johndoeringca · 7 years
thewileyside Jackie Wiley https://t.co/4mQkP7aVIG
thewileyside Jackie Wiley https://t.co/4mQkP7aVIG
— Mvng Cmpny Studio CA (@mvgstudiocityca) January 29, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/mvgstudiocityca January 28, 2018 at 07:34PM from Moving Companies Studio City California http://movingcompaniesstudiocitycalifornia.blogspot.com/2018/01/thewileyside-jackie-wiley.html
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josephstevensca · 7 years
thewileyside Jackie Wiley https://t.co/4mQkP7aVIG
thewileyside Jackie Wiley https://t.co/4mQkP7aVIG
— Mvng Cmpny Studio CA (@mvgstudiocityca) January 29, 2018
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/mvgstudiocityca
from Moving Companies Studio City California http://ift.tt/2rLBTwb
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jimmieforrestla · 7 years
January 28, 2018 at 07:34PM
thewileyside Jackie Wiley https://t.co/4mQkP7aVIG
— Mvng Cmpny Studio CA (@mvgstudiocityca) January 29, 2018
http://twitter.com/mvgstudiocityca/status/957804095276044289 from Moving Companies Studio City California https://movingcompaniesstudiocityca.tumblr.com/post/170249647959
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hobobuzz · 7 years
New #hoboken tweet. @thewileyside @Kurioms @BrianInkrot NJ does have some of the best names. Hoboken, Buckshutem, Weehawken, etc.
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runningtowardsme · 10 years
Sam, do you like licking wood?
thewileyside upon noticing my dog has taken a liking to my coffee table
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seawisher · 11 years
I intended to do this earlier
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions from the one who tagged you, then write eleven more.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them in the post (sorry, I'm just going to tag the people because I don't have the skills to do the link thing)
1. What kind of literature do you enjoy the most, and why? I am a big fan of journalistic articles and research documents on things I find interesting (if you put a scholarly article on why elephants chew to the left instead of the right I probably wouldn't read it) I love NatGeo magazines and the way they write their articles. It isn't like anything I have read before and there isn't anything like it. As for the research ones I like knowing as much as possible about anything and everything.
2. If you could be a teacher, what would you want to teach? Funny this should be asked, I was actually studying to be an English Literature teacher for high school. So I would probably go to that.
3. Name one virtue and one flaw of your respective nation, from your perspective. Virtue: We've come a really long way in a short amount of time and have managed to mature quickly Flaw: We tend to get in over our heads and forget that this country needs help too.
4. Do you think that a mandatory civil service period (police, military, fire, healthcare, etc.) would be beneficial? No, I think there would be people who would want to get out at any cost. It is better to have it set up the way we do now, that way we have people who actually want to take that job and are willing to take all the risks. If someone doesn't want to do something it could really harm others, especially if you think about fire/ems, and any branch really. "If you don't do your job right others may not make it through the night." (or so my father says)
5. What professions do you think deserve more attention and respect? Police, fire, EMS, anything that actually helps the society. The unsung heroes basically. I wrote an essay on this for a college course. The people who risk their lives and their health for others deserve more respect and attention. But all in moderation or it could all go to their heads.
6. Do you prefer older movies like Casablanca or new ones such as The Avengers? Ahhh, both? I'm on the fence about this one. It depends on which movie or which genre.
7. If you had to work in a job that demanded you be outside all year, what would it be? If I could move I would pick lifeguarding. But if I couldn't move I would pick something in forestry.
8. What do you think has been the greatest scientific advancement in the past fifty years? There have been so many, I would probably go for something that current EMS use and our new knowledge of which medicines do what and what to do in the event of heart attacks and heart failures. Pacemakers and all the advancements in heart surgeries would probably be, in my opinion, the best medical advancements.
9. If you could trade places with someone, who would it be? I wouldn't want to swap places with anyone, I'm pretty content with my life though I may be stressed it is all starting to look up :D
10. If you could travel to any period in history without affecting the timeline, where would you choose to go? Oh man, maybe the Norther Renaissance period, that would be a fun time to walk around in.
11. Do you think that America should hand off responsibility of foreign affairs to allies, or should America become more proactive across the globe? This is really tricky. I think in some cases America should take a step back and assess what is going on in the world and this country. More questions should be asked like, "Do we have the money?" "Do we have the resources?" "Will the people support this move?" "How will this help/hurt our current relationship with X country?" I feel like we run around with guns blazing trying to make a utopia that simply is not attainable in human standards. ~Questions: 1. If you could change one thing about yourself would you, and if so, what would it be? 2. What is your favourite tv show/movie?  3. Is there anything you would want to do but won't due to some reason or another? Why?  4. When you are feeling down or had a bad day, what do you do to make it better? 5. Where is one place you are dying to travel to or live? 6. What is something most people don’t know about you?  7. What is an ideal day like in your life? 8. If you could spend one day with any celebrity, who would it be? 9. What is your favourite time of year? 10. What are you passionate about? 11. What three superpowers would you have? And why those three?
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straekitty · 11 years
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enjoyingmyinsanity · 11 years
11 13 26 49 53 70 83
11. Do you ever want to get married?
I think I do
13. Do you get jealous easily?
I kinda do, but I’m trying to get better with that (oops pretty sure everyone is better than me so I think I’ll loose people to other people)
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
I think so :3
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
oh god, just one thing? can I go with everything? probably not….probably his smile or his eyes or that he makes me smile/laugh
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
probably my parents (oops)
70. What turns you on?
uhhhhh…a lot of things (again, oops). biting, kissing, roughness, being restrained/pinned down, moans, uhhhhh….this is getting weird I’ll leave it at that.
