#first of all 1) whats going on with yingxing and dan feng?
borealiszero · 2 months
Can someone. Explain to me. What's going on with high cloud quintet lore??? People said there's retcon?? Im confusion??
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sleepingelvhen · 5 months
Sleeping Spider Lily Pt.1
Blade/Reader NSFW Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 -- [🌹Part 4🌹] Minors DO NOT interact MASTERLIST Once, you were in love with a man called Yingxing. That man died during his involvement with Dan Feng’s betrayal. At least, so you thought. Jing Yuan helped you through your turmoil, comforted you in your pain, and eventually you were able to move on and live your life. Little did you know your lover was simply lying in wait. After years of suffering and pain, Blade arrives on the Luofu with a mission at hand, everything planned for him. That is until he sees you…and all the memories come flooding back.
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Days stretched on as if they were years upon years. Every moment nearly torture since you lost the love of your life. You knew Jing Yuan could see it on your face, the numbness in your voice, the distant look in your eyes, the way your body moved robotically during your work in the commission. It was probably a depressing sight, but all sense of self disappeared when Yingxing was gone, and it was impossible to bring yourself back.
You blamed yourself first, lectured yourself on how you could have supported him better, understood him better to stop what he was planning. Then you started blaming the Imbibitor Lunae, focused your attention on your hatred towards the Vidhyadharan high elder for leading Yingxing to his betrayal and death.
Then, when there was no one to blame, when you had to face the reality of his death, you fell into a depression that made it impossible for Jing Yuan to sit aside and watch anymore. He stepped in and pulled you up and suddenly you were on different kinds of missions. 
Instead of working on papers and writing reports to the commission, you were going out on patrols with the cloud knights or even with Jing Yuan himself. He talked your ear off, took you out to tea or dinner, he made sure you had company and that you were never alone with your thoughts. Jing Yuan helped you stand and helped you move on. He knew what you needed, and he became your best friend over the many, many years.
Your life filled with new passions and new friends, Jing Yuan shared in your pain and together you kept living. You became a sword in the dark for him, you hunted in the night and fought for Jing Yuan when he couldn’t step away. Together you were a force the Luofu trusted to keep them safe. Finally, you were healing from the pain that seemed to last centuries. Finally you were happy.
The Aeons seemed dissatisfied with your suffering, however. Or maybe your luck had completely run dry. Whatever it was, your mind reeled from what you saw before you.
He walked down the hallway of the Shackling Prison, two guards at his sides, his arms tied in front of him, head low. You watched as his long silky hair swayed with each step, a familiar gait once prideful with long strides was now slow and meticulous. 
The blackish-blue hair was familiar, a reminder of when he was young, when you first met him. It was strange at first, having once gotten used to the white color he sported as he aged. But, you found yourself thrown right back to the past. The way he would stare at you, the way his hair felt in your fingers.
The past is gone now. Eyes that once looked upon you with affection now glowed red with anger and bloodlust, a smirk glowering on his face as he looked up at Jing Yuan who had Yanqing at his side, sword at the ready.
"Do you remember me?" Jing Yuan asked, shocking you to your core. He had known...of course he had.
“I do...Of five people, three must pay a price,” he spoke, his voice gravely and deep, daunting in the dark. It echoed in the silent, near empty room, a voice that sounded all too familiar. A voice that made tears spring into your eyes. “You…are not one of them, Jing Yuan.”
You simply watched the scene before you, eyes wide, your body hidden in the shadows of the prison. Your lip trembled along with your fingers, as if your whole body was cold, except you were on the verge of a complete breakdown.
None of the words Jing Yuan said after that registered in your mind, like your ears were completely muffled. Everything around you spun, your eyes only able to see Yingxing, or rather what he had become after years of whatever had happened to him. 
This wasn’t the Yingxing you knew…the way he looked at Jingyuan, the way he stood, it was all in anticipation of violence. But he looked like him and you wanted it to be him, your eyes roamed his entire body in desperation for anything that looked like the man he used to be.
You watched him cock his head to the side, his now red eyes quickly glancing to the sides of the room, as if noting the amount of guards in the room, or looking for something. Then his eyes shot to the side, towards where you hid in the far back of the room.
