#especially diego the himbo
xtraordinaryfangrl · 1 month
S3 Allison Hargreeves is NOT Canon!
I finally bit the bullet and watched Episode 5 of TUA S3 - the episode where Allison borderline SA’s Luther and I have no idea what the writers were thinking when they wrote that into the script.
Actually, no, that’s the problem! They weren’t thinking!
Up until that point, I was genuinely enjoying this season. The Sparrows were annoying but intriguing characters. The Diego and Stanley dynamic was everything and seeing him as a legit father in the final season will break my heart. I loved Viktor (or V, as I affectionately call them) and his transition as well as everybody’s reaction. Especially Allison’s, and her comradery with him in those first few episodes made me feel things. BITTERSWEET THINGS. Their relationship has always been so interesting to watch and I’ve grown fond of them as a duo despite the tension and angst they’ve displayed throughout the show.
I felt the desperation Allison had to get her daughter back, the way it boiled and bubbled up to rage. I understood her motive and empathized with her pain, even agreed with her and the rest of the Hargreeves pack on the Harlan situation. I could see her delving deeper into her “Wandavison Era” and I was ready to side with her on everything, then THAT scene happened.
Her relationship with Luther always creeped me out because of their romantic history. They were raised together before they got together and called the same man father - which is just another weird layer to the incest trope. She forces him to kiss her when she could have just… threatened to rumor him? Or at the very least show she could still control one thing at that moment by making him stand still?? That would have driven her point across just fine, WITHOUT Jedi mind-tricking a non-consensual sexcapade???
What’s worse about Allison’s character assassination is that she most likely doesn’t see anything wrong with what she did, and neither does Luther because like the doe-eyed himbo he is - he immediately skips off to see Sloan as if he’s the male lead in some early 2000s rom-com! They didn’t see an issue with what happened because the writers didn’t see an issue, and that’s MY issue with this.
Nowadays, no matter how a story is told, everything is up to the audience’s interpretation. But sexual manipulation, depression, and other important topics that real people experience should not be treated as an ambiguous “oh it can be taken multiple ways” plot point.
If St*ve Bl*ckman or whoever mapped out Allison’s S3 journey was a competent screenwriter, they would have refocused her contempt on The Sparrows. And if they REALLY wanted to make her past with Luther a central point, they could have put her “you’re blowing me off for some knockoff you’ve known for five minutes?” line to good use by making Sloan her target instead of Harlan.
I don’t know. This was a whole rant and maybe none of it makes sense. But aside from the few good things to come from S3 (such as V coming out as trans and Diego/Lila pre-parenthood shenanigans), nothing else happens. Any “canon storyline” after S2 is an acid-laced fever dream as far I’m concerned.
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devintrinidad · 1 month
Not gonna lie, I just watched the first episode the new TUA season. It doesn't seem bad. Yet.
I thought it was pretty fun and entertaining, if a bit mean spirited and took the characters in vastly different directions than I thought.
(They gotta stop dunking on Diego and Luther. They're himbos, but that doesn't mean you get to insult Diego's appearance and make Luther the butt of every single joke).
That said, knowing what I know about how the season will develop... I did get a sinking feeling when I saw Lila and Five having fun after the Keepers meeting and saw that Diego was watching. That little sideplot could have easily been played off for laughs and would have served as more fodder for siblings who like to tease each other... but I know what's going to happen, but I'm prepared for it.
Really, what stood out to me was that Five and Viktor sat together when they were at the Hibachi grill. I don't care anything else in this episode (though I am glad that Klaus is sober and seeks control in his life and Ben is... Ben is being very conniving and I wonder why he didn't take all the marigold for himself). Anywhoozles my 2019 Fiveya heart is smiling with joy, especially considering how close Five and Viktor once were.
(It's a long shot, but I hope there's a few more Fiktor moments here and there).
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zalisok · 2 months
TUA Rant #3: Characters
Spoilers ahead!
Okay, I really want to talk about the characters this season. I feel like I'm not doing the best job at summarizing their characters here, but I hope this will suffice for the time being.
Luther: Luther was just a himbo the whole season. Kind of happy-go-lucky in an unnerving way. I thought it was because he was dealing with the loss of Sloane and the trauma of going through three apocalypses and having his worldview turned around in a short period of time but no, there didn't seem to be a reason for it. (Or if there was, I missed it). I wish the show would touch upon him losing Sloane more (not only Sloane would have loved this, Sloane would have loved that) and his traumas in the past seasons (the thing with Allison? Being murdered by his dad?) Although he didn't have much going on for him, I did like how the show showcased his protectiveness and his trust in his family. I also liked his dynamic with Diego.
Diego: I feel like the writers did Diego dirty here. They turned him into a dad who makes dad jokes (and also was the brunt of the joke a few times. I don't understand the fat nonsense going on.) I feel like his character is much more than that: yes, he has anger issues and is incredibly impulsive, but he is 100% a family man. Look at his relationship with Grace. The way his concern for his family manifests as anger throughout the seasons. Look at his relationship with Stan in Season 3. I was going to say that fighting Five while the others were fighting the Cleanse was OOC for Diego but now that I think about it, it's not completely OOC. (reasoning: he was fighting Cha Cha to avenge Eudora in 1x10 while his family were trying to subdue Viktor, and his obsession with JFK in season 2. We've also seen him fight family members before (aka Luther) and there might be more that I can't remember). Anyways, the show really undermined Diego and Lila's relationship from Season 2 and 3. Diego is so much more than what was portrayed this season, and it's really unjust to him when he truly cared so much for Liia (despite the communication issues) and he just forgave her so quickly (even though she betrayed him) because they were all dying. He deserved better.
