Im a big fan specifically of your poems. Could you write a last one, maybe about something dumb?
i am a bee
im a bee
im a bee
do you think im a bee
i think i might be a bee
pretty sure im a bee
but maybe im a flower
and the bee is there to carry
the flower from place to place
plants dont have true sense
but flowering im pretty sure
feels great to flower
fitting my body into a whole
but im not sure im a flower
can a bee just decide its a flower
just a bee all the time
bees are good so its a good choice
but flowers are good too
in the bee part of my soul
there is a bee bee
and in the flower part
there is a flower flower
the bee bee is at ease in the flower flower
but the flower flower finds it difficult
to find the bee bee
when bee bee is the bee flower
and flower flower is the bee flower
flower flower finds its friend
and bee bee bee can be found
in flower flower
in bee bee
two flowers meet and kiss and the flower bee
bee bee
in the flower part of its soul
and the flower in the bee part
another happy bee to join the flower flower
flower flower
flower flower flower
and bee bee
bee bee flower flower
flower flower flower
flower flower flower flower
bee bee flower bee bee
flower flower flower flower
bee bee flower flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower
look! here comes the bee bee
bee bee flower flower flower bee bee flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee flower flower bee bee flower flower
bee bee flower bee bee flower flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee bee flower flower
flower flower flower bee bee bean flower flower bee bee flower
two flowers meet and kiss and the flower
flower bee
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gloomyearthling · 4 months
The Adventures of Finnegan, the Miniature Dachshund
So, I stumbled upon @gallusrostromegalus post about their dog Arwen and it reminded me of my folks dog Finn. She was like a mini Marley from Marley and Me. I shall regale you about some of her adventures (of which there are many).
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The Poop Incident
So, my parents had a full-fledged basement suite that we started renting out. Unfortunately, in order to reach the basement, the tenants had to use the entrance to our house and walk through to the basement door. Well, Finn did not like this.
We had this one tenant that ran a dog walking business and would often come home with dogs she was looking after. Well, in Finn's eyes, this meant she was on the top of her shit list, literally. One day, while my parents were at work and I was at school. Finn decided to pinch a fat, steamy loaf in front of the basement door.
The tenant, not noticing the turd, opened the door and smeared said log across the floor, and she either didn't notice the rancid smell, or she chose to ignore it and leave it to us to clean (which is completely in her right to do, it wasn't her dog that shit on the ground). My poor step-dad had to take the door off it's hinges to clean the bottom of it, and, well... it still haunts his dreams till this day.
The Screen Door
We had this screen door (key word: had) which Finn despised -- one too many instances of her slamming face-first into it when we opened the sliding door for her to go outside.
Well, my mother was in the midst of interviewing potential tenants for the basement (this was before the poop incident), and while my mother was describing how good of a dog Finn was... she had chewed a hole into the screen door and was trying to wedge her fat, pudgy body through the hole like a fucking chest-burster, all while snarling and swearing at the intruder in her house.
Yeah, uh, we had to get it removed and we never ended up replacing it.
The Barf Incident
So, my dog and I had a bit of rivalry going on. We both vied for the affection of my parents, which resulted in Finn doing some... stuff. Allow me to explain.
One time, we were driving to my step-dad's sisters house to spend the weekend there. Unfortunately, the drive it long and my dog gets motion sickness. So, my folks feed her these dog treats that are supposed to help with that. We would always joke that she would plot our demises for taking her barf systems offline.
Anyway, my dog an I were in the back of the car. I was on the left side, and she was on the right -- we were as far away as we could get. An hour or two into the trip, I was trying to get some shut-eye, and I guess the aforementioned barf systems had began rebooting, because in the midst of me trying to sleep, I suddenly felt this warm sensation on my leg. I look to see what it is, and it's a perfect spiral of barf on my knee.
She had ninja'd her way from her side of the car to mine, silently barfed on my leg, and slinked back off to her side of the vehicle. When I eventually did spot the pile of dark barf on my knee, she was looking at me exactly like this:
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Little shit was like, "nobody will ever believe you when you claim I threw up on your leg." Of course, my parents knew I didn't barf on my own damn leg. But still, it's something we still joke about till this day.
