#fire emblem hereos x reader
Welcome, Morning Light
Pairing: Naesala x reader
Prompt: Naesala and summoner tease one another about who will confess first
Description: Somewhere along the line, you had come to view your time with Naesala (up in the sky, far from the comforting feel of the ground beneath you) as something... nice. You found yourself looking forward to the next time you got to fly, if only because it was a good excuse to spend more time with him.
Rating: sfw
Content warning: female reader (um that's it)
Word Count: 2980
Notes: Another commission for my beloved @furudolove! They wanted a continuation of their last Naesala com and who am I to deny them a happy ending? Both can be read as standalones I think but I'll link the first part <3
Part: One | Two
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Summers sweet warmth had all but left Askr, leaving the evening cold and dark once more. Even fall, with its nostalgic winds and comforting crunch of leaves was just a memory now that winter had made its self welcome with snow and ice abound. Less daylight only seemed to bring more work, however, and with that you found that you were missing time you once got to spend with Naesala.
It was hard to come to terms with but… You loved spending time with him. You missed getting to fly with him, if only because it meant you got to be close with him, alone with him. There was simply no way around it… Somewhere along the line, you had fallen for King Kilvas. You suspected that he felt the same; despite the winter weather, despite all the work and chores and duties you had to attend to, he was always more that willing to take you in his arms and show you the grandeur of the world from the sky.
You could almost picture it now; the sight of the silent winter world below you and his welcoming blue gaze above you...
As much as you wanted that right now though, you had paperwork to do. So much paperwork. Much was already done, and yet there was more to do. Stacks upon stacks that had piled up because other things needed attending to quicker…
You can’t help but sigh, glancing up at the dark window and the dying embers of your fire. You must have been at this for a while if your fire was nearly out. Now that you were pulled from your work, you could actually feel the chill in the room too. You rub your weary eyes and groan as you stand. You prepare to toss some more logs on the embers before you hear a knock at the door. You turn in surprise and go to answer, but find that as you speak your voice doesn’t come. You blink and clear your throat to speak; before you can, the door opens.
“Naesala?” Your voice is cracked and horse, but that’s not the most concerning thing here.
“You’re awake?” He chuckled softly. “Well, this is awkward…” Despite saying that, he doesn’t seem too flustered as he welcomes himself into your room, closing the door beside him.
“What are you doing here?” Your voice slowly comes back to you, but there’s an undeniable grit to it.
“I usually wake up around this time to check on you.” He admits, looking to the side for a moment before back to you. “You’re usually asleep at your desk, with nothing but embers in your fireplace.” He huffs softly. “I’ve been putting you to bed and making sure you stay warm.” You blink in surprise at his admission, rubbing your tired eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“You have…?” You think you would remember being put to bed by him. Honestly though, you don’t remember going to bed lately. You always figured that you were just so tired that you forgot getting ready for bed. “For how long… and why?” You stare at him with tired eyes, and he sighs.
“Well if you really want to know…” It’s unlike him to be so quiet, so shy. Something is bothering him. “I missed our little evening excursions… I figured if I was waking up this early anyways, I may as well see if you were interested in going on one.”
“Early? What time is it?” You panic a moment, choosing to ignore (at least for the moment), everything else he said.
“It’s nearly 5 in the morning.” He chuckles at the look on your face. “Sun will be up soon, actually.” He muses.
“Oh man…” You shake your head, sitting on the edge of your bed. Naesala sits beside you, staying quiet a moment as you contemplate your actions as of late. Before long he inhales a deep breath, speaking softly to you.
“You need to stop overworking yourself, it’s not good for you.” An indignant huff leaves your lips at that, and you shake your head. Even if you had thoughts about being lectured by him, you choose instead to ignore them.
“I just don’t have enough time for everything I need to do.” A frown sets on your lips as you speak. “I hadn’t realized how hard I was pushing myself…” You curl your hands into the fabric of your bedspread, turning to Naesala and trying to shake the frown from your face. “Thank you for taking care of me. I’d probably be in even worse shape if you hadn’t been checking in on me like you have.” You admit sheepishly, eyes wandering from his own gaze as you speak.
“Don’t mention it.” Despite your embarrassment, his smile warms you up. You’re very happy he’s been looking after you, actually. It makes you think that maybe he might love you too. You’re not left long to indulge that thought though, as he speaks again. “Actually, if you wanted to make it up to me… Why don’t we go for that flight, see the sun rise together?” He suggests.