Allison: Allison was so badass this season. Her relationship with Klaus and Claire is one of the parts I like the most in this season. We do get to see the motherly bond she has with Claire. It's only ever been touched upon gently in Seasons 1-3. We never get to see her interact with Claire (except that one time she read her a bedtime story) and it's nice to see Allison's maternal side when it's always been such an integral part of her character since Season 1. Although her storyline didn't add much to the story she did have some great moments, along with Klaus. Nonetheless, I still wish her actions in S3 could have been touched upon more, especially towards Luther.
Klaus: As I said, his relationship with Allison and Claire in this season is awesome. I don't like how he seemed to do a 180 because his powers came back--from being so adamant on staying sober and being a good role model for Claire and being so afraid of dying to falling back into his old ways and being incredibly self-destructive. It was so sudden (he had just told the family off, and then BOOM, he's stealing from Allison's home?) and, to me, it wasn't immediately clear why he was suddenly acting that way. I don't like how everything that happened to him was so traumatic but didn't add any relevance to the plot. I feel like it was only there for the shock factor and for emotional impact--and like I said before it only works because we love Klaus, but what's the use of adding this in? A huge part of Klaus's character is his addiction problems and self-destructive tendencies, and we see him actually get better in the first part of the season (in some twisted extreme way). But it was all undone in the second half of the season and he died that way. Upsetting.
Five: I don't think I can express how badly they mischaracterized him in the last few episodes. For the first part he seemed okay, albeit a bit quieter and less aggressive/assertive than he usually is. But then episode 5 happened and oh boy was it a complete 180.
I feel like the Five/Lila thing would make more sense (I'm not saying it's acceptable.) if there were more buildup. But there wasn't. Which makes it worse. To make it make sense we need to see how desperate and lonely they were, and it has to be EXTREME because these two characters are incredibly headstrong and capable assassins and absolutely do NOT seem like the type of people to just give in. Especially Five. That guy literally spent 45 years in an apocalypse and always held out hope for his family. The only way I can rationalize this is that it was because Five was just done with everything--we see some of that in Season 3. I get that his more subdued demeanor in the first half of the season might have been setting the audience up for this but it absolutely was not enough.
The journal was a "???" moment for me. You're telling me Five wouldn't jump at the chance to fix things when the answer is right in from of him? You could say that "oh maybe Five is the type of guy that becomes a fool when he falls in love" because we've never seen him in love before (even if you count Delores, which, to me, is just a coping mechanism for him--he still absolutely had his wits about him and used her as a way to stay on track and achieve his goals), you DON'T INTRODUCE SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THE SECOND LAST EPISODE.
And the subway arc didn't end up doing anything at all? (except for the stupid love triangle) Five and Lila tried to go back in time to save their family but accomplished. Absolutely. Nothing.
Ben: I feel like his character retained most of the characteristics from the previous season for the first few episodes, which is nice, in a way. (I still want to know more about Ben being a crypto bro--side note: what was that scene in the subway from Season 3 all about? Ben reading books on how to scam people via cryptocurrency? jkjk). His character also did quite a 180 when he started to feel a connection with Jennifer--but it makes sense now that I think about it, given how we know from Season 3 how badly the Jennifer Incident affected him (side note: didn't Ben already know who Jennifer was in Season 3?) The storyline between Ben and Jennifer, to me, was interesting and honestly one of the better paced storylines, but honestly I have so many questions about the Cleanse and Jennifer that I wasn't completely satisfied. The vulnerability he showed in this season was nice to watch and his last scene truly was quite heartbreaking.
Viktor: I actually quite like Viktor's arc this season, and some of his scenes were my favourite parts of the season. The changes in his character came on a bit sudden: his anger towards Reggie (and his anger in general--I understand that anger and resentment has always been part of his character, but we didn't see much of that in season 2 or 3, and the only thing we know about him in the five year gap is that 1) he's a bartender 2) he's fucked every woman in nova scotia), him not going to family gatherings to him understanding that he had to be with his family and help them--it was underdeveloped and I wish we could have seen more of that process. Nonetheless, the way he stood up for himself and actually expressed his resentment this season was cathartic, (although a bit misplaced because this timeline's Reginald is NOT the same Reginald, but Viktor really needed to get that out) and he, along with Ben were the ones that were actually driving the plot here. I liked his growth and I wish his relationship with Reginald was explored a bit more, it was fun to watch and there's so much to unpack between both of them.
I feel like she was reduced to "mother" this season. Her storyline just consisted of marital issues, parenting issues and love triangles. There was the part in the first (and second?) episode where she was part of the CIA but that was never brought up again. She was literally trained by the Handler. She was part of the Commission. She's capable of so much more, not only assassin-wise but also power-wise. What were those laser eyes really for? Why did she only use her mimicking powers in the last episode?
Another gripe I have about Lila-- her parents. Losing her parents was really traumatic for her. Especially when the person who killed her parents was Five. But we don't see any of that touched upon in Season 4, even when her parents existed in that timeline and she had SEVEN YEARS with Five. I think they both needed to air things out to give them both closure.
