#finally some good fucking representation 😌
schlannies · 4 months
and the corpses are “girl dinner, actually”?
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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@duck-n-clover - [from the replies of this post] more about Rane being born in avengers tower you say???????
cw for uh. lol. childbirth????
So Lemme just say. despite my modern day constant humiliating insistence of pretending the mcu is not a thing that exists, even despite still clutching EeL desperately in my claws for over a decade - it is I guess time to admit that the mcu is… in fact, and of course, partially canon to the Elysium’verse.., BUT only up to the events of 2012 (you know). In that peak post avengers haze of “everyone is friends and family and living together in the tower” bliss world. THATS where Elysium exists lmao. ALSO IMPORTANT THOR IS BACK ON ASGARD AND DOES NOT LIVE WITH THEM
NOWADAYS this is not relevant in ANY way other than Loki’s continued presence here and - lmao honestly I forget all the time that technically he’s. well.
but it’s OBVIOUSLY ughhhhhh not a secret that I was deeply into ~things~ back then and for quite some time after, so yes the avengers exist in here obviously and yes they had aaaaall interacted tangentially with aaaaall your fave Elysium characters, although - at least as far as fenixe and I together were concerned - primarily just as cameo characters. A point of contact and team of allies in the mortal world, interacting usually through Tory and Epi (Prince of the Underworld, and his Advisor).
That’s all a Liiiiittle bit more context for what I’m about to explain so NOW allow me to go on a huge tangent to loop around to finally explaining wtf I’m talking about 😌 under the cut for mercy
When deities have babies, pregnancy side effects beyond the usual list varies a little bit more than in mortals, and more specifically to gods. As a godling develops in utero, along with developing physically they have an entire realm of magical powers and abilities developing steadily as well!! this sudden growth of baby powers can very often interfere with the existing magic abilities of the deity carrying the baby, at varying degrees of intensity depending on a number of factors, or even just exactly how powerful that baby will be. Best and most often case scenario— a malfunctioning of basic god abilities like teleporting. Worst case scenario - losing powers completely, those basic ones or even ALL powers like for example when Maci had been pregnant with Neo and she’d completely lost everything even her pyrokinesis, let alone the Neo specific side effects(that’s a story for another post)— or when Epi was pregnant with Ty and Bel and he completely lost the ability to shapeshift. Etc, etc.
Now, Loki’s magic isn’t inherent to being a god like in the Greek pantheon - as a different breed of god, Loki’s powers stem from HIS own specific innate ability (called seidr in Asgard, found in many but mostly actually accessed and practiced by goddesses which. is a whole other fucked up thing loki had to deal with, fucking sorcery gender roles, whatever 🙄 well good thing Loki’s a woman too when he feels like it!!! Representation win! this Norse chaos god IS nonbinary!!)
ANYWAY his powers come from his own ability that he had THEN honed and trained and practiced for hundreds of years to perfect. Rane was Loki’s eighth pregnancy, and though the previous seven times had found Loki’s abilities indeed slightly dampened — making him indeed slightly more vulnerable — Loki had always had an iron grip control of his own seidr enough to prevent any of his burgeoning children from affecting him TOO dramatically through the durations of those pregnancies. Howeverrrrrrrr by the time Loki was pregnant with Rane, Loki’s inherent magic was actually… different. Enhanced. Extremely enhanced.
If you’ll recall, a few years prior, he had absorbed all of the magic of the Underworld, and though that had significantly boosted his own abilities, it also proved a new and exciting challenge to learn and wrangle! A type of magic inherently MORE unruly! ……..so………
those two things in mind — the effects of a growing godling + a much more naturally chaotic magic source in Loki — resulted in a pregnancy in which ALL of Loki’s magic abilities went COMPLETELY haywire.
beyond being a source of all sorts of comedic accidental hijinks - things that naturally occur when you have an overpowered very pregnant chaos god with suddenly no ability to fully control the magic at his fingertips - Loki’s abilities to do very basic things such as shapeshifting or teleporting became much more unreliable, the powers coming and going in surges. This is important background info!
