#first of all. they've seen the apocalypse multiple times
oliwiatree · 2 years
just saw someone whining that the whole coming out thing in the umbrella academy was 'forced and out of character for everyone'
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
TF Surge: Shockwave has the same body type as in Knightverse though with a different head, and he was also born one-eyed which is a normal variation. He transforms into a single-barreled siege howitzer, originally the turret was on his back but after losing his forearm in the war he sticks the turret on the stump. He's nonbinary, but only uses he/him. Shockwave's from a rich Tarnian family, he had two parents and perhaps multiple siblings (rich bots can afford to raise multiple sparklings, poor people can't). His parents also had siblings, it was a pretty large family. I'm not sure what exactly should happen to produce Shockwave's specific brand of fucked up, but his parents expected him to become famous or powerful, pushed him to do nothing but study whatever they'd approved him to study, and generally didn't let him just be a child.
As a teen he met Megatron in the library, he was there for science books and Megatron for poetry. They befriended each other and eventually started dating secretly from Shockwave's family, who would've lost their shits if they learned their child was with a *gasp* poor person. For the first time in his life Shockwave sort of opened up, but Megatron wasn't much better at emotions and neither of them got any help.
During the war, Shockwave also rises in the Decepticon alliance's ranks and becomes their head scientist. When the Arc and the Nemesis dissappears and everybody thinks either Megatron, Optimus, and The Matrix is lost, or the crews abandoned them to die. Shockwave slowly becomes convinced of the latter, angry at Megatron for leaving him to starve, angry at himself for loving and opening up to Megatron only for this to happen. Desperate to save the planet and their species, and to find a way to create life without The Matrix. Most of his war crimes propably happen in this timeframe.
He invents spark-splicing and creates Shockblast and Sixshot who are seen as abominations because of their unnatural origin, Shockblast doubly so because instead of growing from living metal he was cold-constructed (a new, foreign concept in Surge) into a copy of Shockwave's body. This treatment and Shockwave's poor parenting are why they're fucked up (Shockwave isn't abusive, but he's emotionally stunted/consticipated, doesn't know what good parenting is, expects them to do something useful at a young age though they are living in post-apocalypse, and obviously prefers Sixshot).
During those decades the war on Cybertron fizzles out, most Autobots and Decepticons also thinking they've been abandoned to die and deserting, defecting, or otherwise turning to Shockwave in desperation. Not necessarily a good idea, because he's also desperate and we know how he is about ethics and morality. He knows what he's doing is evil and knows how he propably will be remembered, but he doesn't care because the ends justify the means and his reputation does not matter, especially when the entire species' future is at the stake. He tries to crush the reminaining tiny Autobot resistance, and if i have other Decepticon warlords (Straxus? Megaempress?) controlling parts of cybertron he fights them too.
Then contact with the lost ships is regained, and when the bots on Earth return to Cybertron they make a truce. Shockwave is expected to surrender. The Matrix still exists. Everything he did was pointless. If Megatron is alive, Shockwave is also still mad at him. Irrationally about the crash leaving him thinking Megatron had abandoned him, and more understandably about the war ending and all the war crimes he committed being revealed pointless.
He's angry. He still has bots loyal to him. He still controls the whole Cybertron, or a large chunk of it. The war is not over.
His design sounds interesting, I always liked his Knightverse design
Explanation for the gun arm makes sense
Being forced to mature too fast will indeed fuck you up, I'm suspecting considering his complicated relationship with emotions in most media and how you suggested he is autistic in Surge that Shockers possibly faced ableism and emotional abuse (also probably verbal. That's common as fuck.) from his parents. But hey that's just a theory based on what I'm observing here and my own research
Shockwave and Megatron sound like they have such an interesting dynamic, especially with how resentful it seems to turn on Shockwave's side after the ships vanished.
Make sense makes sense
So he's probably thinking he's not as bad as his parents, but he's still perpetuating the cycle in his own way because he never got help and has no frame of reference for what the hell a healthy parent/child dynamic is.
The frantic game Shockwave is playing here is fascinating, the road to hell is paved with good intentions no matter how much he tries to justify it.
Makes sense that there would be decepticon warlords that have a tense at best and outright violent dynamic with Shockwave and his leadership.
Oh he is having so many feelings over this. So many feelings.
The war is indeed not over, it has simply changed in a new direction.
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purehoneybees · 1 year
closed starter for: @tearfest !
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He wasn't sure of the last time the skies didn't look grey. Life had been so bleak since the undead began to rise. But through the fog were specks of light. Like the way he learned how to fix cars because of an old automobile manual that was laying around. Or how, for the first time ever, he owned a large piece of land. It took multiple perspective shifts but ultimately it's what has to be done to survive. Having her was the best thing to happen to him. Having a partner through all of this meant he didn't have to feel so alone. 
They've been living together in a farmhouse a little outside of the city. Furnished with spiked fences made out of old lumber or metal scraps that helped impale most of the undead forces that tried to prey upon their crops and home. Peter was designated to most of the cooking and cleaning, as was his job before the turn. It was actually nice to feel comfortable in their home and not need to exert a lot of his energy outside. What he didn't enjoy was the anxiety that riddled within him whenever she left. She was literally his everything in a world that took everything. He didn't know what he would do if this cruel universe took her from him. 
As the sun began to set, Peter was cooking up their latest meal. The home was washed over by the golden hour sun and it smelled of the fresh stew that he cooked up. It was finally time to wind down from another exhausting day in the apocalypse. He was more than happy to provide a beautiful dinner to his lover. Once she walked in he smiled, table already set. "I just finished making dinner." He spoke, looking at her with love and adoration. "Also I was tinkering with the radio we found. I think it'll be ready to go in a few weeks." If he could just figure out the wiring. They had been discussing the idea of looking for help for sometime. Maybe with the radio, they'd be able to contact the military or anyone that could help the current situation. It's been so long since they've seen anyone else but that small glimmer of hope was the only thing they had.
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stardustinyoureyes · 2 years
Unnecessarily Long S3 Trailer Analysis
Read more cause of spoilers
General thoughts:
Honestly think that every season is going to be about stopping the apocalypse, and you know what? I'm fine with that.
PERFECT song for the trailer, 10/10
I love how they are referring to the Umbrellas and Sparrows as siblings straight out of the gate, let them be a big happy family!!
The Sparrows seem less intense in the trailer than they have been in the rest of the promotional material. Like, we see them grooving, we see Marcus going to a diner with Viktor, we see them getting beat by the Umbrellas multiple times. I like it. Seeing them as actual people and not invincible, emotionless superheroes drives home how Reginald fucked up yet another group of literal children.
Klaus, ending up in an alternate timeline that is going to be destroyed in less than a week: It's a tits-out kind of look.
Seriously, I don't think he has a single outfit with a closed, full-length shirt, and you know what? Valid.
