#fireface warrior clan
sparklestardesigns · 2 years
pls do fireface or clawwhistle or any of the warriorclan cats they are little kitties roleplaying in the woods
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a little guy
[ID: A small white based cat, with dull blue patterns on his shoulders that go down to his forearms as well to his thighs. He has darker blue stripes within them and small sparkles. His face is a blue flame, as well as his tail with teal eyes and a happy expression towards the camera.]
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pigeonclaw · 9 months
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WarriorClan! I forgot I started drawing them a while back.
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exocynraku · 3 years
If the Warriorclan cats joined the clans,
A) What clan would each cat be in?
B) What would their warrior name be?
monkeystar: thunderclan, they would let her keep her name because they think its funny that theres 2 “star” cats now lol
bugeater: shadowclan, bugjaw
fireface: skyclan, he would be allowed to keep his name
bigteeth: thunderclan, cowmuzzle
clawwhistle: shadowclan, clawdash (i like his name but i think they would change it)
chester: riverclan, chester (he wouldnt change his name)
lily: riverclan, lilyflicker
fang: thunderclan, fangtuft
petunia: riverclan, fogfur
buttercup: shadowclan, pollenscratch
i love warriorclan so much
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gougarpaw · 4 years
Graystripe’s Vow
A quick overview, chapter summaries. 
31 chapters + prologue + epilogue + manga
Prologue - FQ
BloodClan is planning on getting revenge on Firestar’s Quest era ThunderClan. They are lead by a new leader, Fury. 
Gremlin is worried about this, since she is pregnant and doesn’t want to hurt her kits.
Chapter 1 - TBC
Graystripe is realizing he’s old. 
Lionblaze looks like Sandstorm, Spotfur has Frostfur’s face, (Frostfur is Ravenpaw’s sibling.)
Thriftear, Thornclaw, Snaptooth, Flywhisker and others disrespect Squirrelflight because she’s not technically leader.
Squirrelflight talks with Graystripe about being deputy/leader. “You can say it, Graystripe. In many ways, Firestar’s ThunderClan was better... at least things seemed easier.”
Graystripe worries about StarClan returning.
Chapter 2 - TBC
Graystripe dreams about being in the (lake) forest with Firestar. The dream turns and Graystripe feels dread. Graystripe imagines Millie and “talks” it out with her. (...) Graystripe asks Brackenfur if “this is the same ThunderClan as Firestar’s ThunderClan.” Brackenfur says it is. 
Plumstone and Thriftear get into a fight. They both call Graystripe (and StarClan) an “out-of-date boomer” (exact quote /j) then Thornclaw, Twigbranch and Lionblaze argue about if Squirrelflight is leader or deputy. Bumblestripe, and then Bristlefrost try to break up the fight but fail. Squirrelflight ends up begging them to stop :(
Flipclaw suggests they rewrite the warrior code while StarClan is gone. The Clan flips out and Flipclaw then says maybe he wants to spend some time outside of the Clan. Snaptooth agrees, Flywhisker agrees, and Thornclaw agrees. 
Graystripe decides to “wander” with them. Squirrelflight feels betrayed. She gives them a moon to return. 
Chapter 3 - FQ
Graystripe ponders life. Willowpelt, his mother, has died. (...) He overhears Brightheart and Ferncloud doubting the purpose of Firestar’s Quest. (not the book, just why Firestar left.) Ashfur and Cloudtail also think Firestar left to live as a kittypet. Mousefur trusts that Firestar isn’t a kittypet, but wants to know where he is.
Cinderpelt yells at Ashfur. (...)
Brambleclaw, Thornclaw and Brackenfur bring Graystripe a dead rabbit with WindClan scent found on their territory (near fourtrees.) Graystripe decides to do nothing about this but increase border patrols, much to the chagrin of the Clan. 
Graystripe goes to sleep with troubled thoughts, and is awoken by somebody screaming.
Chapter 4 - TBC
Graystripe and the boys decide to stop and hunt while they are still in the territory. Hawkwing and a SkyClan patrol appear. Snaptooth spills the beans and embarresses Graystripe and the others. 
Flywhisker asks if Graystripe wants to rest while they hunt, but he goes hunting anyways. He catches a rabbit. Graystripe contemplates returning to the old forest. 
The other warriors talk about how much easier it is to hunt for four. Flipclaw tells Flywhisker that if she were to have kits he’d make sure she’s wellfed. Flywhisker tells him she isn’t interested. He tries again but she shoots him down. 
Snaptooth asks what they will do now. Flywhisker wonders what it would be like to be a kittypet. Thornclaw gets sick of this and leaves. 
Graystripe tells the others that he wants to visit his son, Stormfur. He hopes that by visiting his “past” he can understand his future.
Chapter 5 - FQ
The screaming was Brightheart. She is giving birth. Graystripe is terrified that she will die like Silverstream. Cloudtail gathers herbs for Cinderpelt.
Graystripe welcomes the kit into ThunderClan and pats himself on the back for doing nothing. Then he realizes that Firestar would done something and not just stand around, and feels ashamed.
A few days later, Thornclaw, Sootpaw and Brambleclaw return with more proof of WindClan hunting on their territory. Ashfur says this wouldn’t be a problem if Dustpelt were deputy. 
Graystripe doesn’t know what to do. Mousefur enters camp and tells him that Russetfur wants to speak with Firestar.
