#first the frumpy clothes workout
eleanorenchanted · 1 year
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suing for the cut where we see more than 10 seconds of these suits
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Trying to put together outfits for this clinical thing… I only need 8 “business casual” outfits but aside from my one favorite dress everything in my closet that is close enough to business casual either doesn’t fit or I can’t find something to pair with it to make it look good. I guess I have a couple other dresses that I can “make work,” and I have some A-line skirts, but like all my blouses pull too much at the bust or aren’t meant to be tucked in or are tank tops and I’d need a blazer but somehow I don’t have a black blazer??
Basically I’m going to have to go shopping, and where I live isn’t plus size friendly at all, so my options likely are going to be the terrible plus size clothing at Kohl’s. Which means my shit experience is now going to have to be in public instead of just at home, and idk how much I’ll have to spend or what Rob will think about me spending that much since we’ve had to spend so much lately on everything else.
I know this isn’t very body positive or even body acceptance of me, but even at my current “size,” I just wish my body shape wasn’t so hard to dress. Genuinely I don’t think I look good in a lot of mainstream silhouettes, especially ones that are common for “professional” clothing. Trying to find good fabric, colors, patterns, and cuts in my size that doesn’t look frumpy on me is so damn hard.
Montana is weird and a lot of people wear jeans and we generally “dress down” around here, but this is my first med school clinical thing ever, I’m meeting people for the first time, and I was told business casual specifically. So I don’t think what I wore for teaching labs or office hours is appropriate (jeans, tank, and a cardigan, or casual dress and a cardigan), and I don’t even think “smart casual” (like trade cardigan for blazer and no rips) would be appropriate either.
I know that obvs leggings and workout clothes isn’t appropriate for this setting but I wish I didn’t have to wear clothing I don’t feel good in. I wish my body hadn’t changed to the point I need new blouses. I wish my waist wasn’t straight and wasn’t up so high. I wish my bust was more proportional.
Or, I wish I had access to clothes made for bodies like mine.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Working for Love: A Terrormoo Story, 1/17
Okay, soooo...surprise? For some reason, the first week of November I wrote this entire story. It’ll be broken down into 17 parts, about 4-5 pages each. 
Yes, this means I wrote over 26k words in one week. I don’t know either.
This is a story that I’m dedicating to @personfullofplotholes because of all the work she’s helped me with for my BBS, MCU, and personal writing. Without her, Libahunt wouldn’t be a thing, and I’d probably be out of the fandom completely. 
So this story will be posted every Saturday! I hope that you enjoy! ^.^  
Main pairing: Terrormoo There will be other pairings mentioned through it, though not in detail and no real moments or focus.  But they’ll be dabbled in there, so fair warning. 
Drabble One
Brock was not lazy. 
Really, he wasn’t. Sure, he lacked the active schedule he’d had when he was in high school. College had been a hard transition, and though he managed to get through it with a 4.0 GPA, his health took a hit. Making ramen noodles at three in the morning was simply easier than trying to prepare a balanced meal and study for his economics final. His friends hadn’t mentioned any changes in his waistline or that his cheeks had plumped up through the college exams and parties. The pants he’d shimmied into after high school were stuffed in the deepest corner of his closet by the last year of college, but he was genuinely happy with his life. He had a positive group of friends and a financially stable job as a teacher. Brock even got an apartment that had come with a gym membership to ‘Wildcat Athletics’ (the landlord, Nogla, said that he was ‘best buddies’ with the owner of the gym, and worked there on weekends) for as long as he was a tenant and paid his bills on time. 
The only thing that even reminded him about his weight hangups, if he was being honest, was his boyfriend. Or, well, his ex-boyfriend. That factor was the exact reason that Brock stood outside of the aforementioned gym, lower lip dragged between his teeth on the chilly Monday night. Valentine’s day had been over a month ago, but still held more heartbreak than love for Brock. He’d been left stunned and insecure by the cruel words his lover had used to end their relationship. 
“I can’t be with a guy who doesn’t want to fix what’s wrong with his body. You’re just too heavy for me to keep pretending to be attracted to.” 
Two years spent fostering a welcoming and loving relationship had meant nothing because Brock now had love handles? His ex was in better shape than Brock from day one, but he’d assumed their relationship was built on more than looks. Brock had always been a little heavier, yet he balanced the slight physical shortcomings with his endearing personality. Never once had his ex complained about his body when Brock let him borrow his car or covered some of his bills during his ‘career transition’ between jobs. When Brock’s raise meant a vacation to Iceland, there were no complaints of thicker thighs and missing abs in the natural hot springs. He’d never made comments about the weight gain when the two were between the sheets, though recalling their love life over the past six months, Brock could remember several times his shirt remained untouched through their sex. The touches lacked the romantic charge they’d held at the start of their relationship, when Brock’s hips fit better under his hands and his shoulders weren’t rounded by stress and long study sessions. 
But now all of these ‘burdens’ were too much for his ex to handle, and after his scathing comments, the man left Brock broken and crying in his apartment without a second glance. 
“You’re not doing this for him,” Brock reminded himself, hand gripped tightly onto his phone to keep from turning around and heading back to his car. He’d already visited the gym a couple times over the past week, but always felt the impulsive desire to leave as soon as he stepped out of his car. His shirt was the baggiest he could find in his collection, hoping that it’d cover the lacking muscles and stretch marks he’d been staring at for weeks. 
His break-up had been the catalyst for coming to the gym, but it wasn’t the only reason. Brock had several other contributing factors. Nogla’s face looked so hopeful when Brock mentioned he’d checked out the gym, and exercising gave him something to do to get him out of the house. He did get a small burst of pride each time he finished his walk on the treadmill, though he hadn’t been able to use it to take on the weights. For the most part, the gym wasn’t saturated with muscle-heads or judgemental members, and people who were in the same shape as him looked content going there. He’d only met the owner, Tyler, once, but he didn’t give a judgemental stare or rude comment when Brock mentioned Nogla’s offer. He did look grumpy while having Brock fill out paperwork and take his photo, but Nogla reassured him that it was just ‘his normal mood’. 
Night workouts were always met with less clutter, as most didn’t want to work out after a 9-5 job. Brock’s guilty pleasure of sleeping through three alarms kept him from being a morning warrior, and he enjoyed the quieter time. 
“Hey, welcome back.” He gave a small smile to the man who greeted him at the front counter before showing him his scan card.
“Hello.” He didn’t muster up the courage to exchange any more words than the polite greeting. ‘Evan’ (as the nametag offered) was handsome and kind, his smile disarming and real each time Brock came in. But his ex’s grin had been charming, too, and Brock wasn’t good enough for him. Brock was reminded of how the frumpy college t-shirt had a hole in the right shoulder and a stain under the logo that would be impossible to find attractive. Plus, Evan was far too attractive to be single like him. He tried to make his own smile hide his negative thoughts when he dropped his gaze and took the card back, scampering to the safety of the treadmills. 
There were only a few people in the gym, and the station he liked to use was free. The tv in front of it played Animal Planet, which helped him through the harder parts of his routine. Plus, it was furthest in the corner of the gym, meaning that most members didn’t see him. The less people that caught sight of his flushed face, sweat stains and pathetic gasps, the better. His water and keys were tossed into the holders before he fumbled through the buttons of the machine, feeling confident enough to push his level to ‘4’ instead of the 3 he’d been hovering over for the past week. In seconds the belt was moving under his feet, and with Maroon 5’s ‘Give a little more’ playing in his headphones, Brock threw himself into his workout. 
It wasn’t long until the higher leveled routine took its effect; Brock’s legs tingled with protest at the higher incline as each minute passed, but he tried to keep his mind focused on the music pounding in his ears. His chest expanded with greater desperation after minute seven, and Brock had to close his eyes after the ten minute mark to keep himself from shutting down the machine. The pads of his fingers were clammy, making it hard to change the song on his phone to something with a heavier beat. Another change in the treadmill’s incline had brown eyes looking to the TV, though dismay flooded him at the breaking news that was interrupting normal programming. The boring story didn’t have subtitles big enough for Brock to read, meaning looking at the screen was pointless. His eyes pulled away from the speech to find something else to distract him. It only took a few seconds to find the stairmaster, though the intimidating machine was not what caught his interest. 
There, practically jogging from the speed he was using, was a man that rivalled the treadmill’s ability to leave Brock breathless. The sweat that made Brock’s skin fluster and smell looked much different on the other member. The muscle tank top was cut open wide under the armpits, leaving an easy window to peek at the fit torso and stomach hidden under the cloth. If the thirteen minutes of torture hadn’t already turned him into a persperating tomato, Brock was sure he’d be blushing. He winced at the realization he’d been staring before he forced his eyes back down to his hands, watching chubby fingers clutch the pulse monitors like a lifeline. 
“Don’t stare, that’s creepy,” he huffed to himself. If he didn’t need his hands stable to keep from falling off the machine, he would have smacked himself. People were not at the gym to be objectified. Even if the man was beautiful, he had the same rights to a peaceful work-out. It didn’t matter how clear his skin looked, the cute way the front of his hair curled over his forehead from his work-out, or how bright his eyes were in the fluorescent light of the-Brock visibly jerked at the realization that his eyes had betrayed him, looking at the gym member again. 
It’s not your fault, his conscience (in Mini’s voice, which made it so much worse) tossed out, Brock already rejecting the excuse as it formulated. He has really nice legs, and those pants are definitely spandex from how tight they are painted onto his ass-
The fact that his unconscious had picked up on something he didn’t even know he’d evaluated had him pulling away from the thought. Again, his eyes were following the sleek movements of the man, and he wanted to cry when he realized they were settled on the spandex-covered posterior. Embarrassment rearing up, a weird noise of protest bubbled out of Brock’s mouth. His feet stumbled for a moment, and he was sure that his sneakers made an unpleasant noise against the treadmill’s belt that echoed from how empty the gym was. 
Horror rushed through his bloodstream as the blue eyes from before glanced his way, Brock ducking his head as low as he could during the worst part of his workout. He could barely keep himself walking up the high incline, but the lowered head made it so much harder. The sticky feeling of sweat clung to the collar of his t-shirt and the fabric against his back. He must have looked like a disaster, and the hottest guy he’d ever seen in the gym was looking at him. For a moment, he wished he could melt into the floor. Two grueling minutes went by before Brock finally raised his head again, breath shaky from both the work-out and his embarrassment. The blue gaze was still focused on him, and then a wave was paired with a beaming smile. He didn’t need to look to know his face was the reddest it’d ever been. 
Thankfully for Brock, the timer on his treadmill hit twenty, and the belt slowed to a stop. He didn’t hesitate to jump off the treadmill, eyes dropped to the floor when scampering from the embarrassing situation. He barely remembered to wave goodbye to Evan, escaping into the cold of the night. The gasp of breath was chilling through his lungs, but with how hot his face was, Brock wished he could dunk his head into a bucket of ice. Why had that guy waved at him? Was he trying to show that he knew Brock was staring? What if he was just being passive aggressive? The entire ordeal was mortifying, and Brock could already hear how loud Mini’s laugh would be when retelling the terrible experience. 
