#fin travels
aethericfist · 11 months
Ma boi awaiting a decision from me on how he'll get his beard for his hot guy era
But first he'll get a good view
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Look, he spotted an amazing person!
(open down below and keep reading)
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krazieka2 · 1 year
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Fe3h did not have a beauty pageant sequence, but if it did I'm 99% sure this is how it would go
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 300
Danny squirms and hisses, trying to dig his claws into dark scales as the clouds whistle by. “Wait- Ancients dammit- STOP!” he shrieked, cursing how tiny his own ghost form was compared to his other not-quite-future-self. Wings that could easily dwarf the entire Ops center beat through the air, fast enough to cause his eyes to sting. 
“Dan- bring me back- stop-” he wailed, despite the grip on his scruff not even loosening. Yet the larger dragon didn’t so much as twitch back towards Amity, the city disappearing into the distance like a speck. “We have to go back-” 
The GIW were- were- They had to go back! The portal was gone (exploded, broken and all of Fentonworks a smoldering mess, oh Ancients he’s gonna be sick-), no one could return to the Realms, they were all sitting ducks- 
“Jordan please-” he begged, even though he already knew that between the city, between every other ghost and them, Dan would always choose to keep them safe. But Jazz was hurt, she wasn’t waking up from where she lay limply cradled in Dan’s claws. 
There was so much blood, and he only knew she was still alive from the weak fluttering of her core, growing stronger as her heartbeat faded. She needed help, she needed doctors- he doesn’t know if she would be able to come back, not with how they were leaving the ecto-rich city behind and he didn’t want to lose her- Dan’s blank panic was swamping his own, drowning both of them in the emotion as the dragon tore through the sky. Some part of him knew they couldn’t stay in Amity anymore, but- But Jazz needed help- Danny couldn’t help the tears that dripped from his yes, pretending it was merely the clouds as they flew to places unknown to him.
If you are interested in their designs, here is a link: HERE
Heey mutual @radiance1 Dragon buddy o' mine & @hdgnj u might enjoy
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aricastmblr · 1 day
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jk se recarga en jm - jm se recarga en jk - por una cosa u otra se recargan uno al otro.
JiminxJungKook Are You Sure?! Sapporo Disney+ Season3 Episode 8 Fin de Temporada
Inicio viaje el 14 Jul 2023 Sigue viaje el 25 Nov 2023~FIN
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thomaswaynewolf · 1 year
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azerty-6 · 9 months
Sometimes I'm wayyy to invested in NPCs' backgrounds even if they're just made up of a few lines.
Like the noble girl that left her family for love but the boy's only here for her money and intend to get rid of her ??
The undefeated woman gladiator now married to her last opponent, the old man who has five (5) ex-wives, the bard who is actually a spy, etc.
Give me OT3 with a feature where I can befriend them all
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gingericywolf · 1 month
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Cattolica Aquarium
Dinosaurs and an intruder.
You are in the wrong time placement sir Megalodon
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doyouknowthemossinman · 2 months
After stumbling unwillingly through a lantern and experiencing life in hels for themself, Fin develops an inferiority complex so strong it sends her spiraling into a quest to prove that she's really the stronger half between her and Eight.
(Working title: i put Hallownest in minecraft)
[This has to be worth it. I have to prove myself.]
[I don't know where I am.]
Things being Fin's size for once was actually pretty disorienting. After years of coping with larger-than-life appliances and structures in her daily life, she wasn't prepared for the whiplash of finding buildings that were already bug-sized. The fall into the little world wasn't pleasant, but the cozy town in the middle of the wastes was something.
Down the well, the Elderbug had told them. All the adventurers disappeared down the well. All but one, anyway.
Below Dirtmouth, the allegedly once-sprawling kingdom was in ruins. Zombie-like husks shambled in repetitive paths, but did not seem to acknowledge Fin as they crept past. Something about the orange glow behind their dead eyes drew her near them, until someone yanked her out of the husk's grasp.
"That was close!" the pillbug exclaimed, poorly hiding his anxiety behind a laugh. The corpse shambled on as he continued pulling Fin out of its way, backward toward a large temple. "Those are husks, they're not exactly friendly! Though, now that I think about it, they didn't seem particularly keen on attacking you," he continued.
Fin took his distraction as an opportunity to free her arm from his hold. He stared at her for a moment as if trying to remember something, then seemed to snap out of his stupor. "Apologies. I'm Quirrel. What brings you all the way to this old kingdom?"
Fin didn't know how to answer. "I fell, and now I'm here. I'm... looking for a challenge, I guess."
"Ah, I've already met many adventurers who seek the Colosseum in this kingdom. I believe it's on the edge of the City of Tears. That seems to be the direction that many of them were traveling, anyway. I wish you luck in your quest!"
