#finally i can say theyre together and official i can finally write boyfriend like i should be doing
skmr24 · 5 months
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hoseokmylovesworld · 4 years
I Knew It Was You | Jungkook One Shot
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Requested: Anonymous: 
“A wolf college au where yn and jk are both the popular students but they’re not really acquainted with each other? theyre actually mates but they dont know that yet. Their friends always hint that theyre basically so compatible with each other and so they start to develop feelings for each other. One day, yn was in her wolf form just hanging around the forest and she met jk’s wolf whom she didnt recognize and they ran and played together. So, theres this other girl who likes jk and tries to make a move and kisses jk but jk immediately rejects her but yn was hurt when she saw and like jk could feel it through their mate bond? and they eventually confess and well realise theyre mates and start dating :D also like soft smut scenes in between especially when they finally officialized their mate bond :) also, jk is the alpha of his pack and is usually cold to outsiders and hes typically only soft for yn :D”
Genre: Wolf au, College au, Fluff, Smut
Length: 9,029k Words
Warnings: Strong language, Underage drinking, Drunk-con, Smut, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, vaginal sex.
1. My first ever request! Thank you so much!!! I hope it is the first of many ;D.
2. First time writing Wolf AU, I kinda just made some stuff up...actually I made a lot of stuff up, but who doesn’t.
3. Thank you for being so specific and creative, it really helped. I hope I did it justice.
4. P.S. Listening to Dance For You by Beyoncé on repeat kind of inspired the last bit. 
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“Is there a reason why Jeon Jungkook is staring at you right now?” your best friend, Camille, whispered in your ear from the desk behind you during class. Your gaze shot up from your notebook and focused straight ahead, processing what she just told you. Your eyes then drifted to the desk, that you knew very well, positioned five rows to the right of you, where Jeon Jungkook was indeed looking in your direction. Once your eyes met, his eyes suddenly wandered down to his own notes, a devilish smirk could be seen on his perfect lips. You did a double take because you couldn’t believe it yourself, but the proof was right there, he had definitely been caught staring. You couldn’t help, but chuckle to yourself. You quickly shrug in Camille’s direction to answer her question, down playing the encounter that made your heart skip a beat. 
“Mmhmm.” You heard her unconvinced hum from behind you and chuckle at her meddling behavior. As soon as the professor announced the end of class Camille, of course, was hounding you about the incident. 
“So did I miss something, or did something happen between you two?” You look at her in confusion. “No, nothing happened.” You say as you continue to pack up and head home for the day. 
“Well, why the fuck not?” She asks animatedly.
“Um, maybe because we don’t know each other.” You throw out with a laugh.
“Of course you do. You guys go to the same parties, I’ve seen you talking. You even have some mutual friends.” 
“Well, yeah, but that’s about it, isn’t it? Other than that, we just share a class together.” You tell her as you both walk outside of the building. 
“Okay, fine argument, but you realize that’s not the first time he’s been caught staring at you?”
“Everyone stares at me, Camille. They stare at you too. It’s because we’re fucking beautiful.” You smile at her and she can’t help, but smile back at the compliment. “So no, I didn’t notice.” 
“This is different Y/N and you know it.” 
“I don’t know anything.” 
Just as you spoke, Jungkook came into your view walking on the path that intersected with yours. A classmate you know as Crystal was walking beside him, her words falling on deaf ears as Jungkook was not paying much attention to her. He looked up and you locked eyes again. His blank and cold expression was replaced with a warm smile and he even went so far as to wave at you. You hesitated, but quickly lifted your hand and waved back. Before you could warn him, Jungkook collided with a student on his path because he was looking at you and the cold expression was back again. By now you stopped walking and just watched the scene play out. 
“Watch where you’re going, yeah?” he grumbled at the boy. The opposite student was speechless and hurried off without an answer. Jungkook looked back up at your slightly shocked expression and a quick look of regret flashed across his face before he took off in a fast walk, Crystal struggling to keep up with him. 
“But this isn’t different?” Camille asked with almost perfect timing. You glare at her before continuing your walk. “No. It’s not. And if it is...so what?” 
“So what? You’re hot, he’s hot. You’re both popular, you would be so good together. You know you guys have more things in common than you think. Jimin told me he loves singing and video games, too! Everyone on campus would be so jealous.”
You stop in your tracks once again, realizing what Camille wasn’t saying.
“Are you and our friends trying to set me up with Jeon Jungkook behind my back?” You ask seriously. Camille froze, her head snapped up and her eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Um...not in so many words.” You raise your eyebrows at her accusingly and she breaks. “When you put it that way it seems bad, okay—” 
“Don’t bother.” You offer as the two of you begin to walk again. You actually began to feel a sort of pull towards Jungkook recently, but ignored it because: “He seems like a bad boy type anyways.”
“Why don’t you find out for yourself? I hear he’s not actually like that and you never know, you might like it. You’re nineteen and you’ve never even had a boyfriend before.”
Because a werewolf girl dating a human boy would never work. 
“Thanks for the reminder Camille, I’m aware.”
“Look, you’re going to the basketball house party this weekend right? He’s gonna be there. Why don’t you give it a chance?” Her question is only met with silence.
“At least talk to him. Get to know him more. And then you can judge for yourself.”
“Fine. But only because you won’t leave it alone and he is really hot.” You finally gave in. Camille laughed and shouted in triumph. “Thank you. I just want you to find some happiness, you know? And who knows maybe he’s the one.”
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The weekend has finally arrived and you really needed a break from studying and work so you dressed to impress and came ready to have a good time at the basketball house on Saturday night. As you approached the house, the many drunk bodies on the porch all greeted you by name, whether you knew them or not, they were all very excited for your and Camille’s arrival. It was the team's captain, an upperclassmen named Yoongi, who opened the door to the house and welcomed you into the crowded living room. “Y/N! Camille! You’re here!” He drunkenly shouted, making both you and your best friend laugh. “Hey, Yoongi! How’s it going?” You asked him, having to talk directly into his ear to be heard over the music. 
“Great! Let’s get you girls some drinks though! Have whatever’s in my fridge ‘cause I love you guys and if you run out of booze, come see me.” He walked you both to the kitchen with his arms around your shoulders. 
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary Yoongi, but thank you anyway.” Camille said, giving Yoongi a kiss on his cheek. You did as Yoongi said and helped yourself to whatever closed, untouched beverage caught your eye in Yoongi’s fridge and once you felt just tipsy enough, you and Camille hit the makeshift dance floor and grabbed everyone’s attention as usual. After a few more songs and a few more drinks you were feeling a bit beat and suddenly wanted a place to lay down that was quieter. Seeing as you were separated from Camille and weren’t in the position to use the best judgement right now, you decided to travel upstairs and find a nice bed to fall into for the time being.
You stumbled through the wide hallways of the house and settled on the third door on the left. You swung the door open, laid eyes on the large freshly made bed and prepared to flop belly first on top of it, but you noticed a person sitting in an armchair near the window. You straightened yourself up as much as you could at the sight to realize it was Jungkook. 
“Hi.” Your hoarse voice spoke quietly.
He wore an expression of pleasant surprise and cleared his throat before speaking. “Hi.”
You shook your head in embarrassment and scrambled for an excuse. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be in here. Yoongi usually says the second floor is off limits.” 
“Then why are you here?” He asks playfully. 
“We’re good friends and I thought he wouldn’t mind.” You play off innocently. “Why are you here?”
“Same.” Is all he said before a silence came over the two of you.
“Well, sorry again. I’ll just go.” You go to leave, but Jungkook stands and reaches in your direction.
“Wait!” He said. You step back into the room again and face him. “Stay.” He said hopefully.
“Why should I do that?” 
“Because these parties are not my style and I could use someone to talk to.” He settled with a smile. The pull you felt for him was making itself known and at this point you couldn’t leave now even if you wanted to. 
“Okay.” You shut the door, make your way to the bed and face him. Once you were closer to him, you got a proper whiff of his scent. There was the pleasant waft of fabric softener and his expensive cologne, but the coaxing aroma of cedarwood and lavender practically called to you in a refreshing and comforting way. You couldn’t for the life of you begin to understand the feeling, but if being this close to Jungkook brought it on, then that’s what you would do. 
“So, if these parties aren’t your style then why do you always come to them?” You ask curiously. 
He sat back down in his chair and took a swig from his beer. “Because my friends come and I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night.” He flashed his bright, perfect teeth and you let out a nervous giggle. 
“Seriously?” You asked, not knowing whether you believed that answer. “You’re not even with them, you’re in here by yourself.” His smile slowly morphed into a thoughtful line and he let his head fall to stare at his fidgeting fingers in his lap. 
“There was no one there that I wanted to see.” He said quietly. 
“But there was someone up here that you wanted to see?” You said sarcastically with a laugh.
“Well there wasn’t before, but there is now.” He looked up with a timid smile and your breath caught in your throat for a split second. You cleared your throat and decided to change the subject due to how warm your insides suddenly became. He doesn’t seem all that bad, maybe you should actually get to know this guy.
“So, while we’re here, avoiding the rest of the world, maybe we could...get to know each other better. I feel like we barely talk.” You offered, following through with Camille’s request. You were suddenly aware of how heavy your head was. Your weighted eyelids dropped and the world went dark before Jungkook was suddenly back in your sight once more, looking pleased with your previous words. It was obvious you were still pretty intoxicated and needed to carefully monitor what came out of your mouth.
“Um, okay. Yeah, uh...what kind of music are you into?” He laughed at his own question, probably thinking it wasn’t interesting enough. But music happened to be your favorite thing to talk about.
“Oh, I listen to everything. I am lacking a little country and heavy metal on my playlist, but I’m sure it’ll pop up sooner or later.” You shrugged.
“So you’re, like, legit.” He gathered his thoughts aloud. 
“As legit as they come.” You responded, earning a laugh from Jungkook. The sound was enough to warm your insides ten fold. The two of you went from one topic to the next, sharing your likes and dislikes. You were being respectful of each other's opinions, but the playfulness was still in full effect. Jungkook even moved from his chair and joined you on the bed to sit beside you so that your knees were touching and your legs dangled over the side. 
“You can’t honestly sit here and tell me that Far Cry: Primal is better than Far Cry: New Dawn.” You accused, genuinely shocked. 
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.” He defended. 
“Well—No! Just no. New Dawn’s gameplay and story is so much better.” 
“That is a lie and I won’t stand for it.” He crossed his arms and put on his most serious face. 
“Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?” You bated him, leaning forward so that your faces were closer than before. You couldn’t justify your actions, not hardly. All you could think about was Jungkook’s irresistible scent filling your nostrils this entire time and clouding your judgement. Along with the alcohol of course. 
Jungkook’s eyes flickered with understanding of your new intentions and his eyes moved back and forth from your lips to your alluring eyes before he too shortened the distance between you. He reached out to cup your cheek and you instinctively leaned into the warmth of his hand. He guided your mouth to his and it felt like a flame was ignited inside of you when your lips touched. Both of you released small moans of pleasure while exploring each other’s mouths. Hands began to wander and you could feel Jungkook guiding you onto your back as he climbed on top of you, your lips still connected. You ran your fingers through his soft hair and let out a whimper when he began to suck on the skin beneath your ear. 