The shadows should have cloaked you, no one ever saw you when you stood here. But his eyes stopped right where you stood, his eyes widening for just a moment. You swore you saw the curve of his mouth fall. It lasted all but a second before his eyes were back on Jing Yuan, the facade of pride back upon his face, like it never happened. Like he never saw you.
“He’s alive!?” You punched your bathroom mirror, tears streaming down your face as you stared at your broken reflection. Jing Yuan stood behind you, leaning against the doorway, his eyes downcast. For once his face was solemn, regretful.
You gripped the sides of the sink, gritting your teeth, trying to stop yourself from sobbing. Years of stitched up pain, of wounds you thought had healed, they all came flooding back. Like blood, the memories spilled out, swallowing all thoughts, forcing you to relive everything all over again.
“He’s alive…” Jing Yuan finally spoke, trying not to cause you more pain. “I’m sorry.”
Deep breaths did nothing to dwindle the anxiety as you turned to face him.
“How long…how long have you known?”
Jing Yuan looked up at you, mouth open, before he stopped himself. His mouth shut as he sighed and looked down at the floor. Of course he had known. All these years, your closest friend had known the love of your life was alive and kept it a secret. Your voice shook as your shoulders slumped, turning away from Jing Yuan.
“Just…just leave…please.”
He said nothing, leaving you alone in your pain. The night was filled with tears and loud sobbing, your face stained and red, eyes sore and burning. 
Sleep eluded you, every time you shut your eyes, images of him filled your mind. Yingxing, your lover, now someone you barely recognized. It was impossible, a terrifying prospect, and the worst thing to happen to you now. All the healing, the years of pain…was all of it for nothing? Questions racked your mind until you were too tired to think but also too tired to sleep. And before you knew it, light filtered into your room as morning came and alongside morning, came Jing Yuan and even more bad news.
“What do you mean he escaped!?” You couldn’t help your voice rising, the exhaustion evident in your tone. Jing Yuan simply watched you struggle with the information, his eyes saddened by the pain you dealt with.
“I mean, sometime last night, he broke out of his holding cell, and we suspect he is still somewhere on the Luofu.” Jing Yuan sighed, rubbing his temples. Obviously this situation was affecting him just as badly. He was already notorious for barely getting sleep, it would be a wonder if he had even a moment of rest last night.
“Fuck…fuck…” You pulled back your hair. Everything was quickly going to shit. Jing Yuan had not only caught you up on the new status of Yingxing, who apparently now went by Blade, but also on the fact that there was probably a Stellaron on board the Luofu and that the Stellaron Hunters were involved with both incidents.
“Look, I know this isn’t an ideal situation but,” Jing Yuan sighed again before looking at you. “I’m telling you this because I don’t want you getting involved.”
“What? Why? This is literally my job!”
“Because,” Jing Yuan put his hand on your shoulder, his touch able to calm down your shivers a little bit. “Your past relationship with Ying–Blade–I don’t want you getting hurt even more…”
Your shoulders slumped and you nodded slowly. It made sense, Jing Yuan knew that everything was only causing you pain. He had your best interest in mind but…your eyebrows strewn together and your breath caught in your throat.
“Fine.” Ying Yuan was satisfied and that made the guilt a little worse. Because you knew you were lying. The nighttime was your hunting ground. And Yingxing or rather, Blade, would not run away. Not again, not without the answers you so craved.
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jymwahuwu · 10 months
GIRL I JUST HAD THE MOST DAN HENG SHAMING BRAINROT 😭 Again, inspired by your writing of Dan Feng finding us in another lifetime. Darling's immortal bc you can't meet the reincarnated version of your yandere if you're short-lived.
We all know that Dan Feng's outfit is ✨conservative✨ while Dan Heng's IL outfit gives your grandparents a heart attack. So imagine him gaining memories of you, the darling he kidnapped in his past and also regaining the old obsession. And the first thing you do when you met Dan Heng IL is judge his outfit bc why is he dressed like...that?? Where's the honor and pride of the high elder?? He's trying to kidnap you again, in THAT outfit??