One thing was for sure; Brock was never coming back on a Monday night again.
And there’s part one. This is a very silly and fun story, and it will jump between Brock and Brian’s POV. So if you wanna know what Brian’s thinking, you’ll have to wait until next week and see! So, what did you think? Likes and reblogs will always be a good way to show me some love. Until next Saturday! 
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lavenderprose · 7 years
maggie your wlw headcanons regularly destroy and remake me all over again, thank you v much, please talk to me about where yuri falls on that strangely reductive yet deeply satisfying femme-butch spectrum (the hogwarts houses of lesbians??) and how good she and viktoria look together
So like Yuri’s fashion depends a lot on her happenstance in life. As a child and teen she mostly wore her school uniform, which is unambiguously feminine, and she’s always worn her hair long so she always looked very girly as a young woman. When Mari bleached her hair and got her piercings (And tattoos because Mari has tattoos we just haven’t seen them yet) Yuri thought it was SO COOL but Japanese high schools? Very strict, so Yuri couldn’t do anything crazy like that, and then she moved to America to pursue ice skating and was enough of a fish out of water in America by just being, y’know, not American that the idea of doing anything drastic like that to her appearance sort of fell to the wayside. 
But in college Yuri really sort of developed her own style for the first time in her life. She wears a lot of jeans and a lot of button-up shirts and her hair is almost always tied up and she’s a woman who sleeps with women so of course there’s going to be some labeling there. And Yuuri doesn’t hate being soft butch or whatever that means, so it’s all good. 
But for Yuri, dressing up still means putting on a dress and doing your hair. Which is how she likes it, and so a lot of people have the experience of watching Yuri Katsuki, usually she of the Flannel And Jeans Like A Good Butch Should, teeter into a place in five-inch heels with her hair curled and glitter on her shoulders and she looks fucking good.
Like, the dress? Maybe the dress isn’t great (It’s Hiroko’s and might be as old as Yuri), but the rest of it is amazing.
And Viktoria watches this beautiful woman with the EYES and the HAIR and the BOOBS spin around on a pole and almost has a Gay Stroke.
Then she meets Yuri Katsuki, really meets her, and her soft hair underneath a hat her mother knit for her, who’s soft in the belly and the hips and wears cuffed jeans and sneakers and sports bras. Her fingernails are trimmed short and her ears are small, unpierced. 
And Yuri Katsuki compares her “frumpy” wardrobe to Viktoria, who wears designers, even workout clothes, and feels inadequate next to Viktoria’s high fashion, tailored and custom everything.
Viktoria on the other hand? Is in love. She’s in love with Yuri’s hats, and Yuri’s sweatshirts with the front pockets, and Yuri’s jeans with the rip in the knee and the men’s belt because she buys them a size too big, and she loves Yuri’s forearms when she pushes the sleeves of her jackets up to her elbows–she loves the fine little peach fuzz there, little black hairs scattered down her arms like Viktoria’s freckles–adorable. She likes the boniness of Yuri’s ankle compared to the fullness of her thighs, and the angle of her jaw compared to her pillowy cheeks. She loves the poodle-patterned boyshorts that are Yuri’s favorite pair of underwear, and the cotton ankle socks that Yuri wears.
Then she watches Yuri skate onto the ice to perform Eros, and realizes that Yuri has a whole other side to her that Viktoria gets to explore. She cocks a hip and tosses her hair over her shoulder, blows a kiss, winks an eye. 
Viktoria feels her heart flip in an entirely new way, and wonders how she’s ever going to survive, since she’s got her a girl who can do both.
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Day 1: Getting my shit together.
I had a long post planned, but it got deleted when the site crashed.  Yay.
So, I’ll keep it short and sweet.  
I’m 5′3″ 189 pounds.  I’m Prediabetic.  I have fibromyalgia and severe anxiety.  Something has to change.  So, here are my stats.
Height: 5′3″
High Weight: 230
Low Weight: 105 (and extremely healthy)
Current Weight: 189
First Goal:169 - Sabine Wren Tattoo
Second Goal:159 - New Jeans
Third Goal: 149 - Mandalorian Vest
Fourth Goal: 139 - Trip somewhere 
Fifth Goal: 129 - Cassian Andor or Rebels tattoo
Sixth Goal: 119 - $200 worth of workout clothing
Final Goal: 105-110 - Finish the long awaited Mandalorian suit.
I have goals planned for each goal weight because it’s motivation.  Just like my main motivation....the Mandalorian Mercs.  I attended Star Wars Celebration this past month, and it was an amazing experience.  However, I noticed something.  All of the Mandalorian women were strong looking.  They looked like warriors.  Their armor wasn’t sitting atop their boobs and their stomachs.  It was fitted to their body.  It looked amazing.  
I’m currently making a suit myself, but there is a resounding thought in the back of my head.  I don’t want to troop, as an overweight female.  I don’t have any issue with overweight mandalorians.  I’ve seen some amazing suits on overweight people.  For me personally,  I don’t want that.  When I designed my suit...it’s bright, and colorful.  It’s a ‘jump out at you’ kind of suit.  It is a suit I could see on a strong warrior, fit and scary.  Not my frumpy self...
So the Mandalorian Mercs is a huge motivator, and I WILL be ready for Anaheim...
I’m going to end this here, because I’m headed to the gym, but this is me saying enough is enough.  Follow me for more of my journey.  I will try to post my food, workouts, and triumphs/failures after every day...
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airoasis · 6 years
Weight Loss Inspiration, Tips + FREE GUIDE!
Hello My name is Nicole Kellerman and I'm founder and developer of Effective Weight-loss School
I am likewise a personal fitness instructor and weight loss and way of life coach If you would love to lose weight, well tightening and toning your body and remaining that weight forever, I'm going to show exactly step by action on how to do that without dieting or packing on a dreadful treadmill If you re having a hard time with your weight and feel like you're stuck in a body that you don't absolutely love then you were going to enjoy this complimentary weight loss training that I have for you Now is the time to take action since here are the realities: when you feel better about yourself, your world lights up? You laugh more You smile more
You feel more happiness And for that everybody profits So there's no reason not to pay for this totally free video training due to the fact that I'm gon na be showing you step by step on ways to slim down, have more fun and never ever have to fret about acquiring it again Simply a fair warning; this is not some quick repair diet that's going to provide you short-term outcomes There's no restrictive meal strategies and workout routines
I don't think in that things This is about life long change and this is a weight reduction method that you have actually never seen prior to We're all about teaching you on ways to slim down by having more enjoyable Yes Weight loss and fun can go hand in hand and I'm going to show you precisely how they do
I understand this sound a little out there and maybe you question it Well, felt confident this works As being a personal trainer and weight loss and lifestyle coach over the last 7 years, I have countless customers slim down and stating they really had a good time while doing it One of my God-giving presents was to encourage Ever since I was a young kid I could see the capacity in everyone
And I was bad zipping my lips about it, which got me in trouble a few times And I'm likewise an extreme type A which might definitely a course in some cases however when I learn on ways to use for advantage in my service, I had the ability to come a formula for weight-loss that is easy, easy and efficient I can show you a way to carry out weight reduction strategy like you ve never ever seen So you most likely wonder how I got into the fitness field Well, let me tell you, I was not an athlete in high school nor did I consume healthy
I like junk food I was a junk food addict and I hate to exercise I really nearly stopped working in PE in high school So this is not something I was born with
I needed to learn it So, long story short, I got a high school and I acquired 30 pounds I was lost I had no idea what to do And so I was lost but also figured out
I'm telling you, I'm figured out, a little sucker So exactly what did I do, I chose to attempt every single diet out there weight watchers, diet pills, body for life, working out 2 times a day, eat stop eat, Jillian Michaels making the cut video, just consuming veggies, working out for two hours, juice fasting for days, the master cleans (oh! I got ta go) And top it all, I was a big starver and binger If I attempt to rack my brain, I might probably develop a couple of more, you understand I was a diet junkie I like to be on diet plan
I believed that was the only way you could drop weight So what I truly learn during that time was not to deal So that in mix with being a personal trainer and weight loss and lifestyle coach of the last 7 years, I developed a formula that is simple, efficient and works for the long term And that's precisely what we carry out in Effective Weight-loss School If you join I would like to assist you too
So now that you got here, I wanted to tell you how buying an expensive coat actually assists you drop weight Alright, for the number of times you said, "When I Slim down I'll lastly go shopping" Right So numerous fingers, you don't need to count Well, that stop right there could be busy holding you back from dropping weight
It's been scientifically shown that like a tracks life and thoughts become things This isn't some airy fairy predisposition; do not roll your eyes at me If you want to see incredible evidence that this is real, Google Emoto's Water Crystals So you tell me how you feel getting dressed up every morning, right? Doesn't it sucks? I know how you feel You opened up the closet door, your stomach drops
Right, you hate this part Suck You try out all various sort of clothes only to figure out that they don't fit you, making you feel even worse about yourself and you finally choose on among the four attires that you wear that do not make you look regrettable, right? If you're constantly walking around in clothing that make you feel fat and frumpy for example, and keep in mind, like a truck's life and ideas become things, it's no marvel you're stuck Alright, are you still with me here? Or you're getting exactly what I'm throwing down? I know this is a little out there however remain with me Okay, if you keep playing, 'When I Reduce weight I' video game, you are going to be having problem with your weight for the rest of your life
I have a concern for you How will you feel and what will you do if you lose weight? Do you have that shopping list? Well, I actually like you to write them down So go there get the pen and paper I desire you to do this with me here and today So hurry
Go yell And get your pen and paper Come back And I desire you to write down and offer you 30 seconds
How will you feel and exactly what will you do when you slim down? Wasn't that great? Aren't you beginning the feel those sensations just by writing that list? Yes! That's precisely where I need you to stay When you keep generating those sensations due to the fact that keep in mind like a truck's life and thoughts end up being things So, there are two more projects to assist you create those feelings; the very first one is the costly coat impact Yes I am informing you to shop Yes! Shopping
You do not need to go out and buy an entire brand-new closet All you require to do is purchase 2 new outfits Do not roll your eyes at me Don't shake your head Do not inform me it's going to be terrible
Get a sales girl to assist you She can help you to find clothes that fit your body The only requirement that I have for at least two clothing is to make sure there's color Preferably red but any color work will do And black? Not a color
Sorry sibling Likewise, ensure to get some accessories It's a great method to make you look good and feel great And I know you're probably questioning why I'm telling to go on shopping when you're planning on slimming down and not having the ability to use these clothes any longer however trust me, this works You can constantly contribute them or send in tailor
Do not use that as a reason This is going to make you feel extraordinary Now, prior to you stop this video (since you think I absolutely lost my marbles) let's think of this for a minute If you're walking around with those two new clothing that make you feel hot and sexy, what sort of message are you now setting up there? Hot and attractive baby! Yeah! We require more of those hot and hot feeling all the time I am informing you start doing this
The weight is gon na come melting off Because this is the bottom line of it all, "The better you feel, the healthier choices you will naturally make" Oh! And by the method, if you haven't hopped on over to SuccessfulWeightLossSchoolcom, I hope you go on over there and put your name and email address to get more of this weight loss video training This is only the pointer of an iceberg
The second thing that I need you to do right now (told ya a little bossy) is a homework project I 'd like to call, "Damn, I ROCK!" There's a PDF that you can print off right listed below this video that s gon na reveal you step by step ways to generate more of those feelings Thank you a lot for sticking with me through this video up until now Now let's do a quick review of exactly what we've discussed Number 1: Like a truck's life and thoughts become things Number 2: The much better you feel the much healthier decisions you are naturally going to make
And, Number 3: 2 research projects to begin creating more excellent sensation So if you made it fun with this video, I want to congratulate you due to the fact that undoubtedly, you're a female who believes you deserve better You deserve more to have enjoyable Now is the time do something about it due to the fact that understanding without action is completely pointless So we're going to do this together right now
In the remark section listed below I want you to begin writing down your 'Damn I ROCK' assignment and tell me 3 of your top achievements Cool? Write below in remark area, 3 of your top accomplishments I hope you got a lot of value out of this training video and I sure hope you produce some of those great feelings Let's not be self-centered and share this with 3 other ladies you know Now is the time for us ladies to come together and support each other through weight loss training
It makes me so sad to see how lots of women mess up each other So I'm here to alter that And you can start that today by sharing out with 3 other ladies you know In the next video, I'm going to give you my filthy little secrets to dropping the tension for excellent Because truth is, tension = FAT and we do not want that
Now that you have this foundational of weight-loss, you have to know there's little secret so you can keep the weight off for-ev-a The last thing that I wish to inform you is, Now is the time Are you hectic? Yes Super busy? Most likely Well that's life
And the fact is it's never ever going to slow down So you can either remain in the body you can have now, saying I'm-too-busy-to-lose-weight excuse, or you could transport who I wish to call, your determine badass and just figure it out I'm informing you, you can do this Don't let any person inform you differently because if I can do it, you can too I believe in you
Alright, I'm gon na stop talking now Get to work on your homework and I will see you in the next video
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momwifeeducator · 6 years
A Busy Mom’s Tips for Getting Healthy and Loving Yourself Again
June 30, 2017
I should begin by telling you what I am not. I am not a registered dietician. I am not a doctor or nurse, nor do I pretend to be.  I am by no means, an expert on weight loss. In fact, I am only about halfway to my goal weight and fitness level. However, I have felt like I could stand to lose weight for about as long as I can remember. Was it easier to keep it off when I was younger? Sure. But I’ve never been super thin. I’ve never really been in shape and I don’t consider myself to be athletic. I despise running and in general, exercise is usually the last thing I would chose to do.
