#finding translation for animal names is hard 😅
fragglez · 1 year
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the hand is a zookeeper btw!
📍 Knuthenborg Safaripark, Denmark
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tuulikki · 11 months
I've been wondering about your Finnish url ever since learning that you're an English speaking American, and now that you don't have any roots in Finland, I'm super curious. Where does it come from?
Sorry about that time I just started to talk to you in Finnish :D
Haha, no worries! The short answer is: I’m a nerd.
The long answer…
When I was a kid, I was super into any mythology I could get my hands on. And I was a young Tolkien nerd who found out The Kalevala and its poetical style were hugely influential on Tolkien’s worldbuilding. So of course I had to read it. And, as a weird folk music kid, I also fell sideways into any music featuring kantele, which was a gateway drug into other Finnish folk and folk-y music (Värttinä, Pekko Käppi, Hedningarna’s “Karelia Visa” album, etc.).
I’d only lived in the USA and Asia at that age, and most of the “mythology” books I’d ever been exposed to were Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and some machismo-heavy Norse stuff. All very common and very easy to find in the kiddie section of my school library. Finnish mythology and folklore was the first time I had to work a little to learn. I started just with The Kalevala (and copious footnotes), then the internet, later a Finn on LiveJournal who would straight-up translate lyrics/verse, and then puttering around to the local Nordic museum.
I have a lot of nostalgia for that as my first foray into what was, for me, something that stands at the transition point between my being a Mythology Kid™️ and being a more adult-shaped-creature who had to consider mythology, not as an inert curiosity and kiddie hobby, but as one aspect of traditions that exist in relation to real things like nationalism, identity, Romanticism, ethnography, and all that.
So, with that history, when I set out to make a tumblr username, I picked a name I knew from The Kalevala, because literally every other name from stories or myth I knew or could think of was already taken.
A further little joy was that I also loved the Moomintroll books as a kid in the 90s. And some kids in my neighbourhood in Hong Kong had access to the TV show (I don’t remember how) so I got properly scared of the animated Groke. So now, knowing about Tuulikki Pietilä and Tove Jansson, I have a further pleasant coincidence from my already very coincidence- and happenstance-heavy username.
And I do have to agree with Tolkien, in the end: Finnish is a fucking cool language. People are always like “ohh French is so romantic!” and sure maybe but is French cool. I’m not a linguist, but I know the number of grammatical cases a European language has is directly proportional to how hard it fucks.
I… hope that’s an answer that makes sense 😅
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osamusmiya · 2 years
ah then i'll definitely give jjba a try! it's been on my list for quite a while but i never found the last push to start it 👀 i just realized they have 5 seasons on netflix too which would be even easier to get started!! 🤩 ooo blue lock is a really good one! the manga is super intense, but i do like how the anime is adapting it so far! i definitely recommend you to start if you haven't yet ♡♡ oof i agree with you on finding it hard to keep up with anime... (but im not better with mangas either
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OMG YAASSS 🤩 also just so you know there are a lot of music references in jjba, so when they translate it on netflix they change the name for somethings for copyright reasons, but you could look up the correct names on wiki cuz if you watch it with japanese audio the subtitles won't match 😂 I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT THO ITS A LOT OF FUN with a side of pain💗
i hear the manga for blue lock is really good, its nice to see that the anime is adapting it well! i'm so bad at keeping up with on going things too 😅 especially if the manga is monthly i will completely forget about it DFKJDS but yeah i agree the voice actors bring life to the character and its fun to see how they fit together 😊
ohhh good questions! i like all colors but my fav is purple and black!and for pastel colors i really like mint green 💚 my fav genres are action types i guess lool but i do love good rom-coms! unless they have love triangles i don't like those 🫠 some old anime im nostalgic for hmmm i only read it this year but i really liked dorohedoro and i wish i saw more content for it 😔 wby santa, what genres do you like usually??
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ddwcaph-game · 2 years
So I received this super long anonymous ask, so I hope you don't mind if I cut off the extraneous bits and spoilery parts so this doesn't become too long!
I'm very grateful for the ask though, but please send your spoilery asks to @in-auctorem-credimus-if instead! I'll be happy to answer if you have further or follow-up questions!
In Auctorem Credimus spoilers ahead!
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1. I only found one hidden link on my second playthrough as my Heart Twin and all I have to ask. Is there some kind of translator for the link? [...]
Yup! Just look up "hexadecimal to text converter". It's likely that you won't be familiar with the decoded text, so you'll have to use Google Translate to find out its meaning!
2. The villain. Honestly, you may have already explained this and I just wasn’t here for it, but is there a villain, maybe villains? [...]