Are we following me still okay good. nowwww The second important variable has to do with the relationships Loki was involved with at the time as well. So Through the course of his pregnancy with Rane, remember the latter stages of it found Tory pregnant with Eisa and Einmyria along with that chaos (when Tory briefly left the palace he’d actually camped out in the avengers tower cause he figured Loki would not - and currently, COULD not - get over there!). But the early stages of it also found Loki’s relationship-friendship with Flower Nymph (Rane’s other parent, currently being retconned and redone) turned upside down again.
They’d just broken up and agreed cautiously and tersely to just be friends when Loki realized he was pregnant with her child and, though Flower Nymph was not the type of person to start a vicious fight, she WAS deeply upset enough by Loki pulling away from her even with baby for them to start gently bickering again - Loki didn’t want anyone near him while he was pregnant not even her, she did NOT like that, He fully disappeared on her after specifically promising not to do that, yknow, like an asshole- I know he’s traumatized but it IS so hard to defend him sometimes fgkfkfk - before sheepishly returning, him then trying to pull away again ANYWAY. It all revolves around Loki being , yes traumatized but BEYOND THAT, being generally emotionally stunted and completely unwilling or unable to let her inside the many walls he’d built up, this was why they broke up in the first place!! but now even worse with the baby. (Everyone told him he was being a dick to her, it’s worth mentioning…… he WAS??????? honestly SHE broke up with him all of the times but it was ALL his fault every time fgkfk gOD—)
Eventually - once the drama with Eisa and Einmyria died down and everything was stable enough again - that Flower Nymph decided that she’d had enough of Loki. it was just!! enough!! she deserved better!!! Loki clearly didn’t want anything to do with her no matter how hard she’d tried for their sake and his sake and the sake of unborn baby Rane but finally his behavior was too much and so she ran away. Where else to go to avoid seeing Loki again than of course to……. that one place he wouldn’t and COULDNT go……
When she sought sanctuary in the avengers tower, they let her stay and gave Tory a courtesy call to notify him that she was someplace safe, in case anyone had been looking. Of course once she was gone was the second Loki whined about getting her back 🙄 and HE’D been looking for her. Tory spoke to her and she - ughghhh despite herself still with such affection for him jesus christ - asked him to just let Loki know where she was and that she was safe. Tory let Loki know, and then told him in no uncertain terms to leave her and the avengers the fuck alone - Loki was INSULTED AND FURIOUS that she would gO STAY AT THE HOME OF HIS MORTAL ENEMIES OF ALL PEOPLE!??? And sulked about it for QUITE some time, though he stayed away for her sake. Vali and Nari visited her a few times though (they’d always been close with her🥹)
Aaaaand then days later Loki’s water broke.
Naturally Loki.,, Disobeying everyone’s direct orders,,,., just immediately gathered up his strength to teleport straight into the middle of the avengers tower to collect Her and tell her that their baby was coming 🤪 cool thanks! The avengers dIDNT ENJOY THIS LOL!?? But SHE was overjoyed that he had returned!
Only one problem though!
Loki’s haywire magic and all of that noxious Underworld essence flowing through his veins and the baby he was now about to give birth to proved to be an AWFUL combo and all at once Loki- became extremely physically ill (vomiting mystery underworld goo gross); COMPLETELY lost the ability to teleport back or— ANYWHERE; and hELLO WAS ALSO!!? going into labor????? Flower nymphs dont teleport either!!!
Tory was called to come collect his pet chaos entity except, new problem - Tory was ALSO pregnant and HIS malfunctioning pregnancy magic could not teleport him AND Loki both back.
