#finally going back to my nd rewatch!
seeinganewlight · 4 months
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this is actually insane
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ctrlhope · 5 months
-> ✰ @ki-yomii !! thank you sm for the tag !!!
- ˋ ˏ ✄ ┈┈┈┈
☻ LAST SONG : converse high by bts !! my favourite song of theirs tbh <33
☻ FAV COLOUR : yellow!! it’s such a happy colour— just looking at it makes me feel good. i relate it to hoseok a lot so that’s probably why 😭
☻ CURRENT WATCH : i don’t watch much tv! but recently ive been rewatching heartbreak high to prepare for the new season. oh!! and run!bts!! ive been trying to make it though all the episodes again
☻ CURRENT READ : i… i will admit im horrible at reading 😔 the last series i read was the hunger games / ballad of the songbirds and snakes back when the movie came out!
☻ SPICY / SWEET / SAVOURY : spicy all the way!! i really enjoy strong flavours (spicy and bitter especially) and i dont really have much of a sweet tooth
☻ RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single nd happy abt it !!
☻ CURRENT OBSESSION : jungkook. jungkook and that fuckass bob that he had. i hate him so much. made me realise i have a thing for guys with bobs ☹️ but in all seriousness i would probably say producing!! im finally learning how to produce music and it’s been rlly fun :DDD
☻ TAGS : no pressure with these!! i think most ppl have already been tagged so ill just go with the few i can think of off the top of my head!! @aft3rhrs @silv3rswirls @gorehsk @kingofbodyrolls @joonberriess @angelicyoongie + anyone else who’d like to participate !!
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fanboyvini · 1 year
i'm seeing a lot of posts about how huntlow is heteronormative or not canon, so here are my thoughts
First of all, "Heteronormativity is what makes heterosexuality seem coherent, natural and privileged. It involves the assumption that everyone is 'naturally' heterosexual, and that heterosexuality is an ideal, superior to lgbt."
A f/m couple is not heteronormative, it is something normal and will always exist as well as queer couples
"But it makes it seem like girls and boys can't be friends!"
Gus is friends with Willow, Amity and Luz. Hunter is friends with Luz and Amity
Luz and Amity being queer and being in a queer relationship is not like they are an exception for being queer, but exactly one of the reasons why the show (and huntlow) is not heteronormative, by using the right definition of the word
"They don't blush anymore"
Nor Raeda and Lumity. It's what happens in real life too, when we're in a long term relationship we don't end up blushing as much as we did at the beginning.
"But they didn't even kiss on the cheek!"
Well yes, but why can a romantic relationship only be confirmed canon if there's a kiss?
I honestly liked Dana's choice, and that's what happened with Shera 2018 season finale as well. In many media, queer characters are implicitly confirmed, but we all know they are queer canon. While non-queer characters and couples are explicitly confirmed.
Dana (and ND) simply reversed the roles by making f/m couples non-explicitly confirmed while queer couples are explicitly confirmed. This is brilliant!
"Willow becomes a damsel in distress who needs a guy's help!"
I'm going to have to stop you right here.
Willow's character arc is that she saw herself as weak and managed to get stronger physically and emotionally as time went on. On the one hand this is great, but as time went on Willow was no longer allowing herself to show "weakness" and talk about her feelings, because she didn't want to go back to being weak.
This also kinda happens with Hunter, the fear of being vulnerable.
Hell, this even happens to Amity in season one and even halfway through season two! (off topic i also want to make a post on amity about this later)
Being vulnerable with people who love you and not having that need to be strong all the time is not a bad thing! It's totally healthy!
And many times Hunter protects Willow, Willow protects him in others scenes too! (i can make a post about this scenes later too)
"Huntlow says that only romantic love heals!"
Eh... no? Hunter has several key moments with Luz and Gus (I think he would even have more with Amity and even Vee if the show wasn't cancelled).
Just rewatch Eclipse Lake (Amity tries to help Hunter), Hollow Mind (Luz and Eda tries to help Hunter), Labyrinth Runners (Gus helps Hunter with an anxiety breathing technique, and then Hunter helps Gus later in the ep), Thanks to them (Luz helps Hunter and then says he's family too) and For the Future (Gus and Willow talk about Flapjack and that they don't care if Hunter is a grimwalker, and then while Willow vents, Gus is there helping her too!!)
And what about Lumity and Raeda? Did the characters' problems go away when they got into a relationship and does the romantic love heal everything? of course not! the same goes for Huntlow
You're forgetting (or ignoring) the canon, and all the character development and their relationships
Just because the characters are in a romantic relationship doesn't mean they're implying that a romantic relationship is the only kind of relationship that matters or anything like that
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
I had originally promised msyelf I wouldn't live-tweet or live-blog my rewatch of she-ra (mostly bc it will make it take FOREVER to watch the whole thing) but...fuck it
THIS IS A REWATCH. I've forgotten plenty of it, but I still remember plenty too, and that's all going to bias how I react to things, and obviously there will be spoilers, and also I don't plan to react to EVERYTHING bc it would just take too long okay? okay
Edit: ....yeah this took me nearly two hours for one episode oops
First of all let me point out how hilarious it is to me that when scrolling back through my tags I found myself posting MULTIPLE TIMES that I wanted to write the kind of fic I'm working on but knew I'd need to rewatch the whole series to do it right and now FOUR YEARS LATER I'm finally giving up and doing it.
why am i like this lol
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NETFLIX IT HAS BEEN A COUPLE OF YEARS and I know he's legally changed his name WHY is Nate/ND's old name still on here
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THat's....that's Angella. That's a terrible propaganda poster of Angella. I'm cracking up how did I not notice that before
Okay the very first time Adora says Catra's name I lol'ed bc I've watched this fanvid (which came out after s2) a truly bananapants number of times and it's just what I immediately thought of
I started reading a fic recently that I couldn't get into and gave up on, but it pointed out something that seems OBVIOUS NOW: the reason the Horde is all children/teenagers is like, the whole "destroying the villages of Etheria" thing. Just slaughtering the parents and stealing the kids.
Then again maybe they said that in canon and I forgot. Dumb shit like that is of course why I'm rewatching.
Someone pointed out that both Adora and Catra obviously have ADHD and I cannot unsee it
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I mean yeah that's...that's her entire motivation
(I mean not quite in the way Adora means it here but)
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I will never, ever be over how fast this show started baiting them as a pairing. I remember the first time I watched the first episodes saying "the people who made this came from fandom and they know exactly how to get us."
Catra nails Shadow Weaver's motivation--"She's just mad she doesn't have any real power that doesn't come from Hordak and everyone knows it." And then calls Adora a "people-pleaser." She's not wrong.
Like, Catra understands the motivations etc of everyone but herself
(...something something abused children something C-PTSD something hypervigilance)
Catra's tail swishing just like a real cat's does when angry is A+
Re: stealing the skiff: Catra's supposed to be the one with bad impulse control but Adora is just as bad!! (it's the ADHD)
...pulling a random pretty sword out of the ground that's lit up like a quest in a video game is also poor impulse control lollll
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I still crack up at this one and am still surprised I haven't read a fic that makes a big deal out of hair-pulling
Bow folding up random laundry on the floor and asking where it goes while talking to Glimmer is some nice early character-building. "This boy is not a sexist douchebag."
I mean the outfit helps too lol
Okay so on the one hand I know character age wank is fucking stupid, but also I get why people were like "...are these all minors or what" considering Glimmer's being grounded and then arguing with her mom like a high-schooler. My own parents (who were more controlling than most) stopped actually "grounding" me once I was 18--they just forbid me from using the car for anything but work or school because they owned it. Which is why they owned the car. Anyway.
(True story: that was their punishment for me getting bad grades at community college, and my response to this was to quit school, buy my own car, and move in with my then-boyfriend's family)
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I wonder if Adora running off to do things on her own in order to attempt to protect people she cares about without asking them if that's even something they want her to do will be a continuing theme for her 🤔
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omg the way they did her eyes/face makes Glimmer look so fucking creepy here
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I FORGET WHAT THIS SAYS I know it's an actual "alphabet" and people get tattoos and shit
(so, SO many tattoos of the failsafe...)
