#find out next time on dragonball Z!
if makoto and mikami make it to the end of the redemption braket, there will be a secet third option for the two of them to move on as a team because i lowkey ship them for the chaos because of this tournament
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stellarparallaxcomic · 5 months
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nehswritesstuffs · 11 months
Trick or treat!!
I know that you really did like Law becoming my 7yo OC's Cora-san dad vaor, so here's an excerpt from the next installment in the series. 208 words, retreads stuff from the prior two fics because it also deviates from the main story before they have this talk.
“Listen, I know I’m…” Fuck, this was awkward. “I know I’m not your real dad, but while we’re doing this, we should probably at least pretend like I am so no nosy aunties try anything.” “Law-san… you are my real dad,” Nauja replied. There was an uncomfortable silence between them, the only sounds being the waves against the sides of the ship. “My first dad… he wasn’t like you. He wasn’t mean, but…” She avoided eye contact, instead seeming very interested in what was going on behind Professor Nanuk’s ear. “What did you call your dad? In Flevench?” “Vaor, Vader, Papa…” “My dad wasn’t mean, but he also didn’t really like me,” Nauja said, her head bobbing in a nod. “My vaor loves me, because he teaches me, and tells me I’m good and smart, and does things to protect me that my dad would have never done. You gave up the crew for me… and I don’t know why, other than that you’re my vaor… and he would have never done that.” “Come here,” he requested, holding open his arms. The little girl stepped forward and allowed herself to be enveloped in his grasp, both glad that the hug was so warm against the cool night air.
Want a little fic snippet, WIP, behind-the-scenes info, or otherwise, hit up my ask (multiple callers accepted and encouraged)!
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midgezra · 7 months
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sorry guys i forgot that i had tumblr
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onelessdreamer · 10 months
Two socially awkward, painfully oblivious people beating around the Bush, as the Bush gradually gets smaller and smaller, until there is no Bush anymore and they finally have to accept being direct with each other and it kills them.
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i think i said the phrase “hey diva!” about 27 times today. don’t ask me why
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zhongrin · 2 years
Hmph im going to go with my wife to ignore his presence, she wouldn't do this to me. Time to plot how im going to get this man to break. I should bring out the divine knowlage capsule i had bought from dori ages ago, that should break his bratty personality atleast.
He better be ready cause i don't back down from a challenge like this
SEE this is interesting bc both of you are too prideful to back down and want the other to surrender first. plus ayato seems like he's also the type who wouldn't mind using underhanded tricks when the time calls for it :D i'm loving this dynamic nyehehehe
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fandumb-whimsey · 2 years
The need to write is gripping my shoulders and shaking me, but it is also fighting with my crippling perfectionism and doing battle against my persistent nihilism so who knows when I'll actually do it.
Never in my life have I thought I'd ever want to write slow burn AK!Scarecrow smut, raptor jesus have mercy on me.
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umberandmochaagate · 2 years
Omg drawing is so fun
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aeromaticace · 2 years
I was sleep deprived late last night and made this great scenario/joke
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comicaurora · 1 year
find out what fresh hell awaits next time on dragonball Z
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mischieflily · 4 months
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Introducing: Nel >:)
(I revived an irken OC from 2008 who I only ever drew once [well, twice, but on one sketchbook page - included here as the last image] and then did nothing else with her until frickin SIXTEEN YEARS LATER but hERE WE ARE.)
This is 99% my friend Nick's fault. IMPORTANT: he is the one who drew the 2nd and 3rd images here, those are not my art!!
Anywho, if you'd like to learn more about her, info is under the cut.~
Nel is an assassin hired by the Tallest to take out Zim. She's highly trained in stealth and combat and technology and all that jazz, so she hacks into Zim’s security remotely and does all this research about him (and subsequently, Dib) completely undetected.
She then “crashes” on Earth right in Dib’s flippin' backyard (she ACTUALLY crashes the ship, on purpose, but does calculations to ensure her survival and her ship's ability to be repaired).
Dib finds her (obviously, she's in his backyard), and he’s like “OH SHIT, THERE'S ANOTHER IRKEN, IMMA CUT HER UP FOR SCIENCE! >:)” but she's like “WAIT, I’ll tell you all about my race, just don’t hurt me.” This piques Dib’s interest because he can get info to use against Zim, plus she is injured and can't fight back so he doesn't think she'll try anything. He decides to just put her in alien cuffs and take her inside.