CW: hsr spoilers (dan heng companion mission), yandere, kidnapping, conservative attitude (maybe seems a bit sexist), (implied but not described) non-con
😂Love Dragon boys’ different attitudes towards clothes!! Dan Feng’s conservative attitude towards you and his clothes is something I definitely won’t shut up about 🤭
In order to answer, I studied Dan Feng and Dan Heng's clothes-
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Dan Feng's clothes are darker in color, the collars on both sides are higher, and there is a gemstone in the middle of the chest. And there is a picture of a crane on the clothes, which symbolizes nobility, elegance, longevity, luck and other positive meanings, suggesting his background and personality. In the animation trailer, Dan Feng sat quietly, even though he was locked by all the chains (implying the reincarnation fate of High Elder/that sin), he still closed his eyes quietly, without any sorrow, anger, or sadness on his face, like he doesn't care at all. And refer to the few clues now:
1) Dan Feng is described by Jing Yuan as "powerful", "beyond control".
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2) When he communicated with Yingxing in the past, he had a strong and calm tone here.
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At least it can be deduced that his character is a confident, powerful, charismatic, and even a bit tough dragon. As for Dan Feng who appears in the "Ichor of Two Dragons" animation, that "him" is the version Dan Heng understands. This may be much tougher than himself. As you can imagine, Dan Feng’s current fashion style is relatively conservative💕
As for Dan Heng, we all know what kind of character he is 😚 Let’s talk about clothes. In contrast, the colors of his clothes are brighter, showing that he is breaking away from the cycle of inheritance. Moreover, Dan Heng's clothes are much more revealing- his shoulders are exposed, and then his back and the middle of his chest are also exposed. The theme of his clothes is lotus, not Dan Feng's crane. The lotus is equally beautiful and elegant, but rises from the mud without stains (still looking at the light in the darkness). This is their different style.
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In the past life, Dan Feng bound you to his side. No matter what style of clothing you like, the High Elder has ordered you to change into this style- like this Vidyadhara Lady NPC. Traditional Xianzhou style clothes. If you expose a little bit, like these Xianzhou girls (Sushang, Yukong, Tingyun, Qingque etc), exposing shoulders, thighs, calves, Yandere! Dan Feng is not happy with this kind of dress. In his eyes, it is immoral - why most people in Xianzhou dress appropriately, you have to learn from those few people who dress like this.
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Not to mention you plan to wear clothes from other planets/space civilizations💀💔What? Are you going to expose some skin on your chest? You don't even have any fabric on your waist! Those clothes disappear from your closet (um, they appear every time you act sad, but Dan Feng said it has nothing to do with him). Don't you notice that people are looking at you? Some people want to flirt with you.
Over the long centuries, the few exceptions were in private. For example, that time you bought a dragon tail and a cute revealing outfit and wore them to please your angry dragon husband. Dan Feng gently stroked your tail and pursed his lips.
After Dan Feng's reincarnation, you escaped from Luofu, took a spaceship, and traveled around various planets. Dan Feng has always forced you to stay with him. Now that you are free, you should be happy, but loss and sorrow haunt your heart.
The dragon who once said that no matter which reincarnation will find you...is it really gone?
Until you meet the boy. Those eyes that are as bright as the ocean, and similar dragon horns and tail.
"Found you."
It's been a long time since you've felt that fear of being captured. In panic, you pushed his chest and noticed his clothes, which turned into another kind of shock. Wait, where's the honor and pride of the High Elder?? Indecent?? The middle of his chest is even exposed.
This might be an odd focus for you about to be kidnapped, but you really haven't seen Dan Feng like this in hundreds of years. Dan Heng puts you on the Astral Express and selects a room for you. He will stick to your side at night, curl up with his tail and sleep with you. You realize the difference between him and Dan Feng, especially in your clothing attitude. He allows you to keep wearing whatever you like, March and Stelle discuss fashion trends with you, have a slumber party, laughing.
Sometimes, you miss Dan Feng and recall what they brought to you. You know they are two people. The changes they bring to you are etched deeply in your heart.
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topaz-witch-tea · 9 months
Ahem- So yk how Yingxing was told to be like, very workaholic and so consumed with his work to the point he forgets to eat, drink or sleep?
I headcanon that sometimes he goes back into this old habit for a week or two just working to the point that Yanqing has to alert Dan Feng and Jing Yuan to drag the guy outside of his workshop LMAO
They force him to take care of himself or Yanqing will cry (HES SO CUTE I CANT-)
Aww thank you so much!!! I really enjoy getting asks and having people interested in it!!!
This is absolutely adorable.
