azurimira · 5 months
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whipplewhippler · 10 months
more fireandiceshipping headcanons ..
might draw some art of them. might not. they’ve been on my mind for like.. the past few years lol!!
Training Headcanons:
- They are always each other’s go-to training partners, no questions asked. - Nowadays, essentially the Pokémon equivalent of going on a date— to them, anyway— is a good, no-holds-barred training session. (And when I say no-holds-barred, I mean it. Neither of them ever hold anything back.) - Rather than long-range combat, they both prefer melee fighting should they be sparring one-on-one. Greninja was actually the one to suggest this as he’d always felt he could improve on his close-range abilities (and who better to help him with that than a whole freakin’ wrestler?). They also like the intimacy that comes with it, mainly cause’ they’re free to exchange flirty lines (or even steal a quick smooch) all they want throughout. - Hawlucha is usually the first to over-exert himself, whether intentionally or otherwise. - He’s also prone to brushing training injuries off as a result of this over-exertion as if they hadn’t happened, but Greninja knows better—- even if Hawlucha is convinced he doesn’t, that perhaps he’s simply worrying too much about nothing. Gren’s known him long enough to notice even the most subtle of winces, or that telltale falter in Hawlucha’s gait when he’s pushed himself a mite too hard, however, and Hawlucha finds it astounding how quickly Greninja can make the switch from an unwaveringly fierce opponent to a tender, caring partner should he sense that something is off. - There’s nothing Greninja loves more than Hawlucha giving it his all, but he never wants to make him feel like he’s got to prove anything to him. He wishes he did not have to remind the fighting-type of this so frequently, but alas… - Greninja used to find himself almost disappointed if he wasn’t able to train with Hawlucha specifically. He used to think he did a good job at hiding it, but the increasing frequency with which Ash would pair him up with Hawlucha or, better yet, the frequency with which their friends would conveniently opt to spar with someone else so that Greninja and Hawlucha would end up together served as the piquant reality check he so desperately seemed to need. - Hawlucha will thoroughly check Greninja for injuries after training sessions; The methodical way Hawlucha runs his claws along Greninja’s skin and the glint of worry that flashes in his eyes once he’s spotted something amiss send Greninja’s heart on a rapid-fire pace without fail, every time. He’s not used to being doted on, either. - If Hawlucha is hurt severely in a battle or other altercation, Greninja will see red, because how dare someone cause him such a terrible degree of pain? If the threat has not been taken care of, Greninja will be absolutely merciless towards it— not even Hawlucha himself (OR Ash) can restrain him when he gets to be this way. After the threat has been eliminated, however, Greninja makes the switch into a doting, concerned lover. Hawlucha typically isn’t able to go anywhere without him while he heals. - Hawlucha is similar should Greninja find himself hurt, but he will typically become reclusive and resigned after the fact as he feels he should have been there to prevent Greninja from being injured.
Bonus: No, they have not re-attempted Super Flying Cut since Froakie evolved. And no, that’s not because the one time they did try it, Hawlucha went careening straight to the ground the moment Greninja tried to leap onto his back. Not at all.
Other Headcanons!
- Once Greninja and Hawlucha did finally get together, they stopped quarreling so much— but that’s not to say they don’t get into fights at all anymore. Nowadays, their fights are usually brought on by Hawlucha being reckless and, subsequently, Greninja getting upset with him for putting himself in danger. As much as Hawlucha likes to brush Greninja’s concerns off, he.. actually quite likes the warmth he feels when Greninja worries about him. It isn’t very often he experiences that level of care. - They don’t like to fight at all, though. Sometimes, one or both of them will take a minute to decompress after an argument, but the period never lasts all that long— they don’t like being mad at each other for too long. - Between Hawlucha and Greninja, Hawlucha is actually more of a morning ‘mon than Greninja is— but that’s because Greninja’s time in Kalos left him experiencing several monotonous, lonely mornings on the daily— of course, being roused by wayward roots on occasion certainly doesn’t help. - Greninja typically isn’t very protective— he knows Hawlucha is fully capable of handling himself. That, however, goes completely out of the window if some other Pokémon is trying to make a pass at Hawlucha. Typically the luchador is… pretty clueless, to the romantic advances of other Pokémon (unless, of course, it’s Greninja), but that doesn’t stop them from trying to woo the luchador. Greninja, as much as he hates to admit it, has his own insecurities, and so he typically doesn’t hesitate to get confrontational with another Pokémon trying to get with Hawlucha. He also makes a lot of physical contact with Hawlucha if he suspects an outsider is trying to get romantic with him— whether that be through hand-holding, small kisses, fond glances, or an excessive use of nicknames. - Hawlucha is a lot quieter about his jealousy. Mostly, he just fumes quietly so as not to draw attention to himself or Greninja, but he does cling to Greninja far more than usual— not that the frog really minds.