His hand glided up your torso and stopped carefully over your breast. He lifted his head from your neck to look into your eyes. “Is this okay?” He asked barely above a whisper. You quickly nodded your heavy head. You had never experienced anything like this, but it felt good and natural so who were you to refuse? You had to admit you were pretty excited about how this night was turning out. 
Jungkook continued to fondle your breasts through your shirt and kiss you breathless, the two of you slowly grinding into each other all the while, legs tangled together. Your skirt riding up as you ground your heat into his jean clad thigh, instinctively seeking your own pleasure from him. To your disappointment, Jungkook pulled away to press his sultry lips to your exposed torso while making meaningful, heated eye contact with you. As if he were asking permission to keep going lower. You didn’t need any convincing. Jungkook was so intoxicating and you were so turned on that you didn’t want to say no to him. You wanted to experience what all your friends already have and spoke so highly of so you nodded at his silent request. 
He only looked back down and rolled your skirt up to your waist in response, revealing your black joe boxer panties. He caressed your thighs before gently pushing the fabric to the side, his breath wafting over your core and sending a chill up your spine. He spares one more heated glance at your eyes before licking a delicate stripe against your clit causing your breath to hitch and your body to jerk slightly. 
“You taste so good.” He suddenly rasped. All you could do was nervously giggle and cover your face out of embarrassment. His kisses and licks against your sensitive clit turned rougher and more driven so that your back was arched and your hands were fisting the sheets of the bed. 
You were a moaning mess at his mercy and your head swam with alcohol and the pure bliss that came from Jungkook’s mouth. The feeling of flying. He suddenly inserted a finger inside of you, only adding to the white heat surging through your veins right now. You instantly place your hand on his head and give his shiny hair a gracious tug. He then moans into your clit at the feeling making you lose it even more. 
He adds a second finger and moves his hand even faster while he continues to eat you out like a man possessed. “Oh, f—sss. Jungkook.” You whined, feeling your abdomen and your muscles tighten around Jungkook’s fingers. You knew your orgasm was fast approaching and you were desperate for Jungkook to give you what you needed.
The pleasure Jungkook was giving you was too good to be true. This was the kind of thing you only thought you could experience with your future mate. Your eyes suddenly shot open and you were thrown out of your euphoric stupor. You shouldn’t have let this happen, you should have been strong enough to resist temptation to save yourself for your soulmate. 
But it was too late, your orgasm slammed into you with a force that knocked the wind out of you. You forgot how to breathe and your whole body tensed with violent waves of pleasure. You let out a broken cry and unknowingly clamped your legs around Jungkook’s head, who was still very persistent in his actions, hands and tongue never letting up through your orgasm. You had to pry him off of you once you got too sensitive to take it anymore. 
“Jungkook, stop, stop, stop, stop.” He finally got the message and sat up again. Your juices covering his mouth and chin, which he wiped away slowly and smeared on his jeans. You both attempt to catch your breath, you especially, before you wordlessly adjust your panties and fix your skirt. You then positioned yourself at the edge of the bed beside Jungkook as you were before.
An awkward silence hung between you before Jungkook spoke. 
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked, looking down. Your head whipped in his direction at the query.
“What? No! No. That was...amazing. I just..I guess I just wasn’t expecting all that. It was my first time.” And you’re human. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought...we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He reassured you. You let out a heavy sigh and grind your teeth at his words.
“Thanks, but...I don’t think we should do that anymore. Or anything like that.” You all-but whispered. His eyebrows furrowed and his head cocked to the side in confusion. 
“Wait, w-why? I thought—” 
Because, sadly, you’re not my mate!
“I just think maybe we might be better off as friends. I’m really sorry about this.” You said as you hopped off of the bed and put your shoes on while he sat frozen in one position. You place your hand on the door handle and open it before stopping and risking looking back at him in this state.
Not knowing what else to say, you said “I’ll uh, see you in class on Monday. Bye” and closed the door swiftly, scurrying down the stairs and rejoined the party. 
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Monday came sooner than you had hoped and you weren’t ready to face Jungkook. You met up with Camille for lunch in between classes at the café. While you ate, you kept thinking about how you would have to man up and soon because you spotted Jungkook enter the café and without meaning to, you locked eyes with him. You froze, but held eye contact out of fear. Whatever he did next, you deserved for what you did last night, you thought. To your immense surprise, Jungkook dropped his permanently cold gaze, smiled a friendly smile and waved at you. You didn’t waste anytime smiling and waving back, hoping that last night wouldn’t get in the way of your friendship. 
He made his way to the register and ordered. He leaned against the wall of the waiting area and pulled out his phone in the meantime. He’s keeping his distance, that makes sense, you thought whilst checking him out. While you eye his figure from across the room, you didn’t notice your best friend eyeing you from across the table. You only had eyes for him in that moment. You didn’t try to conceal your staring even as he made his way to the exit. He smiled and nodded in your direction again on his way out and you smiled sweetly back. 
“Okay, did something happen between you two or am I blind? ‘Cause I know it’s not the last one.” Camille asked eagerly. “And where did you run off to during the party? I never asked.” 
You snapped out of it and faced her once again. “Well, I got to know J.K. like you said.”
“J.K.?! Are you guys on a nickname basis now?” She exclaimed frantically. You glared at her, sending her a message to lower her voice. 
“Yes, he said I could call him that. We met up in one of the bedrooms at the party and we talked. Turns out you’re right, he’s not so bad.” A warm smirk graced your face at the memory of your conversations.
“I. Fucking. Told. You. Don’t forget to thank me at the wedding. Never mind, I most definitely will be thanking myself. No need to worry.” Camille babbled. 
“Well, you don’t need to worry because I ruined it before it could even be…an it.” You frowned, aimlessly pushing your salad around with your fork. 
“You wanna tell me what you did this time?” Your best friend rolled her eyes at you from across the table.
“We may have kissed—” 
“You did what?!” 
“Calm down and let me finish!” You whisper-yelled causing her to attempt to gather herself.
“We talked and then we kissed and then we were on the bed and...he may have eaten me out.” You say that last bit at a slightly lower volume.
“WHAT?!” Camille shouts, causing almost every head in the café to turn to her. “Camille, you need to calm down, okay?” You say, not actually giving her a choice this time. 
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, but what?!” 
“Yeah, that happened and it was amazing, but it didn’t exactly end well.” 
“Why? Did he...did he try to force you?” Camille leaned in. Her voice was definitely lowered now.
“No, nothing like that. He was sweet. I just—I ended up leaving because...it didn’t feel totally right. I mean it felt right, I just, I got the feeling that he wasn’t the one.” 
“So you gave up good sex? Boyfriend or not, anyone would kill to have their first time with that guy. Especially that Crystal chick that’s obsessed with him.” The thought of Jungkook with another girl sent a pang of anger through you, but you wouldn’t let Camille see that. It was over, you didn’t belong together.
“Yeah, well no one said anything about murder. Anyway, I backed out, it’s fine. I’ll find my soulmate someday, I’m destined to.” Literally.
“Hey, well if you’re good, I’m good. Now quiz me. I have an exam later.”
Thanks to your encounter with Jungkook, your following class was a lot less awkward than you thought it would be, but you felt the need to apologize one more time.
When class was over, you told Camille to leave without you and you waited outside for him. 
“Jungkook.” You called when you saw his mop of hair leave the classroom among the other heads. His eyes found yours instantly and he approached you.
“Hey, Y/N. How’s it goin’?” He asked with a sunny disposition that you could see right through, now that you were face to face.
“I’m good. How about you?” 
“I can’t complain.”
You nodded, looking for the words to say. “I just wanted to apologize again for Saturday. And thank you for not treating me like dirt today. I really shouldn’t have done any of that.”
He laughed lightly. “It’s all good Y/N. No hard feelings. You just know what you want and if you only want to be friends then that works for me. I think you’re a great girl and I just wanna know you.” He admitted genuinely. You were touched, but you were almost bothered by how okay he was with everything.
“That’s really sweet J.K. Thanks. I’ll, uh, see you around then.”
“See ya.”
Well that was way too easy.
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Despite all of your attempts to expel your Jungkook from your thoughts, the boy and his sinful mouth wouldn’t leave your mind. You begin to wonder if you’ve made a mistake with the whole friends thing and it seems there was only one thing left to do. Finally you decided to hunker down and call your mom.
“Hey, sweetie! How are you?” Her bell-like voice flowed into your headphones.
“I’m good, I think. I just called ‘cause I have a question. About our kind.” 
“Oh, I’m all ears, shoot.”
“H-how do you know you’ve found your mate?” You sputter the sentence quickly, hoping you wouldn’t have to repeat it. 
“Oh, honey. Are you seeing someone? And you didn’t tell me?”
“No, mother. It was just a question. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Mmhmm. Tell me about him first, then I’ll answer.” You sighed, realizing you had no choice.
“He’s really nice, and funny and good looking.” Your mother giggled over the phone. “But we only shared a moment. I promise, it’s nothing major. That’s my issue.” 
“Well, it’s not easy to put into words, but I’ll try. It’s like realizing everything you’ve done has led up to that moment. The moment you meet. It’s like gravity is pulling you towards that person, but you do go willingly to them. All you can see is that person and you would do or be anything that they needed you to be.” This all sounded familiar, but there was one thing missing. 
“And they definitely have to be a werewolf too, right?” 
“Of course, you know that. And sometimes you can’t even tell they’re your mate unless you meet their wolf. It’s rare and stupid, but I’ve heard stories and I don’t make the rules.” You laugh at her word vomit and continue to catch up properly. 
“Things have been just a little stressful over here, but nothing I can’t handle.” You told her.
“Well when’s the last time you stretched your legs?” You tried to think back to the last time you actually let your wolf roam free and you couldn’t remember. “I don’t even know.” 
“Well, do! Go down to that creek we found the last time we visited and just run, but make sure no one sees you.” 
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks mom.”
“Of course, sweetie. I love you.”
“Love you, too. Night.”
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You finally found time in your hectic schedule to get away to the woods near the creek you talked about with your mom. You told Camille you were visiting your family last minute so you wouldn’t be back until Sunday afternoon, giving you a solid day and a half to yourself and getting back in touch with your inner animal. You parked your car on the outskirts of the woods, grabbed your backpack full of clothes and necessities and made your way into the trees. 
You found a good spot deep enough into the thicket and far enough away from the trail that you were sure you wouldn’t be seen by humans. You hid your backpack in a few bushes and readied yourself for the transformation. 
Even though it’s been quite a while it’s like your wolf knew exactly what to do and you were a light gray, seven foot tall werewolf in no time. You could smell all the scents in the forest. You could hear the trees and the moving water from the creek. But you couldn’t hear any people nearby so you knew it was time to start running. 
You dug your paws into the soft ground, admiring the natural earth before dashing off into the woodland. You felt free of all the worries you came here with and found yourself forgetting all about midterms and professors and projects and you could just be yourself. 
You suddenly stopped on a dime when a familiar scent caressed your nose. Cedarwood and lavender. It was extremely potent and had the collective smell of the forest woven into it, making it one hundred times more appealing. Without your permission, you immediately took off in pursuit of the scent and knew that you wouldn’t stop until you found it. It was calling to you after all, you felt you couldn’t ignore it. 