I wasn't sure whether Fei's power was turning into birds or controlling them, this trailer confirms it's the latter
Looks like Lila joins up with them early on. GOOD. SHE'S A PART OF THE FAMILY NOW.
The dickhead moment...iconic. Peak sibling energy. I love them so much.
Various things that caught my eye:
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Younger!Reginald, this might be a scene about when he first came to earth and it'll explain their origins a little bit
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FIVE'S FUCKING FISHING OUTFIT. Amazing. Five toasting their untimely demise. Amazing. Klaus's outfit. Amazing. Dear God I want to have brunch with the two of them.
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Blood bag that gets blown up by the kugelblitz. I'm guessing someone gets severely hurt and ends up in the hospital. Honestly could see it being an Umbrella or a Sparrow. I've seen a few people theorizing that one of the Sparrows will die, idk if I agree but I can definitely see one of them almost dying. Maybe one of the episodes will end in a cliffhanger where it looks like someone's going to die, but then they don't, like with Allison in S1.
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Had to zoom in so this pic is pretty blurry, but that person is definitely wearing a hat. So this is Klaus getting attacked by Ben during their first encounter. Fun.
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Five being the one to punch Ben in the face...he'd do anything for his siblings, including hurt another sibling.
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Love Fei just chilling, watching Luther getting the shit beat out of him. Icon. It looks like Marcus's power is literally the exact same as Luther's, since I don't think he'd be able to punch Luther out if he didn't have super strength too. Maybe it'll turn out there's another aspect to it, but for now it seems like they're the same. Imagine having the most generic superpower out of all of your siblings and being like "well at least I'm the only one with the power" and then finding out that someone else has your incredibly basic power too. I'd be so pissed. F in the chat for Luther.
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Pretty sure this is the basement that Marcus was in from that one still. Was the thing he looking at this weird-ass ball? Also, is that a framed picture of Marcus in the bottom left corner? Is this basement his playroom or something??? He just goes down there to hang out and ends up encountering a fucking Gastly-looking ball of electricity?? Okay.
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What the dog doing? Oh, right, dissolving into a pile of ash. Okay. Also apparently being a concierge or something at the Hotel Oblivion.
(I fucking swear, if they bring in Mr. Pennycrumb to just kill him off, I will be so pissed.)
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MARCUS'S FACE LMAOOO. Luther makes some of the best faces out of all of them, I'm glad to see Number 1 in this timeline is the same way.
Also, absolute king shit from Viktor. The growth.
Viktor in S1: *Apologizes for breathing*
Viktor in S3: Fuck you, you wish you were me.
More pics in reblog...lots more...
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Bitching about AoT, Part II: So, What's Good?
The summary/TLDR of this essay series is this: I think Attack on Titan is good-yet-disappointing at best, and a nihilistic mess of dog shit and poorly-executed concepts at worst. So before we get into the negative, let's discuss the positive.
What drew me to this series was this interesting spin on the post-apocalypse/zombie genre, the design of the Titans and cool military gear, and its place in a genre I like to call "Everything is messed up, everybody is complicated and we aren't usually having a good time." Think of series like Bojack Horseman, the Silent Hill franchise, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead as examples in contemporary Western media; for anime and manga I fit into this group, think of series like Berserk, Goodnight Punpun, Lone Wolf and Cub, Monster, and FKMT's Kaiji series. These series feature protagonists who endure a lot of trauma and hardship, and who go through a large amount of self- reflection and introspection. Most of them do some horrific things and have to come to terms with what they've done and what they may be turning into: murder,  sexual assault, betraying people who trust them... these are serious heavy acts that weigh on a person's psyche.
This is something that initially made me interested in Attack on Titan. Here are just a few examples from AoT because this list would be an entire novel if it were exhaustive:
Armin uses his cunning to lie to and manipulate Bertholdt multiple times about Annie
Erwin leads his soldiers time and time again into suicide missions
Hange tortures a man for information (thank god war tribunals don't exist in this universe, or a lot of these characters would've been hanged)
the Warriors are child soldiers who betray people who thought they were comrades like Marco (whose only crime was overhearing a conversation)
Lord Reiss sacrifices his last living child first to the Survey Corps and then much more literally by trying to make her the next Founding Titan
Zeke and his followers turn countless civilians into monsters
Pyxis allows the insane sadist shoving food tubes into former ruler's buttholes a major position within the new ruling government.
Needless to say, people do messed-up things in Attack on Titan and they're not always the antagonists doing them.
What makes moments like these compelling are a) WHY the character does these things, b) HOW they react to them personally, and c) how OTHERS react to them. One common motivation behind these horrific acts in AoT is "for the greater good:
Reiss's family wants to avoid war
Zeke wants a gradual bloodless method of euthanizing his race
Gabi and Marleyans as a whole are raised to believe Eldians are devils and must bear the sins of their ancestors, so they deserve their horrific treatment and hatred.
This is a great way to show internal AND external conflict. You can have two characters that both do horrible things for what they perceive to be the right reasons and are justified,  and have them oppose each other. You can have a character like Reiner slowly lose their original motivation over time and become lost in finding what all of their actions/life was worth, only to find that their old answers can't hold up after what they've seen. Please keep this key motive that's used by characters in your back pocket; if you're wondering why I haven't touched on any of Eren's actions so far, it's because this specific character motivation and Eren's actions are a MASSIVE flaw in AoT and I'm saving Eren for his own segment.
Characters new to fighting and the world's conflict kill a human being in self-defense for the first time wondering if they're irredeemable as a murderer, they sacrifice thousands of people including non-combatants and insist it's for the greater good of their goals, they try to atone for their race's perceived wrongdoings by joining another faction who wants to wipe them out and hate their heritage, they become so traumatized after years of war and loss that they give up on life entirely. It's great to have all these characters reacting differently to things they've done, and it provides for a lot of interesting character actions and individual development.
Reiner, one of my favorite characters, is a solid example of this.  He goes from who he is in Season 1 as a noble soldier who can be relied on when some hectic and traumatic shit is going down to being revealed as a traitor without the audience fully knowing why. It's my favorite of the many MANY plot twists in AoT, and his character continues to develop and go down a track that makes sense; his repeated defeats, his fear at Gabi being another unwitting victim of this cycle of war and hatred, his kinship with Falco who's already doubting the perception people of Warriors and the war itself have, leading to him being a suicidal wreck that is worn down by the lifetime of war he's been raised in, just begging for an excuse to die and escape it that he almost blows his head off (and is so exhausted by everything that he sleeps through the APOCALYPSE). It's great, I love it, it's one of Iseyama's best writing moves and unlike what I'll complain about later on, it MAKES SENSE!