“Right this moment?” You shiver at the thought. Sure, your cloak was warm but it had to be colder up in the air then on the ground. It didn’t seem worth it; you reconsider, however as you see Naesala’s face fall and speak again, clearing your throat once more. “Well um… I mean if you keep me warm, I suppose it will be okay.” Naesala’s face lights up once more, and you can’t help but smile in return.
“You had me worried there for a second.” He laughs, but you can’t help but look at him confused. “Oh come on. Even this tired, you aren’t that dense. Why else would I be trying night after night to get some time alone with you?” You sputter a moment, thoughts reeling.
“And you didn’t try harder to get me alone then sneaking into my room every night?” You accuse right back. You stare at once another a moment before the two of you just end up giggling and laughing at one anothers antics.
“I want everything to be special. Is that so much to ask?” Your heart flutters as he says that. As he rises from your bed, he takes your hand, bringing you with him. “Now come on, we’ve got no time to waste.” He tugs you gently along, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. “If we miss this opportunity who knows the next time I can catch you awake this early.”
“Naesala, come on.” You say, if only because you can hardly think as he holds your hand. You instead laugh and smile as the two of you head outside to the cold. You stay close to him, welcoming both his warmth and his company.
“What, don’t act like you haven’t been waiting for this too.” His knowing grin has heat rising to your cheeks.
“Maybe I have. Or maybe I haven’t.” You hum in response, grinning right back at him. “I suppose there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?” You saunter up to him and, acting far braver then you really feel, wrap your arms around his neck like you have to many times before. “Right now, I’m yours.” Your heart jumps in your throat as you speak the words. You wonder where all this courage is coming from as you look up at Naesala.
“Only for now?” Naesala chuckles as he brings his arms around your back and under your knees to support you. Your cuddled close to his chest now and it’s then you notice just how fast his heart is beating. It brings a mess of mixed emotions; comfort and joy, fear and anticipation. They dance around your stomach like butterflies in the spring. You can’t help but wonder what his pounding heart means for you. “Perhaps I’ll have to steal you away more often, then. I am a rather capable thief after all.” He grins at you and takes off into the air without hesitation.
You’ve never been able to get use to the sensation of getting into the air so you clutch yourself closer to him, unable to give a proper quip back. You can’t help but grow giddy as you feel the way his throat bobs, how his pace quickens more than it already was. Even with it the evidence piling up around you, you didn’t dare think that Naesala feels the same.
“Oh, are you?” You can’t help but want to egg him on, this electric feeling of teasing him, of being with him guiding your every move. “I’m not too sure about that one.” High up the air now, you begin to relax just a little. Content in knowing Naesala would keep you safe.
“Well, I’ve gone and stolen your heart, have I not?” He accuses boldly, still looking at the dark skyline ahead of the two of you. It sends a pang of anxiety and surprise through you and you somehow manage not to show that on your face, instead swallowing thickly as he speaks again. “You can’t hide how you feel from me, _____.”
“Says mister ‘I can only confess when the sun is rising’!” You counter. “In fact, I recall you saying you’ve come to my room for the past several nights just looking to get me alone to do such a thing!” You giggle softly.
“All I’m hearing is that you should have done so sooner, if you were so eager to be with me.” He shoots right back. You can see the grin playing on his lips, hear the wild beating of his heart.
“And all I hear is a man whose too afraid to confess first, instead hoping the lady in his arms might do it before him.” You laugh aloud, not meanly, but because you can hardly remain serious with such an argument at hand. “Tell me Naesala, are you scared you might get rejected?”
“I could ask you the same thing, dear summoner.” He spends you a pointed look. “You haven’t once made an attempt to confess to me, whereas I’ve spent all this time waiting for the perfect chance for you.” He counters but you can tell by his grin he’s teasing.
“If I were as lovesick as you seem to be the order would have fallen apart by now. Besides, seems to me you’ve had a grand time chasing me around for this.” You muse aloud. “I would hate to deny you the thrill of a chase.”
“Is that what this is?” He hums back. “If that’s the case then as far as prey goes, you’ve been caught rather easily.”
“Only if it’s you, Naesala.” You close your eyes in content. A moment of silence passes between the two of you, with only the sound of rushing wind and powerful wings to fill the space.