***I hope I did your brainrot justice. The draft has been in progress for a while and I am now finishing it at 1:30 AM
Yingxing has his own private forge in the manor so he can work on his own things and also so he wouldn't have to stay in the Artisanship Commission all day to work on things. The problem is that now his commute from his home to a forge has been cute, he can spend more time on personal projects.
He becomes a ghost, just meandering the halls for food and water before returning back to his work. He is gone for so long that Yanqing misses him. He's also a bit scared since his father looks like he died inside.
Yanqing would absolutely go running to the other two about it. He's too young to understand what's actually happening to his dad but something is wrong and he doesn't like it. Dan Feng is displeased due to his inability to take care of his health but also the distress it is causing Yanqing. Jing Yuan is more concerned as to the lack of care Yingxing is participating in. While Yanqing just wants his Baba to get better and play with him again.
Yanqing waited patiently at the door for what has been 30 minutes now. In his hands was his white lion plushie sporting a very noticeable tear on its ear, a result from a play fight with Mimi. On the other side of the door was his father's private forge- a place for the Furnace Master to pursue his private projects. Yanqing was never allowed in without permission lest his father accidentally pour molten near him or accidentally harm him with tools of the trade.
He had knocked quietly to request his father's aid and was told to stand outside quietly for a bit as his father cleaned up the forge. Yingxing had looked tired and a bit frazzled. His usually neat hair was knotted and messy and he had bags under his eyes. So engrossed in a project after getting his hands on some rare materials, he had forgone daily care and even the pleasures of life. He ate when his stomach growled louder than the sound of his hammer and he drank when he would develop pounding headaches and his vision would get blurry. He would sleep on his chair so that he may continue his work when the sun rose.
Yanqing was quite distraught upon laying eyes on his father. He hadn't seen him in a week and a half and did not dare to call for him, not wanting to disturb his important work. So there he stood until 10 became 20 which became 30. His feet started to hurt and he couldn't help but feel upset. Did he forget about Yanqing?
Yanqing wanted to go and knock again, but he was always warned about disturbing his father in the forge. So he settled for the next best option. Running down the courtyard, he made his way to the archives where his other 2 fathers engrossed themselves in a book that was gifted to them.
Walking up to Jing Yuan, Yanqing tugged on his clothing in an attempt to get his attention.
"Yanqing? What are you doing here?" Jing Yuan picked the child up and put him on his lap.
"Baba is really busy. I asked him to fix my toy and he made me wait outside for a long time."
"Oh, did he now? Doesn't he know its wrong to make Yanqing wait at all?" Jing Yuan teased before tickling his son, causing the boy to squirm.
"But I haven't seen Baba in forever and when I saw him, he looked really scary?" Yanqing exclaimed.
"Scary?" Dan Feng inquired
"Mhm, he looked like a zombie! Like those monsters in that movie you watched!"
"I see. Do you miss Baba?" JIng Yuan asked.
"Yes! Baba hasn't played with me in a long time." Yanqing said leaning into his father's hold as he observed the High Elder exchange a look with the General.
Dan Feng reached patted Yanqing on the head. "Why don't you go to the kitchen for a snack? A-die and I will get you Baba to play with you, okay?"
"Really?" Yanqing beamed.
"Really, now run along." Yanqing hopped off his father's lap and raced to the kitchen.
Yingxing was fast asleep when a heavy weight landed on his chest. He quickly shot up to see Dan Feng peering over him, his eyes cloudy with annoyance and a bit of anger. Jing Yuan stood next to him, an amused smile present on his face as always.
"What was that for?" Yingxing exclaimed.
"Playing dumb doesn't suit you. You know exactly what it was for!" The tail swished back and forth, threatening an even harder hit if he asked another stupid question. Though it seemed that sleep and lack of care was making Yinxing's brain run extra slow today.
"You're doing it again." Jing Yuan jumped in, saving him from another whack. "No eating, drinking, and barely any sleeping. Yanqing hasn't seen you in over a week."
Yingxing's slowly connected the dots.
"Oh! Is he still waiting outside? How long has it been?" Yinxing pulling out his phone to check the time.
"No, we told him to go to the kitchen for snacks. You should join him for some, and maybe for a nap as well. He misses you."
Yingxing rubbed his eyes and slowly collected himself, exhaustion still very present. "Yeah, I'll definitely need a nap after."