As far as art goes, I think that Iseyama's got some talent. I like seeing his cities, his military equipment (the design for the 3D Maneuver Gear is fantastic), and most of all I like how he draws his monsters. Non-special Titans are what got me into this series; I love how grotesque they are while also seeming...weirdly cute. Something about these giant not-quite-humans frolicking around and looking so happy and childlike while horrifically eating people just hits a specific spot in my heart, and that's just the normal Titans. The named Titans are all interesting and I love seeing Iseyama's specific brand of monster. The Colossal Titan is iconic to me and I would say it's the unofficial mascot of the series; it's on the cover of the first volume and it's the first unique Titan you see in the story. That moment where the townspeople in Maria are staring in disbelief at a Titan peering over the towering wall is so well-done.
And of course if we're discussing art and what AoT gets right, Mappa has done a fantastic job animating this series. I think a lot of people who saw the anime first might have been disappointed in the manga's art just because of how well they adapted it and improved the entire experience. Not only is the animation stellar, but the voice acting is solid and the musical score/sound design is the best I've seen from an anime (if not overall, than the best in a VERY long time). AoT's first season came out and I personally think that its quality was the main factor in anime exploding in popularity in the US after what felt like a bit of a rut. Love AoT or hate it, the anime is one of the most influential shows of the last decade in the US at least.
The premise alone was a really interesting take on a zombie apocalypse story, and the first part of the series is fantastic. You've got these giant monsters that don't seem to eat food for survival, but nobody really knows what they are or how they work. Nobody knows how these giant walls were built, and there's the constant threat of being attacked and chomped. The three different military branches are great for drawing in readers who like factions and classifications, which make for great shonen fodder; think of other examples like the ninja clans in Naruto, the Gotei 13/Arrancar/Quincy in Bleach, the Warlords/Emperors/pirate crews in One Piece, the power levels in Dragonball, the different classifications of Stands and Pokémon in Jojo and Pokémon respectively. You also have cool transformations with the Titan shifters, who are basically pilots of giant mechas made of flesh (and mechas also make for great shonen fodder).
Not only that, but the intrigue and mystery surrounding Eren's dad are a FANTASTIC overall goal for Eren and the gang to try and solve. You're left with all sorts of questions and just enough threads to let you weave all sorts of theories as to what it could all mean. The same thing can be said of what Titans are, where they came from, why they act the way they do, and what the world outside the walls is really like are also great mysteries that readers can enjoy theorizing and wondering about with the crumbs of information they're given. Unfortunately, it seems it's a little TOO good; with how the mysteries ramped up as the group finally makes it to the basement, whatever wound up in there had to be something amazing and worth literal years of hyping it up. And no matter what it wound up being, I don't think it ever COULD have lived up to the hype. I think the basement reveal being so underwhelming and the drop in readership shortly afterwards was one of the first signs that the quality of AoT was beginning to nosedive.
As far as plot twists go, I think that Annie being the traitor is the best one in the series. It's genuinely surprising, it makes sense as to how the group figures it out, it leads to an awesome fight inside the walls with Eren and Annie for a climax to the arc, it provides great conflict for Eren as he realizes he was betrayed by someone he trusted dearly, it adds on another mystery and cliffhanger when Annie crystallizes herself, and the twist doesn't come completely out of nowhere. In my opinion, a good twist CAN be predicted early on by observant viewers; even before Armin explains all the ways he was tipped off that Annie was the Female Titan, the reader/viewer had the same chance to see those warning signs themselves. Like I said earlier, I like it when Iseyama writes things that MAKE SENSE! Don't expect much of that as the series goes on, lol.
As for characters, I've already established my fondness for Reiner. But I think my favorite character would have to be Sasha. She's the one real comic character in a gritty, nihilistic, ultra-violent world and her personality just works so well against the other main characters. Not only that but her character development is great; she goes from a bumpkin forest-dweller who refuses to let the outside world ruin her family's home to someone who realizes the world is connected, and that wants to save her ENTIRE home--the forest, the town, the neighboring provinces, and all of Paradis from the Titan menace. She's also a character who is rightfully scared shitless of Titans for a long time after first encountering them, and part of her development comes from how she leans to face that fear. She goes from cowering and praying she doesn't see a Titan to taking one out on her own with an axe, a bow, and finally just hurling an arrow right into its eye while escaping by the skin of her teeth.
She's also an important member of the team and can hold her weight in a fight, as she's the squad's go-to sniper. Considering how anti-Titan combat is heavily reliant on close-quarters, it's nice to have a talented long-range fighter to keep things interesting; that way, you can have some variation with your fight scenes so it isnt just Eren punching Titans and Mikasa and Levi hacking and slashing all the time. I also loved her spotlight episode in the anime early on as a self-contained story AND how it leads to the little girl she saved being brought back much later on. It's one of my favorite episodes of the entire series!
My third favorite character is Erwin. I love characters that push on and do what has to be done despite getting blood on their hands, and Commander Erwin Smith is drenched in red. Every decision he makes leads to people dying, whether it be civilians or his own soldiers, and he seems to acknowledge that early on. I really appreciate the scene where he just tells the MP leader that once the Female Titan threat is dealt with, he's more than happy with being put in prison, put on trial, and executed for war crimes or treason; in fact, here's the name of my second-in-command and the people in charge of various operations I'm heading so that YOU can decide what to do if you take me out. You don't want that responsibility? Then let me keep it, because I'm willing to take the burden that comes with this position.
While he does have a secret and more selfish motive for leading the Survey Corps, I think it makes him more human that way. Commander Erwin is the ideal every soldier wants to live up to, fighting the Titans solely for the good of humanity. But Erwin the person just wants to know the truth behind the world, and he'll fight to the bitter end in order to find out. That's a reason that makes sense even before learning about his backstory regarding his father, as learning the secret/forbidden truth of things is something people in the real world do--and much like in the real world, Erwin dies without ever learning the answer to it all.
And he's just COOL. He's so dedicated that he uses a horde of Titans as a strategic weapon, rallies his men to battle and follow this insanely dangerous plan, charges into battle like a knight of old, and manages to survive getting his arm chomped off while STILL yelling for his men to keep moving forward. That isn't even covering him leading the new recruits at Wall Maria to what they know will be their deaths, just so Levi has a chance at defeating the Beast Titan. And he manages to inspire them/convince them to do it, screaming not just to cover Levi's presence but to show their humanity through their fear and defiance as they die. What a badass.
And with that, I've covered everything I like about AoT. Now let's start bitching.
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paversandplatters · 3 years
||𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙|| (2/20)
Apocalypse! Au (TW! Minor gore and cussing)
Reader x multiple
Chapter 2: The church
Y/n puts the vehicle in gear carefully making a U turn and starts down the road in a westerly direction. Her original plan was find refuge in one of the larger towns along North Florida’s citrus belt such as Lake City or Gainesville- still seems viable despite the fact that the engine continues to ping and complain- something has come loose during the plunge to the woods and she doesn't like the sound of it. They need to find a place to stop soon look under the hood, get their wounds looked at- rest maybe, maybe find some provisions and fuel.