The closer you got to it, you could hear another set of paws pounding at the earth moving with the same urgency as yours. You thought to stop out of fear of making an enemy, but it wasn’t up to you. You had no free will at this point, your wolf had to find the source of this scent. 
Your body finally stopped when you came to a clearing, face to face with another wolf. It was dark brown and slightly taller than you. Your body immediately makes itself slightly smaller from the amount of confidence that exudes from the dignified looking wolf. He must be his pack’s alpha, you thought. You both stared at each other from across the clearing and that’s when it happened. The words of your mom from before flood your mind at the sight of the brown wolf in front of you. He’s the one, you thought. Once again your feet begin to carry you to him without much thought and the brown wolf does the same. 
You meet in the middle and neither of you hesitate to get familiar with each other’s scents and nuzzle the other, marking each other with that scent as well. You continued this show of affection with your new mate, rejoicing in the fact that the wait was over and you’ve finally found the one you're destined to be with for the rest of your life. 
You are interrupted when you feel a large, wet tongue run up the side of your face. You open your eyes to see your mate with his front legs stretched out in front of him with his bum in the air and his tail wagging back and forth quickly. You understand that he wants to play and you assume the same position, waiting for his next move. Seeing this, he took off into the woods and you instantly chased after him. 
It took longer than you were proud to admit, but you finally got close enough to tackle him to the ground and the two of you sparred playfully, rolling around on the ground and pinning and nipping at each other. You both carried on like this; chasing, playing and nuzzling until the sun went down and came up again and you tiredly walked back to your backpack in the bushes with the brown wolf on your heels. 
Just as you reached your belongings, you heard the footsteps and voices of two hikers. Without thinking, you took off into the forest, as did your mate, but in the opposite direction. You made sure you couldn’t be seen by the hikers and watched as they walked by. But you knew even though they were gone, it was dangerous to be back out in the open at this time. Two humans was enough to cut your roaming time short. Your mate obviously had the same thoughts as you couldn’t smell his scent nearby anymore. 
You shifted back into your human form and got dressed in the bush. Cursing those hikers for scaring your mate off, you got in your car and headed back to campus. You didn’t know when you were going to see him again. The thought depressed you, but you promised to be back next weekend at the same time and tried to stay positive as always. “Back to writing papers and dealing with dealing with dickheads again.” You lamented. 
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As if this week couldn’t get any worse, Camille was sick; meaning you would have  go to class and eat lunch and dinner alone, and Jungkook is no longer answering your text messages. He decided you were a shitty person after all, you thought on your way to the local café for your lunch break. As you approach the wall length windows of the café you can see Jungkook sitting at a table right against it with Crystal. Well, there’s your answer right there, you thought venomously. You stop and just watch the two, wondering why this was such a devastating sight when you’re not mated to Jungkook and you’re the one who made him look ridiculous. 
As you were standing there looking like a total weirdo and feeling sorry for yourself, Crystal reached across the table to cup the cheek of an oblivious Jungkook and kissed him on the lips. Your eyes widened in horror and your jaw dropped. The betrayal, no matter how unworthy you were of it, felt like it speared a hole through your chest. You didn’t understand why you were ready to collapse in complete agony over someone who didn’t belong to you, but regardless it felt like he ripped your heart out and stomped it into the ground in front of you. 
Jungkook pulled away almost immediately with a look of disgust on his face and turned to face you instantly, as if he knew you were there. You locked eyes with a stunned Jungkook and took off without a second glance. This was awkward enough, you didn’t need to confront the situation. 
Without warning you begin to feel this crippling guilt and anxiety, even though you didn’t do anything wrong. At least you didn’t think so. You’re distracted by your sudden rush of emotions when you hear Jungkook call your name from behind you. You glance at his desperate, running form before facing forward and continuing on your way. Wherever that was, you didn’t exactly know yet. 
He was faster than you thought because in the next second he had his hand on your shoulder and was turning you to face him. 
“Y/N! Wait, just wait a second. Let me explain okay?”
“Why? What do you have to explain to me? We’re not together.” You finally admit.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side and squints his eyes in confusion. “How can you...do you not remember?” He asks desperately, needing an answer.
“Remember what? The party? Yeah, all too well.” You say ashamedly.
“No.” He said firmly before thinking aloud. “Was that not you?” He nearly whispered. With your enhanced hearing, you heard clear as day. 
“Was what not me?” You were starting to get a little annoyed now.
“Do you not feel that? That pull?” 
You look at him, floored. “How do you know about that?”
“Have you had any emotions that weren’t yours recently? Strange feelings at least? I have. I could, I could sense you back there—”
“Okay, what? How do you know that?” You asked, getting overwhelmed. There’s only one way he would know a thing like that, but it couldn’t be. 
You allowed him to slowly lean in and take an audible sniff at your neck. “You still have my scent from Saturday.” He said in a satisfied tone of voice, causing you to freeze. 
He continued. “And oranges and rosemary.” Another sniff. “And red oak.” It was all starting to make sense. Lavender and cedarwood. You could suddenly smell it all over him, igniting all your senses. He pulled back so he could look you in the eyes deliberately. 
You looked back with a new fire behind your eyes. You were too blinded by anger to realize that your mate was standing right in front of you. “I knew it was you.” You said softly before throwing yourself into his arms. He laughed freely, wrapping you in his strong arms. 
“You had me doubting myself for a moment.” He said into your neck.
“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” You pull him into a heated kiss to seal the deal of officially finding your mate and it feels like nothing you’ve ever felt before. But then you’re reminded of why you were in a mood to begin with. You part from Jungkook and slap his shoulder.
“Why didn’t you answer my messages? I thought you were mad at me.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket to show you. “I got a new phone. My contacts didn’t transfer and I wanted to talk to you in person after this past weekend. Took me all of Sunday to put it together, but I finally figured it out. Thank god one of us did.” He said teasing you. You slapped his arm once again. “I wanted it to be more romantic than this obviously, but I guess we can thank Crystal for that.” He said looking up apologetically. 
“Don’t worry about that, if she tries it again I can handle her.” 
“Then let’s get out of here, boss.” He wraps an arm around your shoulders and walks back in the direction of the café.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Okay, my sweetest darling.” He replies.
You cringe before you speak again. “Better, I suppose.”
He laughs loudly. “I could get used to this.”
“Oh, spirits, What have you gotten me into?” You ask the sky jokingly. 
You enter the café and Crystal is still sitting and waiting patiently in the same spot. Her eyebrows raise at the sight of his arm around your shoulders. 
Jungkook stands in front of the table and reaches for his wallet while Crystal watches attentively. Jungkook put some money on the table, said goodbye and the two of you left the café once more. You could see her wide eyes and embarrassed, flushed cheeks through the window as you walked away. Jungkook didn’t look back and that brought an impressed and touched smile to your face. 
“I’m thinking this calls for a celebration. What do you say to skipping class for the rest of the day?” He asked, placing a kiss on your cheek for...incentive?
You think about it. You only have one more class left, Camille wasn’t here to tell you not to and this was pretty worthy of celebration. You finally found your soulmate and you absolutely adore them. It was a good enough occasion for you. “You know what? Fuck it. Let’s skip.” You say with a huge carefree smile. “Whoo!” Jungkook howls with excitement. 
“Alright my lady. How about I actually take you to a way better lunch than the local café?”
“Like on our first date?” You ask sheepishly.
“Exactly.” He says, stopping in front of you on the sidewalk. “Y/N, will you go on a date with me?” 
“I mean, I don’t know. I just saw you kissing some other girl, what’s that about?” You fake cringe. Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes. 
“Please don’t do this to me.” He begged, making you laugh.
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you.” You grabbed his hand and you both took off in search of a restaurant that suited both your tastes.
He took you to an Italian restaurant nearby, which happened to be your favorite. “Oh, yeah, Jimin told me you liked it once.” Jungkook said when you mentioned it. You laughed at how naïve you’ve been these past few weeks.
“I still can’t believe our friends really tried to set us up together.” You laughed across the table from him as you waited for your food to come. 
“Haha, yeah, I guess they knew something we didn’t. Man, we really were late to the party.” 
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The following three weeks consisted of you and Jungkook making up for lost time and spending time with each other as much as you possibly could. You found out that Jungkook is actually the alpha of his pack, which includes his room mates, Hoseok and Taehyung. They weren’t psyched you were stealing Jungkook away from them all the time, but it was necessary. It made for a true honeymoon phase as your wolves craved the presence of their mate constantly. 
You got excited when he invited you anywhere, both of you knowing that you would always accept. This was partly because your wolves desperately wanted to mate with each other and that fact made you incredibly nervous at times. Thankfully, no matter what form you were in, there was nothing forcing you to do anything, but the feeling would always be there, especially when you were together. 
Despite a close call in your dorm room, you both had gotten pretty good at ignoring it as you weren’t ready for that step and Jungkook was perfectly fine with waiting. You figured it would happen when it was supposed to and when it did, it would be perfect because every experience with Jungkook was. You just wanted to spend as much time as you could together before the semester ended. 
As you both had a test coming up, Jungkook invited you to his campus apartment to study. You jumped at the opportunity to spend the day with him and get some extra help in the course. You both sprawled all your materials on his king sized bed, that you were incredibly jealous of, and sat on opposite ends just focusing on your respective flash cards. 
Both of you would ask the occasional clarifying question or make a joke to break up the tension in the room. You were always comfortable with your mate and vice versa, but the air had taken on a fervent energy that you both noticed. After a while, you began to sweat slightly even though the temperature in the room was perfectly cool. Your eyes glance up at him and away again; you wonder if hanging with Jungkook in his room with his perfectly comfortable bed was the right way to go, especially after what happened last time. Jungkook cleared his throat, getting your attention, which was laser focused on the notebook in front of you to avoid thinking about him taking you on this bed.
“What do you say to a little study break? I’m starting to get a little burnt out over here.” He offered, fanning himself with his shirt. 
“Oh, yeah, me too.” You agreed.
“I’m gonna break out those snacks you brought.” He said getting up and walking to his desk where you left them, stealing a kiss on your cheek on his way there. You smile down at your lap as your heart skips a beat. His sweet behavior still gets a reaction out of you even after all this time spent together and you relished every moment of it. 
Jungkook fetched some chips and candy for the two of you and sat in front of you tailor style. You talk about school and make plans for next weekend when Jungkook leaned forward and placed a kiss on your lips. You felt your body temperature rise and that intense need that you’d grown so familiar with in the past few weeks appeared again with a new ferocity. 
Your body leaned right back into his and you savored the kiss before cutting it short, not wanting to lose control. You dropped your head and shook it apologetically. He rubbed your arm comfortingly and gently grasped your chin in his hand, tilting it up to look into your eyes. “Hey, it’s okay.” He uttered.
You look back into his dark brown eyes, wondering what you did to deserve a mate like Jungkook. How blessed you were to end up with someone as generous, charming, respectful, caring, sexy and talented as him. He never failed to act like a complete gentleman towards you and always let you know just how much he loved you, whether it was through words or eye contact or the way he caressed you. 
