seawisher · 11 years
I intended to do this earlier
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions from the one who tagged you, then write eleven more.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them in the post (sorry, I'm just going to tag the people because I don't have the skills to do the link thing)
1. What kind of literature do you enjoy the most, and why? I am a big fan of journalistic articles and research documents on things I find interesting (if you put a scholarly article on why elephants chew to the left instead of the right I probably wouldn't read it) I love NatGeo magazines and the way they write their articles. It isn't like anything I have read before and there isn't anything like it. As for the research ones I like knowing as much as possible about anything and everything.
2. If you could be a teacher, what would you want to teach? Funny this should be asked, I was actually studying to be an English Literature teacher for high school. So I would probably go to that.
3. Name one virtue and one flaw of your respective nation, from your perspective. Virtue: We've come a really long way in a short amount of time and have managed to mature quickly Flaw: We tend to get in over our heads and forget that this country needs help too.
4. Do you think that a mandatory civil service period (police, military, fire, healthcare, etc.) would be beneficial? No, I think there would be people who would want to get out at any cost. It is better to have it set up the way we do now, that way we have people who actually want to take that job and are willing to take all the risks. If someone doesn't want to do something it could really harm others, especially if you think about fire/ems, and any branch really. "If you don't do your job right others may not make it through the night." (or so my father says)
5. What professions do you think deserve more attention and respect? Police, fire, EMS, anything that actually helps the society. The unsung heroes basically. I wrote an essay on this for a college course. The people who risk their lives and their health for others deserve more respect and attention. But all in moderation or it could all go to their heads.
6. Do you prefer older movies like Casablanca or new ones such as The Avengers? Ahhh, both? I'm on the fence about this one. It depends on which movie or which genre.
7. If you had to work in a job that demanded you be outside all year, what would it be? If I could move I would pick lifeguarding. But if I couldn't move I would pick something in forestry.
8. What do you think has been the greatest scientific advancement in the past fifty years? There have been so many, I would probably go for something that current EMS use and our new knowledge of which medicines do what and what to do in the event of heart attacks and heart failures. Pacemakers and all the advancements in heart surgeries would probably be, in my opinion, the best medical advancements.
9. If you could trade places with someone, who would it be? I wouldn't want to swap places with anyone, I'm pretty content with my life though I may be stressed it is all starting to look up :D
10. If you could travel to any period in history without affecting the timeline, where would you choose to go? Oh man, maybe the Norther Renaissance period, that would be a fun time to walk around in.
11. Do you think that America should hand off responsibility of foreign affairs to allies, or should America become more proactive across the globe? This is really tricky. I think in some cases America should take a step back and assess what is going on in the world and this country. More questions should be asked like, "Do we have the money?" "Do we have the resources?" "Will the people support this move?" "How will this help/hurt our current relationship with X country?" I feel like we run around with guns blazing trying to make a utopia that simply is not attainable in human standards. ~Questions: 1. If you could change one thing about yourself would you, and if so, what would it be? 2. What is your favourite tv show/movie?  3. Is there anything you would want to do but won't due to some reason or another? Why?  4. When you are feeling down or had a bad day, what do you do to make it better? 5. Where is one place you are dying to travel to or live? 6. What is something most people don’t know about you?  7. What is an ideal day like in your life? 8. If you could spend one day with any celebrity, who would it be? 9. What is your favourite time of year? 10. What are you passionate about? 11. What three superpowers would you have? And why those three?
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seawisher · 11 years
For a Friend,
Go gcuire Dia an t-adh ort. 
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seawisher · 11 years
I've been tagged
The Rules:
1. Always post the rules 2.Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 12 new ones 3. Tag 12 new people and link them to the post. 4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1) How tall are you? I am 5foot 6inches (and 1/4, because that counts for something) 
2) Cake or pie? Depends on what kind, on a normal day, cake. 
3) Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday? Uhm...I think it was during the summer, I went to Seaside Park 
4) Are you wearing shoes right now? I don't believe in shoes. 
5) What was the last book you read? Ethan Frome 
6) Do you like to swim? Pssh do I like to swim, no, I am addicted to swimming. 
7) How many hours, on average, do you spend online? I don't even know 
8) Do you have a favorite webcomic? Not one but a few, so yes :D 
9) If you could time travel just once, what would you choose to do? Ohgeezelousise. I would travel to the future to see what I am doing, maybe. 
10) Do you wear glasses and/or contacts? Both! 
11) What was your last Halloween costume?  I was a cat burglar this past year 
12) Describe a dream you had recently. Oh man, I was on the beach and this white dog started barking at me and trying to bite me, so I started running but the dog knocked me down and kept barking in my face. I was absolutely terrified and woke up shaking. 