Chapter 6 - TBC
The others are nervous about leaving Clan territory. Graystripe has enjoyed hunting. 
Suddenly, dogs. They climb trees and a human comes and takes the dogs away. 
Later that day, Graystripe tells them that he wants to go now. Flywhisker, Snaptooth and Flipclaw tell him he can go without them. 
Flipclaw changes his mind and comes with Graystripe.
Chapter 7 - FQ
Russetfur and Rowanclaw demand to speak with Firestar. Graystripe tells them that Firestar is busy, so they can speak with him instead. Turns out they’ve scented BloodClan on Clan territory. ThunderClan overhears this and instantly smack-talks ShadowClan. (Rowanclaw’s pronouns are switching paragraph to paragraph. *EDIT: I might just be bad at reading... thanks for telling me lol!)
Graystripe tells his Clan that he thinks BloodClan are the ones pretending to be WindClan and causing trouble. Cinderpelt agrees. 
Graystripe, Dustpelt and Brambleclaw go to inspect the BloodClan smell, but get jumped by BloodClan troopers. Graystripe sees Gremlin and knows she’s fit to burst.
Fury tells them that she knows that Firestar is gone. BloodClan attacks and defeats Graystripe. They throw him under a fence to get eaten by a dog. The dog is locked in a house, so he survives.
Graystripe heads back to the forest, but encounters Gremlin. She lets him escape. This confuses Graystripe.
Chapter 8 - TBC
Graystripe and Flipclaw make it to the Tribe’s territory. Flipclaw is excited to tell his littermates about this. They encounter two Tribe cats, Moon Shining on Water and Thorn that Grows in Clef. 
Graystripe and Stormfur have a sweet reunion for two sentences. Graystripe meets the kits. Flipclaw hits it off with Feather. They are very VERY good friends, (probably a bit more than friends.) 
Stoneteller mentions a rogue who had come around asking for Clan cats. 
Chapter 9 - TBC
Graystripe tells Stoneteller about all the Bramblestar and ThunderClan problems. Stoneteller has sensed a shadow over the Clans. He tells Graystripe that Graystripe still has a long journey ahead. Graystripe goes to sleep.
A tribe cat tells Stoneteller that the boys Flipclaw and Feather were out hunting, but got trapped in a landslide. Graystripe goes with Stoneteller to help.
Feather manages to get out, but Flipclaw is still stuck. It takes all day, but they get Flipclaw out. Flipclaw’s leg is dislocated.
Graystripe sees Feathertail standing on a shiny rock, and takes it as a sign that he must find the moonstone. 
Chapter 10 - FQ
Graystripe returns to camp. He asks Dustpelt if he knows that Ashfur wants him to be deputy. Dustpelt is surprised. 
Ashfur talks smack about Graystripe getting beat up by BloodClan (same energy as “im built different”) Brambleclaw reminds him that there were too many BloodClan cats for two and a half warriors to fight.
The next day Graystripe tells ThunderClan they must prepare for BloodClan again. 
Chapter 11 - TBC
Graystripe wants to leave the tribe immediately. Stormfur asks why he doesn’t just stay forever. Graystripe considers it, but still wants to go to the moonstone. 
Flipclaw is still recovering. Graystripe tells him about the moonstone, and Flipclaw tells Graystripe that he wants to go home. They part ways.
Graystripe thinks about Silverstream and Millie again. He hunts a mouse and spots Highstones. He nearly gets hit on the Thunderpath. 
Chapter 12 - FQ
Still worried about BloodClan, Graystripe is startled by Shrewkit and Spiderkit playing. ThunderClan is on edge. Graystripe decides now is a good time to tell the other Clans that BloodClan is back.
Graystripe takes Cloudtail and Rainpaw to WindClan. Tallstar believes Graystripe about BloodClan and sends Firestar his well-wishes. They go to RiverClan and meet Stormfur. Leopardstar is angry about BloodClan, and sceptical about Firestar. 
Stormfur and Feathertail escort them off RiverClan territory. 
Chapter 13 - TBC
Graystripe makes it to Highstones. He thinks about visiting Barley. 
An owl scares him, and then a pack of monsters scare him. He escapes and hides in a bush. A fat kittypet stumbles upon him, but leaves to get dinner. Graystripe feels lost. 
Graystripe dreams about Millie’s death. He wakes up and smells the river. He sees sunningrocks. 
Graystripe gets attacked by a cat.
Chapter 14 - FQ
It’s the gathering. Graystripe is nervous about BloodClan still being in the forest. 
Leopardstar and Blackstar are sceptical about Firestar’s whereabouts. She announces that there was a fox on their territory, but that *Mistyfoot chased it off. 
The leaders agree to share news of BloodClan with each other throughout the moon.
Graystripe talks with Stormfur and Feathertail, similar to what he says to them in A Shadow in RiverClan (that they are welcome in ThunderClan.)
Chapter 15 - TBC
Graystripe realizes the kittypet who attacked him is not alone. There are five others. They introduce themselves as WarriorClan! Monkeystar, Bugeater, Fireface, Bigteeth, Clawwhistle, and Chester. They are larping as clan cats during the day, and returning to their humans at night.
Smudge is still alive, and has told the kittypets all about the warriors. They ask if Firestar is with him. Graystripe says he isn’t, but that he is a real warrior. Monkeystar asks him to prove it by fighting her, and he wins.