(okay but let's be honest a tattoo of the failsafe from the last episode is a really great way of finding other nerdy sapphics, they'd be the only ones to recognize it)
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This is kinda heavy-handed ("don't just believe everything authority figures tell you, kids!") but also this show was aimed at like 12-year-olds so
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Yeah this absolutely reminds me of conversations I've had over multiple decades about LGBT people and how people who know us as friends, coworkers, neighbors; realize we're Just People and are less likely to be dicks to us--not always, but often. Adora has never met a princess, so it was easy for the Horde to convince her they're all evil.
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OH MAN this scene reminds me SO MUCH of the one in Arcane where Ekko is talking to Caitlyn about how Piltover/the Enforcers are fucking over the people of Zaun/the Undercity
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Yeah good lord I could do a line-by-line dialogue comparison.
"Woman who has always been on the side of what she thought was The Law finds out everything she's ever known is a fucking lie and actually, she's been part of a force oppressing and destroying other people and immediately wants to fix things"
*squints at Caitlyn and Adora*
We never do find out who Grayskull is, but that's because Netflix doesn't have the rights to the He-Man stuff, and I admit this was probably the best way to keep She-Ra's signature line without getting into that
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tuiyla · 2 years
One thing I noticed and found somewhat intriguing is that in both episodes where Pezberry are at the height of their mutual hatred in season 2 (2x09/2x12), Rachel calls Santana dumb twice ('like you even know what that means'/'the only job you're going to have...') and both comments trigger a big reaction in Santana. I haven't thought about it until my most recent rewatch and now it's all I can think of, so I'm interested to know your thoughts.
Alright let's finally dive into this.
Season 2 Pezberry hostility is so fascinating to me. It's not just that Santana was cruel to Rachel, it's that Rachel actively dissed her, too. I talked about the pole line in 2x12 a few weeks back, should be in the pezberry asks tag maybe? I think it's interesting how you jump to the conclusion that Rachel is calling Santana dumb here. And that's not a judgment against you at all Anon, I just find it interesting that that's the implication for you. I think that's understandable because there's for sure a degree of degradation. Rachel goes for the jugular even though she was personally unprovoked here; she just jumps on the train of ND snapping back at Santana. And there's so much to unpack that I didn't cover last time, and I certainly won't now. I guess I will say, in terms of Rachel's comment being demeaning towards Santana, that crucially it is to elevate Rachel above her.
There's a theme of a simultaneous martyr but also a superiority complex with Glee's underdog narrative. To see what I mean look no further than Loser Like Me, an anthem all about this wish fulfillment of the bullied actually being smarter and more successful than the bullies. "You'll work for me, you'll wash my car," etc etc. There's a recurring theme of the complexes I mention manifesting through professions and the underdogs making it as big successful stars and the mean bullies being stuck as Lima losers who peaked in high school. That's the driving force behind a lot of the rhetoric, at least. And so I see Rachel's comment as an extension of this, of her wanting to feel superior to Santana because no matter in what role, Rachel will be on Broadway. Whereas with Santana, she's invoking this problematic and sexist idea of the devaluing of sex work, weaponizing it against a character mostly known for her sexuality and how she uses it. It's a commentary on appearances and flipping the narrative for Rachel, I think. So Santana's this hot (ex-)cheerleader notorious for getting around whereas Rachel is insecure about her appearance and Santana has explicitly targeted those insecurities many times in the past. And that's a common "not like other girls" tactic of weaponizing misogyny and devaluing more conventionally attractive girls by tying their worth entirely to their sexuality. There's also something very American about this ~meritocracy~ idea of Rachel relying on her talent for work and dissing Santana by implying she'll only ever be worth as much as her looks. And of course the very American capitalist idea of your job being the end all be all.
Wow that paragraph was quite the word salad, huh. I'm happy to continue dissecting that particular scene and line and I'll elaborate on any and all ideas if you want me to, but for now I'll just summarize and say that I think it's much more complex than Rachel simply implying Santana is dumb. But I think it's telling of our society (again nothing against you personally Anon) that the immediate connection between negatively calling someone a future sex worker and calling them dumb is made. Proves how effective Rachel was in degrading Santana with this one comment.
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And then! Or, rather, beforehand in 2x09. So this is another scene worthy of a bigger deep dive because, once again, Rachel is quite unprovoked. If you rewatch it, it all just sort of spirals from Finchel being little shits to the Glee Club rightly calling them out. All Santana does is chime in to what Tina was saying in calling Finn out in particular. And I would say this is a more accurate example of what you were saying, Rachel calling Santana dumb. Such an unnecessarily loaded comeback, really, which is why I'll maintain that Santana was at least somewhat justified in this scene. Damn, I don't wanna digress too much but send word if you think we should break this down bit by bit haha.
So anyway. Rachel basically attacks Santana and attacks her intelligence, and of course Santana bites back. And bites back through the goddawful hookup revelation, no less, once again a sexuality thing. Put into this context, it's even less wonder Rachel chose those words later in 2x12.
What it all means? Well, I posit that both instances are Rachel trying to find a point of attack against Santana. The first in 2x09 I would say is about demeaning her intelligence, yes, because it's again a common stereotype and "not like other girls" tactic to go, well, she might be hot and popular but she's an airhead. Which Santana isn't, and I think Rachel has always known that, but she's desperate to fight back. Backfires spectacularly, of course. But then she has another chance and she uses it more precisely, hitting Santana much deeper. Rachel's first comment was more just annoying and Santana took offence but she had a joker up her sleeve that devastated Rachel far more than her comment did Santana. The second time around, Rachel touches on an actual insecurity that combines many sensitive points for Santana. I think the main reasoning behind why she chose these particular insults is just building on misogynistic tropes because what's a girl to do but fight fire with fire. Oh man, if that ain't Pezberry.
I also think Rachel takes a long while to really value Santana as a person, with somewhat good reason may I add - you know, all the vicious bullying. But something that has long fascinated me is that Rachel affords Quinn the benefit of the doubt almost always and it's the polar opposite of how she approaches Santana, almost as if in her head Rachel chose one bully to forgive and she projected all the remaining resentment onto another. But I guess that's yet another topic.
Those are a lot of thoughts and not very well organized, plus I'm sorry they're quite late, but hopefully worth the wait?
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b1issoul · 2 months
Diary #1 071124
Morning was unpleasant. It was a literal shit cause I really hate it when people wake me up like just let me wake up on my own! Another thing, people downstairs' literally talking shit about me with this 'realization' stuff as if i cant hear them (this happens all the time lol piece of shits fuck off nd go back to yalls houses and know your places.) all of these happened at 7 in the moring really! what a day!! so after that terrible time of waking up, i decided to dozed off AGAIN nd woke up at 8 ig?? did some zumba exercises cos i feel like life's been shit nd body's hella heavy so i just had to... did a lil break by rewatching nana tour (SVT!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH) then went downstairs to take a bath.. HERE COMES THE HORRIBLE THING EVER so after taking a bath i was like lemme have a productive day nd do my rituals (make-up duh) while listening to sum music cos thats literally my definiton of productive THEN I FOUND OUT THAT THE WIFI'S GONE LIKE BRO WHY WHHYWHYWHYWHYWHY so my idea of having a productive day was thrown away and all i could do is lay down cos ion have a phone YES I DONT GIRL IF U EVER READ THIS OR OPEN THIS ACC ND ACCT READ THIS BLOG I HOPE U HAVE A PHONE NOW PLEASE! yea so i had to fight my demons cos mom's gonna be mad if i ever sleep but the demons won so!! i mean what does she want me to do anyway?? nothings interesting in this house so idc what to do either unlike her she got a phone nd a load girly wont even let me connect to her hotspot okay imma sleep then! WAS SO DESPERATE TO HAVE THE WIFI BACK THAT I LITERALLY DREAMT OF IT LOLOLOLOL i legit went to open the laptop after that dream nd ended up being disappointed thennnnnn IT FINALLY CAME BACK!! AH I WAS SO HAPPY AA THE THINGS ID DO FOR A WIFI REALLY!! then a worker came by nd did smth at my aunt's store (which is ours btw she js rented it out) AND APPARENTLY HE HAD TO TURN OFF THE WIFI SO IWAS CRYING DEEP INSIDE COS SIR THE WIFI JUST CAME BACK ND URE GON DO THAT?? NO JUSTICE AT ALL!! AT ALL. i was hella bored so i just glued my hand and wait for it to dry out LOL i even used a blower but the effort's nothing cos im a dumb bitch! after peeling it out i put it in a bondpaper nd sprayed it using hairspray thinking itd be hard DUMB AFFF then had a lil talk w my cousin nd brother just to pass the time cos it was really boringggg THEN THE WIFI'S REALLY BACK NOW YAYYYYYYY. had a lil serving for dinner cos she changing girllll then was so glad cos ate did the dishes yayy #princess ND THATS IT IG??? ik reading this would be cringe i jus hope that no one would find this acc lol pls get out if u did
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sprinklethetangerine · 9 months
Since I can't blog ON the plane, I'm writing everything on this one post.
