#im confused im truly am. please help me.
borealiszero · 5 months
Can someone. Explain to me. What's going on with high cloud quintet lore??? People said there's retcon?? Im confusion??
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eviltmbg · 2 years
respectfully i feel like i should be allowed (to think) crumple up people who submit and say very weird ass and somewhat simply uncalled for things to the official blog. its not some corporation run thing, thats THEIR blog. they SEE that stuff
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You were not one to grow jealous, but the knowledge that Lord Stark's favorite pelt cloak was a gift of affection from his old sweetheart inspired anything but affection from you.
Cregan Stark x Reader | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, jealousy, pettiness, fluff, a bit of angst ig????, etc.
A/N: hey nonnie im honored you like my cregan stuff. this is my first req since closing them. i feel like perhaps this is the world telling me i need to start writing fluff again............ lol HAHAH
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The Lord of Winterfell had just arrived. Normally, I would meet him with a smile and brush the snow from his shoulders before warming his cheeks with the heat from my own palm. But today, neither did I brush the snow from his cloak, nor did I rub his cheeks. How irritating that he did not see to mind or even notice.
I do not fault him for lapping his meal like a starved beast. He rarely has time to have a proper meal when he is working, let alone when his duty calls him all the way up to The Wall for days on end. And yet, as he gobbled up his food, as though he was denied his whole life, my own appetite left me at the sight.
His tongue swiped the corner of his mouth and yet evidence of his meal remained. He chewed eagerly as he reached out for a cup of wine to wash everything down.
I could not help the face I made at the sound of his belch.
Only then did he recognize me. He sets his cup down, "wife," says Cregan, "you are not eating."
I raise my brows and press my lips into a smile, "I am not hungry, my lord."
My lord. Cregan straightens up from his seat and leans back. He clears his throat as his face twists warily, "are you well?"
I do not respond. I rest my hands upon the table. The candlelight between us flickers momentarily.
He gulps and sets his utensils down. He sighs slowly, "have I offended?"
I clench my hands tightly.
Cregan's eyes flicker to them. He wipes his mouth with a napkin and looks up at me. He does not like that my expression remains the same.
"Your pelt... milord," I mutter.
Immediately, the pelt upon his shoulders feel like a tonne. He rolls his shoulders back and immediately undoes it, "forgive me. It is inappropriate to have it on while-"
"Who gifted it to you?"
He freezes midway. He waits for me continue as he slowly places his cloak upon his lap. His eyes widen slightly, in confusion, in alarm. Was it a gift? He does not recall.
His silence is aggravating. I clench my jaw and lean forward, "do you not wish to tell me?"
Cregan opens his mouth.
"She told me herself."
A line forms between his brows, "who?"
"Lady Tallart."
He pinches his lips together. Lady Tallart? It could not be Edmond Tallart's mother who gifted this. It must be his wife... but which house did she belong to before she was wed?
He looks as though he is trying to recall the instance, the exact moment wherein his cloak was given to him. Somehow, the arduous recollection spurs me further into animosity. I growl, "do you truly not remember?"
He shakes his head, "I do not."
I clear my throat and push myself up from my seat.
Cregan stands quickly, so quickly, in fact, that his chair falls behind him with a loud thud, not that he cares. He calls my name out with concern and it makes me snap.
"I would appreciate it if you chose another cloak to wear."
The man walks over to me, forcing me to lift my gaze upon his worried face. I raise a hand at him before he can think to touch my arm. He withholds his touch.
"Cassandra and I had a cloak tailored in your absence. If it pleases you, you should wear it. However, if it is not to your taste, I can-"
"It is my taste," he interrupts. He nods his head, "the pick of my wife is my taste. I will wear it"
The glow of candlelight on Cregan's cheek makes my stomach roll. Bile rises up from my throat as his brows furrow in nothing but further concern.
"I care little for what I wear," he casts his cloak off to the side, "I care more for what concerns you."
My irritation over the matter bursts into embarrassment in an instant. A burning sensation creeps up from behind me, and soon I can no longer look upon my husband. I look back to the candle on the table and rashly gather my food. Before Cregan can speak, I mutter under my breath, "please enjoy your food, husband."
There's little he can do but watch as I rush off. Two wolves battle inside him, one that wishes to chase after, and another that keeps him still where he stands. Just as he is about to obey the former, the servant girl, Cassandra, comes up to him, "milord. Might I speak my piece?"
He watches as his wife disappears and sighs. He turns to Cassandra, "speak it."
She frowns, "milady has spent the three nights you were away making you a cloak herself."
"Has she?" his brows tighten.
Cassandra nods, "but her needlework is not as good as she wished, which is why she bought you this, milord," she hands him a neatly folded cloak.
Cregan takes it from her and sighs deeply. He unfolds the garb and inspects his wife's gift. He hangs the fabric on his arm and releases another breath, "will you show me my wife's needlework?"
Cassandra looks apprehensive, but she obeys her lord.
The next morning, I rouse to an empty bed. A thousand pins prick my heart, but I have no one to blame but myself for the turn of events.
I sit with myself, all lonesome, before deciding to begin my day. But just before I can dress myself, I hear a commotion from outside my window. I gasp when I see that there had been a buck who wandered inside the stronghold, running around in panic.
I wrap myself with a shawl before opening my window, watching how my husband and his men were trying to scare the deer towards the gate. Soon enough, my jaw drops at the sight of the horrid thing resting upon Cregan's shoulders as he maneuvered around the large creature.
Thankfully, it did not take the deer long to find the exit of Winterfell. The men share relieved sighs and laughter amongst themselves, as did I.
"My lord!"
Cregan, who was now calming down one of the spooked horses, does not hear me.
"My lord!" I call louder, gaining the attention of someone else.
Cregan is pat on the back. A man points skyward. He looks over his shoulder, face brightening at the sight of me. "Lady Stark," Cregan smiles, offering me a nod, "did we wake you?"
I shake my head, "what are you wearing?"
He turns to me and adjusts his lopsided cloak. The thing was hardly even worthy to be called one with how one hem barely met the man's calf and how one shoulder was far fuller than the other. He calls out proudly, "the work of my wife's hands!"
My face contorts, "it is horrid! Remove it at once."
Cregan pulls his head back, "I shall do no such thing."
"I bought you-"
"But I enjoy this," he lifts an arm to flaunt the terrible craftsmanship, "it keeps me warm and it suits me well."
"It does not!"
Cregan furrows his brows in challenge, "does it take away from my handsomeness, wife?"
I press my lips into a line.
The men around him chortle or snigger. Even mine own lips cannot help the chuckle that spills out. And though he was far, I could tell Cregan was awfully pleased with himself.
"If you wish to rid me of this, then you must do so yourself," he strokes the horse's snout, "but know you are challenging the Warden of the North as you do."
I roll my eyes and shake my head, "it is the work of my hands, Lord Stark."
"Which is why you must not rid me of it, my Lady Stark."
We stare at each other for a moment. Cregan's lips curl into a lopsided grin that matches his cloak. I sigh and shake my head once more, "we will speak of this later."
He nods, "as you wish, my love."
I clear my throat and close the window, ignoring the way my belly tumbled at the sound of his pet name.
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evie-sturns · 9 months
"fuck off" - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: matts ice-hockey team has a rough loss, you try to comfort matt after the game but he snaps at you.
warnings: fighting, swearing, angst, SMUT.
another goal to the other team. matt's team was getting destroyed by the opposition and he was not having it, "what the fuck are you on ref?" matt shouts at the referee as he skates away. BUZZ the buzzer signalling the end of the match echos throughout the arena and i instantly turn to nick, whos sitting next to me on the bleachers "hey nick im gonna go find matt alright?" i say to nick as i gather my things and speed-walk towards the changing rooms.
i wait outside the mens changing room for 10 minutes until the doors swing open, "matt.. hey, you alright?" i say looking at him but he just pushes past me and out of the facility, into the parking lot. i quickly chase after him as he storms towards the car "matt?" i call out as i catch up to him and he swing around to face me "just fuck off y/n, ive had a shit day and your annoying ass isn't helping." matt growls at me as he looks down at me. my eyes widen and my eyebrows furrow, the uncomfortable silence grows, i shake it off temporarily and grab his bicep "matt i know your angry, but please dont talk to me like that." i say gently trying to calm him down "ill talk to you how i want" he snaps back then pushes me off him, opens the door to the car and climbs in in a huff.
i look around to try see if nicks coming, but i assume he's getting a ride home with chris so i open the door to the passenger side and quickly climb in. matt starts to drive forward as soon i shut the door and the rest of the drive is silent apart from a few grunts from matt.
we pull into the driveway and matt instantly turns off the car, grabs his hockey back and gets out of the car, stomping up to the house and letting himself in, not even bothering to look back. why is he acting like this, its just one loss?
after a few minutes of attempting to calm my anger down and failing, i get out of the car and slam the car door shut behind me and running up to the house. matts locked himself in the bathroom so i run into our bedroom, and push the door shut behind me. i change out of my thermals into a matching brandy melville pyjama set and i crawl into bed.
after 45 minutes of scrolling on my phone i hear a soft few knocks on the door to the bedroom and i sigh quietly and ignore it. 3 more gentle knocks. i realise hes not planning on going away so i mumble "come in."
the door pushes open and matts face peeks in, he comes into the room in silence and lays down on the bed next to me, flat on his back. i roll over away from him to face the wall, and i can hear the soft clicking noise of matt biting his nails. i feel 1 warm hand on my shoulder which rolls me over onto my back. matt rolls onto his side to face me and he looks me in my eyes. "im so sorry y/n" he says calmly and quietly but i stay silent. "i didnt mean anything i said, and i was a total dick. i dont know if you knew but that game was the decider if i got a scholarship, and i totally fucked it up." he continues, "a-and i was so mad at myself, that i took it out on everyone, like in the locker room i was cussing everyone out, and im not proud of it, at all" matt says, "and now i dont know if im gonna get the scholarship and im so fucking stressed, but i am truly sorry on what i said." he groans. "close your eyes matt." i say softly and his eyebrows furrow out of confusion "huh?" he says, definitely not expecting that response. "trust me" i say again, with a smirk playing at my lips and he squeezes his eyes shut.
i shimmy my way down to the middle of the bed, right next to matts lap. i silently pull my tank top off and place it beside me as pull down matts sweatpants down slightly, almost letting his cock spring out and his breath instantly hitches "fuck. please.." he groans as he balls up his fisted and rubs both of his eyes. i see his bulge grow bigger. i plant gentle kisses on his clothed bulge as he whimpers desperately, "matt, i am about to suck your cock until you cum down my throat, and if you open your eyes, i will stop." i say softly, taking control of the situation and he nods "okay- fuck yeah okay" he says frantically nodding. i pull down his sweatpants all the way and his cock springs out onto his stomach, his tip is the exact shade of his lips and is leaking precum. I lick my lips and grab his shaft, only putting the tip in my mouth, he lets out a long groan and pushes his hair back with his tattooed arm. I suck his tip gently then take it out of my mouth, and he whines. "patience matthew" i giggle and then trail my tongue from his balls up the long vein going up his dick. "please.. let me fuck you oh my fuck-" he groans quietly and thats enough for me to take his whole length in my mouth, bobbing my head quickly up and down. i quickly take my mouth off him after a few minutes and his eyes stay shut. hes so stimulated that he doesnt even notice me crawling ontop of him and hovering above his tip. he lets out a soft moan and i sink down onto his length. "what the f-" he gasps quietly and his eyes spring open to look at me. his hands instantly grip my hips and push me down further onto him "good girl." he groans as he pulls me up and down on his cock "fuck- so tight" he growls out as he goes faster "close-" i warn and he guides me up and down faster.
i let out an almost pornographic scream as i orgasm all over his cock. "fuck-" he stammers as he cums inside of me. i collapse onto his chest with him still buried inside of me. he holds my ass gently as he catches his breath "you're so perfect you know?" he whispers into my ear and i groan into his ear. "you want me to.. you know pull out..?" he says embarrassed.
"not really honestly"
"oh.. do you forgive me?"
"after that orgasm, yeah."
hoooottttt anyways leave requests, they can be anon!! theres a little button on my page.
hope yall liked this!!
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sugojosgf · 5 months
not so nice! nanami req can you write reader using the safe word with him ????
say the word baby, its alright !