…so they called Epi (“…Damn it how do these situations ALWAYS involve him”) except Epi!! just generally like most gods!!! was not strong enough magically to teleport him AND Loki AND Rane AND Tory AND the twins AND Giselle all back to the palace at once and okay you know what we no longer have time to fight about this bc tHERES??? A BABY COMING??????
oh my god, the argument that ensued from an EXTREMELY IRATE INDIGNANT LOKI???? even while Loki was in active labor. and throwing up. to summarize ; along the lines of “ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT” until finally the avengers (at this point primarily just Steve and Tony actually fgkfkf) went into uhh. Crisis business mode and explained tersely Okay well clearly you don’t have much of a choice, you’re either going to have the baby in the middle of our living room or you can move to the bed over there. Finally in increasing desperation Loki agreed - agreed aka being physically dragged to the other room fighting and whining the entire time fgkfkff - so long as all of THEM would go the fuck away somewhere else. okay fine deal whatever! EXCEPT
….next problem was of course due to HAYWIRE MAGIC Loki’s usual ability to give birth in any and every shape was also.,, NOW SUDDENLY malfunctioning. the palace had delivered a good handful of babies by then but no one had ever given anyone an entire c-section 🙃
to Loki’s utter abject misery and FURIOUS MORTIFICATION, Epi and Tory dragged the team back in to just jackass together — well Bruce is a fucking doctor at least kindave — oh my gods you cANNOT BE SERIOUS—
and so, in one of the single most humiliating moments of Loki’s life, Rane was delivered via emergency c-section in the avengers tower by Dr. Banner himself.
this is a fun and cool way to interact with your archnemesises.
Loki has stayed away from all of them forever and ever and ever after, lmfao.
I’ll end this thread of utter ridiculous insanity with the following canon convo snippet quote lmao,
Loki: “So am I to be penalized for going and fetching Giselle of my own accord?”
Tory:  “No, you already got your punishment. […] The guy who smashed you into concrete gave you a c-section.”
Loki: ….the heaviest of sighs
thank you for giving me the slightest opportunity to spit out another whole essay! THERES SO MUCH CHAOS IN HERE BUT THE END
bats my eyelashes. part of me to this day wants to completely divorce ALL remnants of the mcu from Elysium but then part of me…. Remembers this happening and it’s still one of the funniest things that’s ever happened ever and so we can never change it fgkfkflflskdmgkf gOD -
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 47
and the sexiest part is that Harry would actually be so nice to your bf at first (he loves and respects anyone you're close with) until he sees how that guy treats you sometimes 😌 then he would immediately turn into the most condescending asshole, always one upping him and trying to show you that he's better 😌 treating you like a princess as always but to your bf? not happening 😌
harry is for sure into making you cum harder than he ever has before 🤕 he's gripping your thighs after you cum, holding your legs apart even as you're straining against him bc you're so sensitive 🤕 he noses along your sensitive skin, smiling when you gasp and he says "you're going to give me one more, okay? gonna make it even better than last time" and you're whimpering, trying so hard to catch your breath but he's not making it easy 🤕 and god if he thinks it wasn't as good as the last one you had? he's going again 🤕 he doesn't care how much you whine or try to squirm away he's just determined to pleasure you until you lose your mind 🤕
no literally he gets off on getting you off, every time he says "just a quickie babe I promise 😋" it ends up being 3 hours long and you cum 5 times bc he just can't keep his hands off you 😋 he loves when you turn into an oversensitive whining mess under him and how you look so pretty when you're fucked out like that 😋
him pouring you some champagne on your wedding night and he says "a glass for Mrs styles?" and you reach out for it saying "why thank you Mr styles" and he kind of just freezes in place, and you're like "what?" and he says "can you call me that again pls" and you're all ohhhhh maybe we've discovered a new kink of yours 😌