"And you in yours," Fin replied, giving a slight bow before Quirrel turned and became engrossed in the temple's heavy door.
This Colosseum could be their way to develop their skills beyond what was available in their home world. Beyond what was available in hels, even. (Seeing how difficult it was for a helsmet like Eight to survive in hels had shaken their own sense of capability. Eight was happy in that hellhole. Eight sold jewelry to get buy instead of anything useful like weaponry or armor. Eight had friends. My hels is happy, and I'm not.)
They met another bug searching for the Colosseum while in the aptly-named City of Tears. Though his hood was soaked, the water rolled right off his carapace as he spoke, full of bravado. Fin felt more jealous of his waterproof-ness more than anything else. "It's near here, I'm sure of it. Somewhere between the City and the Kingdom's edge. I don't need your help to find it." He drew himself up slightly and left, headed in the direction that it planned to go.
Fin watched him go and scoffed to themself. An ego that large wouldn't get him far, even if he did find the Colosseum.
[Your ego won't get you far, either.]
Something told them not to follow after him, a nagging feeling in its chest that pulled them in the opposite direction. They'd already seen and considered the statue of the so-called Hollow Knight, but followed the pull anyway, all the way to the other side of the city.
Good thing, because they found a fellow nailsmith (for swords were nails in this kingdom, however odd the terminology felt on their tongue) who offered to sell them some armor for a few hundred geo.
"This is very discounted compared to what I would regularly charge," the Nailsmith informed her. "Though I suppose there aren't many of you left to buy my wares anyway."
Fin couldn't think of anything to say. Everyone in this kingdom was on the edge of a metaphorical and literal precipice, living post-apocalypse with no hope and no way out but to leave and brave the wastes. Even Fin couldn't get out the way it came in, not with their torn wing. They simply bowed their head in thanks, donned their new helm, and retraced their steps.
There was a small, peculiar bug at the foot of the statue when Fin returned. It stared up at the Hollow Knight blankly, clearly not capable of expression behind its mask. It turned its gaze on Fin as they approached and flinched backward.
The two stared at each other for a long moment before Fin gestured toward the vacant buildings in front of them. "Care to speak with me somewhere drier?" The little bug nodded and followed behind Fin.
"I'm looking for the Colosseum," Fin stated, taking off their helmet and shaking as much water off it as she could. "Do you know where it's at?"
A map appeared in the bug's hands, and it was soon spreading it out on a nearby table and pointing to a doorway near a large lift that connected the City to the Crossroads. It drew one little pointer finger down a long hallway, ending in a drawing of what could only be the gaping maw of a large, dead, grub-like bug.
[Oh, perfect. A Colosseum built into a corpse. I'm sure it smells great.]
Fin did their best to bite down the complaint in front of their guide. "Thank you, fair Knight. I wish you well on your journey."
The bug seemed to try to blink at them, but their mask remained stiff and unchanged despite the welcoming air about them. Fin placed their helm back over their head and gripped the hilt of their nail as they walked. Their resolve wavered.
[I have to do this. I love doing this! I haven't fought in a long time. This is what makes me happy. I...
I just want to be happy again.]
The lift didn't stop at the ledge that Fin needed it to, and pulling the lever to send it upward shut the doors on them. Without flight, they opted to climb atop the lift itself (who put spikes on the roof of a lift??) and scale the chain that pulled it upward. Their forewings and cloak helped it glide to the platform, and it was only a straight shot to the Colosseum from there.
It was indeed located in the corpse of a massive bug.
"Oho, another warrior enters!" A tiny pillbug hung upside down, bound in chains, greeted Fin as she entered. The sounds of battle could be heard further down the hall, and several corpses hung similarly behind the pillbug. "Ours is the final destination for all seeking trials of intense and deadly combat," he continued.
"How do I enter the tournament?" Fin asked plainly.
"All one has to do is place their mark upon their Trial Board of choice and lo! The arena's gate will open," the bug answered. "There's a small fee attached to each trial, but I'm sure as skilled a combatant as yourself will have accrued a wealth of Geo.
"Now, before you draw your nail and rush eagerly to battle, I'll offer one quick word of advice. There's a warriors' pit just below here, where others like yourself await their own trials. I'd strongly advise using it to rest up before placing your mark." Fin nodded in response.
"Oh, and have no doubt, I'm a fearsome warrior myself. Don't go judging me by my size, or my current… errr… constraint. The Colosseum beckons us both! I'll be back in battle soon."
[Mhm. Sure.]
They left 100 geo with the bug and made their way to the pit. It was filled with snoring warriors, all large and clad in six-eyed armor much sturdier than the crafted shell that Fin wore. Another twinge of doubt twisted in their chest. Their eyes landed on the ant from long before, hunched over on the lone bench and eyes lidded in something like focus.
"Oh, soft thing. You've made it as well. I hope you're prepared, because if you last long enough, you'll face me, and then..." he trailed off meaningfully.