“Hey look!” Nick speaks up from the shadows of the rear seats pointing off to the Southwest at the end of the lot.
Y/n drives another 100 yards or so and then brings the Escalade to a stop at the gravel shoulder. She kills the engine and silence crashes down on the car’s interior, it’s almost deafening. Nobody says anything at first- they just stare at the road sign in the middle of the distance. It's one of those cheap translucent white fiberglass ones, set on wheels with the big removal plastic letters still bearing the words “Calvary Baptist Church all welcome Sunday 9 -&- 11.”
Through the spindly Cypress trees and columns of pine that line the road, she can see the luminous white gravel of a deserted parking lot. The long narrow lot leads to the front of a building, it's broken stained glass windows partially boarded up. Its steeple caved in on one side and scorched as if its seen a bombing raid. She stares at the huge steel cross at the top of the steeple- which is covered with a patina of rust- has come loose from its moorings.
It now lays upside down dangling by the remains of its rotted hardware. She can't help but get very still while gazing up at the ruin upended cross, the symbolism isn't lost on her but it may only be the beginning. She never been one for religion but realizes that this may very well be a sign that they've been left behind and this is the rapture and the world is a purgatory now. They’ll have to deal with what remains like junkyard dogs or vermin stuck in a sinking ship.
“Remind me”she says almost under her breath not taking her eyes off the building in the distance one of the windows in the rear has a dull yellow incandescent glow, behind it the chimney is spewing a thin wisp of smoke into the lightning sky.
“how much ammunition did y'all manage to scavenge before we left Calhoun?” the two young men give each other a quick look
Nick speaks up “I have one of the 33 round mags for the Glock and a box of two dozen .380s for the other pistol and that's it..”
“That's more than I managed.” George grimaces “all I managed to grab ammunition wise is what was in the office which I think it's like 6 rounds, maybe 8?”She picks up her Glock from the seat counting the number of times she's fired since they left Calhoun she's got six rounds left.
“All right gentlemen ... I want you to bring all of it, all the hardware locked and loaded.” she opens the door “and look alive…”
The two men get out of the vehicle and join her in the Golden light of the dawn. Something is wrong, Nick notices His hand are shaking as he injects a fresh magazine into the hilt of his pistol
“Y/n, I don't understand” he says finally.
“what are we loading up for? I doubt there's anything in there but scared church people. What are we doing?”
But she's already started down towards the church- her Glock is gripped tightly in her hands, arms dangling at her side like a calling card.
“It's the end of the world boys there's no such thing as church anymore it's all up for grabs…”
The two young men glanced at each other for a moment before hurrying up to catch up with her. They approached the property from the rear, through the grove of sickly eucalyptus trees that mark the outer edges of the churches lot. She can smell the stench of menthol and ammonia in the air as she creeps across the weed whiskered gravel, careful not to make too much noise when her boots crunch under the stones. The light in the chapel's rear window has dwindled with the morning sun and the roaring of crickets fade now, the silence returns over making her heart throb in her ears.
She pauses behind a tree about 20 feet away from the lighted window ... With a few quick hand signals she rouses the two who are hiding behind a nearby oak. Nick moves out from behind cover carrying the pistol against his solar plexus like a vestigial appendage. George moves behind his friend wide eyed and jumpy flinching at the twinges of pain. These two are not exactly the crème de la crème in the world's new survivor class she realizes but perhaps she should see these young men as they truly are. Loyal partners, and friends- surviving all the same.
She issues another signal stabbing a finger at the rear of the building. One by one the three of them move toward the small woodside annex off the rear of the Chapel- she’s in the lead her pistol now gripped in both hands, now pointed downward. The closer they get the more the sun rises over the horizon the more they realize something isn't right. The windows of the building and rectory of the deacons quarters are lined with aluminum foil. The screen door has been ripped off its hinge and the inner door is nailed shut and crisscrossed with lumber. The stench of the dead permeates the air and gets stronger as they approach. She reaches the building first and she gently stands with her back against the boarded door signaling the others with a the tip of her finger to her lips.
They approach as quietly as possible, stepping lightly over the trash and dead leaves that are skidding across the back of the deck in the morning breeze. George stands just behind her, while Nick keeps to her side, both keeping weapons at the ready. She reaches down to her scuffed boot and pulls out a 12 inch Randall knife from the interlining. She carefully wedges the point under one of the boards near the door latch and Yanks.
The door probes stubborn. She pries at it repeatedly with the knife making more racket than she cares to but she has no choice they would make even more noise if they had tried to break through one of the windows. The nails give slightly the creaking sound amplified and the hushed daylight. She has no idea of what they're about to find inside this building but she fairly certain now that both humans as well as the dead inhabit this place.
Zombies don't build fires and the average survivor with the access to soap and water doesn't usually smell like death. The door finally gives and the two men moving closer to her, guns up now as they enter at the same time. They find themselves in an empty room illuminated by dim yellow light and the smell of stale smoke and Bo smacks them in the face. She crosses the floor, her boots making the floorboards creak. She makes note of the small potbelly stove still radiating the heat of the dying embers, the braided rug stained with blood, a desk littered with teabags, dishes, candy wrappers gossip magazines, a few empty 44 bottles and crumpled cigarette packs…
She goes over to the desk and looks down at the display of playing cards arranged in the classic poker pattern it looks like somebody, likely a hand full of people, were here only a moments ago and left in a hurry. A noise from behind the inner doors suddenly takes her attention. she whips her head around to the source, both men stand across the room gazing sheepishly back at their leader.
Again she puts a four finger to her lips giving them the signal to hush. The two mens eyes are aglow with nervous tension, on the other side of the door shuffling noises build, the telltale sound of dragging feet. There's also the reek of mortified flesh almost as pungent as the methane and it's getting stronger. She recognizes that a number of undead are trapped in an enclosed space. She turns and points to George’s shotgun.
Nick understands that he's supposed to blow the lock off the door and George is supposed to back them both up. Neither young man is very happy about this plan. Nick looks pale and George is drenched in sweat both of them nursing wounds and perhaps even internal bleeding. Neither seem gung ho about fighting off and undetermined number of biters. But she is an irresistible leader and the mere look in her eyes is enough to kill any dissension in the ranks. She holds three fingers up. She begins to countdown. 3, 2-
A loud crack sounds as a rotten hand covered with mold burst through the weak spot in the lumber.
Nothing in reality ever seems to play out the way George imagines it should. He trips on his backward shuffling feet and falls on to the floor. The pain in his ribs explode the injury jostled by the impact and at the same time another pair of hands thrust their way through the busted slats of the door. Looking up he sees she has pulled something from her boot. He watches as a dull gleam of a Buck knife strikes through the air. She drives the blade through the tissue and cartilage sawing through the bone it’s hands flopping to the floor as neatly as tree limbs being pruned.