I'm watching Shazam.
The person in front of me has HEADPHONES. Give them to me, child.
They should add Catch Me If You Can to this thing. Every flight should add Catch Me If You Can.
Hey, he took his headphones off. He doesn't need em. GIVE THEM TO ME, CHILD
Oh, he's watching PowerPuff Girls. Nevermind, he deserves those headphones.
Still funny, even on... I lost countth rewatch
This food is actually not bad, but I already ate. I did drink all the water, though. I should've bought water :(
I ended up eating a bit of the food. I take it back, it kinda sucks.
Coffee. My saving grace.
He stopped watching PPG. The penalty is death. And giving me his headphones... please 🥺
I drew Darla... I can't see it super well, but it probably looks terrible on account of how dark it is and my bad facial recognition.
Movie is over. Still love it.
I would also like to mention that at the start, they said the movie is edited to remove some stuff, and I thought they meant like curse words and blood cause like... kids have easy access to this, and people dont want their children hearing or watching that. No. The movie is completely unedited except for the censoring of the word "God" 💀
Listening to music nd sleeping. Coffee did jack shit. I don't think airplane coffee even has any coffee in it.
We have landed.
Surprisingly enough, the people are actually following the instructions to not get up until the plane has come to a full stop. It's a miracle.
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starleska · 2 years
i'm not even being patient, you simply respond to all of my asks more than quickly enough <3!! they're pretty long so again, take your time ^^!! therapy can be sooo exhausting so please remember to take care of yourself nd everything <33!
i was talking about a TOTALLY different old man HAHAHA i've been watching a lot of ducktales 2017 and grew fond of both scrooge n flintheart through it lmaoooo,, especially the latter has very few redeeming qualities and is supposed to be insufferable but like,, im in love with the blorbo version of him that lives in my brain, LMAO
ohhh you just know he would REFUSE to do the animation if anyone else was obviously watching the screen as well- it's just for you <33! i imagine he wouldn't do it either if you're recording it, because he wants it to be only for you haha,, you think very hard about the unlock conditions for the specific animation but it seems completely random! oh well. (totally self indulgent note here but i am silly in public for a living and would totally blow a kiss back @ the animation or smth LMAO) and!!! ill look forward to seeing it!!! id reblog it but i only rlly have writing blogs on tumblr ughhhh maybe i should just finally make a selfship ramble one lol
the true sadness is that king candy never showed up in the second movie man </3 the chaos he'd wreck on the internet would've been very much entertaining LMAO !!! i'm glad you enjoy the phone idea as well :D!! you just randomly find notes from him in your tumblr drafts or your notes app! he'd be constantly watching you through your front camera and if he's unhappy with someone he sees, your phone will just start vibrating VIOLENTLY nonstop lmao. also something silly i immediately thought of; i don't know if this is something you're familiar with but in some dating sim apps you'll have like this little minigame where you can like poke the love interest and they'll have these little responses? god. brainrot. i would just poke his bald little head man HAHAHHAHAH
my asks just get keeping longer thank u for reading all this and hearing me out TT i should just write a little fic about this guy already but man english is NOT my native language and he speaks in a pretty specific silly way sometimes that i do not know how to replicate well,, doesn't help that ive only watched the english version once vs. the many other times ive seen it haha
hello again you lovely individual!! once again i must apologise for my delayed response. i received some pretty big news this week that's left me not so well, and i wanted to come back and reply properly when in a better frame of mind. thank you for your patience 🥰
OHHH oh my god you are so damn valid for this, i always thought Scrooge was kinda fine 😳 capitalists just hit different! and Flintheart is a GILF i'm not gonna lie 😂😂 Ducktales 2017 just gets you by the throat!! i remember being so head over heels for Gyro Gearloose (basic bitch that i am)…kind of interested in rewatching to see if another bastard catches my attention…but for real, isn't it wonderful when you love a truly dreadful character? whatever version you have of him in your head, i'm sure he likes you very much 😉
ahhh i feel all special 😖💖 honestly going a little down the darker path i kind of vibe with Y/N questioning their reality the more time they spend noticing these special animations…wondering if they're losing touch with their sanity, and becoming gradually more obsessed with figuring out exactly what it is about this arcade cabinet and its enigmatic, unique character…also hell yes!! you should absolutely make the selfship ramble blog, it'll make you feel so happy 💖💖 i admire those of you who can separate your blogs out, i just pour out my silly loves into one place and all my poor followers have to deal with the blorbo of the week 😂
we'll never recover will we 💔💔 like for real Ralph Breaks the Internet makes me sad for its lost narrative potential…if not King Candy, then there were several perfectly good character candidates to be put into a fantastic antagonistic role!! to truly show the power (and horror) of the internet!! the vibrating phone idea is so cute dfgfds;;; perhaps he could even track into your friend's social media and send them fake messages/texts to get them to leave. oh YES i knew someone very into…was it Mystic Messenger? that had that mechanic and oh it's adorable :3c
thank YOU for sending these lovely asks in and gushing about our favourite sweet-themed hacker!! i'm so sorry for being a boring monolingual person - you could and should totally write him in your native language!! do you have any clips? i love seeing how characters have been portrayed in different ways, and i'm curious if Alan Tudyk's lisping mob boss vibe has been carried across 👀
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 4
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, camboy!seokmin, mentions of breeding!kink / impregnation!kink, dirty talk! 😗💕 A bit of a shorter chapter this week but it’s very seokmin is all I will say LMAO kdhfkdh Also I have a bit of a schedule change for next week but I’ll post a formal notice of that on... either tomorrow or Sunday! As always thanks for your support with ND 🥺💕 I’m trying to write it as if it were really Seokmin trying to cam so it’s a bit experimental and not as quick as the lil blurb I initially wrote 🤣 LOL but! enjoy ch 4 and I’ll see u tomorrow for inbox msgs! Have a good weekend! 💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ?
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“To be honest, I’m surprised you went through with paying for my lessons.”
Jihoon runs a hand through his freshly dyed hair; lips curving into a smirk when Seokmin pouts back at him. “And to already schedule our next session and pay for it too? I thought you were strugglin’ for cash? What happened?”
A blush paints across Seokmin’s cheeks as he sits across Jihoon in the slight older male’s studio. He’d, maybe, gotten a little ahead of himself out of excitement and paid for his next lesson as soon as he could and spent the remainder of what he’d made on buying snacks out of the vending machine on the way over.
“Yeeaaaah, I just… Uh, started picking up more shifts at my part-time jobs, is all. No biggie. I really wanted to polish my skills so I could start auditioning for some of the uni’s musicals ‘n stuff. I know we’re doing auditions soon so...” He scratches the nape of his neck shyly and Jihoon catches the way Seokmin avoids his stare.
“Just tell me you’re not dealing drugs for the money… Right?”
“What!? No! I mean, Joshua makes some good money selling weed but no, um, I’m too n-nervous for that… Haha...”
Jihoon narrows his eyes and turns to face his computer once more; tapping on an audio file before relaxing in his computer chair.
He’ll accept Seokmin’s answer for now - even if he is a little suspicious.
“Okay, well, let’s do one more run through and then I’ll let you go for today.”
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Seokmin feels like he’s on cloud nine once he leaves Jihoon’s studio and even though he hasn’t done a camshow since the last, he feels a little more confident in his skills.
In both aspects.
Even if he’d been aided by alcohol the last time.
That’s fine, he tells himself, I just need to study what I was saying and just... Refine it. Maybe watch a few more videos and get the hang of it. I’ll be fine!
Which Seokmin finds much more embarrassing than he anticipates when he finally sits down in front of his computer, headphones on and eyes filled with determination when he presses ‘Play’ on the reuploaded audio stream.