Graystripe decides to stay with WarriorClan for a little bit, and teaches them how to hunt.
Near sunset, Graystripe decides to leave WarriorClan. Monkeystar bids him farewell. Graystripe finds Four Trees, and is distressed about its destruction.
Chapter 16 - FQ
Graystripe is hunting when he hears someone in the bushes. It’s Gremlin. She wants to give birth to her kits somewhere safe. She says that ThunderClan is the only place she’d want to have her kits. She wants her and her brother to be safe too. 
Brackenfur appears and says that they can’t trust Gremlin. Graystripe and him argue a bit. 
Graystripe goes home and tells Cinderpelt about Gremlin. Cinderpelt decides to go to the moonstone and ask StarClan.
Chapter 17 - TBC
Still trying to get out of the twoleg place, Graystripe finally gets to the exit. He feels like he’s being followed, and lo and behold WarriorClan wants to see the moonstone. 
Graystripe tells them that they can just wait outside for him. They agree and they all set off. When they are closer, they smell a stranger!
WarriorClan is ready for a fight, but the stranger tells Graystripe that they are Gremlin’s kit, and that he had vowed to help Gremlin no matter what. They asked if he would help them too.
Chapter 18 - FQ
Graystripe is going with Cinderpelt to the moonstone. He thinks about Gremlin while he waits outside.
Graystripe falls asleep and dreams about Firestar. Firestar turns into Fury and tells him to wake up. Cinderpelt is back and tells Graystripe that he’s got to make his own decision, and to beware the snake bite.
Graystripe does not find this encouraging.
Chapter 19 - TBC
The stranger, Fang, tells Graystripe that he escaped from an abusive twoleg’s den and wants to go back to get his mate. His mate, Daffodil, is sick and might die (like Gremlin did) in this twoleg’s house.
Graystripe agrees to help but first he wants to go to the moonstone. Bigteeth, Bugeater, Fireface and Chester head back to their humans. 
Graystripe enters Mothermouth and asks StarClan to forgive him from trespassing and asks for help.
Lightning strikes!
Chapter 20 - FQ
Graystripe meets with Gremlin at Smudge’s house. Cinderpelt tells Gremlin that one of her kits is upside-down, and that the birth might be hard.
Fury drops by and asks Smudge if he wants to join BloodClan. He stands his ground, and she tells Gremlin that there will be a Clan meeting. 
Graystripe calls a Clan meeting himself and tells ThunderClan about Gremlin. The Clan is divided about her, but Cinderpelt helps convince them that Gremlin needs their help.
Ashfur loudly objects, but Cinderpelt helps convince the Clan that Gremlin needs their help and means no harm. 
Chapter 21 - TBC
Lightning struck the moonstone and destroyed. Graystripe is terrified. He runs back to Monkeystar, Clawwhistle and Fang and tells them. Monkeystar suggests they go to Barley. 
Fang asks if Graystripe is his father. Graystripe tells him no, but that he is proud of him nonetheless. Fang is disappointed. 
Barley is shocked that Graystripe is still alive. Barley is very old, and doesn’t move much. Monkeystar and Clawwhistle hunt a mouse for him. 
Graystripe asks Barley what he should do, and Barley suggests he sleep on it. Before he sleeps, he hears Fang ask if Barley knew Gremlin.
Chapter 22 - FQ
Back at Smudge’s house, Gremlin and Graystripe have a meet up again. 
Gremlin tells Graystripe that BloodClan will attack in two days, when the camp is at its weakest (all the patrols are out and the patrols who have returned are already tired.)
Chapter 23 - TBC
Graystripe spends the day listening to Barley telling Fang about Gremlin. They go to sleep, but Fang seems unhappy.
Fang tells Graystripe that Gremlin died in the twoleg den that he had escaped from. Fang wants to leave now and free all the other cats too. 
Chapter 24 - TBC
They head out. WarriorClan wants to come with, but Graystripe says it’s too dangerous. He convinces them to stay with Barley.
Graystripe enters the house through a window. The house is unkept, and all the cats are starving. It’s not great. The twoleg is very very old. 
The twoleg shuts the window while he tries to figure out an escape route.
Chapter 25 - TBC
Graystripe speaks with the cats. He learns that Fang used to be named Honeysuckle. 
The cats try to come up with ideas of how to escape. The twoleg’s favorite cat, Petunia, shoots down the idea of attacking the twoleg. 
They make a plan to prop open a door, but it fails. Graystripe feels hopeless.
Chapter 26 - FQ
Graystripe tries to orchestrate a normal day while preparing for a battle with BloodClan. He sends the elders Goldenflower and Frostfur on a “patrol” near twoleg place to scout out BloodClan and the apprentices to the training hollow where they can avoid the battle.
Fury enters camp and the battle begins. The apprentices disobey and try to fight BloodClan. 
Cinderpelt tries to sneak Gremlin out of the fighting, but is spotted by Fury. Snake and Ice try to stop her, and Scraps tries to stop them. Scraps dies. 
Graystripes is about to kill Snake when Fury yells at him to stop. She threatens to kill Gremlin, and the other cats stop fighting too.
Chapter 27 - FQ
Graystripe notices that Fury has been fatally wounded, and tells her if they leave the Clans alone, Cinderpelt can treat her wound. Fury refuses, but starts dying. Fury then decides she wants to live, and ThunderClan wins. 