And I tagged: fearisnothing thewileyside runningtowardsme okaycouldbeouralways theboyandhishorse westywinchester lionheartedowl crimsonheart fireintheirbellies  And my questions are: 1. If you could learn a language in one day, which language would you learn? 2. If you could travel anywhere where would you go? 3. What is the last line of the last book you read? 4. What would you want your superpower to be? 5. Are you wearing pants? 6. How about a shirt? (ha, joe) 7. What animal do you think you would be? 8. What book do you like the most? 9. Do you like to get all fancy? 10. How tall are you? 11. Can you play an instrument? 12. Have you ever travelled to another country?  
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seawisher · 11 years
I am using sentences comprised of complex words to make up for spelling "hero" wrong on an envelope for a friend.
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seawisher · 12 years
I'M GOING TO HUG ALL OF MY FRIENDS FOR AN UNCOMFORTABLY/COMFORTABLY LONG TIME WHEN I SEE THEM when they see this, they should know this is their fair warning. joejackiebredannyerin I'm going to hug you all xD for such a long time
because I miss you all so much, and hugs are great. 
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seawisher · 12 years
I get really excited when I hear someone call me "Mary-Kate" my friend Joe called me by my full name, not MK, not Mary, not Mare, not Mari, not Mary-Kathryn, he called me Mary-Kate and I literally giggled. It made me so happy to hear my name, and he said it correctly too. I was so happy I jumped and flailed my hands I was so happy. I had forgotten how wonderful it is to be called that, without the lame joke "Oh where is Ashley?" I don't ask people named Ashley where Mary-Kate is but yeah, hearing my name was awesome. Thanks Joe. It may seem weird but that made my day, and it made me so happy. 
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seawisher · 12 years
i broke a promise i made to a friend today, and i will never break that promise again
my parents will not know of what happened today unless the guy decides to press charges. i fell asleep behind the wheel, and hit someone. (named steve) he goes to a college right down the road from mine. no injuries and his car was only dented a little (my car is fine, one very very minor scratch) but i vow from this day on to never drive tired again. next time, it could be my life, or someone else. 
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seawisher · 12 years
lionheartedowl: Her green eyes danced over the pages as she read. Her brown hair was tucked neatly behind her ear. In one hand was a pen, quickly writing down things she assumed she would be needing for a test in the future. The other hand was guiding her eyes along the lines on the page. Her face reflected her concentration, it was intense, and calm. She knew what she was doing, at times she would knit her eyebrows together. It was as though she had hit a frustrating spot, a word out of place, a fact she was not familiar with. Her beauty was raw. She did not use any makeup to enhance her features, and she had no need to. Her cheeks held a natural blush, her lips were a healthy pink. It seemed that her personality was like that of a golden retriever, full of love and energy. Her enthusiasm was like no other, and her mind was that of a woman who will change the world one step at a time. She was the defender of those smaller than her, she stood up for herself and for others with such intensity any grown man would back down. And there she is, studying hard, hoping to get the best grade she can possibly get, reading as though her life depends on it. Her beauty is imprinted on her mind and on her face, and as this is being written, let it be known that she is one of the strongest women I have ever met, and smartest. enjoyingmyinsanity:  She walked with a quick pace. Her expression that of a woman with a destination. Her thick blond hair danced across her back as she strode along the road. Her blue eyes, ever filled with life, set her course of action. Her arms were decorated with bracelets, showing her personality in little ways while hiding her pain. Her head was held high, she was a woman with a destination, a hope and a dream. In her arms were books, some for class, some for reading for the joy of reading. It was obvious that she too had a good head upon her shoulders, that she had a great mind just behind those glasses she wore. Her arms were toned, from her many swim practices. She swims as though her life depends on it in a race, she puts her all into everything she does, and she lives to do that. She loves those who love her, and she is always ready to pull someone in for a comforting embrace. Her creativity is sometimes hidden, but she has an artist's eye. She sees the details, she sees the lonely person in the corner begging for a friend. And she is the first to extend her hand in friendship. She will help anyone she comes into contact with, she will support those who need it most without giving a single thought to herself. She puts others before herself, and she never thinks twice about doing so. She has been a gentle friend, one to laugh with, one to be geeky with. She sings loudly and with pride in her voice, without hesitation, for she is filled with confidence she has yet to discover for herself.   thewileyside: Her laughter is what is heard first. She leans forward as she laughs, showing that she truly thought that to be funny. Her deep brown eyes shine with joy. She pushes her curly brown hair out of her face, and the bliss is obviously written across her face. She wears clothing for riding, and it can be assumed she smells like the barn, the place where she spends the majority of her time. Her love for horses is inspiring, the way she rides reflects her passion, her determination. She has determination in everything she does, from studying to simply living. She remembers everything about those she cares about, she holds all she loves close to her. If someone she knows is feeling down she does little things to cheer them up the best she can. She is more concerned with how others are feeling that sometimes she may forget herself. She is wonderful, she has a creative touch, and is able to see the beauty in the simplest of things. She can bring characters from her mind and give them life, personality, and motion on a simple piece of paper. The way