83. Who was your first kiss with?
the first guy I dated, way back freshman year of high school, Dean. (yo Jackie you know him, yeah.) it was awkward and I was awkward and yeah!
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simsfaq · 11 years
Hi! My sims game runs pretty slowly (and takes forever to load) and was wondering if you have any advice. I do have lots of CC but I've compressed it... didn't help much! What do you do to have all your CC and still have a smooth-running game?
I assume this is for TS3? We always recommend running package files through Delphys Dashboard prior to mergeing, as you never know when you might have downloaded something that is corrupt or incompatible. You might also want to check out our posts tagged ‘lag’ for other helpful tips, and this guide from MTS.
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oldthewileyside-blog · 12 years
straekitty replied to your post: So basically I’m crazy. My boyfriend is gung-ho...
how about cupcakes? :3c
See now THAT is logical. Cupcakes. Cupcakes are good.
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runningtowardsme · 12 years
That was fun. Do it again.
There are so many more she sent me in my ask box. It really was kind of wonderful ^.^
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seawisher · 11 years
I've been tagged
The Rules:
1. Always post the rules 2.Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 12 new ones 3. Tag 12 new people and link them to the post. 4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1) How tall are you? I am 5foot 6inches (and 1/4, because that counts for something) 
2) Cake or pie? Depends on what kind, on a normal day, cake. 
3) Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday? Uhm...I think it was during the summer, I went to Seaside Park 
4) Are you wearing shoes right now? I don't believe in shoes. 
5) What was the last book you read? Ethan Frome 
6) Do you like to swim? Pssh do I like to swim, no, I am addicted to swimming. 
7) How many hours, on average, do you spend online? I don't even know 
8) Do you have a favorite webcomic? Not one but a few, so yes :D 
9) If you could time travel just once, what would you choose to do? Ohgeezelousise. I would travel to the future to see what I am doing, maybe. 
10) Do you wear glasses and/or contacts? Both! 
11) What was your last Halloween costume?  I was a cat burglar this past year 
12) Describe a dream you had recently. Oh man, I was on the beach and this white dog started barking at me and trying to bite me, so I started running but the dog knocked me down and kept barking in my face. I was absolutely terrified and woke up shaking. 
And I tagged: fearisnothing thewileyside runningtowardsme okaycouldbeouralways theboyandhishorse westywinchester lionheartedowl crimsonheart fireintheirbellies  And my questions are: 1. If you could learn a language in one day, which language would you learn? 2. If you could travel anywhere where would you go? 3. What is the last line of the last book you read? 4. What would you want your superpower to be? 5. Are you wearing pants? 6. How about a shirt? (ha, joe) 7. What animal do you think you would be? 8. What book do you like the most? 9. Do you like to get all fancy? 10. How tall are you? 11. Can you play an instrument? 12. Have you ever travelled to another country?  
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enjoyingmyinsanity · 11 years
I was tagged by the cutie randomdaisy :D
RULE ONE: always post the rules
RULE TWO: answer the questions the person tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
RULE THREE: tag 10 people and link them to the post 
RULE FOUR: actually tell them (message) you tagged them
1. What’s your favorite color(s)?
PURPLE! uh I like red and blue too though
2. What animal do you think you’re most like?
maybe a puppy, I don't like being alone or around a ton of people and I'm affectionate as heck
3. Do you like giving kisses (anywhere, not just on the lips)?
so much. friend kisses are great, boy/girlfriend kisses are great, if you like getting kisses ill give them
4. Do you like receiving kisses?
i like almost any affection
5. What’s a hobby or habit you have?
I guess reading would be a hobby? idk about habits though
6. Do you have a catchphrase of some sort?  If so, what is it?
i don't think i do
7. Do you unironically like High School Musical (be honest!)?
i used to, but now its just kinda something i find funny and sometimes enjoy seeing jokes/posts about but i don't think i'd actually watch it again
8. Favorite/least favorite fruit?
favorite: any kind of berry or melon (even if my mouth will itch from the melon, its so good). idk what least favorite would be, i really like fruit. probably starfruit though, it tastes like tree bark
9. What’s a good thing that happened to you/you accomplished this past year?
oh! this happened yesterday so good timing! i was invited to the math honor society Kappa Mu Epsilon
10. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?  Tell me about them!
My Whinnie Pooh was my favorite and I brought him everywhere. He's all discolored now and he's gone through the wash a few times. I made my mom remove the tag on him (tag bother) and one time I was playing with him and another Pooh at my cousin's house and I brought home the wrong Pooh and made my mom drive 30 mins back to get the right one.
11. The most important question:  What is your opinion on puns?
I LOVE PUNS! and people probably hate me for it cuz they're all awful and corny.
Questions for tagged folks (or anyone who wants to).
Do you get frustrated by slow internet?
Are you afraid of bugs?
Do you procrastinate things a lot?
Favorite band/artist?
Swimming or running? why?
Favorite drink?
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
Favorite Disney movie?
Do you like scary movies?
Do you have siblings? Do you wish you did/did not?
Favorite childhood memory?
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seawisher · 12 years
I'M GOING TO HUG ALL OF MY FRIENDS FOR AN UNCOMFORTABLY/COMFORTABLY LONG TIME WHEN I SEE THEM when they see this, they should know this is their fair warning. joejackiebredannyerin I'm going to hug you all xD for such a long time
because I miss you all so much, and hugs are great. 
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seawisher · 12 years
thewileyside said: I saw him at church this morning!! And I finally met Santiago. ‘Bout time! YOU MET PRIVATE SANTIAGO YAYYYYYYYYY 
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