ThunderClan finally apologizes for not trusting Graystripe. Graystripe talks to Cinderpelt about StarClan’s message, then goes and visits Gremlin. Gremlin is mourning Scraps, and decides that being in a Clan is too violent for her. 
Gremlin decides to become a kittypet, so Graystripe vows to always help Gremlin if she asks. (thats the name of the book fellas we did it)
Chapter 28 - TBC
Graystripe speaks with Daffodil, Fang’s mate. She is very weak. He is worried that Fang has abandoned them.
Later, Fang returns with WarriorClan, and WarriorClan pushes up on a loose board. The kittypets are able to escape. Petunia wants to stay.
A mail man arrives and calls animal control. The cats leave the house but don’t go far. The older cats want to go and get captured, and Daffodil does too. 
The elderly human is taken away in an ambulance, and Petunia wants to stay at the house until she returns. Graystripe convinces her she can still wait, but she has to escape the humans first. 
Fang is sad that Daffodil is gone, and Graystripe has no idea how to comfort him.
Chapter 29 - TBC
Graystripe comforts Fang. 
The escaped cats decide to part ways, either becoming loners, going off to find human caretakers, or joining WarriorClan (and moving to Barley’s barn.)
Graystripe is ready to retire to the elder’s den again. He realizes that it is possible for Clans to exist without StarClan, like WarriorClan has and is. Fang is upset and doesn’t want him to leave. 
Graystripe asks Petunia to be the medicine cat, and encourages her to take on an apprentice in case her human ever comes back. WarriorClan feels like a real Clan now (to Graystripe and Fang.) 
Graystripe prepares to leave.
Chapter 30 - FQ
ThunderClan is back to normal. Firestar is back!
Graystripe tells Firestar that he is not fit to lead, and that he is happy just being deputy. Firestar is just happy to be back. 
Chapter 31 - TBC
Graystripe sleeps in Barley’s barn and tells him what happened. Barley is glad the cats escaped, and that they are welcome in his barn. 
Graystripe is spotted by a hunting patrol and Stormfur greets him. He tells Stormfur that he is returning to ThunderClan, because he’s realized he doesn’t need StarClan to tell him that ThunderClan has changed. He has come to terms with it.
Stormfur is frustrated that Graystripe won’t stay, but calms down and enjoys the rest of the evening with his father for the last time.
Graystripe makes it to the lake, and is excited to be back in the home he loves. 
Epilogue - FQ
It’s the gathering. All the Clans are surprised that Firestar is there. Firestar announces BloodClan’s second defeat, and the Clans chant Graystripe’s name.
Manga - TBC 
A moon later. Monkeystar says that WarriorClan is thriving, but that she is insecure about her leadership skills. Fang is a good deputy, but Petunia keeps leaving for days. 
Monkeystar decides to go and find Petunia. She, Bugeater, Lily and Clawwhistle travel to find the human’s house. They get attacked by kittypets, and are chased off. They find Petunia at the human’s house, rundown and abandoned. 
Petunia doesn’t want to leave the house behind, but knows in her heart that her human will not return. Lily convinces Petunia to come home, albeit regretfully.
Monkeystar comes up with a plan to help Petunia move on. She takes Petunia to the shattered the moonstone. 
Petunia returns joyfully. Gremlin’s ghost had appeared to her, and tells her that the old human is dead but at peace. Gremlin encourages Petunia by telling her that her Clanmates need her. 
The patrol returns to WarriorClan, reinvigorated. 
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berrym00n · 5 years
Allegiance lists for canon clans!
under the cut
LEADER: Birchstar– pale tabby she-cat with dark stripes and amber eyesDEPUTY: Scorchfeather– dark ginger tabby tom with white paws and chest and green eyes
MEDICINE CAT(S): Sweetdapple– pretty calico she-cat with green eyes
Woodleap– brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Thornheart– gray tabby tom with pointed stripes and gray eyes
Redwing– dark ginger tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice, Logpaw
Newtwhisker– black tom with white paws and dark amber eyes
Gooseflight– mottled gray she-cat with strange black spots and amber eyes. Apprentice, Squirrelpaw
Tallpine– long-legged dark brown tabby she-cat with pale green eyes. Apprentice, Volepaw
Cranberrypelt– dark ginger tom with pale yellow eyes
Tinytail– small black and white tom with blue eyes and a stumpy tail 
Mousepelt– brown tom with a white tail tip and amber eyes. Apprentice, Shimmerpaw
Orchidfoot– pale gray she-cat with white splotches and blue eyes
Shrewnose– dusty brown she-cat with white splotches and yellow eyes
Stormbelly– gray she-cat with a mottled underbelly and blue eyesAPPRENTICES:Logpaw– brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Squirrelpaw– gray she-cat with feathered ears and blue eyes
Volepaw– black tom with green eyes and white paws
Shimmerpaw– tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
Amberfreckle– white she-cat with ginger patches and yellow eyes. Mother to Marigoldkit (pale ginger she-kit) and Bluebellkit (pale gray she-kit)