You wanted to show him how much you appreciate him, how much you were legitimately dedicated to him and that you wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of your life just as he has. You wanted to show him how much you truly care for him, how much you understand and value what he has to say, how much you love him. You wanted to show him how good he made you feel that first night at Yoongi’s party.
But you allowed your inexperience and fear of the actual event to hold you back from this stage in your relationship that you both obviously wanted. Why am I so afraid? You thought to yourself. Still lost in Jungkook’s eyes and his touch, your need for him was bordering on feral and growing stronger by the second due to the close proximity. 
What am I afraid of? We’re literally destined to be together, we both love each other, we’re basically mated for life anyway. Why not make it official? Your thoughts raced around in your head as your eyes fixated on Junkook’s soft lips and your body subconsciously inched closer to his. Your breaths were becoming heavier and more noticeable with the silence in the room.
Something in your mind clicked and you were on him in a second, wrapping your arms around his neck and feeling his lips on yours again. Jungkook obviously had zero complaints as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and returned your less than gentle attack on his lips with just as much passion. You climbed into his lap, your body seemingly on autopilot as you rocked your hips back and forth on top of him slowly causing Jungkook to grunt into your mouth. He lets out a small moan when your mouth finds his jaw and travels down to the side of his neck. Without warning, your canines extended and grazed Jungkook’s skin; a sign that your wolf was ready to claim him as yours for life. 
You realized what you had almost done when Jungkook separated your mouth from his neck and looked into your eyes carefully, searching for any traces of regret most-likely. 
“I’m so sorry,” You rasped out. “I didn’t know I was—” 
“It’s okay.” Your mate assured you, placing a hand on your cheek and rubbing his thumb against it tenderly. “It’s more than alright. I just...Is this what you want?” 
You nod firmly. “I love you, Jungkook. I want this.” You said softly, playing with the silky hair at the nape of his neck. He nods, searching your eyes for doubts for the last time then you were kissing again. This time, you had no intentions of stopping. Jungkook clumsily pushed all of your notes and materials off of the bed with one hand before helping you to straddle him as he lay down at the head of the bed. 
“Oh, I love you too.” He added quickly against your neck. You giggle at the insertion and grab his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. 
“I know, dummy.” You whisper gingerly before pressing your lips to his, hoping that he could sense the passion and desire you felt for him in this moment. He smiled fondly against your lips and got to work on your shirt and bra, vocally praising your body all the while. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” He muttered into your skin, hands caressing your entire body. 
You get rid of his offending shirt and toss it behind you without a care in the world as Jungkook’s six pack has stolen all of your attention. As your hands explored the expanses of his newly exposed body, your feral nature returned. You and your mouth made the leisurely trip from his neck to his navel, gladly eliciting the occasional moan from Jungkook. 
When you reached your destination, you helped him remove his pants. But before you could attempt to take off his boxers, he flipped you so that he was on top and immediately began planting kisses all over your body making you squirm in the best way. 
“Jungkook, please.” You whine after he removes your bottoms. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna make you feel good.” He breathed directly onto your center, causing you to shudder slightly. Your underwear joined the graveyard of clothes littering the hardwood floor when Jungkook spread your lips and lightly ran his tongue along your clit. You couldn’t help, but gasp and twitch at the brief spark of electricity that his actions brought. He held your thighs open to accommodate his head while holding your hips down right before dragging his tongue against your clit in a much more aggressive manner. 
Your hand instantly covered your mouth out of shocking pleasure. “Oh, fuck.” You mumbled against it. Your eyelids slowly fluttered closed as Jungkook continued to lap at your clit vigorously. It got harder to breathe as he carried on, pulling all kinds of sounds from you, both human and nonhuman. You finally thread your fingers through his now sweaty hair and grip it so that you could properly grind into his face. You could feel his extended canines grazing your flesh occasionally and the idea turned you on further.
“Oh my God, yes, Jungkook.” You moaned, sensing that your climax was well on it’s way. He suddenly slid a finger inside of you, grazing your g-spot, causing your back to arch immediately. “Oh my God, just like that.” You groaned as He inserted another long, thick finger into you, scissoring them this time. 
“Oh, that feels so good, please don’t stop, baby. Please make me cum.” You babbled in your lust filled stupor, hoping that sweet release would come soon. Jungkook focused on finding your g-spot repeatedly and never letting up on your clit, his face was literally buried in your pussy as if he didn’t need air to breathe. The sight in itself was enough to set you off. Your legs shook as you silently came all over your mates face. 
When it got to be too much you finally let go of the breath you were holding and let out a short shriek. Jungkook finally came up for air, continuing to scissor his fingers inside of you to make sure you would be stretched enough for him. He kissed you immediately, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue and lips, but you didn’t mind one bit. 
He separated himself and withdrew his fingers from you to remove his own underwear and find a condom. As he made his way back to you, you sat up and reached for his hard member in your second attempt to pleasure him, but you were pushed back on the bed for Jungkook to situate himself in between your legs. 
He took your chin in between his fingers and stared deeply into your eyes keenly. “We got the rest of our lives for that, but right now, I need to be inside of you.” He growled from deep within his chest, sending even more wetness between your legs. You only nodded showing you understood, sensing that Jungkook was in Alpha mode and just submitted yourself to him, allowing him to do what he wanted to you. 
He brought you closer to him, kissing you breathless while lining himself up at your entrance. 
“Are you ready?” He asked, making heated eye contact, his hand supporting the back of your neck to keep your foreheads pressed together.
“Yes.” You whispered with no hesitation at all. Jungkook inserted himself into you slowly, savoring the divine feeling of your velvety walls wrapped tightly around his cock. You on the other hand were trying not to let it show how much pain you were in. You felt every inch of him stretch you out, but the kisses that Jungkook peppered all over your face distracted from the pain. 
“You okay?” He panted, placing a kiss on your ear. 
“Yeah.” You decided after the pain dissipated. “Why do you have to be so big?” 
“That’s just what the spirits blessed me with, babe.” He laughed. 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You breathed seductively, reaching down and grabbing his bare ass in your hands, pushing him into you at the new found pleasure. 
You both let out a satisfied grunt and Jungkook continues fucking you at a slow pace, both of you savoring the moment for as long as possible before you both grow impatient and frankly ravenous. 
Jungkook kneeled upright on the bed, his muscles rippling and covered in a sheen of sweat, his face contorted in pleasure above you. He guided you onto his cock at a rapid pace with his strong arms and hands gripping you at the waist, sure to make bruises in the near future. You couldn’t care less about the rest of the world around you, let alone bruises as you stare up at the glorious man above you in awe and adoration. You were both grunting and growling as you chased your highs together. Your inner wolves are nearly satiated from all these weeks of torture, it was so close you could taste it.
“Fuck, Jungkook, I think I’m gonna cum.” You rasp as you fist his sheets so hard that you think you heard a tear. 
He bends down to your ear and growls, “Let go, baby. Come for me. Only for me.” in the most beautifully fucked out voice you’d ever heard and you were seeing stars. You held his waist as close as possible to you with your legs and your eyes rolled back into your head at the amount of electricity running through your veins. In the midst of your mind shattering orgasm, Jungkook attaches his mouth to your shoulder and bites you, marking you as his mate, adding to your pleasure. Your body shook uncontrollably and you could swear you saw white at one point. 
As you were coming down, Jungkook’s thrusts were getting dicey and irregular, giving you a sign that he was close. You grip his face and stare into his eyes passionately.
“That’s it, babe. You fucked me so good. Only you make me feel so good. Now come for me, baby. Give it all to me.” You whimpered.
“Ugh, fuck, Y/N!” He shouted. You felt his dick twitch inside of you and you bit him on the shoulder as he came inside the condom, causing him to groan loudly and gaining you some extra thrusts toward the end as he was coming down. 
The two of you go on to kiss all over each other’s lips, faces and necks lovingly in post-coital bliss until eventually he rolls off of you and you lay side by side under the shredded covers, just staring up at the ceiling. Or so you thought. You turn your head to find that Jungkook is staring at you and you turn to face him. 
“I love you.” He says genuinely with a wistful expression on his face. You reach your hand out to stroke his cheek with a warm smile on your face. 
“I know.” You say as your eyelids become heavy. You snuggle into him, wrapping your arms around him and preparing for the best nap of your life. “I love you too.”
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
complicated - part 2
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(theyre now all grown up and ben is so cute UGHHH i hope u all like this, the series is going to be interesting lolol) 
Word Count: 1,600
Years have now passed since the first day you met your new best friend. After high school, you had been searching for a roommate so you could finally move out and be the independent person you want to be. You mentioned the thought to Ben when he suddenly blurted out that he could be your roommate. 
“Are you sure?” you asked. “I don’t want to put that kind of pressure on you.” 
“Are you kidding me?” he asks with a big goofy grin on his face. “What better roommate to have than your own handsome best friend?” 
You laugh and roll your eyes at his cockiness. You think about it for a second more and agree. 
“Okay! I’m totally up for it. Two best friends rooming together. What’s the worst that can happen?” 
Well, there’s a few things that can happen. One of them being Ben bringing home random women and finding them half naked in your kitchen early in the morning - a morning like today. Your alarm for work had woken you up as you get up from bed and stretch. You yawn loudly as you throw on your robe and rub your eyes. You open your bedroom door and slowly make your way down the hallway and into the kitchen. You needed coffee ASAP. You notice the fridge open and assume it’s Ben rummaging around for food to eat. You chuckle to yourself and turn on the coffee pot. 
“If you want cereal, we need to go shopping for mi-” 
Before you can finish your sentence, a blonde haired woman stands up fast. She looks to you half startled as her eyes are wide. You’re taken aback as she steps back and you realize the only thing she has on is one of Ben’s shirts. She crosses her arms and looks you up and down, almost a rude glare in her eyes. 
“And you are?” she asks snarky. 
“I mean you’re the half naked one in my kitchen.” you bite back. 
You never liked the girls Ben brought back home with him. They were always so rude and almost jealous when you’ve greeted by them. You should be used to his random flings by now, but you’re not. Her eyes go wide by what you say. 
“You’re kitchen? This is Ben’s-” 
Before she can finish, in walks a half dressed Ben. He has on pajama pants and that’s all. He yawns before realizing the tensed stare down before him. The girl spots him and her face softens as she smiles. 
“Good morning, you.” she purrs as he walks in more. 
You give him a glare with a raised eyebrow. He gives you an ‘I’m sorry’ look with his big puppy dog eyes. 
“Y/n, this is Vanessa. Vanessa, y/n.” 
“His roommate.” you say slowly with a fake smile. 
Vanessa scowls as she looks back to Ben slightly confused. 
“You told me your roommate was a guy.” 
You laugh and try to hold it back, causing her to look at you fast with narrowed eyes. 
“Ashamed of me, are we, Ben?” you tease, causing his face to go slightly red. 
“What? No, I, um-” 
“You’re also breaking one of our rules.” you say as you scan his toned, shirtless body. 
“Rules are meant to be broken, right?” he teases as he looks to Vanessa. 
She smirks and runs her hand along his stomach. You roll your eyes and force yourself not to gag. 
“Not our rules, Ben. Wearing clothes at all times is definitely a rule we made.”