George watches as he tries to sit up, the back of his throat burns and his body threatens to upchuck the paltry contents of a stomach. Things are moving quickly now, hands are flopping around him like fish on a boat’s deck, slowly growing still as the electrical impulses from the reanimated central nervous system drains out. George’s vision blurs his mind swimming dizziness gripping him as his wounded lungs labor to get air.
She's already scooped the fallen shotgun from the floor pumping shells into its breach with a single jerk of her arms as she turns back to the door George manage to get himself back up into a standing position kicking the ghastly hands out of the way . She slims a boot into the door and it implodes revealing the interior of a dark Chapel. Nick gets a fleeting glimpse of the sanctuary before the 1st blast shatters the tableau.
What was once a quaint little church with stain glass and pine pews now resembles an arbiter from the 9th circle of hell. The dead number in dozens maybe as many as 40 or 50 most of them chained to the pews with heavy chains. They react to the light of the outer room as if she had just turned over her oktan exposed a colony of vermin.
Insensate faces jerk towards the noise, some are decorated with spiked collars and others have large makeshift cage like muzzles. The scene gives a a sense of some sort of demented zoo or kennel for these reanimated cadavers. Stranger still, in that terrible instant before the first flash of the 12 gauge, it seems like somebody apparently tried to administer these beings after they were reanimated.
In front of each are dead birds morsels, pieces of roadkill or unidentified human remains are scattered in the pews next to each being. The candles still burn in the same sanctuary on the advert stands in the front room on the modest little altar. Somewhere the buzz of a live microphone drones. The air smells of modified sewage perfumed with rancid flesh and disinfected.
Nick gets one final glance at her before the air lights up- the look on her face is a mixture of sorrow, rage, loss and regret. It's the look of someone confronting the merciless abyss. Then the shooting starts.
The first blast flashes and takes the closest cadaver down in a puff of carnal tissue, the shell ripping through the skull and taking a chunk out of the wood above the door. Three subsequent shots happen, making their ears ring. Already covered with blowback her anguished face stippled and splattered, she now moves deeper into the Chapel and starts in on the others.
It only takes a few minutes, the air flashing like a fireworks display as she goes from pew to pew, either vaporizing skulls or thrusting her Randall knife through petrified nasal cavities before the things even get a chance to bite at the air. George staggers towards the open door to get a better view and he notices Nick just in the side Chapel entrance.
She has the strangest look on her face now as she finished off the last of the monsters with a hard quick slashes of the knife the gun has been emptied, 8 shells peppering the wall behind the heaps of moldering flesh. Completely slick with blood, her eyes burning with inscrutable emotions, she almost looks beatific as she dispatches with the last re animated corpse .
For one terrible moment watching this all from the doorway Nick thinks of a woman having an orgasm. She lets out a voluptuous sigh of relief as she impales the skull of what seems to be an elderly woman. The Crone sacks against the back of her Pew, she was once somebody's mother, somebody's neighbor. She may have once baked cookies for her grandchildren search for famous bread pudding add ice cream socials and laid to rest her beloved husbands of 47 years in the Cemetery out behind the rectory .
Y/n pauses to catch her breath staring down at the woman, head bowed for a moment, when all at once she abruptly stops and looks up narrowing her eyes. She cocks her head to one side and listens closely to something in another part of the building at last she fixes her gaze on George and so softly whispers
“do you hear that ?”
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
Beauty Sleep
Marvel and Supernatural bingo
Square:Sleeping Beauty
Castiel x Archangel!Reader
Warning?: Reader seems bad, Twist on Sleeping Beauty/Snow White, Poisoning, Wicked Father,ect.
A/n: [This text is a memory]
Tag: @thisismysecrethappyplace
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The loud clap of a book dropping on the table startled the brothers for their own research. "What the hell,Cas." The eldest said more then likely woken up for his half sleep mind set. "I found it." He said as he pointed to the thick book.
"Found the weapon that can restore balance." He explained further causing them to grow intrigued. It was the weapon they were looking for that could keep Angels in heaven,demons in hell,and other supernatural in purgatory. The one thing that can fix everything."Perfect where do we get it?" Sam asked as he pulled the book three times thicker then the largest dictionary towards him. "Where do we find her you mean." Castiel said making the Winchester's look at him confused.
Dean cleared his throat and dragged his hand down his face. "Her? The weapon is a person?!" He asked. "Not exactly. She was the first Archangel made by both God and Amare. Legend has it she's more powerful then both of them she could create life with ease and equally wipe it without so much as a single thought. Because of this she had to be put to rest." The angel explained further.
"If she's so powerful how is she "put to rest" can't she wake herself up?" Dean asked as he looked over his brother's shoulder at the book. "Apparently her prison has hex symbols that takes away and returns her grace in a constant loop to keep her weak yet alive." The younger brother explained pointing out the drawing of the three symbols on the page. "So a real life sleeping beauty? Sweet! I always fit the role of prince charming ya know?" Dean said cockily posing victoriously.
The angel rolled his eyes. "There's a catch,Dean. It says once we break those symbols all of heaven and hell will feel it. The creations that she made will hunt her down...all things supernatural will come for her,but once she's back in full power she'll be able to cloak herself." Cas said as he paced slightly. If she was a powerful as legend had it she could fix it all for them. "Her creations? She made the monsters we hunt?! I thought that was Eve." Dean exclaimed as he ran a hand through his hair. "That's a common misconception the apple she ate gave he knowledge that only three beings knew. That special apple was made from her grace." That's when the angel paused as his words raked over him. "Her garden was never just a place it was her prison."
"The garden of Eden. What's this Angel's name?" Sam asked as he flipped through the book and tried to find a name,but all he saw was angel of light and darkness,the perfect balance. "God was nice enough to name it after her. Eden the first Archangel,but she's gone by many names before." He said.
Dean looked at the book with Sam. "Where do we find the magical garden? No book supernatural or not ever gave a location." The eldest asked and it was a good question. "The garden never stays in the same place for to long it moves often. One day it could be in a forest the next in a mountain." Cas said with a sigh it was impossible to find the prison with out a bit of her grace to track the source.
"Her grace is strong even a little can help us. Even if a millennia has gone by and it's became one with the elements it can help." Cas explained. "Cain" The name fell from Dean's lips as he numbly rubbed where the mark once was. "Cain is the son of Adam and Eve. Eve had that grace in her system she must have pasted it to him!" With that the boys packed up and were heading to Cains house to use him as a tracking device. The day long drive dragged on and with those time Sam continued to ask questions.
Most of the questions the angel had no answer to until one made him freeze up. "How did it happen in the first place? Was she casted out of heaven like Lucifer?" The younger Winchester asked. "I think Chuck poisoned her. She was like Lucifer she questioned a lot of things it was a new angelic trait, curiosity, except she loved all creatures and things Chuck made so when he makes something new she was the first to see and that was the last time any angel has seen her." The vivid memory came to mind.