What I am is a mom and a wife. I have a fulltime job (other than being a mom and wife; which is a fulltime job in itself). I am over-scheduled and over-stressed and feel like I never get enough sleep. I am all of those things. And I’m guessing you probably are too.
Let me back up. I should tell you that the idea for this blog did not begin today, but one year ago. My husband and I were on a dream vacation to St. John, without our kids, enjoying the beautiful weather, endless blue ocean, and amazing snorkeling. Because the island is very hilly, we rented a small SUV to navigate the island. One night, Michael suggested we walk to dinner, which was as short, but steep walk up and down a couple hills. At the time, it felt like the worst idea ever. Walking in that heat up and down those hills? I’ll never make it, I thought. And if I do make it, if I do survive, I’ll be a dripping, sweaty mess for dinner. Yuck.
We did it anyway. It was easily the most humiliating activity I’d done since running the mile in middle school PE class. I had to stop several times because my legs were burning and I was out of breath.  I just felt like crying. Though it was never Michael’s intention, it was easily my worst moment of the trip.
When we got back from vacation a few days later, something inside me changed. That was it. I had had enough. I was tired of being overweight, out-of-shape, and tired all the time. I was tired of feeling disgusted in my own body and feeling like I couldn’t fit in any of my clothes. It was embarrassing that I couldn’t even go for a walk on vacation because the hill was too steep. I felt disgusted with myself. How did I get here? I asked myself several times a day.
I’ve had some time since then to think about that question; How did I get there? I got there because I got pregnant and gave birth to three gorgeous boys, each time not really losing all the baby weight. I got there because I truly hated exercising and never did it, though I knew I should. I got there because I told myself I was always too busy for the gym and that I actually wasn’t as out of shape as I thought. I got there because I love eating yummy, delicious, not-so-healthy food.
Gaining weight affected all parts of my life. For starters, my confidence level dropped dramatically. I never thought I looked good in anything, unless it was loose and baggy clothing. I never wanted to try anything new because I automatically felt that I wouldn’t be good at it. For example, my sisters and dad would go golfing for Father’s Day every year. I never went because I was sure I wouldn’t be able to hit the golf ball, nor did I have an appropriate outfit that fit me. I refused to exercise because I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up in the class. I thought everyone would look at me and wonder why I was so out of shape.
The drop in confidence affected my work too. Ever hear the saying “dress for success?” What I wore affected how I felt about myself and my ability to teach. I dressed for teaching every day in frumpy work clothes. Though I was still a good teacher, I never felt motivated to go above and beyond. I felt like the students noticed every flaw about my body. I even had students ask me if I was pregnant…multiple times.  After having kids, my stomach was the first to bulge out if I put on weight.
My lack of confidence affected my marriage. My husband would get excited about a dress or shirt he bought for me and I didn’t even want to try it on. It was if I somehow knew it wouldn’t look good on me or it would be too tight. He bought me a FitBit for Mother’s Day, which I first felt a bit offended by (but now a year later, I see that present as a total life saver).
Anyway, that hike in St. John was the moment; the eye-opener that I needed. The week we got back, I strapped my FitBit on my wrist and made the decision to lose weight and to get healthy. Here’s what the past twelve months have taught me and some tips I still use that work for me.
Tip #1: Put Exercise On Your Calendar
I have a very Type-A personality. I am always busy. Though I complain about it sometimes, I think I actually like to keep busy. Therefore, I always thought that if I kept busy playing with the boys or making dinner or cleaning the house, I’d lose weight, because after all, I was still moving. Surely, I thought, the only moms who gain weight are the ones who sit around all day. I was wrong. I managed to gain 20 pounds after having my third son, even though I was still busy every day.
However, that first week after vacation (June 26th - July 2nd, 2016), I actually wrote the name of each exercise class and the time it was offered on each day of the week on my calendar. You see, I already had a membership to our local YMCA, I just didn’t utilize it. In fact, Michael had asked about canceling it because we never went. That week I went to five exercise classes (and I know this because it’s all stored on my FitBit app). I started taking Zumba classes because I had lost weight doing so a couple years earlier and I love to dance. I burned an average of 400 calories each time I went to the gym, and I was proud of that. Now don’t get me wrong, I was a complete sweaty mess the whole time. I was out of breath most of the class and I couldn’t do all the dance moves because my body just wouldn’t keep up. It was hard. But it was something.
I found that when I wrote the class and the time on my weekly calendar, it felt like I had to go. I kind of live by my calendar. It’s the only way I can stay organized with the boys’ varying school schedules, my work, my husband’s work, and our various sports and activities. Therefore, when people would call to see if we were free Tuesday night to get together, I had to say no because Zumba was at 7:30.
A year later, I still do this every week. On Sunday night, I look at the YMCA class schedule for the week (it helps to have the paper schedule right next to the calendar and I also keep the schedule open on my phone too). I write in what classes I will attend and I make sure nothing else is scheduled during that time. If the boys have an activity for school or a basketball practice, I make sure I chose a class that fits around it.
I won’t lie. At first, it was hard to make myself go some nights. It still is hard some days. After teaching all day, sometimes the last thing I want to do is race home, make a quick dinner, feed the boys, clean up, and head to the gym. But I still do it five to six nights a week. I do it rain or shine or snow. And after the first three or four weeks, it got easier to find the motivation to get to the gym.  And by now, the guilt sets in if I don’t go.
Tip #2: Change into Workout Clothes Right When You Wake Up/Get Home from Work
This seems like a small thing to do, but for me, it really makes a huge difference. If I sit around in the clothes I wore to teach that day, I feel unmotivated to change and get to the gym. However, if I come home from work and head right upstairs and change, I feel like I’m already dressed for the gym, so why not go? (I actually just had to take a break from sitting and typing and walk/jog around the house to get some steps in. True story. I may be slightly addicted to getting my steps for the day on my FitBit.)
On the same token, if it is a weekend morning, before even going downstairs to make breakfast for the kids, I put on my sports bra, workout shirt, and yoga pants. That way, there is no excuse to not be ready to go to my exercise class.
Tip #3: Choose to Exercise OR Eat Healthier (Only One at a Time)
Unless you have way better self-control than I do, I recommend choosing exercise OR healthy eating. If you know me, you know I love to eat. I love foods that are especially unhealthy, not because they are unhealthy, but all my favorite things happen to be loaded with calories and fats. For example, I love cakes and cookies. I love Mexican food and Italian food. I love love love bread. I love all those foods the doctors tell you to give up. And I knew in my heart of hearts that if I had to exercise (which I hated) and give up the foods I loved, I’d never stick with it.
So, I chose to tackle my hatred of exercise first. I did so by going to the dance classes first. I took Zumba and Werq and ReFit. After I started to learn the routines, I actually started to like going to these classes. They were fun and they got my butt moving. Plus, my FitBit showed me that I always burned an average of 400 calories and I liked seeing that. I swear my FitBit is the one thing I wear every day, all day. When I have to take it off to charge it, I try not to move because I don’t want to miss counting my steps (an exaggeration, but I actually don’t like to do much without it).  During this time I didn’t make much of a change to the way I ate.
Around month two of exercising four-five days a week, I started to feel like I could start eating healthier and still maintain my level of exercise. My husband and I actually did two weeks of eating no to low-carb. It was really hard and I lost three pounds. I’m not sure I would want to do it again, but I am able to keep up with small changes to my diet. For example, I try to eat healthier options as much as I can. No, I never eat as many vegetables as I should and yes, sometimes I still eat bread or a bit of cake. I just eat way less of it. I choose grilled chicken over hamburgers and order salad if I go out to eat. But if I want cake, I eat cake. I just eat a bite or two, not a whole piece (or two). I’ll have a couple spoonfuls of ice cream, not a whole bowl. After a few months of eating like this, I’m actually to the point that I don’t want more than a couple bites. If I eat a whole piece of cake, my stomach feels kind of crummy afterwards. The amount of sugar doesn’t agree with my body anymore. I still eat Mexican food and Italian, I just eat one or two enchiladas, instead of three or four. I try to avoid carbs, but I still eat them. One day, I think I will bump up my healthy diet again and try low-carb or make a goal or eat a lot more veggies every day, but I’m not there yet. I push myself, but not too far that I break. I have to make decisions that are attainable and doable for me.