Whitetooth– black and white she-cat with yellow eyes and long fangs. Mother to Pearkit (black tom-kit), Plumkit (white tom-kit with black patches), and Heatherkit (black and white she-kit)ELDERS:Ivystripe– hard-of-hearing tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Juniperleaf– black tom with a white chin, torn ears, and amber eyes
LEADER: Nettlestar– dark brown spotted tabby she-cat with torn ears and amber eyesDEPUTY: Smokeface– dark gray tom with smoky fur and blue eyes
MEDICINE CAT(S): Applescar– cream-colored tom with a long scar on his belly and amber eyesWARRIORS:
Mosspelt– dark tortoiseshell she-cat with pale yellow eyes
Pinefur– brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Runningbrook– pale tabby tom with a white underbelly and blue eyes. Apprentice, Dirtpaw
Hawktalon– brown and white tabby tom with amber eyes. Apprentice, Crimsonpaw
Toadleap– brown tabby tom with white paws and dark amber eyes. Apprentice, Branchpaw
Hollowpoppy– ginger tabby tom with a bushy tail and blue eyes. Apprentice, Mothpaw
Fireface– black she-cat with a ginger face and yellow eyes. Apprentice, Falconpaw
Frozenleaf– calico she-cat with pretty amber eyes
Pidgeonclaw– pale tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Darkcloud– mottled dark brown she-cat with amber eyes
Mintfur– pale gray tom with green eyesAPPRENTICES:Dirtpaw– shaggy brown tom with green eyes
Crimsonpaw– dark ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a white chest
Branchpaw– brown tom with a white belly and green eyes
Mothpaw– tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
Falconpaw– golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Snakeshade– dark brown tabby she-cat with unusual spots and green eyes. Mother to Ivykit (pale brown tom-kit) and Oakkit (brown tabby she-kit)
Violetstorm– blueish gray she-cat with blue eyes. Mother to Hazelkit (gray tabby tom-kit)ELDERS:Twistedoak– brown tabby tom with a white chest and belly and green eyes
LEADER: Troutstar– tortoiseshell and white tabby tom with folded ears and green eyesDEPUTY: Morningfrost– white she-cat with pale gray patches and yellow eyes
Widgeonfur– pale brown and white she-cat with darker flecks and green eyes
Claypaw– gray tom with dull blue eyes
Foampelt– longhaired white tom with pale green eyes. Apprentice, Graypaw
Willowtail– tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and a long, wispy tail. Apprentice, Brookpaw
Lilystream– pale tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Storkfeather– deaf white tom with blue eyes
Ottertail– brown tabby she-cat with white paws and amber eyes. Apprentice, Vixenpaw
Mistleleaf– black and white tom with amber eyes. Apprentice, Wavepaw
Pebblefrost– tortoiseshell tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
Swanface– white tom with a black marking on his face like a swan and blue eyes
Eelcall– dark ginger tabby and white tom with amber eyes
Yellowberry– pale ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Bumbleflight– black tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes
Sleetshadow– pretty black tabby she-cat with amber eyes
APPRENTICES:Graypaw– pale gray she-cat with green eyes
Brookpaw– tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with green eyes
Vixenpaw– bright ginger tom with dark amber eyes and big ears
Wavepaw– longhaired calico tom with blue eyes
Tansyclaw– pale ginger she-cat with white paws and pale amber eyes. Mother to Figkit (bright ginger she-kit) and Acornkit (pale brown tom-kit)
Fernpelt– pale brown tabby and white she-cat with blue eyes. Mother to Snowkit (black and white tom-kit) and Frogkit (brown tabby tom-kit)ELDERS:Pondnose– pale calico she-cat with green eyes
Brightmoon– longhaired white she-cat with blue eyes
Russetstream– reddish brown tom with green eyes
LEADER: Wheatstar– tall pale ginger she-cat with heather-like blue eyes
DEPUTY: Rabbitfoot– dark brown she-cat with green eyes
MEDICINE CAT(S): Dandeliontail– white she-cat with green eyes and a yellow tailWARRIORS:
Honeystep– pale ginger she-cat with darker patches and blue eyes. Apprentice, Turtlepaw
Nighteyes– black tom with amber eyes
Wasptail– pale ginger tabby tom with dark stripes and amber eyes. Apprentice, Wrenpaw
Foxjaw– mostly red tortoiseshell she-cat with a dark face and yellow eyes
Eaglefur– brown tabby tom with green eyes
Sunspots– gray she-cat with small pale ginger patches and yellow eyes
Whisperthroat– white she-cat with pale green eyes
Oatshine– lean brown tom with dark amber eyes
Cherryfrost– ginger tabby and white tom with blue eyes. Apprentice, Dawnpaw
Owlmoon– white she-cat with pale yellow eyes
Palestripe– pale brown tabby and white she-cat with yellow eyes
Tawnyleg– pale calico she-cat with light amber eyes
APPRENTICES:Turtlepaw– pale gray tabby she-cat with white spots and yellow eyes
Wrenpaw– brown and white tom with dark amber eyes
Dawnpaw– pale ginger she-cat with yellow eyes
Raindrop– small gray she-cat with white paws and green eyes. Mother to Yewkit (tortoiseshell she-kit), Badgerkit (black and white tom-kit), and Dustkit (brownish gray tom-kit)
ELDERS:Podtail– white tom with green eyes and a black tail
Dogear– brown tabby tom with amber eyes and folded ears
Lightfoot– lean pale brown she-cat with a long tail and blue eyes
LEADER: Magpiestar– small black tom with bits of white and hazel eyesDEPUTY: Lynxtail– brown spotted tabby tom with a stumpy tail and green eyes
Briardream– pale ginger tabby she-cat with dream-like blue eyes
