mayakern · 5 years
Thank you for sharing the end of MP! I first discovered the series when I was having some initial revelations about my sexuality and mental health, and the ch. 1 quote "It's just a different type of normal life" (and the rest of the series) will always mean alot to me. Wishing you the best for future life and projects!
thank you, that’s so sweet! thank you for reading and supporting my work!
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lostchasingsilver · 6 years
OC Questions
Tagged by @gummyfishiez, thanks for tagging me! Bet you thought I forgot.
I tag @starlightmango, @kroniglio, @zenem7, @icantactuallyart
Name: Allen Nicolas Whittaker
Alias(es): Al
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Place of birth: USA (Details TBD)
Spoken languages: English
Sexual orientation: TBD
Occupation: Student
Eye color: Grey
Hair colour: Auburn
Height: 5′10″
Scars: One on his head, covered by his hair.
Burns: Part of the scar
Overweight: No
Underweight: No, but really skinny
Color: Green
Hair color: He doesn’t really have a preference on this
Eye color: Blue
Music genre: Alternative Rock and Ska
Movie genre: Superhero
TV show: Hey Arnold
Food: Ice Cream
Drink: Water
Book: TBD
Passed university: No
Had sex: No
Had sex in public: No
Gotten pregnant: No
Kissed a boy: No
Kissed a girl: Yes
Gotten tattoos: No
Gotten piercings: No 
Had a broken heart: Complicated
Been in love: Complicated
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes. Playing video games or hanging out
A virgin: Yes
A cuddler: TBD
A kisser: Ha.
Scared easily: Nope. Curiosity conquers fear.
Jealous easily: No
Trustworthy: Yes
Dominant: No
Submissive: No
In love: Complicated
Single: No
Have they harmed themselves: No
Thought of suicide: No
Attempted suicide: No
Wanted to kill someone: No
Ride a horse: Once in like 4th grade
Have/had a job: Not yet
Have any fears: Being alone
Sibling(s): A sister
Parents: A firefighter dad and a nurse mom. They are very busy.
Children: None
Pets: None
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aphoenixsfeather · 7 years
@macthulhu @icantactuallyart
Thanks for MTG info you two!!!
@eirana-know-more :P
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starlightmango · 7 years
Tumblr media
@m-rar I ended up doing that because I kept missing what I assumed were important plot stuff because a chase scene would be immediately followed by the quietest conversation you could think of. @icantactuallyart I can't remember what other movie this same thing happened in, but I know there was another action movie I watched recently with the same issue. There was also something off about a lot of the special effects for the fights... right before anyone collided with anything else there was a small change in speed, and any time Cap threw his shield anywhere it suddenly change quality/lighting. Not to mention everyone was wearing roller blades during the first major chase scene because they couldn't realistically make it look like the characters were running at similar speeds as the cars around them, so they ended up sliding on their feet. Action movies just don't seem to do it for me as much these days.
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jackerieorriot · 9 years
icantactuallyart replied to your post:So some jackasses on my floor of my dorm decided...
that’s horrid! I hope there were no sprinklers that activated and wrecked stuff, but even without that that’s hugely annoying, and potentially inconvenient to have to do floor meetings later for those who didn’t do it
yeah no sprinklers were set off because the RA saw it happen early on enough that he was able to prevent it from going off entirely, but the alarm has been going now for 20 minutes.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 9 years
"anyone but Harper" has basically characterized every political conversation I've had; also, as a young voter I've also seen way more people my age talking about the election; even the high school kids I've worked with at part-time jobs who are a year or two from voting are pretty decently informed and interested in voting, which is a super cool change!
Very good to hear!
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seawisher · 10 years
why are the "answer privately" buttons so easy to press
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sage-nebula · 7 years
As as eeveelutions go, I always thought they decided on them based on new features of that game; day/night was a new thing in GS, so we got day vs night eevee; location-based evolution was new in DP I think, so we got two who were evolved that way; And Amie was new in XY so they did an evolution with that. They could have done a dragon-type eeveelution that involved Super Training in XY, though, and kept both trends going! I'd love a dragon Eevee!
Huh . . . that’s an interesting way to think of it, and honestly one I hadn’t thought of before! You bring up a good point about Amie + Super Training, but to be honest, even if they didn’t want to use Super Training, they could have still used Amie. Sylveon evolves by maxing out Amie and having eevee know a fairy-type move. While eevee can’t learn any dragon-type moves (at least not in Gen VI, I just checked), they either a.) could have worked one in somehow, or b.) perhaps made it item dependent instead. Like, max out Amie, and then level up eevee while eevee is holding a Dragon Fang. Something like that easily could have worked to give us the dragon-type eeveelution that we all know we deserve.