“Oh relax, y/n. I just woke up. Cut me some slack.” 
“Yeah,” says Vanessa. “Cut Benny some slack.” 
That’s the nickname only you can use for Ben and he knows it. He tenses up when he watches the look on your face. You tense your jaw and finally shrug.
“Okay, fine. If we’re all gonna be half dressed, then why can’t I?” 
And with that, you tear off your robe and fling your shirt off. Luckily you had your bra on. Vanessa glares at you as Ben’s mouth slightly falls open. His eyes scan you up and down and then he shakes his head fast. 
“Hey!” he shouts. 
You just shrug as you turn to pour yourself a cup of coffee. 
“Cut me some slack, Benny.” you mock back to him. 
You hear as Vanessa huffs and you smirk to yourself. 
“Do you want to go get some breakfast?” she asks him. 
You fight back a laugh at that question. You know Ben well and he’s not the type to go eat breakfast after a night with a girl. He’s the kind of guy to call them a cab and wish them well as they leave. Relationship isn’t a word in his vocabulary. You know where this is headed. 
“Oh, I really wish I could, but I have to go help y/n shop for some stuff.” 
Your eyes go wide as you spin around and glare at him. Vanessa knits her brows as she glances to you and then back to him. 
“Doesn’t she have, like, a boyfriend to go do that with?” 
“She does, but she needs help with a certain thing. It’s for her dolls.” he whispers.
You’re taking a sip of your coffee and nearly choke by that statement. 
“Her… what?” 
“Her dolls. She has a huge collection and is too embarrassed to tell Trent about them. Aren’t you, y/n?” 
You glare at him as you fake smile and look to Vanessa. It’s too late now. You might as well go along with it. You’ve officially won best friend of the century.
“Yes. My dolls. Love them dearly.” you say with the look of death in your eyes. 
“She needs a new dresser so she can put new ones on it. Right?” 
“Yep. And then I need to brush their hair. Ben likes to help me with that. Don’t you, Benny?” 
He narrows his eyes at you and then laughs it off as he shakes his head. 
“She’s so funny.” he says fast. 
Vanessa looks beyond confused and shakes her head. 
“Rain check on breakfast?” Ben asks with his sweet, charming smile.
Vanessa melts instantly and smiles back. 
“Sounds good.” 
She walks away and glances over to you as she walks to the bedroom to change back into her clothes. You’re stood in the kitchen as you lean against the counter and sip your coffee. Ben’s eyes are narrowed as he stares at you. 
“Will you please put your shirt back on?” he asks. 
You shrug and lower the cup from your face. 
“Will you put yours on?” 
“Do you always have to be such a nag?” he asks as he walks up and kisses the top of your head. 
You smile as he walks away and towards his room. 
“You love when I nag!” you call out. 
You hear Ben laugh. 
“True!” he calls out before the door shuts. 
You place the coffee down and throw your shirt back on. You make your way back to your room and get ready for work. You hurry to the bathroom and lock it before Ben tries to steal it away from you. You quickly shower and get dressed in your work uniform. You’re a waitress at a small diner in town. You throw your hair into a ponytail and exit the bathroom. Ben and Vanessa are walking towards the front door as he opens it. She reaches up and kisses him as she giggles from something he’s said. It makes your stomach turn. She glances your way and forces a smile. Ben turns and spots you as you smile back and wave your hand. 
“Bye, Veronica! I’ll tell my dolls good things about you.” 
She rolls her eyes and holds her purse close to her. 
“It’s Vanessa.” she shoots back. 
You continue smiling as you shake your head. 
“It doesn’t matter.” 
Ben finds himself holding a laugh back as he says goodbye and shuts the door. He turns around with the most apologetic look on his face. 
“I’m so sorry.” he says fast. 
“Benjamin, you broke another rule! You’re not supposed to use me when you’re blowing off your one nighters! Remember!?” 
“I do remember! I’m so sorry, but I just needed your help.” 
You roll your eyes and turn around to walk into your room.
“Dolls!? You use me to help you and you use dolls!? You’re actually evil.” 
Ben falls on your bed with a pleading look. 
“And you’re actually a saint. Please don’t be mad at me. I’ll do anything you want. Just name it.”
You have a mischievous look on your face as you begin thinking. 
“Hmmm, anything?” you ask with a tone that scares Ben. 
“Oh no.” he says as he sits up. 
You laugh at his expression. 
“You get to clean the bathroom for the rest of the week. And I mean the toilet and my shower hair balls.” 
Ben makes a dramatic gagging face and slowly nods his head. He looks defenseless. 
“Ugh… Deal.” he says quietly. 
You smirk as you grab your purse and look pleased with yourself. 
“Do you feel better now?” he asks standing up. 
You walk from your room and towards the front door. 
“Ya know what, I do.” you tell him with a smile. “I’m off to work. Oh, and Ben,” you say as you step out of the door and peer inside. 
His head lifts up at your questioning tone. 
“Keep your shirt on.” 
And with that, you shut the door, but not before you hear him call out. 
“You like it!” 
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oookaline · 4 years
A response to this tweet:
"ok. i’m bout to ask a question to the larries. yalls whole argument is that simon and modest are homophobic right? please explain to me how Harry got away with being such a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ community while being in One Direction? Why was harry the only one dropping hints on his sexuality. if they were so dead set on pushing this heterosexual narrative onto the boys then how did Harry get away with the things that he did? harry was dropping hints at his attraction to males. no, not with over analyzed song lyrics. i mean dead ass saying it. I genuinely want to know because Harry‘s been out of the closet for years now .y’all claim that Louis is closete. Harry managed to get out of the “evil clutches of Simon Cowell“ what stopping Louis and doing the same? unless this whole Larry theory was a lie and y’all were bored like, can someone please tell me why that happened? if Harry is allowed to be so open about his sexuality what stopping louis? if Harry got away from Simon would stopping in Louis they all have the same opportunity Harry may be the richest member but Louis can’t be that far back so tell me how did Harry manage to get away and be so open about his attraction of males and louis didn’t? i genuinely don’t get that."
Harry has been refering to his partner as gender neutral since forever, its not something he dropped hints on.
Not only that you have to also consider the narratives management pushed upon each of them aswell: Ima try to do a brief summary on H and Lou only, as this is reffered to Larries.
Louis: Perfect Boyfriend, a stable girlfriend throughout the years, influencer pretty girlfriend, no background on her so no backlash, constant papwalks on them and the occasional 'theyre toguether' tweets. Literally what it would be normalized as a happy relationship.
Harry: Fuck Boy, dated a lot of people, womaniser, headlines every week linking him to a new person, kendall, Taylor, Caroline etc, all big names yet all stunts, papwalks, 18 months of dating or interaction then never talked about again, the boy to wisk you away to a magical night then leave you the next morning.
Now taking these both you can see they are very different narratives, thus enabling them for two very distinctive ways to hinting at their sexuality with us.
Louis due to stunt reasons had to make his love songs (or his songs overall) seem like they hint at a specific girl, eleanor. Building up on the narrative they've had over the years. So while he can't directly call out his 'perfect woman' in gender neutral pronouns like Harry does, he CAN on the other hand choose what he specifies her as: a good chef, long brown hair paired with a british accent.
Very specific things that very obviously link to Harry while making press and hets think its towards Eleanor.
That one interview which didn't air where Louis said he had a boyfriend...
But this is just verbal. Lyric whise Louis has been more open and smart then anyone I've ever listened to-
The lyrics directly paralleling gay relationship, the struggles, the fear of not being able to be with them... Everything that a Heterosexual reletionship would NEVER experience. A few examples:
→Alive - One Direction (Louis) MM
"My mama told me I should go and get some therapy"
"I asked the doctor, "can you find out what is wrong with me? I don't know why I wanna be with every girl I meet"
"I can't control it"
"She said, "hey, it's alright Does it make you feel alive?"
"We got to live before we get older. Do what we like, we got nothing to lose. Shake off the weight of the world from your shoulders. Oh, we got nothing to prove"
"Went to a party just after the doctor talked to me, I met a girl, I took her in up to the balcony, I whispered something in her ear that I just can't repeat, She said, "okay" but she was worried what her friends will think"
This whole song is about questioning you sexuality and realizing you like the same sex.
Read over the lyrics and change:
girl - boy
she/her - he/him
and you'll see what I mean
→End Of The Day (Louis and Liam) MITAM
"Love can be frightening for sure"
"All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say, And you'll follow your heart even though it'll break, Sometimes"
"All I know at the end of the day is love who you love, There ain't no other way, If there's something I've learnt from a million mistakes, You're the one that I want at the end of the day"
"The priest thinks it's the devil, My mum thinks it's the flu, But girl it's only you"
"When the sun goes I know that you and me and everything will be alright, And when the city's sleeping, you and I can stay awake and keep on dreaming"
this whole song (apart from that one "girl") is just a huge gay awakening. If you keep the girl its a wlw anthem then.
some more exaples from scattered songs:
"There's a moment when you finally realize, There's no way you can change the rolling tide" -Ready To Run
"There will always be the kind that criticize, But I know, yes I know we'll be alright" -Ready To Run
"Told myself I kind of liked her, But there was something missing in her eyes" -Home
"I was stumbling, looking in the dark , With an empty heart, But you say you feel the same"-Home
"Still high with a little feeling, I see the smile as it starts to creep in, It was there, I saw it in your eyes" -Home
"But I know you're only hiding, And I just wanna see you" -Through The Dark
"And I can see your head is held in shame, But I just wanna see you smile again" -Through The Dark
"And I will hold you closer, Hope your heart is strong enough" -Through the dark
"People say we shouldn't be together, We're too young to know about forever" -TDKAU
"They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the "I love yous"-TDKAU
these are just some out of the many Louis wrote. You can see where I'm going with it now.
and im not even going to touch i to all the shading Louis did with his clothes, tattoos, actions etc...
Now, Harry 'got away' with those actions because of various reasons, but I wouldn't say that he got away, I'd call it more of a "You stop me from doing this we will get backlash for possible homophobia and then y'all lose money so suck it up fuckers we're going on a rainbow ride" which is true; Yes, Harry did always refer to his ideal partner in gender neutral forms, but during the rainbow direction project was when he really amped it up so he could always go with the casual "I'm just supporting my fans, there's no harm in that" when confronted about it, which includes him waving the flags around and all the other stuff.
But it also seems you all are forgetting about how along with all the Queer!Harry we got, we also got more and more headlines of Wom!Harry, more stunts and etc: 5 different official relationships (not counting Kendal twice, which would make 6) between late 2014-early 2016 ALSO NOT COUNTING RUMOURED GIRLFRIENDS which then would make the list go so much higher, Harry couldn't before and still can't hang out with WOMEN or else there will be rumours of them dating.
And this doesn't happen with Men :/ He can hang put with multiple men, and there probably will be barelly one and a half articles written about it -only by small outlets- which in comparison to when he is seen hanging our with a 'mysterious woman' we'll get hundreds of articles about it in a span of an hour.
So what I'm trying to say is that sadly he can still call his ideal partner a he and be seen kissing a guy that the media probably will focus on the chick on the background and write an article like "Harry Styles seen out with friends in LA and he seemed extra cozy with mysterious blonde".