The giggle of the young fledglings filled the air. A girl with H/c hair dragged a younger version of himself around. "My little raven come look! Father has created such beautiful things." She said as she showed him the flowers in her hand each different from the other. "What are they called?" He asked tilting his head. "Father said I can name them,but I can't think of anything...come help me plant them on earth there we can name them!" She said using her three pairs of large F/c wings to bring them to earth before humans were even thought about.
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The soil on the ground was dark and it was vastly different from the sand surrounding it. With gentle hands she planted all of the flowers and together the angels named them. "Hmmm..." The girl hummed. "What is it Y/n?" He asked her. "We need something to keep them growing in numbers, raven." She said using a stick to draw on the dirt. "What should it look like?" Y/n asked him as she was going to go to her father to create it.
"Um...give it wings and make it the color of those sunflower over there." Castiel suggested. The drowning at took a couple tries,but as the kept adding and removing things they got what they wanted. Without realizing that the archangel just made multiple winged creatures on a whim and she wasn't even trying. God saw it all a d it scared him,but he couldn't do anything about it when his sister along with his other archangels would be there to stop him. He had to wait.
Three mil past and the two children grew bigger and she grew stronger. The small patch has turned into a garden of various plants that were only found in different climates around the world. Together they went there everyday even more often after the imprisonment of Amara and Lucifer along with the disappearance of Gabriel. Michael was busy trying to keep order after the two archangels left so it was his chance. Chuck called his daughter to see another one of his inventions,but that time was so much different from the others. Afterwards she didn't comeback she was never seen in heaven again and on that day a tree taller then any other in that garden with apples of pure gold grew.
The garden of Eden disappeared after Eve ate the forbidden fruit and it wasn't ever seen again by man,angel,nor demon knew of it location. Cas lost his friend and he knew it was god that did it even if he was suppose to be a loyal soldier he couldn't when he knew that the father of creation so willingly got rid of his most prized pupil what would he do to all the underlings.
Hours have past they stand in Cains living room. "Cain we don't need much from you just some of your blood that's all." Cas said as Dean explained what for. It took some convincing,but he agreed and bleed into a vile. "You guys better stop this apocalypse before shit hits the fan." He said as he shut them back out of his house. Sam handed the vile to Cas. "Now what do we do?" He asked the angel. Without saying a word he pulled something from his pocket a old looking compass. "Rowan taught me a location spell all I need to do is..." Pouring the small amount of blood on the glass of the compass and spoke in Latin causing the red substance to disappear. "...follow the arrow." Cas finished.
The arrow spinner rapidly as it settled on the strongest pull of the grace. "Looks like we're heading west. We have a estimated week before it changes course so off we go." Cas said as they all went back to the car. Keeping his eyes trained on it a small smile formed on his lips. "I'm coming N/n." He whispered to himself. Almost five thousand miles away a the unmoving body had a shocking pull of her lip at the mention of her name if only that could have woken her up for her comatose state.
It's been three days on the road and the impala had to come to a stop a thick treeline stopped them. The dirt road turned into a hiking trail and they had no choice,but to go on foot. Together they hiked up the trail blindly following the arrow through the woods. "Cas what are we suppose to be looked for?" Sam asked as he stepped over a fallen tree branch. "The closer we get the more exotic the plants and animals will be. Also be careful some of the wild life is experimental." The angel warned causing the brothers to freeze. "What do you me by experimental? Are we going to see a truducken?!" Dean asked jokingly as he looked around.
A loud snarling noise caused him to pull out his gun and look around. "More like human eating plants and venomous insects." This made Sam tense and stick closer to a still walking Castiel and Dean to cautiously does the same looking at each and every plant close by. "What is this fucking Jumanji?!?! Everything can kill us." Dean said keeping his gun up and ready to fire. "Oh, that was the name of the movie. Yeah those types of movies were based off of what explores experienced when getting to close to the garden." The blue eyed angel said with a shrug.
In a clearing they all look with widened eyes at the land before them. Flowers of all types with various animals and inserts. They watched in wander at everything creatures they've never seen or never insisted out of the garden. Everything was in bloom even though it was mid fall. There was a clear gravel path cutting off between the forest and wonderland in front of them.They wandered around since it became more difficult to find where the pull was unclear. "She won't be in plain sight she'll be hidden well. Look for something that doesn't quite match the rest. Trees of all kinds surrounded the area,but it was Sam who noticed the sand that mirrored a sky full of stars. He slowly followed it till it grew thick into a sanded path.
The youngest Winchester had his eyes trained down so when he looked up the apple tree before his eyes took his breath away. It looked straight out of a child's most imaginative fantasy. A white trunk with red leaves and the most noticeable feature the solid gold apples on it's branches. Sam didn't hear the voices of his brother or friend as he stepped closer directly under one of the low hanging fruits. Reaching up he picked the ripe fruit his brown eyes glazed over by temptation and curiosity. "SAM DON'T EAT THAT THAT!!!" Cas yelled using his grace to stop him mid bite. The angel looked in horror at the item in his hand a dark purple almost black apple sat in his friend's hands.
To anyone mortal it looked beautiful with it golden exterior,but Cas could see the ugly,fermented,poisoned inside. Glancing up the tree was rotting with barely any leaves and the few left were the color of blood. "It's poisoned their all poisoned." His words cleared the Winchester's vision of the tree and the surrounding woods all the plants were dead all around it. "It's beautiful on the outside,but deadly on the inside. And we're seeing it for what it truly is."
"It's clear as day that's she's here. Just how do we get to her?" Dean asked looking around. Castiel snapped towards Sam holding his hand out. "Do you still have the book?!" Sam nodded quickly taking the strap off his shoulder to dig it out of the bag. He handed it over the the angels that viciously flipped through the pages. "He made her a monster so a beast she became. She was blinded by curiosity and temptation she chose wrongly that day. Pick the fruit that doesn't call to you for the right one will choose you." He read word for word trying to see through the riddle. A beast? She was never a monster,but she was depicted as one. A angel that tainted the flock.
The Archangel landed gracefully in front of her father. She bowed on one knee as a warrior would clashed in her white armor and sword by her side. "Stand my child." She stood up looking at him. "Yes,father?" Her voice was gentle,but that didn't make the God of creation hesitate in his actions. "I've made something new for you to try and plant in the garden." Chuck said handing her the item. The skin was red and the surface was smooth unlike the peach that had a light fuzz. "What is this?!" Her e/c eyes burned bright her wings fluttering in excitement. "A red apple my dear." He said softly a smile on his lips stepping closer "Taste it."