﹒ nanami ﹕☆ ﹟ fem · prns ㅤ࣭ ㅤׂ : ᯓ cw : dēgrādatīon , smūt , mentions of SA ! ﹐
sometimes it's a little too much and nanami always understands
nanami loves being a little rough w you, a little condescending. he loves to see tears collecting on your lash line just so he can kiss them away and hold you close. he knows that you enjoy this dynamic too, that you enjoy being treated like this ,,, you've said so multiple times.
but sometimes he can go overboard.
like this time, where kento has you in a mean mating press, your legs on his shoulder shaking as he thrusts deeper into you, you can feel him all the way up to your throat — so full of him. you feel like your cervix might bruise the way he pulls back and pushes in, a single thrust knocking the wind out of you.
"k-kento! s'too much—" you sob, mind far gone, "—please, just a mo-ment!" you whine, pulling him close and muffling your cries on his shoulder.
he doesn't stop, his cock filling you up with an unforgiving pace. you already had cum on his fingers once and you could feel your second orgasm of the night approaching.
"fuck! just take it—" he grunts, groaning in your ear, "that's all you are good for yeah? fuck, don't you dare cum right now, filthy slut—"
your eyes widen, even though you usually wouldn't be surprised,,,you loved it when he talked to you like this.
something about being catcalled on your way to work and then being hit on by your manager made his words seem real.
it made you feel like, you truly were only good for this.
"k-kento?" you say, nails digging deep into his muscles, "—i can't!" you are barely able to complete your sentence when his thumb begins to play with your clit, broken moans bouncing off the walls.
"shut the fuck up and take it like the whore you are —" he moans as he pushes in deeper than possible.
"kento! stop... red! no more—" you yell out finally, tears spilling out of your pretty eyes, your hands tapping thrice on his shoulder.
it takes nanami a moment to register what was going on, and he almost immediately pulls out. he looks at you, eyes confused but affectionate.
"my sweet girl... i am so so sorry" he whispers, "what's wrong baby? was that t' much?" he sits on the bed and pulls you onto his lap, peppering soft kisses on your face.
he sees you struggling to answer and immediately silences you with a kiss.
"you don't need to answer, my love. take your time baby, let's get you cleaned up now." he carries you to the shower and holds you as he cleans you up.
"my girl's the prettiest, love you so much sweetheart.,,," he says while he dries you with a soft towel, dressing you in your favourite tshirt of his.
he makes sure to kiss you everywhere, and tells you how much he loves you.
"sorry k-kento, just had a really bad day, i thought if you just treated me like usual, everything would be fine." his eyes mist over.
"oh...pretty, whenever you have a bad day, you need to tell me. that's what im here for, here for you,,." he leans over to kiss you softly, lips lingering.
"let's watch grey's while we eat some leftovers, and after that if you want, we can talk about your day."
you smile at him, knowing you lucked out with love when he held you again.
bonus <3:
not so nice! nanami who tracks down the man who had cat called you with the help of his connections and makes sure he is never able to talk again.
not so nice! nanami who gets the HR immediately involved and gets that manager blacklisted so no one can hurt his pretty girl again.
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starlight-library · 3 months
mr. & mrs. 'surprise couple' | LS2 (sm au!)
pairing: logan sargeant x reader
summary: logan and his partner decide to hard launch their relationship as casually as possible during a week break
warning: cursing, fluff, suggestive language, some dirty talking ig?? (18+, minors DNI), not proofread soo have fun
FC: @/desreii on instagram
a/n: with logan's new website / app making me delulu, this is for all the logan girlies, guys, and ppl!! (this inclusdes myself), honestly it came to me late one night and i only worked on it half asleep sooooo strap in!! also, i opened a ko-fi for tips! please buy me a coffee if you want!
part one | part two
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logansargeant tagged yourusername
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, oscarpisatri and 50,205 others
logansargeant happy one year to my other half 🩵 thank you for making this year unforgettable, here's the many more with you ❤️
view all 48,045 comments
landonorris HELLO???
landonorris YOU KNEW???
carlossainz55 this is a very interesting development
oscarpiastri the best couple i know 🧡
logansargeant thank you 🩵 ↳ yourusername gay! oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and logansargeant liked this comment
yourusername the way imma ride you into the next anniversary oooo baby--
landonorris @ yourusername IS THIS THE MYSTERIOUS PARTNER?? OMG????
logansargenat BABE ↳ yourusername it's true!
alex_albon Y/N?!!! OH MY GOOOOD ↳ yourusername OMG HEY BESTIE!!! are you proud that i made an instagram???!! ↳ alex_albon I AM BUT WTF WAS THAT COMMENT???!!! Also, maybe you'll answer my messages here!! ↳ yourusername blocked actually!! :)
user52 OMG OMG OMG!!
user204 they just made an instagram? oh we bout to watch the best era ever!! 😍
oscarpiastri all over this for sushi? ↳ yourusername damn right ↳ oscarpiastri as unhinged as always ↳ yourusername you love it 😘
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liked by yourbestfriend, logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 204,503 others
yourusername it's silly season fr 😮‍💨
view all 129,204 comments
yourusername wifey!!! stoooop 🤭
↳ logansargeant that OUR life partner. ↳ yourbestfriend NO BACK OFF UGH I WAS HERE FIRST!!! ↳ logansargeant i'll buy you coffee for two weeks anytime you want. no questions asked ↳ yourbestfriend @ yourusername if you ever breakup with him istg i'll hurt you ↳ yourusername RUDE???
logansargeant i am the luckiest man ever, truly 😍
↳ yourusername oh please.
alex_albon lily asked if logan can fight
oscarpiastri my lily also asked that ↳ yourusername good thing i got two hands 😇
logansargeant too bad one hand is more me, guess they'll have to fight each other. alex and oscar y'all are gonna have to fight in place of your girlfriends ↳ yourusername B a b e ↳ alex_albon it's on sight next week ↳ oscarpiastri hotel lobby at 22:00. drinks at 23:00 ↳ alex_albon bet ↳ logansargeant deal
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liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, landonorris, and 304,503
yourusername guys remember, it's important to eat three meals a day!
view all 230,249 comments
alex_albon Y/N. OH MY GOD????
yourusername what?? it's a good reminder!! ↳ alex_albon YOU FUCKIN HEATHEN OH MY GOOOOD ↳ yourusername still confused on what's the issue!
user205 AYOOOOOOOOO????
oscarpiastri it's always been a whore house with these two ↳ yourusername THIS IS SLANDER!!! HE LIES!!! IM INNOCENT!!!
user49 welllllll who can really name y/n?
user204 TRUE
user50 YUP
logansargeant i think you forgot to eat lunch today...
yourusername on my way right now 😇
alex_albon NO. HEATHEN!!! STAY AWAY!! I NEED HIM FOR THE PODCAST ↳ logansargeant alex hurry up and let's film this please--
oscarpiastri god please nobody wants to hear you two
yourusername your just mad you can't join, it's okay maybe next time 😘 ↳ user205 AYOOOOOO ↳ user46 GOD DAMN ↳ landonorris i will gladly take his spot instead-- ↳ logansargeant nope!
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yourusername posted a story
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↳ alex_albon BESTIE!!!! LOOK AT YOU!!!!
yourusername THANK YOOOU!!! alex_albon cannot wait to see you at the race!! yourusername me either!!! it'll be a bestie reuion!!
↳ lilymhe HOTTIE HOTTIE HOTTIE!!! 🥵😍
yourusername LILLLLLY STOOOOP 🤭 i hope alex can fight!! 😘 lilymhe he can't so easy win 🥇 yourusername LETS GO!! 💪
↳ oscarpiastri i like the pink, you're gonna keep it longer for a few days??
yourusername hopefully! i like the pink but idk if im feeling it rn oscarpiastri well i think it's nice but i say natural hair for your first paddock appearance yourusername maybe 🤔 thinkin bout it still but thanks you
↳ charlesleclerc the makeup? the hair? the pose? please tell me you're blessing the paddock with your beauty
yourusername oh don't worry, i will! i'm excited to meet you! charlesleclerc you as well!
yourusername that's the plan!
↳ logansargeant are you tired from running through my mind all day baby?
yourusername babe that was a horrible logansargeant you loved it, don't lie yourusername i did but still really bad logansargeant it's fine i'll just slip between your thighs when i get home to make it up to you 😉 yourusername LOGAN HUNTER SARGEANT! logansargeant what? do you not want me between your thighs when i get home? i was gonna just drop to my knees and flick that dress up so, no real reason to wear panties btw yourusername i-- logansargeant please? pretty please? babe look at you--what am i suppose to do? not drop to my knees and let you use me how you want?? yourusername you should come home. like right now logansargeant already out the door.
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbestfriend and 640,593 others
logansargeant great way to end the week break! next up, miami!
view all 302,503 comments
user49 god damn y/n is sooo pretty it's unfair 😩 comment liked by logansargeant
alex_albon can't believe i lost to you in golf still
↳ yourusername you lost to EVERYONE in golf ↳ alex_albon lily doesn't count ↳ yourusername no duh, lily's a professional of course she doesn't count!!
user492 THE LAST PIC??? HELLOOO???
user5 i knooow 🤤
user24 no right to be that fINE!! ↳ yourusername i keep telling him that ↳ user24 OMG HI HELLO SKPINOWJNGFION
yourbestfriend USA!! USA!! USA!!
yourusername USA!! USA!! USA ↳ logansargeant 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 RED WHITE AND BLUE
yourusername omg that's my MAAAAN!!! 😍 those swim trunks look heavy let me hold them up for you--
logansargeant babe ↳ yourusername and tight. i could help take them off 👀 ↳ logansargeant please 😩 ↳ alex_albon GOD MY EYES!!!
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liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend, and 492,530 others
yourusername petition to be f1's new goth icon
comments on this post have been limited
logansargeant or just mine. mine works too
yourusername that was a given ↳ logansargeant thank god--still. step on me, please--
alex_albon as long as you promise to walk logan back to the garage, deal
yourusername just got you bestie
oscarpiastri nobody else is gonna take the title
yourusername now they can take it from my cold dead hands
logansargeant do you need a dog? i can bark
yourusername BABE WHY DID YOU COMMENT TWICE? LMAO??? ↳ logansargeant had to make sure i had your attention ↳ yourusername velcro boyfriend fr. come lets cuddle ↳ logansargeant YES
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newluvrs · 5 months
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Sungchan ₊ ⊹₍ᐢᐢ₎  mdni!! 18+ currently listening to: VENUS AS A BOY - BJORK word count: 3k bb note: sungchan is so Venus as a boy coded
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Its 4:37 a.m. when you finally close your laptop for the evening.  Your skin feels like shit and you’re practically vibrating from the amount of espresso shots that were in your iced latte.  You haven’t moved from your desk since noon, only taking miniature breaks to go take a piss and grab a quick snack.  Finals week always makes you feel barely human.  When you finally turn off dnd on your phone, your met with a trillion notifications, but only a specific person holds all your attention.  Your heart lurches when you see Sungchan’s name under missed calls, you almost feel guilty recalling your demand you made earlier this week, almost. 
“Are you serious?”
“Sungchan, please I am quite literally begging.” 
“Baby, I just don’t understand why you don’t want to study with me...” 
You know damn well he knows why and just wants to make you say it.  You look at him with a bored expression on your face.
“You’re distracting.”
When he feigns confusion at your simple response, you roll your eyes before continuing.  
“Fine.  If you want me to be vulgar I’ll be vulgar.  We both know that I want to fuck you all the time.  You know that it only gets worse when I’m stressed.  I can’t sit there with you and just study when 90% of the time all I can think about is jumping your bones.”
“90% of the time, huh?” 
You want to kiss the stupid smug grin off of his face, but you settle instead for turning your back to him, trying to steel your resolve.  
“It’ll only be a week… it can’t be that hard, right?”
Except that’s absolutely not true because why would he ever make things easy for you?  It’s only been a few days since, and you can no longer count on both hands the amount of times you have had to stop yourself from driving to his place. It’s not even his fault, for the most part.  Your boyfriend is just so hot.  You swear BeReal is plotting against you when the timer has just so happened to go off every day this week when he’s in the gym.  How are you supposed to contain yourself when he walks around looking like that, and always so willing to give you what you want.  You’ve had to pause in the middle of studying a couple of times this week just to get yourself off.  Truly you are no better than a man.  
Sungchan himself has pleaded with you a couple of times to just let him come see you.  Trying to explain to you that you’re being ridiculous.  In his head he can’t understand why you won’t just let him be there to help relieve your stress.  He knows that you’re the insatiable one in this relationship.  You having explained to him after you first slept together that your sex drive tended to be high.  And he’s always been more than willing to help you out, whether it be fucking you exactly the way you need after a long day or bringing you to a tender release with his mouth first thing in the morning before you go to work.  He knows exactly what you need when you need it, so he can’t understand why you’re torturing yourself (and him) now. 
chan <3: plz let me come over 
Needless to say you absolutely weren’t expecting to receive a message from him this late at night.  