But yeah, you bring up a really good point about the features. I really hadn’t thought of it that way before. Thanks for sending this in!
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aphoenixsfeather · 9 years
yooo what if you guys cosplayed Sans and Papyrus together would that be cute or what
Austin makes the perfect Papyrus. :3
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starlightmango · 9 years
icantactuallyart replied to your post “On the one hand I need to spend the entire weekend writing a 10-page...”
If it's any consolation I'll likely be doing paper prep during the day and working all evening 'til midnight! I'll try throw some candy to Texas tho, might just make it
I’ll be sure to hold up my trick-or-treat bag in your direction, just in case!
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asinglewhisperedword · 10 years
B, L, M, Z!
B. It depends on the context, really. I only ever get messages when I did something to receive them, so I'm probably excited for the response or not looking forward to it, depending on what it is.
L. N/A
M. If it came with a deep, complete understanding of the composition of matter, then I'd rather manipulate that. There's so much stuff I could do with it, like take some particles from the air and a rock and make a cheeseburger. Or I could even try and create life. Woah.
Z. Yeah. Athiests believe that we don't know what created the universe, and religions believe that they do, depending on the religion. It's not terribly difficult to understand.
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ryuuzaki77 · 10 years
Someone answered my question  :]    finallyyyyy Thank you, you also get bonus points because I don't know that word.
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roofshipping · 10 years
Favorite song, favorite video game, random strange fact!
Song: I can’t choose between the three of these: Paradise (What About Us?), Utopia, and The End of Time
Favorite video game: Hmm…either the first two Golden Sun games (they’re technically one game split into two) or Valkyria Chronicles.
Random fact: I fucking love roller coasters, but I hate heights. I’ll go on a Ferris Wheel, but if it’s the carnival kind where the seat is just completely open I’ll probably be internally freaking out the entire time.
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seawisher · 10 years
Tagged by 
1. Last beverage = Water
2. Last phone call = My brother
3. Last text message = My older sister
4. Last song you listened to = Sloppy Seconds- Watsky
5. Last time you cried = Two weeks ago give or take.
6. Dated someone twice = Sort of?
7. Been cheated on = Yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = Nope
9. Lost someone special = Yes
10. Been depressed = I wouldn't call it depression, I was pretty upset
11. Been drunk and threw up = Nope!
Blue, Green and Purple
15. Make a new friend = Yes
16. Fall out of love = Nosir
17 Laugh until you cried = Yes
18. Meet someone who changed you = Yes
19. Find out who your true friends are = Yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you = Nope
21. Kiss anyone on your FB friend’s list = Yes ?
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = Everyone now
24. Do you have any pets = Two cats and one dog
25. Do you want to change your name = Nope
26. What did you do for your last birthday = I ate fucking turkey. Freaking Thanksgiving ruins everything.
27. What time did you wake up today = 5AM :DDDDD WOOOO
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Staring at the spider on my wall
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = WELL I have two trips I'm taking, on to Chicago and one to hopefully Norway AND I CAN'T WAIT
30. Last time you saw your mother = Last night
31. What is the one thing you wish you could change about your life = To not be in debt from college.
32. What are you listening to right now = My cat purring
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Yes
34. What’s getting on your nerves right now = Nothing, I'm pretty chill
35. Most visited webpage = Youtube
37. Nickname = Mare or MK
38. Relationship Status = Single sort of
39. Zodiac sign = Sagittarius
40. He or She = She
41. Elementary = Reverend Brown
42. High school = Pope John XXIII
43. College/University = College of Saint Elizabeth and now community 
44. Hair colour = Blonde
45. Long or short = short-ish
46. Height = 5'6"
47. Do you have a crush on someone = Yep
48. What do you like about yourself = How stubborn I can be
50. Tattoos = Getting one soonish
51. Righty or Lefty = Both
52. First surgery = To remove stones in my head
53. First piercing = Ears (in May 2014)
55. First sport you joined = SWIMMING
56. First vacation = To Seaside Park, naturally
58. First pair of trainers = What
59. Eating = No
60. Drinking = No
61. I’m about to = Go wake Mag up really rudely
62. Listening to = My cat purring still
63. Waiting for = Waking Mag up and gutting revenge
64. Want kids? = Eventually
65. Get married? = Probably
66. Career? = Hell yeah
67. Lips or eyes = Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses = Hugs
69. Shorter or taller = Doesn't matter to me
70. Older or younger  = I don’t care
71. Romantic or Spontaneous = Both, don't give me this "or"
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Nice stomach
73. Sensitive or loud = Sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship
75. TRouble maker or hesitant = Hestitant
76. Kissed a stranger = Nope
77. Drank hard liquor = Yep
78. Lost glasses/contacts = Yes, very often
79. Sex on first date = Well….Not usually
80. Broke someone’s heart = Yeah
81. Had your own heart broken = Of course
82. Been arrested = No haha
83. Turned someone down = Yeppp
84. Cried when someone died = Yes
85. Fallen for a friend = Yes
86. Yourself = Yes
87. Miracles = All the time
88. Love at first sight = No
89. Heaven = I hope so
90. Santa Claus = Still do
91. Kiss on the first date = Ehm….Depends
92 Angels = Yessss I don't think I know 25 people so I'm tagging those people below
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sage-nebula · 6 years
icantactuallyart replied to your post: tailsimp replied to your post: me thinking about...