“Have my words made you fall silent dear summoner?” His voice is much more quite than the moment before. “I suppose that’s alright, our show is set to start soon anyways.”
“Is the sun rising already?” You peak an eye open. “I fear my exhaustion is catching up with me.” You stifle a yawn, making sure to cover your mouth as you do so. “That, or I’ve grown far too comfortable in your arms.”
“Is that truly a bad thing? To be held so close and comfortable by someone who holds you so dear?” His gaze is trained on the view of winter sun peaking over the mountains as he speaks.
“I suppose not. Not if it’s you.” You smile as you look that way as well. Your heart is fit to burst from it’s cage. You can feel anticipation well up inside you. Should you confess first? Or should you wait for him to find the right words to say?
You’re left to wonder as the two of you stay silent a long few minutes. Your feelings are full, overflowing even, and yet you can’t find it in you to speak, too afraid to ruin the moment. The sun doesn’t bring much warmth with it, and you find yourself moving closer to Naesala once more.
“This is quite the sight, though. Thank you for sharing it with me.” You swallow hard. It was now or never, say it aloud or--
“There’s something else I’d like to share, if that’s okay.” At the serious tone in his voice, you can’t help but look up at him. The morning light shone in his eyes is a far prettier sight then you were prepared for and you find yourself rather breathless as you reply.
“Of course.” You take a deep, fortifying breath.
“_____, my dear summoner…” His eyes narrow in a soft and dangerous way. You fear your heart may well burst from your chest.
“Naesala, my beloved…” You can’t help but cling closer to him in this moment. It’s just the two of you, so maybe, just maybe, you didn’t have to hide it any longer…
“I love you.” His voice is warm, his smile everything tender and kind in this world. He leans down, resting his forehead against yours.
“I love you too.” It feels so refreshing, so sweet to say. Wherein the moments before it felt so difficult, so scary and confusing, here and now with him it couldn’t be easier. The worlds flow from you as if you had said them to him a hundred times before. But, perhaps you had, in the way you clung so close to him or hid your face in his chest when the two of you took to the sky.
“Was that so hard?” He chuckles softly. You don’t even get annoyed with him, merely rolling your eyes in what can only be a loving way instead.
“I could say the same to you. Did everything go as planned?” You giggle, your noses brushing together as the two of you stay close in your precious world together.
“Mmm, not quite…” You can see mischief lingering in his gaze.
“Oh? How might I help you achieve them, then?” The corner of your lip upturns as well. Neither of you were very sly but it was still just as fun and exciting as the minutes before, dancing around your affections for one another. You suspect this would be quite common between the two of you, going forward.
Goodness, going forward? You really had just confessed to Naesala… and how right it felt.
“I think you know what to do…” He tilts his head to the side, and you pull him closer to you, tilting likewise and feeling his lips touch yours. The kiss is soft, sweet; he lingers on your lips and you find you don’t want to pull away either.
When the two of you part, it is like seeing one another anew. You have never loved him more than in this moment, have never been so charmed and so in awe of him. And he, too, has never loved you more; has never been so happy to have you in his arms, to be the man you have decided to share your sweet affection with…
“I love you Naesala.” You repeat for him, selfish in wanting him to hear him say the same to you once more.
“I love you too.” A soft laugh leave him after.
“Say it again.” You plead. “I’m afraid I’m already dreaming.” You admit sheepishly.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” He is neither teasing nor conservative with his affections, freely sharing them with you in such a way to make your heart thump and cry in delight. “So long as you love me too, that is.”
“Of course, of course.” You laugh, so overcome with joy and love. “I adore you. Now that I’ve said it, I can’t seem to stop saying it.” You shake your head softly. “Forgive me my love.” Truly, it’s as if a switch has flipped in you.
“Perhaps I should get you to bed.” Naesala laughs as he speaks. “Though I can’t say I mind this side of you. It’s rather endearing.” You merely cling to him, closing your eyes and resting against his chest. His heart still beats fast. He may be as in much disbelief as you.
“Bed does sound nice…” You yawn once more. “But I want to stay with you now that you’ve taken me away from all my work and duties.”
“Ahh, but wouldn’t that be nice?” He laughs and you find him taking you away from the welcoming morning sun. “Rest is important though, dear summoner. Now more then ever I can’t have you pushing yourself too hard.”