‘...I’d cum so much inside of you… ‘n stretch you out so good…’
Christ, did I really sound like that?
‘...I wanna feel your pussy sucking my cock in deeper while I fuck my cum inside you like the filthy ‘lil cocksleeve that you are…’
Seokmin has to pause after a few more minutes; entire body breaking out into a cold sweat as he grimaces. He knew eventually he’d get used to it, but somehow listening to his own voice saying those things made him feel a little awkward.
Maybe he just wouldn’t rewatch them after he was finished.
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You’re only three sentences away from finishing your paper when you decide to take a break - back arching away from your computer chair when a notification lights up your phone screen.
‘Dokyeom has gone live!’
‘Curious to see what you like… [AUDIO ONLY]’
Your lips form a surprised ‘o’ shape as you click on the notification and wait for the stream to load up. 
He’d gotten a sudden spike in viewers with his last show but you’d been surprised when he hadn’t messaged you at all, much less done another stream since then. 
Not that he owes me a response, you tell yourself.
“Hey everyone~”
His voice floats through your phone receiver and you feel your heart flutter at the airy, yet deepness of his voice.
You hated to admit it, but you’d rewatched his audio stream from last week a multitude of times and even saved it to your computer just in case he decided to delete it.
Anonymous4987395: what’s with the title?
NewUser89547: ur last vid was so hot omg
Your fingers hover above the keyboard, somewhat nervous about commenting.
“Oh, yeah, I was surprised at how popular it was actually… And it’s still getting viewed too, even though it’s just an audio recording. So thank you! I really appreciate it everyone~”
Anonymous283479: ur voice is sooo good it made me cum so fast…
Anonymous98957: can’t stop thinkin about u breeding me…
“Hmm… Breeding? What’s that?” Dokyeom responds in a drawl that has your toes curling against the floor and you can’t help but bite your lip and quickly type up a response before you change your mind.
b@d_dream: it’s like… getting off to the idea of not wearing a condom and cumming inside someone and the risk of getting them pregnant… or getting pregnant tbh… its like... popular with pet play and stuff 🥴
There’s a long pause on Seokmin’s end as he stares at your comment for a little longer trying to grasp what people wanted to hear from him.
Okay… Let’s see...
“Hmm… Okay~ Of course, my favourite ‘b@d_dream’ is really knowledgeable~ I should thank them for helping me out.” He finishes with a chuckle that sends you squirming in your seat.
“Interesting… I guess I might’ve ignited that interest since my last stream, huh? Me talking about how much I wanted to cum deep inside your pussy… But I bet it’d feel so good to feel me cumming inside you, cock throbbing and fucking you so deep…”
The comments and donations move faster than Seokmin can read or catch up to so he decides to focus on the stream for now before he loses his concentration.
Just 30 minutes and then I can figure out everything else, he tells himself.
Anonymous98756: god ur voice is so hot
Anonymous203948869: just thinkin about u ramming ur cock inside my pussy and fucking me like a bad girl gets me so wet...
Seokmin’s brain fizzles as he sits in his computer chair, mouth going dry when he’s unsure what to say next.
In a panic, he opens a side window and hurriedly pulls up a chat window.
Fuck, I’m so stupid!
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Dokyeom: I’m so stupid, please help
b@d_dream: ??
Dokyeom: I don’t know what to say please please help
b@d_dream: lmaoooo about breeding?
Dokyeom: yes im so sorry
“Ah, my cock is so hard just thinking about it… I bet you’re already so wet, aren’t you? I could probably slide my cock right into your pussy right now...”
b@d_dream: mmmmm depends, but just talk about how much u wanna knock someone up? Thats basically it in a nutshell and i dont think u have time for specifics rn
“Mmm… Just thinking about my cum pouring out of your cunt is making me want to cum already…”
Dokyeom: fuck thanks and sorry, i owe u one once this is over i promise
b@d_dream: sure lol btw i can hear u typing so u better go
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“Ah, I better cum inside your pretty ‘lil cunt a few times... Just to make sure you get nice ‘n pregnant, right? But you’ll be good and take all my cum, won’t you?”
You lick your lips as you listen to Dokyeom’s soft sighs and breathy moans; too engrossed in appreciating his voice to even get off. 
It’s okay, I’ll just save the video again.
“Hmm... How would I fuck you? Depends, how do you want me to? I can fuck you from behind... Or would you want to see my face when I make you fall apart on my cock? I bet you’d be so pretty when you cum too... Mm, even prettier when you hold me against your body and make sure none of my cum leaks out of your pussy...”
NewUser8439579: oh my god please... 
Anonymous974975: I’d ride u any time I get as long as u keep talking to me... can you say kitten?
“Ah, kitten?”
You feel goosebumps rise on your skin when he repeats it a few times to get used to it.
“Oh, does kitten want me to breed her ‘lil pussy? Mm... it’s just in your instinct to want it, huh? But it’s okay, I’ll give it to you... As many times as you want, kitten~”
Anonymous39847595: fuck I bet ur so hot... 
NewUser934957: omg ikr... 
“Haha, you think so? I get told I look good enough to be a model... Or is that too cocky of me to say? Especially since none of you know how I look~”
b@d_dream: I bet ur hot 😏
“Mm, maybe one day I’ll let you all see... So you can imagine me hovering above you when I fuck you. But only if you’re a good girl, y’know? Bad girls only get fucked from behind while I spank your pretty ass~”
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Dokyeom ends his stream after 45 minutes and you rush to your computer to download the replay.
‘1 New Message’
You click on the notification; not surprised when you see it’s Dokyeom.
Dokyeom: I really owe you for earlier, is there anything I can do for you? I can record something for you... Like a private video? 😭 As a thank you. 
b@d_dream: Oh uh you don’t really have to do that if you’re not comfortable, I don’t mind really! 
Your entire body buzzes and you’re unsure what to tell him. You knew that if he recorded a video for you, he might ask for your name and you weren’t too sure if you wanted to give him that just yet.
But you also didn’t want to miss the chance of having a personalized audio recording just for yourself. 
And before you can properly type up a response, Dokyeom beats you to the punch as his messages pop up on the screen.
Dokyeom: Actually I’ll do you one better
Dokyeom: How about we voice chat when you’re free? 30 minutes of your time and maybe you can help me out a bit more? We both gain something, ykwim? I can learn what you like since you’re more knowledgeable than me 😅
Your mouth hangs agape as you stare at his message. 
Now you were really nervous but really excited.
b@d_dream: yeah sure, I'll check my schedule and let you know when I’m free! Don’t forget to bring a notepad 😉 
Dokyeom: Can’t wait!
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cooloddball · 3 years
Thank you for being my source of all things cockles. I have a question, I saw your rb about the breakup theory and I found it fascinating. Long story short, I have come across the rent house story at jib 2017? I don't understand how it's about cockles when Jensen said that Jared and Misha were sharing a room and he was away in another room.
Hey Nonnie,
So, that story was told at JIB 8 at the end of the j2 panel when Misha came on stage to start his panel.
The panel has been analyzed by some amazing people here and here.
Please read those posts they have been analyzed so extensively I don't believe there's anything more I can add.
But since you asked why I think it was about Cockles and not Mishalecki. I had to rewatch the whole video all over again and it gave me second hand embarrassment.
So here's why I think it was about Cockles and not Mishalecki:
Misha asks whether j2 held each other and cried at the season 12 finale when Cas died and Jared says he was sick the entire time they were filming so he doesn't remember much then Jensen intersects and stalkers through a weird attempt at a joke that didn't land. He tries too hard to make his and Misha dude bro moments and it doesn't work. Jared doesn't have to try, it effortless because there's nothing to hide. (1.20)
The second thing I noticed is after Jensen's awful joke, he pulls Misha a seat, offers him [Misha] a drink, Misha declines that one and Jensen drinks it then pours him a drink from the same glass he drank from. (Yeah friends do that, sometimes) (2.20). I'm establishing a baseline here, trying to explain why I think it's cockles and not Mishalecki, bear with me.
Jared pulls away his chair from Jensen like he's excluding himself from the pair (couple) intentionally. Says a lot. (2.20)
Once Jared starts talking the story and Jensen goes to sit down after handing Misha his drink, he whispers something to Misha and they both smile. Jared is oblivious and tells the very strange story that no one had been able to decipher because it's too complex and we know they are lying about something.