Whitepaw– white she-cat with a few dark gray patches and blue eyes
MEDIATOR: Woolywhisker– dark gray and white she-cat with long curly fur and pale green eyes
Timberclaw– pale brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Shiningfern– black tom with white ear tips and green eyes. Apprentice, Hoppaw
Valleystorm– gray and white she-cat with green eyes
Antfang– black tom with amber eyes
Hayspring– pale ginger tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Apprentice, Sproutpaw
Adderpounce– dark brown tom with amber eyes
Snailshell– brown tabby and white tom with a side swirl and amber eyes. Apprentice, Echopaw
Flightfeather– pale brown pointed tom with a long tail and brown eyes
Poppyskip– tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and amber eyes
Blueflower– gray she-cat with blue-green eyesAPPRENTICES:Hoppaw– pale ginger tabby tom with amber eyes
Sproutpaw– sandy-colored tom with green eyes
Echopaw– white she-cat with crystal-blue eyes
Cedarsoot– gray pointed she-cat with bright blue eyes. Mother to Hollykit (gray and white she-kit)
Dappledawn– brown spotted tabby and white she-cat with green eyes. Mother to Moosekit (brown tabby tom-kit), Puddlekit (pale tortoiseshell she-kit), and Carrotkit (ginger tom-kit)
Raggedear– scraggly brown tom with small torn ears and amber eyes
Slighteye– half-blind brown pointed she-cat with one blue eye
Pricklytail– longhaired tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with a short tail and green eyes
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Chapter Twenty
“What do you think will happen?” Beechpaw asked. The tom paused to sniff at a clump of ferns.
Firepaw shrugged. “I dunno, you know more about this kind of stuff than I do.”
The toms were on patrol with Shadepaw and Minkpaw - though apprentices typically didn’t patrol alone, according to Shadepaw, Leopardfur said it would be a sort of test, at least for Beechpaw and Shadepaw. Firepaw figured that it also had something to do with the fact that half of the warriors were holed up in Crookedstar’s den, discussing the matter of ThunderClan and ShadowClan.
Shadepaw’s tail twitched. “We can’t keep hiding behind the river forever,” she meowed. “Sooner or later, they’re going to come for us, too.”
Minkpaw scowled. “The fact that they’re killing kits should be more than enough to get Crookedstar to want to fight. And to think Brokenstar tried to say Yellowfang was a kit-killer!”
The other apprentices nodded along with her. The Clan had become suddenly much less suspicious of Yellowfang since hearing that Brokenstar had recruited rogues to use for battle, and that those rogues had no qualms about harming kits. Firepaw had even watched Whiteclaw bring the medicine cat a fat fish before the group left to patrol. It’s probably his way of making up for attacking her.
“What about Beetleclaw and Frogleap, though?” Beechpaw asked. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a senior warrior being punished.”
Minkpaw frowned. “I’d rather not talk about that.”
Shadepaw gave her a sympathetic look and nodded. “Let’s just focus on the patrol.”
The apprentices were heading upriver. They had long since passed the bridge, and were walking into taller grass now. They followed along the gorge, but kept a few fox-lengths away to be safe. It was easy going. The land north of camp was clear of obstacles and full of tall, fresh grasses.
Firepaw noticed some white, fluffy animals in the distance. They were grazing, and seemed not to notice the cats. “What are those? They look like bushes.”
“Sheep,” Shadepaw replied. “They're pretty harmless, and their wool is great for nests.”
“They creep me out,” Minkpaw said, shuddering. “They have such… vacant stares.”
Shadepaw glanced at her, looking amused. “I'll protect you from the scary sheep.”
Minkpaw’s tail bristled with embarrassment. “I'm not scared!” she blurted. “They're just weird!”
Shadepaw purred. “Whatever you say.”
They skirted around the herd of sheep, wandering without much direction. They stopped every so often to sniff at a stump or rock, checking for foreign scents, before they would move on again.
Firepaw found the patrol was oddly relaxing. Camp had been tense for days, and it was nice to get away from the bickering warriors. Though he wasn't close to Shadepaw, she seemed to get on well with Minkpaw, and the apprentices chatted easily as they walked.
“I hope my assessment is soon,” Shadepaw meowed. She twitched her whiskers. “I feel like I've been an apprentice for ages.”
“You're only two moons ahead of me!” Minkpaw retorted. “It hasn't been that long.”
Beechpaw snorted. “And I'm a moon ahead of you, Shadepaw!”
Shadepaw rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. We’re all due to be warriors soon!”
Firepaw frowned. I wonder when I'll be a warrior. I've been here… a little more than two moons, I think? Maybe three by now?
Beechpaw shouldered him. “You can't be too far off. You're about the same age as Minkpaw and Grasspaw, I think.”
“Ooh, what do you think our names will be?” Minkpaw asked. Her tail flicked with excitement at the thought. “I’d be pretty pleased with ‘Minkwhisker’.”
Beechpaw chuckled and flicked her with his tail. “I’d bet you'll get ‘Minkstorm!’”
“Oh, come on,” Shadepaw retorted. “She's a great hunter. Of course she’ll get ‘whisker’.”