You: Why r u up??? 
chan <3: ochem :/
chan <3: I need to see u :(
You want to ignore the message, but you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t subconsciously press your thighs together.  All you’ve been able to think about since you last saw him is how bad you need him.  You can only do so much with your own fingers, and each time you get off has just been less and less satisfying.  Before you even get a chance to respond another message comes through. 
chan <3: im coming over
Immediately you rush to jump in the shower, not exactly feeling the most desirable in the ratty t-shirt you’ve been wearing for the last 2 days and your unwashed hair.  You tell yourself you’re not gonna let him stay over.  That all you’re gonna do is give him a quick kiss and a hug, just so that both of you can see that the other is doing fine.  And then you’re gonna tell him that you’ll see him in a few more days, after your last exam.  You say this to yourself even as you forego throwing on a bra.  You say this to yourself again as you pull up your sleeping shorts without putting on any underwear.  You tell yourself this one last time as you climb under your sheets, making yourself comfortable against your pillows.  When the familiar sound of your apartment door unlocking finally comes, you feel yourself become nervous suddenly, voice shaking as you holler that you’re in your bedroom.  
You try your best to act like you weren’t waiting for him, but you fail when as soon as you see him standing in your doorway you immediately open your arms wide for him to join you.  He lays himself next to you in your bed, wrapping his arms around your middle resting his head on your chest as you leave kisses on his forehead.  Immediately you feel comforted by his presence, your mood doing a 180. The both of you stay like this for a moment, just holding each other, feeling the exhaustion in your bones.  It’s him who breaks the silence. 
“Missed you.”  
He looks up at you when he says it, his tired eyes making your heart turn.  You can tell that he also just showered, his hair slightly damp and face covered in a light sheen from his skincare products, pimple patches and all.  You love being with him like this, tired and both of your faces bare, it feels like the both of you truly see each other.  
“”m so tired.” 
You sigh as you rub your eyes, truly you’re so exhausted.  Stress has been wrecking your body and making you feel wound too tight.  Not seeing Sungchan has only made it worse, making you feel touch starved and lonely on top of everything else.  He can already tell without you having to say it that it’s been a long couple of days for you.  He knows how hard you can push yourself to succeed.  Being told your whole life that you’re a hard worker only fueled your anxieties of being the best you could be, afraid to let everyone down.
“Let me take care of you.”  
You look down at him still resting his chin on your chest as he says so, his pretty lips pulled into a pout.  
“Just want to help you relieve your stress, will you let me do that for you baby?”  
You feel your pussy throb at this.  It makes you feel good to know that just as much as you always want Sungchan, he always wants you too.  When you don’t say anything he moves to slot himself between your legs, planting soft kisses against your jaw.
“I need to make my pretty girl feel good.  All I’ve been able to think about these last few days is fucking you.”
You can feel that he’s already half-hard as he rocks his hips against yours, a gentle sigh falling from your mouth at the smallest bit of pleasure.  
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s pushing your shirt up to your hips, his hands moving to your waist as he pulls you fully against him.  He moves his lips gently against yours as you softly moan into his mouth.  You feel so sleepy even right now, everything feeling like a dream as he grinds against you, panting into your mouth.  
“Felt like I was going crazy without you.  I was waiting for a call from you, telling me that you needed me and I was ready to drop everything.  You’re all I could think about.”  
You might be the insatiable one in this relationship but Sungchan is a close second.  For every time that you needed him to make you feel good, there was a time where he needed to make you feel good.  There’s nothing in this world hotter to him than the effect he has on you.  
“Your stupid fucking BeReals made me have to take several… study breaks.”  
Your ears burn hot as you admit this, casting your eyes to between your bodies watching as Sungchan rolls his hips into yours.  Heat blooming in your chest seeing the way the two of you fit perfectly together.
“I wanted to cave so many times… I’m happy you came over.” 
His heart swells in his chest hearing you say this. Placing a tender kiss against your cheek before he pulls away to pull your shorts off.  When he comes face to face with your bare cunt when he was expecting panties, he feels like he’s gonna combust.  
“Jesus y/n, you drive me fucking crazy.”  
He wants to be cocky about it, tease you for having such shit resolve when it comes to him, but he’s so hard it hurts.  You look so soft and tender, hair still damp from the shower, your old t-shirt still on along with your glasses.  He leans on an elbow as he reaches a hand down to play with you, when his fingers brush against your core you’re already soaked. When he looks up at you in silent awe your hands are covering your face, trying to shy away from his gaze.  
“I can’t help it..” You mumble out from behind your hands.  
He doesn’t want to make you wait any longer, slipping two fingers up and down your slit, coating them in your wetness.  He rubs them along your clit briefly just to hear your gasps, rutting his cock against your thigh as he does so.  He moves to pull your hands away from your face as he lines his fingers up with your hole.  Pressing them in he revels in the way you shut your eyes in bliss, mouth falling open.  He feels cocky now, smirking to himself at the way you moan when he crooks them up once they’re fully inside, rubbing up against your top wall.  
“Sungchan fuck..” 
You reach out for him, pulling him down to kiss you while his fingers play with you.  You stay like this for awhile, just making out as his fingers play with you.  He slides in a third to feel the way you gasp into his mouth.  When you arch your chest into his he almost dies at the way he can feel your nipples through your t-shirt.  
“You’re so needy, baby.”  
He presses kisses all over your face as he says this, sliding his fingers out of you to give your clit some more attention.  
“Why are your clothes still on.. this is so unfair.” 
He laughs to himself when you say this, finding it cute the way you try to make demands even as your body is twitching, caving in on itself from the pleasure.  
“Sorry baby, ‘m just gonna make you cum like this real quick, and then I’ll take them off, deal?” 
You can’t even process what he’s saying anymore, just nodding your head as you rock your hips up into his hand.  He slips his fingers back into your cunt, palm grinding into your clit as he finger fucks you.  You’re so distracted by his fingers you don’t even notice that he’s pushed your shirt up to your tits until you feel his mouth wrap around one of your nipples.  Unsure what to do with your hands, all you can do is claw at the sheets, body so overwhelmed from the pleasure.
You cum just like this, the only warning Sungchan gets is the way your body seizes up, your moans reaching a whinier pitch.  He groans at the feeling of you sporadically clenching around his fingers as he fucks you through your orgasm.  Only coming to a halt when you try and push his hand away.  You shudder as he pulls his fingers out, your throat feeling dry as you lay there, boneless.  He’s tender with the way he treats you after, leaving kisses all over your face.  
“So good to me baby, you feel better?”
You nod your head, slowly blinking, still trying to come down from your first high.  When you finally find the words to speak there’s only one thing you can say.
You don’t even care that he smirks to himself at your comment, he deserves to be cocky right now.  When he moves back between your legs, you can already feel heat blooming again, setting your nerves alight.  You can see how hard he is through his sweats, dick straining against the fabric.  Sungchan already knows that cumming once is never enough for you, which is why you want to slap the smug grin off of his face when you hear him ask,
“You want to go again?” 
When you glare at him trying to seem threatening, he can only laugh at how cute you are.  Bringing his lips to yours to kiss the pout off your face.  He leans back on his heels to pull his long sleeve over his head.  You feel yourself throb when you see his body.  You were never one to care about muscles or whether or not someone goes to the gym, but you can’t help but admire all of Sungchan’s hard work.  
“Chan, you’re so handsome.” 
Sungchan feels himself blush at the compliment, filling with pride when you admire him so openly.  He goes to pull down his sweats, freeing his dick from the restrictive fabric.  
“You’re gonna sit there and tease me for not wearing panties, when you show up at my door without boxers on under your sweats?”  
You can’t even sound mean right now because you just feel desperate.  Trying to sound authoritative while simultaneously spreading your legs a little wider to make room for him.  
“Can’t help it I needed to make myself easily accessible to my baby.”  
Now it’s your turn to blush, rolling your eyes like you’re not affected.  He digs a condom from his pocket before sliding it on, you want to make a joke about why it was there in the first place, but the joke dies in your throat when he’s finally lining himself up between your legs.  He runs the head of his cock up and down your slit a few times before finally, finally, pushing in to your wet heat.  The stretch is so good, as he gentle eases himself into you, bringing a hand to thumb at your clit.  The slide easy with how wet you already were from your previous orgasm.  Sungchan loves the way your body opens up for him so easily.  
When he finally bottoms out, both of you just sit there panting.  You take in the sleepy look on Sungchan’s face and think about how yours must mirror his, recalling how it’s close to 6 a.m. now.  You bring a hand up to his cheek, just looking at him as you whine from how deep he feels in you, making you feel so full.  When you finally nod for him to start moving, he pulls out slowly before pushing back in just as slowly, hips reaching deep within you.  Sungchan knows that now is one of those times where you just needed to feel him close.  He fucks you just like this, slow but making sure to sink all the way in each time so you feel full.  
You’re so tired your eyes are starting to slip closed at the pleasure, just feeling so good and so sleepy.  Sungchan sees this and brings himself up to murmur against your ear.
“‘m I fucking you good?”  
All you can do is nod your head, gasping out each time he reaches deep within you.  
“’m I fucking you like you deserve?”  
When he feels you clench around him he keeps talking.
“My needy girl deserves to be fucked exactly how she likes.  You’ve been working so hard baby, just let me take care of you.  Let your pretty boy fuck you good.”  
Sungchan pulls away to rest his head in the crook of your neck, hips picking up the pace.  You bring a shaky hand to the one he has stationed by your head, urging him to lace his fingers with yours.  His heart feeling tender at the action, the gentle affection a heavy contrast to the way his hips are repeatedly rutting into yours.  The both of you are fighting to stay awake, fueled by the need to get each other off.  Sungchan knows you’re close when your moans start to change in pitch.
“You gonna cum?” 
Your eyes are squeezed shut as you hum a simple “mhm” back to him.  Sungchan uses all the energy he has left to fuck into that tender spot within you, hips refusing to let up.  
“Cum pretty girl, then we can go to sleep.” 
You just nod your head, wrapping your arms around him, trying to bring your face to his.  Sungchan takes the hint, softly pressing his lips to yours as he fucks into you one, two, three more times before you’re whimpering against him, body twitching as he feels you seize up around him.  He follows close behind, spilling into the condom as you twitch around him, fighting to keep your eyes open so you can see the way his face contorts from the bliss.  When he’s done going through the motions, he pulls out of you, hissing from the sensitivity.  He disposes of the condom before pulling his sweats back up, cleaning you up quickly with a damp towel trying his best to be gentle, putting a clean pair of underwear on you before finally sliding next to you in your bed.  
When he cuts the lights off you can see that the sun is starting to shine, both of your eyes feeling heavy as he wraps himself around you.  Before you both doze off you hear him mumble one last thing.
“I really did miss you.” 
You smile to yourself, placing a kiss on his pouty lips. 
“I missed you more Chan.”  
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feralforriddle · 8 months
nobody makes me feel things.
summary: tom riddle x y/n, first person. tom starts to get really confused as to why he was feeling so many things for the sweet ravenclaw girl. but he seems to soften up pretty quick, leaving you just as confused.
a/n: my first ever fic! please give feedback if you enjoyed in the comments. this is probably super messy but i just kept typing lol. i hope u enjoy :3.
ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆.ೃ࿔*:・+*:ꔫ:*﹤˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
'what do you want.' he says, staring at me with his dark, cold glare. i gulp, immediately regretting my decision. picking at the skin around my nails, i pluck up the courage to ask him.
'um, i was just wondering if you were still tutoring people?' i ask, looking up at him anxiously. he stares at me for a second, seemingly very confused. or is he happy? angry? honestly, it's really hard to read him. impossible even.
'yes. i do, why?' he steps closer to me, looking down and crossing his arms. it's almost like he is trying to kill me. doesn't he realize how handsome he is?
'i am struggling at the moment in potions, a-and i know you're really smart in that subject. i was wondering if you'd help me?' i ask, trying to sound confident but failing miserably. why is it so hard to talk to him? obviously everybody knows what tom is like. he has almost zero friends, and he doesn't seem to care about making any.
but i have always been intrigued by him. always watching and admiring from afar. always found him exceptionally handsome. never found any courage to talk to him, though. so now is my chance to get his attention.
do i really need help in potions? not really. it's definitely not my most successful class, but i could probably still pass without his help. but the idea of him teaching me, maybe he could show me how to make potions too, standing behind me and guiding my hands-
okay, no. i am getting truly distracted now.
i have just always been so infatuated with him. my friends call me crazy for trying this, and that they have never seen him interested in any girl before him. i have seen him glance at me before, staring a little longer than just an accidental glance. so part of me is really hopeful he sees me the same way. and i don't have enough confidence to just ask him out, which is why i thought a study session would be good.