i love the idea of jack who's a little toxic and manipulative 😋 very yummy! him wanting a baby so bad but you're not quite sure yet, but whenever you argue he just kisses you until you quiet down 😋 then he pushes you down on the bed and sinks to his knees, pulling your panties off and moving your legs over his shoulders 😋 mouthing along your inner thighs saying "just want to give you a baby, honey, you know it'll feel so good when I do... please lovie? I'll take such good care of my girl when she's pregnant for me... such a sweet thing, always giving me what I want" and you stutter out "i don't- I'm not sure if-" and he just shushes you, kissing a little closer to where you want him, but avoiding it until you tell him what he wants to hear 😋 he would probably edge you a bit too, making it clear that you'll get exactly what you want as soon as he gets what he wants 😋
being Harry's gf but you have a little joke going on where he calls you his groupie 😋waiting for him backstage or in a VIP section, he for sure blows some kisses to you during the show 😋 then afterwards he has you escorted to his dressing room by security, and when he finally comes in to meet you it's ooooon 😋 he's unbuttoning his shirt bc he's covered in sweat and he says "fancy seeing you here... saw you screaming and cheering for me, you must be a big fan, hm?" and you get up off the couch, nodding as you walk closer and say "yeah, I'm your biggest fan" and soon you're chest to chest, but he keeps walking and before you know it your back is against the wall and he's caging you in 😋 he says "yeah?" and you nod, and your heart is pounding by now from how erotic this is, and you know he can tell bc he smirks and lays his palm on your throat 😋 not squeezing or anything, just enough to feel your heartbeat 😋 then he says "why don't i show you how I say thank you to my biggest fans?" and he drops to his knees 😋
i think Harry has a thing for feeling how he can get your heart to pound so easily 😋 all it takes is a few dirty words or a certain look or him trapping you under him and you're like 😳 and he's just so smug about that 😋 it's like a physical representation of how turned on you are 😋
yes your first time would be so soft and giggly 🥹you're so nervous at first until he does something dumb like bang his head on the headboard or almost fall over bc he's trying to get undressed so fast and then you can't help but laugh, and he looks over at you pretending to be offended but then he laughs too 🥹 when you really get into it he notices your hands are shaking just a little bit so he stops, taking your hand in his and pressing it to his mouth to kiss it 🥹 he says "you're shaking, baby, do you not want to do this?" and you're immediately like "no, no I do, I'm just- you just make me nervous" and he smiles a little bit saying "did you not just see me give myself a concussion on the headboard? i don't think anything about me exactly screams intimidating, does it?" and you're giggling with him, and he buries his face in your neck saying "just want to take care of my girl and make her feel so good, gonna let me do that?" and you nod, and he's smiling again as he kisses his way down your body 😌
lynnie this is unacceptable 🤕 he would be so mean to you after that, edging you and ruining your orgasms just to make you cry 🤕 when you get really whiny he slaps your thigh gently saying "you need to stop fucking whining, you did this to yourself baby... gave you one simple rule and you couldn't even follow it? you knew this was going to happen, so shut up and take it" 🤕
ugh please just think about your first time ever being with harry 🤕 you've been dating for a while and you know you want it to be with him 🤕 he's always so sweet and respectful when you push his hands away, he never gets upset or annoyed or anything he just kisses your cheek and grabs the remote to turn the TV on 🤕 and you haven't told him that you've never done it before, but you're pretty sure he can tell bc he's just perceptive like that 🤕 but then one day you decide you're ready and you want to be with him like that, so when you're kissing and it's getting really heated you plan to just let things go wherever they go, but harry realizes you're both getting pretty worked up and he doesn't want to push any boundaries so he pulls away 🤕 he's a bit out of breath and his lips are swollen and he can't stop staring at yours, but he says "baby we need- we need to slow down, I'm getting pretty worked up" and you whine, chasing his lips bc you're not done kissing him yet 🤕