Over time, they slowly become friends huehue (or so it seems). She tells him more and more stuff about Irk which Dib uses to get an edge on Zim and his crazy schemes. The two of them bond and find out about each other, and Dib is glowing because he has a friend who is on his side and is actually treating him nicely!
Meanwhile, Zim notices Dib getting the upper hand more often, and also that Dib is not paying as much attention to him lately, and eventually finds out there is another irken hanging out with him and becomes WILDLY JEALOUS because how DARE the Dib ignore him - HIM!!!! He is ZIM!!! When confronted, Dib is like “you’re just mad because I keep stopping you” and Zim’s like, “YES I AM!!!!” But there more are layers to it than that. Zim's just INCREDIBLY bad at feelings. They all are. Lol.
Is Nel actually growing closer to Dib or just acting? Will Dib find out what's going on? Will Zim be assassinated?? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z! Er, I mean, these are questions I will not answer right now in case I write fanfiction. But oh do I have the answers. Ehehehe.
Also, Nel may or may not be short for a longer name 👀
Anywho, hope you enjoy these doodles / this... AU? Fanfic? Shrug.
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quinnyundertow · 3 months
Can I ask what got you into writing? I love your writing style and I'm so curious about your process as well.
This is such a sweet ask. I love it. This may be way more than what you were expecting haha. But I’m alone in the hospital and this feels cathartic.
I’ve always loved to write since I can remember. When I was in elementary school I remember getting yelled at and crying because I had to write a story about a thanksgiving turkeys adventure and mine was like twenty pages. They said it was too long and hurry up and I was frustrated because I wasn’t done!
I think what really solidified my love for writing is I needed fantasy to escape. In middle and early high school my parents divorced and I was bullied relentlessly. Gum put in my hair, things thrown at me, called fat at every opportunity. I had teachers that bullied me too for being fat. I was SA’d multiple times, depressed and started cutting. I’ve honestly tried to block most of it out.
The point is I had found anime and a few friends who loved it too. So any opportunity I had I begged friends to do writing journals with me. We’d make up a crack fic plots then write self insert and pass a notebook back and forth between classes every chapter for the next person to write. We wrote for Yugioh, Naruto, Dragonball Z, Fruits Basket popular ones at the time. I also wrote poetry, fanfics and original stories to try and escape anyway I could. Writing was the highlight of my teenage years. But other than that it was hell and you could never pay me enough money to repeat them.
I dropped out of Highschool from the bullying and my depression. But I studied and took a test for Highschool equivalency and then went to college and got straight As. College is nothing like Highschool. No one cares what you do. At least in my experience. I wanted to be a writer or manga artist but my father told me I wasn’t good enough and I wish I wouldn’t have taken it to heart and listened. I stopped writing for like ten years except for periodic ideas in notebooks until this last November.
Jujutsu Kaisen had become my comfort anime and then chapter 236 happened. I was so depressed I decided to try and read fanfics again. I’ve always read a lot of published books and was staggered to see a ton of fanfic writers were just as good if not better than published writers. After reading a ton of amazing works I decided I needed a fix it story that was ultimately happy for JJK and here we are.
Sorry if this was boring or too much. But if you take away something from this take this. Life is always changing. Tomorrow will not be the same as today. That much is guaranteed. If you have nothing left to live for then you have nothing to lose by trying something crazy or new. I was broken down to nothing by bullies, family issues, mental and physical health and I was incredibly suicidal. Somehow I found the will to try again. I got on depression and anxiety medication (still on to this day), worked for a higher education and took a shitty paying job to claw my way back up. My life is far from perfect but despite everything I worked hard to now have a boss babe high paying career and after restarting writing and meeting you all I’ve never been happier.
As far as a writing process I pretend I’m not going to post what I write and write it just for me. I ask myself what do I think would be the coolest thing to happen? What would I want to see next? Then I write it. Most of the time it sucks, or I don’t feel like writing it but I force it out. I make myself sit for 15 minutes and just write something. Then I rewrite it. Keep what parts I liked toss what feels off. Repeat. Eventually I’m having fun and loving the process.
When rewriting I’ll name them things like WICYG Chapter 12.2 for the second rewrite etc. I’ll screen shot my google doc so you can see the insanity haha. Sometimes I’ll rewrite four plus times. At the end of the day I want to love what I write and do it for me. Then when I find people that like it too it makes me over the moon happy. I hope one day to have the confidence to write my original stories in my head out. Writing fics for yall has definitely helped build my confidence as a writer.Thanks again for the ask anon sorry for the life story but I’ve never told people all that and it was healing to get out.
