#firi thrilling intent
lesbian-ashe · 6 months
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femslash february 27-29! I did it!!! maybe a bit late, but I draw a girl ship art for every day of february!! I tried it twice before and stopped halfway through but I DID IT THIS TIME
Ashe/Firi/Inien, Astra/Harlock/Inien, and Ashe/Batty!!
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hollow-bee-demon · 2 years
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All I have to say is…chaos
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bogkeep · 2 years
thoughts on fishe
do you mean fishe as in 🐟, or fishe as in the ship name for thrilling intent pairing firi/ashe, or a secret third thing i'm not aware of currently
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thrillingpolls · 1 year
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Firi from Thrilling Intent is trans and plays Minecraft!
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muesby · 2 years
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Fire and Ash
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sodapopbuoy · 2 years
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offers u these!! 
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kyrsperrightnow · 7 years
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fishe fusion for @authorofthelabyrinth​ @rat-b0i and anon! i love her !!!!!
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killldeer · 4 years
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Thrilling Intober day 6, STARS! fellas is it gay to drag your girlfriend to a cliffside in the wilderness just so you can show her constellations
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captainkappa · 7 years
firi/ashe, one gets hurt/sick and the other takes care of her :D
Apologies for the wait but I hope you enjoy!
Trucking the dungeon really did anumber on Ashe mentally and physically. The former was easy enough to take careof, seeing the dungeon destroyed from the inside out was quite cathartic.Healing wounds tended to take a bit longer, and even with the boat ride back tothe Nine Shrines, she still felt sore all over. The only thought in her mindwas going back to her tree and meditating for a while.
That was, until she saw Firi.
She was sitting cross-legged on top ofthe rock outside the Nine Shrines, looking down at her sketch book. A breezeblew by, ruffling her blond hair and Ashe swore she nearly stopped in hertracks right there.
Firi looked up at the approachinggroup and smiled and this time Ashe actually did stop in her tracks.
“Oh, you’re all back!” She closed thebook and stood up. “How was the dungeon?”
At that invitation, the rest of thegroup started loudly explaining to Firi what happened, interrupting each otherand nearly hitting each other with their hands. For her part, Firi seemed to bekeeping up rather well, nodding along, oooooh-ing and aaaaaah-ing at the rightmoments. Ashe could already feel herself tensing up as the group started todescribe the second level on the dungeon, when everything started going wrong,which was not helping her already sore muscles. She quickly made up an excuseabout taking a nap and left for her tree.
She hadn’t been exactly lying abouttaking a nap at this point, the idea of sleep sounded fantastic, but the sunwas high in the sky and she had learned her lesson the last time she sleptbefore night. So, she proceeded with her plan of meditating up in her tree.
She climbed up, up, up, into the bowson the tree, deciding to sit in the open air and not in the tree trunk today.She’d spent enough time inside, she needed to feel the breeze on her skin,smell the forest, feel the bark against her skin.
She sat down on a sturdy branch,leaning her back against the tree
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean todisturb your rest.”
“Oh, it… it’s fine. I wasn’t evenreally sleeping.”
“Ah, well, I’m still sorry. I justwanted to make sure you were okay.”
Ashe bit her lip as she felt her heartsoar in her chest.
“Oh, well I am. Just tired and-” Shewas cut off by a sudden sharp pain in her side. She sucked in a gasp, her hand flyingto her side. Belatedly, she remembered one of the many poisonous spikespiercing her there.
"Are you okay?" Ashe glancedat Firi and found herself blushing at the concern on Firi’s face before thepain in her side flared up again.
"I will be, just - ow - just sorefrom the dungeon."
"Oh." And just when shethought Firi was going to drop it, she asked, "Do you want amassage?"
Ashe went beet-red in a heartbeat andlost her ability for form words as the question sank in.
"Well, I- um, you don't… I mean,I'm okay… I mean you- I!"
Firi giggled, "It's fine, it's theleast I can do, considering all you guys did."
"No, no, you don't- I mean, Idon't want you to think-"
"Besides I want to!”
Ashe let out a high-pitched noiseescape from her lips before she clamped a hand over. She could still see Firismiling which made the entire thing even worse.
"Well I..." She cleared herthroat, hoping that would help her speak full sentences again. "Can... canyou get up here? With your, um, your - uh…"
Firi gave her a reassuring smile. “Oh,it’s fine. I never outgrew the habit of climbing trees, even with-” She knockedon her prosthetic. “But it would be appreciated if you climbed down just alittle bit.”
"Oh, okay."
She looked down and slowly descended.She would've been quicker, but she didn't want to risk falling as her brain wasn’tfocused on making sure her feet landed on branches. No, it was wrapped aroundthe idea that Firi wanted to give her a massage.
Firi climbed up with surprising ease.Ashe tried not to stare, but Firi caught her, staring up at her just beforeAshe was going to look away. Neither of them acknowledged it as Firi madeherself comfortable on the same branch as Ashe.
The silence seemed to press into Ashe’sskin and she found herself opening her mouth to fill the silence. “So, um, whydo you want to, um, you know-?”
“Oh, when Harlock was still here, shegave herself a massage and told me how it makes her muscles feel better andjust overall better and I want to do the same for you!”
Ashe bit her lip quickly enough tomuffle the happy noises that tried to escape. She nodded as Firi continued.
“And it’s not gonna be amazing becauseI haven’t done it a lot. Harlock just gave me what she called the basics.”
“It-It’s fine.”
Firi beamed. “Great! So, turn around.”
Ashe did so wordlessly, not really surewhat to expect. When she felt Firi’s hands on her shoulders, she automaticallytensed up.
“No, Ashe, it’s supposed to berelaxing. Drop your shoulders.”
She did so and Firi started gentlysqueezing her shoulders, pressing her thumbs into her back and rubbing smallcircles into her muscles. A small sigh passed though Ashe’s lips as Firi movedher hands down her back, sending chills down her spine. It felt like all thestress and tension she felt in the dungeon left, but the entire time, her brainwas hyper-aware of where Firi was, her hands moving down her back, her kneesgently poking her hips before she shifted, her head that felt so, so close toher ear. It was both relaxing and exhilarating at the same time and Ashe didnot know what to make of it.
Sooner than Ashe would’ve wanted, shefelt Firi’s hands leave her back.
“How do you feel?”
“A-Amazing, thank you, Firi.”
“It’s nothing. I’ll see you back atthe bar!”
Ashe turned around, words half formeddying on her tongue as she saw Firi jumping down on the ground and making herway back to the bar.
The past couple of minutes replayed inher mind, over and over, until Ashe realized something. She had to stop lyingto herself.
She had a crush on Firi.
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lesbian-ashe · 7 months
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femslash february 14! happy valentine's day!! had to draw my FAVE ship again for it 💗
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ichigo-kumaa · 7 years
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I tried to do some makeup inspired by the lovely Firi from thrilling intent and I am kinda proud at it as this is my first go. I hope to cosplay here completely at some point *fingers crossed*
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bogkeep · 4 years
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i drew zalvetta and firi for a stabbyness @ co fashion zine called armor class, organized by @thegeekynarwhal!
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wolfcat-hybrid · 4 years
I haven’t seen Thrilling Intent in like a year but I started thinking about Thog and 🥺
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paperpaperowl · 5 years
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sodapopbuoy · 2 years
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wife !!!!
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