he gives you one more bc he can never say no to you, but then he's pulling away again and he says "I'm serious, we need- I need you to tell me what you want so I can give it to you" and he's staring at you so intensely, your voice is shaking a little bit when you say "i want you, harry, i want to have sex with you" and his eyes go wide as he tries to process that you're finally saying that 🤕 but then you're nervously talking again and saying "but i haven't- I've never, um, done it before, so you're not allowed to make fun of me if I'm bad or I don't know what I'm doing-" and his brows furrow, he cuts you off saying "hey, hey, you know I would never do that... I would never make fun of you, not for anything, and especially not for this" and you're not quite meeting his eyes, so he grips your chin gently and turns your head to look at him saying "do you understand? need to make sure you know what I'm saying baby" and you nod, trying to match his deep breaths to help calm yourself down, and he says "we don't have to do anything you're not ready for, okay? there's no need to rush into things" and you shake your head, eyes still locked on his when you say "I'm not rushing into things, I want this- I want you" and he looks so happy to hear you say that 🤕 so he takes a deep breath and says "we can do whatever you want, okay? just want to make my girl feel good, that's all" and you nod, saying "and we can go slow?" and he leans in to kiss your cheek when he says "we can go as slow as you want, it's all about you" and you nod, but he can tell you still seem a bit nervous so he says "why don't we start easy? we can just kiss for a bit first, see how you feel after that?" and you think that sounds pretty great so you agree, and he leans in to kiss you again 🤕 he's doing everything he can to keep you feeling safe and calm, touching you so gently to help keep you grounded 🤕
soon he pulls away and says "wanna sit in my lap?" and that gives you the biggest butterflies 🤕 you agree and he helps you swing your leg over his to straddle him, and your faces are only inches apart when he smiles and whispers "hi" and you say it back 🤕 he kisses your nose, murmuring how cute you are, then he gets back to kissing you fully 🤕 soon you start to move your hips a little, he can't help but moan into your mouth bc it feels good and you pull away immediately, stopping your hips and blushing so hard 🤕 you say "sorry, i didn't mean to..." and he just furrows his eyebrows, saying "why are you sorry? it felt good, that's why i moaned" and your poor cheeks are stinging so much from how warm they are 🤕 and he's a menace so he keeps talking, just to tease a little, saying "you know, now that you've heard me moan, it would only be fair if I heard you, wouldn't it?" and your eyes go wide, you say "i can't just-" and he cuts you off saying "i know, that's not what i meant, I was thinking maybe I could help you out though?" and your head is still spinning foem all the kissing and how close you are to him right now, so you stare at him for a few seconds before he lets out a little huff and says "I'm saying I want to go down on you" and you're a little surprised at his bluntness, but honestly you're used to it by now 🤕 so you just nod and say "that sounds- sounds good" and he's smiling with the moooost evil look on his face as he says "hold on" but he barely gives you a second to process before he's flipping you over 🤕 he says "gonna let me see you? all of you?" and you nod, lifting your arms for him to pull your shirt off 🤕 he groans when he sees you're not wearing a bra, and he leans down to kiss your chest right away 🤕 saying "you've got the prettiest fucking tits babe, I'm so glad you're letting me see them" and he's already sucking hickeys into the skin there 🤕 when he sucks your nipple into his mouth he can feel your back arch, and he looks up to see you biting your lip so hard 🤕he says "you can let it out baby, I know you wanna moan, let me hear you" and you whimper a little bit, saying "it's too embarrassing" and he just says "promise it's not, you have no idea how bad i want to hear you" and you're still biting on your lip, but he figures that's okay, he'll get it out of you one way or another 🤕
so he leaves one more little lovebite before he starts kissing down your tummy, sucking on any sensitive spots he finds and biting occasionally to make you jump 🤕 when he gets to your waistband he looks up at you asking if he can take them off, and you nod so fast and lift your hips to help him out 🤕 he's immediately kissing at your thighs, leaving even more hickeys for you to remember him by tomorrow 🤕 he leans in a bit close to where you want him and takes a deep breath, nearly moaning again as he says "you smell so good baby, bet you taste even better... gonna let me try it? let me have a taste?" and you're nodding, saying "yes, I want to feel you, want you to make me feel good" and he says "don't worry about