The way Misha's voice pitched when he was imitating Jensen asking, "how many rooms did you say this place had?" And how he says Jensen had woken up early to go play golf. So if he wasn't in the house and he came with Jared, how did he get up early from the house that they visited at night after filming? Make it make sense.
Jensen saying he was in a whole different room while Misha was in the his other room that he slept in while Jared was on the floor. I mean, why couldn't Jensen sleep on the floor and let Jared take the bed in the other room since he was sick. Or why couldn't Misha and Jared share a bed? It's rather cruel to let a sock person who has work in the morning sleep on the floor. Something is not adding up here.
After Jensen says that, Misha counters with, "you had been resting after what we had been through." And Jensen chuckles, shakes his head in disbelief, nods and says, "I needed it" Please note Jared whispering something to Jensen at that moment and watch Misha's expression and how he fudgets with the microphone.
Now what gets me is more what is not said than what is said. They said so much without saying anything at all.
Misha and Jared say they'll edit the story as they go and then Jared says Daniela is telling them time's up (go away Daniela, she's like the Bob Singer of Cons) but Misha continues anyway, Jensen looks like he's internally screaming "unbelievable" and he even rolls his eyes. But Jared ays "fuck it" and goes with it and joins Misha in telling the story
Jensen tries really hard not to laugh when Jared says, "we go back to Misha's place" I wonder what's so funny about it. Misha and Jared are stoic but Jensen seems uneasy and like he knows they are lying but they have to keep the secret.
Jared says how they drank and went to bed but Jensen intersects to say how since there were very few places to sleep.so they decided to stay up. But Jared contradicts him, and you can tell he's being genuine here, and says they stayed yo then went to bed. I love hmwhen a pretty little liar is caught in a lie. Oh the smell of deceit is in the air, why all the cover ups Jensen? What are you hiding? I think Jared knows he fucked up because he gets this "oh shit" look. He's not a very good liar is he?
Jensen talks about being in the other room And Jared asks "Is this the day of or the night of" so what I got from this is, Jensen slept in two different rooms during the day and at night remember when he said "Misha was in the his other room that he slept in"? Yeah this is so confusing but there are so many lies here.
Jensen doesn't let either Misha nd Jared talk as he makes annoying snoring noises and called Mishalecki animals. My question is Jensen, 1) how do you know Misha slept through the snoring if you were in the other room down the hall if Misha's bedroom door was locked? Did you try to wake him, or were you laying next yo him and you woke up when you heard snoring from Jared who was sleeping o the floor next to you two in bed together? The way he insists he was down the hall in a closed door bedroom then Jared and Misha look at him like "sure, Jan."
Now what I don't get is when Jared says he had been put to the test the night before and Jensen says he can sleep through anything. Sir, how do you know that he can sleep through anything? Also what did Misha wake up for Jared? We need to know. 😀 also why did Jensen look so happy about that as he leans his body towards Misha who is sitting awkwardly far away from him at this point?
What's true and what's not. I wanna believe. Me too Jared. I wan a believe.
What makes me think this story might be rehearsed is when Jared refers to himself in the third person.
Now this next part is my favourite. Jensen us way too far removed from the whole thing.
I think Jensen and Misha got a place for when they were filming and when Jared got sick and couldn't make it back home because it was late, they invited him over. That's why Jensen got up early to play golf. Then there's Jared asking "the day of or the night of".
The other thing is Jensen stating that stayed up so as not to address the sleeping arrangements but Jared forgetting what they rehearsed said they went to bed. So Jensen jumps on that gun and says Misha and Jared shared Misja's other room that he slept in but Jensen was in another room? The room they didn't talk about much...sure Jan.
This got way too long. I honestly believe that Jensen shared the bed with Misha and Jared slept beside them on the floor and that's why Jensen knew Misha was sleeping in a locked room and he heard Jared snoring to the point of him waking up and wondering how Misha was sleeping amidst all that snoring.
I also find it weird that they let their sick friend sleep on the floor. Doesn't add up. It would've made more sense if Misha or Jensen gave Jared the bed and they slept on the floor or sofa or shared a bed if they are so straight, right? But no they apparently had different rooms but they were not enough rooms. What's the truth Jensen?
The thing that I don't get is the "He can sleep through anything. He had been put to the test the night before." "He woke up for..." "when you nudged him..."
The other thing I find suspiscious is how Jensen is removed from the story in the morning. Misha and Jared were fighting over the phone and laptop. So where was Jensen? He inserted himself to say that he was having coffee looking at them but I don't know, sounds vague.
Now the most suspiscious thing is the porn thing. Jared says Misha was in the shower. Jared was upstairs watching t.v. If he was with Jensen, he would've said so. The most peculiar thing is that he happened to land on a porn site that had a "boys in the shower scene" at the exact time Misha was in the shower? What are the odds. He then says it was "boys and their butts" I find this whole thing strange. Then the way Misha says it was very very very very graphic bathroom sex. I mean what was so graphic about the sex that it needed all those superlatives? Unless he was actually experiencing it. Also, Jensen's reaction here seems like he is remembering somerhing he shouldn't and he is not happy that his friends are talking about it. Also his "that peeked your interest?" When Jared mentions Boys in the shower is weird. Jensen doesn't mention where he was when Misha was showering or Jared was watching the porn.
To reiterate my point, when Jared says he subscribed because there was an offer or something, Misha said it was a monthly subscription, Jared agrees but Jensen insists it was an annual subscription. I mean he wasn't there unless he was. I think that the very graphic bathroom sex was Jensen and Misha, Jared heard them and decided to exert revenge. So he made a gay porn subscription under Misha's name.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
to the last post, New Dream? real hard analysis if u can
this thing
tts really Salvaged new dream for me because the film failed utterly to persuade me of this being a relationship that could last. i know “rapunzel falls for the first man she meets!” is sort of a common refrain that folks like to lob scathingly at tangled, but to my mind it sort of misses the mark? the issue isn’t that eugene is the first man she meets so much as it is that the first man she meets is... eugene. 
early in tangled (2010) we’re introduced to eugene as this devil-may-care rogue who snatches a royal artifact out from under the nose of the kingdom’s guards and then screws over his own partners in crime to escape. he’s an adult man of indeterminate age [remember that before tts pinned his age at 23 during the events of the film, there was speculation about him being as old as 26!] whose first impulse upon meeting a baby-faced teenager a few days shy of 18 is to put on this persona of suave insincere charm and hit on her. rapunzel asks him to do her a kindness, and he repeatedly tries to manipulate or intimidate her into just giving him back his satchel - it isn’t until they’re trapped in the flooding mine that he demonstrates any real concern for her as a person. all of this is intentional - eugene is supposed to be a smarmy, self-centered jerk who discovers his heart of gold as he falls in love with rapunzel. 
you know, over the course of just three days. 
meanwhile, of course, rapunzel is a teenager who grew up in total isolation, and eugene is the first person she’s ever met besides her exceptionally abusive ‘mother,’ and that puts her in a very vulnerable position. there’s a reason that the best inoculation against abuse is a wide, diverse network of interpersonal relationships - cruel, toxic, unhealthy, or outright abusive behaviors are all much easier to spot if you see them against a background of normal, healthy relationships. but rapunzel? the only thing she knows when she meets eugene is vicious emotional abuse. that’s her one point of comparison. 
so here’s what i always think when i rewatch tangled: what if eugene hadn’t changed? what if he hadn’t undergone this rapid, radical shift in personality? what if he hadn’t rediscovered his conscience and ability to care for someone other than himself? 
the entire romance hinges on eugene metamorphosing into a whole new person in a matter of days because rapunzel is just that wonderful. it is a changing-the-bad-boy fantasy, featuring a jerk in his twenties and a sheltered girl who turns eighteen in the final third of the film—and then the ending narration is like ‘i asked her over and over and over to marry me until she finally said yes! we got married! she ruled her kingdom and we lived happily ever after!’ and lol.
it is a house built on quicksand. 
now i’ve said this before, but i really do think the tts team was aware of how perilous ND would be, realistically speaking, as a long-term relationship, and while of course there were some constraints on where they could take that (obv rapunzel and eugene have to stay together and get married in the end), to the greatest degree possible within those bounds, tts did the work that tangled didn’t in order to sell ND as a functional and healthy relationship. 
tts examines how eugene and rapunzel are in different stages of life, with different emotional needs, and shows how they communicate with each other and work together to build bridges over those divides. it shows eugene continuing to grow and change, continually improving himself as a person, concurrent with rapunzel becoming more confident, self-assured, and independent without relying on him for protection or guidance as she did in the film. it gives both rapunzel and eugene lives outside of each other, friendships that they build and maintain independent of each other. it takes the uncomfortable ‘after asking and asking and asking’ line from the ending narration of tangled and turns it into an exploration of how they go from two people who should absolutely not under any circumstance be thinking about getting married right now to two people who are completely in sync and ready to make that lifelong commitment with each other. like... it can’t be emphasized enough how much effort went into taking the ridiculous fantasy relationship sold by the film and transforming it into i would argue the strongest and most believable relationship in the disney princess franchise.