This is really disheartening! Lack of puzzles was one of my least favorite things about SuMo (and there were a lot of frustrating things about it…). And I’m not into IV breeding and such myself, but that WAS one of the “new ways” people found to enjoy Pokemon games?? So why say that’s the goal if he’s actually just locking people out of what they like for what he thinks they should like. Sad news, but thanks for the analysis.
The lack of puzzles in the Alola games was particularly disappointing because the island trials system made it sound as though puzzles would play an integral part. After all, these were supposed to be trials that you completed with your pokémon; a lot of older fans were reminded of the Orange Islands from the anime, or even though of temples like in The Legend of Zelda. But that isn’t what we got. The “challenges” were so easy that there were times (such as during Kiawe’s trial) that I thought I was being faced with trick questions, and the “dungeons” were very, painstakingly linear. This isn’t even getting into how things were changed in USUM; whereas you were at least allowed to do Mallow’s trial on your own in the original Sun Version, in Ultra Sun she literally escorts you through it. They stripped out whatever challenge there was in the remakes. It was ridiculous.
And that’s the thing about features such as IV breeding or EV training: you don’t have to do them in order to complete the main game. If all you want to do is collect badges, beat the Elite Four, and do whatever gimmick there is that gen (whether it’s contests or movies or whatever else), you can do that with just the pokémon you catch and train through normal gameplay. Things such as breeding, EV training, Battle Frontiers---these are optional things for players who want to explore the game a bit more deeply, and who want to put more work into it. They’re not mandatory at all. So to strip them out in the name of “simplifying” the game and making it more “accessible” makes no sense. No one has to do these things, so how are they making the game inaccessible? They’re not. They’re just adding more content, which Masuda seems to hate for whatever reason. Honestly, it seems to me like maybe he’s terrible at IV breeding, and terrible at EV training, and thus wants to take these features out so he no longer feels bad about being terrible at these games. Considering he doesn’t even remember how HMs work, that wouldn’t surprise me.
But yeah, it is sad, especially since it kills hope for the future of the series. I’m seriously worried about the 2019 games, I won’t lie.
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starlightmango · 9 years
lessee...how bout dat 1, I bitterly ask 16, and also 25 34 and 41!
Aaaaaay thanks. Here we go1.  What color do you talk in?I’m gonna have to say a bright cyan. When it’s over a white background, it’s easy to ignore (people interrupt me when I talk pretty often) but when it’s a black background, it’s easy to see. I don’t know if my reasoning made sense there.16. Do you like feeling tall?It has its advantages from time to time! However, I think I’d be happy regardless my height, ya know? Sometimes I wonder what things would look like from a slightly different angle.25: What are songs that make you want to become the sky?The Death Parade OpeningHope and DreamsPresto34.  If you were a teacher, what would you assign to your class as their first project?Hmmm... really depends on the type of teacher I’d be. If I were going to be really general about it, I’d ask my students to find something they wished they knew how to do as a kid, and to learn how to do it now. I feel like achieving childhood dreams is one of the best feelings, and the stuff that seemed impossibly hard as a child can usually be learned with a bit of determination.Either that, or build a trebuchet. That’s always a bunch of fun.41. if you could choose one instrument to master overnight, which would it be?I’d have to say piano. I’m already somewhat decent at it, but I would love to master it. It’s one of those instruments that are common enough at people’s houses that you could play if for them for fun, and one of the few instruments that can sound really good on its own without any accompaniment. Thanks for the ask!
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