Tip #4: Get A FitBit
When my husband bought me my FitBit Blaze for Mother’s Day, I didn’t automatically like it. I actually had asked for one, but getting one made me feel like, crap, now I have to actually exercise.  But from day one, I was hooked. Every day I felt like I needed to get more steps. At least that’s how it started. Later, when I actually starting taking exercise classes, I loved to see how many active minutes I had earned or how much time I had spent at the cardio/fat burn/above levels (I still check my app after exercising every day). It actually feels fun to burn calories.
My Type A personality makes me competitive, though I don’t usually like to compete against other people. I choose to compete against myself. When I first started working out, I always wanted to get all “green” on my FitBit app (when you hit your goals for calories, steps, exercise, etc. they turn green on the app). When I lay down for the night, I check my app. If I am short a few steps or a few flights of stairs, I actually get out of bed and walk around or go up and down the stairs until I hit my goal. I consider myself my biggest competitor and I always want to do better than the day before.
Tip #5: Join a Gym with Childcare
This one is a given for busy moms. I get it. It feels like there is simply no time to exercise what with Jimmy’s basketball practice, Tommy’s swim lessons, cleaning the house, making dinner, doing laundry, etc. etc. etc. There was no way I could join a gym that didn’t have childcare because my husband is only home in the evenings, and that’s not counting the nights when he has to work late and isn’t home until after the kids have gone to bed and all the exercise classes are over.
We are very lucky that our YMCA has a great childcare center where my boys actually enjoy going. The boys ask to come with me and since becoming regulars, they know the teachers and have friends who are in there at the same time they are. Plus, this allows me an hour of child-free time, which is good for my sanity too.
I’ll admit, however, that sometimes I feel a lot of guilt when I’ve just come home from work and I feel as though I should be spending lots of time with my kids and yet I’m rushing off to exercise. But, I try to tell myself that I’m getting healthy so I can play more with them and so I can be around longer when they get older. I think being healthy and having confidence makes me a better mom. If you are good at motivating yourself, I think doing work out videos at home would be a great compromise because I’ve heard of other moms that exercise at home and their kids even join in. Unfortunately, I need the class to motivate me so working out at home isn’t an option right now.
Tip #6: When You Feel Ready, Push Yourself to Try New Classes
Even though my husband tried to tell me early on that I should push myself and try the more difficult classes (ie. weight lifting or heavy cardio interval classes), I hesitated. I really didn’t think I’d be able to keep up in those classes, as I wasn’t in good enough shape yet. So I stuck with my dance cardio classes because I was good at them and I liked them. However, around month three, I started to feel like my Zumba classes weren’t pushing me enough. I still enjoyed the class, I just felt like I should probably make the most out of my hour of exercise. I finally felt ready to try something new because I was feeling in better shape and my confidence was rising enough to push myself out of my comfort zone.
Turns out, I started to really like those new classes. I started taking a strength training, weight-lifting class a couple times a week and it’s been great to see how much stronger I am getting. My arms, which once were flabby and gross (to me, at least), are starting to show some muscle definition. Yes, I had to get over the fact that weight-lifting type classes show less calories burned on my FitBit, but sometimes I don’t think it’s all that accurate. Large muscles burn more calories, but you aren’t hopping around and dancing in those classes, so it registers less calories burned on your watch. I’m okay with it now because I know the strength training is good for my body. I have a good friend who is in far better shape than I am and she pushes me sometimes to come with her to cardio interval classes. These get my heart rate up and keep it there. And trust me, those classes still push me and I’m exhausted. And yet, I don’t give up like I might have done a few months ago. After twelve months of exercising 5-7 days a week, I’m finally to the point where my heartrate may be up and I may be dripping sweat and my muscles may be burning, but I can still breathe. I can still catch my breath, which I never used to be able to do when I worked out. It’s an amazing feeling.
A few months back, I also decided to start running – an exercise I don’t believe I’ve ever liked or ever been good at.  But after about 8 months of consistent exercising, I felt like I needed to set a new goal – running a 5K.  I ran my first 5K in early June 2017 in the Cosley Farm Run in Wheaton, IL. Although I wasn’t the speediest one there – by far – I completed the race in 37 minutes and almost cried as I approached the finish line.  Not because I was in pain, but because I did it.  And now I’m signed up for two more 5K races. I still don’t love running, and honestly, I’m more of a slow jogger – but it feels good to be finally able to do it.
Tip #7: If You Have Trouble Motivating Yourself, Take Classes at the Gym
Though my gym has a large area for ellipticals, treadmills, and free weights, I spend very little time there (unless it’s raining and I want to run). You see, I find it very difficult to push myself and I get very bored just going on one machine or the other. Taking a class works so much better for me. This way, I have an instructor who is like my personal trainer, showing me what moves to do and how long to do them for. I can learn dance routines that make the time pass quickly. I get to listen to loud, energizing music to keep me going. And most importantly, I am surrounded by other people who are trying their best too. For me, it’s just way more fun to be in a class with others, than sad on a treadmill by myself.
Tip #7: Get Yourself a Cheerleader
This is my favorite tip because it’s simply the best part of getting healthy. My husband is the best cheerleader I could ever ask for. He’ll stay home with our boys so I can go exercise and supports my diet changes. He tells me how beautiful I am every day (he’s always told me this, but I’m finally starting to believe it). He even helped pick out some new clothes when I started losing weight and complimented me and my work ethic. He tells me daily that I am the best mom and wife he knows and that he and our boys are so lucky to have me. As if the extra confidence boost wasn’t enough, working hard for him gives me that extra push I need somedays. It’s an extra motivator when close friends or co-workers notice a difference. Their compliment not only pushes me harder, but makes me truly feel so good inside and proud of my accomplishments.
General Thoughts
You may think that I forgot to mention how great it is to work out with a friend. And yes, it definitely helps and I love the times that my friends happen to be at the gym too. However, my friends are also busy moms and busy moms don’t always have time to take the same classes as me.  So think of workout buddies not as a necessity, but as a nice bonus every so often.
I asked myself today, why am I even writing this? Isn’t it a little embarrassing sharing my private thoughts about my weight?  And I decided that I’m writing this in hopes that someone reading would get inspired to become healthier.  As the saying goes (though it’s absolutely, honestly true this time), if I can do it, so can you. I’m writing this because I feel like a new person. I feel like I can try any class, try any sport, and I won’t fail miserably. Or maybe I will fail miserably, but that’s okay. I got golf clubs for my birthday and we go to the driving range often.  I’ve even golfed a 9-hole course and an 18-hole course and I finally went golfing with my dad and sisters this past year. I’m wearing two sizes smaller in pants and one size smaller in shirts. I like trying on clothes again.
Some days I am afraid that I will go back to old habits. I’m scared that one day of skipping the gym will lead to two days, which will lead to three days, and so I make myself go to the gym every day, if possible. When I stayed in a hotel downtown Chicago with my husband, I actually worked out at the hotel gym. When we went on a family vacation to Florida in January, I was nervous that I’d gain some of the weight back. However, I tried to do more physical activities like run through the sand, or chase my kids on the beach.
I wish I could put the way I feel about myself and my body into words. I’m trying my best to do so. I am a happier person. And when I lose the rest of the weight and really get into the best shape of my life, I can’t imagine how great that will feel. I’ve never really been healthy. I’ve never really been in shape. And even though I am just halfway there, it feels so good.
We are halfway through 2017.  I am excited for the future, but I also think 2016-2017 was one of the most important years for me. I turned 33 and I started to love myself again.
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russellthornton · 7 years
How to Be Hot: 14 Tips to Revamp and Reveal the Hot and Sexy You
If you’re on Instagram or Facebook, you’re constantly bombarded with images of hot people. But the secret to knowing how to be hot is already inside you.
I’m a little biased when it comes to understanding how to be hot. The problem is that everyone’s trying to look like Kim Kardashian. Now, I’m not saying she’s not hot, she’s hot. But that’s only one way to look hot. But since it’s all we see on social media, it’s easy to make that specific look the definition of beauty.
In reality, not all of us will have asses that plump or tits that look like firm bags of sand. I don’t have tits, this is just a fact, and I’m not going to get them anytime soon. Does that make me less attractive?
A tutorial for how to be hot
So, before you get yourself into a panic attack, wondering if you’ll ever be hot because you don’t have a perfectly symmetrical face, take a breath. No one is perfect, like, literally no one. But, you can be the hottest version of yourself. That is totally possible.
Now, how do you become the hottest version of yourself? Good question. I’m gonna let you in on the tricks you need to do. And you’re gonna need to put down your phone for this lesson on how to be hot.
#1 It’s not about the exterior. Okay, it is, to an extent, about how you look. But have you ever seen someone who physically maybe isn’t the most attractive person, but they’re hot? Well, that’s because they have self-confidence and believe they’re sexy, funny, and intelligent. That’s what is actually hot. It’s not so much about the appearance as it is how they carry themselves. [Read: How to be pretty and own yourself]
#2 Own the room you enter. This is going to be hard for the first little while. But, you know the old saying, “Fake it untill you make it.” In this case, I full-heartedly approve. When you walk into a room, keep your head high, smile, and look approachable.
This took me a while to do. I wasn’t confident, however, after some time, I really started to see how beautiful I am. So, walking into a room with my head high didn’t become an issue. [Read: The 20 life hacks you need to grow in confidence]
#3 Step out of your comfort zone. Listen, I’m the queen of wearing sweatpants and baggy t-shirts, so, when it came to me dressing up, it was a challenge. But, step out of your typical comfort zone. If you’re not used to wearing tight pants or high heels, why not try it out? You’ll be surprised how a pair of heels changes the way you feel.
#4 Don’t go crazy with the makeup. If you want to wear a boatload of makeup, who am I to say no? But, if you’re not used to wearing makeup, don’t think you have to go crazy on the blush and bronzer. Keep it simple in the beginning. Slowly test out different types of makeup. Wearing a lipstick with mascara helps to brighten your face and bring the focus to your lips. [Read: 15 ways to unleash the sex goddess hidden within]
#5 Less is more. If you see “hot” girls, they’re usually not decked out in head-to-toe fur or glitter. Less is actually more when it comes to dressing up and doing your hair and makeup. They don’t have chains of gold hanging off of their necks, they keep it simple. That’s really what it’s about. It’s not about changing your entire look, but rather accentuating your features.