But again, the same with Louis, he hints at us about his sexuality so much, be it us the only one who properly listens to him.
With his songs and the flags and the pins and everything.
Here's some of his lyrics from the Oned era:
"We were meant to be but a twist of fate, Made it so you had to walk away" -Happily
"I don't care what people say when we're together"-Happily
"I can't even think straight but I can tell, You were just with her"-JABOYL
"And nothing's ever easy, That's what they say"-JABOYL
"Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down, Right now I'm completely defenseless"-If I Could Fly
"I've got scars even though they can't always be seen, And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing"-If I Could Fly
"One day you'll come into my world and say it all, You say we'll be together even when you're lost"-Something Great
"I want you here with me, Like how I pictured it, So I don't have to keep imagining"-Something Great
"The script was written and I could not change a thing, I want to rip it all to shreds and start again"-Something Great
"You're all I want, So much it's hurting"-Something Great
So yeah, its sad that you just alienated that one thing without having context nor looking at the bigger picture. If I missed anything please tell me. :]
sorry for the long post
(copied from my answer on twitter)
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weiqiankun-blog · 5 years
beauty you hold.
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female reader x mark lee 
pretty frickin soft 
my first piece of writing so i do hope you enjoy reading it 
3k ish
You'll admit, working at a coffee shop had it's quirks but there were just sometimes when all you wanted to do was go home and just sleep cause after all you were an exhausted college student and lets just say times were...tough sometimes. You've been working at your local coffee shop for awhile now and youve made friends with the other workers keeping in mind that theyre all quite older than you but atleast you have one close friend who works with you, this of course being one of your bestfriend's yuta. When you first met yuta, you kinda thought he was a pushover and a bit too bossy (or atleats thats what you said to him when you were explaining why you didnt approach him when you guys first met but actually it was only cause you were too scared). But ANYWAY, you were first to start working at the coffee shop, its name being 'Euphoria Cafe' and once you saw the help wanted sign through the window you were probably the first to apply cause you loved that place. Need a place to study? Euphoria, Need a place to relax? Euphoria, Need a place to sometimes see a few cute boys from time to time?... Euphoria (hotel?trivago (sorry i just had to)) so yeah. you got the job obviously and it was difficult at first to get used to how to use all the machines and everything but eventually you got the hang of it. And this is when your (not yet) best friend yuta comes waltzing in as the newly hired worker and you were kinda nervous cause yeah sure you're good with making friends but that doesn’t change that fact that you're terrified of embarrassing yourself especially in front of someone you found intimating.
So your first day together was awkward to say the least, there were many glances on both ends and all you guys said to each other were hi's, sorry's, here ya go's, and bye's when you guys left eventually. The next day it was like something snapped inside of you and you were having a really good day and you were just happy for ledgit no reason but when you're in moods like this, you kind of forget how to act around people or not forget but it's just a lot more free? So when you come into work you see yuta just getting in as well, and out of nowhere you just shouted, " hey yuta!!! how's your day been, excited for work?!" and the shock on his face was priceless and he just turned around and said, "oh, hey y/n, its been good and yeah i guess you could say i am", and to be honest you were kinda surprised he knew your name cause you guys literally never talked before yesterday and today was the first actual conversation you guys were having so naturally you asked, " oh woah, you know my name?", " well yeah, you know my name so...", "good point good point". And that was the start of a beautiful friendship, you guys grew really close and pretty fast and what surprised you the most was how jokingly flirtatious he got and it was definitely a joke cause at this point in your friendship you guys have seen TOO MUCH (dont be weird not like that) of each other to catch any feelings. You guys came to work together almost every day with him basically clinging onto you cause he needs affection and you obviously giving him it cause um who could resist. So yeah life was nice other than the crazy amount of work you had to do for college but OTHER THAN THAT just great :(.
Well anyway (yes this is a mark fluff just waittt) after  few months of working there another employee joined and you recognized him almost instantly, he was in almost all of your classes but you guys barely talked, actually you guys only talked when you were forced to (partnered up and stuff). He wasnt in your shift but you always saw him leaving when you and yuta coming in. Eventually, mid-term break came along and yeah you were excited as hell but yuta was leaving to back to his hometown in japan so you would be pretty lonely. But then... you come into work one day not really being aware of your surroundings because you were too absorbed in your music but then when you walk in you see mark behind the counter not looking ready to leave at all so you said, "oh hi mark" (get the reference?) clear confusion coming out with your words and mark acknowledged it so he replied, " hey y/n, oh i asked if i could change my shift time because this works better for me so youll be seeing me for a while haha", " oh okay then i look forward to working with you", you say while nodding your head slightly. so mark right, you always liked him, not like crush sense but you thought he was cool you guess, and theres no denying that he was pretty cute but you never even had the idea of liking him until one day. So you come into work and suprisingly mark's not there he was usually early but you just thought oh he probably had something to do and didnt really care (#sorrynotsorry) but then in comes an extremely disheveled looking mark with messy hair and ripped jeans and a hoodie on and you were concerned to say the least. Thankfully no customers were in the shop yet and mark just runs to the counter panting and you genuinely think someone's been chasing him but he later explains he woke up like 2 minutes before he came to the coffee shop cause his phone ran out of battery hence alarm=nonexistent basically. That day you had a lot of customers and since you guys had to stay the entire day by the end of the day you were exhausted. When it was about an hour to closing mark just went on his break and it was just you in the shop because he just went for a walk which he regularly does for his break, something you noticed. but there werent many customers so you were okay but when you turned around to the register you saw a pink post-it saying: stay back today for a bit?. you already know mark wanted to just relax after work today and you guys had stayed back after work sometimes and you enjoyed it so you smiled and continued with the order for the customer. eventually he came back and you smiled and nodded and he smiled back and that just made you smile harder. so the day was finally over and you went to sit infront of the counter and took off your apron while mark was busy making something that you figured was his but when he was done you realized he had two drinks in his hand one being your favourite, a hot chocolate and one a berry smoothie. He placed the hot chocolate infront of you and you were like huh? and he said, “you drink this practically whenever you have the chance anyone would know it's your favourite". your heart kinda fluttered but you were like gurl dont be dumb staph but that didnt really stop much. you guys moved to the sofa after grabbing a few snacks (this was the main perk of getting the end shift cause you could stay back). You guys were facing each other and the windows were all still open blowing chilling air in and although you loved it you were cold and being the dumb one you are you forgot to bring a jacket so you shivered but you were fine after you closed the windows or so you thought for like two seconds and then you were like yeah no i be cold. "so care to explain why you came in looking like a wreck today" "so are you implying that i look good every other day" " well im not denying it.." you were always quite flirty with everyone unintentionally (sometimes intentionally) but mark kinda got used to it " i just slept really late yesterday and today wasnt the best" "i can tell but hey whats up?" "eh just stuff" "oh also ive been meaning to ask how long are you going to be working this shift?" "oh you want me to stay i see" "please, if anything the opposite" "mhmmm sure" he says with a smug look on his face, "well until your boyfriend comes back" you spat out your drink," my boyfriend?!" confusion was plastered on marks face and he said" yeah the guy you were working with before i came, yuta i think his name was?" you genuinely couldnt stop laughing until you eventually explained that he was just a bestfriend and you noticed a look of relief on his face? but pushed it aside. suddenly mark just got up and went to the back where you heard rummaging. after a few minutes mark came back with a t-shirt on and his hoodie in his hand. He threw over to you "stop shivering and wear this" he says he sat next to you this time causing you heart to basically jump out of your chest he wasnt that close or anything just him being kind. you mumbled a thanks. after a few moments of silence mark asked " so do you have a boyfriend?" "no you?" "nah. hey wanna lock up and just walk" you were actually glad he asked cause you were kinda tired of being in the cafe for this long and you thankfully nodded ---- you guys walked to a nearby park just talking about literally anything that came to your mind at this point you guys were pretty close and both of you guys knew things about each other that a lot of people dont, irrelevant and meaningful, like he knows that you only like the ends of those soda gummies cause apparently then have the most taste, but he argues that it all tastes the same, that doesnt stop him from eating the other end when you dont want it though, and you know that whenever hes stressed the only thing he wants to do is talk to someone he trusts and you were the same that way. as you were walking you werent really focusing on anything cause your heart was kinda all over the place cause youve officially developed a big fat crush on this idiot and you knew he didnt feel the same but then you being so absent minded caused you to trip and almost instantly mark grabbed your hand to stop you from falling over and you just started laughing while mark asked you if you were okay. you guys continued to walk in silence with the howling wind filling the air, although you guys were nothing you couldnt ask for more in this moment. you were reaching for your phone when you realized mark was still holding your hand you just stopped walking and froze staring at your hands clasped together (they werent intertwined but just holding ya get?) and obviously every force has an equal and opposite Reaction (its SciEnTifiC oKaY) so since you stopped walking and you were connected to mark he kinda was pulled back and this is when you noticed how red his face was and that surprised you but at the same time youre sure you were too (but like im brown so you wouldnt even be able to tell ay ay) "you only noticed i was holding your hand this entire time now?" "uh.. well.. ummm-" "sorry do you want me t-" he said as he started letting go "no no its fine i was just surprised thats all" and you guys continue walking except now your fingers are intertwined and your heart beating double time. you truly liked mark for his personality, for the way he made you laugh, the way he made you feel, the way he treated you, you really liked him. you guys found a a green patch that was pretty empty and decided to sit. mark was pretty sleepy so he asked if he could put his head on your lap and you said sure. it was pretty late at night but you werent scared if anything you felt safe and happy. mark did that to you and as you looked down at his face you truly realized how beautiful he was. his skin was so smooth and the fluorescent lights along the park were reflecting on his round glasses that shaped his face perfectly. you then hesitated before taking his glasses off cause you noticed he takes them off whenever hes tired so you just wanted him to feel comfortable. he opened his eyes at that and looked straight into your eyes, his eyes truly glimmered in the light as if they were shining stars of their own but what you didnt know is that those same eyes have been staring at you all night admiring your beauty and presence. you give him a slight smile and he does the same before shutting his eyes once again. you kinda wished he didnt because you wanted to stare into his eyes for more but atleast he was getting rest. this is when you decided to play some music. it was calm and relaxing and always helped when you were feeling stressed and you could tell mark was for whatever reason cause he refuses to tell you and since music was such a huge part of your life you hoped it would help him too. you started singing along lowly and not to brag or anything but your voice wasnt half bad, after all you were a music major and one of the instruments you play was your throat so you sounded pretty nice and mark seemed to agree with this cause he then reached for your phone and paused the music to say, " i like your voice better" and you being way too scared to sing infront of him refused but eventually he convinced you by saying he would sing as well which he did and you guys sounded nice.