“Suppose you’ll have to stay with me, to make sure I rest and don’t go back to doing my work.” You muse nonchalantly. You keep your eyes closed as you cuddle to him.
“I suppose so!” The joy in his voice so lovely to hear. “It would be a shame if you didn’t get the rest you needed, after all.” He evens his voice again as he speaks again.
“Mm hm…” You yawn once again, more than halfway back to sleep in his comfortable embrace. “If you let me go I’ll surly busy myself with reports and tactics and such things… best keep holding me even as we rest…” You mumble out.
“Of course. I’ll be sure you rest well, love.” You can’t stop smiling, even as you feel sleep coming to claim you. How funny, to think, you would come to love the sky because of how much you loved Naesala? You wouldn’t have it any other way, you supposed.
There was nowhere you’d rather be than in his arms, after all. Were that in the sky or otherwise-- so long as you were with Naesala.
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summoner-asha · 4 years
It is late and I don’t know where I was going with this but it’s my first post as a FEH blog here so here! It’s a horrible WIP but maybe I’ll visit it again and fix it up...Or something
You had no real reason to dislike Valentine’s Day back in your own world. Regardless though, you still hated it. A commercialized “holiday” was what you called it. And if there was any REAL reason you liked it at all was because it would pull out all the best chocolates for great deals. That was it. You’d buy yourself a heart or two of some high quality candies and call it that.
But here...here it was different. Entirely. And you didn’t know how to feel about it. Watching everyone go about the activities for the Day of Devotion was truly something else here in Askr. And it near took your breath away. It also made you a tad jealous. Watching couples like Alm and Celica , Sigurd and Deirdre. Hell, even Berkut was in high spirits with Rinea. Effortlessly going about his way showing off his Beloved and his prowess. Her giggles of pure happiness at him just being himself. To be honest it almost made you a tad sick.
These were innocent moments of love in these trying times of war. That was right, you guys were still in the midst of a war. And somehow they were all able to...melt into each other’s arms. Your [ e.c ] eyes would gloss over as Robin and Chrom strolled by you, hand in hand as Chrom gazed at an amazed and flustered Robin that held a bouquet of various , delicate flowers in his free hand. Your eyes would then be pulled down to a tome that had been forgotten in your lap. An absent gaze would flutter about the page of scribbles and crossed out images and words. Even now, you could still be found only thinking of the next best thing for the coming battles. Never a time to rest.
“You never rest, do you?” A rough yet soft voice would catch your attention. “No matter where you’re from...here...there.” There was a pinch of teasing begging those words.You had to squint your eyes just a bit as the gowns of white and the sun stung a bit. You’d not have to for long though , for he’d made his way under the tree and to your side. Blue bangs would cover his face more as he knelt to sit, the covering over his lower face shifting just enough for you to have glanced what was underneath. Ever so curious, you leaned just to get a better peak. But he knew this and leaned back so that the cloth would rest back into place. His eyes watched you. Ever so sad they were. And they’d catch you each time since Líf had come to your side.
The silence was getting awkward. But you’d hardly tell from how struck you were by his eyes. You could stare into them all day if you could. But a snap of the fingers brought you back. Your eyes blinking as your brain clicked back to reality. His question now registering through your ears and to your brain.
“There is always time for plotting. We’re still at war here.” You sighed with a beam at him. He was the last person you’d think would be on your case about something like this. What with him all ‘devoted’ out. You were still in your battle attire. You had to be on your toes. Even when everyone was sick in the head with love. At the back of your mind you had to admit it would be nice to be in that spot too…
Gods, the same in either world…
It annoyed him so much. You being like this. Even in his world it was the same. You staying up countless nights for the sake of others. Sacrificing time you could have spent relaxing when you needed it. Time that could have been spent relaxing...Together.
Staring at you now, his mind could only go back to all those times he could have just carried you off from your desk , or the fields , or the library and just took you and hid away from the daily ruckus with you for just a little….
Wait. Now he was the one that was staring. And now you were the one leaning in. You asked him a question but he heard nothing of it. But he was more clever than you. His brows furrowed slightly as a hand slowly reached up, gloved fingers hesitant at your bangs that covered the head band. Your eyes watched his hand. Unsure of what he was going to do. And at the back of your mind you hoped he’d do SOMETHING. He couldn’t be cold all the time.He couldn’t do it. His hand fell and he shifted his body to be facing forward so that he ,too, was looking out at the others.