One thing that I find weird is that all the female main characters always, always have a storyline of them being a parental figure in some way. Allison throughout the series, pre-transition Viktor in season 2, Lila in seasons 3-4. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just something I noticed. It is worth nothing that not every female character has to be a parental figure.
Also, not everything has to be romantic. Platonic relationships can also be fun to watch and impactful. And even with romantic stuff, TUA has this consistent problem with introducing a love interest for one season and it having absolutely no significance in the next. Like Eudora and Diego. Ray and Allison. Luther and Sloane, to some extent. I understand that in most cases it's because the Umbrellas are jumping through time and space and their loved ones can't go with them, but if you're going to write a romantic subplot, at least acknowledge it a bit more for continuity reasons.
There's probably more that I can say but that's all for now.
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prismuffin · 2 years
Hello! Hope you doing good my friend!
Can I request Luther Hargreeves x himbo male reader. It can be headcanons or one-shot I don't mind.
Don't feel pressured to do this I understand if you don't wanna write it. But if you do thank you!
A/n: MARK ONE OF MY FAVES ofc you can have a Luther Hargreeves x male reader fic🫶🫶 I chose headcanons but who knows maybe I'll do a little drabble with this idea too
Jacked Dumbasses
Luther Hargreeves x male!himbo!reader (Headcanons)
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( summary: you’re a himbo Luther keeps seeing at the gym and he can’t help but gain a crush on you from afar [headcanons] )
Warnings?: Light swearing, two golden retriever boyfriends, readers kinda a gym bro
!more under the cut!
Pre-Relationship Tingz:
-The first time Luther ever saw you was at his local gym
-The first thing he noticed was how jacked you were, obviously
-as a gym bro himself he respected your grind and found himself watching you whenever he took breaks
-he started to notice more things about you besides your muscles like, well, your face, specifically how attractive he found you. But when he'd first started finding you attractive he would just brush it off as him having a little but of envy even though he was bigger than you (muscle wise)
-when he started noticing himself becoming sad whenever you didn't show up to the gym that week he knew he was in deep shit
-^started looking forward to gym days even more just knowing that he could see you
-one day you guys happened to have lockers near each other in the changing rooms.
-Que flustered Luther trying not to stare and do double takes as he sees you in nothing but a towel
-^You noticing Luther's stares OH SHI-
-^^Him immediately throwing out some random question to make it seem as though he just turned to ask you something.
-"Do you think fish get thirsty?" "...Probably, but then they could just open their mouths and get a drink...damn fish are really living on a different level."
-Thank god you entertained his stupid random question.
-Since that day whenever you spot Luther you'll give him a big smile, wave, maybe make some small talk
-Giving Luther your Instagram after a while of being gym bros
-^Him playing it cool but completely freaking out when you leave
With the help of Allison, Diego, and Klaus (Yes, it took that many people) he finally makes an Instagram account and adds you. After basically stalking your Instagram he finally decides to shoot you a DM telling you that it was Luther
-and so, the both of you started talking in and out the gym which eventually led to the two of you becoming friends
-You were the first one to ask the other to hang out. As Luther was spotting you, you'd just asked him if he wanted to get drinks with you later that night. He deadass almost dropped the barbell.
-He was very nervous to hang out with you outside of a gym setting but it didn't turn out as terrible as he thought. I mean he freaked out a little bit when he woke up in your bed but you assured him that nothing had happened between the both of you, he was just such a lightweight that he ended up blacking out so you had to carry him home.
-^Hold the fuck up, did you just say you CARRIED HIM????
-He asked if he did anything bad and you just told him that he ranted a ton about the moon and his dad and then started crying. But you helped him calm down and got him back to your apartment so that he could rest.
-^^He was very embarrassed but was glad that you had his back
Relationship Tingz:
-Super touch starved so he adores hugs from you, especially if you lift him up.
-You're both very macho men so doing things like cuddling can be a little difficult for the both of you, specifically because of Luther's mutation.
-^Still you do often show him that it's not impossible by allowing him to be the little spoon or carrying him to bed when he's too tired
-You guys cuddling together turns into two grown buff men just sprawled out in all directions on the bed, it truly is a sight to see.
-His love language is Physical Touch and Words of Affirmations so he's almost always touching you in some way
-Loves it when you kiss his jaw and forehead
-If you're somehow taller than him he'll just be infatuated with you even more
-He's very impressed by your strength and vice versa. It's both a blessing and a curse for the both of you.
-Things constantly breaking in the apartment from your clumsiness and him not knowing his own strength at times.
-^He's broken the microwave and washing machine doors multiple times whenever he tries to use either of them after waking up.
-^^One time he felt super guilty about breaking the microwave and you didn't want him to feel bad so you told him it was fine and that it was a completely normal thing that can happen, (it's really not), and you showed him this...by breaking your toaster, just smashing it and then going "See?? Happens all the time." :)
-You guys having compliment wars where you'll go back and forth about who's stronger, prettier, funnier, etc.
-You both tend to get very excited over little things and it just makes the entire relationship more wholesome. One time you saw a frog at the park while the two of you were on a walk and you guys spent 10 minutes gushing over the frog and taking pictures of and with it.
-He loves seeing you happy cause it makes him happy and seeing him happy makes you super happy which in turn makes him extremely happy, its just one big happy cycle.