after staying for a bit longer you decided it was time to go home so you told mark to get up and he obliged. he held his hand out for you and even after helping you up he continued to hold it. he insisted on dropping you off to your dorm which hes visited before to watch a movie or two but thats all. on your way back you asked him, "mark are you sure you dont want to talk about whats stressing you out?" "no its okay really, thanks for caring" he replied "anytime and if you change your mind just call me okay?" he nodded you guys reached your house by now and mark with such sincerity in his voice said" thanks for today, really" "we do this almost every week what are you talking about" " i know but just thank you for being you" he says while staring admirably at your face "look mark, well first you know im always here even if we arent working the same shift anymore im glad we became as close as we are now cause i truly cant imagine my life without you and yeah i know its really cheesy but its true but most importantly you need to stop beating yourself up whenever you mess up. youre human and we tend to make mistakes sometimes and thats fine because i know you mark and i know at the end of the day you’re going to be an amazing dancer and youll be great at whatever you want to do so i dont know whats bothering you but whatever it is i know you can overcome it so just keep your head up high and be strong but dont be afraid to talk to people about it. and mark, im just saying all this cause i care abo-" interrupting what you were saying mark comes closer and kisses you. His lips were warm contradicting the the cold weather and one of his hands was around your waist ever so gently pulling you closer to him while the other was on your neck gently caressing it. his lips were so gentle yet so passionate as if you could feel all of his emotions, your eyes were closed and your hands were around his neck and then your fingers ran through his hair. you dont even know how long the kiss went on but you had to pull away cause you were out of breath. Your foreheads were against each other and noses almost touching his eyes were closed and he mumbled under his breath " thank you, thank you so much. thank you for being the person you are and for making me feel the way i feel. every time i see you im so mesmerized by the amount of beauty you can hold. everything you do makes my heart beat faster and im just so glad that youre in my life and im really sorry if you dont feel the same ill act like this never happened if you want me to but i really like you and i have for a long while and i just want to compliment you everytime i see you and hold your hand and kiss you to show you how much i appreciate you and god y/n you make me feel things i dont think ive ever felt befo-" "mark..." you say moving your head to look a him, he hesitantly opens his eyes expecting a rejection "i like you too" you say before giving him a deep but quick kiss and after that he lift you up and hugs you and start cheering almost about how happy he is. And that was the start of your relationship with mark lee <3
3:00 AM 1/24/2019 (this is when I wrote this can you frickin believe wow welp.. that was it)
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chocolatemillkk · 7 years
Request: Can you do an imagine where the readers pregnant? And she doesn’t wanna tell joe? But with a happy ending 😂
Here it is! 💙 The request was a little vague but I did my best.
I had been working late the last week, making up excuses so I wouldn’t have to face Joe. It’s not like I owed him anything, he wasn’t even my boyfriend-but I missed him and based on his texts, he missed me too.
Only for your body, the negative voice in my head reminds me.
It was complicated-isn’t that the premise of every cliche romance ever? But it was complicated! Joe and I knew each other for years, we were clearly attracted to one another but one of us was always in a relationship when the other wasn’t. When Joe finally broke up with his last girlfriend and showed up at my door with puppy eyes, I comforted him and that comforting led to the bedroom and that led to our secret relationship. No body knew-we’d always been close so if anyone did show up unexpectedly in the mornings, they just assumed I “slept over.”
We decided it was best to keep the relationship without any titles, even though deep down I wanted to be exclusive. I knew that Joe broke up with the girlfriends who didn’t break up with him first, because things were getting too serious. He always told me his career was important to him and I took that into consideration the first time we slept together. But now, somehow-no, probably the night we were too drunk to remember protection-I found myself pregnant. Pregnant with someone who didn’t even want me to be his girlfriend, who probably would not be able to handle a baby right now because he had one of his own-his Youtube channel.
My phone dings again-“what are you doing at work on a Friday?” Joe.
“Just busy” i quickly text back
He doesn’t respond for a while and I assume he’s dropped it until I get another text.
-Come down to the lobby
I panic “why?”
-Idc if youre busy i’m taking you out and then maybe my place after?
My heart beats erratically and I put my hand to my chest. Then it slides down to my stomach, there was a baby in there. Our baby. I feel a tear slip down my cheek before I swipe it away and respond-“be down in a min”
There was no way I could avoid this. I gather all my courage and take the lift down. I see Joe chatting with security, both of them laughing, and I want to cry all over again. I wish things didn’t have to be so complicated and I could laugh with them.
Joe catches my eye first and his face lights up, “Y/N!”
I embrace him and wave goodnight to the security guard.
“You look beautiful as always, I’ve missed you.” Joe wraps his arm around me as we exit the building and into the chilly evening air. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah!” I say quickly. “Are you alright?”
Joe ignored the question as he looks me over, “Y/N, were you crying? You sure you’re alright?”
I fake a laugh, “Crying? No of course not I’m fine…just stressed out I guess.”
“You need to come home more often, I might be able to help with the stress,” Joe chuckles as he pulls me in and kisses my forhead affectionately.
“I guess, yeah.” I fight back more tears, this baby was making me too emotional.
We end up at a bar, as I feared, and Joe orders me my usual alcoholic beverage. I take it from him so as not to raise suspicion but as soon as he goest in search of his friends I run to the bathroom. The sweet smell of alcohol made me hurl and in the process, I drip my drink out. When I find Joe, he’s talking to Caspar.
“Hey Y/N! Long time! Are you alright you look a little pale?” Caspar leans in for a hug. I assure him I was fine and join in on the conversation. Conor shows up out of nowhere in the midde and shoves a drink in my face.
“Y/N I know you like fruity drinks try this one! I bought it for a girl but I was rejected,” Conor pretends to look crushed but I’m unable to laugh because my gag reflexes suddenly decide to react.
“Y/N?” They ask as I run out into the streets and gulp in the fresh air, leaning over the curb just in case. I’m trailed by the boys, concern etched on their faces.
“Y/N drank one too many drinks?” I overhear Conor behind me, he and Caspar laugh. There’s a series of patting on my back and they tell me they’ll meet me inside. I don’t intend on going back.
“Hey,” a soft voice behind me says. “Y/N, look at me.”
I slowly turn towards Joe, I’m still feeling woozy and my cheeks are flushed. “I’m gonna head home.”
“Y/N,” he says sternly. “Something’s the matter.” I try to deny it but I can see his agitation rise and suddenly so does mine. Why did I have to deal with this? I loved Joe! Why couldn’t we just be together? It took us five years to finally get together and when we did, it would tear us apart.
“Just don’t worry about me!” I explode. “Actually, Joe…just leave me alone altogether!”
“What are you on about? Why don’t you just talk to me?! There’s been something wrong all week that’s why you’ve been avoiding me-I knew it.” Joe’s shouting by now and the veins in his neck stick out.
“I don’t want to talk about it! We’re done Joe Sugg! Whatever fcked up thing we had between us is over.” I cry without meaning to-hormones, I curse.
Joe grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him, pushing the hair behind my ear gently. “What we had wasn’t fcked up, what we have is amazing! I don’t understand why are you saying all this right now?”
“I’m pregnant Joe!” I blurt out. His face goes slack-jawed and I push away from him. “We screwed up and now I’m pregnant and you don’t need this right now and I get that-”
“When?” Joe asks.
“Who cares?” I throw up my hands. “I already know how you feel about all this! We’ve talked about your plans and kids aren’t even in it until you’re 30 remember?” I turn but Joe pulls me back once again.
“Y/N,” his face looks concerned as he cups my face in his hands. “I love you.”
My reaction is physical, I jerk away from his touch and I can feel myself backpeddle away. “How dare you? After all we’ve been through you had a million chances to say those three words and now when you think it’ll calm me down-you’re manipulating me with them?! If you loved me Joe you would have made us official the second we slept together! You said you wanted to keep the relationship open, so it’s not ‘weighed down with expectation’ and that’s what we did! how can you love someone and create a relationship with them like that?”
I’m a crying, stuttering mess and I’ve lost what I’m trying to say in the midst of it. Joe keeps trying to talk but I forge on, I had to let it out. When I’m done he looks at me with tears in his eyes.
“I was scared,” he says simply.
“Well maybe if you weren’t we could’ve done this the proper way. Maybe then we wouldnt have to wait to be drunk or secretly away to sleep together. Maybe then I wouldn’t have your baby growing inside of me!”
I storm off and Joe calls after me but he doesn’t follow. I think he knew me well enough to know I needed time alone. I didn’t want to see him. Or talk to him. When I make it home I cry my heart out, this baby was happening whether Joe liked it or not and it was time to focus on me and her. Or him. Gods.
Two weeks fly by, I start waking up with morning sickness and my baby bump is still quite invisible but I like putting my hand on it. I still cry all the time, I missed Joe. He was my friend before we slept together and not talking to him meant having no one to text during the day about the stupid things. He texts me the morning after to talk but I ignore it. I don’t pick up his calls or return his messages so he texts me every morning. He sends one thing he loves about me. It starts out like this:
-You were the only one who laughed at my joke the first time we met and that felt like my greatest achievement
-You genuinely listen to all my creative ideas and tell me when theyre absolute rubbish
-You like the cream filling in the biscuits where I like the cookie part
-You never complain when I cancel on you for work-you supported me from the start and continue to
-You wear your hair up when you’re ready to work and tug at it until it pools around your shoulders anyway. And then you complain about getting your hair cut shorter
-You cry at puppy videos
-I can be myself around you
-Cuddling when I’m feeling under the weather
-You’re selfless and kind with a heart of gold
-Even when I was a complete arse and suggested a casual relationship because I was too afraid what loving you meant, you agreed because you thought it would keep me happy and us healthy
-I could never see my life with anyone but you. I’ve digested what you told me and screw my five year plan. I want to face life with only you by my side.
The last two texts are sent on Sunday. I spend the whole day rereading them, I would be an idiot to think Joe was lying or trying to manipulate me. He could have just told me to deal with it and never seen me again, it’s not like we worked together or lived together. But he loved me and if he says all these things…
-I don’t want you to just be saying this because you think you have to, I text.
-I love you Y/N. I love you I love you I love you like crazy, woman!
I laugh to myself, I could imagine Joe saying what he texts and my heart beats for him. Maybe we could make this work. But this was also terrifying: we were two children trying to be adults-how were we gonna become parents.
-I’m scared whether we can make this work, I text him
I watch as the three dots appear, then disappear. Joe writes another text, and then it disappears. I sink into my pillow, what if he was having second thoughts? But instead, he proves me wrong again.
-We can make anything work as long as we work it out together. Please, love. Just come home.
And in the end, it’s not the three words I thought I wanted to hear that drives me back into Joe Sugg’s arms. It’s those three words he texts me last that makes me pick up my phone and finally ring him.
“Home sounds really nice,” I say when he picks up. “I’ve missed it.”
“It’s missed you,” Joe replies smoothly. “And it’s ready to grow for one more person.”
I can’t help but grin as I place my hand on my belly, “I like the sound of that.”
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carey-pricemas · 8 years
Engagement- Andre Burakovsky
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Ok this one is kinda long (sorry?)! I really like this prompt. I know I say this every time but you all are giving me really good prompts so can you blame me??? This is the last Andre requested so far, but keep on the lookout for other players! As always, enjoy! And anon I changed the prompt a little, I hope you don't mind!
Warning: alcohol, mention of balls
Anon request: if youre not bored of writing andre, i'd love to make a request! though if you are i totally understand and its okay if you decide not to do it! i was thinking one where andre and his gf have been together for like 6 years or so and everyone on the team adores her bc shes just like the sweetest person ever and they love them together and theyre super cute and so andre finally proposes and everyone is so so excited for them that they throw a surprise engagement party for them on a day off :)
              "He doesn't want to get married and I understand" you told Gina and Liza. You swirled the sparkling cider in your glass. "We can be a family without getting married. I mean look how long it took Nicky!" Liza rolled her eyes.