Man he was just as awkward as your Alfonse…
Words crumbled between you two. It fell silent. And for some reason, your cheeks were gently flushed. But why? He didn’t do anything. He didn’t even answer your question. Why was he bothering with this festival? Why was he bothering with you right now? You didn’t even call him over. He was being weird.
Your eyes would linger back down to your tome. You could tell you weren’t going to be getting any ideas for a game plan. At least not right now. It was lazily closed shut and then set to your side. It was a nice and sunny day anyways. And Líf also seemed to be relaxed for a change.
You might as well take this moment while you could. And so you did. Slipping your cloak off your shoulders and allowing it to pool around you. Your body relaxed as your leaned on your palms. You stole a glimpse of Líf who seemed to also to just...be in the moment. Seeming to stare off into space after seeing you loose. It was a very nice feeling. It you felt you would do best to just keep that to yourself.
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blue-power1 · 8 years
The Longest Goodbye || FE Heroes: Alfonse x Kiran (Reader)
aka I caved so I wrote sad stuff 
Edit: I also edited some shit so it flows more easily
That four letter word rang in your head. Each time it was said, it grew louder and louder in your mind. Months ago, you would have been ecstatic as you thought of your family and friends and yet, there was a sense of dread in the air.
Of course, you were happy, the war was over and the kingdoms of Askr and Embla were now taking the steps to peace. Once things were said and done, people would be free to travel through worlds safely again and you were to be on your way back to your own world. But you couldn’t deny the one thing that held you back.
Him, Shareena, and Anna had guided you throughout your stay in their world as you adjusted to the more ‘medival’ lifestyle of their people. They became your family in this world, but Alfonse became something more. You weren’t sure how it started, but it was too late when you realized that you’ve fallen for him.
The interactions were simple at first, he guided you around the castle, taught you the history of his world and heroes, and the ways of his people and return, you told stories about your world, did your best to tell him about its history and multitude of cultures, and of course did your best as the legendary ‘Great Hero’ as both summoner and tactician as you did your best to win battles with the heroes that you’ve summoned as your stay grew longer. 
Then they got more intimate.
He defended your integrity when it was questioned by the Askr council, became your sole confidant when you were homesick, and there were some adventures that you’ve had that you both promised that you would never speak off again. It came to a point where you would see him a dozen times a day and it seemed like you were always together and you came to trust each other a lot more than you intended.
The first person to point this out to you was the hero Robin, a tactician from the world of Awakening. They said that your interaction with Alfonse reminded them about their interactions with Chrom. The second was the hero Chrom himself as he felt that he was ‘imposing’ on the budding relationship that you had with him. They were innocent comments, but their words plagued your mind as the day passed only for you to wake up crying in the middle of the night to the realization that you’ve denied for so long.
That night you realized you were in love with him.
Then came your futile attempts to push him away but your bond had become so strong that he can tell that something was up just by your actions alone. He was right to warn you to not get attached to heroes because it was going to be hard when you finally had to go home. As the days grew closer to your departure, you saw him in your dreams and dreamt of a life that could have been. You would stay forever with him if you could but in reality, your health wouldn’t benefit from the stay at all. A part of you wondered if he had feelings for you as you were reminded of the possibility of unrequited love.
And so, the day came.
You walked around slowly as you tried to memorize every detail of the palace. You wish that you could take one picture for the road, but this was one of those secrets that are meant to be kept. The place seemed so strange without any heroes around, but you had sent them back to their original worlds with the promise that you would summon them again if an emergency should arise. If only you could have gone home quietly like everyone else, but your farewell ceremony was massive.
Both the Askr and the Embla kingdoms were all there in attendance with Veronica, Shareena, and of course Alfonse waiting for you at the summoner grounds. You were sure that Zacharias was around somewhere, but he was still keeping his distance. Some things never change after all.
“There’s one thing we want to give you before you left,” Anna said as the ceremony came to a close. Some servants presented you with a box, inside was the Breidablik.
“T-thank you,” You say in surprise, “but I can’t accept this. This is a legendary weapon.”
“That belongs to you,” Anna insisted, “It belongs to you as it has been from the beginning and you can use it to even summon us if you’re ever in a bind.”
“You’re serious?” You ask.