that baby, I'm gonna make you feel so good" and he buries his face between your thighs 🤕 you're gasping right away, arching your hips up bc it feels so good but he just grips onto you and pushes you back down 🤕 holding you still by your hips so you can't squirm around, and he's being so filthy and making such a mess 🤕 moving his face from side to side so he'll be completely coated in your wetness 🤕 trying different patterns on your clit to see what makes you fight against his hold the most 🤕 and ugh the whole time he would be making the filthiest noises 🤕 moaning and groaning against you like he's the one being pleasured 🤕 he only quiets down when he hears a soft little moan out of you, because he wants to be able to hear you better 🤕 he doubles down to get you to make that noise again, dipping his tongue inside to reach more of the honey you're dripping for him while his nose brushes against your clit 🤕 then he moves back up and suctions his lips around your clit, sucking harder than before and you really moan 🤕 he's never been more turned on than he is hearing that, and he can't help but moan back 🤕
and ofc you can feel the vibrations against you which only makes you moan and arch your back more, and it's just a filthy cycle 🤕 soon you're grabbing onto his hair and trying to push him a little closer and gasping out "I'm close, I'm gonna cum, just don't- don't stop, please don't stop" and he barely acknowledges you, he just keeps sucking 🤕 then your legs tense up around him and your grip on his hair gets almost painful, but he only uses that to bury his face deeper in you as he licks up every last bit he can🤕 then you're pulling him away bc it's too much and too sensitive, and he can't help himself but give you one last kiss on your clit which makes you flinch 🤕 finally he pulls away, licking his lips so can taste as much as possible as he comes up to kiss you 🤕 and you can taste yourself on his mouth which is almost enough to make you want to go again 🤕
but not quite, you're very worn out after that, and he can tell with how lazy your kisses are getting, so he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours saying "well how was that?" and you just sigh, pulling him a little closer to say "so fucking good" and he smiles, noticing how droopy your eyes are getting and he says "I'm glad to hear that... told you i just want to please my girl" and you nod, letting your eyes close for a second before you open them again and say "we don't have to stop, we can-" and he shakes his head, smoothing back your hair to say "not right now, you're looking pretty tired, baby, and there's no rush to get anything done... you can sleep for a little while, I don't mind" and that sounds so good, and he's so warm and cozy and cuddled up to you, and before you know it your eyes are closing and you're out 🤕 and harry gives you one last gentle kiss on your forehead before he falls asleep too, pressed up against you so you'll be as close as possible 🤕
thinking about how harry 100% has a size kink 🤕 he's obsessed with how much bigger he is than you, how he can throw you over his shoulder whenever he feels like it and how he can pin both of your hands with just one of his 🤕 how he can throw you around and put you in whatever position he wants you in 🤕 and when he's fucking you? he'd be so mean about it 🤕 pushing down on your stomach and saying "I don't know if you can take me baby, you're just so small" "gonna feel me so deep in your tummy, hm?" and you whine and argue that you can take it, he's teasing saying he's not sure but when he finally pushes in he's holding your hips in place when you try to squirm and saying "nuh uh, you wanted this so bad so I'm giving it to you, be a good girl and take it" 🤕
i bet harry is obsessed with you after you cum 🤕 my pussy hurts just thinking about this 🤕 he loves the way you're shaky and breathing so hard and how you cuddle so close to him and get so needy for him to be close and how you smell like pure sex and just ugh 🤕 that's part of why he loves making you cum so much: just bc of the way you act afterwards 🤕
I'm going to cry thinking about how harry eating you out is truly a full experience 😔thinking about the way he breathes in short gasps bc he's too into it to breathe normally 😔 the absolute filthy noises that would fill the room from how wet you are and the way he moans against you 😔 the way he would hold you down when you're moving too much 😔 how his face would be wet bc he's so messy with it 😔 how he would keep going after you cum, trying to make you cum again even when you're so oversensitive 😔