'i can help you. what is it you need help with the most?' he says, surprisingly softer. a slight glint in his eye. it did not last long though, he returned to his usual glare.
'mainly brewing the potions, getting things perfect. sure, i get it right but, you always seem to make them perfectly' i say, complimenting him lightly to see his reaction.
i did not get much of one.
'yes, mine are perfect. i can help you. i will ask professor slughorn if we can use the potions room after class hours, he won't mind i'm sure.' he says, nodding down at me once.
i smile brightly up at him, 'thankyou tom! i'll meet you there today around 6pm then?' i ask, beyond excited to get to spend more time with him.
he nods, squinting his eyes lightly at me before turning around and leaving. he certainly is a unique boy. i turn to return to the great hall and finish my lunch.
i was itching for 6pm to come faster, wiggling in my seat in my final class of the day. i need to make sure i look pretty, too. i am incredibly nervous to see him, and be alone with him too. my cheeks go red at the thought. i am probably thinking of this way differently to tom, he probably isn't even excited. but i don't care, i just wanted him to see me, to notice me.
as soon as class ended, i sprinted back to my dorm to get changed and freshen up. putting on a clean white shirt, my slightly tighter one for no particular reason at all. and my ravenclaw skirt, pilling up a little further up my thighs than normal. i do light makeup, and ruffle my hair and im ready. this is very unlike me. i never dress like this, and to be honest i feel embarrassed but i want to catch his attention somehow.
it's 5:50pm, so i grab my study books and quill, and head quickly to the classroom. he arrives just seconds after me.
'hi tom' i smile.
he stares at me for a second, glancing down at my outfit. 'what are you wearing?' he says, glaring at me for a second.
'just my uniform..' i frown, looking down at myself.
tom's head erratically turns around, checking nobody is around. 'you walked down here like this?'
'get inside, quickly.' he opens the door for me, and i rush inside, very very confused as to what is happening.
he looks at me again as i sit at the desk where he clearly prepared things. 'why did i have to rush in here?'
'because i don't want anybody else to see you like this.' he grunt, putting his books down before sitting beside me.
'why's that?' i say, a little hope bubbling inside of me that maybe it's because he only wants to see me like this.
'you ask too many questions. lets just focus on this' he says, avoiding eye contact with me.
the whole study session i was incredibly nervous. i couldn't write properly because my hands were shaking so much. my cheeks constantly red through the whole thing. i sigh as he packs things away, 'thankyou for helping me, tom'.
'it's okay' he says nothing else before heading to the door.
i don't know why, but he seems even less interested after that. he is barely talking to me, his body language is just telling me he is uncomfortable. maybe he figured out my little plan and it put off by it? maybe he really just doesn't like me back. maybe i'm just not confident enough for him?
perhaps i should stop trying so hard.
i grab my own things and walk to the door with him. 'i-i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable tom, i'm sure you figured out what i was doing' i say with as much courage as possible. i feel ridiculously embarrassed. he looks at me and says nothing.
his face indicates nothing. nothing whatsoever. i take a deep breath. looking at him with glossy eyes, rushing out of the potions classroom and back to my dorm.
i jump on my bed, pushing my face in the pillow and letting a few tears go. i thought it would work, i really did think he might like me back. i was stupid to think so. he doesn't really feel anything for anyone. and i made such a fool of myself, trying to flirt or complimenting me, wearing this revealing uniform. oh god i want the ground to swallow me hole.
i just curl up into a ball and fall asleep soon after.
tom on the other hand, is left feeling very very confused. he doesn't know why he feels this way, why did he get a pang in his chest when he saw my glossy eyes? why couldn't he seem to breathe properly around me? he has never felt this way for anybody and he doesn't know what to do.
the next day i head to breakfast, nervous about seeing tom there. he always sits at the end of the table alone, so it's inevitable he will see me as i walk into the great hall. i try and get there as early as possible, hoping i arrive before he does.
but no, he is sat there, and his head shoots up the second he sees me walk into the hall. my cheeks flush insanely red, my hands beginning to sweat a little as i feel his burning gaze on me.
i rush to the table, sitting by myself at the end too, not really wanting to tell my friends what happened.
tom sees me sitting alone and furrows his eyebrows. before even thinking, he stands up and walks over to sit directly opposite me on the ravenclaw table. i look up at him and panic.
'why are you sitting alone?' he says, staring at me.
'um, i just didn't feel like talking to my friends this morning' i gulp, frantically trying to avoid his gaze. he glances down to see them all staring with their jaws dropped.
'pathetic.' he mutters.
'you think im pathetic?' i say, eyes softening at him.
'no, quite the opposite' he mumbles, nodding his head down the table. 'that is pathetic'. my cheeks flush a little as i giggle at him. looking back up at him, i give him a soft smile.
'why did you come over here, tom?'
'because i don't want to see you sitting by yourself.' he says, taking a bite of his breakfast. 'come on, eat something. we have class soon'.
i do as he says, of course, but i am also extremely confused as to what is happening. from how he was acting yesterday, to this? i am very confused. but secretly i am really enjoying this.
'so, how about another study tonight?' he says bluntly. my eyes nearly shoot out of their sockets and my heart nearly came out of my chest.
'o-oh, um sure' i smile, covering my nerves.
'and you can wear that little outfit again. just don't let anybody see you on the way'. i nod quickly at him. and we quietly had breakfast together. he walked me to my class, which left my hiding my smile under my hand in class.
i take a deep breath as i wait for tom to arrive outside of the class. i tap my feet on the floor in anticipation. my god, am i nervous.
'get inside, quick' he says, opening the door for me again.
i smile a little, rushing inside and sitting back in my normal seat. but there is nothing here set up to study like last time. he raised an eyebrow at me and slowly walks over as i look at him confused.
'what are we doing today tom if there isn't anything here?' i ask, turning to him as he sits beside me.
'oh i think we both know studying isn't the reason we are doing this' he says, turning to me slightly.
i almost choke on the air.
'i don't know what you've done to me, but i can't stop thinking about you' he sighs. 'it's awful, really. i haven't ever felt this way before, i was up most of the night figuring my feelings out. now i worry i am stuck, wanting you with me at all times when i can't'.
'yes, you can'. i jump to answer. 'just give me the word and i'm yours'.
'mine?' he hums, as i stand up and stand in between his legs, looking up at him.
he puts his hand on the side of my face. 'i hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. I'm not easy, darling'. he sighs.
'i'll get used to it' i smile.
'if i see any other man in the same proximity as you, i can't promise i won't hex them'.
'id like that' i hum.
'come here' he murmurs, pulling me closer into him, connecting his lips onto mine. and i melt. i've been wanting this for so long. his tongue swipes against my bottom lip, deepening the kiss as my hands wrap around his neck, pulling him to stand with me and wrap his arms around my waist.
'lets go back to my dorm. i have my own dorm because i hate everyone.' he mumbles against my lips. i giggle at him, pulling back and nodding. 'lets go' i agree.
the next morning, i walk into the great hall for breakfast. tom's eyes find mine as he gives me a very small, but cheeky grin.
he stands up and walks over to my table before i can sit down.
he grabs my chin, pressing a kiss against my lips softly right in front of all my friends. as if to prove a point.
'see you in class, baby'.
i smile at him as he walks back to the slytherin table. i look down at my friends,
'what on earth?!' they shout.
a/n; and we're done! please give me feedback if you liked this, or not. my first ever fic ahh! <3 love u angels.
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officallunar · 1 year
A Thief's Heart: Returning Stolen Hearts
In the land of Teyvat, where adventure and friendship thrive, you find yourself entangled with the Traveler and the various heroes of Genshin Impact. You have a unique hobby - you enjoy "borrowing" items from the characters in the game, but your intention is always to return them, often with heartfelt notes attached.
Gn reader x some of the genshin men and women (separated)
(I lost count on how many people I am doing)
You mostly embark on a journey with them,on the way there, you would secretly take something from them, for example;their items.
Diluc would be confused at first before knowing that you have taken one of his belongings. As you continues to "borrow" items from Diluc, he can't help but chuckle at your audacity. He honestly think that it’s adorable but won’t say it out loud.
Kaeya might playfully tease you when he discovers your secret.
"Ah, so it seems we have a little mysterious thief among us. I must admit, your antics are quite entertaining."
When Childe finds out, he bursts into laughter, finding your actions both amusing and endearing.
"Haha, you've certainly caught my attention in the most unconventional way. I can't help but admire your spirit."
Venti, the bard, would probably respond with a whimsical comment like,
"Ah, stealing hearts as well as items, aren't you? Your mischievous charm is truly captivating."
Albedo might approach the situation with scientific curiosity.
"I find your actions quite intriguing. It's as if you're conducting a unique social experiment."
When Xiao first realizes that you have been taking and returning items from him, he might furrow his brows in confusion. After awhile you might see him crack a rare, small smile. (Please tease him)
Upon discovering your secret activities, Zhongli would approach the situation with a keen sense of curiosity. He might leave you a rare and exquisite Geo related artifacts out of admiration (he finds your joy of “borrowing” his things adorable)
Ayato, upon learning of your actions, takes it upon himself to investigate discreetly. He finds your behaviour cute and wonders about your motives .
When Alhaitham confronts you, his demeanor is measured, but he adds a soft touch of affection, saying,
"I must admit, I find your actions intriguing, and they've piqued my curiosity. Could you enlighten me about your motivations?"
Bennett would react with enthusiasm.He thinks that you're like a lucky charm and always returning what you take. Your positivity is contagious, and he can't help but admire your optimism.
Razor, while initially be confused, could express admiration with sincerity, saying,
"You not take. You return. Good friend. Razor likes."
Eula, though would be initially confused,but she will hide it by saying “Vengeance will be mine” (yeah im sure we all know what she is going to say)
Yanfei, a skilled legal advisor, may initially see your actions as legally ambiguous. However, she's impressed by your commitment to balance and might offer legal advice to help to your continuous actions within Liyue's laws.
Ganyu, being a diligent worker, becomes curious when she notices your activities in Liyue. She quietly investigates, wondering about your motives.She finds it cute and adorable often smiling when she see you sneakily sneaking off with her stuff.
Yae Miko, always on the lookout for interesting stories, takes notice of your actions and becomes intrigued.She would probably tease you abit or so
Im not really good at writing as it is my first few times writing a fanfic but I hope you enjoyed reading this!You can take this idea and write it if you want,I do not mind,but if you ever do write,I wanna read it 🥳🥳. I was reading a fanfic by @thatdeadaquarius and just got the idea to write it,it’s not the best lol. It’s not that I like Childe,it’s just that he is easier to write.
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blommp717 · 2 months
I try to follow what you are saying, but I find your content confusing, and based on some of your repeat asks, I’m not the only one. The way you explain ND could use improvement, in my opinion. Maybe it’s because English isn’t your first language or because your understanding of ND is more theoretical than experiential—it seems like both. This is fine, but have you considered improving your English (or teaching in your mother tongue and paying a professional translation service?) and actually living in the ND state of being (not just reading or watching videos about it) before attempting to teach in a language you seem to struggle with? You could be more successful and less misleading.
There’s a lot of misunderstanding and inaccuracies in your writings, and your pinned post gives the impression that you aren’t the type of person to humbly take advice and cultivate self-awareness. Which in and of itself doesn't really reflect what one would expect from a guru or someone who has reached a profoundly deep nondualistic understanding and wishes to guide others. You seem bothered by critique or questions that you haven't already read the answer to. Maybe you could sincerely cultivate Self-awareness of how you are appearing to people who have genuinely experienced the ND state of being, not just an intellectual understanding, and those who have not. Maybe I’m wrong (I very well could be), but it seems like you read about it but haven’t actually had experiences beyond reading and thinking about it. It feels shallow and without real rooting in experience, not just theoretical knowledge. This is just a humble observation from another seeker on the path, so take it with many grains of salt. May you find equanimity and authentic awakening and be of genuine assistance to others. Peace.
I most definitely think you’re coming from a space of aggression instead of actually trying to inquire firstly, moving forward. I don’t really get how people asking questions is an indicator of me not knowing what I’m really talking about as opposed to people learning to accept how easy it is. Allot of these people come from LOA so they think there’s a process, they think there’s work to do, so having such a drastic shift will obviously not feel easy at first 🤭and secondly I’m baffled about the language comment, I have zero clue what makes you think that kind of stuff is okay to say to anyone, regardless of if it’s true or not, please seek some humanity and get it together. You don’t want to be saying all of that b.s to the wrong person. I reallllyy hope you don’t act like this in person with anyone.