“You bet,” Shareena answered, “Now we can hang out with you at any time.”
You let out a chuckle, “I’m not going to use it that carelessly, but I will keep that in mind.”
But then you think, “It will be interesting to explain the Breidablik to the police.”
“Are you ready?” Alfonse asked. You looked him in the eyes and gave him a small nod. He and Shareena take that as a cue to open the pathway to your world and your world laid opened right in front of you. It seemed so strange to see your world, it felt alien and yet familiar.
You hugged Shareena and Anna goodbye and shook hands with Veronica. But as you turned to Alfonse, he caught you by surprise. Grabbing your waist, he turns you away from the sight of the crowd as his lips touched yours. You can sense his longing, his desire, his passion in the kiss and you found yourself kissing back. When you were finished, your face was red with embarrassment and from behind Alfonse, you can see that Shareena and Veronica were red-faced as well.
Unfazed by your reaction, Alfonse whispered in your ear, “I wanted to do it at least once before you go.”
He then leads you to the portal and prompts you to step through and you do so. You turn around to say one last goodbye as Veronica began to close the path. As their world faded, you lock eyes with Alfonse one last time.
He mouthed the words, “I love you.”
Then the world was gone and as your clothes changed back to your original ones, all you had left were the Breidablik and your memories. You stood there in shock for what felt like hours as you tried to process what exactly happened.
He had loved you all this time and yet you somehow missed it. You wanted the door to open again and to have him explain why he never told you. You wanted to confess your feelings to him yourself.
This is may be the longest goodbye you’ve ever said and you hoped it wouldn’t be your last.
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summoner-asha · 4 years
Ill be changing this account from an art blog to an art blog/ fan blog for FEH
Wish me luck!
What I plan for this account?
I wanna try my hand at....fanfics. More preferably, reader insert fics. I was on a binge of reader FEH stuff and just seeing all the art of others SUmmoners and so forth that I wanted to make one for myself as well to well...contribute.
I’m in this odd patch of depression and I figured maybe giving some time to writing will also help my art block as of recently. Ive also just always wanted to tryout this kind of blog. So here’s to hoping for the best!
Ill start off with small things and since it is the weekend of V-day, you’ll get some small v-day stuff~
Hope you all like it and what not
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summoner-asha · 4 years
[ [ I’ve had this little thing stuck in my head for the last week. And it’s basically a small and silly things with your summoner having small body mods that makes a nervous Eir curious about them. So I did this quick little thing. Hope you like it ^^” ] ]
Body Mods
She must have thought you hadn’t noticed her leering at you. Her ever so observant yet also always anxious eyes...just staring at you. She was looking for something right? You tried to steady your eyes on the many tomes out on the large table before you. A flip of a page. Words on the goings on. How you and the other hereos would move forward with dealing with the ever growing agitated Fafnir.
Agitated was understatement.
Your body shifted so that you stood straight up, giving yourself a good stretch after being hunched over for so long. The hangers in your ears jingling a bit. You loved having ornaments within your gauged ears.
Originally when you came here they were but simple plugs. You found you were very surprised they had even traveled with you into Zenith. But they did. And you soon found that you fell in love with the jewelry of this world too. And so you started collecting ornaments that could be fastened into hangers. Now while the others had some interesting and beautiful pieces of jewelry, you seemed to be the only one with the kinds that you bore; gauged ears at 9/16ths, a set of tragus piercings and your favorite of them all; a septum piercing.
You tilted your head at the pages before you, your hangers gently clanking together to make a gentle chimed noise. The way they swayed effortlessly in your ears made ones watching wonder how they did not hurt you. You glanced over to catch Eir staring contently before averting her eyes away upon catching your glimpse. You rose a brow at this. More curious as to what it was she was staring at. What was she watching?
You testingly shifted your head again. Eirs eyes shifted back again. So that WAS what she was watching. The ornaments hanging from the silver tunnels in your ears. This time, you relaxed your body and rested your knuckles on your hips. “What’s up?” You asked her, jarring her from her thoughts and surprised her.
“I’m sorry!” She started, leaning away,a hand to her chest.”I didn’t mean to stare...It was just…”There she went, with her nervous speaking. “I’ve never seen those kinds...alterations before.” Was she serious? Surely there were others with extravagant looking piercings. Well...you really hadn’t really seen anyone with them aside from yourself and maybe a slight handful with small variations. Maybe.