The Landlord
So, before we moved to our house. We lived in a rental home. The landlord was a retired military vet who had seen some shit, but was chill as fuck. I really loved the guy. Anyway, we were in the process of moving away and the landlord had come over with potential tenants.
Well, while he was showing them around. Finn hid underneath the coffee table and swore at them in dog (shout-out to Gallus for that line). Eventually, they migrated to the backyard and guess what this fuck-head did? Parked her ass in front of the screen door in full view of the landlord and tenants and planted the fattest loaf on the kitchen floor before bolting back to her hiding spot.
The poor landlord had to come back into the house to clean it up. But Finn wasn't done, no siree. The landlord had left the front door open and while he was cleaning up the crime scene she had left for him. She ran out of the house like a bat out of hell. This hard-ass military man had to chase my wiener dog around the neighbourhood so she didn't get herself killed.
Eventually, the smooth-brained piece of shit realized the outside world is too scary for her, so she ran over to him for safety. He got her back to my house just as I arrived home from school. I can't tell you how difficult it was not to laugh while he was retelling me the series of events that took place because of that fucking dog.
That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but I'll text my step-dad tomorrow and see if there's any additional tales I can regale you with because, like I said, there are many.
Stay tuned.
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itsthevioletqueen · 4 years
here’s my actual birthday gift for you guys
started it back in march(?) but just decided to quickly complete it for today since it was almost finished anyways
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bioartist · 4 years
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Caturday: Finn Edition Happy Caturday! Today's post is featuring Finnegan who has been to the vet this week. He wasn't feeling himself - getting into fights, walking gingerly up the stairs, hesitating to jump, not purring on contact, and he took a giant poop in the middle of the hall.
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Kitten Gray, Periwinkle
Kitten Grey: Do you have any pets? If so, describe them. uh its been ages since i had pets that were Technically mine, but the last batch that were sort of mineish included:ricky: a black cat with a white spot on his chest and stomach and a kinked tail. he likes to be whacked on the side of the stomach, called thumping. pretty social but also bad at not pooping on the floor next to the litter box. he just showed up one day also and didnt leave. brought a robin inside once at like 5:30am. likes to sit on a stool in the kitchen and watch stuff. also absurdly chill like you can pick him up and spin him around and he just hangs there. if you pick him up so he can hang on your shoulder he likes to try crawling onto your back to lie there instead.flint: virtually always called finnegan or finster instead. a stray picked up from where my mom worked. one of those sort of tortoiseshell brown/black mottled tabbies. kind of slowly getting over being skittish. tries to sneak into the trash. likes sunbathing and likes soft blankets, especially this specific one with penguins on it. also likes to be held but only on certain occasions and until he decides its overcalvin: a big orange cat who is clueless and the sweetest cat in the world. adopted from a shelter to be ricky’s friend after the original friend got run over. likes to walk outside, sleep in the sun, and tries to eat more foods than the dog. will also tolerate playing with the dog to a degree. very talkative & will meow back whenever you say anything, very cuddly, gets upset a few times a day when he hasnt been snuggled enough and will yell and try to climb up your leg to be held. besides being hugged for twenty minutes he also likes to have the top of his head shoved against your chin, called face smashing, and he likes to try to wash your face for you, called schnuffing, though the whole process of picking him up when he’s lonely is called schnuffing. super funnyteddy: a small black newfoundland with a white patch on his chest. he’s inherently funny because they have funny faces and big feet and a big head and he’s like a cat and sleeps mostly. he doesnt know how to play tug of war and tries to cheat by just lying down but then i’d drag him across the floor anyways. loves the snow. lies on an a/c vent in the summer. loves walks but last i knew he was getting a bit old and they tired him out faster though he still likes them. if you ask him to roll over for treats he also tries to cheat sometimes by either getting on his back and putting his feet in the air for a second or else just spinning around in place on his butt. hilariousPeriwinkle: What’s something ordinary that has personal meaning to you?oh man, not much. i dont have any like significant things like that really. if i see a mechanical pencil im a little moved b/c i draw with those but its one of those things that seems to be getting lost all the time. i cherish them.