Alright so, to what the actual focus of your text should have been.
If you notice, my pinned post was allot more recent than when I started posting, it was more of a response to someone claiming I’m giving false hope and that explaining the idea of “manifestation” alongside non-duality is wrong. Which I’m literally not, im not sure if your truly following up on what I’ve posted because I make it very very clear since the beginning and almost in every post with a long ask that I. Am. Not. Teaching. You. How. To. Manifest. There’s absolutely no such thing, it might look like it and feel like it but it’s not. I even have a post where the entire thing is me talking about why there’s no such thing as manifestation. And I have zero clue where you got any of that information about who I am as a person from that post alone when all I’m stating is how I’m not going to stop helping people? 😭😭
I think another confusion people who “enter” NonDualism have is they think awakening is real. You told me to reach a state of ND being or the State of ND which I’m not really sure what you mean by that because it doesn’t exist. It’s sadly time to burst the bubble. There is no awakening, if you truly understand nonduality, there is no journey, there’s no goal, there nothing that you can do to achieve enlightenment because it doesn’t exist, these are concepts and ideas self realized to give the “self” and “I” a reason to exist. I perfectly well understand what nonduality at its core is and have hundreds of what I’m sure people would call “succes stories” with it. My old posts have plenty of explaining as to what, just, no duality states regardless of getting what you want. How can there be a journey? There is no self thst has a journey, just ideas and thoughts spinning together in a flurry and naming it “self”. You don’t exist.
And for you, you want to understand no duality? I’m going to try not to be cryptic but here we go. You can’t and neither can I , no one can understand and seek, you’re not a seeker and there is no path, this is the truth. And no one can have a journey because there is no identity in any of this, there is no self as a person, there is no “me” on a “path”, there is no “one” here who understands anything. It’s all self actualizing thoughts making it seem like there is a journey, the “I” or what people call ego, needs purpose to exist. It feels like a threat when everything is dissolved. The idea that there is more to do, will be true for as long as you pretend it is. And without the false idea of a journey this “self”or “me” loses its purpose. It can be “hard” to accept but truly it doesn’t matter because the nature of existence will not change. Think about it why does the idea of something higher, a bigger step, some grand moment seem so enticing? And for who does it seem so enticing for? The false identity, the “me” the “self”. It’s just another story. You might sit and be, it may lead you deeper into sensations in the body and most likely a “profound” sense of understanding, but quite honestly if your looking for a tiny spark of magic to keep you going on and thinking there’s even more and even more to experience, it would be absolutely useless.
You are already all, whats there to find
Understanding nonduslity is realizing, how can any of this be more grand if there is only one, how can more be achieve if there is a constant state of nonduality? How can the illusion reach a higher state… the higher state is also just illusory, the self, body and world is just illusory. You as everything are pretending to be a person pretending a self and pretending that this person is also self and needs to understand and reach more profound states of being.
This is how “manifestation” is possible. There is no one and nothing “happening” all there appears to be is what you appear as, it’s hollow, almost like a projection. This can’t be turned off, you appear as all there is and as long as the body is here thoughts will appear, ideas will appear, visualizations will appear, you take it as just thinking or talking to yourself or daydreaming or predicting what might happen next, but that’s all what “manifesting” is. In every timeless moment (instant is not fast enough so I say timeless) stories are realized, you take it effortlessly as how your life is. Simple things like how you expect your parents to respond to you not picking up their phone, or what kind of day at your gonna have at school to literally everything, it’s constant, it’s everything, it’s always “on”. Your luck, the compliments you receive, how things work or don’t work out for you, all of it. This is not just life as it is but the entire “manifestation” it’s an experience of what “it” (you) appears as. And if all is what you are and the appearance relies on the perception of the appearance, then perceiving any type of story like, having brown eyes but you want blue. Okay, “I have blue eyes” this is not an affirmation, this is a truth, this is what “ “ (you) now appear as, timelessly, and needing proof or evidence is useless as it puts the attention back at “has it changed it”. If you understand its all you, you also know needing evidence or proof is truly completely useless. “But I checked the mirror and my eyes are still brown” with what understanding did you move to the mirror with. An expectancy of brown eyes? Hmm.
Well I think this is getting long winded, I’m not gonna make this even longer than it is, hopefully you find some clarity in this and I strongly urge you, before making random comments or being just rude, ask yourself with what state of mind am I moving forward. Do I really need to say it this way? Because truly, I’ll remain here doing what I do, I’m incredibly grateful that I can be able to help so many people so it brings me a sense of joy (though unreal 🤭). But I hope you understand there is a proper way to question and criticize, and well, your claims feel like they were based off reading 2 posts and calling it a day 😭😭. Anyways I actually will thank you regardless, I’m sure many people can learn from what you’ve initiated me to explain, have a great life, I hope to see you come again in future posts 🫶🫀🪷🪷☀️
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snorky · 4 months
hi, so idk if u still write for canucks nils hoglander, so if you don't im so sorry for bothering you. if you do, would you be able to write an imagine where nils is interested in one of the canucks employees, like social media or reporter and is trying to ask her out but fails multiple times before eventually with some help asking her out?
You're A Forbidden Delicacy, And I Won't Leave A Crumb
Hey y’all! And hello to the lovely requester! I still do write for Nils, so thank you for the request (which I really love and got carried away with). I really apologize to everyone for how long this has taken me, my life has been all over the place and I am still trying to get things sorted out, but I truly, from the bottom of my heart appreciate the patience you all have. This is a Nils Höglander fic, with a F!Reporter!Reader, which is a little longer than what my stories are normally. I hope you all enjoy this fic, and please remember to take care of yourself!
Word Count: 6.1k
Pairing: Nils Höglander x F!Reader
Warnings: Romantic tension, kissing? (Let me know if I need to add anything) 
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A knock was heard on the door to her office, where she was deep in her work preparing for tonight’s game, followed by the familiar voice of her colleague and friend. 
“Hey lovely! Here are the spreadsheets and rundown of the stats from the last three games,” her friend said, setting a few papers on her desk.
She smiled back and felt a wave of relief. “Thank you,” she sighed. “I was wondering when the stats would come in from my favorite data analyst.”
“Oh, stop,” she chuckled. “You know how playoffs are.”
She nodded in agreement, noticing that the energy within the air, and more specifically, the arena, was more electrifying than ever. 
Looking up from the documents, she saw one of the players walk by the door, giving her a smile and a friendly wave before walking off. She knew him, Nils Höglander, but she had only had small-talk and nothing more. 
Her friend looked over her shoulder, a knowing smile appearing on her face. “Someone caught your eye?”
The blush on her face seemed to intensify, almost shamefully like a kid caught with candy. “No—” Taking a quick sip of her water, she hoped that the warmth on her face eased up.
“Alright, take it easy, go Canucks!” she cheered as she walked out of the office.
A smile made its way to her face as she turned back to her work. “Go Canucks!”
An hour or two passed by as she worked on reading the documents, preparing how she was going to announce the pregame reports, and making sure everything was finalized and set.
It was a fun, fast-paced job that kept her on her toes constantly, and she thrived in it, living in the rush and wanting more of the adrenaline. More rowdiness from the fans, more chants and cheers, and more passion from the city that was hungry for a cup.
She drew her attention away from her laptop and towards her door, where she saw Quinn standing there, gear still on from the morning skate and practice.
“Hi Quinn, how can I help you?”
He scanned her desk, seemingly searching for something before his eyes landed on her coffee.
“What’s your go-to Tim’s order?” he asked.
She looked at him quizzically, wondering why he asked such a question out of the blue, but didn’t think too much about it. “Vanilla latte, why?”
“Nothin’” he shrugged, clearly more than nothing. “Have a nice day.” He walked away with a sly smile, making her more confused than nothing.
“You…too, Quinn,” she said, looking at her coffee with suspicion.
As she took a sip, it tasted the same still, maybe a little more room temperature, but nothing odd or wrong. 
A few more hours passed, and before she knew it, the clock was counting down till puck drop. The arena already felt alive, the familiar blue and green decor that hung around her office reminding her.
She got up from her desk, making her way out of her office as her shoes tapped on the floor, echoing down the hall. Having all the important information and stats in her mind, she felt confident about how tonight’s game will go.
When she made it near the rink, she was greeted by a few other of her co-workers, as well as the media crew for the team, gear and equipment and smiles all set. The ice in the rink looked fresh and crisp, ready for a tough game.
“Ready for Game Six?” One of her co-workers asked.
She smiled and straightened up her posture, pride swelling within her. “Born ready. Go ‘Nucks.”
As the camera went live, everything else came naturally to her. The confidence, the excitement, and the adrenaline.
“Welcome back to Bridgestone Arena everyone, where tonight, the Canucks will face off again against the Nashville Predators in Game Six of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, hoping to eliminate the Predators, and advance to the second round.”
The arena started to fill up with fans, mainly fans of the Predators, but there were a few Canucks jerseys spread throughout. 
Skaters headed out onto the ice, preparing to warm up as the arena cheered for each side, hoping that their team would win tonight’s game.
Adrenaline. Euphoria. Pride. So many emotions swelling inside of her, and she felt so alive and yet lost in a dream.
“As the Canucks hope to grab a win, the spotlight stands on the top players, with Boeser having four goals in this post-season, all within the past three games, and J.T. Miller with six points, pushing the Canucks forward in the playoffs,”
The statistics sounded impressive, and even on paper they looked unbelievable, but it was the Canucks, and she saw the potential long ago as they were developing.
One player especially caught her eye, but she would never admit to who, because it was mainly extremely unprofessional of her, and also because of the complications it could bring up.
And as if the devil cursed her thoughts, she met his eyes as the media crew was moved behind the bench, sharing a smile as he went and got a quick sip of his water before skating back out onto the ice.
“Hoping Höglander scores huh?”
She turned her head quickly to the voice her friend before turning away, hoping she didn’t see the blush that was dusted on her cheeks.
“Best hope is that every Canuck scores one,” she laughed, trying to push the topic somewhere else.
Her friend let out an exasperated sigh, “Oh gosh, and I’d be the one needing to calculate all the stats,”
As the warmups came to an end, a few of the players returned to the bench, Nils being one of them, and he gave her a quick smile and wave before refocusing on the game that his teammates were playing.
With quick plays and quick movements, the puck moved up and down the ice, from offense to defense, keeping everyone in the arena on their toes.
Fans roared with each close call, the atmosphere buzzing, static in the air, and before she knew it, the first intermission was starting.
The players poured into the tunnel, making their way back to the locker room after no goals from either team in the first period. Tensions still felt high, like a cord that could snap at any moment.
She waited out on the bench, fiddling with a pen and her notepad as her manager was trying to find one of the players to interview for a brief moment, hoping to get a word or two about the current game.
After a few minutes, she saw Brock walking out with her manager, a gentle expression on his face as usual.
The interview went smoothly as the rest of the night did, with one goal from the Canucks that led to a win as they advanced to the next round of the playoffs.
In the locker room afterwards, the place was rowdy, players and coaches celebrating their win with as much energy as they could. It set the stage for greatness, hope lingering in the air for a long playoff run.
Across the locker room from the doorway she stood under, her eyes met Nils, looking slightly disheveled, a mess even, but he still looked so, fulfilling. He smiled when he noticed her gaze, his eyes crinkling up.
And as the night eased in, the sky outside a crisp darkness, she walked to her car in the parking lot, her work bag slung over her shoulder as she was ready to go home, exhausted, but at ease.
A gentle smile was plastered on her face, gratitude for every little thing she worked so hard for to end up in the career field she was in, all the work paying off.
As she reached for the car door, she saw a figure walking towards her, at a rather quick pace, and she rushed to try and unlock the car.
The footsteps came closer, near stomping against the ground, and she felt panic.
“Hey! Wait, I need to talk to you!”
Turning her head quickly, her unease didn’t seem to dissipate despite the slightly familiar voice.
She unlocked her door frantically, got inside and locked it immediately, trying to recompose herself, still clutching her bag against her.
The man tapped on the window, causing her to lose the color in her face for a quick moment before realizing that it was Nils.
Letting out a breath, relief filled her, but she quickly started to scold him. “Nils, what the hell!”
“Sorry, sorry, I wanted to ask you a question,” he said sheepishly, voice muffled by the fact that he was outside.
She rolled down the window, a tight lipped smile on her face. “Yes?” Noticing how he seemed to fidget awkwardly, her expression slowly changed to concern. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he responded. “I was just wondering if you wanted to grab dinner with me sometime, I’d like to get to know you more,”
His face was a pinkish tint, illuminated by the interior light of her car. A warm blush started to envelope her face at his question, but she knew it felt wrong.