I hope you like it and feel free to send more and send any questions you have regarding the AU.
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kurim-chis · 11 months
Why does Blade want to die so badly?
Is being immortal to the extent he is really such a bad thing? Xianzhou natives also eventually start losing the will to live but they have hundreds of years before living becomes stagnant, and Im sure Blade started seeking death very early on comparatively. Is he so disgusted by the concept of immortality that he wishes to just off himself? It’s hinted that when he first got on the ship that he zealously built weapons and stuff as if he didn’t have enough time, so wouldn’t becoming immortal be something he could - eventually - learn to control? Why just outright seek death?
Let me list out some possible reasons.
1) He abhors the loss of control as an abomination of abundance. Without Kafka’s spirit whisper, he’s just a mindless monster barely clinging to rare moments of lucidity and his pride won’t allow him to live like an animal.
2) He’s lost something that made him lose the will to live. Or had his belief broken. Perhaps he had accomplished what he sought out to do in Xianzhou and wanted to die, but was them turned into an immortal, which furthered his obsession with dying.
3) Past suffering still torment him endlessly. Kind of like how Avengers are forcefully reminded of the source of their hatred and rage so they don’t stop being an Avenger in FGO. For example, the pain Jingliu inflicted on Blade still haunts him and it serves to somewhat trigger his anger and violence.
4) Humans aren’t meant to understand what it meant to overcome death. The mara struck soldiers are just mindless tree/flower abominations, but even they can’t go farther than a second death unless they have a continuous source of abundance. The monsters that don’t die easily, like ebon deer, are just monsters. Perhaps being dragged back to life when he clearly felt death thousands of times has drove Blade insane. It warped his mental state and he just wants to get it over and done.
5) The abundance has wronged Yingxing personally in the past, he had a grudge against them which is why he went to research stuff with Imbibitor Lunae. Becoming one of the things he loathes just wasn’t it.
6) Self-hatred. Of the five, three have to pay a price. First is Dan Feng, second is most likely Jingliu, and if Jing Yuan isn’t it and the Foxian girl is not it, then the last one is Blade. They all committed an unforgivable act and yet they all are escaping the consequences of their sins by virtue of being immortals, and that goes against what Blade/Yingxing stands for. Blade loathes himself as much as he loathes Dan Feng and Jingliu. He will try to kill them for as long as he is alive. (Though clearly his death >>>> Dan Heng or Jing Liu’s death.)
why does bladie wanna die? idk
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nilboxes · 7 months
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Yingxing/Dan Feng first meetings, chance encounters, one night stand.
Complete for now, will add more in the future.
Read at AO3
Extensive notes below
I had this little daydream of Yingxing being alone during the holidays and I wondered if Dan Feng ever tried to shake off the preceptors and attendants to go do something wild like eat some children's treats he was probably denied as a little high elder to be and boom fic happened
Little Yingxing really gives me all the feels, like being such a young kid and throwing himself into the art of blacksmithing is equal parts hardcore but also really tragic. I had to write out what he was thinking as a kid, and how he coped and I wish I could have snuck in some more Baiheng mom moments, because I really think she basically adopted him lol
I thought long and hard whether or not Yingxing would have had black hair when he was younger and the white hair is supposed to signify that he's middle aged, so when he became Blade the de-aging was more pronounced, or Blade's dark hair is something else entirely, like a side-effect of his immortality, but I liked the idea of the dark hair when young and then he probably turned gray early, like in his mid-thirties
To get into the headspace of Yingxing, I just imagine he's really Mr Superovercompensating. I feel like some of his arrogance is bravado early on, but the more and more he is able to accomplish his goals, the more he actually, honest-to-goodness believes in his ability to achieve, but the overcompensating is still there I think, since he's got no one to actually support him on that front growing up, save perhaps Master Huaiyan.
Speaking of Huaiyan, it's a little jarring to me that they don't ever really mention him. We don't even have a glimpse of what master and student were like, so I filled in the gaps. I do feel like Huaiyan being old by the time he took Yingxing in would have had so much experience teaching that Yingxing was able to learn really quickly, but Yingxing also had the knack for it from day 1, so those things combined and made Yingxing some sort of blacksmith monster prodigy.