[I'll show you soft.]
The Trial of the Warrior was easy enough. The spike floor was unexpected, and the floating platforms tested her balance but Fin made it through without much fuss.
After the Trial of the Conqueror, they felt like they were still covered in the sickly orange venom that all these bugs seemed to carry with them. Poking around the warriors' pit, Fin found a hot spring that seemed to heal their wounds and ease their mind without feeling like they were getting dunked in water. She lingered in the spring, letting it work whatever magic it was.
The two trials had been... exhilarating. But fun? Would they call the trials fun? Would anyone be jealous of their position at this rate?
There was only one trial left. They had to finish this.
They paused when they read the name of the final trial on the board.
The Trial of the Fool.
Fin certainly felt like a fool toward the end of the trial. She was exhausted. This wasn't fun anymore. Was it ever to begin with? What were they trying to prove anymore? They were just jealous of Eight's happiness, that's what sent them down this awful path. Who were they, to stoop to jealousy? Of a helsmet, no less? How pathetic.
There was a break in the waves, for a single, brief, beautiful moment. No more, no more, I want to go home, I'm so tired. I'm such a fool.
The ground shook.
The gate opened.
A little roach on the back of a large Beast entered the arena to the fanfare of the crowd. Fin had almost forgotten the crowd was there, so lost in the battle.
The God Tamer, she was called.
She leapt off her beast and readied her weapon, and Fin did the same, despite the exhaustion weighing on its limbs. Dodging the beast's rolls and acid spitting was easy enough, but the God Tamer fought with more precision, coordinating her strikes with her steed's.
If they died here, their corpse would be thrown out the back with the others and fall, down into the windy wasteland of the kingdom's edge, until it was either reanimated by the Infection or dissolved in a pit of acid.
Lighten up, they thought, and it sounded like Eight's voice. You're so dour! Then she'd say something like, Come sit with me, I can't finish this muffin by myself and I won't have any more customers until after the battle.
Something like yearning flared in Fin's chest, growing and eating them alive from the inside. She just wanted to be safe and happy now. Where was all of this getting her? They parried another blow from the God Tamer and dodged to the side of the Beast.
The glow of the lanterns caught their eye. Something like yearning. Something like hope.
These lanterns were not made the same as the ones in the Overworld, or even the ones in Hels, but it could work. With enough determination, pure want and will, perhaps Fin could go home.
They hesitated only a moment, gathering themself, before throwing their body at one of the lanterns in the arena.
She barely heard the crowd gasp before they were sailing over Eight's counter and into the middle of the street. A lizard-shaped helsmet stopped short, momentarily blocking anyone from stepping on them, and then Eight was speaking and helping them up and around the back of their normal-sized stall. Back in the world of giants. Back in Hels.
Fin could tell that Eight wanted details, wanted to have a long talk, and Fin wanted to have that talk now too, but they were still exhausted from the last trial. For now, she accepted care from her helsmet, closed her eyes, and breathed.
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miradas-world · 2 years
Glaciar Perito Moreno Patagonia Argentina 🇦🇷
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aethericfist · 1 year
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Junelezen 07 - Friends
I've been looking forward to this one so much. For every person who dislikes Hildibrand, Finnoix gets an extra Hildibrand friend.
Ever since he mentioned that he trained with the Fist of Rhalgr in three different quests, I knew that I wanted those wonky lovely idiots to be Finnoix's friends. THIS IS FINNOIX CANON!
(yes I know I am missing that vista over there, try and make me get it, I dare you)
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haysaprocky · 18 days
the universe has been very in my face like “you could’ve had what u wanted a long time ago but u lacked discipline u silly little bitch” and it kinda hurts!!! like ouchie :-/ what’s for you won’t miss you tho so it all works out in the end <3
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aricastmblr · 3 days
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jk pega-nalguea a jm - jmjk en años
JiminxJungKook Are You Sure?! Sapporo Disney+ Season3 Episode 8 Fin de Temporada
Inicio viaje el 14 Jul 2023 Sigue viaje el 25 Nov 2023~FIN
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callmeanxietygirl · 9 months
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Zipolite, Estacahuite y Oaxaca
Viaje de fin de año, Dic 2023/ Ene24
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svturn-exe · 2 years
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a quick thing of minutexminute mark bc i don't feel like doing anything even remotely resembling coloring rn
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thehappyvet · 9 months
Reblog if you think news articles or videos should have trigger warnings about plane incidents.
So many people have flight anxiety or fears and don't need that kind of information shoved down their throat.
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grey-wings · 1 year
So, I had some feels and I made a playlist
Highlights include:
Sunlight - Hozier
Cast the Bronze - Raynes
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Lost - fin
Wolves of the Revolution - The Arcadian Wild
Cover by dontbelasagnax
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