-When he tells you he has superpowers you were actually very hype about it. You asked him what it was and when he said super strength you thought he was just making a joke about being really strong since the both of you work out a lot. He eventually had to just prove it to you by like throwing a car and punching through a brick wall without any consequences. After he bent a post-light into a balloon dog shape you believed him. The rest of that night was filled with him doing a ton of cool stuff with his powers to make you laugh. Yes, there may have been tons of vandalism but at least it was all super cool to watch.
-He was hesitant on you meeting his family for many, many different reasons but when you did finally meet them they were shocked and yet they were expecting exactly this at the same time. Klaus was pretty much just like "Yep. This is what I expected." Though he was very fascinated with your muscles which you were more than happy to show off, flexing and such as he pokes your biceps which made Luther pull you back a bit. Viktor and Allison were very happy for Luther while Diego and Five were just shocked that there was someone out there even dumber than Luther. Of course Ben was also just happy for his brother :) ...but he was also questioning how anyone could be dumber than Luther. Diego tries to tease you but stuff just flies over your head and Allison just finds the whole thing so adorable.
-Because of your physique you often get girls and some men coming up to you for compliments or asking for your number. Luther tends to get jealous very easily but a simple kiss on the cheek and a hug can knock him out of that state pretty quickly. At times you're oblivious to the flirting and usually Luther is too, but when it hits him that a person is flirting with you he'll get very anxious and triggered and he'll end the conversation as quickly as possible and he'll be very touchy with you afterwards. You usually won't notice the switch in attitude since he's already a very touchy person so you don't think much of it when he pulls you a bit closer, you'll just hug him tighter and smile at him which unknowingly calms him down.
-Overall, the two are a couple of jacked dumbasses but that's fine. At least you both care and love each other :)
sorry if this felt a bit short
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info!
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amazingmsme · 2 years
An Old Familiar Sound
AN: Better late than never! Here’s everyone’s favorite grumpy old man & himbo brother, aka Five & Luther. They have such a fun dynamic, & I always enjoy writing them. As always, enjoy! 
Luther had forgotten how much he enjoyed Five's company because it'd been so long since he'd spent time with him. And after his disappearance, Reginald discouraged any mention of their brother unless it was to be used as a cautionary example of what would happen if they went against him. But Luther didn't want to unpack all of that at the moment.
He had never considered himself a funny guy, mostly because his siblings wouldn't laugh at his attempts at a joke. Which is why he felt an unusual sense of pride when he told a lame joke and Five nearly doubled over snickering to himself.
"I almost forgot you had dimples," Luther said fondly, giving Five's shoulder a pat. He immediately stopped laughing and schooled his features into their resting bitch face position.
"I don't."
Luther arched a brow and gave him a look.
"Uh, yes you do."
"Only when I smile," he argued. That made Luther chuckle, shaking his head.
"That's kind of the point of dimples. It's not a bad thing, they make you look cute. Restore some of that lost innocence," he teased.
"I don't need to restore shit," Five grumbled, grabbing the pot of coffee. He poured himself a large mug full, only adding a single packet of sweetener.
"You could restore some of those manners Dad taught us," he said, grinning smugly when Five turned to glare at him.
"Maybe you should respect your elders," Five challenged. Luther barked out a laugh.
"That's rich coming from you," he smirked walking up beside him to pour himself some coffee. "You've never respected your elders," he said, ruffling his hair. Five ducked away and swatted his hand.
"They've never earned my respect," he deadpanned, but failed to hide his smirk. Luther threw an arm over his shoulders, shaking his body.
"Luther, whahat the hehell?" he scolded through laughter, not really minding the playful affection.
"Well that's a sound I haven't heard in years. Do it again."
"What are you talking ahahabout! Hehehey quit ihihit!" Five shrieked as his brother dug his fingers into his sides.
"Aww I almost forgot how cute your laugh is!" he cooed, one hand clawing over his tummy, the other climbing up his ribs.
"Just shuhut uhuhup!" he cried out. Luther rolled his eyes and scribbled behind his fingers behind his ears. His knees buckled and he squealed, falling into an endless stream of giggles.
As if summoned, Diego appeared in the doorway.
"Thought I heard Five laughing and had to see for myself." Diego leaned against the doorframe, an amused grin plastered on his face.
"Ohoho piss ohohoff!" Five snapped, though his words held no real malice.
"Well that's rude. Think I need to help Luther here show you some manners," he mused, taking a step closer.
"I wouldn't be opposed. Get over here," he invited, waving their brother over.
Five was convinced his family would be the death of him, especially if they kept teasing him like this.
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krittec · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy season 2 & 3 would have been worlds better if they didn’t continually dumb down their characters in favour of jokes or completely derailing on going character development for the same sake.
Luther was canonically smart in season one, as was Diego who wanted to become a cop and possibly a detective since that’s what he did in season two. The both of them had theories on what Fives portal could have been… yet both of them were turned into Himbos in season 2, in Luthers case to make him more likeable I assume (Which could have been done SO MUCH BETTER than just making him stupid. He knew he messed up and apologised but it still could’ve gone better) And then Diego, a man who wanted to solve crimes, couldn’t figure out Stanley very obviously wasn’t his son.
My second point is geared toward Klaus & his entire cult plotline. First of all, cult plotlines especially done in a ‘humours’ way is so disrespectful and off putting that I genuinely hated Klaus for that season. Making Kool-Aid jokes as if that wasn’t a real event that killed over 900 people including children. I find this super common in American Media for some reason and it sickens me every time. Second of all, his plot-line just goes nowhere. He had something strong in season one but then it all evaporated because the show didn’t know where to take it so they put the LOWEST of lows in for comedic effect.