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yourreddancer · 6 years
Irish Humor
A wee bit of alleged Irish Humor to Improve Your day:
After 10 years, the wife starts to think their kid looks kind a strange so she decides to do a DNA test. She finds out that the kid is actually from completely different parents. Wife: Honey, I have something very serious to tell you.Husband: What's up?Wife: According to DNA test results, this is not our kid... Husband: Well you don't remember, do you??? When we were leaving the hospital, you noticed that our baby had pooped, then you said: "Please go change the baby, I'll wait for you here.” So I went inside, got a clean one and left the dirty one there
”Moral: Never give a man a job for which he is not qualified.*************
*An Irishman's first drink with his son!
While reading an article last night about fathers and sons, memories came flooding back to the time I took me son out for his first pint.  Off we went to our local pub only two blocks from the cottage.  I got him a Guinness He didn't like it, so I drank it.  Then I got him a Kilkenny, he didn't like that either, so I drank it.Finally, I thought he might like some Harp Lager?  He didn't. I drank it.  I thought maybe he'd like whisky better than beer so we tried a Jameson's; nope!  In desperation, I had him try that rare Redbreast Ireland's finest whisky.  He wouldn't even smell it.  What could I do but drink it!  By the time I realized he just didn't like to drink, I was so shit-faced I could hardly push his stroller back home!!!**************
Some Light Dublin Traffic Humor
A car full of Irish nuns are sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin when a bunch of rowdy drunks pull up alongside of them.  "Hey, show us yer teats, ya bloody penguins." shouts one of the drunks. Quite shocked, Mother Superior turns to Sister Mary Immaculate and says, "I don't think they know who we are; show them your cross."  Sister Mary Immaculate rolls down her window and shouts, "Piss off, ya fookin' little wankers, before I come over there and rip yer balls off." She then rolls up her window, looks back at Mother Superior quite innocently, and asks, "Did that sound cross enough?"
Paddy was driving home, drunk as a skunk, suddenly he has to swerve to avoid a tree, then another, then another. A cop car pulls him over as he veers about all over the road. Paddy tells the cop about all the trees in the road. Cop says "For God's sake Paddy, that's your air freshener swinging about!"
_Murphy told Quinn that his wife was driving him to drink.  Quinn thinks he's very lucky because his own wife makes him walk.
Mrs. Feeney shouted from the kitchen, 'Is that you I hear spittin' in the vase on the mantel piece?'  'No,' said himself, 'but I'm gettin' closer all the time.'
__Finnegan: My wife has a terrible habit of staying up 'til two o'clock in the morning. I can't break her out of it.Keenan: What on earth is she doin' at that time? Finnegan: Waitin' for me to come home.
Slaney phoned the maternity ward at the hospital. 'Quick!' he said.'Send an ambulance, my wife is goin' to have a baby!''Tell me, is this her first baby?' the intern asked. 'No, this is her husband, Kevin, speakin'.'
My Mother wanted me to be a priest.  Can you imagine giving up your sex life; and then once a week people come in to tell you the details and highlights of theirs?
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Finnegan is being affectionate with his caregiver; probably because she is feeding him his favourite @bigcountryraw raw food! ~ A raw diet provides a range of benefits that a commercially processed diet will never match. Some health benefits include reduced shedding, cleaner teeth, and less poop to scoop (just to name a few!) Big Country Raw provides a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and recipes offer a complete and balanced diet for your pets. Raw feeding is more affordable than you think! If you want to get started on raw, or just want to learn more, check out bigcountryraw.ca for more information! (Photo by @monicasisson) #sponsored #bigcountryraw ~ Follow us on FaceBook for exclusive content: Pitter Patter Furry Feet ~ #cat #siberian #bestmeow @bestmeow ~ 🐾 pitterpatterfurryfeet.com 🐾 | 👻 pitpatfurfeet 👻 (at Toronto, Ontario)
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kensdog · 6 years
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While en route to join a Wildland Trekking tour in St. George, Utah, we stopped in Kanab to visit Best Friends Animal Society. This animal sanctuary has dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, horses, and more. Even if you've never visited any of their locations, you can still volunteer for a day by completing their online training first — which, of course, I did!
There was every chance I could've been mucking out dog kennels, but I was lucky enough to get an assignment walking dogs. Each one came with instructions for "one long loop" or "one short loop" along a nearby figure-eight trail. At the end of the trail, the dog and I would rest at a bench, interacting with each other until the handler came to give me another dog.