thinking about going to a bar with your bf and some friends, and ofc harry is included in the little group so he's there too 😌 a few people decide to play pool and you want to join them, but you're not very good at it so you ask your bf to help you out, but he just kind of rolls his eyes and keeps talking to his friend at the table. Harry's watching the whole interaction ofc and he sees how sad you look when your bf just brushes you off like that, so ofc he's walking right over to you and saying "don't be sad pretty girl, I'll help you out😌" and he does just that 😌 he puts his arms around you, showing you how to hold the cue, holding your hands over top of it and whispering directions in your ear 😌 he says "then... we line it up... and.... go for it!" and he's obviously doing all the work, but when the ball goes exactly where he wanted it to he's cheering and spinning you around to high five him 😌 he says "see? you're a natural!" and you look so happy, he knows he would do absolutely anything for you if it would make you smile 😌 then he glances over and sees your bf watching the two of you, looking royally pissed off, so Harry decides to step it up another notch and kiss you on the cheek 😌 you're so happy (and maybe you have the slightest crush on Harry) so ofc you don't mind, you're smiling and laughing with everyone else, and harry makes eye contact with your bf for a few seconds before he picks up the cue and puts his arms around you again 😌
.......... sitting on his lap facing him when he's sitting like that ......... maybe you got in a petty little argument earlier and he's still a little mad at you, but you're over it so you're trying to make him not so mad anymore 😋 he's leaning back, not touching you, his face is neutral and he's willing himself not to get hard but he can't help it when you're all pretty on his lap like this 😋 you have your arms around his neck and you're whispering how sorry you are, leaning in to kiss at his neck and grinding down on him lightly just to make him lose his mind 😋 soon he huffs and grabs your hips, leaning forward to say "you've been mean to me all day and now you want me to touch you?" and you nod sweetly, he sighs and says "you always get what you want, maybe that's why you're such a brat" and flips you over so he can be on top 😋
harry is such a nasty filthy whore the first time you're together 🤕 saying "you're so wet for me, bet you didn't get this wet for him, did you?" and he spits in your mouth and slaps you around a bit bc he can tell you like it 🤕
harry for sure occasionally gets in a very feral mood and just wants to fuck you until you cry 🤕 and when you do he pouts in a mocking way and says "poor thing, it's just too much for you isn't it? I'm just making you feel too good" and wipes the tears away with his thumb as he's literally still inside of you 🤕
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Ok first of all, before I talk about crusty ass Wendy, lemme give my boi Steven some spotlight! He slayed AS USUAL! (Ngl he was lookin good👀) He was so invested in helping Chavez, not just to prevent Wanda from getting her powers, but he wanted her to survive the situation. He could’ve did what Supreme Strange tried to do but he didn’t wanna go that route…respect😌. I’m so glad she learned how to harness her power🤩 And I’m so glad Steven got a little closure with Christine🥺 I loved the representation in this movie as well! (Would’ve been better if Wanda was portrayed as the Jewish Romani she is and not a whitewashed version but hey🤷🏽‍♀️) Oh yea, Wong was KILLING IT! Sorcerer Supreme didn’t come to fuck around 😌🤪
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Ok, now let’s talk about Voldemort- I mean wanda. Uummmmm ew, first of all…second of all, was that the bitch yall stan? Couldn’t be me💀 imagine being 100% ready to kill a KID in order for you to go to another reality and take another you’s kids….imagine….she killed innocent people over non-existent kids…
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That bitch is (always was) PSYCHOTIC!! Now do you guys see what Wanda antis were trying to say!? And don’t blame it on the dark hold cause that’s nobody’s fault but hers💀
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what someone who’s constantly babied and not held accountable looks like:
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Anyways…I cheered when she died. Finally. Maybe another universe Wanda will be better than this filth🙄
And let’s talk about the end credits caauuseee👀 my boi rockin the third eye 👁
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