Minkpaw beamed at the praise.
Firepaw said nothing. The feeling of comfort was starting to fade—he was still practically an outsider when it came to this sort of thing. He knew a few names by now, but most meant nothing to him yet.
Beechpaw looked thoughtful. “I wouldn't mind ‘throat’.”
Minkpaw shook her head. “C’mon, I see how much you hang around the nursery. I'll eat my tail if Crookedstar doesn't name you ‘flower’.”
Beechpaw grinned. “That's true… I haven't been able to hang out in the nursery in a while, though. Has anyone seen Mallowtail’s kits lately?”
“I saw them when I first got here,” Firepaw said, eager for the shift in conversation. “But I haven't seen much of them since.”
“I'm sure they'll be running around and getting under everyone’s paws any day now,” Shadepaw replied. “I brought the queens some fresh-kill the other day. Her litter is an energetic one! I don't think poor Brambleflower has gotten any sleep since they opened their eyes.”
Minkpaw glanced at Shadepaw. “What do you want your name to be?”
Shadepaw shrugged. “I’m sure I'll just get ‘pelt’ or ‘fur’.”
“No way!” Minkpaw exclaimed. “You’re the best fighter out of any of us. I bet you’ll be Shadeclaw.”
Shadepaw purred. “Shadeclaw does sound pretty nice...”
Firepaw held in a sigh as they returned to the topic of names.
Beechpaw seemed to notice Firepaw’s change in mood. He batted at Firepaw. “What about him?” he meowed.
“Tough one,” Shadepaw said. “How fast are you? ‘Firefoot’ wouldn't be a terrible name.”
Firepaw smiled a little. “I don't know if I'm fast, but I did run from the Twolegplace to Sunningrocks when I was younger…”
“Firefoot has a nice ring to it,” Beechpaw agreed. “Or maybe Firetail? Let's find you a tree to climb and see how you fare.”
“I heard a ShadowClan apprentice say you were handsome at the Gathering,” Minkpaw went on, starting to snicker. “Maybe he’ll be Fireface?”
“Fireface!” Firepaw meowed. “That's too weird.”
Shadepaw laughed. “‘Face’ means you're an attractive, healthy cat. Not a bad name, but it does sound a little weird as yours.”
“Now hold on just a moment,” Beechpaw said. “I, for one, want to know who said Firepaw was handsome. He's still got kit fluff!”
“I don't!” Firepaw retorted with a laugh. “That's just how my fur is!”
Eventually, the apprentices headed home, having found nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn't until they passed the bridge that Shadepaw suddenly bristled.
“What's wrong?” Minkpaw asked.
“ShadowClan,” Shadepaw hissed. “I smell them.”
The others tasted the air. Firepaw did notice the unusual smell—it was familiar, like Yellowfang’s scent, and that may have been why he didn't catch it at first.
“She's right,” Beechpaw growled. “What are they doing here?”
“We aren't far from camp,” Shadepaw said. “Let's hurry.” She started to run, so the other apprentices dashed along after her.
“What if they're attacking?” Firepaw asked.
“Then they might be in trouble,” Beechpaw panted.
They didn't slow until the reed border of camp was in sight. There seemed to be no sounds of battle, and no screeches of rage or pain, so the apprentices halted for a moment to catch their breaths.
“Come on,” Shadepaw meowed. “They're not attacking… but I don't like not knowing what's happening.” She led them through the reeds and into camp.
Right away, Firepaw noticed the ShadowClan patrol sitting in the middle of camp. The air was even more tense than usual. RiverClan warriors sat at the edges of camp, glaring suspiciously at the outsiders. Whiteclaw, Voleclaw, and Skyheart sat right outside the nursery. It was clear they were guarding it.
Silverpaw and Weaselfoot were on sentry duty, having been seated along the reeds. They both pricked their ears at the apprentices’ arrivals and approached them.
“What's going on?” Shadepaw demanded.
Weaselfoot glanced at the ShadowClan cats out of the corner of his eye. “Brokenstar decided to ‘stop by’,” he growled. “He brought some of his strongest warriors. He’s clearly trying to intimidate us.”
Firepaw examined the patrol for a moment. They were all muscular, tough-looking cats. One, a silver tom, was simply massive—probably even bigger than Thistlestar or Tigerclaw. A stocky black tom meticulously cleaned his long claws, clearly putting on show with the whole act. Two mollies talked in low whispers, and glared at any cat who passed them.
Well, Firepaw thought, gulping. The intimidation thing is working.
Silverpaw bristled. “I'll be glad when they're gone. I can't believe Crookedstar is entertaining them here after what they did.”
For once, Firepaw agreed with Silverpaw. They killed at least one ThunderClan kit, Firepaw thought. How can he even let them sit around here?
The silver ShadowClan tom rose suddenly, and headed for the nursery. Hisses rose from all around.
“You stop right there,” Whiteclaw snarled. “We know what you lot did to ThunderClan!”
The tom blinked, but seemed unfazed by the hostility. “I just want to see Brambleflower,” he meowed. “We’re good friends. It's been a while since I've gotten to see how she's doing.”
“Back off, Boulder,” Skyheart hissed. “Or I'll rip your nose off. I don't care if Crookedstar said you were guests, you're dead if you take another step towards the nursery.”