A hand rose and you pointed at yourself.”My piercings?” You blinked, a little taken aback but also amused. A small smile came to your lips.”They don’t hurt. Well, at least not anymore.” Eir’s eyes grew even more worried at this.
“They look like they hurt greatly...Did you have to do anything to get them?” Her hands ghosted over her nose. To this, you gave her a shake of the head. Even here, such body mods were got upon feats. Some feats. You forget sometimes what kind of world you’re in.
“Hmm...No.” You shrugged your shoulders.”It took a lot of nerve to get them.” Your fingers brushed against your stretched lobes and down the ornament that hung from it. “They did however help in aiding me taking my steps towards being...more me.” Your hand was placed to your cheek. “I think out of all of them…”Your lips pursed together.”Nah...they all hurt pretty equally, now that I think about it.” You said as you idly took one of the metal hooks from your ear. Eir already seemed to know what you were doing as she made her way over to you.
“...Are they heavy?” She pointed a gloved finger at the anchor in your hand.
“A little. But I like it.” You smiled at her as you extended your hand out, holding the anchor to her.”Here, hold it a bit.” She was eager as she closed the space between you. You forgot sometimes she was taller than you, thus making you have to look up to her bit. She was so close, you felt the blood rush to your cheeks. Her fingers gingerly picked up the ornament, her eyes growing with wonder.
“It IS heavy.”She looked at it and then to you and then to your anchorless ear.”How do you run around with this all day? And two of them?!” She was very surprised. But she looked so cute too.
“Back where I’m from I wore stuff like this all the time.” You sighed softly as you take it back, placing within the hole it came from.”I was always running with things like this in my ears. So I got use to it.” You shook your head a little to make them chime again. Eir seemed to like the noise too. It was why you did the noise in the first place.
“You always find some way to surprise me with each interaction, (Y/N)” Her voice was soft and full of awe as she set her gaze low. “Learning these small things about you is why I’m very appreciative that you allowed me to stay with you here in Askr.” You hadn’t realized it at first, but you then found your hands within hers. “I adore these moments so much. You’ve no idea. So thank you.” She brought your hands up and for a moment you thought she was to give them a gentle kiss. Your heart thumped a bit.
Instead though, she brought your hands to rest against her chest, over her heart.”Please don’t stop letting me know about these little things. I cherish them the most.” Gods, you forgot how dramatic it felt around here too. At first, you thought it so weird. But little by little, you were growing use to these customs. You were also beginning to see the importance of how they all viewed each other. Eir was right. These small and precious moments were some of the most ones that happened. Otherwise, everything was placed on the battle field. To be honest, if you could, you would stay like this forever. Even just your hand being held by her was precious enough for you. Being able to feel her heart beat. Telling you that this was all real.
You also found it kind of silly but sweet that this sort of closeness was given to you because she was concerned about your body mods. Eir could be so...precious...at times. And you loved her for that.
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Could I get a drabble of a shy mcorrin confessing his crush to an equally shy fem reader?
Pairing: M Corrin x reader
Prompt: shy confessions on both sides!
Description: You liked to meet Corrin for tea, to catch up about the week’s events and take the chance to relax. This time, however, tea time doesn’t go as expected. 
Rating: sfw
Content Warning: mutual pinning, idiots to lovers (man I’ve used this a lot but its just true) fem reader
Word Count: 1137
Notes: My first corrin request… we stan a sweet boy, I love his voice acting….
Edited: 6/7/21
Even just looking at you made him blush– he was a mess and he knew it; what could Corrin do? You were so sweet and cute and really just precious in so many ways, so how could he not love you? Problem was, Corrin didn’t know how to go about confessing to you. There were so many things that could go wrong in this situation, they danced in his head and taunted him during the night. Then again, during the day his thoughts floated in cloud nine, with ideas of how this could go right and how he could finally have you in his arms and tell you again and again how much he adored–
“Corrin?” Your sweet voice pulled him from his thoughts and he blinked back to focus, looking at you. “You know, people usually talk when they sit for tea together.” You giggled quietly, watching as his face flushed.
“Sorry, I was just daydreaming. I have a tendency to get lost in my thoughts.” He smiled softly, enjoying the way a smile graced your lips as you brought a cookie to them to nibble on it.