My messy google docs 🥹 Madhouse is Sanity Last Stop lol.
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charlastor-love · 7 months
Charlastor won with 53% in the last round! Now it’s down to the wire with Charlastor VS RadioApple! Who will claim the #1 ship in the Hazbin fandom? Find out next time on Dragonball Z
Vote here: https://x.com/knskam/status/1763431688581833101?s=46/
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shukakumoodboard · 17 days
Oh daaamn! ‘from these bones, untethered’ sounds SO COOL!! Infodump to me as much or as little as you’d ant about it, I am intrigued (ominous)
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this one is already partially published! it was my entry for gaalee horrorfest 2022 and is based on the plot of the insidious (2010). i wrote the whole outline on paper in 10 minutes at my desk in the middle of a forest fire (#casual) back when i had a Big Kid Job, but haven’t written anything past the first chapter. horror is my weakest genre and i am a weak baby when it comes to scary movies, but i can tell you i just looked at my outline for the next chapter and
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what the hell am i talking about? find out next time on dragonball z
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letoasai · 7 months
No one remembers Anime Spiral
What do kids even do on the internet? I'm genuinely asking. Everything revolves around social media and that's fine but what do they do. Are their cool things they can do anymore?
There used to be websites and you would just wander the internet on the family computer. Newgrounds. Gaia Online. Neopets. Yahoo Games. Quizzila. Live Journal... I'm not saying they were all great but they were something to do and... no i'll commit, they were great. I wasn't worried about posting pictures of myself when i was busy watching a flash animation of Dragonball Z that someone put painstaking hours into.
A lot of younger kids and teens don't know how to download something and save it to a particular folder on their computer because they've never used a computer. Meanwhile we were somehow... coding our Myspace pages to have a particular background. When did we acquire that knowledge?
In 2004/2005 i went looking for Inuyasha pictures, as one did, and i stumbled upon a site of people posting fanfiction? Sign me up... Anime Spiral was the wild west of chaos fanfic writers. People would make banners for their work that would sit in their summary sections. God help you, but those seizure inducing flashing colors were going to get your attention.
People would write anything, stories, poems, lyrics. People would post art and open commissions for people to ask for things in the comments, and the OP would just do it... There were frantic collaborations. Some were really good. Some were really bad.
There were chaotic originally stories with random anime characters thrown in for fun because who was going to tell them they couldn't? Some people just ranted to anime characters and i will always remember Ask Sesshomaru where you'd ask Sesshomaru a question in the comments and the next chapter he would answer every.single.question. The fact that it was probably a 16 year old girl writing that just didn't matter.
Some people just posted picture of anime characters. They did all the internet searches so you didn't have to! They were harder to find then.
The comment/response section to this day... was the best format i've seen on a fanfic site (imo). It was so easy. I miss it! I miss going to my word processing class and pulling up that site and chatting with people in the freaking comments of whatever...terrible story i'd posted at the time. I was probably so proud of it then but yikes...
The notification system was good and it was easy to talk to people without it feeling intrusive.
Maybe Anime Spiral was Tumblr before Tumblr.
I met two strangers on Anime Spiral a week apart. Internet dangers weren't as obvious then as they seem now. Those two strangers became two of my best friends. It's been nearly twenty years and they are still so prevalent in my life.
I met my best friend on that site. That seems so impossible to me now. We never would have met otherwise and i can't imagine my life without them. We were so upset when Anime Spiral went down. We missed the ugly green and mustard yellow template to this day.
It wasn't a great site, it had it's problems... It had a lot of problems but at the same time, it was a great site. It's hard to find people who even remember Anime Spiral anymore. Going to FF .net or Fiction Press afterwards felt like... a downgrade somehow. The systems overly complicated and it lacked...something.
I do enjoy the hell out of AO3, it actually checks all the boxes for a great writing site, but i'll always remember the chaotic nostalgia of Anime Spiral.
What do kids do on the internet now? Is it safe? Is it just selfies, gossip, and bullying? Do you have a little dragon you can take care of? Neopets could take up a lot of their attention. I don't think 2024 Neopets is the same as 2005 Neopets and that's a shame.
I have no idea. I feel old.
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