Also the whole sexual assault part is horrendous in itself. I am aware that it happens in the comics and that Allison repeatedly did things like that in the comics but they’d already changed so much and taken out so much, some of my favourite things, and including that is quite shocking and not in a good way.
Gerard’s lack of involvement after season one shines brightly and it’s sad. Glad that MCR is back and he is living his best life though.
I actually fear for season four and I’m almost relieved it’s the last season since it’s taken a steady decline (besides the music. S2 was great for that but even s3 took a dive) and to watch it go further would be depressing. Only reason I’m not loving it is because the same director is writing for a netflix Horizon project, which is very political and not subtle with the themes. I will be mortified if it gets ruined by their poor attempt at comedy.
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
Multifandom Headcanon: Prison world AU
A/N: Alright, one of my first ideas for a fanfic I ever had which is a prompt I still remember, was a prison AU that is eerily like the Bonnie and Damon prison world arc from TVD. I still feel like I prophesizied this arc. I never let that idea go and one of the webcomics I hope to create (if my new drawing tablet is of good enough quality to work with) is actually me working out this prompt with a set of fantasy characters that eventually will have their own multidimensional shennanigans alongside debauchery caused mayhem. This multifandom headcanon is basically which characters I can see would work well for my webcomic.
-Sasha Braus & Connie Springer from Attack On Titan/Slap On Titan: These two are made for an AU like this. Because my AU requires some serious crazy dumbfucks. Which is why their Slap On Titan counterparts would work even better. Especially Connie's stripper Chihuahua thing. -Lizzie Saltzman from TVDU: Out of all the TVD characters, Lizzie in the prison world is exactly the vibe of my webcomic: she treats the world like her playground and she's just vibing with being imprisoned. Also, I'll never forget her making out with Sebastian when Landon was in the trunk because that is so gonna be my webcomic. -Lily Chen from TSC: Lily's smart but her brain is fried enough that she ends up getting sucked down by idiocy all the same. I can see Lily having a similar rant to my sea sprite OC about a lack of interdimensional maintenance. Whilst Magnus would also seem like a great addition at first, there's something about the pain and tragedy of Magnus that I feel like he would not fair well in the prison dimension in the long run. -Jinx from Arcane: I can imagine Jinx to be counting down the days for Pyromania Day every year with everyone else running and hiding a month in advance because they know Jinx will just burn at least three towns to the ground for fun. -Kiyoshi Teppei from KNB: He is a lovable himbo that's also mentally tough and able to handle a lot. He can handle whatever shit gets thrown at him with grace. An necessary ingredient. -Diego and Lila from The Umbrella Academy: Speaking of lovable himbos that can handle a lot and prison that only triggers further memories of a certain lovable ship. These two would absolutely function well in this place. I'd put Klaus here too, but unfortuntely this world does not have ghosts as my version of the prison dimension has people aging until senior age but instead of dying in their sleep, people just fall into an eternal coma to also keep their souls imprisoned. -Nagisa 'Thugisa' from the Free! parody: This dude already was in prison and he would certainly function in this world too. Absolutely part of the crazy dumbfuck line-up. -Pike from ElfQuest: If there is one guy I would think of to hand out the drugs and booze in his own inn where everyone is staying for the night- Pike would be the number one character who comes to mind. There even was that one volume of when the tribe split and they got attacked by these mosquito-esque creatures that Pike's blood to a certain percentage is made out of alcohol with how often he eats those fucking dreamberries. Also Sasha would certainly be corrupted by Pike. Imagine Sasha with edibles… That is bound to go wrong! -Sokka from ATLA: From being a genius strategist to the comedic relief that managed to get away with tripping on LSD on a literal children's tv show, obviously he has to be part of this cast. And to those of you who don't know, there are two breeds of cacti particularly known for having similar chemical properties to LSD in their juice… My mom actually ones of of those which is how I got curious enough to investigate the cactus juice thing.
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I think that sometimes, especially with binge-culture surrounding shows and media in general, people get under the impression that a new season of something has completely changed how the characters act. I consume content very slowly because otherwise I get all de-realization messy in my head so for a long time I could never see what they saw. Shows that have huge in-universe time gaps between seasons (such as every season of Stranger Things and the gap between S1 and S2 of The Umbrella Academy) have it worst of all, I think.
My hypothesis is that a lot of people begin to consume content all at once and then immediately log onto a fandom so that they can continue to get content even if they consumed all of the canon. This means that slowly, over time, their ideas of who the characters are begins to warp and change. When they log back onto the show after the new season releases they believe that the writers/actors/producers have completely changed how the characters acted in the first place because they’ve grown overly attached to the idea that their favorite blorbo was one way when in reality he was another.
I bring this up because I saw someone claiming that the S3 cast of Umbrella Academy had people acting out of character when in all reality, I think they just went through massive amounts of character development in the time that they were stuck in Dallas (with the exception of Five, who got no time off, and Viktor who had his character development happen on screen with his transition). Luther has always been kind of an adorable himbo who’s super in love, going back to watch his interactions with Allison in S1 prove that even if he is blinded by his loyalty to Reginald and struggling to adjust to life around people again. Diego has always been headstrong and a little arrogant, he’s just also trying to juggle a kid with that. Klaus has always been an utter wildcard and his character has big ups and big downs. Allison has always been self-centered and believed that her life is the most tragic thing to have ever happened (I give her a pass in S2 because, y’know, racism and segregation allows any person of color to act however they want to their white oppressors). Viktor acts pretty much the same in late S1 as he does throughout the rest of the series. 