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fandomscombine · 4 years
No, Not Like This (George Weasley x Reader)
I am rewatching New Girl yea and the episode of S2x15. You know the one with the ICONIC Nick and Jess 1st  Kiss?
Yup, now enjoy it as George Weasley x Reader! With guest appearances of Fred, Lee, Angelina & Alicia. *wink wink*
Read [Part 2]
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It’s the night before Christmas break and your friends are ever so kind to throw a small party. They let kinda bad as they were all off to spend the holiday at their homes while you spend the next 3 weeks in Hogwarts. You weren’t that sad though, sure your parents were off to spend their 20th wedding anniversary and you are going to celebrate the holidays alone-well there are a couple of 2nd and 5th year students, none you are close with, stuck at Hogwarts too.- but you didn’t really mind cause there is something about Hogwarts during the holidays that makes it more magical.
Your friends are literally the sweetest bunch you’ve ever meat and wouldn’t have any other. Which lead to now, sitting in a circle for a game of Truth or Dare Exploding Jenga. It works like every other Jenga game, the goal it to pull out a piece without it falling and place said piece on the top. The twist is that there is either a truth or a dare written on the piece in which the player who took it must follow, if the player doesn’t accept to do said truth or dare within the 30 seconds, the tower of Jenga would explode and cover the player with brown mystery slime.
‘CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!’ You all chorused, while Lee Jordan drowns his 5th shot of firewhiskey.
‘And time.’ Alicia pauses the stopwatch. ‘Just under 20 seconds!’
‘A new record!’ chimed Fred.
Lee looked to his left. ‘Alright Angelina, you’re up next. See if you could beat that!’
Angelina raises a brow at him. ‘You do know that each turn has a different dare, right? Or are you too drunk to remember?’
‘NOPE not just drunnkkk’ He slurred.
‘Truth.’ Angelina reads ‘Who is the most attractive person among the group?’
She places the block carefully on the top. ‘EASY. ALICIA’ She states casually. Sitting back down and not breaking eye contact with the now very red Alicia across from her.
‘Now that would be hard to beat.’ Fred stands and takes a block from one of the lower levels, leaving a middle piece. The tower sways a little.
‘Oi, you piece of shit, I’m next!’ You scream. ‘Why’d you have to take that one!’
‘Player’s choice. y/n/n, player’s choice.’ Reading his block, he chuckled. ‘Oh, Georgie this is gonna be good.’
George now curious asks, ‘well then what is it?’
Fred puffed up his chest, ‘Dare: Sit on the lap of the player on your left for one round.’
Everyone laughed including you, though not George through, it seemed like he was fuming.
Then it clicked. Wait a minute. You’re next!
Not that you mind though, it is just a game, and Fred is one of your best friends. You just wished that it was another twin that was in his position.
‘Alright Freddie bring it in.’ Patting your thighs. ‘You’ll always have a seat with me’ you teased.
‘Opfff! Oi boy be gentle!’ Fred had just dropped his weight on you.
‘Sorry.’ He muffled into your neck.
Your embrace position with Fred proved to make it difficult to reach for the tower. ‘Heyya Freddie, do you mind?’
He looks up at you, then the tower and back. ‘No can do amiga, rules are rules. And the dare says I have to stay seated.’
‘Ugh you prick.’ Sticking your tongue out at him. Rules are rules, yet there were none stating that the use of wands is not allowed.
‘HEyyyy! No cheating’ shouted Angelina.
‘There are no rules against using wands!’
‘Dammit….She’s right.’
‘Thank you, George.’
You read the levitating block in front of you. ‘Dare: Snog the player across from you for at least 20 seconds.’
‘Now that’s what I call a dare’ exclaimed Alicia.
Placing the block on top with the help of your wand, who glanced down to see who was across from you. OH OH.
As if he had read your thoughts. Fred sang ‘Ohh lala’ He left your lap. ‘Georgie, Georgie, Georgie! You lucky man!’ he teased.
‘Oh now you decide you release me?’
You make your way to George with the chanting of ‘KISS! KISS! KISS!’ seem like background noised against your nerves. Sure, it’s just a game, but you were given the opportunity of a lifetime to kiss you crush that happens to also be your best friend who you no doubt thinks of you just as that- a friend.
You held your hand out to George and pulled him right up. ‘So…uh…you good?’
He lets out a nervous breath ‘yea..yea’
‘Don’t worry, I’m nervous too.’ You admitted. ‘Let’s just suck it up and French a little.’
‘Okay fine but don’t say “Let’s just suck it up and French a little.”’ You can see him fidget a little. ‘Let’s just do it, No big deal.’ He mutters- more to himself.
‘Yea no big deal.’ You echoed though boy did you wish it would mean something. You tried to keep a serious face on and manage the blush that has no doubt covered all over your face. All that resolve though came crashing down when you saw what he was doing. ‘Why are you licking your lips?’
‘Should I not? Do you want dry lips?’
‘Then I’m just licking them to make them better.’ He reasoned.
‘okay fine’
‘just kiss me, we’re running out of time!’
You could faintly here your friends counting down from 10….9….8..
‘yea, but first-‘
‘NO, NOT LIKE THIS!’ He bursts. ‘Not like this.’
‘What?’ Mouth opened; you were caught off guard. ‘What does that mean?’
‘Ahhh no , nothing , I… I…’
The Jenga tower explodes, magically covering only you with slime- as if was you who failed to complete your dare.
The explosion seems to bring George back into his body. ‘I’m sorry y/n…I…I gotta go’ And with that he ran out the common room.
It felt like a slap in the face. Did he not want to kiss you? Yea it was a game….but… What did he mean by ‘No, not like this’.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the retching of Lee on the carpet.
‘Oh Disgusting’ Fred helps him up from the floor. ‘Let’s get you cleaned up buddy.’
He looks up at you. ‘Hey I’m sorry the party had to end this way, And I’m even more sorry for my idiot brother.’
‘Nah, it’s fine Fred. Thank you though.’ You place a hand on his arm. ‘Hope you have a great Christmas.’
Fred’s eyes go wide and facepalms himself. ‘Crap I almost forgot, and such horrible timing too. But I owled mom earlier today and she says that you are welcomed to stay over at the Burrow for the holidays.’
‘Yea, We didn’t want you to spend the holidays alone-‘
‘Uh George and I’ He gives you a weak smile. ‘So, are you in?’
‘Heck yea!’ You hugged him tightly. ‘Thank you.’
When you part, he holds onto your arms a second longer. ‘Just don’t mind my idiotic brother okay? He genuinely cares for you, talk to him okay? It’s not like him to chicken out.’
You nod.
Next to you Alicia appears with wash cloths.
‘Come on y/n let’s get you upstairs and cleaned up.’
‘So…Angelina huh?’ you tease.
‘oh shut up!’
‘Damn it!’ You cursed. It was 2 am and everyone is asleep. You had finally finished your last-minute packing when you realized that your wand is missing. So here you were, tearing the common room apart.
You rummaged under the couch ‘It has got to be somewhere here. Where are you, you damn magic stick?’ You remembered last using your wand near the couch. But it must have rolled away due to all the chaos.
‘Looking for this?’
‘AHH!’ Startled by the voice, you banged your head on one of the arms.
You look up and see the one and only George Weasley.
‘Yea, thanks.’ Grabbing your wand from him.
The awkward tension between you too is palpable.
You turn to head back up to bed. But George’s hand on your arm stops you.
‘y/n… I’m sorry about earlier.’