“Nils, I’m sorry but as much as I would like that, it would be unprofessional for the both of us, and we could lose our job.” Her tone remained professional, but there was a twinge of somberness within it.
A disappointed, but understanding smile appeared on his face. “I get it.” He was still sweet as ever, and she even felt a little guilty at her answer. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Alright, have a good night Nils, you did great tonight,” she smiled.
Smiling back, he gave her a nod of appreciation. “You did as well. Have a good night,”
He walked away from her car, looking back only once to notice that she kept her eyes on him, but pulled away when he saw.
She drove away, off into the night where the traffic died down, and where the Vancouver glow was as dreamy as it always was to her, an ageless magic.
Morning came, sunrise bright and early as she arrived back at the arena. There was no game planned for the day, only practice and training to prepare for the next game.
As she walked down the hall to her office, she noticed that her door was open, despite having locked it the night before. The only people who were also in the arena as early as her were the players, coaches, and athletic trainers. 
Stepping into her office, she saw a cup of coffee placed on her desk, along with a sticky note beside it. It smelt familiar, and as she took a sip, she noticed that it was her order.
She read the sticky note, and it was a sweet message from Nils hoping that her day would go well, and a smile drawn at the end.
It was a sweet gesture, and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the note as she read it over again, somehow trying to dissect a deeper meaning.
“Oh, so you found it,” Quinn chuckled.
Startled by his sudden presence, she jumped, spilling a little bit of coffee on her sweater. 
“Ow!” Yelping in slight pain, her face was hot in embarrassment. “Sorry, I’m okay,” she laughed nervously, attempting to somehow magically wipe the stain away.
“I should apologize,” he said, grabbing some tissues from her desk. “Nils is not going to be too happy with me for making you spill coffee on your clothes,”
Like clockwork, he walked by her office and saw the commotion, brow perked up in curiosity. “What about me?”
Turning her head over to look at him, she had a sheepish smile, still holding the note and coffee in her hands. “Hi, Nils.”
He noticed the stain on her clothes, and motioned to her to give him a minute as he ran off, leaving both Quinn and her confused.
Setting the tissues on the table, he muttered out an apology before running off after Nils down the hall.
Now, she was even more confused, unsure of everything that had happened. Putting everything down, she settled on just starting on her work, checking emails and the schedule for the day.
Minutes passed by, and her friend knocked on the door to her office, handing her the spreadsheets of the statistics. 
“Good morning lovely, I got you your stats in case anyone was up for interviews today,” she said, still sweet as ever.
Giving her a light laugh, she shook her head. “Thanks, but no thanks. Spilled coffee on myself and I don’t think I’d like to be on camera today.” She pointed to her clothes.
“Awh, really? That’s terrible,” she sighed, sitting down in the chair in front of her desk. “If I had a spare shirt, I’d give it to you in a heartbeat.”
She put her hand over her heart, “Really? You’re always so sweet,”
Another knock came on her door, and they both looked up from her laptop and documents. Nils was standing here under the doorframe, holding a Canucks sweatshirt in his hands.
“Did I interrupt something?” His voice was barely above a whisper, careful and cautious.
She shook her head with a smile, motioning for him to come in. “Not at all,”
Her friend gave her a smirk and a knowing look. “I need to go get something from my office, see you near the rink,” she said, standing up and walking out of her office.
It was just him standing and her sitting in the office now, the hum of her speakers playing music softly, and time flowed like a river of honey.
The way he looked at her was gentle, warm, and she wanted him to keep looking at her like this forever. His slightly disheveled hair made him look even more raw, something in its purest form.
“I got you one of my sweatshirts,” he spoke softly, afraid to break the air that seemed so intoxicating. “So you don’t have to wear the one with the coffee stain.”
His eyes seemed to observe her every movement, trailing up her arm and to her face as she looked up at him.
She placed her hand on his forearm cautiously, afraid of him pulling away. “You didn’t have to Nils, I’m alright.”
Shaking his head, he wouldn’t take her words. “I insist,”
Her hand moved towards the sweatshirt hesitantly, eyes still looking at him, and stopping before actually reaching it.
“It’ll look better on you, and probably more comfortable.” His voice was quiet, his words easing from his lips.
Silently nodding, she accepted the sweatshirt from his hands as he kept his gaze on her. The air was hot and thick, like a jelly-dessert with extra sweet whipped cream dolloped on the top, a tart maraschino cherry reminding her of the consequences if she made a mistake. 
She got up from her desk, walking over to the door of her office. “I’ll go change into this, you can stay a little longer.” Twisting the doorknob, she walked out, leaving Nils still standing there in her office, leaning against the desk.
When she came back from the bathroom, his Canucks sweatshirt on her loosely, holding her stained sweater, he was still there, just as she hoped, but yet, she felt the fear of being caught creeping up on her.
“Don’t you have practice?” she asked, voice careful.
He tilted his head quizzically, almost pondering her words delicately. “You know I have more than a few minutes to spare,” he said, walking over to her. “Most of the guys don’t come into the locker room until ten anyways.”
His hand trailed to the bottom hem of her sweatshirt, fiddling with the fabric between his fingers. Looking up at her, he searched for any sign of discomfort, and she stood there, looking back at him, blushed and flustered, wanting more of him.
“Don’t be so nervous, it’s just us in here,” he whispered. “This looks a lot better on you than it does on me, keep it.”
As he let go of the sweatshirt, she found herself wanting to feel his touch on it again, but when she looked up, he was already waving good-bye as he walked out of her office.
A sigh escaped her lips, unaware of the breath that she held. She walked back to her desk, flipping through the documents as she waited for time to pass.
None of it felt real. The past few moments, or even days, were slightly different and odd. Maybe it was the rush of the playoffs, skewing everything into a different perspective, or maybe, it was something else that she was too afraid to admit. 
Her phone buzzed on her desk, causing her to be pulled away from her work.
We need you near the ice right now - Fav Data Analyst
No you don’t?
Yeah you’re right, but I miss you :( - Fav Data Analyst
Okay, be down in a bit
Smiling at the messages, she felt grateful for how tight-knit the crew seemed to be, feeling like a second family.
Shortly later, she was met with the smile and wave of her friend, calling her over to the bench. A few other members of the media and training crew were also at the bench, watching the practice unfold in front of them.
“So glad you’re here, it gets a little lonely,” 
She looked at her in slight confusion, “With all these people around you?” She gestured.
“They’re not you,” her friend shrugged.
Laughing at her words, she noticed that it caught the attention of Nils on the ice, his eyes almost burning into her for a brief moment.
“You’re such a flirt, unnecessary.”
Her friend raised a brow at her, observing the sweatshirt that she was wearing. “I think that the only thing unnecessary is the fact that I’m one-hundred percent sure I’ve seen that sweatshirt somewhere,”
Rose tinted her cheeks as she felt slightly embarrassed, knowing that her friend knew exactly where she got the sweatshirt from.
A few minutes passed by, and she saw that Nils was skating back to the bench to grab a drink of his water. The way he looked at her while taking a sip could only be described as desire, eyeing her up like a kid looking at pastries from outside the glass.
His scruff seemed to fit him perfectly, rough and raw, and at the same time, gentle like himself. The playoffs definitely ignited something in him, and she found herself wanting to watch it all.
Before she could realize, practice was over, and the players were skating off of the ice one by one. Grabbing her bag, she walked back up to where her office was.
It was nearing lunch time, but she wanted to tidy up her office space a bit before heading out. She put the documents that her friend gave to her in a folder, placing it inside of her bag along with her laptop. 
The cup of coffee from Nils was still on her desk, finished and empty, and so she threw it in the trash, but kept the handwritten note.
As she locked the door to her office, she turned around and bumped directly into Nils, crashing into him.
“Shoot! I’m so sorry—”
“You’re okay.”
His strong hands were placed on the sides of her arms, stabilizing her. Looking at him, he was slightly flushed, a bead of sweat or two lining his brow from the practice.
“Sorry, where are you headed?” he asked, hands quickly moving off of her when he noticed what he was doing. “Just wondering, I don’t mean to be weird or anything—”
“Don’t worry about it, Nils. I’m just headed to the Chipotle nearby for a quick lunch,” she said lightly,  almost caught off guard by how less bold he seemed compared to earlier.
A bright smile appeared on his face, “Oh, really? Because I was just about to head over too,” he laughed, a sweet blush dusting his face.
“Awh, that’s neat.” Her response was less than what she wanted to say, but she wanted to keep it professional. 
They both walked towards the exit of the arena together, silence shared between the both of them as they were greeted by the warm weather, unfamiliar for Vancouver.
The streets were busy as usual, the rush of traffic coming and going, but it didn’t bother her since she was walking, not driving. As much as she hated traffic, she couldn’t deny the fact that it looked mesmerizing from afar at night, the glow of the headlights mimicking the city.
When she arrived at the restaurant, it was jam packed with people, not surprising for the time of day, but it was something that she wasn’t expecting. 
She felt an arm nudge her side, drawing her attention towards Nils.
“I’ll pay for our food, it’s on me,”
“You don’t have to—”
He shook his head in disagreement, motioning for her to get in the queue with him, to which she followed behind him as they waited in line.
Her eyes scanned the room nervously, hoping to not see her boss or any of her co-workers at the restaurant since she was out with Nils. 
If she was caught, she could potentially lose her job, which meant everything to her, but more importantly, she would have to be away from those she grew closest to. Away from Vancouver, and away from Nils.
And as if on cue, he started speaking, only loud enough for the both of them to hear. “Management won’t fire us for having a friendly lunch together, we’re okay,”
She simply nodded in response, a tight-lipped smile that still had a hint of unease to it.
After they got their orders, they decided to go back into the arena to eat rather than at the restaurant, food in hand as they walked there. It was a quiet and peaceful walk, but the weather started to turn into a cloudy gray, rain threatening to fall.
Looking up at the sky, she could tell it was only going to get worse. “Weather doesn’t look too good,” she mumbled, hoping that her papers wouldn’t get ruined.
He hummed in response, also looking up at the sky. “We should hurry,”
“Oh, really?” Her tone was sarcastic as she laughed, which in turn caused him to laugh as well.
He had a mischievous look in his eyes, and she knew that he had something in mind. “I’ll race you to the lounge in the arena,”
Before she could speak, he was already sprinting in the direction of the arena, and she followed suit, wondering how she would even catch up.
While she was running after him, she saw Elias near the front, most likely waiting for his food to be delivered.
“Petey! I need you to do a quick favor for me please,” she blurted, slightly out of breath.
He looked at her in confusion, sliding his phone back into his pocket. “Yeah?”
“I need you to unlock the lounge door.”
Shrugging, he led the way to the elevator as they headed up to the floor that the lounge was on. He then unlocked the door, to which she thanked him plenty of times for as he walked back to get his own food.
Throwing herself onto one of the chairs that was in the lounge, she let out a sigh of relief, food still in the bag and unopened.
“How on earth did you get here before me—”
She turned her head to the door, seeing Nils there, panting, out of breath, hand holding onto the door frame. His hair was soaked, dripping onto his shirt, most likely from the rain that started to fall harder since she got inside. 
“I went through the front entrance,” she said nonchalantly. “Why?”
A surprised look was scrawled on his face. “The front entrance wasn’t under construction?”
She shook her head to his question.
“Why did Petey tell me that it was?”
A laugh bubbled out from her throat, causing her to hunch over as he sat down across from her. “Petey—he—let me in and use the elevator and pass to get in the lounge with no hesitation,”
While she found the situation hilarious, he on the other hand, was embarrassed, face flushed red.
“You owe me lunch next, that was foul play.” He opened his bag and started eating his burrito bowl, sitting comfortably on the couch.
Her lunch was already in her hands, the warmth radiating from it nicely as she got cozy. “Nope.”
They both ate quietly in the lounge, the sound of the rain tapping on the windows gently as Vancouver became a grayish gloom, completely different from the warm, comforting glow of the lounge lights.
It felt eerily domestic, the quiet peace, the shared, comforting silence, too strange to even consider it something just in the workplace between Nils and her. It felt like something that she could get lost into so easily, something along the lines of a classic fairytale romance.
“What’cha staring at?”
His voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and a rose-tinted blush was dusted over her face as she averted her glance.
“Nothing, just lost in thought,” she shrugged, hoping to play it off.
Her food was nearly finished, only small bits and scraps left which she prodded with her fork as she was deciding on whether or not she should throw it away or take it home.