#6 Size matters. Body size doesn’t, but how your clothes fit you does. It doesn’t matter what’s the number on your jeans. If they’re too big or small, change the size. You want your clothes to fit comfortably while still showing off your curves. Or else you either look like you’re stuffed or wearing a potato sack. Neither looks overly flatter for anyone. [Read: How to dress sexy, throw away the frumpy and go for the boom]
#7 Do things you love. How else will you be able to convey happiness and laughter if you’re not actually happy? We all go through phases where we think we’re unworthy. But the way to counteract this season? Do things that make you happy. That way, you’re truly happy inside which shows on the outside.
#8 Workout. This isn’t necessarily so you achieve a super hot body, that’s not the point. You need to sweat and have those happy hormones circulating your body. You don’t need to become a bodybuilder, but even going for a thirty-minute walk every day makes a big difference.
#9 Keep that hygiene up. Hygiene is hot. Actually, it’s one of the main things people look for in another person. If you want to be hot, take some pride in the way you present yourself. You don’t have to do much. Shower with some soap, wash your hair, clip your nails, shave. That’s it, really. [Read: How to be comfortable with yourself and not give a f*&k]
#10 Clear the clutter. How you feel inside is often represented in the space you live in. If you’re full of anxiety, maybe look at the state of your house. Is it clean? Is it chaotic? Take some time to clean up your living space, you mentally feel more refreshed. Thus, you feel happier and lighter, aka hotter.
#11 Know how to flirt. Girl, if you want to feel hot, learn how to flirt. It’s an amazing feeling when you feel confident and someone approaches you. Now that they’re in front of you, build the chemistry through conversation and nonverbal communication. Laugh, touch their arm, make eye contact, and lean into them when speaking. [Read: 30 subtle, obvious and overly sexual flirting moves for girls]
#12 Wear red. When in doubt, wear red. You’re not going to feel hot every day. Some days, you’re going to want to just curl up in bed. But, if you have to go out, there are some tricks. Wear red. It can be a dress, shirt, or lipstick—it doesn’t matter. Men are more sexually attracted to women wearing red. So, if you need a boost, this color does the trick.
#13 Smile. I know you may think that the serious pouting look is hot and it is, but it doesn’t make you hotter to other people. What actually makes you attractive is your smile. Smiling stimulates a part of your brain which connects to sensory rewards. So, if you smile, you look more approachable and warm. [Read: 6 baby steps to changing your life by smiling more]
#14 Know your best features. There’s nothing wrong with looking at yourself in the mirror or taking selfies. Understand your best features if you want to know how to be hot and feel great too. That way, you know what to accentuate. For example, my smile is my best feature, so, I make sure my teeth are pearly white and always wear a glossy lipstick. We all have features which pop out over the rest. Know which ones those are.
[Read: How to be sexy and own your own unique attractiveness]
Now that you know how to be hot, it’s time that you gave it a try. Listen, don’t think about celebrities or models—think about yourself.
The post How to Be Hot: 14 Tips to Revamp and Reveal the Hot and Sexy You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
RTAG 1 TTOne day, you are going about your business when you catch sight of yourself wearing your favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt that ever attained you feel so free-spirited. Abruptly you think, “When did I turn into my Aunt Gladys? ” Many of us fall into the capture of wearing clothes that are too young for us, thinking that the alternative is to wear dowdy, frumpy robes. But here’s the rub: Ironically, when you dress too young, you often build yourself examine much older. And then there is the opposite capture of manufacturing yourself look older with out-of-date trends.( Please, please, say goodbye to the 1980 s Dynasty RTAG 12 TT Read more from Grandparents.com :Samsungs Gear S3 runs a little too big
Samsungs never shied away from running large-hearted. Big-hearted phones, big Tv, big-hearted watches. In fact, that was one of the essential characteristic for the first few generations of the Gear line, the first few of which were really more wrist-worn tablet than smartwatch.
Things thankfully mellowed out a bit last year with the purposes of applying S2, a more minimalist approaching to wrist-worn calculating that married cunning functionality with a refined OS and a designing that actually looked like an honest to goodness watch.
But 2016 celebrated a return to large-scale. Samsung was all about pushing happenings close to the breaking point this year, and in at least one conspicuous instance, going beyond. The Gear S3 marks a return to large-hearted. As ever, the companys jam-packed the watch with aspects which might feel like the latter are overflowing were the watch not so damned big-hearted in the first place. In numerous spaces, the new watch feels like the Galaxy Note strategy applied to the wrist albeit without all of the luggage that currently being become associated with that line.
Big time
This really needs to be mentioned right off the bat theres certainly no way around it the S3 is truly, really big. Truly, really. Sure, its not quite Galaxy Gear big, but its distractingly large-scale. Im roughly six hoofs towering and possess what I assume to be average-sized wrists for a male someone of my altitude, and the Gear S3 still seemed big-hearted. Just to the purposes of gossip, I requested two 54 coworkers to try it on, and the wearable appeared downright comical.
When the device first propelled at IFA, I questioned a rep about the thought process behind exhausting such a large watch, and he chalked it up to manner, quoting the notoriety of 42mm watches. Perhaps, but coupled with the added example penetration required for a smartwatchs electronics and battery, and youve got a invention that could serve to cut out a significant portion of the populace by sizing alone.
The S3 weighs in at 63 grams, owing in no small-minded place to its stainless steel casing. Thats around 13 grams heavier than the brand-new Apple watch( which was itself heavier than its precede ). And at 12.9 millimeters thick-skulled, its not really made for wearing with long sleeves. My sweater “ve managed” pulling over it( albeit with a visible protrusion ), but my button-up shirt had a bit more fus stirring it over.
And forget trying to sleep with the thing on. Its hard to understand why the company didnt, at the very least, give the watch in two different sizes. After all, its available in two different configurations. As such, Samsung has alienated all but a small fragment of the smartwatch-buying audience.
Big wheel keep on turning
The S3 Frontier also recognizes an aesthetic difference from its precede, with a steel speciman that takes on a more classic pattern that its sporty( some might have said plasticky) precede. Its certainly a classier and most versatile sound than many other smartwatches and fitness ensembles. With the right stripe, it can fit in comfortably in, suppose, country offices establish, which isnt something that can be said for many of the neon colored wearables out there.
The rubber strap that ships with the Frontier version is a marked step down from the design of the watch itself. Its designed to play alongside the watchs rugged focus, lending itself to outdoor outings and sweat-addled workouts. Of trend, the upside of the standardized 22 mm strap is that youll never miss for options on that front. Samsung actually teamed with a pair of decorators to develop cliques specifically for the watch but save yourself some currency and exactly pick up a regular old strap.
The S2s better facet has, thankfully returned. And its even better than before. The rotating bezel was a amazing addition to that last invention. At 1.3 inches, the exhibition isnt super small-minded, in so far as smartwatches move, but as with Apples offering, additional input is needed for immediately moving through screens.
The wheel does the job fantastically and even more intuitively than Apples option. This steel form is smooth, zipping through menu, though the small diction spread between bezel speciman seems a bit of a magnet for lint and other small-minded corpuscles that could necessitate the occasional bang of canned breeze for maintenance. The watch does sport a duo of buttons, as well back and ability which sit somewhat flush with the watch casing.
Saving face
The 1.3 -inch display is a touch larger than the S2s, but still doesnt extend the same soil as the Apple Watchs 1.65. At 278 ppi, its also a little bit less pixel dense, but its plenty bright and sharp-worded. Samsungs Tizen icons are clear and bright, even in daylight. The device boasts an Always On mode, to make it function more like an analog watch, though thats turned off by default and hidden under the Style menu in directs, for grounds the battery-life telling make clear.
Thats parcelled behind the most recent form of Gorilla Glass, making the watch shatter and scratch resistant. That, coupled with a big sword chassis, builds for an extremely rugged wearable. Its scheduled as MIL-STD-8 10 G Military Grade Rating, which protects it from stops up to 4.9 paws and IP68, which makes its water rating at up to five feet for 30 minutes. Its likewise protected from extreme temperatures, obliging the Frontier every bit as rugged as its mention implies.
Wearable hardware
The battery has been updated to 380 mAh, a marked hump over the Apple Watchs 273 mAh. The companionship paces life at around three days, but I was able to get closer to 2 day with Always On mode off owing likely in no small-minded area to the onboard LTE on the Frontier. Youll find yourself accusing it less often than the Apple Watch, but youre still not getting near fitness ensemble country here.
The LTE is a great option, the usefulness of which are dependent entirely upon how you interact with your watch. If you have your phone on you all or most of the time, its perhaps not worth the additional cost, which breaks down to an extra $10 a month in addition to an existing data plan or $40 for a brand new one on AT& T. If, however, youre looking to the wrist as an interim liberation from the watch for, allege, long cross-country leads, its a terrific feature.
Either way, its a solid addition to the smartwatch that apparently already has everything, giving speedy data directly to the watch without needing to be tethered to a handset at all times. And theres ever the bonus ability of using the built-in loudspeaker to reach wrist-based telephone call, lastly fulfilling the long-awaited Dick Tracy promise.
The S3 too returns built-in GPS to the watch( previously only available on the specialty 3G version of the S2 ), another big bonus for the wearables outdoorsy functionality, and brings a lot to the table on the fitness tracking figurehead, in particular for hikers and athletes who like to go long distance.
Tizen time
Among interesting thing, Samsungs got the chose assistance of several generations of smartwatches under its belt. The fellowship swopped from Android to Tizen between the Galaxy Gear and Gear 2, and genuinely affect its stride with last years S2. The application ordeal is smooth and customizable holding down on an icon, for example, lets you customize and re-order screens.
The app selection is still limited compared to the rivalry, but youve got some key ones here, including Uber and Flipboard, along with the most recent( and important) addition of Spotify. You can add a hand-picked number of apps immediately onto the watch or flip over to the phone to view more and get the full app store experience.
For the most part, I located my engagements is restricted to Samsungs own apps; the company has done a good job to be built its own ecosystem. The companys S Health has become fairly robust over the last few generations, building the best possible use of onboard sensors like GPS and heart rate, and Samsung Pay accompanies added utility of paying by searching your wrist near a card reader.
Final Frontier
Samsungs had a few generations more than much of its competition to refine its smartwatch know-how. Last year the company eventually hit upon a winning formula with the S2, a great combining of motif, functionality and software refinement.
And while the S2 is getting a good number of software upgrades to bring it up to accelerate, the $350 S3 Frontier offers some key hardware bumps over its precede. Those largely feel iterative, but welcome. The new size, on the other mitt, is a big misfire for Samsung. The smartwatch infinite is already a marginalized one, and making a massive machine like the S3 further curbs the make from too many wrists.