‘It’s alright..’ You had considered to ask about what he meant by ‘No, not like this’ his words still had you guessing, you had to know. ‘Um George…’
‘Fred told me about you guys asking Molly if I could come with and spend the holidays with you. Thanks for that’.
You chickened out, you chickened out! You couldn’t believe it, but your rational self pointed out you can’t risk it being more awkward with George especially when you’ll be spending the next several weeks with him and his family. IN HIS HOUSE. WITH 24 HOUR CONTACT.
George merely nodded. His eyes were moving around a lot. Signs that you knew he was thinking about something- that or he was genuinely tired and is kindly trying to stay awake for you- it is currently 2am.
Concluding that it was due to exhaustion, you bid him good night.
You were midway up the steps when you once again stopped by a hand.
‘Wha—’ Though this time you weren’t greeted by his word but rather of his soft lips.
George Weasley is kissing you! George Weasley is kissing you!
After the initial shock, you reacted and kissed him back with equal passion. The moment didn’t break, even when you felt your back hit the wall. All you could concentrate on was George’s lips on yours and his hands on your waist while yours are tangled in his red hair.
Pulling apart to catch your breath, foreheads touching and his eyes that seem to see into your soul. What he said next, put a smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach that won’t be leaving soon.
‘I meant something like that. I didn’t wanna kiss you because of a game. I want to kiss you because you mean something to me’
Read [Part 2]
Part 2?? Anyone? When they spend Christmas in the burrow? Lol just a thought.
Taglist for this fic ‘No, Not like this’: @stopicouldvedroppedmykwusant​ @l0ttadreamz​
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
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cassyapper · 3 years
hey so on my part 4 rewatch i took more note of the symptoms tonio noted okuyasu had at the beginning of the restuarant episode and like...only four hours of sleep? puffy eyes? the fact okuyasu nd josuke had just come back from visting keicho’s grave before going to the restaurant? how much u wanna bet the reason he didnt sleep well was bc of the conflicting emotions of hating his brother for being abusive but also missing him cause he was his only family left? and the reason his eyes were puffy was cause when he finally did fall asleep, he cried himself to exhaustion?
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / OCTOBER 3, 2019 // the trial
it's the reveal!!!! love that for her hope shes thriving (shes not) again w the two minutes of the next episode to sync the dates
-lmaoooo so i honestly wonder why they went for the full pulling-it-out-the-throat thing but idk (an interesting foil to her getting sick for more stereotypical reasons ie s2 "people find out theyre grandparents every day"
-"i'd do anything for nancy" okay but....why 👀bit of an odd reaction imo
-bess with spilling the truth again 😂and gets shot down. tragic #shetried
-wait sooooo nobody tested the fingerprints on the knife when this shit happened?? or that tech didnt exist in 2000? i mean without a body how could they even call it murder? and who told the police?? like if the drews took the baby, the dress, and said nothing, who tells the cops shes missing or even dead? how did they know to search the bluffs? who told the media/public? it had to have happened that same night because ryan said when he got there later there were already rumors she was killed. after the baby and bloody dress, only her crown, a knife, and tire tracks were left. how did anyone find anything at this remote bluff without some kind of tip off? and why on earth would they think murder and not suicide with so little evidence?? thats gotta be like suicide central, sorry for the trigger
-"a little help, lucy?!" lucy seems unable to disobey a direct request from nancy (ie "lucy, stop" from later in the ep) when nancy speaks directly to her. so maybe if nancy had spoken aloud/engaged more lucy could have appeared more? nancy said she only comes around when she wants to but what if nancy herself could do a bit more, being the last thing lucy touched and all
-so in ep 2 when nancys in jail carson says "great grandma rosalind buried her valuables in the trunk" including the knives shown here. did carson and kates families even know about nancy? how did they explain not announcing a pregnancy or birth?
-"oh." john lmfaoooo
-BESS lmaoooo and ace's looks in the background and then at seeing nick approaching lmfaooo oh no / also why on earth is she apologizing?? he dumped her but she has to be sorry he found out she fucked someone else? someone nicer pls explain to me bc i dont get it. she dont owe him shit
-george is SO CUTE lmfaoooo and so forward and he was so shook but then he was like "oh hell yeah"
-"is he a vampire?!" ik nobody i knew got that reference 😂
-this entire search of the claw is a sham. what are they even looking for. clearly a set up by tamura but why/what does he suspect them of. esp w karen as accomplice, story should be airtight so why are they still investigating?
-john + ace dream team 💙
-god ace is such a yes-man. why is he so fucking loyal?? people like him are insane. how are they real. i suspect they arent. and no matter what you do you are never worthy of their unending loyalty anyway.
-so in the Good Place nancy was the one who had the key but in reality its ryan
-wonder if lucy's listening to ryan here talking about his love and grief for her
-"you were throwing away your future on a nothing girl" - nancy & ryan - their fathers dont want them to see "troubled" kids, want them to focus on school instead --> which they both struggle with and eventually do not achieve (maybe bc they want their kids to leave horseshoe bay?) for nancy its an interesting vice for someone whos really a goody two shoes/for ryan its subverted bc karen actually did worse than him ie committed real crimes
-"stay away from my family" surprise bitch bet you thought youd seen the last of me 😉
-interestingly, ryan probably would have agreed with karen about switching the ballot boxes but he wouldnt have really understood the social consequences. both josh and karen are determined to see ryan as the bad guy when actually he didnt do anything, they did. 🤔
-karen is such a ride or die friend. again w the loyalty. if someone swapped ballot boxes for me i'd be touched. im sure going into active labor made lucy a bit upset but damn. what a friend.
-wonder when nancy starts calling her "Lucy" instead of "dead lucy"
-lucy primarily haunting her own house/love seeing this house overtaken by nature
-the concept of writing things down : starting from the first ep, nancy's journal (then and now), writing out simon cards, similar cemetary cards in the Good Place, "beautiful minding it," culminating in lucy's journal / writing it down to help figure it out/when theres too much going on to keep it inside
-"i'll make a salad" NICK LMAOOO
-wonder what happened to carson's old lawyer?
-"my testimony begins in the summer of 1999" because your story always starts with your mother's story
-lmfaoooooo this shit taking the stand is soooo never allowed but oh well
-"she stole a knife" and carson's face lmfaooooo he knows its not true but what could he fucking say?? no?
-"i love you mom, i hope you never find this." ironic bc nancy didnt want her dad to find her journal either
-lucy never wanted anyone to find out how she died d/t shame- but she didnt want carson to go to jail for it so she finally allowed it (or just couldnt refuse nancy asking)
-"i'm sorry for what you lost"/"i'm never gonna be free from them"
-awww ace/mcginnis goodbye / i wonder if ace is nervous thinking about tamura --> ace's dad since chief mcginnis covered for ace out of respect for his dads sacrifice but tamura would throw both ace and his dad under the bus just to get at nancy (get at her via ace? since he was already used as the blackmail plot device? they kinda touched in this in s2 but not fully)
-okay sooo why are they still doing this forensic analysis thing? like the whole things over so whats the point. i wonder if john had packed up and gone home what coulda happened
-nancy/carson - interrupted moments:
•family dinner interrupted by nancy's accsations
•being home after finding ted interrupted by carson's arrest
•celebration of dropped charges interrupted by nancy discovering the truth about her parentage
-"i cooked your favorite to celebrate" ironic bc shes upset that hes not her "real" dad but he IS because he knows her best. like theyre literally proving it right in front of her. vs ryan whom she doesnt really want anyway AND rejects requests to get to know her. like come on sis. his 20 years of parenting you arent going away, ever. deal w it.
-carson's little smile before he said "'mom never hurt lucy" like he knows this is the end / scott's acting here just kills me
-why did the drews come back at all? and why did kate really keep the dress? carson says she did it as a link to lucy, but did kate want to keep it to be connected to lucy? or did she bury it to keep lucy repressed? is this a positive or a negative? +keeping in attic - did lucy start to haunt kate, so she unburied the dress?
and lastly:
-why doesnt lucy haunt everett and celia hudson? she kind of does ie painting but only when nancy visits bc shes actually haunting nancy. isnt everything the hudsons' fault?
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x1
ONE OF YOU apparently ran to @kat--writes, or as my friend and I call her Tumblr Kat, and snitched that I had not yet posted my Nancy Drew premiere review. I promised to get it up by today and yes it is technically after midnight but the sun has not yet risen, so please find my thoughts under the cut.