              "Don't be me and Nicklas" Liza said sipping her wine. You shrugged.
              "If Andre doesn't want to get married, then I'm not going to force him." You paused. "It wouldn't be productive for either one of us. Now can we please change the subject? I don't want him to overhear and think I'm whining about it."
              "Sure sweetie." Gina said patting your hand. "Have you guys figured out if you're going to find out the gender or not?" You set your hand on your swollen stomach and grinned.
              "Yeah we are. Neither one of us are good with waiting." Liza and Gina laughed.
              "That's an understatement!"
              "Älskling" Andre called from behind you. You turned as Andre slipped his arms around you. "Ready to go?"
              "Yeah. Let me just say bye to the kids." Andre let go and let you say goodbye to the girls and their kids. While you were preoccupied with the children giving you hugs and kisses, Liza and Gina cornered Andre.
              "Andre," Liza started, "are you ever going to do it?"
              "Yeah. I'm just waiting for the right time!" he defended.
              "Andre, baby boy, you've been together 6 years. At this point she thinks you don't WANT to get married" Gina added. Andre looked at you over the other women's shoulders.
              "She thinks I don't want to marry her?"
              "I swear, Andre Burakovsky, if we lose our sweet (Y/N), I will hunt you down and beat you with my husband's hockey stick" Liza threatened.
              "Ready?" you asked, joining the group. Andre nodded and held out his hand for yours, which you took greedily. "See you ladies later!" Andre led you out to the car, holding your door open for you before climbing in the driver's seat.
              "How are you feeling?" Andre asked, holding your hand over the center console.
              "Pretty good. Tired."
              "Are you going to feel up to going to the game tomorrow?" he asked. You nodded.
              "I'll just nap with you." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You know I wouldn't miss a home game for the world."
              "I do know that. And you know I love you, yeah?" You smiled at him.
              "I love you too, babe. What brought this on?"
              "Nothing. Just wanted to make sure."
              You sat in your seat, the one next to you empty because Taylor wasn't feeling well, watching the game. The third period had just started and so far Andre had a goal in both the prior periods and Braden was a brick wall in the net. Your phone chimed with a text and you looked at it quickly. It was from your mom.
              'One more goal!'
              You looked back up and watched as your boyfriend twirled around a defenseman and was on a breakaway.
              You jumped up and started cheering loudly with the rest of the crowd as he bared down on the goalie.
              "GO! GO ANDRE GO!" you screamed. He pulled the trigger.
              And beat the goalie.
              He did it. He got the hat trick!
              You screamed and hugged the woman next to you, laughing. You watched as the hats rained onto the ice, his team congratulating him. He looked up, almost as if looking for you. Not knowing if he knew where you were, you blew him a kiss, patting your baby bump.
              "Ms. (Y/N)?" You looked up and saw a security officer standing at the end of the row. You smiled and walked to him. "Mr. Leonsis is asking for you." You nodded and followed him through the bowels of the Verizon Center. Suddenly the man stopped and you looked around. "Wait right here." He walked away and you pulled out your phone, seeing the excited messages from your mom. You responded to her as you heard the final buzzer.
              "Hey! (Y/N)!" You looked up in enough time to see Nate running at you in all his sweaty glory. He picked you up and hugged you hard.
              "Easy Nate" Tom said. "Don't break her before..." he shot Nate a look you couldn't decipher.
              "Before what?"
              "Nothing" Tom and Nate said together.
              "Hey, head on down that tunnel" Ovi said, pointing to where they just came from.
              "Just go" Tom said, walking you to the entrance. You walked the short way to the ice and stopped.
              The arena was still full.
              "What's going on?" you asked the security guard standing next to you.
              "I think you're supposed to go out there" he said shrugging. You stepped forward and the lights dimmed, one focused on you and one on Andre standing in all his hockey gear in the center of the ice. Slapshot stepped forward and took your hand, pulling you out to the rug that had been laid out.
              "(Y/N)." You were startled by Andre's voice. You looked up to see he had a microphone. "Hi, älskling."
              "What are you up to Andre?" you asked him. He just grinned at you.
              "See all these fans are here for something special." The arena erupted into applause. Andre laughed. "So I figured I'd give them something." You were now standing in front of your boyfriend, an inkling of what was happening nagging at the back of your head.
              "Andre" you whispered. "This is slightly intimidating" you laughed. Andre chuckled.
              "Now I have something to say, (Y/N), so don't interrupt, ok?"
              "Ok" you whispered.
              "(Y/N), I'm an idiot. I've had you in my life for six of the most perfect years. In that time you've dealt with my crazy schedule, learned to speak some Swedish, and learned to make Swedish food, just so I could have a piece of home while we're in the States. You love my crazy family, and they love you. You even Skype with my sisters and mamma weekly! And my crazy Capitals family loves you just as much. You've given your whole self to me, and now to our child." Andre paused. "I really don't have the words to say to tell you how perfect you are for me and how much I love you. So instead," Andre sunk to one knee. You were crying, your hands clasped in front of your face. "I will ask: (Y/N) will you marry me?" He held up a simple ring.
              "Yes" you whispered nodding your head.
              "Yes?" he asked. You laughed and nodded.
              "Yes, Andre." Andre whooped in excitement and you laughed as he stood and picked you up. He spun you around on the ice a few times, making you dizzy. "Andre, stop" you warned laughing still. He set you down and slid the ring onto your finger. The arena erupted in cheers and you turned when you heard the sticks banging against the boards.
              Both teams were standing by their respective benches giving you stick taps.
              "Oh my god" you whispered.
              "The surprise isn't over yet" he whispered, walking you back to the bench.
              "What do you mean?" you asked as you held his hand down the hallway. Andre just grinned and led you towards the locker room. You felt unsure, but followed him in anyway.
              "SURPRISE!" You felt yourself tear up as you looked around. All the Caps, staff, your girls, and the kids were packed into the room. A banner was strung up on one side of the room saying 'Congrats Burkie and (Y/N)! ...Finally!' the one on the other side (hanging above Andre's stall) read 'It only took 6 years for Andre to find his balls!’
              "Guys" you whispered.
              "Thought you didn't want to be an official Caps member" Nicklas teased.
              "Welcome to family" Ovi grinned. You laughed.
              "Thanks guys! I love you all!"
              "GROUP HUG!" Nate and Jay said. You and Andre moved closer to the group, allowing your friends, now family, to swallow you.
              "Know what this means?" Karl asked. "You're naming your kid after me!"
              "Oh no, it's being named after me!" Chorney added.
              "No. I'm Captain, it'll be OJ!" Ovi said proudly. You just laughed as the boys teasingly argued over who your baby was going to be named after. You took a step back and Gina and Liza came to either side of you, squishing you between them.
              "Thanks" you whispered. Liza kissed the side of your head.
              "Anything for you, baby girl" Gina said.
              "Officially welcome to the club."
Ahhh! Ok I love picking on Andre! I'm sorry! But he's adorable! Let me know what you all thought about it! Up next: JVR (squeal)
Älskling- honey
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
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a little while later...
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First of all, why do people not understand that Zack is literally a gay man and our whole romance is a sham............people are literally asking if I really broke up with this man and giving me emotional support in my time of need this is really awkward hes literally a gay man and our whole relationship is a inside joke from Panem's first tribal council when someone called him my boyfriend. This has been lovely. Also we will become the bread tribe. I love that I'm either first boot or make merge in games theres no in between.
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a little while later...
Honestly feel like i just won this season i came up with the name of the merged tribe WOOOOO
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I...am literally getting voted out tonight if I can't find an idol and it's UGLY because I deserve to be here more than like Connor or somebody like that but anyways.... I just need to work on finding the idol or convincing Ricky to give me the one he already has so that I can stay. Does that mean Ricky could potentially be voted out? Yes. Would I be mad about it.... No. JKWANSJKGNJSHNJKEH
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ok so after merging back together we get a surprise...... karen is back in again like wtf???? Now i have to work extra hard to make sure she's not pissed but i ratted out everything kylas told me and i think were semi good. So karen wins immunity and thats not so.... bad but now we either get out an easy person or a big threat and i say its time for #bigmovez
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I was sad to see Seamus not join the game and nervous that Karen’s back in just because I was wondering if she would target me. But now we’re in an alliance i guess so things are ok. I think she’s going for Kyla which kinda makes me worried just because Kyla and I are pretty close. I hope that this next council turns out in our favor.
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I'm sorry hosts if I get voted out I'll make you a better confessional but I literally have to write two papers tonight, finish a math assignment, and make sure Kyla doesn't go home. I am starving as I write this. Tell my mother I love her.
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Well considering I lost immunity by a tiebreaker question, I'm feeling a little bummed and a lot unsafe. Mitch told me Karen said my name days ago, yet now it seems like we are all voting together another way. At this point I just have to put my trust in that, because using an immunity idol just isn't an option right now. I could very well be going home tonight, especially since my tribe thinks I think I'm running the game. I wonder what I've done to give them that impression
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IM BACK BITCHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! bless redemption and bless puzzles! anyway seaux I'm like kinda out of the loop with how every one stands so I went to Julia and she said that she would work w Nicole, ricky, matt and pat. basically shes thinking what I'm thinking in the fact that kyla and ting prob wont ever want to work w us. so rn I'm super close w Julia and Nicole and I can see them being like my f3 tbh, and rn Nicole is the only one who kneauxs about my extra idol half so hopefully it shows her how much I trust her.
later on I was talking to mitch and I told him to ask kyla why she voted me out and now suddenly I'm on her radar, like she went to ricky and told him that she thinks I'm targeting her, which is literally not the case, I mean it wasn't but like I just asked a simple question. anyway ricky was giving me that tea all the while mitch was proposing an alliance with me, him, Julia, kyla, and ting ting, which I was reluctant about considering what I just heard from ricky but ill play along with it just in case its legit, although realistically theyre prob just using us for numbers like when it gets down to the wire, 3 close people is better than 2 close people so me and Julia could be fuckt if we go with them. 
ive been at work all day so I told Julia to make the chat with me her ricky luke matt pat and Nicole and we were initially going for connor but like someone said a better vote would be mitch and honslee bless that someone else said it bc I don't wanna look like I'm calling all the shots. honslee mitch is such a big threat, challenge wise? dude is too good, and the fact that he doesnt have immunity makes this tribal a greta opportunity to get him out. is it too late to be going after a threat? who knows but ting and kyla would end up in the minority so I can potentially use them for a couple votes to make some big moves, but! I don't wanna think too far ahead, I just wanna focus on keeping Nicole and Julia safe.
so mitch finally made the alliance chat, and I'm pretty sure I convinced them to vote connor, so hopefully they stay true to their word and as long as everyone else is saying con is getting votes then they'll never see the mitch blindside coming. I cant wait to snatch everyones wig >:~)
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Honestly kinda feeling bad about voting mitch, i mean its not official yet but he was so loyal to me, i dont know if this is gonna be the right decision, but lets wait and see
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