The post RTAG 1 TTOne day, you are going about your business when you catch sight of yourself wearing your favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt that ever attained you feel so free-spirited. Abruptly you think, “When did I turn into my Aunt Gladys? ” Many of us fall into the capture of wearing clothes that are too young for us, thinking that the alternative is to wear dowdy, frumpy robes. But here’s the rub: Ironically, when you dress too young, you often build yourself examine much older. And then there is the opposite capture of manufacturing yourself look older with out-of-date trends.( Please, please, say goodbye to the 1980 s Dynasty RTAG 12 TT Read more from Grandparents.com :Samsungs Gear S3 runs a little too big appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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lisaraewrites · 7 years
A Busy Mom’s Tips for Getting Healthy and Loving Yourself Again
June 30, 2017
I should begin by telling you what I am not. I am not a registered dietician. I am not a doctor or nurse, nor do I pretend to be.  I am by no means, an expert on weight loss. In fact, I am only about halfway to my goal weight and fitness level. However, I have felt like I could stand to lose weight for about as long as I can remember. Was it easier to keep it off when I was younger? Sure. But I’ve never been super thin. I’ve never really been in shape and I don’t consider myself to be athletic. I despise running and in general, exercise is usually the last thing I would chose to do.
What I am is a mom and a wife. I have a full-time job (other than being a mom and wife; which is a full-time job in itself). I am over-scheduled and over-stressed and feel like I never get enough sleep. I am all of those things. And I’m guessing you probably are too.
Let me back up. I should tell you that the idea for this blog did not begin today, but one year ago. My husband and I were on a dream vacation to St. John, without our kids, enjoying the beautiful weather, endless blue ocean, and amazing snorkeling. Because the island is very hilly, we rented a small SUV to navigate the island. One night, Michael suggested we walk to dinner, which was as short, but steep walk up and down a couple hills. At the time, it felt like the worst idea ever. Walking in that heat up and down those hills? I’ll never make it, I thought. And if I do make it, if I do survive, I’ll be a dripping, sweaty mess for dinner. Yuck.
We did it anyway. It was easily the most humiliating activity I’d done since running the mile in middle school PE class. I had to stop several times because my legs were burning and I was out of breath.  I just felt like crying. Though it was never Michael’s intention, it was easily my worst moment of the trip.
When we got back from vacation a few days later, something inside me changed. That was it. I had had enough. I was tired of being overweight, out-of-shape, and tired all the time. I was tired of feeling disgusted in my own body and feeling like I couldn’t fit in any of my clothes. It was embarrassing that I couldn’t even go for a walk on vacation because the hill was too steep. I felt disgusted with myself. How did I get here? I asked myself several times a day.
I’ve had some time since then to think about that question; How did I get there? I got there because I got pregnant and gave birth to three gorgeous boys, each time not really losing all the baby weight. I got there because I truly hated exercising and never did it, though I knew I should. I got there because I told myself I was always too busy for the gym and that I actually wasn’t as out of shape as I thought. I got there because I love eating yummy, delicious, not-so-healthy food.
Gaining weight affected all parts of my life. For starters, my confidence level dropped dramatically. I never thought I looked good in anything, unless it was loose and baggy clothing. I never wanted to try anything new because I automatically felt that I wouldn’t be good at it. For example, my sisters and dad would go golfing for Father’s Day every year. I never went because I was sure I wouldn’t be able to hit the golf ball, nor did I have an appropriate outfit that fit me. I refused to exercise because I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up in the class. I thought everyone would look at me and wonder why I was so out of shape.
The drop in confidence affected my work too. Ever hear the saying “dress for success?” What I wore affected how I felt about myself and my ability to teach. I dressed for teaching every day in frumpy work clothes. Though I was still a good teacher, I never felt motivated to go above and beyond. I felt like the students noticed every flaw about my body. I even had students ask me if I was pregnant…multiple times.  After having kids, my stomach was the first to bulge out if I put on weight.
My lack of confidence affected my marriage. My husband would get excited about a dress or shirt he bought for me and I didn’t even want to try it on. It was if I somehow knew it wouldn’t look good on me or it would be too tight. He bought me a FitBit for Mother’s Day, which I first felt a bit offended by (but now a year later, I see that present as a total life saver).
Anyway, that hike in St. John was the moment; the eye-opener that I needed. The week we got back, I strapped my FitBit on my wrist and made the decision to lose weight and to get healthy. Here’s what the past twelve months have taught me and some tips I still use that work for me.
Tip #1: Put Exercise On Your Calendar
I have a very Type-A personality. I am always busy. Though I complain about it sometimes, I think I actually like to keep busy. Therefore, I always thought that if I kept busy playing with the boys or making dinner or cleaning the house, I’d lose weight, because after all, I was still moving. Surely, I thought, the only moms who gain weight are the ones who sit around all day. I was wrong. I managed to gain 20 pounds after having my third son, even though I was still busy every day.
However, that first week after vacation (June 26th - July 2nd, 2016), I actually wrote the name of each exercise class and the time it was offered on each day of the week on my calendar. You see, I already had a membership to our local YMCA, I just didn’t utilize it. In fact, Michael had asked about canceling it because we never went. That week I went to five exercise classes (and I know this because it’s all stored on my FitBit app). I started taking Zumba classes because I had lost weight doing so a couple years earlier and I love to dance. I burned an average of 400 calories each time I went to the gym, and I was proud of that. Now don’t get me wrong, I was a complete sweaty mess the whole time. I was out of breath most of the class and I couldn’t do all the dance moves because my body just wouldn’t keep up. It was hard. But it was something.
I found that when I wrote the class and the time on my weekly calendar, it felt like I had to go. I kind of live by my calendar. It’s the only way I can stay organized with the boys’ varying school schedules, my work, my husband’s work, and our various sports and activities. Therefore, when people would call to see if we were free Tuesday night to get together, I had to say no because Zumba was at 7:30.
A year later, I still do this every week. On Sunday night, I look at the YMCA class schedule for the week (it helps to have the paper schedule right next to the calendar and I also keep the schedule open on my phone too). I write in what classes I will attend and I make sure nothing else is scheduled during that time. If the boys have an activity for school or a basketball practice, I make sure I chose a class that fits around it.
I won’t lie. At first, it was hard to make myself go some nights. It still is hard some days. After teaching all day, sometimes the last thing I want to do is race home, make a quick dinner, feed the boys, clean up, and head to the gym. But I still do it five to six nights a week. I do it rain or shine or snow. And after the first three or four weeks, it got easier to find the motivation to get to the gym.  And by now, the guilt sets in if I don’t go.
Tip #2: Change into Workout Clothes Right When You Wake Up/Get Home from Work
This seems like a small thing to do, but for me, it really makes a huge difference. If I sit around in the clothes I wore to teach that day, I feel unmotivated to change and get to the gym. However, if I come home from work and head right upstairs and change, I feel like I’m already dressed for the gym, so why not go? (I actually just had to take a break from sitting and typing and walk/jog around the house to get some steps in. True story. I may be slightly addicted to getting my steps for the day on my FitBit.)
On the same token, if it is a weekend morning, before even going downstairs to make breakfast for the kids, I put on my sports bra, workout shirt, and yoga pants. That way, there is no excuse to not be ready to go to my exercise class.
Tip #3: Choose to Exercise OR Eat Healthier (Only One at a Time)
Unless you have way better self-control than I do, I recommend choosing exercise OR healthy eating. If you know me, you know I love to eat. I love foods that are especially unhealthy, not because they are unhealthy, but all my favorite things happen to be loaded with calories and fats. For example, I love cakes and cookies. I love Mexican food and Italian food. I love love love bread. I love all those foods the doctors tell you to give up. And I knew in my heart of hearts that if I had to exercise (which I hated) and give up the foods I loved, I’d never stick with it.
So, I chose to tackle my hatred of exercise first. I did so by going to the dance classes first. I took Zumba and Werq and ReFit. After I started to learn the routines, I actually started to like going to these classes. They were fun and they got my butt moving. Plus, my FitBit showed me that I always burned an average of 400 calories and I liked seeing that. I swear my FitBit is the one thing I wear every day, all day. When I have to take it off to charge it, I try not to move because I don’t want to miss counting my steps (an exaggeration, but I actually don’t like to do much without it).  During this time I didn’t make much of a change to the way I ate.
Around month two of exercising four-five days a week, I started to feel like I could start eating healthier and still maintain my level of exercise. My husband and I actually did two weeks of eating no to low-carb. It was really hard and I lost three pounds. I’m not sure I would want to do it again, but I am able to keep up with small changes to my diet. For example, I try to eat healthier options as much as I can. No, I never eat as many vegetables as I should and yes, sometimes I still eat bread or a bit of cake. I just eat way less of it. I choose grilled chicken over hamburgers and order salad if I go out to eat. But if I want cake, I eat cake. I just eat a bite or two, not a whole piece (or two). I’ll have a couple spoonfuls of ice cream, not a whole bowl. After a few months of eating like this, I’m actually to the point that I don’t want more than a couple bites. If I eat a whole piece of cake, my stomach feels kind of crummy afterwards. The amount of sugar doesn’t agree with my body anymore. I still eat Mexican food and Italian, I just eat one or two enchiladas, instead of three or four. I try to avoid carbs, but I still eat them. One day, I think I will bump up my healthy diet again and try low-carb or make a goal or eat a lot more veggies every day, but I’m not there yet. I push myself, but not too far that I break. I have to make decisions that are attainable and doable for me.
Tip #4: Get A FitBit
When my husband bought me my FitBit Blaze for Mother’s Day, I didn’t automatically like it. I actually had asked for one, but getting one made me feel like, crap, now I have to actually exercise. ��But from day one, I was hooked. Every day I felt like I needed to get more steps. At least that’s how it started. Later, when I actually starting taking exercise classes, I loved to see how many active minutes I had earned or how much time I had spent at the cardio/fat burn/above levels (I still check my app after exercising every day). It actually feels fun to burn calories.
My Type A personality makes me competitive, though I don’t usually like to compete against other people. I choose to compete against myself. When I first started working out, I always wanted to get all “green” on my FitBit app (when you hit your goals for calories, steps, exercise, etc. they turn green on the app). When I lay down for the night, I check my app. If I am short a few steps or a few flights of stairs, I actually get out of bed and walk around or go up and down the stairs until I hit my goal. I consider myself my biggest competitor and I always want to do better than the day before.
Tip #5: Join a Gym with Childcare
This one is a given for busy moms. I get it. It feels like there is simply no time to exercise what with Jimmy’s basketball practice, Tommy’s swim lessons, cleaning the house, making dinner, doing laundry, etc. etc. etc. There was no way I could join a gym that didn’t have childcare because my husband is only home in the evenings, and that’s not counting the nights when he has to work late and isn’t home until after the kids have gone to bed and all the exercise classes are over.
We are very lucky that our YMCA has a great childcare center where my boys actually enjoy going. The boys ask to come with me and since becoming regulars, they know the teachers and have friends who are in there at the same time they are. Plus, this allows me an hour of child-free time, which is good for my sanity too.