Stranger Things is also a fandom that warps the characters pretty significantly. Eddie especially since he became the fandom darling. When you look at what we were given in the show and then what the steddie people turned him into (I love that interpretation of him, don’t get me wrong) they’re nothing alike. 
I don’t think that the writers of the show are warping characters or turning them into someone else, I think that binge-culture has made us associate a specific type of character to our first impressions of them when we watched the beginning part of their media and how we felt when we watched it. Characters go through growth and changes, just as we do as people, which makes them feel almost completely different than they did when we first started. The binge model around media has ruined character development because we can’t process it when we’re consuming so much content that quickly.
There’s no conclusion to this, I think. It was just something I felt like pointing out after seeing a couple of posts about it! Feel free to discuss this with me either on this post, my DMs, or my inbox if you want (I will be deleting/ignoring people that just want to yell or be mean).
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oliwiatree · 2 years
just saw someone whining that the whole coming out thing in the umbrella academy was 'forced and out of character for everyone'
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
i want to write a love letter to the library scene in season 1 of the umbrella academy where diego tells luther ‘‘look, you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving...that’s okay. but maybe you’re asking yourself the wrong question. maybe it’s not about why we left. maybe it’s about why you stayed.’’
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same energy.
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x688plsloveme · 4 years
I can't believe the umbrella academy gave us two (2) himbos in one show. Bless
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booknerdmusician · 2 years
One thing I really like is how we've gotten to the point in The Umbrella Academy where they all recognize how nothing the numbers are. Like, in season one we had Luther thinking himself as the defacto leader for being number 1, Diego's whole complex about being second and always going against Luther because of it, Viktor's whole thing about being the last number due to supposedly not having any powers.
And now we're in season 3 and literally none of them care anymore. Like Luther's reaction to the sparrows kidnapping him, thinking because he's number 1 and therefore should be the leader is just like "??? do you think those guys listen to me?? i guess I can talk to them for you if you want", which is kind of endearing since for him is less like he's giving orders to his team and more like he's asking his family for a favor. Plus the fact that he and Diego have become an iconic duo of himbos within the fandom, only showcases that they are pretty much beyond the fight for leadership at this point. And Viktor, well, he had the whole scene at the beginning with Marcus that essentially boiled down to "yeah, I may be number 7 but let's be honest, I could still pretty much kick your ass if I wanted to" without even blinking.
I just think is such a great way to showcase how they've grown past Reginald's abuse, in that they don't need to equate their worth to the number they're asigned to. It's especially such an evident thing when you compare it to how the sparrows (specifically Marcus, Fei and Ben) spent almost the whole season bickering about the number one position, and how they still see it as the most important thing within their team.
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filmmarvel · 2 years
Ranking the Umbrella Academy Members in Season 3
Ranked on enjoyability! This was genuinely difficult, I loved them all so so much! Just to be clear this isn’t a ranking of who’s my favorite, but rather who stood out to me this season. I actually ended up putting them in tiers as opposed to ranking them individually because I just couldn’t decide!
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
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Top Tier: Luther, Diego, Klaus
To be honest, I’ve come to really adore Luther. He’s had the biggest character glow up from season 1 (I properly hated him back then). Now he’s just this hilarious, lovable himbo, and that was clearer than ever this season.
Diego is a similar comedic delight, and his relationships with Lila, and especially, his “son” Stan were lovely to watch.
And lastly, Klaus is always a highlight, but watching him come into his own with his powers was awesome. Also I just love that his family is Amish.
Second Tier: Lila, Five
It goes without saying that I adore these characters as well. Their dynamic was super fun, and they’ll always be up there with my favorites.
Third Tier: Viktor, Allison
I can already tell I’m gonna catch some flack for putting Viktor down here, so let me preface this by saying this is my personal opinion, and of course, that I genuinely really like Viktor! His transition was truly lovely to watch, and he really brought out the best of some of his siblings this season. That being said, that plotline was short lived, and the rest of his role was a little less enjoyable. I’ve found that while he may be a good character, his personality is just so mild that it can be hard to compete with his siblings (and we don’t often get to see the good parts of his personality since he’s so frequently… distraught? And rightly so, but still it’s a little irritating that he just can’t catch a break and ends up crying all the time).
As for Allison, she went full on villain this season. And while a lot of that was understandable and warranted (and could’ve made for great character development), other regions of that plotline were a little less compelling. Namely, when she assaulted Luther, which instantly plummeted her to the bottom of the list for me- that was truly fucked up.
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theitalianerd · 2 years
Gotta say that I’ve finished watching s3 like last week and it’s still the only thing I can think about. This fandom burst into my brain yet another time (along with my undying love for Robert Sheehan) and I wasn’t ready AT ALL. That being said, here’s some thoughts for this season because i have to share this somewhere so humour me
Again, big, huge spoilers ahead!!
Loved this season. If felt much more personal and emotional than s2, though I must say that for now nothing beats s1 mood.