Bringing it to her mouth she took a bite out of it and started to chew. It started of sweet,but became bitter within seconds and no matter how long she chewed it never broke down in size for long. "Father...something not right." She said that single bite still in her mouth. "Trial and error,darling, try to swallow it." Her h/c hair bobbed as she nodded. With a gulp she swallowed it down,but to her shock it stopped. Using her free hand she beaten at her chest to unblock her air way. Looking up at her creator she saw a look that can only be described as pure evil as a liquid poured out of her mouth.
Touching her chin a dark violet substance came dripped to the ground. Her gaze shifted to the apple within her hand and the inside no longer looked right. It was as if it gone bad from the inside,but the outside stayed fresh hiding the disgusting center. In fear she stepped back and with that she fell and continued to fall watching her home fade away. Y/n broke through the soil of the earth in a prison of her own design that she cared for and nurtured. Her arm dropped from her side the apple rolling away. The deceitful visibly harmless fruit planted it seed and grew becoming the only way to enter her personal mausoleum.
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Castiel looked at the tree. All of the fruit looked the same nothing was different about a single one of them. Together the trio walked around the looming tree. The Winchester's saw something beautiful and they couldn't help,but want to pick one of the apples to taste. "What do we do,Cas. We don't have much time before this place disappear and possibly taking is with it." Dean said flinging his hands in the air. "The riddle said to wait then that's what we must do.
They grouped together and sat at the base of the tree waiting for who knows what to happen. "This is stupid! Let's just get the shovels from baby and start di–" His words were cut short as a apple full down from above them. "Well that was covenant." Sam said as Cas picked it up. To the brothers it looked odd a bronze color compared to the rest just less appealing. While to Castiel it looked horrible making the clearly deadly fruits more appetizing. "Our key in." He said. Using his hands to break it open to reveal the mouth watering interior that a honey like liquid dripped from,they picked correctly. The ground began to shake and they all stepped away from the base of the tree as the dirt around it caved in making a spiral staircase down and down they went.
It was pitch black down there so Sam and Dean pulled out flash lights to look around. They all went around the surprisingly large pocket in the ground. Dean checked for the symbols when he tripped over roots and landed on something hard and and moving. Snapping up he shined the light on the women laying as if sleeping in front of him. She was in white leather armor with a sliver sword in her hands on her chest. "Didn't find any hex symbols,but here's sleeping beauty." He said looking her over she rested on a raised stone that worked as her bed. "Never mind found them." The markings from the book in a pyramid shape was on one side of the bedrock glowing a soft F/c. Sam walked over along with Cas. The knifes both brothers held was used to break the engraved symbols,but nothing happened.
"No no no that's not right. Y/n is suppose to be freed!" The angel in distress said as he flicked through the book nothing else was said to be imprisoning her, why didn't it work? The Winchester's examined her the youngest looking at the elegant armor while the oldest focused more of the feminine features. "Sammy you read that book while in the car. Didn't you say something about her being the first female?" He asked his eyes not leaving her. "Yeah a model for Eve and later Amara's less celestial form. Why?" Sam asked touching the blade of the sword. "Yeah if that’s try why does she have a Adam's apple?"Cas wasn't fully paying attention until that sentence. His blue eyes imminently went to her throat were a noticeable lump was. "That wasn't there before." He mumbled loud enough for them to hear. Placing his ear just a centimetre away from her lips a shallow breath was let out and a wheezed inhale drew it back in.
The angel put his overlapping hands on her chest. He didn't know everything about humanity,but he knew enough to understand what he was about to do. He pushed with all his strength and he heard a sharp breath push out it just wasn't enough to dislodge whatever was there. Cas continued his actions and just when he was giving up hope she coughed up the chunk of apple and a weird substance. F/c glowing eyes snapped open as she lurched forward her grace burning bright casting a shadow behind her. It was a sight to see three sets of wings,what can only be described as a halo,along with twisted horns. After the grace calmed down her eyes returned to their normal color and they instantly when to Cas a wide smile spreading on her face. "My raven." She said. Y/n knew why she was awoken after all this time. To fight in a war she wanted no part of,but with the thought of putting everything in balance and striking down her father where he stood made her ready to fight. After all she felt like she's had enough Beauty Sleep.
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A/n: This one took a minute,but I was torn between sleeping beauty and snow white since both of them fall asleep so a mix of both.
Also post #69....Noice
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Because I have no shame about cluttering your inbox and cuz this is cathartic to me since it's finals season and among final project papers I actually enjoy writing all this... Here's a full breakdown of Lover of Mine by 5SOS in regards to Five and Reader. 😃 You can actually copy paste this with my previous response instead of posting it twice if you feel that's easier for you btw.
Lover of mine. Maybe we'll take some time. Kaleidoscope mind, Gets in the way. Hope and I pray. Darling, that you will stay. Butterfly lies Chase them away. Hmm.
This part is purely Five. His "kaleidoscope mind" is employed in different directions. Escaping the commission, saving his family, stopping the apocalypse. It gets in the way of his reunion with the reader and he hopes that she will stay despite his flakiness just until he has saved the world and time to give to her.
Dance around the living room. Lose me in the sight of you. I've seen the red, I've seen the blue. Take all of me. Lead to where your secrets are. Where we've been a thousand times. Swallow every single lie. Take all of me.
I feel like Red here could mean Blood and Blue as in Depression or PTSD. This part is the reader asking Five to open up about his trauma. She's patiently waiting and "swallowing his lies" aka his secrecy. She's waiting for him to open up because they're the only ones for each other. It's where they've been a thousand times, as in, always there for each other no matter what. She'll wait for him and until he can open up they can be the people who they used to be and "dance around the living room" and lose themselves in the sight of each other. Simply existing as the best friends they were before everything went sideways is the reprieve they've both longed for.
I'll never give you away. 'Cause I've already made that mistake. If my name never fell off your lips again, I know it'd be such a shame. When I take a look at my life And all of my crimes. You're the only thing that I think I got I right. I'll never give you away. 'Cause I've already made, Already made that mistake
So this portion is Five's again. He never wants to give up reader again like he had to when he was stuck in the apocalypse. He's already made that mistake and regrets is deeply. He's terrified that she'd reject him and no longer want anything to do with him cuz of all he's put her through. First with stranding her in time and then with ignoring her in favor of preventing the apocalypse. He's terrified she'd never say his name again and that she'd be better off without him. When he looks back on his mistakes: jumping through time with her when he wasn't ready, getting them both stuck, becoming a murder machine for the commission, endangering his family though them cuz he's trying to prevent the apocalypse he feels terrible. So he feels like coming back to reader after so long and saving her and his brothers and sisters is the only worthwhile thing he's managed to accomplish.
Lover of mine. I know you're colorblind. I watched the world fall from your eyes. Ooh. All my regrets And things you can't forget. Light them all up. Kiss them goodbye.