Before I do anything else let me just say I will never stop appreciating the continuous book Easter eggs the show writers drop. Nancy mentioning how she learned that trick with the mirror in “a bungalow mystery” when she did in fact pull that exact same trick in The Bungalow Mystery? Iconic.
Now that’s out of the way, I’m going to do something I’ve never really done before and start off with the negatives. Guys, I was underwhelmed.
Not by the episode itself, the episode was great. It picked up right where we left off and continued into the mystery of the Aglaeca, the cast was engaging, the horror was chilling, the story kept unfolding. The problem is, it was great as any other regular episode, it was less great as a season premiere. I waited TEN MONTHS for this episode. And granted I understand that ND didn’t get to finish off its first season how they wanted, but they have had, I repeat, ten months to plan this. The season 1 premiere, for all its issues, did exactly what a season premiere is supposed to do. It established relationships, a season-long arc, character trajectories, and even a couple of smaller plots. We saw Nancy and her dad were on the rocks, she and George didn’t get along in high school, Bess is rich but living in a van, Tiffany Hudson was murdered and the crew are suspects, George is sleeping with Ryan, Ace is working for the police, and we found the bloody Lucy Sable dress in Nancy’s attic, to name but a few.
You guys, that is a lot of plot lines. And the writers explored and solved every single one of them over the course of the season.
Now we have the season 2 premiere. The crew tries to find a mirror to fight the Aglaeca, meets a mouthy dude, and takes a break from the Aglaeca to hide from the Gorham wraith. (Gorham is 100% a play on Gotham fight me.) Like yes there is more if you squint, but aside from that nothing all that major really happened. Mr. Hudson is setting up a defense, but we knew that already. Ryan wants a relationship with Nancy and is pissed at Carson for keeping her a secret, but we knew that already. The new head cop doesn’t trust Nancy or the crew at all, but, again, we knew that already.
But since this was still a good episode even if a lackluster premiere, I will still give you some positives.
The Gorham wraith you guys, oh my god the horror was fantastic. Nancy Drew is really looking every other magic show’s super special effects in the eye as it hits them over the the head with a folding chair made by their costuming and makeup department. The scarecrow coming to life, banging on the back of the bus, crawling in after Nancy? On point. I was on the edge of my seat.
Ryan I know you are an asshole and your character arc is a work in progress but kidnapping? Are you serious right now? “Your suicidal girlfriend begged us to hide and take care of her child right before jumping off a cliff. Also I didn’t even know you were the father.” “Omg how dare you. Time for BLACKMAIL.” It’ll be interesting to see how this whole Ryan v Carson thing plays out. I suspect maybe Carson will become like an example father figure to Ryan, teach him how to be good to Nancy. Something like “if you’re serious about being a father lesson number one is it’s not about you anymore, it’s about her. And you sending me to prison won’t just hurt me it’ll hurt Nancy.” I think that would be a nice parallel, Kate was Lucy’s guidance counselor, and now Carson will be Ryan’s parental counselor/therapist/whatever.
I’m going to be completely honest here, I totally forgot Nick and George had not actually told Nancy they are together. No idea how long this is going to go on for, I suspect not that long, but maybe up until like episode 5 or 6. I do think it would be fun if Nancy found out in like the absolute worst way possible. Like here is my worst/best case scenario. I know Nancy is supposed to have some kind of thing with Gil so let’s say they hook up a couple times and he burns her, as he probably will, and Nancy goes to Nick cause she’s upset and needs to talk, and when he opens the door thinking it’s the pizza guy he is shirtless and George is in the bed behind him. Unlikely, but fun to imagine. But however they do it, all the Nick and George fans will undoubtedly get some fun footage of them sneaking around, so enjoy guys.
All the Nancy and Ace shippers are also getting good material, even if I want to grab Ace by the shoulders and physically shake him.
Nancy: I can’t let you guys help me summon the Aglaeca, there could be really bad consequences.
Crew: Psh, consequences? What consequences? We have the power of FRIENDSHIP.
*Aglaeca sends them all death visions*
Ace: How dare you drag me into this Nancy I can’t believe we’re all going to die because of you.
LIKE BRUH. ACE. MY GUY. If you could maybe use your considerable brain power to pull your head out of your ass for TWO SECONDS I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. But aside from that, their scene at the end? Poetic cinema. The slow burn is strong with this one. Even if I do have faith she will eventually find her way back to Nick aaaaaaaaah
Not sure how I feel about the twins yet. I know they were in some other ND-verse book series, but tbh I only ever read the Nancy Drew books. I never delved into the Hardy Boys or anything else, I was a Drew girl all the way. I do think the writers could maybe have done a better job introducing us to Gil and making us like him. Like they were definitely going for the Han Solo type I feel, and George being all “wow the Bobsey twins are hardcore” as he ups the price while literally dying. Um, George, no, the Bobsey twins are fucking morons, or at least Mr. Diabetic over here is. It says a lot that Amanda had only two lines of dialogue and I liked her considerably more than Gil. But who knows, maybe they’ll grow on me. And they did mention their family used to work for the Hudsons, I would bet good money they know about more than one skeleton that’s been stuffed in the closet.
This paragraph right here is for me and the like two other Drewson shippers in the fandom. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the first meeting flashback oh my god. I was dying. I rewatched it ten times. I am in love. The way they both just sort of stared at each other, the way Nancy clearly feels a certain amount of nostalgia for him and what they had. I am deceased. Honest to god I don’t care how many Nick x George and Nancy x Ace moments the writers throw at us, just as long as I continue to get crumbs like that I am good. Have faith guys.
And finally, oh my dear, talented writers. I would like to know when exactly you are planning on pulling my three most favorite women out of whatever floorboard you have stuffed them under. I WOULD LIKE DEAD LUCY, VICTORIA, AND HANNAH GRUEN TO PLEASE STAND UP. Yes I know Hannah Gruen is in the next episode but the wait is excruciating. And if the last time we saw Dead Lucy was going to be in the courtroom scene, her standing in the doorway as Nancy read her suicide note? I am going to mcfreaking lose it.
Well that’s all for today. Sorry this took so long, I guess I just wasn’t all that inspired by this premiere episode. But hopefully I will get the next one finished much quicker. And with that, I leave you until Wednesday the 27th when Nancy Drew 2x2, The Reunion of Lost Souls airs. See ya
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lesbiansforglados · 3 years
ramble #1 (script? maybe?)
i think the reason why i dropped kipo originally after 1 1/2 episodes is because i am historically bad at getting invested in episodic shows. i mean, the only exceptions to this are PHINEAS AND FERB and PINKY AND THE BRAIN which like. they are famous for having an episodic formula that works so well and doesn’t get old (though pnfs got old by the end but patbs never did). but even with phineas and ferb i much preferred it’s sister show, milo murphys law, which was similarly episodic until it wasn’t. it followed a trend of shows increasingly becoming serialized over its airtime and though it never dropped its episodic adventures there was an overarching story that played into almost every episode after a certain point in season 1. this is becoming a ramble about mml so i’ll backtrack.
basically what i’m saying is, i have a hard time getting into episodic shows, if there isn’t something to pull me back into each episode, or a magnetic formula. and me in january of 2020 thought that kipo was going to be an episodic show. and i guess that was reasonable since there wasn’t much i saw around kipo becoming serialized because that only happened at the end of season 1. i loved the environment, i loved the characters, and i loved the hinted story, but if the show was to continue like it was doing episodically (”mute of the week”) i wasn’t interested.
a few months ago i decided to give it another shot. i rewatched episode 2 and finished episode 3, and i still didn’t have anything to rope me in. it was still the mute of the week setup, and by that time all three seasons had come out so i knew there was some story behind it but i didn’t know when it would get interesting.
nd then like a few days ago i started episode 4, and marked by this stupid tweet i made in my euphoria,
Tumblr media
kipo FINALLY roped me in. episode 4 showed itself its serialized potential (its the one where she sings to the mega monkey btw) and i fell in love with it. <3 it took over a year but yeah. this show is marvelous and honestly i love it as much as i loved atla nd thats high praise imo. i’m a little mad at myself i didn’t watch all of season 1 when it came out so i could yell at this series for a year but now i can yell at everyone now.
i gotta show my dad this lol. ramble end and i might make this into a script for a kipo video when i finish it
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