The "villains" that will be chasing you throughout the story depends on which genres you pick in your short story. Each genre has a different villain, so you might get different dialogue and fight/chase scenes, but they all have the same role story-wise.
They'll be the "main villains" from Volume 1 to Volume 3. The ending of IAC happens in the middle of Volume 4, so from then on, the group is basically trying to run away from both the story villains and The Foundation... except, isn't CANon trying to capture the story villains too? And even if Squad 626 lets the kids go, they still have to deal with the rest of CANon.
I won't spoil too much about what happens after that, but there's another "villain" behind everything else. You won't find out who or what it is until the end of Volume 6, but trust me when I say that it's the hardest thing to keep a secret. 😄
3. Hope this doesn’t come off as rude because I’m genuinely curious because the more I think about it, what exactly does our story genre change? [...]
Lots of things:
Unlocking special interactions, dialogue, and flavor text: This can be as small as MC knowing what JM's dog is named after, or as big as knowing a certain monster's weakness, or giving you extra clues when trying to complete sidequests. For example: The Leap Day Lady sidequest provides different bonus clues for Fairytale/Mythology/Supernatural/Mystery Lovers.
Your MC's powers and abilities: The best example I can think for this is that Fairytale Lovers will gain the ability to talk to (or at least understand) animals later. Each genre combination has their own advantages!
Your story world: Yes, you do get to visit your own story world in Volume 6. This also affects the villains chasing you throughout the story, as well as the background and powers/abilities of MC's parents.
4. I wanted to know that if the player decides for MC to go the same way, say their personality is very different than the one they began with. Will that be recognized? [...]
Yes! That's the plan at least. I'm also planning a feature in later volumes that will allow you to shift personalities much easier in-between volumes. (If you're interested about the mechanics, you can find more information here.)
5. I know you said you don’t really want praise. But I’m going to do it anyway. I know you have a hard time giving the Twin their own identity outside of the MC since they are already so customizable, but I’m going to be honest… Some of my favorite moments are when the Twin says/does something when I’m not currently playing as them. [...]
Hehe, thank you! I've said this before, but I did base the Heart Twin's personality from Wayne and Roselyna since they're the original twins in the first draft of my story, while Star Twin's personality is closer to Lily and JM's.
6. If F6E had their own stats similar to the Twins, what would it look like? [...]
If you mean the four attributes (Vigor, Grace, etc.), you can find them in the non-mobile version of the character page.
If you mean their personality stats, please send a separate ask because this is too long already! 😅
7. Our pet! Honestly, one of my favorite additions to this story. I know we probably won’t see our pet past Chapter 3 (even though I wish we could!) But I love them. I chose to have the dog and named him Boney. (if you get that reference, you’re awesome.) [...]
You'll see your pet again in Chapter 5 if you go the Investigation Branch. Although now that I think about it, maybe they can make another appearance in Chapter 7 during the school invasion? One of the reasons Julie/Robert adopted the pet was to keep an eye on the twins, and the invasion is definitely enough of a threat, although the pet will be definitely be trying not to blow their cover.
The pet was inspired by Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb, so yes, the pet could be from any story world—CANon has animal agents too, which is one of the reasons the pet can understand the MC regardless of whether they have the [Animal Lover] Trait or not.
And sorry, I don't get the reference. 😅
8. Anyway, the stats in DDWCAPH interest me. In fact, just last night, I was thinking about what the hell they could possibly be used for like is my Heart Twin gonna randomly stumble upon a huge boulder in their and F6E’s way and using vigor, they just somehow pick it up. Imagining a 12 year old do that is. silly. [...]
I renamed the stat from Strength to Vigor because I wanted it to represent a general physical "fitness/endurance/constitution" stat, so it's not just about pure strength.
Maybe picking up boulders sounds silly if you didn't choose the Superhero genre, but when I mentioned you'll be fighting legendary monsters in the introduction post, I mean monsters like the Big Bad Wolf, Medusa, and the Lernaean Hydra. Not to mention there's also the story villains. I think imagining a 12 year old do that is a lot more sillier.😄
And thanks for the recommendation! I've heard of Disco Elysium before, although I don't think I'd enjoy it very much. The mechanics do seem interesting though!
why our aunt (I think it was our aunt) hid to us about our Mom coming back? The twins are obviously both hurting from this. Do they think it would make their relationship worse or is it for more selfish reasons? [...]
If you follow the Secrets Guide, yes, you can find out in Chapter 3 that Julie does indeed want the twins to be her children. It's selfish, yes, but you have to keep in mind that Julie and Maggie are estranged, and Maggie just suddenly showed up on her doorstep with the twins. (Also Julie doesn't want a repeat of the cursed fieldtrip—it's very likely that Maggie won't follow through with her promise again, and she'd rather not disappoint the twins and make them fight again.)