I felt like the sparrow academy had a lot of potential, which has been exploited a bit but not completely. Marcus’ death was so sudden, and when also Jayme and Alphonso and Stan died, I really hoped TUA would somehow invert the damage and bring everyone back to life. Especially after what happened to Mr Pennycrumb. :(
Loved the dance scenes. There’s a dance scene in every season and I LOVE THAAATTT + bonus points for making the dance scene in e1 diego’s hidden wish lol
So I watched the whole season in Italian and I’ll definitely do a rewatch in English but when I’ve found an article stating that apparently Aidan spoke Italian when meeting Dolores I had to watch it because you don’t notice it in the Italian version!!! And it’s so cute!!!! I’m shocked!!!! I didn’t know Five pictured Dolores as Italian?? Are there other scenes like this that I don’t know of???? When did Five learn to speak Italian??? I LOVED THIS
I’ve read some criticism for this season because it has some nonsense scenes, plus a whole episode just about Luther and sloane’s wedding. I feel that, but I don’t agree - I loved those moments because we get to see more of these characters when they’re not trying to save the world. They’re carefree, and relaxed. We get to know their dance moves (not imagined by Diego this time), we get to see drunk Five (again) trying to give a speech to his brother, we have hugs, and warm words, and drunk Ben being the same old Ben again. So yeah I loved that, I’d watch an entire series of them just doing nothing
Still need to know the reason behind Christopher existence tho
Speaking of the wedding, I love Luther and Sloane!! Luther was a total himbo this season, and now I care so much about him. He changed a lot. At first I didn’t see his relationship with Sloane particularly well (c’mon, another sister??), but then she’s not really his sister like Allison was, was she? So it’s basically almost like Diego and Lila relationship
So yeah now LutherxSloan definitely beats AllisonxLuther
Before diving into S3 Allison rant, I’m gonna say that despite Lila is totally bonkers I love her and she and Diego are perfect for each other. Can’t wait for Dad!Diego!!!!
So yeah, Allison. I kinda hated her this season, but what she went through made me stop from totally hating her. Her siblings did kinda dismiss her pain, even if they were worried about her. Tho if it were Viktor in her place, probably everyone would have rushed to comfort him more than they ever did with Allison. Tho her pain doesn’t really justify what she did to Luther (such a dramatic scene, so painful to watch) and to Harlan. And what she said to Viktor. So yeah. It’s complicated. The fact that at the end of the season she has everything she ever wanted while the others have nothing………I think it’s gonna be a huge thing
And now let’s go to my beautiful, beautiful Klaus!!!!! I LOVED HIM SM this season omg. How he was so resolute to find his mom and what happened to her, and how he wanted to help reggie so much!!! Despite everything!!! He could have gladly abandoned him after everything he did to him (and maybe he should have)
I love his powers and can’t wait to see what else he can do
I was absolutely destroyed by the fact that despite his numerous trips to the other side, there was not a trace of Dave. That would mean he’s alive maybe??? but it’s a Dave that hasn’t really known Klaus and that hasn’t fallen in love with him. Their story is so dramatic and I LOVE IT AND THEM and I really, really hope they have an happy ending in s4 and the writers don’t totally dismiss them because otherwise what was the meaning of s2????
We only got a small whisper from Klaus when he came back from the dead for the first time. A small, anguished “Dave” + klaus clutching the metal tags. That’s it. That’s all we got this season. I’m starving.
Tho again, I loved how Klaus’ focus for this season was his family rather than his lover. We got to know him more in depth and his relationship with his father and the fear of his powers and all that so yeah I can accept this. Still I hoped until the very end to get a crumble of Klave :(
There are many other things but I need a rewatch!! Let me know if you guys have theories!!! I need more theories for s4 otherwise I’d make some myself and no one is gonna like that and I don’t have the energy to come up with some sense for this season lol
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umblebumble · 2 years
Umbrella Academy Daemon Headcanon
*Updated Version*
So I did a daemon headcanon for the Umbrella Academy quite some time ago, and now after Season 3 I wanted to do an updated version. I’ve only truly changed Ben’s, and that’s because I couldn’t think of a good choice for him back then. Everyone else stays the same, but I’ve hopefully explained the choices better. Hope you like it!
Luther: A rottweiler. Rottweilers are often thought of as very aggressive and dangerous dogs, but like with most fighting dogs with bad behaviour it is a result of the owner and not the dog themselves. Reginald’s abuse and manipulation made Luther overly aggressive, clinging to rules and order and his position in command and control of his siblings. But once he was free from Reginald’s grasp and realized the terribleness of his master, he becomes gentler, kinder, and a much better big brother. Rottweilers are overall kind of goofy dogs, not the brightest bunch and definitely on the more stubborn side - much like lovable himbo Luther. But they are fierce protectors of their families, and love their people with all their heart. Better with others rather than on their own, a big, clumsy, lovable, goofy, stubborn mountain of a dog seems perfect for representing who Luther truly is as well as the journey he takes as a character.
Diego: a coyote. A coyote is a really good representation of Diego, especially as contrast/compliment to the daemons of those around him. In the earlier seasons, a coyote would be very contrasting against Luther’s rottweiler; Diego is not quite the prim proper leader Reginald wanted, but more of a street scraper loner type; And the similar yet very different canine daemons would likely have just as much animosity towards each other as their people did. But in later seasons we see Diego come out of his shell and become much less tightly wound. Coyotes have been known to play with discarded dog toys in backyards after dark, and Diego definitely enjoys a good bit of fun as much as a good fight. In later seasons as well, his coyote would be an amazing compliment to his story with Lila, in his journey of realizing he’s not better on his own.