The phone in her pocket buzzed, causing her to get up and throw the food away before excusing herself, walking into the hall to pick up the call.
The familiar voice of her friend could be heard through the phone. “Hey, where are you? I thought you would be in the office by now.” 
“Oh, sorry. I got caught up with something. Do you need me there now?”
“More like caught up with someone,”
Even through the phone, she could tell that her friend was giving her a knowing look accompanied with a wink.
“But anyways, I don’t need you ASAP but just enjoy your lunch with that special someone. Get back to me when you can.”
She let out a sigh, having already been outside the lounge. “Will do, love you lots.”
Her friend reciprocated the departure as she hung up, sliding the phone back into her pocket as she made her way to her office.
Nils left the lounge shortly after she hung up the phone, but he heard the last part of her call, which set him on edge. He didn’t know much about her personal life, and he wasn’t even sure if he was overstepping some personal boundaries of hers. 
As the days passed, tensions rose in the arena as the Canucks went against the Oilers. Everyone felt restless, unease, not being able to properly get comfortable. Even after each win, it still felt like it wasn’t enough.
She stared at her laptop screen, sifting through the goals scored and other notable statistics of each game, somehow searching for a way to win with full certainty. Her fingers tapped against the desk nervously, and it felt like every poster and memorabilia on the wall was a relic to pray to.
The sound of childish bickering could be heard outside of her office, and she leaned back to try and get a glance at who it was. “Come in? The door is open I think—”
Her door swung open, and there stood a flustered Nils and a giggly Quinn attempting to push him into the room, whispering some sort of encouragement.
“Is everything alright?” She turned her chair to face the door, slowly getting up.
His playoff beard was starting to grow more, giving him a more masculine look that made her slightly weak, but he still kept a soft gentleness that she always liked from him.
“If I score tonight, will you get dinner with me?” Nils’s voice was quiet and nervous, but Quinn still stood in the doorway, waiting for a response from her.
She gave him a smirk, and she felt a wave of boldness overcome her. “I know you’ll score anyways, but we have a deal,”
He smiled with a blush and waved her goodbye as he ushered Quinn and him out of her office.
Time didn’t seem to pass quick enough, and she found herself pacing back and forth from her office to the rink. She had already prepared her report, all the information and stats needed for the pre-game announcements.
Taking in a deep breath, she tried to remind herself that the game would go well, but the pre-game jitters still ran rampant inside of her.
At the end of the hall, she could see her friend waving her over, holding something in her hands. As she walked closer, she could see that it was two Canucks jerseys, unnumbered and unnamed.
“I didn’t know which one you’d want—well I did know, but I didn’t want any rumors to spread for professionalism’s sake—so I got you a jersey for the game tonight.” She smiled.
It made sense, but she didn’t know why she was allowed to wear a jersey tonight. “Management let you?” she said, confused.
“Yeah, odd, but I don’t mind it.” She placed the jersey in her hands, the athletic material brushing against her palms. “Hoping we snag a win tonight,”
She let out a sigh, anxious but hopeful. “Me too,”
A few minutes before puck drop, she stood near the glass beside the rink, the blue and green lights of the arena giving the place an eerie glow.
Her jersey was on, Canucks emblem proudly displayed on the front as she got ready to give the pre-game report.
“Welcome everyone to Rogers Arena where the Canucks are facing off tonight against the Edmonton Oilers, hoping to get a win in this series. Tonight, the focus and spotlight is shifted onto our players to watch, having performed greatly these past few games,”
The camera was then panned to the players practicing on the ice as she moved to the bench, standing behind the players beside the coaches and athletic crew.
And as the game started, the arena was tense. The sounds of the stick smacking on the ice could be heard, cheering, chanting, and puck calling all too familiar. The building was loud and the fans were riled up, hoping to not be let down.
Minutes passed by, and the puck was being moved up and down the ice, and just as it made it into the offensive zone for the Canucks, leading to a goal for Elias Petterson.
Fans cheered and shouted as the goal horn went off, banners flying and waving through the air as the players celebrated the first goal of the game. 
She cheered from the bench as well, celebrating with her colleagues and friends, full of adrenaline and joy. Even though Nils hadn’t scored yet, she was still hopeful that he would, having seen a couple of close calls that bounced off of the post or barely stopped by the goalie.
As the first period came to an end, the players filed off into the locker room as the media crew and her gave a quick first intermission report.
She could feel her heart beating in her chest, the oh so familiar feeling of being high with the rush of energy, the way it felt so unreal despite experiencing it over and over again.
Before she knew it, the second period was starting, players in their position in the neutral zone waiting for the puck to hit the ice. Her eyes watched every player carefully, observing each number and and keeping note of who is where and when at every second. 
When she saw Nils get onto the ice, time felt like it was solid as she held her breath. 
He weaved through the other players, gaining possession of the puck before passing it back to Quinn.
As the goalie thought Quinn was going to shoot, he passed it back to Nils, who scored a wrist shot that went over the goalie and into the goal.
The horn went off as the fans started to cheer wildly, the players celebrating on the ice again with picturesque smiles and hugs while she was on the bench, face dusted with a blush as she tried her hardest to play it off as over-exerted cheering.
She could see the smirk on his face, knowing that the deal was already set, and she could also see how Quinn was pointing at Nils, most likely teasing him about the bet.
The game went on, slower than what she wanted, but by the end of it all, it was a two-nothing victory for the Canucks, leading to a happy team, and more specifically, a happy Nils. The locker room was amped, music blaring as she walked by, the sound of grown men trying their best to sing along, and a smile scrawled on her face.
She had already done the post-game report, albeit, a very rushed one with a flustered look on her face, but she tried her hardest to remain as professional as possible. Her bag was packed and all ready to head home, files and papers in folders, laptop in its case, and every muscle in her body felt ready to collapse.
 The rain was rampant outside, splashing in puddles outside on the concrete, and she knew she had to either be quick, or deal with a soaked jersey, and the last option did not sound too pleasant.
Staring into the now empty parking lot, she allowed herself to take a few deep breaths in, feeling the cool air fill her lungs, and breathing out, with her muscles relaxing.
She could hear footsteps behind her, but like a second instinct, she knew exactly who it was.
“Nils,” she said quietly.
He paused before taking another step towards her, the air now seemingly filled with a static. “You’re going to catch a cold,”
“You as well.”
A small chuckle escaped his lips, followed by a sigh. “Let’s get to your car first, then we’ll talk,”
She led the way to her car, hair becoming more messy and soaked from the rain. When she looked back, she saw Nils following behind her, but he looked even more tempting with his unkempt hair.
Placing her bag in the car, she turned back to Nils, seeing him stand there waiting for her.
He looked at her, observing every detail of her with no shame. “That jersey looks beautiful on you, ya’know?”
“Oh, stop it, Nils,” she blushed. “When and where is the dinner I was promised?”
Pulling out his phone, he asked for her number, to which she gave him it. She had trust that he would actually follow through with his promise, and so she didn’t ask for him to check it again.
“I mean it, you look gorgeous and always have. Even right now.”
She looked up at him, admiring his features silently for a few while her fingers ghosted over the lapel of his suit.
“May I?” He asked, hand hovering over the small of her back.
As soon as she nodded, he pulled her into a tender kiss, lips pressed against hers. It felt like everything from the past few weeks all started to become worth it, the waiting, the stares and glances. All of it.
The rain continued to fall between them, cold against the warmth of their bodies, and she didn’t want to pull away any time soon.
Her eyes remained shut, but she knew he looked so handsome with his lips pressed to hers. His scruff was scratching against her face, but she knew that she wouldn’t ever mind it at all.
Butterflies were loose inside of her, fluttering wildly as if she waited for this moment for far too long.
His touch, his fingers against her chin was full of sparks, and his other hand on her back seemed to be the only thing grounding her to reality, reminding her that this moment was real, and forever in her memories.
When they both finally pulled away, breathing heavily, their lips were swollen and tender, smiles painted on their faces. 
He had a sort of angelic glow to him, ethereally irresistible, and she pulled him in for a quick peck once more.
“Can’t get enough of me already?” He chuckled.
She shook her head as she opened her car door, sitting inside as she gave him a gentle smile. “Could never get enough of you.”
He took her hand in his palm, giving it a gentle kiss before he waved goodbye to her again. “Please, get home safe,”
“Will do, Nils. I’ll see you tomorrow,”
As she drove off with a dopey smile, she could still feel the warmth of him and each touch of his vividly, and she knew the glow of the lights in Vancouver would never be the same again. 
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streaminn · 7 months
I want Hermit Enid to see what could have been in the streamer Au, to see what she could have had if it wasn't for her brother.
You cruel cruel anon
It starts with enid waking up
Theres a smell in the room, of something fond, of something enid hasnt smelt in so long. It scratches under her eyes, biting and toxic.
Enid cracks open her eyes, squinting through the dimmed shadows of.. Her room?
No, that's wrong.
The werewolf rolls over and braces herself against the floor, her heart drumming. Where is she?
Her fingers touch a furry carpet, a very bright pink carpet and god how long has it been since enid has been smacked with such vibrancy?
Not since four or so years ago, thats for sure.
Enid props herself up, looking around in a confused wonder. Squinting at the fairylights around the ceiling and gawking at the rather interesting amount of taxidermy hanging along the walls.
Is that a deer skull??
Did she break into wednesday's house? It'd explain the smell but.. How did she get here? The wolf knew she had a rather rough night the evening before but this badly?
"Enid?" a voice calls out from behind the door, so soft and so- "are you awake?"
Its Wednesday.
Okay, so she was welcomed here.
Enid's shoulder's relaxed as she padded across the floor but just as her fingers brushed against the door handle, she froze.
There was a band along her ring finger. A glimmering white gold.
Enid doesn't wear jewerlly, she couldnt bear to wear rings ever since..
"enid?" wednesday calls out, her voice rising to what could almost be concern.
Ever since wednesday's wedding day.
"are you going to open the door or am i going to be stuck holding the food?" wednesday's dead drawl knocked the wolf back to her senses and so she opens the door to a woman she hasnt seen in years.
She's wednesday, is all enid can think about.
Beautiful, lovely Wednesday. All freckled skin, raised brow and holding food in a tray like mentioned.
Call it autopilot or enid always been one to please but she cant help but stumbled back to make way for a coffee sipping wednesday.
She looks absolutely comfy, dressed in her batman pajama pants and buttoned shortsleeve.
Enid looks down at her spiderman themed bottoms and cant help but blink in wonder.
Just.. What is happening?
"dear?" wednesday calls out.
It takes a while for enid to realize that it was her wednesday was calling for. When it registers, enid's eyes immediately snaps to wednesday in shock.
"dear?" she murmurs. Dear? Wednesday would never call her dear.
What is she talking about? Wednesday used petnames once in a while. Shes a sweetheart!
Wednesday tilts her head to the desk, where some scrumptious looking food lays. "are you not going to eat?"
"food, right right-" enid says, like she totally understands what she's saying before the rest of her words proceeds to die in her mouth as her eyes catch sight of a matching ring along wednesday's finger.
Immediately, all enid's questions were answered and an indescribable feeling settled into the pit of her stomach.
Its one of those times.
"im sorry, dearest," enid murmurs, like she truly was dear to the Wednesday Addams Sinclair. She walks up to wednesday, her hands just about hovering above her back as she leads her dearest down to her chair. "im just having a rough morning is all."
Wednesday doesn't look surprised as she looks up to the werewolf but her face twists to something so caring that it shrivels up any words enid could say.
Her hands are so cold as they hold onto enid's face. Cold yet grounding, truly a way to describe wednesday.
"its okay," wednesday says and enid blinks, realizing that maybe she does miss her bestfriend a bit more than she should. "do you want me to message the team that we are sick?"
"we?" enid wheezes, her throat so dry at just how much everything is right now. There's a tear sliding down her face and wednesday is wiping it away and ohmygo-
Wednesday's face doesnt change as continues to hold enid like she's the most precious thing in the world "yes, we."
The emphasis nearly makes enid sob right then and there.
"we are married, enid-" and there enid goes, crying because oh does she wish that was true. "we are a team. We always have been."
It settles with enid hugging wednesday, her hands heavy as she just about tries to weld them together.
If only.
Enid wakes up to an ache in her chest.
She wakes up to the smell of dust clinging onto her walls and the careful whirring of her fan.
She wakes up alone.
Enid doesnt get up, instead she grabs at her blanket and tucks herself deeper into her cold bed.
Its too early for this.
Or, if you mean enid knowings that theres a reality out there where if her twin didnt exist she and wednesdsy coudlve been together? You bet enid is bitter. Bitter and hateful and so angry
But after all that is done brewing deep in her heart, enid will be left with a painful wonder of "why not in this universe?"