“Oh?” You paused before you took a bite, taking interest in his red eyes now. “What about?” You took a thoughtful bite of your cookie, still watching Corrin as he scrambled for an answer.
“Oh, um,” He fumbled with his fingers, staring down at the tea Jakob had made for the two of you. “Just, about the future. What I want after the war.” He mumbled, quickly bringing the tea to his lips so you couldn’t egg him on further.
“I see. I… don’t think about that often, actually. I’m not sure what will happen to me…” You held your tea with both hands, staring down at it thoughtfully. “I know this war is terrible but… I’m happy to be here, with you. A-and everyone else.” The words came as an afterthought and you dared not look up from your tea to face Corrin. “S-so what do you want the future to hold for you, then?” Corrin tried not to put much thought into what you just said but he couldn’t help but fluster at the thought that you really enjoyed spending this time with him, and him alone.
“Well…” Corrin took a moment to ponder the thought as if it weren’t obvious. He nibbled on a cookie and finally looked back up at you when he thought of a suitable answer. “I’d like to… settle down, maybe start a family…” He smiled at the thought. What would it be like to have a family with you? But goodness, to do that he would have too–
“A family?” You voice cut off his thought, likely for the better. “Do you have a girl in mind or are you just uh, you know, imagining?” Did you seem… nervous? Perhaps he was just reading into things but the way you swirled the tea in your cup made him wonder.
“Well…” Perhaps he would be digging his own grave with this but Corrin couldn’t help himself when the woman he loved sat right in front of him. “She’s sweet; sometimes, too much for her own good. And charming as well! I wouldn’t be surprised if others than me loved her as well…” He sighed wistfully and shook his head. “But more than that, she’s strong. I look up to her for support all the time.” Perhaps confessing could be easy if you realized he was talking about you…
“She seems…. Nice.” Your voice was soft and you looked up to finally meet his gaze. “I um, hope she likes you as well. You deserve someone like that,” Corrin could swear you sounded bitter… “Maybe you should confess to her? I’d hate for you to lose your chance and you said she was pretty popular…” Corrin swallowed hard. Oh, how he wanted to take your advice.
“Ah, I wish it were that simple. I’m… kind of scared to confess to her,” Why he would admit that to you, he was unsure.
“I understand that, I have someone I want to confess to as well,” Corrin felt his heart drop, “But… every time I think I work up the nerves to confess to him, I end up losing my nerve and shying off…” You sighed, brushing some hairs from your face.
“Oh, hey, I have an idea,” if only to force himself to finally confess… “If I can confess to the woman I love, will you do it to the man you love?” Corrin smiled, but for some reason you got the sense there was something sad behind it.
“I mean…” Your heart pounded, unsure if you could go through with him confessing to some other woman. “I’m not so sure…” You once again stared down at your tea.
“I’ll even go first, okay?” At least, in the end, you would be happy. That was enough for him. You looked up at him and nodded slowly.
“Okay, if you insist…” You still weren’t sure about this but you didn’t want to disappoint Corrin.
He took a deep breath. “You see…the thing is…” You peered up at him from your cup. “That… that girl I was describing earlier?” Corrin had to take another deep breath to calm himself to fight the growing urge to run away from this situation. “I was, well I was trying to describe you.” He laughed awkwardly, desperately trying to hide how hard it was for him to do this, to ignore the growing heat on his face. “Because you’re the woman I love, _____.” Corrin looked at you sheepishly and shrugged a little. “I understand that.. you love another man but I had to tell you, I’ve been going crazy trying to confess to you.” He laughed but shook his head.
“C-Corrin!” Your blush increased tenfold and you had to take a minute to compose yourself. “I.. you…” You closed your eyes a second and took another deep breath. “You’re the one I love, you know that? How was I supposed to know you were talking about me?” you whined, blush still on your cheeks.
“Who else is there?” Corrin laughed, now overjoyed to hear your felt the same. “You’re the only one for me, _____. I’m so happy you feel the same.” He reached over the table and held one of your hands, stroking his thumb over your knuckles.
“Yeah, me too…” You smiled despite how flustered you felt. You were happy, no doubt, but didn’t know what to do with yourself now. “This just, seems so silly.” You shook your head.
“Well, I suppose that’s how we’ll be then– two fools in love.” He bopped the tip of your nose and smiled. “I think it suits us!” he laughed openly, and you couldn’t help but join him.
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