I’ll admit, however, that sometimes I feel a lot of guilt when I’ve just come home from work and I feel as though I should be spending lots of time with my kids and yet I’m rushing off to exercise. But, I try to tell myself that I’m getting healthy so I can play more with them and so I can be around longer when they get older. I think being healthy and having confidence makes me a better mom. If you are good at motivating yourself, I think doing work out videos at home would be a great compromise because I’ve heard of other moms that exercise at home and their kids even join in. Unfortunately, I need the class to motivate me so working out at home isn’t an option right now.
Tip #6: When You Feel Ready, Push Yourself to Try New Classes
Even though my husband tried to tell me early on that I should push myself and try the more difficult classes (ie. weight lifting or heavy cardio interval classes), I hesitated. I really didn’t think I’d be able to keep up in those classes, as I wasn’t in good enough shape yet. So I stuck with my dance cardio classes because I was good at them and I liked them. However, around month three, I started to feel like my Zumba classes weren’t pushing me enough. I still enjoyed the class, I just felt like I should probably make the most out of my hour of exercise. I finally felt ready to try something new because I was feeling in better shape and my confidence was rising enough to push myself out of my comfort zone.
Turns out, I started to really like those new classes. I started taking a strength training, weight-lifting class a couple times a week and it’s been great to see how much stronger I am getting. My arms, which once were flabby and gross (to me, at least), are starting to show some muscle definition. Yes, I had to get over the fact that weight-lifting type classes show less calories burned on my FitBit, but sometimes I don’t think it’s all that accurate. Large muscles burn more calories, but you aren’t hopping around and dancing in those classes, so it registers less calories burned on your watch. I’m okay with it now because I know the strength training is good for my body. I have a good friend who is in far better shape than I am and she pushes me sometimes to come with her to cardio interval classes. These get my heart rate up and keep it there. And trust me, those classes still push me and I’m exhausted. And yet, I don’t give up like I might have done a few months ago. After twelve months of exercising 5-7 days a week, I’m finally to the point where my heart rate may be up and I may be dripping sweat and my muscles may be burning, but I can still breathe. I can still catch my breath, which I never used to be able to do when I worked out. It’s an amazing feeling.
A few months back, I also decided to start running – an exercise I don’t believe I’ve ever liked or ever been good at.  But after about 8 months of consistent exercising, I felt like I needed to set a new goal – running a 5K.  I ran my first 5K in early June 2017 in the Cosley Farm Run in Wheaton, IL. Although I wasn’t the speediest one there – by far – I completed the race in 37 minutes and almost cried as I approached the finish line.  Not because I was in pain, but because I did it.  And now I’m signed up for two more 5K races. I still don’t love running, and honestly, I’m more of a slow jogger – but it feels good to be finally able to do it.
Tip #7: If You Have Trouble Motivating Yourself, Take Classes at the Gym
Though my gym has a large area for ellipticals, treadmills, and free weights, I spend very little time there (unless it’s raining and I want to run). You see, I find it very difficult to push myself and I get very bored just going on one machine or the other. Taking a class works so much better for me. This way, I have an instructor who is like my personal trainer, showing me what moves to do and how long to do them for. I can learn dance routines that make the time pass quickly. I get to listen to loud, energizing music to keep me going. And most importantly, I am surrounded by other people who are trying their best too. For me, it’s just way more fun to be in a class with others, than sad on a treadmill by myself.
Tip #7: Get Yourself a Cheerleader
This is my favorite tip because it’s simply the best part of getting healthy. My husband is the best cheerleader I could ever ask for. He’ll stay home with our boys so I can go exercise and supports my diet changes. He tells me how beautiful I am every day (he’s always told me this, but I’m finally starting to believe it). He even helped pick out some new clothes when I started losing weight and complimented me and my work ethic. He tells me daily that I am the best mom and wife he knows and that he and our boys are so lucky to have me. As if the extra confidence boost wasn’t enough, working hard for him gives me that extra push I need some days. It’s an extra motivator when close friends or co-workers notice a difference. Their compliment not only pushes me harder, but makes me truly feel so good inside and proud of my accomplishments.
General Thoughts
You may think that I forgot to mention how great it is to work out with a friend. And yes, it definitely helps and I love the times that my friends happen to be at the gym too. However, my friends are also busy moms and busy moms don’t always have time to take the same classes as me.  So think of workout buddies not as a necessity, but as a nice bonus every so often.
I asked myself today, why am I even writing this? Isn’t it a little embarrassing sharing my private thoughts about my weight?  And I decided that I’m writing this in hopes that someone reading would get inspired to become healthier.  As the saying goes (though it’s absolutely, honestly true this time), if I can do it, so can you. I’m writing this because I feel like a new person. I feel like I can try any class, try any sport, and I won’t fail miserably. Or maybe I will fail miserably, but that’s okay. I got golf clubs for my birthday and we go to the driving range often.  I’ve even golfed a 9-hole course and an 18-hole course and I finally went golfing with my dad and sisters this past year. I’m wearing two sizes smaller in pants and one size smaller in shirts. I like trying on clothes again.
Some days I am afraid that I will go back to old habits. I’m scared that one day of skipping the gym will lead to two days, which will lead to three days, and so I make myself go to the gym every day, if possible. When I stayed in a hotel downtown Chicago with my husband, I actually worked out at the hotel gym. When we went on a family vacation to Florida in January, I was nervous that I’d gain some of the weight back. However, I tried to do more physical activities like run through the sand, or chase my kids on the beach.
I wish I could put the way I feel about myself and my body into words. I’m trying my best to do so. I am a happier person. And when I lose the rest of the weight and really get into the best shape of my life, I can’t imagine how great that will feel. I’ve never really been healthy. I’ve never really been in shape. And even though I am just halfway there, it feels so good.
We are halfway through 2017.  I am excited for the future, but I also think 2016-2017 was one of the most important years for me. I turned 33 and I started to love myself again.
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
RTAG 1 TTOne day, you are going about your business when you catch sight of yourself wearing your favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt that ever attained you feel so free-spirited. Abruptly you think, “When did I turn into my Aunt Gladys? ” Many of us fall into the capture of wearing clothes that are too young for us, thinking that the alternative is to wear dowdy, frumpy robes. But here’s the rub: Ironically, when you dress too young, you often build yourself examine much older. And then there is the opposite capture of manufacturing yourself look older with out-of-date trends.( Please, please, say goodbye to the 1980 s Dynasty RTAG 12 TT Read more from Grandparents.com :Samsungs Gear S3 runs a little too big
Samsungs never shied away from running large-hearted. Big-hearted phones, big Tv, big-hearted watches. In fact, that was one of the essential characteristic for the first few generations of the Gear line, the first few of which were really more wrist-worn tablet than smartwatch.
Things thankfully mellowed out a bit last year with the purposes of applying S2, a more minimalist approaching to wrist-worn calculating that married cunning functionality with a refined OS and a designing that actually looked like an honest to goodness watch.
But 2016 celebrated a return to large-scale. Samsung was all about pushing happenings close to the breaking point this year, and in at least one conspicuous instance, going beyond. The Gear S3 marks a return to large-hearted. As ever, the companys jam-packed the watch with aspects which might feel like the latter are overflowing were the watch not so damned big-hearted in the first place. In numerous spaces, the new watch feels like the Galaxy Note strategy applied to the wrist albeit without all of the luggage that currently being become associated with that line.
Big time
This really needs to be mentioned right off the bat theres certainly no way around it the S3 is truly, really big. Truly, really. Sure, its not quite Galaxy Gear big, but its distractingly large-scale. Im roughly six hoofs towering and possess what I assume to be average-sized wrists for a male someone of my altitude, and the Gear S3 still seemed big-hearted. Just to the purposes of gossip, I requested two 54 coworkers to try it on, and the wearable appeared downright comical.
When the device first propelled at IFA, I questioned a rep about the thought process behind exhausting such a large watch, and he chalked it up to manner, quoting the notoriety of 42mm watches. Perhaps, but coupled with the added example penetration required for a smartwatchs electronics and battery, and youve got a invention that could serve to cut out a significant portion of the populace by sizing alone.
The S3 weighs in at 63 grams, owing in no small-minded place to its stainless steel casing. Thats around 13 grams heavier than the brand-new Apple watch( which was itself heavier than its precede ). And at 12.9 millimeters thick-skulled, its not really made for wearing with long sleeves. My sweater “ve managed” pulling over it( albeit with a visible protrusion ), but my button-up shirt had a bit more fus stirring it over.
And forget trying to sleep with the thing on. Its hard to understand why the company didnt, at the very least, give the watch in two different sizes. After all, its available in two different configurations. As such, Samsung has alienated all but a small fragment of the smartwatch-buying audience.
Big wheel keep on turning
The S3 Frontier also recognizes an aesthetic difference from its precede, with a steel speciman that takes on a more classic pattern that its sporty( some might have said plasticky) precede. Its certainly a classier and most versatile sound than many other smartwatches and fitness ensembles. With the right stripe, it can fit in comfortably in, suppose, country offices establish, which isnt something that can be said for many of the neon colored wearables out there.
The rubber strap that ships with the Frontier version is a marked step down from the design of the watch itself. Its designed to play alongside the watchs rugged focus, lending itself to outdoor outings and sweat-addled workouts. Of trend, the upside of the standardized 22 mm strap is that youll never miss for options on that front. Samsung actually teamed with a pair of decorators to develop cliques specifically for the watch but save yourself some currency and exactly pick up a regular old strap.
The S2s better facet has, thankfully returned. And its even better than before. The rotating bezel was a amazing addition to that last invention. At 1.3 inches, the exhibition isnt super small-minded, in so far as smartwatches move, but as with Apples offering, additional input is needed for immediately moving through screens.
The wheel does the job fantastically and even more intuitively than Apples option. This steel form is smooth, zipping through menu, though the small diction spread between bezel speciman seems a bit of a magnet for lint and other small-minded corpuscles that could necessitate the occasional bang of canned breeze for maintenance. The watch does sport a duo of buttons, as well back and ability which sit somewhat flush with the watch casing.
Saving face
The 1.3 -inch display is a touch larger than the S2s, but still doesnt extend the same soil as the Apple Watchs 1.65. At 278 ppi, its also a little bit less pixel dense, but its plenty bright and sharp-worded. Samsungs Tizen icons are clear and bright, even in daylight. The device boasts an Always On mode, to make it function more like an analog watch, though thats turned off by default and hidden under the Style menu in directs, for grounds the battery-life telling make clear.
Thats parcelled behind the most recent form of Gorilla Glass, making the watch shatter and scratch resistant. That, coupled with a big sword chassis, builds for an extremely rugged wearable. Its scheduled as MIL-STD-8 10 G Military Grade Rating, which protects it from stops up to 4.9 paws and IP68, which makes its water rating at up to five feet for 30 minutes. Its likewise protected from extreme temperatures, obliging the Frontier every bit as rugged as its mention implies.