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multifariousqueer · 2 years
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If you like this request, don't hesitate to request something of your own❤️
Warnings: Suggestive language, implied explicit activities, stalking if you squint, Shuri not giving you enough attention, talking to someone else.
"Griot I need you to run calculations on the previous sample of vibranium and my brother's DNA" Shuri spoke
Shuri had been cooped up in her lab for the past 3 days. You brought her down food and kept her company but you still missed her. You knew that recreating the heart-shaped herb was important to her and after her brother's death, you learned to just let her do whatever she wanted. Still, you missed her cuddling you and the jaw kisses she would give you when you went to sleep.
"Yes, princess. It appears that Y/n is on her way to see you." The AI replied
Shuri sighed and continued on her work. You walked in the sterile elevator and before you knew it, you were in her lab.
"Hey babe" You said.
"Hello, Y/n." Shuri replied coldly.
"What's wrong?" You asked. Shuri rarely spoke to you like this so the sudden change really took you aback.
"Nothing. I'm working right now." Shuri replied
"You've been working for the past 3 days." You murmured.
"For your information, Y/n; the world doesn't revolve around you and Wakanda needs new technology so if you can't help building or calculating, you can see your way out." She said as she ushered you out.
"ok." You replied as you left.
Shuri immediately felt bad for coming off so harsh. You both know that Shuri has tendencies to come off harsh and be rude and in the last few months, it's been happening more often. She would apologize to you and you'd accept and the cycle would repeat.
You had decided to go on a walk around Wakanda and look at your phone, you realized you hadn't checked it all morning and you thought it would be a good excuse to take pictures. You opened Instagram and you saw that you had a DM from your ex boyfriend.
"Hey" The message read
"Hey?" You replied back. You were confused as to why he decided to reach out after all this time, but hey maybe it was the universe's way of telling you something.
He replied instantly and it caught you off guard.
"You in town?"
"Not currently." You replied, it was kinda fun, you suddenly felt like you were in a time machine.
"Lmk when you are." The message read.
You looked around before replying.
"I will." You replied. He saw the message instantly and the three bubbles came up; you were expecting him to say something but he didn't.
You quickened your pace into a jog and went back to the palace. When you got there, you went to shower and clean up.
When you left the shower, you saw Shuri sitting on your bed. You jumped a bit because you hadn't seen her out of her lab in so long.
"Oh! Hey babe." You said a bit shocked.
"Who's Y/c/n(your crush's name) and why is he asking you when you're in town?" She asked firmly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You said
"Don't lie to me, Y/n. I know that he texted you at 8:27 AM today and you replied." She interrogated
"Jeez who are you the FBI? Plus, he's just a friend, I feel nothing for him. I replied because I felt like it and why are you stalking my messages?" You clapped back
"Y/n I keep tabs on you just to make sure that you're safe and I don't want him to talk to you or you to talk to him." Shuri replied.
"Last time I checked, you're not my mom so I don't need you policing me. And where was this mindset 3 days ago or even 3 hours ago when you told me to get out of your lab?" You said.
"First of all, that's not what you said last night. Second of all, I am under a lot of stress right now but I still love you and I'm sorry that I yelled at you; I know that it was wrong and I'm truly sorry that I've been neglecting you for the past few days. It won't happen again." Shuri promised.
"Good. It better not." You said. You embraced her and she hugged you back as tight as possible.
"So you feel nothing for him anymore, right?" Shuri asked.
"Not a thing." You said.
"Good. Know you can block him forever and never speak to him again." Shuri said.
"Is that jealousy I hear?" You asked
"What? No. I just don't want you giving attention to that thing." She replied.
"Whatever you say, baby." You replied.
"You know, it's been 3 days since we've... you know" Shuri said with a smirk.
"No I don't know. I think you need to show me" You replied suggestively.
"Only Bast knows what I'm gonna do with you." She said, shaking her head.
'*to me" You corrected.
You smirked as she pulled you two to the bed.
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13leaguestories · 3 months
Hi! I have finally decided to start the journey of creating an interactive fiction story. I absolutely love your works and have always found I have an inkling for writing, If you have any basic tips or general things that helped you I would really appreciate it because looking online is so confusing. Im a 19 year old full time college student and athlete so it will be a slow process but any insight would be extremely helpful. Thankyou! :)
Oh shit, I was in the same boat. Used to be a college athlete as well so I know exactly how much time you're about to have on your hands to do other things lmfao.
General advice and biggest: do not over exert yourself. I know this is something everyone says and it feels so ... simple. But I am being 100% honest. Even when you think you're on a roll and can write like 50k in one sitting, don't. I say that because burn out WILL catch up and burn out doesn't just leave after a week of a break, that bitch takes forever to truly recover from. I don't know how else to say it but please take care of yourself. Your brain, hands, all that.
Keep it light and fun. Remember to keep it light and fun. I wrote Dragon Racer while in college and a lot of shit fucked with my mind leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
Another piece of advice that I know folks always talk about but always like to argue: write for yourself. I kinda lost that along the way but it really is true. At the end of this, you're the one whose going to fall out of love with something you wanted to do. That doesn't sit well. This is for you, first and foremost. Ask yourself if only a handful of people ever read your work and if that makes you never want to write again. If the answer is yes then some self reflection needs to be had. Just being honest. Where's that meme of "try to change my mind."
Of course you want folks to read your stuff but if you're not in love with what you're doing then it will feel like a job and that's when it falls apart.
Resources wise ....
Just learn coding. Never stop learning. Never cut yourself off from learning coding.
Tons of writing resources. Have an entire folder on them. Also figure out what your weaknesses are (yes, we all have them, I for one suck at action) and get advice and guides on them. Like, there are tons of them everywhere. Like this is literally just my subfolders: Do not ask how many files and folders are in those. Literally just type in something to a search engine like "shades of colors" or "ways to describe sadness" shit like that and you'll get tons of results. Have numerous articles about the same thing.
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Read. Read. Read. Read.
Read some more. And I mean things you wouldn't normally read too.
Either get a writing circle or join writing groups so people can give you their thoughts. You need that, period. Ask other writers. Most of us don't bite. Some of us do.
https://www.motoslave.net/ for Twine things. That's my bible for SugarCube
Oof that's enough, hopefully. I really do wish you all the luck in your writing. And I'm honored you even thought to ask me for my sliver of advice and thoughts on it. I love seeing more writers appear, we just want to share our vision and the world can never have enough of that especially nowadays will bullshit AI.
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carpememes · 1 year
10 Minute Power Hour Starters
"You gotta warn me because I was just about to yell 'Remember who made you cum?' and how embarrassing would that shit have been?"
"We've got ____ here. Can you believe it?"
"Alright, shut the fuck up, everybody."
"No, not the stegosaurus!"
"Oh! We're giving samples. I've done this before."
"Can you Urkel your way to a win?"
"I don't love this."
"Glug glug glug, now I'm drunk."
"WOO! Show us how it's done, baby!"
"It's what all the kids on youtube are doing."
"Where is this piece? Did you steal my piece?"
"Bro, I'm killing it."
"Am I right, the youth?"
"You didn't even savor the peelies."
"You just ripped it off like a barbarian."
"Sizzle sizzle, baby bitch."
"It's gonna be really dramatic and cool!"
"I don't want a pumpkin growing in my belly."
"What a fool he is, to get wood confused with food items."
"I told my mom to help me clean it up and she said 'no thank you'."
"___ said I look like the floor of an arcade."
"My heart is beating so fast right now."
"Spin the wheel, you bitch."
"We're visible to lots of people, but it feels great to be truly seen by someone special."
"Well, not like my BEST best friend but he's definitely in that class."
"That's too much plastic crap."
"You look like something they'd serve at 2 in the morning at iHop."
"I feel like i just came back from a mythical creature bukake."
"This is what the ladies are into. A big ol brain horn of goo."
"I'm an ex-man. Which means I used to be a man."
"Yeah you won. Everyone's great. Three people need to go to the hospital but hooray you won."
"Thanks for invalidating my win, dude. I worked hard for this."
"You popped which means you are legally obligated to not stop."
"Please. No laughter."
"I feel you should've said something."
"I has bro! Do you has bro??"
"Well, I think you get double points for that."
"You got a serious buttchin and you need to admit it and use it!"
"We're losin it. We're losin it! ___, we're losin it!"
"This shirt's better now."
"No don't! ___, fucking, god damn it!"
"That was the most legit anger I've heard out of you in so long."
"Why is it filled with chestnuts?! And a lemon!"
"Thanks for celebrating my birthday. This was really fun and not depressing."
"Hold on! I have to do some research."
"Jesus. Reginald. Christ."
"You did it! It's a nightmare."
"What do you think? You think i look sexy?"
"Am i out kissin vandals and vagrants?!"
"Imagine I'm rubbing your thighs."
"I'm going to open a tube of goo now."
"You're a sucky friend!"
"I'm doing all of the colors, you fuck!"
"I know what makes green! Magic and jesus!"
"Oh cool! It looks not that great!"
"It looks like somebody's pancreas exploded over here."
"Anyone wanna be on camera?"
"Drink it, you armadillo."
"Have you witnessed me?"
"Ew, ewww- EEEWWW!"
"Nooo, I don't wanna be the hulk anymore."
"There we go. That's a big boy."
"Are you gonna attack or are you too scared?"
"Admittedly you wield a lot of power that I was not aware of."
"It makes magic fun!"
"That's not what I wanted at all."
"I feel like a cat that just fell in the bathtub."
"YES! Eat the worms!"
"Early 2000s is retro?"
"What is the best time of day to shake a baby?"
"Oh no! It's making the connection that I'm it's mother!"
"We dont have all day. Im becoming sterile wearing these jock straps."
"So you can stick your little emoji faces in here when you write your diary about how much God has betrayed you."
"That is one of the worst shirts I've seen in my life. Put it on."
"What? Oh, I suppose you want to KISS about it?!"
"I dunno. I guess cuz I'm an asshole."
"What do you mean 'is that really what it looks like'? It looks magical!"
"In this world we must all tilt.... But we also a-whirl."
"Look around you. All you see is death and chaos... Here is a kirby."
"Every birthday is like the grim reaper moving one peg on the abacus of your life."
"Everytime I try to solve it i'm just making things worse. Which is just an analogy for my life."
"I was brewin' in the nutsack of an older man."
"It was like having Chuck-e-cheese right in your house."
"The ooze doesn't smell great."
"Parents killed each other to get this thing."
"I threw up a lot more in the 90s than I do now."
"It's about to erase your memory."
"____, Im so sorry, but there's something your mother and I have to tell you."
"It's not your fault! Don't ever think it's your fault!"
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porygon-radio · 7 days
Lets talk... confessions! We recieved plenty of confessions through the week, lets hear them.
First one...here it is!
"I stole a snorunt from someone and they tried to get it back years later but it only recognized me so it came to me instead and they sobbed"
Ah this is... a hard one, isnt it? Well, we are missing information here, aren't we? Why did you steal it, are you a Team Rocket member? A justicer saving a pokemon from an abusive household? If I don't have that information, I cannot truly help you, and only feel sorry for this complicated situation you are showing us.
Lets go to the next one, maybe this one will have more information?
"i know what blowing up a cave feels like. tbh if i didn't get hurt so badly i would do it again"
Seems we got a confession from a miner! Well, I really can't blame you, can I? Unless it was illegal? Again, I dont hold that information, but I imagine it must be ectasy inducing...
Lets see the next one...
"I gotta confess something... i like kind of love eating Kibble for Pokémon."
"like especially the Kibble for Fire Types. i mean its literally Spicy and has all of the Nutrients i need. i can't stop eating it. i dip it into salsa and then just eat it like other People eat Nachos."
And lastly they add "Is this abnormal?"
Well, I don't think its abnormal. Kibble is quite good from what I've tasted, otherwise pokemon wouldn't eat it, would they? I think you're fine, dear anonymous, and everyone listening that does the same, you're fine too ♪
And our last one! Lets see...
Ah, this one is in all caps. Let me appropiatly read it.
First of all, this isnt Reddit, and im most angry that you even consider comparing the two. I am a professional radio host, not your lame subreddit. I am a PROFESSIONAL, please.
Now, well, im most confused. You say you're three years old, and a pokemon, actually thats fine I don't have problems with sapient pokemon, they're all great, the ones I know. Apologies.
Now, if he is capitalistic, I don't see any problems with firing a tri attack on him, what can I say? no? I think you were in the right.
Thats all folks. Now lets go to some advertising, shall we? Well see eachother in a bit.
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