So this is Reader again. She knows Five is 'colorblind'. I take this to mean his perceptions are skewed. He's wildly traumatized and has seen a lot of stuff that has scarred him and took an impact on him socially as well. He's also got a pretty low esteem of himself as far as his relationship with the reader and his siblings is concerned cuz he keeps blaming himself for not getting everything right (esp in S2). She watched him as he fought against the apocalypse multiple times. She watched him fear for her and his family if the world were to fall. She wants him to forget all the regrets, both his and hers, and let it go. To light it up and leave it behind, as much as can be done, so there's no more pain and hauntings of the past now that they're finally back together which is the real important thing and not how they got to where they are. She knows he can't forget the apocalypse but she does want him to forget the self blame and helplessness he associates with it.
Sooooo... There we are 🤓😁 I hope you liked this extensive song analysis once more. The more I listen to songs, the more ideas come to mind and then I can't not voice the so thanks for allowing me to send them. Hopefully you won't get fed up of this 😅
Lover of mine. Maybe we'll take some time. Kaleidoscope mind, Gets in the way. Hope and I pray. Darling, that you will stay. Butterfly lies Chase them away. Hmm.
So I took this as the reader trying to help Five adjust to being and wanting her to stay with him. She understands that things will take time to even get remotely to “normal” but his running around and not telling her what’s going on gets in the way. So she wants to get rid of whatever is troubling him in hopes that he’ll stay with her.
Dance around the living room. Lose me in the sight of you. I've seen the red, I've seen the blue. Take all of me. Lead to where your secrets are. Where we've been a thousand times. Swallow every single lie. Take all of me
I felt this was something that could apply both to the reader and Five. They have both been through some rough stuff and now here they are in each other’s sights again. The two of them want to be as close as they were before they were separated and accept everything the other person has become but they’re still hiding their feelings. So they’re asking the other to lead them to their secrets so that they can be fully open about everything and “take all of (each other)”
I'll never give you away. 'Cause I've already made that mistake. If my name never fell off your lips again, I know it'd be such a shame. When I take a look at my life And all of my crimes. You're the only thing that I think I got I right. I'll never give you away. 'Cause I've already made, Already made that mistake
For this section, I also want to focus on the lines of “When I take a look at my life And all of my crimes. You're the only thing that I think I got I right.” because I don’t think Five’s “crimes” are only just what you listed. I completely agree with those being mistakes but I’d even go further as to say that he feels the reader is the ONLY thing he got right. Five was never happy to be a part of the academy, he was forced to do the bidding of Reginald as a child soldier. His whole life except for the reader has been a series of trauma and mistakes so much so that he feels the singular thing that he did right was bringing the reader into his life.
Lover of mine. I know you're colorblind. I watched the world fall from your eyes. Ooh. All my regrets And things you can't forget. Light them all up. Kiss them goodbye.
Okay so for these lines I actually took them as coming from Five’s perspective with “lover of mine, I know you’re colorblind” meaning both that the reader doesn’t quite see all that he’s went through but the reader also doesn’t acknowledge the things that he felt he did “wrong” because in her mind he hasn’t done “wrong”. With the lines “I watched the world fall from your eyes.”, Five was the reader’s world and he had to watch the reader die. “All my regrets And things you can't forget. Light them all up. Kiss them goodbye.” With this, I feel it is Five addressing the things that he regrets such as his arrogance the day he jumped and pulling the reader through time and abandoning her. He is also thinking of the things the reader can’t forget...the harsh words he said to her before disappearing and the fact that she thought he was mad at her all those years. Lighting those things up and kissing them goodbye is his way of showing that he’s trying to move on and be better for the both of them
Sorry it’s so long! Hope you like it all though!
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paversandplatters · 3 years
||𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙|| (4/20)
Apocalypse! Au (TW! Minor gore and cussing)
Reader x multiple
Chapter 4: A Short conversation
The shock settles as she begins to attend to the injured- was it too much to ask for a thank you before some ominous warning? Y/N supposes it for the best but still the thought of what's to come doesn't ease the already throbbing pain of her head. She takes a seat on one of the stools left in the storage room , the bones of it creak as her weight impacts with it.
"so this group... how many?" she asks, hands finding the kit in her lap. George is sat behind her on the windowstile of the room listening intently, gauze wrapped around his middle still wheezing slightly. At the other end of the room Nick shivers in a folding chair- forehead crisscrossed with bandaids . Y/n made sure to tend to them first, thankful this church has been proven to be a gold mine of resources left behind. In addition to medical supplies, medicine, first aid kits- the stranger has managed to locate hidden stashes of canned goods, batteries, candles, dry clothes,a couple bottles of liquor, cigarettes, tools, books, a box of .38 caliber rounds for the police special, and three boxes of MRE still unopened. whoever these people were, they were fairly well stocked, obviously taking the bulk of their weapons and ammo with them wherever they've gone to.
His sigh breaks the momentary silence.
"about ten of them all together but they're just a small part of a larger 'trader' group.."
"Traders huh? what was up with those things down stairs.. I've never seen traders chain up the dead like that before." She finds the bottle of Everclear at her side, taking a moment to pour it over her hands in an attempt to keep them sterile.
"Also i'm gonna need you to take that shirt off, can't work with it in the way." Silently he complies though she cant help but notice he doesn't so much as flinch when he raises his arms to pull the ragged garment off.
"they kept those things around like pets. Used them to scare other survivor groups in giving them what they want. When they didn't comply they'd just set the things loose on them... whatever wasn't eaten was added to the collection." the room goes silent once again, the realization sinks into all of them. It darkens the disgust and anger already growing at the pit of her stomach. "Are there more of you?" His questions break the silence as he eyes the needle she's begun to thread. "No it's just us for now." her hand flies to the bottle at her side before offering it out to him. He raises a brow, head tilting slightly . "I'm literally about to sew you back together. Figure you'd want a shot of liquid courage before I get started." She reasons with a roll of her eyes. Another moment passes before he lifts the bottle to his lips and takes a rather large gulp, he grimaces at the burn he feels down his throat, it tasted like gasoline. With a curt nod he signals her to continue; cleaning the wound takes a bit of time considering the filth he was left in. She's surprised it hasn't settled into an infection yet. She makes short work of sewing the wound close, the job is rushed but still rather neat. it irks that yet again he hadn't flinched or moved away from her hands, by all accounts he should be in an immense amount of pain. He's on his feet the moment the last stitch is made, eyes peering out of the small cracks of the boarded up windows. All of his body language conveying he's on high alert. "Can I trust you.." What should sound like a question comes across more like a warning. A simple message translated to 'don't cross me.' Y/n looks to the others then back at him. "Yes.. you've got my word on that." he purses his lips for a moment before turning his head to meet her gaze. "Reason I ask is.. I might know a way I-" he corrects himself "WE- can improve our current situation.." he looks around the room at each of them "it's a long shot but if your up for it, we'll have to leave now." he takes their silence as agreement and begins to explain further.
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