There's definitely more to this story as you'll find out in the Investigation Branch in Chapter 5, but yup, regardless of the reasons, MC has every right to be angry at both Julie and Maggie.
Also, incase you didn’t know, I somehow remember a glitch about how if you find this secret before your twin gets out of the shower, [...]
Oh no, not another bug! I'm not sure when you last played, but I tried to fix a looping shower bug a few days before, so I don't know if you're referring to the same thing.
But yes, I would absolutely appreciate screenshots if it's still happening. Thank you!
I have more questions, but I kind of want to replay through the whole game + IAC to get more of a good view of it all.
Thank you! I'm honestly just flattered you have this many questions for me, but please space them out a little so the ask doesn't get very long! 😅
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eiks1997 · 3 years
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So as soon as I finished drawing the last image of Randal, I immediately started this one! 😅 I love my tired boi. 💜 I haven't changed anything from his design since the last image, but who knows, I might shift a few things here and there. But overall I love drawing his quirky clothes. If I were to change them, they'd only get weirder!
(Click HERE to see the previous image)
Every Wizard has a familiar. And with Randal I wanted him to have an owl, you know the classic 'wise' image, with the 'up all night' kind of vibe. I was going to name him after Merlin's owl, Archimedes, but decided against it. I thought it might be a little predictable. So his owl friend is called Mani!🦉 Which translates to moon in Norse Mythology. It all ties in to the moon! 🌙 I like to think Mani is a bit of a dick but he's one of the very few people\animals who could make Randle smile. I must admit drawing Mani was really hard. (I hate drawing animals) but hopefully with practice Mani will start to look really cool. I might shift his design to make him look more magical instead of just a regular owl. But for now, we love Mani and Randal. 💜
As said before I absolutely love Randal. A rising star out of all the characters I draw. So if you want to see more of him or any other character designs stick around! There's defiantly more on the way. 😊⭐ Program used: Clip Studio Paint Date: 2021 Find me on Instagram! :  #EIKS1997 DO NOT REPOST MY ART
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eijunes · 3 years
hello helloooooooo!!!!! firstly: there will not be any butt-kicking on my watch lol. i just know tumblr is an ass sometimes and eats asks and it's esp tricky with this anonymous business. i'm glad you did get it! o(≧▽≦)o
you mentioned your week last week would be super busy, so i hope that went well! learning japanese seems super cool omg; it's great you get to learn in person again😁 how long have you been studying it??
those pastries look AMAZING! i hope you were able to eat a bunch!
i've been reading blue period myself and i adore it. so good!! ohhhhh komi-san is great!!! it isn't super plot heavy tbh but it's a very very pretty slice-of-life and the characters are cute— i recommend giving it a try! and kny s2 starts properly in a couple weeks let's gooooooooo
thank you for the well-wishes for the exam😘 i think it went decently well~
question time! who are a few of your favorite characters/scenes/ships?? and what colors do you like?
have an amazing week!💕— animanga secret santa
hello dear!! ufff thank you, my butt is safe 😅 yeah, it was a bit hectic but at least now I'm almost free for a few days 💛 although the days keep getting colder and darker so it’s hard to find energy to do anything productive ;;
it's not exactly in person cause we have classes online but at least it's with other people! it's a bit funny cause I don't know anything about the people in my group except for their names and their voices 😅 I've been learning for over 2 years but most of this time I only studied kanji by myself and avoided grammar so I can't say that I'm very far ahead. but it’s satisfying to be able to read at least something when a new chapter of my mangas drop and they are not translated yet!
I actually started watching kny for the first time recently. I’m only 5 episodes in but maybe I’ll be able to catch up soon!
fav characters and ships, let’s see. this year I fell back into bungou stray dogs after a little break and it's honestly 99% of my brain these days 😅 I love everyone there but dazai and atsushi the most, separately and together. dazatsu is not the most popular ship but they are so sweet and give me so much comfort, idk what I’d do without them in this strange year 💛 who else... vanitas and noé from vanitas no carte, killua and gon from hxh, rather platonically but they are the best duo, I like so many characters in haikyuu but probably hinata, kageyama, oikawa and atsumu the most. hak and yona from akatsuki no yona. I have a very soft spot for no.6, I rewatched the anime last year and reread the light novels it was based on and I love the story and the characters so much. I hope this gives you a little idea about the mess in my head 😄 what are some things you are into? 
for colors, I like soft pastels and strong black the most! you can probably see if you go through my gifsets haha, but don’t worry about it, I’d love to see anything you make in your style! 💛
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