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pokemonmadness · 11 days
Time for OC indulgence
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One of my older Pokémon OCs (alongside Andy and Ellie), Noel! (Technically Noël but you get it.) He's an Ice-type trainer from Snowbelle City, with his partner being a Shiny Aurorus that belonged to his late mother.
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For reference here's his full team, alongside his signature!
Lore down below if you'd like to read, if not that's fine too!
In X and Y, Noel would be found in Snowbelle City, telling you some stuff about their past together.
"Myself and Lysandre... well, we were close. Very close. I lived life much differently back then, the two of us welcoming two children to the world. Everything seemed perfect. I felt like I found the man I love. ... Things deteriorated though. The shine in his eyes died. Trapped beneath his own hubris, and want for perfection. ... We seldom talk anymore. And I get mad at myself. I wish to be held safely in his arms, but, he stopped offering that own safety to his own child. I feel selfish for desiring the past."
If you talk to him further, he'll turn towards you to engage more.
"I'm no match for Lysandre. My type-specialty is weak against him. And I myself have too many issues to properly battle. ... Do what you have to, <player>. My children will be of better help in support for you."
After that, he'll give you the Never-Melt Ice, an odd way to tell the player they won't melt under pressure like he would.
His role in the anime and manga would mostly just be him helping out to stop Lysandre, but there would be points too where he just seems like he's longing for him again. Lysandre's fate in the anime would have him shattered, and his fate in the manga would have him conflicted, almost.
I like to think if he showed up in USUM, if Lysandre saw him, he'd probably have a mini breakdown, given in his universe, only Team Flare was left. In his universe, Noel, Andy, and Ellie, met an unfortunate fate.
As for how he met Lysandre?
The pair met in Snowbelle City when they were much younger, both being closer to their late teens or early 20s, maybe somewhere near 17 and 19. The pair met after Noel had been stood up by someone, and the two seemed to hit it off, with them finding themselves in a relationship with one another. Their love blossomed, with them having two kids over time. Though, the stress of Lysandre's work, both of them being known public figures, and of a very rushed marriage, they would eventually separate, Noel having custody of Ellie while Lysandre had custody over Andy. And, over time, their relationship just.. soured. With Noel watching as his love became consumed by perfection, by a desire for beauty.
Finally, trivia about him (may be in drawing too) :3
His mother, Gwyneira, was kind of similar to Diantha in being an actress, and in Gwyn's case she was also a model. His father, Warrin, on the other hand was a used electronics salesman. What a duo.
He references having a younger brother.
He is a trans man, and he's also gay. (Just reiterating so it makes sense how he got pregnant.)
Side note about that: he came out later in life, closer to when he was in his later 20s or early 30s.
His vision is very poor, so he uses a white cane to get around easier, but he's also more tactile based, so he likes feeling things to know what's around him or in front of him.
He stands at anywhere between 5'8 and 6' tall.
He pronounces Lysandre's name as "liss-AHN-der" rather than how it's supposed to be pronounced.
His star earrings represent his Shiny Aurorus!
His ship name with Lysandre would either be Hiyadari or Fireandiceshipping (why not go the generic route).
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alolanrain · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Fireandiceshipping (Ash's Hawlucha x Ash's Greninja) yes that's actually the ship name they should have named it WrestlerNinjaShipping
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thatcrazyfuzzball · 8 years
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Trolluna Trolling in the Winter (Panel 1) #beybladeoc #Ryuga #VarunaBeyblade #Varuna #Varuu #FireandIceDragonShipping #FireandIceShipping #RyugaXVaruna #RyugaXVaruu
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