Bonus Lila: Badger. Lila is stubborn and aggressive and a little bits nuts in the most fun way, which is really represented by the curmudgeon gruffness of a badger who would be as blunt and chaotic as its person. However, the true poetry of her daemon is with Diego’s coyote daemon. Despite both animals being independent, accomplished hunters on their own, there are many documented cases of badgers and coyotes hunting together. The two predators work together, the badger going into the dens and the coyote catching the rabbit that is scared out. Together, the unlikely pair is much more successful at hunting than on their own. I think these two sort of loners would have daemons that reflect themselves well, but really shine in their polar-opposite, yet-somehow-the-same relationship with each other.
Allison: Great Grey Shrike. These birds are dainty and pretty to look at, but are not someone to mess with: underestimated, but powerful and willing to do whatever it takes to survive/get what they want. These birds are desert creatures, and I find desert animals are very tenacious survivors. All throughout the seasons we’ve seen how important her people are to Allison - she will do anything for her family, her daughter, her husband - and the great grey shrike is also extremely family oriented. It’s often called “the butcher bird” because it hunts small rodents, reptiles and insects and then stores them in a makeshift larder by impaling them on cactus thorns or sharp branches. Its a very clever method because it keeps the carcasses up out of reach of other animals, and keeps a good supply of food available for their young. In season one I picked this bird for Allison because she had a “ruthless” energy to her that seemed willing to do anything to achieve her goals, and now after season three I completely agree with my choice.
Klaus: Black footed ferret aka the domesticated ferret. Ferrets are animals that do better in groups, and Klaus is an incredibly social person. Ferrets are often thought of as goofy, mischievous tricksters - and while this is true of the animal and of Klaus - they can also be very clever and quick on the uptake. Klaus doesn’t seem it because of his relaxed appearance and drug-related history, but he has a record of figuring out things and picking up on stuff well before any of his other siblings clue in. But no one listens to him because he seems like a clown. Ferrets are also predators and while Klaus isn’t overly aggressive, he is very willing to throw down with people who clearly outmatch him, especially in defence of those he loves. I think a ferret is a perfect choice for Klaus, because everyone is very aware a ferret is a goofy, mischievous ass-hole who will steal your underwear and wallet and hide it under the couch, but ferrets are so endearing that we love them anyway. Klaus is a tender soul who has learned to let the troubles of the world roll off him, but he cares about his family and about Dave - ferrets are incredibly social devoted creatures and a lot of people forget they can be cuddly companions in the face of their chaos.
Five: A Portia Jumping Spider. While Five is incredibly devoted to his family, I didn’t feel a super social creature fit him very well. He grew up in an apocalypse by himself, and even before and after that he loves his family but greatly cherishes his space and time to himself. This kind of spider is a relatively small jumping spider (space-time jump puns entirely intended), but they are insanely smart. They’ve been known to create multiple-step traps and methods to hunt. And among their prey they hunt other spiders, which is an assassin-who-kills-assassins parallel that felt too good to give up. They are problem solvers who take down prey much larger than themselves - which is a perfect description of both Five and the Portia Jumping Spider. So while I’m sure other creatures could fit Five well and show off his softer side, the narrative potential of this spider just seem perfect to me.
Ben: A Black Cat. I hadn’t been able to pick a daemon for Ben before, but the closest I got was a crow, largely due to the death-symbology of the animal. However with more seasons of Ben character development (including Sparrow Ben) I think he would be a black domestic cat. The omen symbology is still there and works for his self-power-loathing in season one as well as the moody-ghost-vibes, but also just has such cat energy. He wants to be loved desperately, and doesn’t have any idea how to obtain it so becomes an ass-hole nuisance, because then you are paying some sort of attention to him even if its not positive. He can be super smug and stubborn, but also incredibly vulnerable. He wants to be important and cherished, and when he doesn’t get that he knocks over a glass in frustrated boredom. Despite the differences between Umbrella Ben and Sparrow Ben, I can see both characters as different reactions of a cat being neglected; a cat who when neglected becomes anti-social through standoffish avoidant and rude behaviour, and a cat who when neglected lashes out with anger biting at your ankles and knocking over all your pictures while yelling the house down. Both want love and affection but have different coping strategies to try and get it.
Viktor: A golden mole. The golden mole is a desert animal, and as I said earlier, I find desert creatures tenacious survivors. Thematically, a tiny little mole would work really well for the first season, because its a blind little creature overlooked and thought unimportant, but its keen sense of hearing would fit well in with the power reveal. Then in later seasons when Viktor becomes more confident in himself and his powers, the mole would work well because despite being small, the golden mole is called “the sand shark” or “shark of the desert”: it burrows around under the fine sand and pulls unsuspecting insects under, an inescapable doom for desert insects who don’t know its coming until its too late. This unstoppable force energy in a tiny unsuspecting package works very well with the self-confidant world-ender vibe Viktor achieves by Season Three. Where first we’d only see the loner, independent, introverted side of this tiny mole and character, we’d grow to see the power and confidence and assured capability of a dangerous predator who is also cute as a button.
((PS if anyone uses these daemon choices in a fic or art or something tag me??? I would adore to see it but have no talent myself))
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