Boulder? Firepaw wondered. That doesn't sound like a warrior name. Is he one of the rogues they recruited? The tom felt himself bristling. They're right to keep him away!
A soft voice came from the nursery. “Boulder?”
Voleclaw glanced over his shoulder. “No, Brambleflower, Crookedstar said the queens aren’t supposed to—”
Suddenly, the tabby molly shoved her way through the warriors. Brambleflower beamed. “Boulder!” she purred. “I've missed you!”
Boulder let out a laugh. “I missed you, too. How are those kits of yours coming along?”
Their pleasantries felt out of place. Whiteclaw lashed his tail. “Get back in the nursery,” he growled. “Didn't you hear that ShadowClan kills kits now?”
“Oh, Boulder would never lay a paw on kits,” Brambleflower replied breezily. “How is Dawncloud?”
Firepaw glanced at Shadepaw. “How do they know each other?”
It was Weaselfoot who answered. “Brambleflower was rogue-born, but she was found as a kit. Boulder joined ShadowClan as a rogue seasons ago. I guess they figured they had something in common and bonded over it.”
Firepaw blinked. Brambleflower wasn't born here either?
“I still wonder who the father of her kits is,” Beechpaw whispered. “She's not really close to anyone… other than Boulder, I guess, but they'd never have kits.”
Weaselfoot fixed the apprentice with a glare. “This is hardly the time for gossip. Just… keep an eye on them like everyone else.” He turned away to return to his original spot. Silverpaw sniffed and did the same.
Beechpaw rolled his eyes. “It's not like they're going to do anything with that size of a patrol and everyone here.” He swiped his tongue over his lips. “We might as well eat.” He headed for the fresh-kill pile.
“I'll stay here,” Firepaw replied. He sat down and turned his gaze back to the patrol. Shadepaw and Minkpaw made no move to leave for the pile, either. “Who’re the rest of those cats?”
Shadepaw twitched an ear. “The black one is Blackfoot. He’s ShadowClan’s deputy. Doesn't talk much and isn't very friendly. The same could be said for Russetfur… the ginger molly. She was rogue-born too. The other molly is Fernshade, a senior warrior. Don't know much about her.”
There seems to be a lot more cats who were born outsiders, Firepaw thought. By the way cats act, it sounded like I was the only one.
They sat about and continued to wait. No one was eager to move about. Those who hadn’t been called to Crookedstar’s den continued to cast their hate-filled stares at the ShadowClan patrol. Firepaw hardly blamed them. The longer the outsiders sat there, looking relaxed as can be, the more angry he grew. They killed kits, he thought, beginning to bristle. And now they’ll just lounge about our camp pretending nothing happened?
A screech made nearly every cat jump. Brokenstar came tearing out of Crookedstar’s den, bristling like a hedgehog. His nose was split open and bleeding. Crookedstar came running out after him. He parted his jaws in a ferocious hiss. Brokenstar whipped around, arching his back.
What on earth? Firepaw’s tail whipped about. It had bushed up on its own from the shock of the leaders’ confrontation.
“You come into my camp and think you can make these demands of me?” Crookedstar roared. “We know what you did in ThunderClan, Brokenstar! Our hunting grounds will never be used by your Clan of rogues.”
“Be very careful, Crookedstar,” Brokenstar hissed. “You wouldn’t want to make rash decisions that you’ll -”
“Careful?” Crookedstar scoffed. “You should be lucky I don’t rid the Clans of your filthy existence right now! Begone, or I will.”
Brokenstar took a step back. The tom was a large brute, and it was likely that he could match Crookedstar in a fight. But the RiverClan warriors were rising and edging closer, and the ShadowClan leader saw this. His eyes flitted about nervously. For a moment, he stalled as he stared towards the medicine cats’ den.
Yellowfang was sitting in the mouth of the den. Her eyes were narrowed to slits. She said nothing.
“So,” Brokenstar hissed. “You’ve been hiding out with the fish-faces.” He lifted his chin. “Come, ShadowClan,” he snapped. “RiverClan has made their choice.”
The patrol rose. Boulder, looking unsure, whispered a goodbye to Brambleflower and hurried to join them. Brokenstar spun around and headed for the reeds.
Neither Shadepaw nor Minkpaw moved, so Firepaw held his ground. Brokenstar padded right by him. He glanced down at Firepaw once, snorted softly, and went out of camp through the reeds.
A few moments of silence passed. Then Sedgestream lifted her head and smirked. “Well done, Crookedstar!” she shouted.
“He sure showed that fox!” Agreed a grinning Skyheart.
Voleclaw nodded. “He won’t come crawling back here.”
Crookedstar shrugged off the praise. “He will.” Without much explanation, he turned to go back into his den. “We will resume our meeting. This is only another element to consider.”
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gougarpaw · 4 years
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Fireface from warriors. He is a light yellow cat with orange patches, green eyes, a dark red nose, and a blue collar with a silver name tag reading “Rusty.” Fireface’s face, back, and paws are orange. His tail, a smaller patch on his back, a mark above his nose and his ears are red. He is standing. Above his back “Fireface” is written in green. End Description.]
“Yeah, doing real Clan stuff, like escaping from bad Twolegs.”
Fireface is a ginger tom with unusually red fur around his face and ears.
- hc: tag says Rusty, which caused Smudge to ask if he was Firestar. that’s where he got his name 
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