Each dog had a different history and personality. Milagro was found on a Navajo reservation and was the oldest and calmest of the dogs. Conan was displaced by Hurricane Harvey and liked to eat poop. Finnegan pulled on the leash, while Jarvis liked to chase lizards.
When I was done, I was invited to read to Conan. I grabbed four children's books and sat in his kennel with him. He wasn't the most attentive listener, often wandering in and out through a doggie door to his outside space. But it was still a joy to spend more time with him.
I loved this stop on our trip; as breathtaking as the Grand Canyon was, Best Friends was a highlight. Taking a week off from my day job to return to Kanab and walk dogs every day would be my ideal vacation.
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tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-welcome-fall/
Week-End Update: Welcome Fall?
After last week’s cooler temps we managed to welcome Fall with enough heat to confuse the vegetable garden and make more than 1 family regret closing down their pool for the season. We’re hoping for the same dry weather next week-end but are also wishing for slightly cooler temperatures for our Miles For Mutts 5K & 1-Mile Fun Walk but we’ll be prepared to help keep everyone well hydrated with the Concordville Nissan water station and will have a sunscreen check point to make sure those of you who forgot to put on sunscreen can protect yourselves.
On to adoptions because enquiring minds are most interested in who celebrated their gotcha day this week! Monique’s life being used for breeding purposes is now a distant memory as this sweet Poodle started the next chapter of her happy tail & changing her name to Mimosa earlier this week! Also adopted were Carabelle, Chief (now Diesel), Daisy, Demyx, Lady Jaymes, Kilo, Monkey, Opal & Shortie.
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Chief now Diesel
Monique now Mimosa
  We also have some updates to share
Lily FKA Autumn
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“1 year ago today I adopted Lily (fka Autumn). She definitely rescued me just as much as I rescued her. Can’t imagine life without her. I love spoiling her with love. She goes to doggy day care several times a week where she is the life of the party and friends with everyone. She is so energetic and loves going to parks and playing in the stream. She also loves curling up on the couch with me. She has come such a long way this year and has gained so much confidence. Thank you TLC for helping to bring Lily into my life! So many pictures to choose from but here are a few from our first year together”
  Kali FKA Daneel (special appearance by Louie FKA Quinn)
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“Happy 3 year “gotcha day” Kali ❤. You bring so much love and laughter to our family”
“Today Snowball celebrated his birthday! . It’s his fourth, but his very first with us . And he wanted to make sure that everyone got to see how cool he looked in his birthday hat! ( oh, the things pet owners will buy for entertainment. Lol). I couldn’t help but think today about how one year ago at this time he was unwanted and in a shelter in West Virginia. But then, To Love a Canine changed his destiny.
For anyone considering getting a new pet, please please please don’t be afraid to open your home and heart to a rescue pet.. It’ll be the one of best decisions you ll ever make. Birthday hat not included”
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“Frankie is doing great!  He’s growing and learning more every week.  He’s very well behaved minus a few puppy moments as to be expected.  Truly a sweetie and we’re falling more in love with him everyday!
Question:  I took care of his license application, bought pet insurance, finished his vaccines, established a relationship with the vet and ordered him new tags.  1) do I need to do anything with the microchip or was that updated when we adopted him? 2) is there anything I’m missing?”
  Editor’s note: we register the microchip to the adopter during the adoption visit so there is no need to contact the chip manufacturer unless you move, your contact info changes or the dog escapes.
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“Hello! Max is doing great! He seems to be getting more settled in to our routine and is less anxious. We are signing up for Jeri Wagner’s group class. I just took him to the vet and there are no problems- I had bloodwork done and it came back perfect! We will be bringing Max and our other dog Blue to the walk at Warwick park in a few weeks”
  “Razberry is doing very well in our home. She loves her siblings (2 and 4 legged). She had been doing great on the leash for short walks but she really loves sitting on laps. She has been eating well and has had no accidents in the house! We absolutely love her and we’re so happy we found her! Here is a picture of her taking care of my daughter who just had a minor arm surgery. Razberry stayed by her side all day long and my daughter had less pain when she was petting her. We already have an appointment for her first “spa day” at our groomer. I’d be happy to send more pics when we get them.”
