hxneylemonarchive · 10 years
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URL:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Theme:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Posts:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
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danareadsbooks · 10 years
findingmynewdream replied to your post:The bread is in the oven
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insidiosissimxs-blog · 10 years
findingmynewdream liked this for a starter
"Your royal highness." The young nobleman bowed his head to the princess who returned. Probably only a little younger as he was, Michael estimated, and surely a lucky one. He was still not sure whether he quite understood how the royal couple could be so sure this girl was the one- but he didn't really care either. They should be granted the bliss of finding a lost child. "May I say that your dress looks particularly dazzling this evening?" 
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*Blog rate symbol*??? :)
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Special note: I really like your theme :D
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mugglebornheadcanon · 10 years
1373. Muggleborns who love Narnia start naming all the lions in the Gryffindor common room Aslan and charm some stone ones to say quotes from the book with prompting.
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sociallyimpairedbear · 10 years
"Ready to go down to the pitch, Kristoff?" Rapunzel asked, grinning, her Nimbus 2000 over her shoulder. She'd inherited the broom from her mother, and even though it was old fashioned, she cared deeply about it. It got the job done!
"You mean am I ready to get circles flown around me? Sure, yeah," Kristoff chuckled, easily keeping stride with his Gryffindor friend. He didn’t have his own Quidditch gear — none that would actually fit him or anything; some of his cousins played, but they were all a good deal shorter than him — so the broom and other gear was actually borrowed from the school for practice.
"Are you prepared to school me?" he asked in return, a playful smirk on his face.
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wronghorsetobeton · 10 years
She couldnt wait to meet Leo at the coffee shop. She needed to get out of the house. Jake Stabbington, Rapunzel’s boyfriend was going through a lot, which made him drink. Which made him mean, nasty, and unpleasant to be around. So, the brunette couldn’t wait to get out and see her long-time friend.
However, it was too hot to be wearing the purple coat the brunette was wearing, but she had no choice. She couldn’t even wear a short sleeved shirt without having to make up excuses. She was immediately reminded, upon nearing the coffee shop, about growing up. How it didn’t matter if she covered up or not- the bruises could be on full display since she never went outside.
But that was just how people showed love, right?
She peered around the shop before going in and ordering an iced chocolate mocha, hugging Leo from behind and then sliding into the seat next to the blonde boy. “Helllllllloooo!” She exclaimed, grinning and bouncing in the seat. “How are you! How’s everything at work going?! It’s been way too long don’t you think?” ——————
It had been a while since Leo had heard from his friend -- not including the odd text here and there -- so he was more than happy to meet up with Rapunzel that day.
He'd been waiting for a little bit, already ordering something for himself and finding a seat. It was surprisingly busy in the little shop, so Leo was actually a little surprised when Rapunzel hugged him from behind.
"Well, hey there, stranger," he greeted her as she sat down next to him. "I'm as good as I can be. I haven't worked since my parents forced me back into living with them. And, yeah! It's been way too long! Where have you been hiding all this time?"
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hxneylemonarchive · 10 years
2014 meme: I always watch Big Hero six now and can't picture honeylemon with picturing your blog!!!
before 2014 ends inbox me one thing you’ve always wanted to know or say to me and i have to reply to all of them.
Awww I'm honoured! //smooches your cheeks lovingly
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insidiosissimxs-blog · 10 years
"Excuse me, but..." He carefully touched the upper arm of the noble lady. Short brown hair... how unusual! But this was a new fashion here in this realm, ever since the return of Princess Rapunzel. "I got lost here, where do I find the audience chamber?"
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findingmynewdream said: PARK VERSE PICK MEEE
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575! :3
Send me “575” and my muse will write a haiku about yours!
Twinny twinny twin!
Your life is so like mine is
Yet also unique
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sociallyimpairedbear · 10 years
"Kristoff!" The blonde scurried across the great hall, finding a seat at the Hufflepuff table. "Are you going to try out for Quittich? Im thinking about it for Gryffindor!"
Kristoff looked up from his breakfast when he heard Rapunzel’s voice, biting off a hunk of the muffin he’d been stuffing into his mouth so that he could actually talk. "Quidditch?" he questioned, raising a brow at the excited blonde.
"Never really thought about it before, I’m not the best on a broom," Kristoff shrugged, eyeing his Gryffindor friend carefully. "You know that’s a pretty rough sport, yeah? What position are you going for, exactly?" He didn’t mean to sound condescending, but he’d seen enough games to know that players could often come out of games with concussions and broken bones.
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"Happy Halloween, Hans!" Rapunzel grinned, rushing over to him! She wrapped him in a hug and smiled. "Can you guess what I am?" She asked, spinning around and the big orange dress she was wearing spun with he, fanning out into the shape of a ball.
To say he was unprepared for this was an understatement. He jumped at the sound of her voice coming from out of nowhere, and like a little anaconda of sunshine and joy she wrapped around him.
"OH! Happy Halloween to you Rapunzel!" Hans replied eagerly, affected by her exuberance at the day. He put his hand to his chin and thought over her question, a bit of exaggeration in his pose as he pondered. "I am guessing you are... a pumpkin. Did I get it right?"
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hxneylemonarchive · 10 years
findingmynewdream liked for a starter!
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◌◌◌  [ℋ ❀ ℒ]                             "Wait, wait, you bake? That's amazing! So do I! You know what this calls for, right? I have a bunch of ingredients that are just dying to be used! Maybe we could swap cookie or bronie recipies! Ooh, or even pies!" 
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fxtzherbert-blog · 10 years
sing ing sign please sing something
{ didn't you already send one in? :P does it count twice? idkk??? }
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