moments of rebellion, little moments where singular people say "no, it simply Cannot happen this way" and because they stand up for what they believe is the right thing to do, someone else does... and then that impacts another person, and another, and then another, and- and suddenly, in the greater context of the tale, one woman's quiet decision to not leave this world forever, to stay in support of the one she loves, is one of the most powerful decisions made towards the story's outcome entirely.
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margridarnauds · 7 months
Writing this paper up and I swear to god if I get two publications on this mediocre film before I get anything published in Celtic Studies...
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romanceyourdemons · 8 months
Hi! I really love your movie reviews. I was hoping you had some Asian queer film recommendations to screen for a larger audience? Thanks in advance if you answer :))
i’m not a great resource for asian or even just east asian queer film, since most of my interest and familiarity is with chinese film (although the third wife (2018), memento mori (1999), and tokyo godfathers (2003) are queer-themed vietnamese, south korean, and japanese films i’ve enjoyed). in terms of mainland chinese, hong kong, and taiwanese queer film, “the big ones” are farewell my concubine (1993), happy together (1997), and the wedding banquet (1993), all of which are excellent and broadly accessible films. i’m not sure exactly what the nature of your screening is, so if you would prefer a documentary, yang ± yin: gender in chinese cinema (1996) is both an excellent documentary and an excellent resource. tsai ming-liang’s films are also incredible and frequently queer themed—i particularly loved goodbye, dragon inn (2003)—but they can be a little difficult for people who aren’t used to slow cinema. i haven’t seen east palace, west palace (1996) or lan yu (2001) yet, but i know they were both groundbreaking, and if you would prefer a fun queer-themed supernatural mystery, then of course i have to point you to marry my dead body (2023). hopefully this is an okay starting place, people in the notes let me know if i’ve missed something big
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fortheturnstiles · 6 months
listening to a podcast episode about i’m not there 2007 and the host just said he hated the movie . im this close to turning it off
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haresvoid · 7 months
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Never noticed how grimy Ome is after the Iron Throne (unless its a new thing with update). And can't even tell if all of this is just dirt and muck or if there is bruising- looks like there is in places like head and eyes tbh.
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deanu · 1 year
Hello, you reblogged the monsterfucker post and put in the tags that you could explain this phenomenon with actual sources? I would be HIGHLY INTERESTED IN THIS if you ever feel like giving this lecture 😄 have a good day!
mmmm I really, really could go on all day, but also I don't want to publish too much of a polished rant for students to get their grubby little plagarism hands on my writing but I will give you this: The monster is treated as an othered individual in media. King Kong can easily allude to early and modern black racism and experience (David N Rosen 1975 and Gail Dines 1998). Dracula carries themes of xenophobia, as Harker and the other characters do not want London to be contaminated by Dracula's foreign ideals and representation. And, of course, easily recognizable modern media from Del Toro who has come out to say things like "monsters, I believe, are the patron saints of our blissful imperfection" (Golden globes, 2018). We relate to the monster in some fashion. Most people have felt outcast, bullied, shunned, because of who they are, how they act, or what they believe in and it is in those experiences where they come to understand and empathize with The Monster and their isolated experience. And it is that bond that allows for the genre to bend from horror to romance
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power-chords · 1 year
On that note (SHKLOVSKY, and Michael Mann, and literature and cinema; not the relative fuckability of young Pacino vs De Niro), I also emailed Jonah Corne back this weekend, and am gnawing off my own arm anticipating a reply.
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kalique · 1 year
i love fanart of jupiter jones of the 2015 film jupiter ascending in her wedding outfit as much as the next guy, but it’s sooo funny when artists will draw her like. twirling around joyfully in her wedding dress. do you know what the wedding scene represents and what was happening in it. did you watch the movie my brother in christ
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toenzy · 1 year
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tagged by @angelofsappho in a 4 favourite films thingy. LOTR means all of the trilogy btw, though Fellowship remains the best.
I am neither smart nor sophisticated, but I know what I like, and I reckon this selection of films displays that.
Get tagged lol @cyan-eyed-princet @medicalmechanicas​ @constantwords​ @scavengedluxury​
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mejomonster · 2 years
Accidentally became a Lee Joon gi fan
I have seen like 4/6 of the things I heard he was in ToT, now Lawless Lawyer is on my list too (it helps he's picked a LOT of action/drama projects which is my preferred type of show)
(I was already a fan of IU from Hotel Del Luna so seeing her in Moon Lovers didn't like change my opinion, just retained it - also I see she leads in My Mister which increases my chances of watching it a Lot. But yeah I saw Lee Joon gi in Flower of Evil and he is. Phenomenal. Top tier in that. So I expected Moon Lovers to be good but like significantly weaker acting. And to be fair... in Moon Lovers he's a bit less detail nuanced, but the acting is so passionate its hard to notice and very solidly enjoyable. Meaning he's been delivering a really enjoyable performance for a While! So I feel now a lot more sure he'll give a solid performance in pretty much anything he's in. I started Scholar Who Walks the Night and was delighted 1 my evil man is a huge screen presence instead of barely showing up, and 2 Lee Joon Gi is still doing well at romance and pained and creepy - clearly a niche his characters sometimes fall into - AND IS A VAMPIRE. WOOH! LIKE HELL YEAH. IF YOURE GONNA CAST HIM YOU MIGHT AS WELL MAKE HIM A VAMPIRE OR YOURE WASTING THE TALENT HED BRING TO A FUN ROLE LIKE THAT. SO YEAH. was thrilled both of them were playing vampires, making the show a dollop better than I expected as the premise! Also I see some major potential for bi vampires not that I'll get my way, and if only rhe Crown Prince had lived longer he had a very Jonathan Harker role I would've enjoyed drawn out. The show also made me crave going back to rewatch and finish Bulgasal. Because as much as Bulgasal is a bit less my usual kind of thing? It IS a very well done very faithful unique monster story. It feels like a good deep rich historical to modern monster story you can really sink into. It's monstrous horror and dark fantasy and its just Really Fucking good at what it's aiming for. And i did appreciate it for that. Scholar that Walks The Night also KNOWS what it wants to be, which is a really solid vampire historical setup full on with the dracula vibes. Which I loved! It's just a more modern feel, like our modern idea of historical dark vampire romance horror. Whereas Bulgasal FEELS like an ancient fucking monster from long long ago that we can't fully comprehend and its terrifying in its existence in a way vampires we have expectations and know the rules of just cannot be.)
Anyway yeah if I love Lawless Laywer too that'll be hype
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