  Cosmo FKA Moses
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“Cosmo, new name, is settling in well. We are all head over heals in love with him. He and I are working on a morning routine that works for us, which needs to be adjusted for his poop schedule. Trying something different tomorrow. He sleeps in his crate all night, loves playing ball, and enjoys my grandchildren. 
My daughter’s cat loves him and we are working on his chase game with her. The cat wants to play, but hates being chased. He has made himself quite at home here. 
Attached are 2 pictures. I will follow up with the vet next week. 
Thanks so much TLC. “
  Finnegan FKA William
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“”We are loving the new addition to our family, he is fitting in perfectly. We did change Williams name to Finnegan, which goes nicely with out other dog Bailey. Finnegan has his vet appointment this Thursday and we will make sure to bring a copy of his records with us. As we speak my husband is changing his name on his microchip ID. We have been working on training him with the assistance of our neighbor and recall from our older dog. With that said, we do plan on completing formal training to work on some of his behaviors and plan on calling to chat with Deb Murray for some suggestions. Finnegan is a lovable, easy going pup who loves to cuddle and nap in the grass. Here are a couple pictures for you. Thank you for checking.”
  Calvin FKA Kalvin
“Thank you for this follow up! Calvin is settling in very well at our home. We are in love! As you can see we did decide to keep the name but we are spelling it with a ‘C’ rather that a ‘K.’ He’s growing so fast, so we will be sure to pass on pictures soon. Thank you so much for your service. We feel so blessed to be a part of this community.”
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“Thanks for checking in on Brooke! She is doing great and is such a sweet pup! She seems to be having a great time here and is well adjusted! She loves to go for walks and especially hikes down by the river. She’s also great at sniffing out little critters in the yard:) We really are so happy we have her as part of our family! Thank you all for making it possible!”
  Blodwynn FKA Pizzelle (Willow FKA Bindi’s pup)
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 Blodwynn’s mom sent us her Wisdom Panel results �� we’re a little perplexed by the amount of Lab coming from both of her parents, since her mom’s Wisdom Panel didn’t show Lab . . .
  We hope you have a great week and hope to see you at Miles For Mutts next Sunday!
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fe3dthecars-blog · 7 years
NEWS FLASH: Roadkill’s Mustang Project
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Yesterday, April 18 2017, while averting and distracting myself from work, my father sent me a link where one of our favorite Hot Rod go to man, David Freiburger, was showing a picture of a 1969 Mach1 Mustang as their next Roadkill project car. MY DREAM CAR. For the very few people who have seen my earlier posts here, you would know that I’m obsessed with the 1969 Mustang. (Doesn’t matter if it’s a Mach 1, a Boss 302, a Boss 429, a GT etc.) So having our favorite youtube car show do a project car that is actually my dream car is like watching God come down from the sky! Roadkill is one of Motor Trend’s programs on Youtube. It is hosted by David Freiburger (Former Editor in Chief and now Hot Rod Magazine’s SVP Content Strategist) and Mike Finnegan – Hot Rod Magazine’s Staff Editor. This show is basically, a more raw and fun version of all the current car shows you’ll see on T.V. They repair cars with zip ties, and run nitrous bottles on stock engines -and consequently blow them up. They do road trips and junk yard builds. All the things they do is like a dream job for me. That and playing music and doing art and our podcast. I’d known all about Hot Rod magazine (and Car Craft and all the american magazines) mostly because of my father. He’d been collecting these since the magazine reached the Philippines. So we’ve known Freiburger and Finnegan a long long time. Because we read their articles on the magazine. Magazines that showed me what a 1969 Mustang is when I was in 4th grade. So when they started making videos on YouTube and then made the show (there are also other shows on Motor Trend that are really fun) me and my Dad were really stoked! And now, our favorite show will be building a Junk yard Mustang. A 69’ Mustang. This. Will. Be. EPIC. I will continue to blog about the Mustang they’re going to build. (now named “Disgustang” because of the apparent amount of poop it’s got lol)
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*These are screenshots of Roadkill and David Freiburger’s Instagram posts. Follow them too! And we can all get updates on the show and the porject cars!
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