she lives is as though each day is her last. She lets people know that she cares about them, and she loves the man she has. She does things that most people would not even think of doing, she finds the life in everything around her. Her joy is contagious, her laughter is uplifting, and her bliss is wrapped around her daily life. She may not always be laughing, she may not be happy all the time, but she does her best to be that way, to laugh at what deserves a laugh, to talk to the lonely, and to share her passion with anyone who will listen to her talk. She is intelligent, she has a way with computers and art, which she has combined in her studies. Her life will be that filled of joy. She was the one to make me laugh when I thought I could not, the one to show me that life is worth living, and that if you love something you have to strive for it. fireintheirbellies: His eyes hid the life that burned inside of him. Behind his blue/grey eyes was a world seldom few had ever been before. He was not one to let people in, he keeps his thoughts to himself, unless asked. His hair is short, a military cut, showing his chosen path. He will see the world, he will see things people have never thought of, things that people do not want to think of. He will see the world the way it is. He speaks with thought, yet he speaks his mind. If he has something to say he will say it flat out. He is filled with opinions, views, and hopes. One can only dream to know what lies behind his eyes. Sometimes he raises his hand to rest near his lips, it may be that this is a habit he does when he is deep in thought, it may just be a simple action. He loves being the center of attention, he enjoys making people laugh, making people think, and he is great at doing so. When asked a question he will give the answer, or he may give multiple. He gives people the choice to choose their own fate, he does not want to pick their path for them. He lives life in the moment, he looks for someone to live like that with him. He holds his friends close, yet he does not show his emotions clearly on his face. At times he dances, and his joy is clear. Other times a shadow moves over his eyes, as though there is something that binds his joy and quietly smothers it. His reason for hiding this is unknown, he may even deny it, but it is there in his eyes. He cares for those who matter to him, and those who cross his path. To me he is a brother, someone I may not always talk to, but someone who will be there when needed. b0oster: The man who walks with a slight bounce in his step. His brown hair kept short, his blue eyes looking at the beauty of the world around him. His smile is lopsided, but his smile fits him. He is tall, he is strong, and it shows in the way he walks. Sometimes he walks slowly, appreciating the world that he lives in, looking at every little detail. He writes and his words can romance any woman from miles away. He draws people to him yet he does not realize how much people care about him. His face can grow serious, his thoughts can be focused on helping others so much that he forgets to help himself. He loves fully, and he lives life to the best of his abilities. When he loves someone he gives his whole heart, he trusts hands that shake, and he holds the hand of a woman who is not confident. He brings out the best in people, he makes people smile, makes them live. When he laughs he can make the sun dance with glee. When he is upset it is as though the rain will never stop. His passion cannot be tamed, his love may not have a name, but his life will never end. He has made a mark on those who love him, on those who befriend him, he attracts people who are shy, who feel as though they are alone and he makes sure that they see that they are not alone, that he is there with them. He draws the attention of women through his looks, yet his mind is what holds them captive. To me he has been a lover, a friend, a protector. I will love him till the end of my days, and he is wonderful.
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seawisher · 12 years
today was great. thanks to the two people who helped me out today. TCNJ was so much more than I thought it would be. if I get in I will be going there next fall. Life is good, legs get sore, and life is never a bore.
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seawisher · 12 years
while drawing a picture of my friend and his mother i see how alike they look. he looks a lot like his mother, but not in a girly way, if that makes any sense at all. i feel so creepy when i draw people sometimes. because i just stare at pictures of them for hours. blinking when needed. fireintheirbellies, you have your mother's nose and smile. thought you should know. probably going to randomly text you about this picture eventually, since, i don't think you know i am actually doing it. news update: guy just messaged me. i had to pick him up for an ems call and cut off his pants. it's all i can think of when i see him, is, "i cut your pants off, and we never talked." 
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seawisher · 12 years
bring it on. bring it the heck on. don't friggin start a fight with me, don't ever start a fight with me because i swear on my heart i will make sure you go down, i will make sure you are defeated. and i do not give up. literally flushed with anger fireintheirbellies, this is a negative side of having that fighting spirit. along with a short temper (especially with being insulted on a personal level) 
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seawisher · 12 years
one of my friends gave me this wonderful notebook, all blank pages in it, hard cover, from Poland. for the longest time it has sat beside my bed asking me to fill it, but i have been terrified to ruin the purity of its pages with some meaningless words. the other day i drew in it. each stroke of my pencil i worried my art would not be good enough to grace the pages of this book. i am looking at the picture i drew, a man smoking a cigarette. i have no idea why this sketch was the one idea i deemed worthy to even try to draw but there it is, sitting in the notebook looking back at me. i plan on posting a picture of this sketch but for now i am going to just look at it, ask myself why this one? thank you Joe for this gift, i have been too afraid to use it because of how beautiful the book is.
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