I researched a bunch of stuff Chinese people do during festivals while writing this and I should have known (being Chinese myself) that most of it is really just... special food... probs some fireworks if it was really a party, but most of it is just special food. I was looking for some activity, but eh, the eating special food worked well enough because it's just enough reasoning for Dan Feng to go out and buy all the food anyway
Writing Dan Feng is really fun, but also really sad. I found it easy to get a hold of his character, but digging deep at his motivations, his desires and what makes him tick really make me feel super bad for him, like, there's a lot going on in there and how Dan Feng keeps it all together is actually a feat in itself.
While I was writing this, there was this post floating around how people lacking emotional warmth like sweets and I'm like wow Dan Feng... and I wonder if he does like the sweets, or can't admit them? I do feel like he does enjoy light desserts tho, not super sugary stuff.
Anyway, I am definitely going to write out more, but also going to mull over what and how. Possibly the dinner at the restaurant scene. Wonder if I can sneak in a scene of Baiheng pleading with Jingliu to go ask Dan Feng to pull some strings. JIngliu probably goes to challenge Dan Feng so that he could lose and use his influence to get a table at some dumb restaurant lmao suddenly I am reminded of Dorsia the restaurant from American Psycho.
Also, last, but I totally didn't expect to write explicit scene for this one, but I guess it sorta happened because I felt Dan Feng was just a little desperate to gain some connection to "the world beyond" rather than just be in his high elder bubble, and eager young Yingxing was just perfect for it. I do think he sorta regrets it though, because now he knows what he's missing out on. Possibly fun to explore in the next one.
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jymwahuwu · 6 months
My really horny rant: Being Yingxing's apprentice, loyal to him in every way and following his every word to the letter. He really couldn't ask for a better disciple, bonus points if you're a short life species like him. He can't help but brag about you to his friends, saying how you met, or exceeded, his every expectation. You, who came from some backwater planet on the edge of known space with no living relative, can create things even Xianzhou natives struggle with. Jing Yuan can't help but feel... Intrigued, wondering if you really were that good.
The first time you meet him doesn't go very well, he quite literally barges into your workspace mid-project. You almost burned yourself when he announced his presence with that damned :3 smile. So yeah, you immediately don't like him, but all Jing Yuan sees is a feral little cat covered in soot. He just can't take you seriously, no matter how many times you tell him to leave. Yingxing has to come over and drag the lieutenant out to finally give you some peace...
It doesn't last long. Jing Yuan pops in seemingly everyday, all when you're working. Being kicked out many, many times. But slowly, you begin to grow used to him, even clearing out a section where he's supposed to stay.(He never does) Eventually, he invites you to his place, saying it's only fair since he knows your space like the back of his hand now. You reluctantly agreed, already planning revenge for all the times you stressed over upcoming deadlines thanks to him...
Yingxing doesn't see you until the next day, well, more like night. He's the last one in the forge when you come stumbling through, out of breath with your head down. Red flag #1. You ignore him and head straight to your workspace, immediately tipping over the table where Jing Yuan usually(supposed) sits. Red Flag #2. He finally corners you, trying to figure what happened. But all you do is turn away and get to work on your latest project. Red Flag #3.
It takes some coaxing, but Yingxing is your master, one of the only stable figures in your life, surely you could trust him? (No, not really...) Seeing your teary eyes and vulnerable figure awakens something in him, you're his student, his successor. His and no one else's, especially not Jing Yuan's.
What happens next? Congratulations! You now have two prominent and influential Luofu figures fighting over you. Jing Yuan, who looks nice and trustworthy, but makes sure you can't even walk without his help. And Yingxing, who despite his arrogance and rough exterior, will cradle you gently at night while pressing your bodies as close together as possible.
Meanwhile Dan Feng is wondering what the hell happened to make these two fight like cats and dogs.(Can he join-)
Mean dom Jing Yuan and soft dom Yingxing agenda, basically.
I can't think of anything else to add, but I figured you were sharing the story with me, so I'd say that's good! Thank you! Jing Yuan wants you after Yingxing brags about you! Jing Yuan's ":3" smile part very funny. He waits for you and invades your place.
Oops, you went to Jing Yuan's place alone. He'll definitely be groping you for at least an hour…
There is also the part about Master Yingxing, I love Master <3 Maybe he is a little slow and doesn't realize that he actually likes you…
They fight for us >_< Maybe…maybe, after deliberation they will decide to share?
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