Wearable hardware
The battery has been updated to 380 mAh, a marked hump over the Apple Watchs 273 mAh. The companionship paces life at around three days, but I was able to get closer to 2 day with Always On mode off owing likely in no small-minded area to the onboard LTE on the Frontier. Youll find yourself accusing it less often than the Apple Watch, but youre still not getting near fitness ensemble country here.
The LTE is a great option, the usefulness of which are dependent entirely upon how you interact with your watch. If you have your phone on you all or most of the time, its perhaps not worth the additional cost, which breaks down to an extra $10 a month in addition to an existing data plan or $40 for a brand new one on AT& T. If, however, youre looking to the wrist as an interim liberation from the watch for, allege, long cross-country leads, its a terrific feature.
Either way, its a solid addition to the smartwatch that apparently already has everything, giving speedy data directly to the watch without needing to be tethered to a handset at all times. And theres ever the bonus ability of using the built-in loudspeaker to reach wrist-based telephone call, lastly fulfilling the long-awaited Dick Tracy promise.
The S3 too returns built-in GPS to the watch( previously only available on the specialty 3G version of the S2 ), another big bonus for the wearables outdoorsy functionality, and brings a lot to the table on the fitness tracking figurehead, in particular for hikers and athletes who like to go long distance.
Tizen time
Among interesting thing, Samsungs got the chose assistance of several generations of smartwatches under its belt. The fellowship swopped from Android to Tizen between the Galaxy Gear and Gear 2, and genuinely affect its stride with last years S2. The application ordeal is smooth and customizable holding down on an icon, for example, lets you customize and re-order screens.
The app selection is still limited compared to the rivalry, but youve got some key ones here, including Uber and Flipboard, along with the most recent( and important) addition of Spotify. You can add a hand-picked number of apps immediately onto the watch or flip over to the phone to view more and get the full app store experience.
For the most part, I located my engagements is restricted to Samsungs own apps; the company has done a good job to be built its own ecosystem. The companys S Health has become fairly robust over the last few generations, building the best possible use of onboard sensors like GPS and heart rate, and Samsung Pay accompanies added utility of paying by searching your wrist near a card reader.
Final Frontier
Samsungs had a few generations more than much of its competition to refine its smartwatch know-how. Last year the company eventually hit upon a winning formula with the S2, a great combining of motif, functionality and software refinement.
And while the S2 is getting a good number of software upgrades to bring it up to accelerate, the $350 S3 Frontier offers some key hardware bumps over its precede. Those largely feel iterative, but welcome. The new size, on the other mitt, is a big misfire for Samsung. The smartwatch infinite is already a marginalized one, and making a massive machine like the S3 further curbs the make from too many wrists.
The post RTAG 1 TTOne day, you are going about your business when you catch sight of yourself wearing your favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt that ever attained you feel so free-spirited. Abruptly you think, “When did I turn into my Aunt Gladys? ” Many of us fall into the capture of wearing clothes that are too young for us, thinking that the alternative is to wear dowdy, frumpy robes. But here’s the rub: Ironically, when you dress too young, you often build yourself examine much older. And then there is the opposite capture of manufacturing yourself look older with out-of-date trends.( Please, please, say goodbye to the 1980 s Dynasty RTAG 12 TT Read more from Grandparents.com :Samsungs Gear S3 runs a little too big appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
RTAG 1 TTOne day, you are going about your business when you catch sight of yourself wearing your favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt that ever attained you feel so free-spirited. Abruptly you think, “When did I turn into my Aunt Gladys? ” Many of us fall into the capture of wearing clothes that are too young for us, thinking that the alternative is to wear dowdy, frumpy robes. But here’s the rub: Ironically, when you dress too young, you often build yourself examine much older. And then there is the opposite capture of manufacturing yourself look older with out-of-date trends.( Please, please, say goodbye to the 1980 s Dynasty RTAG 12 TT Read more from Grandparents.com :Samsungs Gear S3 runs a little too big
Samsungs never shied away from running large-hearted. Big-hearted phones, big Tv, big-hearted watches. In fact, that was one of the essential characteristic for the first few generations of the Gear line, the first few of which were really more wrist-worn tablet than smartwatch.
Things thankfully mellowed out a bit last year with the purposes of applying S2, a more minimalist approaching to wrist-worn calculating that married cunning functionality with a refined OS and a designing that actually looked like an honest to goodness watch.
But 2016 celebrated a return to large-scale. Samsung was all about pushing happenings close to the breaking point this year, and in at least one conspicuous instance, going beyond. The Gear S3 marks a return to large-hearted. As ever, the companys jam-packed the watch with aspects which might feel like the latter are overflowing were the watch not so damned big-hearted in the first place. In numerous spaces, the new watch feels like the Galaxy Note strategy applied to the wrist albeit without all of the luggage that currently being become associated with that line.
Big time
This really needs to be mentioned right off the bat theres certainly no way around it the S3 is truly, really big. Truly, really. Sure, its not quite Galaxy Gear big, but its distractingly large-scale. Im roughly six hoofs towering and possess what I assume to be average-sized wrists for a male someone of my altitude, and the Gear S3 still seemed big-hearted. Just to the purposes of gossip, I requested two 54 coworkers to try it on, and the wearable appeared downright comical.
When the device first propelled at IFA, I questioned a rep about the thought process behind exhausting such a large watch, and he chalked it up to manner, quoting the notoriety of 42mm watches. Perhaps, but coupled with the added example penetration required for a smartwatchs electronics and battery, and youve got a invention that could serve to cut out a significant portion of the populace by sizing alone.
The S3 weighs in at 63 grams, owing in no small-minded place to its stainless steel casing. Thats around 13 grams heavier than the brand-new Apple watch( which was itself heavier than its precede ). And at 12.9 millimeters thick-skulled, its not really made for wearing with long sleeves. My sweater “ve managed” pulling over it( albeit with a visible protrusion ), but my button-up shirt had a bit more fus stirring it over.
And forget trying to sleep with the thing on. Its hard to understand why the company didnt, at the very least, give the watch in two different sizes. After all, its available in two different configurations. As such, Samsung has alienated all but a small fragment of the smartwatch-buying audience.
Big wheel keep on turning
The S3 Frontier also recognizes an aesthetic difference from its precede, with a steel speciman that takes on a more classic pattern that its sporty( some might have said plasticky) precede. Its certainly a classier and most versatile sound than many other smartwatches and fitness ensembles. With the right stripe, it can fit in comfortably in, suppose, country offices establish, which isnt something that can be said for many of the neon colored wearables out there.
The rubber strap that ships with the Frontier version is a marked step down from the design of the watch itself. Its designed to play alongside the watchs rugged focus, lending itself to outdoor outings and sweat-addled workouts. Of trend, the upside of the standardized 22 mm strap is that youll never miss for options on that front. Samsung actually teamed with a pair of decorators to develop cliques specifically for the watch but save yourself some currency and exactly pick up a regular old strap.
The S2s better facet has, thankfully returned. And its even better than before. The rotating bezel was a amazing addition to that last invention. At 1.3 inches, the exhibition isnt super small-minded, in so far as smartwatches move, but as with Apples offering, additional input is needed for immediately moving through screens.
The wheel does the job fantastically and even more intuitively than Apples option. This steel form is smooth, zipping through menu, though the small diction spread between bezel speciman seems a bit of a magnet for lint and other small-minded corpuscles that could necessitate the occasional bang of canned breeze for maintenance. The watch does sport a duo of buttons, as well back and ability which sit somewhat flush with the watch casing.
Saving face
The 1.3 -inch display is a touch larger than the S2s, but still doesnt extend the same soil as the Apple Watchs 1.65. At 278 ppi, its also a little bit less pixel dense, but its plenty bright and sharp-worded. Samsungs Tizen icons are clear and bright, even in daylight. The device boasts an Always On mode, to make it function more like an analog watch, though thats turned off by default and hidden under the Style menu in directs, for grounds the battery-life telling make clear.
Thats parcelled behind the most recent form of Gorilla Glass, making the watch shatter and scratch resistant. That, coupled with a big sword chassis, builds for an extremely rugged wearable. Its scheduled as MIL-STD-8 10 G Military Grade Rating, which protects it from stops up to 4.9 paws and IP68, which makes its water rating at up to five feet for 30 minutes. Its likewise protected from extreme temperatures, obliging the Frontier every bit as rugged as its mention implies.
Wearable hardware
The battery has been updated to 380 mAh, a marked hump over the Apple Watchs 273 mAh. The companionship paces life at around three days, but I was able to get closer to 2 day with Always On mode off owing likely in no small-minded area to the onboard LTE on the Frontier. Youll find yourself accusing it less often than the Apple Watch, but youre still not getting near fitness ensemble country here.
The LTE is a great option, the usefulness of which are dependent entirely upon how you interact with your watch. If you have your phone on you all or most of the time, its perhaps not worth the additional cost, which breaks down to an extra $10 a month in addition to an existing data plan or $40 for a brand new one on AT& T. If, however, youre looking to the wrist as an interim liberation from the watch for, allege, long cross-country leads, its a terrific feature.
Either way, its a solid addition to the smartwatch that apparently already has everything, giving speedy data directly to the watch without needing to be tethered to a handset at all times. And theres ever the bonus ability of using the built-in loudspeaker to reach wrist-based telephone call, lastly fulfilling the long-awaited Dick Tracy promise.
The S3 too returns built-in GPS to the watch( previously only available on the specialty 3G version of the S2 ), another big bonus for the wearables outdoorsy functionality, and brings a lot to the table on the fitness tracking figurehead, in particular for hikers and athletes who like to go long distance.
Tizen time
Among interesting thing, Samsungs got the chose assistance of several generations of smartwatches under its belt. The fellowship swopped from Android to Tizen between the Galaxy Gear and Gear 2, and genuinely affect its stride with last years S2. The application ordeal is smooth and customizable holding down on an icon, for example, lets you customize and re-order screens.
The app selection is still limited compared to the rivalry, but youve got some key ones here, including Uber and Flipboard, along with the most recent( and important) addition of Spotify. You can add a hand-picked number of apps immediately onto the watch or flip over to the phone to view more and get the full app store experience.
For the most part, I located my engagements is restricted to Samsungs own apps; the company has done a good job to be built its own ecosystem. The companys S Health has become fairly robust over the last few generations, building the best possible use of onboard sensors like GPS and heart rate, and Samsung Pay accompanies added utility of paying by searching your wrist near a card reader.
Final Frontier
Samsungs had a few generations more than much of its competition to refine its smartwatch know-how. Last year the company eventually hit upon a winning formula with the S2, a great combining of motif, functionality and software refinement.
And while the S2 is getting a good number of software upgrades to bring it up to accelerate, the $350 S3 Frontier offers some key hardware bumps over its precede. Those largely feel iterative, but welcome. The new size, on the other mitt, is a big misfire for Samsung. The smartwatch infinite is already a marginalized one, and making a massive machine like the S3 further curbs the make from too many wrists.
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